Airbus A380 Full Cockpit Flight Kuala Lumpur to London Heathrow | Malaysia Airlines

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hi good morning uh welcome to the show i'm arjun id i'm the pilot in charge of the flight today this is the rest of my crew introduce yourself my with malaysia airlines on the long-haul flights we have four pilots two sets uh my co-pilot today is tazreen captain we and his co-pilot ashraf we work about halfway halfway the other set comes up and take over um okay so here we are we are at the crew reporting center malaysia airlines crew reporting center and this is where we come and discuss uh about the flight today in malaysia airlines the operations dispatch staff they send all the documents online actually so we actually [Music] have the documents we can read documents at home on the way to the airport and we just come to the airport just to cover the little few things as you can see uh we have here on our ipad here captain with ipad today the flight we also have some hard copy maybe on the ipad would be nice we maybe you can just give a quick rundown on the sector this is the um the forecast uh weather how it's gonna look like for the next six hours right so our route from malaysia over here all the way to london and so these are part of the documents that we have all right and this is the uh flight plan that we have all right so and they also give us a hard copy these are the hard copy that we need all right so many pages really yeah so uh basically uh i think there's nothing much we saw on the soft copy nothing major actually today on this flight today uh the weather is pretty good a bit of weather over iran just so isn't it but i think we'll be on top of it so it should be no problem bill bengal is good uh i look at the flight plan i think it's quite reasonable they gave us the 20 minutes colding there for london uh this london flight when we come in in the evening is normally quite busy in underneath so they give us some extra fuel just to hold in case apart from that the weather arrival is the normal late winter weather in london heathrow and document wise notices to aircrew i think it's pretty good nothing dramatic i think yeah so uh bearing that in mind gentlemen uh any input feedback capturing anything except it's pretty good pretty good yeah yeah so if it's okay i'll take the standard weather flight time today is 13 hours and 20 minutes not too bad hello again we're now in the cockpit as you can see and we've done the pre-flight uh documentation and procedures and now i'm just going to give my copilot a briefing for today's flight okay it doesn't really yeah okay so it'll be standard company person call out sending a function before v1 collar condition and system you put up to bot now support close truss reverse you monitor spoilers decelerate engines engine stealth atc backup comes the complete stop i set the packet break set make a payload and uh on my command we do the e connection and what v1 take off continue interactions below 400 feet except for silence the bell gear up and toga if required your monitor pipe path for instruments okay aircraft status for today we've checked the books all good we put it in the performance weather-wise quite a nice day in kuala lumpur today okay so let's see today's flight um we've got uh ms4 aircraft that is good from kl to london with manchester the flight data is as per our web peer when next update is later on i've just put the default for the winslow so we can update later fuel load the final figures to come at the moment is as per ofp performance we calculated foreign because we wait for the final figures and see whether we need to update this flight plan today okay we are at charlie 37 so we'll be pushing back to the right and we worked out for alpha 10 takeoff it's just quite a short taxi out today right for us alpha 10 takeoff and runway 32 right expecting and agoza alpha today let's see chart wise will be okay we've got the chart there so runway three to right and uh if you look at the charts it'll be rummy one c t to right uh call departure by two thousand feet we know about that gradients are okay for us today designator augusta one charlie rooting okay at agosa six percent to four thousand feet one three five two five zero we've got it one three five two five zero routine 341 at four thousand feet that's right 341 at four thousand feet which i was later left in 265 left in 265 the straight day max 250 knots intercept radial 309 victor kilo lima to agoza it's three zero nine two ago d11 miles at two thousand five hundred universe we've got three four zero so that's good for us and do not turn before end of the runway safe heights we've got the hills on the right side now 5 300 left side is just water for us any problems after takeoff we just start atc climb straight ahead if you need to come back we'll dump some fuel and come back for uh max landing runway tree to ride if uh pushes around we shall proceed to london position monitor gps primary is high accuracy is good navits are on automatic set one is just a copy and sec two is gunning back for ils three two left for landing and that standard procedures and call-outs any questions set off no okay so that's the end of the briefing with the co-pilot so we know each other what we're going to do for the takeoff and right until cruising altitude at the moment we're still waiting for the last few passengers to come on board and then we get atc clearance well we've got 10 minutes to go maybe we can ask for atc april malaysian 4 requesting flight level 340 to london underneath through agustawentali 6000 feet transponder and here in expiry m zero two three five two to london nagosa one charlie six thousand squad two one five five aspiring two zero two three five malaysian four okay we've got the current that's an impossible ground good day could you learn heathrow agusta one charlie first it says plan 6000 and 2155 on the transponder expiry zero two three five okay at the moment we are parked in the satellite in kuala lumpur international airport we are at gate number charlie 37 charlie 37 here we are and after start and push back it'd be quite a short taxi for us and [Music] there here we are oops and yep and that's right push back here and we go to alpha 10 runway tweet right where we'll be taking off from the runway okay go ahead take off data is set bare rare value is one zero one one set one zero one one set down to the line check you just wait now for ten minutes and uh he's pushing back now i wonder where he's from hello ground go ahead yeah okay now we are clipped for pushback only behind mh8206 i'm not sure where he is like 10 minutes behind yeah at