The QUIETEST Assassin Gun Ever Made!!!

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foreign really starting to like this thing four I love golfing what's up guys uh actually just checking out this cool website this is DealDash basically they take Overstock from inventory Liquidators or wholesalers or stuff like that and they just put it on auction here and so you can get really good deals all the auctions start at zero dollars um and then uh you can buy stuff for cheaper than what it's worth for instance I'm looking at some Bass Pro Shop gift cards that are already sold a 50 gift card sold for 7.49 and a hundred dollar gift card sold for 18.85 we actually need a silverware set for our break room up here this is a 72 piece silverware set I think it has everything we need and I'm going to go ahead and play some bids on it right now and we'll see what happens so wish me luck that I can win this because I would love to get this 350 set for like 10 bucks or less if you find something you just have to have you want this uh this fishing rod and reel you can use the Buy It Now price if you want or if you want to try to get it cheaper you can go ahead and bid on it like everybody else and shipping is always free the way it works you buy a bid pack and then you can bid on whatever you want and the cool part about it is the bids only go up by a penny at a time and so you will get it for the absolute lowest price that you can and if you use the buy now option you get all of your bids back another cool thing is they do daily promotions where they'll actually give you free bids and they have a lot of cool offers around the holidays DealDash is hooking up you guys my viewers with 100 free bids with your first bid back purchase go to DemolitionRanch and use code Demolition Ranch to learn more thanks to DealDash for sponsoring this episode was that a pistol yes it actually is but it's more it's much more this oh hey by the way welcome to Demolition Ranch glad that you're here we have here A Q minifig so this is a q fix right here that one's chambered in eight six um I think they also have them in 308 as well as uh six five but the mini fix is is the smaller version this is actually a pistol while this one is an SBR but you can see our Barrel is much shorter on this guy on the Q mini fix ours is chambered in 300 Blackout we also have a trash Panda from q and a thunder chicken from q and then we got the uh the honey badger this video is it's got a lot of q in it just because we're playing with all our new stuff I'm trying to figure out do I want to make this thing just as short as possible like that looks pretty sweet but then I'm like well I want my honey badger to be as short as possible too so I think I'm going with the shorter suppressor on the honey badger and we'll put the thunder chicken on the mini fix they're both chambered in 300 Blackout their claim to fame is that they are small chamber and 300 Blackout good for shooting subsonics very quiet very compact you can see even with the stock extended and the long suppressor this thing is still very small so I've only shot this a little bit just enough to sight it in it takes a regular AR mag and uh we're gonna shoot a little bit more for you guys and we have a variety of interesting User submitted targets let me show you those before we shoot this thing these first two are from David O'Malley and joral Beltran from Illinois and they work for a company called building vision and variety this one is polycarbonate and this one is acrylic and they're both about yay four to five inches thick and we are going to shoot them and it shall be great I just realized I said Illinois and I don't mean to Rich up in the comments but I know how to pronounce Illinois so my bad this one we actually don't have uh the note for this one someone at the bunker open this up I guess they lost the note or there wasn't one there's some magic the Gathering cards on this I think is what these are Yep they're magic cards uh so we're gonna get some extra Mana which would be nice and I think in here there's a bunch of papers and t-shirts and duct tape that's all I know about it because I'm just guessing by kind of feeling it looking at it this one is uh sent To Us by Jeremy and it is a bunch of random things he said this is made out of assorted yard sale wrenches hand selected t-shirt reinforced Flex Seal for small Gorilla tape for easy mounting bandsaw blade spring steel support for flexibility and then he wrote us a note too that said it's it's not very flexible which it's not at all like there is flex to it but like nah we're gonna say this one is not flexible I mean size is good though like if you look at the size wise compared to this and this it's a lot lighter a lot smaller this one's actually very interesting so this is from West he's a welder fabricator and he is actually from Texas and he made these two things one is for a forearm protection so it's just for your front Forum so the theory is you'd get this tight and then you have your pistol up like this and you have this blocking you know your forearms safe but also your body behind it as you come in like this go into a room like that the other one is for your front thigh so you only have one on a leg and one on an arm so I'm not actually sure if this one goes this way or this way but it's for your front thigh so as you're walking in a room like that this is kind of shielding a decent amount of your body not like the important parts uh keep your eyes to yourself but it is kind of in front so you can see it looks like it's steel all around but it's actually Hollow um it's not you can hear it it is not solid steel the smaller one has a type of Kevlar sandwiched between two pieces of 3 16 non-hardened pipe the leg protector is made the same way but with layered 18 wheeler straps the strap loop on the light protector is to be used with your belt to hold it up oh that makes sense your belt goes