Airsoft TTT: Most Players We've Ever Had!

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what's up guys we're back at taxi D we're gonna play to keep T we have nine people this is the most people we've ever played T DT with we're gonna have three traders one detective we're joined by some really classic friends and we'll have all their links in description below also we have really wacky punishments for this game so if you shoot an innocent while you are also an innocent you get a punishment so if you guys don't know the game works it's very simple three people are traitors their jobs to kill every other player in the game they're highly outnumbered but they have secrecy and they have the element of surprise on their side so hopefully with that you're able to kill everyone else's one person who's the detective he is the one person everyone knows is innocent they can trust and it's a kind of game of lies and deceit you guys know their job I am a law-abiding law enforcing upstanding honorable detect Raider definitely not a traitor I support the detective 100% well seal this goes it's always a little finicky with people who have never played TTT before and it makes it really hard for everyone who has because they have no idea if they can trust them or not because they don't know who they are and B they're like is it that you don't know how to play the game or is it that you're lying to me all right game is on three two one go game on I'm gonna detectives I'm the detective dude you put your gun me I will shoot you are in the detective how you doing how guilty are you I'm very very innocent me too yeah I'm trustworthy trust me whenever I whatever I let you don't I don't think ever yeah exactly I don't know about the other new guys seems to be good do you have your life together you because there are currently people trying to shoot at us they don't really know how to play so it's like he's very uncomfortable dealing with them to look me in the eyes and tell me that he was innocent and he hugged me instead okay just a hundred percent trailer there okay so if we see Jared and he's dead do you want to do a test-fire to see if it works okay don't look at me and okay okay I promise I'm an innocent man okay since that point you're gonna me I will shoot you we got numbers let's go interrogate him if you're a t your job is to kill everybody okay if you're an innocent you do have this ability yeah the fighter who the T's are and let's say I was at tea I wouldn't ask what to tell you well obviously you don't want to tell ok so you're not getting my teeth I'm not gonna lie that's a little bit no that's not what's gonna don't point thing about me Oh oh hi is it all right let me go check his body Alphonse hey hey I'm sure it's going on did you kill detective I know you're the detective you killed Ximena traitor you go and be punished babe I shot an innocent man here let's let's move to Nico Nico we're coming over Nico okay we're coming over Nico listen to me Nico listen to me listen to me listen to me jedd disappeared he's been gone the whole game he's lurking around the shadows chats 100% traitor trust me taste that pick up a little bit it's creep your little boys are over here there's danger there's a lot of conversation happening over here there is me out [ __ ] you guys still in there yeah okay okay they're super sneaky and they're trusting each other Daten got killed by the cops they've got God Dean got God yeah daddy's gonna make too many times I kill them hey Jim why should I trust you because brain I don't he's gonna shoot us hey dude you better lock up those guys it's definitely it's definitely Jen they got the heart happen William yeah hundred percent okay hold up Dee hold up hold up hold up hold up hello you see you need a human shield no reason for shooting me that sounds like you're gonna do here is for human shield and these Alphonse and Brad know they just got icy Bay all right guys let's do it Nico Nico [Music] I love it when your guns on safety you try to shoot the table just wanting to the left just run away and it's in the trader okay your trainer oh yeah this inner traitor I'm innocent all right he's good then oh oh gobby yeah we're dead it is Sir Trane furnaces you see people were moon [Music] good good work yet I think everyone's dead he's one thank you thank you thank you thank you here's the traitor hi guys this game good work you shot an innocent too sad for me did anyone else shoot her name miss it no let's sing the whole time okay no I'll put it back Nico killed an innocent so he got a punishment he has to sing everything he says he yes sing the entire time that's the best one you want to be innocent I like being innocent crazy yes cuz I'm a terrible liar no you're good everyone knows you're innocent it's your Detective cards back gimme those cards back don't get killed in the first 30 seconds don't get killed in the first 30 seconds listen my detective buddy once the game starts we can team up oh is that how it works if you want is that it that's kind of weird it's up to you are you know police academy I'm innocent I will never point my gun at you what were you guys doing over here that last round batteries fell out of his gun who's trying to promote and explain what was going on - Lia Jett Gillies gone some trust I am would you like to form trust wait wait who else is over here Lia Lia