the moment we gotta wait uh ten minutes behind the other a380 actually he's going to uh saudi arabia so air traffic control says we gotta depart 10 minutes after him so we just wait here i just talked to the passengers in bit pull to tighten to unfasten just lift the metal flap infant seat belts are available keep your seatbelt fastened whenever you're seated and keep them visible this is a non-smoking flight so smoking is prohibited anywhere in the aircraft [Music] including the toilets where sensitive smoke detectors are installed tampering with a smoke detector is an offense if cabin pressure is low this tab will drop down automatically be seated pull the tab to release the mask oxygen will start flowing place it over your nose and mouth adjust the band to secure and breathe normally always attend to yourself first before attending to others if the bag doesn't inflate don't worry oxygen will still be flowing your life jacket can be found here in the first class here in the business class or here in the economy class tear it open slip the jacket over your head pass the tape around your waist and attach the buckle pull the loose end to tighten you can blow on the whistle to attract attention this light will automatically come on when in water always attempt yourself first before attending to others life jackets for infants are available if required in case of an emergency landing you should get into a brace position like this this or this until the aircraft comes to a complete stop to evacuate follow these lights to the exit the exits are identified clearly [Music] this aircraft has six exits in the architect and ten exits in the main deck [Music] please familiarize yourself with the exits nearest to you and in the event of an emergency follow the cabin crew's instructions if you have to use an evacuation slide remove high heel shoes and leave personal belongings behind move quickly to the nearest exit and jump on the slide move away from the aircraft when you reach the ground london heathrow good morning ladies and gentlemen this is the captain arjun id chamil welcome onboard our flight today to london heathrow a slight delay at the moment is a bit busy in kuala lumpur we are number two for takeoff and air traffic control has told us we will be pushing back in about 10 minutes time flight time today is 13 hours 20 minutes where the forecast for road is generally good it's a long flight we have two sets of pilots sustained means mr tarzarin the other pilots captain we yc and his co-pilot carl ashraf we also have a great set of cabin crew today under charge of the whole region once again welcome on board and enjoy the fight okay below the line before start challenge below the line windows or doors closed close part break is still on okay hologram okay we're going to push back to face ease go for breaks roger parking release breaks place of chocks 23 delay atc roger before starting to check and the engineering asset will start after the pushback okay everything is oh yes runway is three two right and advice is when we are ready to start after the pushback uh zoomed into the screen and foreign start we see the engine display here and we're gonna start number one first okay as you can see we're starting number one this is number one engine indications and they will tell us understand is good it's an automatic stun so everything is taken care of one and one check or pressure and we've got the fuel flow here and we'll see the ignition bravo and this is the engine light up start is good the engine is good starting to roger same thing again we're starting number two these are now the number two engine indications again is an automatic start valve open entry oil pressure there goes the fuel flow and we've got ignitus coming on and engine has light up looks good starting number three roger and number four check disconnect star was good signals left hand side bye-bye okay thank you again bye bye controls controls full left clear left side okay brake check pressure zero we're just texting out now straight to the holding point we gotta stop at this takes away here bravo just a little bit okay this is quite a short take so we will do the before takeoff chance okay before takeoff tennis fly instruments check check briefing confirm b1 vrb2 trust rating check squawk set before the capture is down to the line check some ground vehicles there listen for rooting bravo super right turn here and then left turn for one one performance is good here now okay it's ready kevin ready okay so please have already good morning continue holding point of one one uh check hello four tower bludgeon two [Music] zero okay gentlemen take off [Music] good morning for alpha holding point of one one three one four forty five one one two [Music] [Music] check good morning [Music] 4 super passing 600 for six thousand ago and charlie 16 elaborated identity flight climb 8 000 feet 3000 people losing four thousand ten six [Music] climb check six [Music] m [Music] foreign [Applause] good morning malaysia for super passing three thousand twenty fifty climbing three thousand feet so for good one incline fly level two zero zero clap level two zero zero malaysian four two zero one check 143 [Music] and seat belt signs uh yep okay it's good okay go off thanks below the line right value standard standard after yeah okay just a little okay just a little bit about our departure routine just now [Music] we took off towards the north towards kuala lumpur city actually and then after takeoff uh air traffic control gave us a direct routing to this point called uh ghanim most air routes we have waypoints which are just fixed points in the air this is so that air traffic control easy to disperse aircraft so we were cleared to that point and at the present moment we are over the water we've just passed the coastline of the peninsula of malaysia we passed kuala lumpur city on our right weather is good our rooting today you can see on the little map here and if it's a good day we can see the beautiful island of penang we'll see maybe we can see it but it's a bit hazy and then for today uh after we pass penang we've passed the malaysia airspace we'll be flying across the bay of bengal the bay of bengal and then the right over uh the subcontinent of india actually we've been flying over the emirates rush over iran turkey and then over europe and direct for london the heathrow this adjusts the flight plan for us hopefully we will be getting this route today sometimes air traffic control give us some of the routing but generally should be this route and you can see it here on our oit our onboard information terminal and i can show you the route this is malaysia