through that I guess it looks like they are the same so this is just layered steel and I think he must have put kevlar in between them he thinks it'll stop most pistol rounds and five five six so small rifle rounds okay Wes we're gonna find out all you guys thank you for sending this stuff also this guy made us a knife I have an old file which is pretty sweet you can still see how it has the ribs in it like a file careful there nine millimeter going first and we are just going to start left to right and uh see we can do with these targets oh man oh we got a jam we're trying some hollow points we had never tried before and uh yeah they don't run okay got some better ammo that one went in Back to the nine millimeter let's go see we got foreign solid hit good dent but nothing even close to penetrating this one solid hit got a hole maybe a dent in the back but I think it's just a fold I don't think that one's close either this one went in right here nothing nothing came through the back solid these dude that's cool um that one looks like it bounced off I don't see a bullet in there so that one did not I think it went through one layer and cracked that first layer of nothing else this one wow it's actually separated the layers you can see the bullet in there too so a bullet is still in there went through the first layer stopped in the second nothing even close to going through let's shoot something bigger Q does a really good job at kind of their color schemes and so we went ahead like it just looks cool though they're all different colors so we went ahead and put these Vortex razors that kind of have this like brown finish on there which is cool just to kind of contrast them make different colors all around so you got black and you got like a silvery and then you've got the darker gray and the darker gray and then you got brown I don't know this looks really cool and then also with the suppressor on them they've got this like titanium suppressor down here which is silver and they're just so cool I'm just bragging about it all right mini fix time so this is a short barrel it is that that is a pistol stabilizer brace which is pretty sweet so this is classified as a pistol um it takes AR mags we're going to stick a long one in there right now I actually am going to shoot without ears first because I have not heard how loud these are with this can in this setup so supersonic we got all this ammo from Mission Ridge ranging Academy here in San Antonio uh okay I keep wanting to put my ears on but no ears we're shooting I'm gonna hit dirt with no ears first just see how loud this thing is I didn't get a ring all right let's shoot some metal dude that hits so hard so the metal is way louder than the crack of the bullet all right let's push it out I need this trash let's go out to a hundred dude it's cool hearing it rip through the air as it goes down there so I was sighting it in earlier with subs and you would hear dink which I'll show you guys in a minute but supers are moving oh I pulled that one that was me easy does so cool so I think the beauty of this thing is you could easily put this in your backpack even with a suppressor and have a very tiny little backpack gun you know even with the suppressor it is so small and then you go out hunting or have it for self-defense or whatever you want you can shoot targets up close we have this is a one to six on here so you can knock it all the way down here to one and use it just kind of like a red dot like we just use it like a regular site or if you want to shoot out to you know 300 yards we got a 6X on it let's see if I can clear the Texas Star quickly with this oh moving with the scope is weird dude so this thing does not let me shoot one more round so you can see it so this thing does not go all the way back I think it's just a 45 and back so you can get like back on target very quickly [Music] dude 30 round mag is a lot foreign weird let's see if this one's a sub too if we just got one random ammo okay we definitely are shooting subsonics right now that's weird well you loaded that mag wrong all right listen to the dirt that was me all right I'm getting excited this is gonna be a hit though oh so cool all right we're out so I think this mag suits it a little better having a 20 round mag yeah I think that just looks so good that is perfect 20 round PMag in there dude it's so good so good I think we should shoot Subs at it at our targets and then supers what do you guys think let's see what we can do on our targets left right again foreign Let's see we got this is freaking sweet peas subsonics as expected did less than the nine that's a nine that's a 300 sub here's our 300 sub nothing um where'd this one go right there oh shoot dog crazy that one went right through that was not there before you can see where it hit the cinder block right here oh there it is yep still warm ah it like it's melted into this there's our macaroni noodle out of our 300 Blackout so 300 Blackout subsonic took this out you are no good um let's see what we got here that's through the blackout did the same as the nine didn't do anything very interesting this one caught it again looks like in the first layer looks like it went through the first stopped on the second just like a nine millimeter I was thinking about shooting some SuperSonics out of that but I think I want to shoot a different supersonic round which you guys have seen before come check it out come on hey come on it's fun next up is a ak-105 you guys have seen this thing um chambered in 545 by 39 we put some zeniko furniture on it Surefire light and it uh it should say little skinny fast-moving ground much like a five five six so it should have some good penetrating power the way to beat armor is to be fast let's see what we can do I might have missed it didn't move at all I might have missed that first one I'm not sure what happened uh I did hit it it just was going very fast and went straight