Rare AIRBUS A340-500 Lagos🇳🇬 to London🇬🇧 Heathrow | Full Cockpit Flight

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[Music] lagos to london this morning yes they are a101 sir everything here is fine for you we have about 78.4 tons for you on board okay thank you very much just go through your paperwork and any other assistance you require i'm here for you perfect thanks a lot tango fox whiskey on the 31st legos to london three passengers in business class 176 in economy we have extra fuel tankering definitely if you're happy with i'm that overflight permits okay boys sorry big breaks compliments of the season for you we have six hours 25 minutes flight time into london will be smooth from here some turbulence during the climb out probably on niger then crossing the mediterranean will be nice and it will be raining for our arrival at london temperature of six degrees we have three passengers in business class and 167 in economy i will remind you of all the security procedures door access code and the password we can use the same that we use on the way first officer dimitri malevitis is going to fly the leg today i'm going to do the radio and you are going to work i hand out the gen decks already inside here for the group we are two and you are dead thank you i wish you a pleasant flight and happy new year so we will start with an external walk around checking on the left forward part of the aircraft the forward output valve completely open static ports on the captain first officer stand by side clean and win inspection like without damages moving forward angle of attack indicator door number one close people took for the captain stand by peter troop t-a-c probe and ice detector camera for the passengers integrity of the radon and windshields coming to the nose section checking the wheels the steering pin and the lockout being removed two external power connectors because of our in-flight entertainer requires two is too much consumption on the right side first officer peter took oxygen for the crew discharge disc green disk d80 probe and rice ice detector two angle of attack indicators on the right side unfortunately the cargo is full with the container enough i can show you the gaseous oxygen system for the passengers but we can check behind the door the green disk for thermal discharge right side static ports all the antennas vme transponder forward drain mass with inspection light landing lights engine number three in this case roll roy strength 556 pt7 probe leading edge only ice between the engines only two designates rdis access for the engines close engine number four and a trend drain mask from the accessory gear for fuel oil hydraulics we continue left on the wing [Music] outboard and inboard ailerons winlet right navigation light static discharge fuel vents the outlet of the engine between engines three and four the rat installation the ram air turbine and the jettison nozzle this type dumps fuel at a rate of 1.6 tons an hour to go very fast to the maximum landing weight engine number three out right here integrity of the wheels brake wear all lines no leaks the same regular no leaks on the lines wheels no good will at be air conditioning pack outlet center gear will break speed on it wheels look nice brake wear good line clean remove this particular ear bogey tilts up opposite to the main ones we continue up the funeral panel to load it today 78 000 kilograms this is the balance now i will explain the fuel system security and complex for an ultra long range aircraft for now 4.5 on each outer tank inner tanks sixteen and seventeen nothing on the center rear center or the three tank half grain mass and the after cargo still loading some containers that's an emergency exit door type one single row for the slides this particular type because of the ultra downrange capability has no bulk cargo valve cargo door is removed so the screw rest container the tourist compartment is set up there tail is one meter taller than the regular 340 300. the aircraft is registered in portugal charlie sierra they try this detector and the apu outlet navigation and logo lights elevators and stabilization the stream contains a with tan to 9 000 liters of fuel 7 tons of fuel same strike detector the after outflow valve will open in the ground after a mass the left jettison nozzle the outlet of engine number two outer and inner ailerons engine number one left navigation light windlet static discharge good look of engine number one [Music] pt2 probe jettison nozzle as you can see here we don't taxi the aircraft it's only a meter and a half so we push forward to the final standing position this finish the external walk for this flight today to land good this is our crew rest we always fly where rainforest grew so we need beds this is like on a ship [Music] okay [Music] basically let me turn on the lights it's two different cluers one for the cabin crew is seven beds two two two sorry eight beds so they swap and for the pilots we have a separate one with two comfortable huge beds one for the first officer one for the captain this is a nice first class seat usb connection internet and a screen you can eat it's a tray also it's zero noise here actually there's a hatch that connects to the other one for evacuating when it's nowhere or the temperature is low here is a connection to the main cabin there's a place there's a place to get dressed here [Music] and on the other side they are the water and the waste tanks [Music] are restocked and we got enough stuff for restoring during the flight please i can't scream in the premier toilets and he has done her job very well he already tied up what's been asking everything that's the cabin oh well but it's not light then there is communications and temperature control right now set to 22 degrees you can adjust it and put a higher value then direct connections to the cockpit or other cruise station temperature [Music] control i'm gonna count his sister [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] lights set seat belt on no portable electronic devices o2 two packs apu bleed temperatures fine batteries checked good less than 60 less than 60 less than 60. our huge fuel panel with 20 pumps outer tanks inners one two three four center tank rear center trim tank 170 tons of fuel giving you 20 hours flight time engine fire test [Music] good cargo recorder setting check fcu one zero one four three