here we're flying over the bay of bengal and let's see [Music] we've got the conflict and we've got pen man [Music] okay and all right so this orange line is our routine for today we'll be flying over the bay of bengal this is the subcontinent of india we're playing right over that and then after that we'll be flying to watch the emirates right over here this is the emirates and then we'll be coming up further north over iran over iran and um oops this is a general map as you can see from kuala lumpur to london we'll get it closer for you to see okay flying over iran over turkey crossing just into eastern europe over here and then from eastern europe be flying over hungary bulgaria over germany and once over germany will declare hopefully direct to london heathrow we are passing twenty thousand feet now for fly level two a zero today our cruising altitude we are requesting for flight level three four zero thirty four thousand feet hopefully we'll get it today okay all cruise three four zero okay we now reach our cruising level today of 34 000 feet and we're still in malaysian airspace you can see from the map here we've got sumatra on our left-hand side that's phuket and thailand on the right hand side in about 40 minutes we will be entering into uh indian airspace we'll be crossing the bay of bengal you can see this little stretch here and it looks like a pretty good weather today all the way just about another 12 and a half hours to go [Applause] here [Applause] simple control the money hey [Applause] um okay hello again we're now over india uh we've gone about uh nearly four hours into the flight uh we're at 36 000 feet and [Music] over india we've got bombay about 20 minutes away and then we'll be over the water again i would like to probably just talk a little bit about the instrumentation and the equipment on the a380 let's start from the left hand side maybe we have here our pfd primary flight display which is uh most aircraft all aircraft have it they call it different names adi artificial horizon as you can see we have the big display here the blue is the sky this is the ground the left hand side is the air sp tip and this is the altitude at the moment we are doing a max speed of decimal eight four five at the moment as you can see about eighty percent speed of sound and we're at thirty six 000 feet we also have little compass bearing here which is 300 degrees magnetic that's our track over on this side we have our navigation display our navigation display and it shows where we're going we have our green line here which is our route today to london we have a few waypoints all the way to london we have about on a long-haul flight maybe about 120 waypoints until we reach london we have the compass bearing 300 degrees towards london we also have other information on this display we can have the weather display you can see little wx there which was weather weather but at the moment is quite good actually there's no weather display so there's nothing there we can have the terrain display which you can see this dark color here is india and the lighter one is water the ocean over here we have the ground speed display 463 knots true by speed and the present wind at this position which is 220 at 40 knots which is somewhere from that side we have a display here which is uh shows us the next waypoint that we are going to which is called bogan and it's about 30 miles away and we estimate to arrive there at 617 the time now is uh 6 14. in another three minutes hello malaysian four super election four super identified confirmed level three six zero you can see uh malaysian four requesting climb tribal three eight zero station four contact radar one three three decimal three cruising max revolution 8206 estimating power 0756 and decimal 85 malaysian 8206. project [Applause] okay where will we uh we'll finish it um okay continue here over here we have our standby instruments our main standby instruments our primary flight display which is the same as this and we have our compass these are standby instruments which means when everything else fails this will still be working over here we have our engine warning display this is our main display interface with the computers this a380 monitored by computers the systems and if they detect any problems they will make a display on this display and they will even give the appropriate actions to be taken actually apart from that for us we can display certain things for example i will check this when we enter a particular phase of flight we have to do a checklist we have done the before start of the start before takeoff and after takeoff the next checklist to be done will be the approach checklist which will be done in london heathrow as you can see we will have to do all these items when we do the actual approach checklist later on okay the same displays are on the co-pilot side as on my side coming down to the lower panel we have our multi-function display this display shows us mainly the operational flight plan i will show you the pages we have our flight plan here which is displayed onto this display i will go through the lines with you uh we are from this waypoint baked and our next waypoint is sugar as you can see from here it shows us the time that we will reach sugit our present speed decimal 85 bank our level flight level 380 it also shows the track and the distance to go between each waypoint all the way until london heathrow which at the moment which shows here london heathrow egl27 right estimate to arrive at 1553 gmt local time in london fuel on arrival estimated to be 18.8 and total distance to right now is about just over 4000 nautical miles to go we can pick another page on our flight plan this is our performance page once again we have different phases of line the takeoff page the climb we are in cruise so it shows the cruise page the descent page later when we go on to our descent the approach phase and the go around phase at the moment on the cruise page it will tell us our present speed again decimal 85 mac this portion here shows us our next time level at the moment we are at 38 000 feet and our next climb is 40 000 feet as you know as the aircraft gets lighter we prefer a higher level for economic reason so we expect to climb to flight level four zero zero forty thousand feet at time zero nine five seven the time now is zero six five three in about three hours time next page i will show you is our fuel and load page which is the present weight of the aircraft it gives us our present fuel our present weight our estimated landing weight and the fuel that you can expect on arrival and other flight plan fuel for example our alternate fuel our