for somewhere fine just being innocent like I do I would like the world to know that I am with Leon Jett okay cookie we all have them we all have to come together at fist bump or something - hey guns behind us okay put it away okay no way all right okay if any of us shoot each other you're a dick also be nice Nico's right there in the middle are you trying to get in on this sir go oh my god oh my goodness careful there gun boy guns holster guns holstered okay Brad not a murdering spree I don't trust him I don't trust him you don't trust him no I don't trust you shot you guys Bulls right now [Music] that looks like a terrorist read your phone how are your Cardini to my face is completely exposed I'm dead guy Oh guys shots fired shots fired shots fired I'm sure is the technician are you positive I'm positive I'm bad at this Lia come on the open what come on the open go over here stand over here tell you what I want you to you want to me we're good we're happy you're having a good time you're safe stop looking back over here I'm not gonna look that way for a second okay sir go for it come around on the left side shots firing the other side of field everyone is dying over there it's a danger zone on the Left he's right here Oh gotcha trader Jen just took a shot of me dead dead dead stop working back here lead killer reflex time you got thanks the practice every now you know what's in a while I mean it's s we uh where's have you seen Alphonse he's dead oh he's dead yeah oh well then that's Gabe I knew it I was like the way you removing you kept like you went around the corner you can't look back at me it was like I who shot you I have no idea I was walking towards the gunfire I heard and just one bullet from a crack just hit me right in the face you were you walking by the tower along the wall yes crack shot alright so no one is killing innocents because you guys have been real good boys and girls so I'm gonna give every single one of you a punishment start the game Nico forgot to sing the entire last round so I'm gonna I have to sing a little time he can only whisper he can only whisper else I was there like Yoda I must chop mine was nerf gun only mine says I have to get kissed by Nico I have to play royalty-free music yeah I can only tell lies my mind says to LIKE comment and subscribe this is bone arrow oh hello Nico's back remember your punishments music time I wish that I was a traitor cuz then I would shoot both of you three little weird because hurry to not face you I have to face you walking backwards I'm innocent all the goodness I couldn't stop anyone if I wanted to Brotherhood we have join us what are you what are you boys doing over here I'm don't you gonna meet don't point your gun at me this thing hurts man I will brother who do we have formed innocent I am too big AHA hurry I came from the left I came from like over this area [Laughter] detective watch them carefully shoot him by now I could've good bounce you get you detective I'm moving now look they're talking they're conversing with each other they're working together if you're bad we were better I hear behind us I'm right here it's me it's me it's me can I can I walk backwards towards you walk this way you will but the gun will be pointed at you I'm going back this way years I don't trust you you're cool cuz you're the detector are superior or no new Star Wars will keep us safe are you guys alive are you guys alive yeah cuz I'm pretty sure you're at rare only traders stand out in the open not scared are you alive yeah you're not okay now to find the other two I am innocent trust me I'm telling you the two of them have been from the very beginning working together well they're they're facing the other way so yes they're forcing their way because they know that you're suspecting them so they're scared to getting shot trust me they're traitors I promise you they're traitors that I can prove it I stab you by the way yeah why's it so quiet over here is everybody dead in fact it really is the worst stuff [Music] [Music] jet over here what is going on Oh where's who's the detective to prove my innocence [Music] in the back I have shot yeah my friends hey what's going on Nico Mikey you have shot I'm feeling different all sudden it's like I can walk forwards it's like the curse has been lifted because the traders have gone is there a dead that's game traders win hope you guys enjoyed the video does a lot of fun I like to thank all the people who came out for today's video there links in description below to all the channels that make awesome videos really great friends of ours and huge things attack city for hulking this place up we love coming to tak city it's one of the best indoor fields in all of California also before you guys go if you like the videos you see on note then check out my personal channel I've been uploading videos every single week I do live streams on there airsoft gameplay all sorts of stuff I'm sure you guys will like it so go over and check it out we have link in description below and we'll link on the screen right here thanks guys I'll see you guys next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 687,798
Rating: 4.9665742 out of 5
Keywords: ttt, airsoft, best airsoft, team airsoft, garry's mod
Id: -_4cM1X22-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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