seven zero initially one zero one four isis 11 41 11 41 11 41 31st december atsu it says 34 degrees in lagos takeoff way will be around 270 tons connected now we talk about the box one two one nine ground control tower one one eight one i'm going to work on the inter phone you're going to work on vhf one radar off destination 2000 ticas above and standby flaps is in agreement printer is normal so now your calls okay let's do the briefing for the day's flight i will be the pilot flying okay aircraft type database and performance factors uh [Music] will be one four seven one four seven one fifty eight flex of seventy degrees configuration will be a packs of takeoff check normal thrust reduction one thousand above the field and normal acceleration 3000 above the engine out acceleration altitude at 1640 good and durated climbed two on the climb performance page very good it's gonna be a pushback and uh northbound taxing through the link the parallel taxiway northbound to the holding point of 8 right checked auto start 700 degrees maximum on the egt good the weather is is nice runway state uh it's dry the birds are always a concern here in lagos good so we use the radar yeah and all the lights and grass no new northamps good we checked the mlcdl items nothing affecting uh ground the ignition for the emergency briefing we use the standard callouts to stop or to go if we reject the takeoff you call stop stop i will apply maximum reverse monitor the aircraft braking on auto brakes priority on my sideline i will notify the tower for any assistance available and i will be ready for your problem so we have the emergency vacation checklist available excellent it's a 60 meter wide runway so we stay in the runway we don't quit the wrong way excellent for the firefighter okay if the call is too close continue flying positive rate just bring me the gear up and cancel any audio warnings if uh i would just like to know have you received our flight plan that destination is uh the aircraft i'll give you the command for ika moybi actions just remind me when the engine is secured if there is an engine problem overweight mechanic of making an orbit over the sea and to dump some fuel perfect the high fly engine out this idea right turn 2002. okay good um takeoff alternate is not needed today circuit altitude and direction if we are in an emergency we'll just make a right hand orbit straight down for a visual pattern in runway one eight right uh if you have the time just give me also the overweight landing checklist i will keep in mind to reduce my rate of descent upon touchdown perfect and the tech shot we already spoke about there is no sid here the msa is 2200 feet flatland checked oh really it's already checked distance and the fuel on board and the time and i have already set the winds less communication here in lagos it's uh probably most probably cause it's their fault so we'll try by all means vfr flight rules and come back to land exactly we can uh the unreliable airspeed indication whoever recognize it it calls it if it is uh before v1 we reject the takeoff if after v1 i continue i remind 12.5 degrees with togga okay if we are on a climb out phase below 10 000 use 10 degrees with climb and passing 10 000 accelerating uh will be five degrees with uh climb power memory memory reactions and we have the bus we have the space scale okay what a pilot of flight directors of an auto uh so this is the route today lagos delta november mike mike delta africa november nigeria mike mike mortala mohamed international airport going to egl london heathrow this is the route over nigeria niger algiers mediterranean sea part of france the channel now we are going to zoom in here to see the charting that's our airway upper bravo 731 here is the atlantic sea the airport we will make a right turn join this airway i mean all the way to 370. we have the charge for nigeria lagos we are parked at this stage at delta three four we're going to push back heading north delta left turn on the link all the way we will show the triangle of the aircraft parallel to the holding point of runway one air right almost four thousand meters runway three thousand nine hundred and five 60 meter wides just in case we have a comeback and ils for runway 19. and then we have the charge for london for our arrival we are expecting the big arrival into runways 27 this is using right now a bluetooth gps this big that is connected directly with the ipad with a jet view program we can see here park at delta three four so the eca will be follow up during the taxi fuel quantity 77 800 and it's uh balance nothing on the center real certain or dream takeoff data set for runway one a right and bar ref one zero one four times 184 seconds before that checklist down to the line is completed roger check so below the line please below the line windows and doors close close become this on trust levers idle parking brake is on before such a list is completed hello so on time yes so how to start one and two then three and four yes number one go ahead and take an exercise one shot yes ten percent number four yes sir you may remove everything sign us on the left have a happy new year bye-bye thanks a lot thank you steph like see you next time after start checklist after start anti-ice not require off a-com status checked pit stream is 32 rather trim zero after star checklist is completed my controls full right and spoilers neutral rather check go with you full left for right neutral my controls up down left right clear on the left taxi clearance please clear on the right legos morning article one red detection eric one zero one talks it to the holding point wrong we want it right accent through the holding point one eight right i recker one zero one three one four only one is right did we indicate income all right clever single one is right departure i think it's a clear take off right up left on course one there's three one four uh just to confirm thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] after departure is runway heading i record one through one all right okay so review upper bravo seven three one seven three one fly plan three five zero zero five zero two confirmed and runway here in after to go so icca memo take off no blue down to the line yes please prepare finally is clear hello take off runway confirm confirm cabin crew operate gotta increase advice you have control i have communication i have