final fuel and the extra fuel that we will have when we arrive in london heathrow the other pages are just extra pages which will help us in our operations we have our gps page we have our navigation nav aids page we have our irs page and our gps pages these are just info on the aircraft systems just to help us with our plan that is the multifunction and my co-pilot will have the same thing on his side here this is the system display page and at the moment it's on the default page it shows the more important points like our fuel our fuel flow per engine per hour and the fuel use this is the depiction of our aircraft cabin actually in the cockpit at the moment is 22 degrees very nice and at the back the upper deck the temperature at the moment is between 22 to 23 and the min deck is about 24 to 25. these three boxes are the temperature in the cargo holes we have a display here on the present temperature which is minus 49 outside the gross weight at the moment we have 432 tons and the fuel on board is 119 tons this little page here is our communications page at the moment the active air traffic control with us at the moment is bombay and with this system we can either give our position reports or talk to them on voice or we can use data link i will show you data link these are the messages that we have sent to the various data link on our way to this present moment we can [Music] request for clearances via this data link system or we can use it by a normal voice system it's like an sms actually we just type in what we request we send it to them and they will reply to us and it comes out like this with a message record this is especially good when we are out of vhf range and the hf is not so clear so this is a very good system the data link system we move down to lower cordon this is our main keyboard and control system with the flight plan same as here with copilot sign over here is our throttle quadrant our throttles autofix system all airbus aircraft have an auto throttle fixed system unlike some minecraft you can see moving to and fro with the airbus aircraft is the fixed throttle system our four engine masters control cut off switches are here we have little control unit here and i will show you we can display all the engine system on our system display page i will start with the engine page this will show all the four engines and the parameters all the information on each engine next page is our auxiliary power unit we're not using it at the moment so there's no display our bleed system our air system which gives bleed air for the whole aircraft system the aircon system again this depicts the whole aircraft the cockpit 22 degrees upper deck 22 degrees midnight 24 degrees cargo holes 15 degrees 20 degrees 16 degrees cabin pressure system at the moment the cabin is at six thousand three hundred and fifty feet compared to our actual present uh actual aircraft of thirty 000 feet the cabin is the nice six thousand feet the door page shows all the doors the s is slides the doors are armed and the slides are armed our electric page ac system the aircraft engines four generators producing electricity for the whole aircraft system the electric dc system our aircraft batteries being charged by the various trus the fuel page as you can see this is our fuel page all the tanks at the moment all the fuel in the tanks and the pumps the fuel system is fully automatic automated not much pilot interference actually everything is green which shows is good this is the wheel page showing us all the wheels with the temperature is very cold at the moment the temperatures 25 average temperature of the wheels our hydraulic system the a380 has two main hydraulic systems we call it the green system and the yellow system the flight control page this display on all our flight controls we have the rudders elevators and stabilizers the lrons and wings and the flaps everything is green means good and this is the cb page at the moment everything is good normal moving back down again to the lower quadrant we have some equipment here this is our speed brake lever this is our flat lever we have a pitch stream and rudder trim controls and of course this is our park parking brake handle this is the glass shield in an aircraft there's three main ways to control the aircraft one is of course by manual controls next direct by autopilot and heated by the computers so the glare shield mainly is for the flight crew the pilots to control the aircraft by the autopilot direct so we have the glass shield here if i can show you this is the max speed at the moment the mag is controlled by the computer but if i want to control it i can pull it up and i will control it make 0.85 i can reduce the speed to 0.84 i am controlling the speed by the autopilot now let's let's com the computer control it same as the heading at the moment it's been controlled by the computers to follow our track but i can control the aircraft by turning the heading left or right away from the flight plan route same for the altitude where 38 000 feet i can change the altitude to the glacial panel over here we have a few buttons that we use to show on our display here this is a constrain button we can show all kinds of constraint on the display we have a waypoint button which will show all the waypoints as you can see there's too much clutter so we don't want that so we don't normally put it on same for the navigations vr and ndb you can see all coming up here again we don't require it at the moment airports maybe you can have a look this is without the airport display and this will airport display goa we've got mumbai we've got karachi here ahmedabad here so we normally leave it on this is again the same we got display for vors1 vor2 look at the weather display here if you can see i put it on we have a wx here and it will show we're picking up a little bit of weather maybe just a little bit some low clouds on the right hand side of the aircraft just a little bit but it's clear at the moment terrain it gives a display of the terrain that we have in our aircraft computer database we are over water and over on the right hand side here we can see the terrain which is pakistan karachi pakistan next button is a traffic button when we put it on oh okay next is a traffic button when we put it on we can see other traffic other aircraft in our vicinity so they will know we are aware of all the traffic around us we also have a few selections here for our display the viewers navigation and this display changes it a little bit from a full rows to just the front portion actually plan gives us a plain view from the top our aircraft and what it looks like on the plan mode we have a range