through oh no it stopped dang it's just heavy enough that didn't move so that shows you how thick that is went in made a hole went straight through this first layer but it's a hard layer so I guess it broke apart caught in the Kevlar sandwich in the middle um and stopped this is cool this guy actually did put a lot of work into this if you think about it so I think these were some like you know oxygen tanks or something um but he put a strip of metal and welded it all along the seam so like put a lot of time a lot of welding and grinding time in there thank you for grinding so hard my man appreciate you uh that one did stop this one went in right here so you can actually see some of the wrenches in there see how close they are and some of his uh rubber for spall did not go through complete stoppage on this one as well dang look at this so you can actually see that's I think the 300 Blackout from earlier oh no that's definitely not that's that's the that's this one it's very hot um but it went through the first layer and stopped on the second just like the other two so but it also knocked a big hole in it that did stop this one uh dude went straight through and you can see a line where it went through went all the way through this one is done goodbye hold on come back I'm just kidding let's see if I can see in here man that's some good glue oh we're just gonna leave that not because I can't get it because I don't want to it's not worth it it's not worth the time for Content you know not that it would take me any time because I could do it really fast uh it's just the content wouldn't be good 762 by 54R is quite a large round actually very powerful it's a big girl and uh she does big girl things so we get the old dragon off out and we're going to probably make it through everything I'd be very surprised if uh this stops but there's only one way to know all right um we got the big boy coming in hot good that just threw stuff everywhere all right I'm not sure what's going on with that let's assume that hey guys how's y'all's day going so far going good yeah cool I'm glad to hear that oh my gosh I always am a guy who likes a good bulge and so when I see a good bulge like this like it just makes me happy like when I see a good solid bulge like the one in my hands right now um that's a nice bulge going in hot right there looks very similar to this hole but as you can see way more energy on the backside but you know that would actually really hurt probably I'd have a good old bruise on my quad right there but I would not have a bullet in my quad and I just got hit with a huge sniper round so that's actually really really impressive good job dude that's crazy and I that could not be any closer to going through yeah this one cut the cut the wrenches right in half and just kept on going she's gone she then it went through that center block and I think through a hole in the table but this one's done your Craftsman wrenches are no match for a 762 by 54R this one dude it stopped too so I shot it here I thought I'll shoot over here the spot we haven't hit yet it'll probably go through yeah I did not that's crazy we have two remaining and I'd like to make that zero hey this is a 50 cal um shoots a bullet that's about a quarter inch in diameter it's a full metal jacket 50 BMG out of the Barrett M82 A1 and uh yeah it's gonna go through both um easily these are not armor penetrating they're just regular rounds and I think there's no way that they'll stop them if they do I'll award this guy a government contract that's not my power but I'll I'll figure out a way because he deserves it all right here we go firing I forgot about the muzzle blast firing holy cow oh my gosh uh I think it stopped it yeah probably that second one for sure stopped it when it threw everything back this Direction all right um let's go see which one gets the government contract okay let's see what we got here I see all the pieces everywhere none of them on the table oh my gosh would you look at that actually that's that's brass right there look at this [Applause] yeah that's that's brass so the Bullet kept going through but the jacket got stuck in that back steel plate uh there's our entry hole you can see the kevil are actually in there it's kind of burned that was not an incendi or anything it just uh was going through so fast I think that friction burned it um that one would for sure have left a bruise on the old thigh um that is not a pass this one I'm gonna say I don't think this stopped it either it looked Epic smashing through there yeah I mean there's pieces all back there there's pieces way over there there's pieces over here there's pieces everywhere this makes me really happy it's so quiet foreign I think that was the win though got that I thought the sun was in my eyes and that's not a regulation Target that's a problem that's your problem all right let me hit that little baby one again it's so tiny oh what like three more maybe last shot better making oh good thing I had my forearm totally guarded that whole time as I was walking through the house clearing it you know like totally protected anyway it's a good idea I don't know if that's a real thing if any actually legit things use forearm armor but something I never thought of and it's interesting we had uh we had a big shoulder armor in one of my older videos and that was the same premise like you go into a room this shoulder is blocking this whole part of your body here so you get a little bit of you know a little bit of protection there the Q mini fix very very cool little tiny package that delivers a big punch no need for a joke on that one thank you guys so much for watching this episode of Demolition Ranch I love you and I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,680,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 4G2uopR24xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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