button here gives us a display of how far we want to have look 80 miles ahead 40 miles ahead and all the way up to 640 miles away for us i will show you a feature that we have on this a380 aircraft which is the on ground navigation system right when we select to the left right down to the left this display will show us the ground display at the moment it is displayed our destination which is london heathrow as you can see it shows two runways at london heathrow all the taxiways that are available there i will be able to control the display and have a look at the airport and the taxiways to assist us on our ground movement on the ground okay we have another display here or one on the left hand side and we have the same one for the co-pilot this is our ois our onboard information system what it is is a display and we have various information that we can assess through this system in the old days we have books and documents that we have to carry on board with all modern aircraft everything is digital and we don't have to carry all those documents and books anymore so we have a database on board the aircraft and we can access it through this terminal and with this keyboard i will show you the relevant pages for example we have the operations library we have the flight crew operating manual the training manual the minimum equipment list so on and so forth all the books that we used to carry hard copy is now digitized and we can access it through here just an example i can access the flight crew operating manual and we can read any system that we want for example maybe an air conditioning system so we can read all about the academic air conditioning system for example just to show you an example there you go all these manuals are available for us to assess for any reason we wish next we can also assess the navigation charts again in the old days we refer to maps and charts now it's all through this terminal for example uh this is the route that we're doing today this is the main route and they give you an overview of where we are actually if we can make it out we've got australia here malaysia indonesia india arabia so we are in this area and displayed in a bigger scale over here the orange lines our plan route for today so these are the charts that we can assess we can also assess airport charts i will show you airport charts we can select for example wmk is our departure airport kuala lumpur and egl is london heathrow and we can show ground charts approach charts all the charts that are available in our database this for example is a london airport chart for the ground i will show you time marker the arrival chart for london heathrow that we can expect later on for example this is for ils runway zero nine left so under the charts page we can show all available charts worldwide and we plan it accordingly for us for example for today we plan kl and london heathrow and of course the on route chart which we have had a look just now another feature of this on-board system is the flight folder system our dispatchers in kuala lumpur have loaded all the information that we need for this flight onto the aircraft and we can display the various pages that we want i will show you the available pages that we can view [Music] for example this is a weather chart that is forecasted for the route as you can see this is a river here at the present moment we are just coming up to this point here just to the northeast of the emirates so this is where we are and this is the forecast chart for the route we can have a look at another chart and of course i can enlarge it to a bigger scale and we can see this weather chart is for 1200 gmt which is in another four hours time as you can see this is red line is our route there is some weather supposed to be over iran but we will be above it so should be a smooth flight again apart from this there are other documents the no time as you can see i'm accessing this to the keyboard here we have no temps okay let's see all right okay this is our no times for the flight and we can always come back and read anything which is pertinent for the sector for this flight we have other information that's been loaded on for example this is our profile for the whole flight with the winds that can be expected i will show you [Music] i'm okay thanks okay this is a chart for the fight once again the black line is our route and this will show us the expected wins on road being still winter time you can expect plenty of winds from the west as you can see so this is another document that is loaded on from the dispatchers for us for our flight expected weather in london when we arrive and all the main airports that which may be of concern to us for example this is expected london weather for arrival in our alternate manchester so all the important documents for this flight is already loaded onto the aircraft and we can access this at our leisure any time we want the other things that we can access through this uh onboard information system is the aircraft performance in the old days again we look at charts in our performance manuals to help us with the best performance for the aircraft for the flight however now everything is already laid out first soft copy and we can [Music] calculate all performance for the aircraft via this terminal again the display and the keyboard for example i will work out one performance for the cruise at this present moment i will fill up all the fields and they will calculate us the best performance for this aircraft at this present moment the wind i will put in the present wind the temperature iso temperature we're not using anti-anti so it's off the gross weight the present weight of the aircraft is 420 tons cg is 41 air conditioning and normal our heading is nearly 300. we are at 38 000 feet we're using economy profile with a cost index of 140 all engines are operative fuel factor is 2.9 with a buffered margin 1.3 once we have filled in all these fields we can ask the computer to calculate for us there you go he gave us all the figures performance figures for the flying all engine fuel flow fuel engine ratios continue distance and trust rating the more important one is altitude recommended altitude is for thousand four hundred five level four oh four optimum three nine zero and this is what as a crew we're looking for is the next height to go so step two flight level four zero zero at 409 tons which is about another two hours time from now so as you can see we will perform all our performance requirements with this terminal this is a cruise and later on before landing we'll work out the landing performance apart from this we also use this terminal to communicate with the various agencies we communicate with our company we communicate with the various agencies to get weather updates and any information as an example i will show you free text and let us talk to our company at this page we can decide who we want to send message to for example let us send a message to our company tech crew mcc is our maintenance control system occ is our operational control system and we can take this away and we can write whatever message we want for example let us give our company an estimated arrival time in london heathrow so i will type it here so i've informed them mh4 eta land heathrow at 1600 gmt so what we'll do now we'll just send it to them and sending and send so we use this to communicate with our company and to the other agencies for example we can ask for weather information for example i put in here london manchester and amsterdam for example and we can send it to the agencies and in about a couple minutes they will come back to us with the weather at the airports that we have requested let's give it away [Music] there you go they have come back to us and we've got the sita weather report and they will display the airports that we have requested for for example we ask for london weather manchester weather and amsterdam weather and the domain looks good at the moment london is three degrees at the moment and it's about eight in the morning so it's three degrees in the morning and manchester is also good it's three degrees in manchester for eight thousand visibility is not too bad amsterdam is is good clear weather kev okay five degrees still very cold so as i've shown this main system gives us communication with the various agencies and at the same time access to all the documentation the books the manuals that we require to prioritize maximize the performance for this flight today we've been flying for about 5 hours and 45 minutes and now the second set of crew will be taking over for us and we will be going for a break what we're doing now is we're just briefing the incoming set of crew on the status of the aircraft the situation here so that it'll be easy for them very seamless on them to know what's going on what's going on so we just give a quick briefing and i will give captain we a quick briefing uh we are at 38 000 feet we are doing a 0.85 right at the moment cos index of 140 no speed controlled by muscat we're at 38 000 feet next climb is 400 at 958 this is the ofp climb yep we are now just entered musket airspace we're in contact with them squawking four zero seven zero um no traffic considering us for for us today and aircraft that is good everything is normal fuel wise we are yeah by 2.7 so that's pretty good for us planning for our alternate plan segway is for tehran sect 2 is for istanbul and sector is for for dubai the campaign looks good no report from the ifs so everything is good anything to end president it's good okay your controls for a while mac oh cruise nav autopilot one you have control i change over with captured v yeah okay so bye bye see you later [Music] oh it's okay i have control okay mark was never one you have control right i'll be taking over for the next uh six hours or so so captain june will have his rest and will come back for the landing this is taken from the tail camera mounted on the vertical fin and this is the under the belly the taxi camera so you can see the aircraft moving across the landscape so surely we'll be entering the airspace over iran there's nothing here of course but later on you will see the the coastline iran this camera is installed mainly for maneuvering on the ground actually as you can see there's a magenta box there and these two indicator it's actually meant for axing of the aircraft as the aircraft is quite big so they use these aids to guide us when we are texting on the taxiway but in flight it also provides a very good view to ventures who are interested in looking at the where we are flying so it's very good uh attraction and in fact we get quite a number of good comments from the banjos they like it very much um we are at the tip of the persian gulf right now somewhere in iran air space and you can see outside there that's the part over here across the graph is kuwait on the other side so we are on this way and the landscape is quite interesting it's all mountain and deserts in the area today is a little bit hazy if you look outside you can zoom outside you can see all the mountains out there and very nice very unique features in iran [Music] one two three [Applause] [Music] [Music] maintain 400 next week foreign [Music] sunday radar good afternoon awesome at 3702 good afternoon 3702 maintain 190 report that much [Music] [Applause] [Applause] bye-bye [Applause] 11 [Applause] [Music] um level [Music] today so really today it's a nice one so contact ankara good afternoon european ankara good afternoon eurocats nine [Applause] um we are now over turkey air space at 40 000 feet and pretty nice cruise and it's about 9 hours and 40 minutes into our journey a little bit of information on our overhead panel so these are all the control switches that we use all right the panels are divided into various sections for controlling different things like for example this is for the cabin calls this one to control the oxygen supply and emergency power entertainment evacuation and we have flight control computers this side as well as the other side and in the middle section the lower portion is all lights control right with engine ndi and we also have [Music] air that is for air conditioning as well as a bleed and we have electrical supply both the ac as well as the dc and we have four generators in one two three four one for each engine we also have apu generators two for the apu and we have four batteries so there's a lot of electrical supply for the aircraft above it it's a fuel control panel that's where we have all the uh the fuel pumps we have so many tanks uh four main feed tanks and we have six uh transfer tanks available so each of them is supplied by two pumps and they also have the transfer valve available and right on top here is the engine fire switch control just in case there's any fire so we in the engine we can use that to distinguish extinguish the fire right and further to the right is the ventilation panel and we also have this uh smoke detection and uh extinguishing agent right cargo air conditioning and then we have third set of communication control available and right on top it's all the reset breakers that's for resetting all the computers available in the aircraft and we have a lot more that's in the avionic compartment which is situated below and at the back of us so basically these are the switches that we [Music] use every time before and after flights so if there's no light that means it's good actually that is the main difference one is with the control column and the other one is just with a side stick but both of them are equally uh responsive and uh you know with such a big aircraft like a airbus 380 and the control is just like controlling a sports car it's very responsive and very nice the difference between the airbus and the 747 flying it's uh physically maintained is a height we are we are not sitting as high as a 747 you know this aircraft is sitting slightly lower and but the landing is almost the same the technique of using the uh the yoke and technique of using a side sticks they are pretty much the same so it's just a matter of getting used to it i started flying in 1980 that's 36 years ago well at that point in time i have to choose between a self-sponsored study or a sponsored fully sponsored study so i took the later one and which which was also one of my hobby or interest to become a pilot so that's how i started and 36 years later i'm you know it's still like yesterday and flying is something which is very interesting every flights are different and every day we encounter different things so that's what makes it very very exciting even after 36 years i started my training in scotland that's in 1980 and took me about slightly more than a year to complete the basic training course then i came back and joined malaysia airlines as a cadet pilot and continued my training with malaysia airline that took me another six months before i started flying as a co-pilot in november 1980 yeah then after that it's uh happy sailing all the time since then i started off with a focal 27 a small propeller aircraft yeah that makes a lot of noise with a fan outside and heat hot inside and then progress to 737 200 that's the pure jet engine and from there i flew airbus 330. that's about 300 before as a co-pilot and then that took me about eight years after which i got my hours and my command then i became a captain on the poker 27 again so that's the progress from pogo 27 i went to poker 50 and from focus 50 um to 737 200 and then 737 400 and then subsequently on the 330 triple seven and 744 and eventually on the 380 and that's where i am today so mine [Applause] [Applause] negative [Applause] uh wonderful go ahead this is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] zero [Applause] yep okay one two zero three two five fifty i had uh seven three yankees [Applause] thank you sophia good afternoon turkey seven foxtrot whiskey heavy climbing 360. turkish time control identity fight 400 per trade 1000 until passing quite lower three year actually climb four zero zero one thousand video graph greater after up to passing through eight zero turkey seven foxtrot malaysia four contractors [Applause] context good afternoon [Music] 107 bucharest yes good afternoon again level 380 heroines 107 bucharest radar contact hello like [Music] right the quest radar hello turkish trees the other uniform level three four zero out of three uniform radar contact continue we are already pressing product tanks turkish trees here you can from this fish53 you can take it you can see [Applause] foreign turkish one edge there were three eight row at least two two again that was identified [Applause] enjoy mizer so hello again well i'm back i've just had a good rest about four or five hours rest good sleep and i'm back into work we're over germany at the moment we've just passed on our left-hand side the famous german city of cologne and we're at 40 000 feet we'll be starting our descent in about half an hour or so so around this time we normally give a decent briefing so i will give a decent briefing your control sir that's dream you got mine or christmas autopilot one you have controls margaret's left one i have control okay aircraft status is good no issues and fuel wise plenty of fuel available about two plus tons up we've just got latest weather the 80s from london heathrow very good weather clear skies visibility is very good and it's about 11 degrees celsius so arrival weather is good for us yeah and alternate weather manchester also good runway zero five lap cable kill so destination alternate weather is good key flight foreign check inserting chat nav and active waypoint repso okay back to the briefing expecting runway zero nine left at london heathrow this end will be fms generated and we will be descending now from revzill expecting the normal clearance lamborghini alpha and the restrictions will be logan250 logan250 you've got saber at one six zero sailboat 160 over lamborn if you're required to hold we'll do the rolling pattern if not expect rate of vectors foreign weight zero nine left we're flying to the north expect north of the runway rate of vectors and left turn to intercept the ils by less zero nine left initial approach maybe they will give us 3500 maybe you just have the irs coming down on the ils down to a company minima of two eight zero feet miss approach will be as published looks good miss approach one five a zero dme zero before ia whichever is later left hand zero three eight that looks good and climbing to three thousand feet so the knife is good for go around china and we have the flight plan to alternate manchester inside performance the same speed at the moment i'll leave it on manage we'll see what atc says approach page we have set the latest weather report temperature is 11 qnh 1029 ferro minima two eight zero check speeds will be calculated and we have to work out the performance later for landing go round is on default fuel load expected landing a bit of 333.2 fuel on arrival is 20 tons you've got about eight over tons fuel about 52 minutes of holding time usable time for us position monitor accuracy is high on gps primary naved on automatic and we got zero nine left india alpha one one zero point three ninety one glides over three degrees secondary flight plan is on zero nine right sec continuity two is on two seven left on landing landing on runway zero nine left expect to clear via alpha five wire alpha five expected taxi route will be probably left they might give us lima maybe or even alpha depending what they want us to do and then we will most probably hold maybe for echo maybe close to cross the runway going to the southern apron here and expecting our normal parking bay maybe four five four six ten so it'll be standard procedures and call outs nothing in enough times for us to be concerned about anything to end no i'll understood all okay check okay good enough briefing i have control mike or cruz knife autopilot one man who's gonna have to put it one you have control no changes you don't know it uh mastering one three two zero eight five color right i'm just making a public address pa to the passengers to inform them about our landing in london heathrow good afternoon this is captain again at the moment we are at 40 000 feet and we have approximately 230 nautical miles to run before we reach london heathrow in about 10 minutes we will be standing on the sand the weather under the sun is good the latest weather report in london heathrow is also good mostly clear skies temperatures 11 degrees celsius it's a bit busy normally at this time of the day landed heathrow but i do not expect any delay and we expect to land inland heathrow at four o'clock and we should be parked at the terminal building at uh 4 15 quarter past four on schedule the time now in london is 21 minutes past three and it's still thursday the 17th of march i do hope you have enjoyed the flight we do appreciate your business and we hope to see you again soon [Music] okay cabin for arrival yeah thank you [Music] okay master cadet is running maintaining final four hundred forces there towards goalie finally delta romeo are low identified masters hello speedbed 975 climbing flight level 380 address caller identified london hello malaysian for superman's inclinable for jerusalem malaysian 4 good afternoon lamborn 3 out for arrival with less than five minutes delay alpha arrival relation four when ready to send five three six array when ready descendants level three six zero malaysian four korean the nap display includes a vertical [Music] uh a vertical ability display vertical display for the flight profile as you can see little aeroplane here and this is our route and it's super imposes uh the weather and also the terrain so there's weather you see clouds here and if there's terrain you'll see a mountains here also depicted uh terrain so as we come down you will follow this profile as per the flight plan profile that we have planned so later on we will be following this deviation here down to all the way to our landing this again helps us in looking at the profile picture of our flight we'll just say now 250 level by logan five twenty five to three people four four three malaysian force people on the one two nine six zero five g'day one two nine six zero five malaysian uh poverty seven zero one you're [Music] now turkish actually yeah thank you for your notification now lamb bomb 250 knots relation 47 level 200. malaysian four contact london one two three decimal minor one two three nine evolution foreground reduced now to holding speed there is a five minute delay at lamborne is it before check so is that lembon speed yeah wait lembon hold here two six four sit here check malaysian 47 level 150. one five zero blue truss at all open this up okay we've got lembon lembon ia identified chuck okay we've got lembon box one and two okay it's a bit busy at the moment in london as expected this is a vor a gateway to london it's called lamborn and that's where most aircraft hold so we have to hold probably one holding pattern about four minutes just about to come up in about one minute foreign supposed to be two aircraft in the holding pattern can't see them at the moment just coming up over lembon and joining the whole [Music] and malaysian 4 contact heathrow one one nine seven two five four nine seven two five million forwarding the five contact director with your course and only one two zero decimal four four right one two zero four call fans again enabling their first [Music] 100 heading 260 degrees shuttle through the map shuttle through lima contact directly with your course on only one two zero four one two three four shuttle three air mass malaysian four december one nine zero december 190 malaysia four nine blue check four you've got two six miles landing zero nine left to center four thousand feet the q and h is one zero two eight first it will open the sand and set tunage okay [Music] one zero two eight sets and crosstalk fasting you can have four thousand feet six zero five four hello relation four hello you've got 26 miles for nine left invisible turkey shake juliet yankee retrieve speed 180 chat [Music] 115 is arming approach gs blue category dual autopilot one plus two microwave mike victor oscar turn left heading 180 degrees less than one eight zero magnitude yes if you're not until five here mate one sixteen to five me malaysian favorite temperature bye [Music] six miles flaps three speed check flaps three gear down years down [Music] bye zero five good speed off for alpha name whiskey if you can please run me zero nine left clear to land surface when these delayed eight knots one thousand check [Music] so [Music] zero nine left speaker 605 thank you for that turn right on to alpha contact around 121.850 all right check malaysian 400 above later on surface when zero eight zero degrees at seven knots 100 50 40 30 20 10 approach 70 knots second right check we have traffic turkish on the right yes check malaysian four vacate right give way to turkish airbus okay right give me two turkish airbus malaysian four we've got 20 knots and we're number two behind the turkish malaysian four contact ground one two one decimal nine goodbye now to a nine malaysian foreign one [Music] alpha and you want us to holland lima one lima one if you love glare sure oh blue blue looks down to check one thousand so then check 100 above 100 50 40 30 20 10 spoilers do not right yes okay foreign mama like anyone clear face for the uh kilo two one six two four six eight cliff take off my right wing zero five zero degrees at ten please take off before six two give way to the company three twenty one coming down your left hand side then hold it november bravo one one way to the company three two one on our left and then hold another one that's what eight six x-ray when a ball take this part hold shoulder lick five two sleep advantage relation four behind me departing british air is seven eight seven he's just rotated across syria right at november hey american 107. shutting down some doors crosstalk that's it flight is completed it's about 13 hours of flight time all the way just now from kuala lumpur to here we are arriving in london heathrow nice beautiful weather hope you enjoy stay here bye you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 664,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, A380, Airbus A380, Cockpit A380, Flight Deck A380, Malaysia Airlines, Cockpit Malaysia Airlines, Just Planes, JustPlanes
Id: yGlS2QBuX7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 59sec (8879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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