controls take off you're welcome manual flex 70 srs runway out of thrust blue check stress set 72 percent 100 checked [Music] the one rotate check 1001 at 543 contact radar 47 happy new year bye-bye bye 20 000 1012 3270 lagos very good morning happy new year article 101 maintaining runway hitting passing 1500 power five euro [Music] attic area one zero one good morning maintaining runway heading one zero one radar contract that's one two miles out of nowhere from three [Music] maintaining flight level two to zero [Music] after takeoff landing gear is up flaps retracted packs are on battle ref standard set set after the cough checklist completed artif101 1273 [Music] one zero minus five of never governor either control continue right in three three zero all right three three zero in the form level three seven zero call [Applause] a slop here a parallel [Music] 370. cardio region 3-7-0 okay right now we are reaching the border with niger we will switch from accra to nami control so we will log in on datalink to have cpdlc connection and ads it's notifying right now and we will do initial call nami then we will continue all electronic communications it's connected now the next atc is going to be algiers and now we have eight active atc the rr control who's miami ads will come ads is connected now miami miami good morning article 101. [Applause] very good morning happy new year attica one zero one we just passed litac one three two two maintain employee level three seven zero ultimate input one three four one cp dlc ads connected roger stop three two four seven meter three seven zero report roger squawk three two four seven contain three seven zero call you overhead max article101 we will not call anymore we'll have all the feature a lateral request vertical request if we need to change levels we requested for example 390 will be the next one and we request the climb to level 390 and he will replay by a data link so no communication the same that we have on the atlantic no communication will be needed [Applause] also lateral deviations and different miscellaneous or emergency requests at this time all africa they are equipping with the cpdlc and ids at this moment algiers has connections niamey accra and senegal through dakar and k birthday through sal also santa maria for the atlantic crossing and the aurora in the south atlantic uh managed by johannesburg control so by the end of 2011 the whole west africa will be connected through cp dlc the aircraft we as we are flying this afternoon it's a different 340 500 call 542 high gross weight airbus only built five pieces of this aircraft was original designated for design for kingfisher for an ultra long range flight from the i.t pole in the south of india bangalore to the silicon valley so this is a nineteen and a half hour flight circuit through the pacific polar and redis patch so this aircraft who has a lot of enhance this 542 has an extended takeoff weight of 380 tons compared with the engines are i show you here are the engines for the 340 600 roll roy strength 556 of 56 tons of thrust compared with the roll royce 553 of 53 tons of strats the fuel system is completely enhanced it holds 172 pounds of fuel giving you an endurance of 20 hours it it has external tanks main tanks one and two center tank re-assembling tank and a train tank accommodating nine towns on on its tank also this aircraft as it was going to fly through over the himalayas it has a gaseous oxygen system that we can see here this consists in nine tubes that i can show you here they are at the cargo hole let me show you a picture and this can give you two hours of oxygen flying at altitudes of 28 000 feet compared with the standard oxygen generators within 17 minutes with this is no restriction all over the world so this is a very expensive system so compare with the 340 300 uh this 500 is four meters longer one meter taller and it has 28 percent more more wind area of course has different engine compared with the 300 cfm c4 engines 32 tons of thrust this one has 56 and also 100 more tons of takeoff weight we are equipped with the lcd screens instead of the standard crt we carry 70 tons more of the avionics is completely rebuilt according to airbus these were the best 340s ever built those aircrafts are equipped with a bus backup speed scale with this we can fly in any condition of unreliable airspeed without referring to pitch and trust tables [Music] this aircraft has a system called modern light so instead of putting only bright or dim you can select different options such as main meal duty-free sleep festival this vacation take off and landing so we just press and the whole cabin goes to that different options and it's in different colors in the cabin for even festival is multicolor light in the cabin there's a variation it's like a purple light relax it's actually like a pink light using the cabin close control we can see all the slides and those are close and slightly arm or large temperature control to select the control in every specific cabin of the aircraft so we see the actual cabin temperature and we can hook up and down three degrees below or ahead from the initial copic selection waste and water we can see how many ways and what it will have on the plane without any vacuum from the toilet for the plant of the airport here so if there is a function for instance in one toilet it will be illuminated orange and there will be a message here so we can recognize the location and the type of problem small detector any small detector is activated in the toilets or in the curves compartment also we have an indication here that's all the other warning system for the airbus aircraft so basically this is a typical starter nigerian starter which is called lam suya suya is a mix of vegetables tomato some carrots as well which comes with the lamb you played it this way um [Music] and it is young [Music] [Music] okay so there's the traffic so first located on the tickets good entire gentlemen i'll just attic 101 we just crossed the airbus 3 330. thank you did you cross the airport 340. [Applause] hmm [Applause] dimitri is updated whether for arrival runway 27 left pilot should expected change to runway two seven right for landing at fifteen hundred hours two five zero eleven four ten scattered fourteen hundred thirty degrees one zero one zero nationalities greek ex-olympic airlines pilots now working for high-flying and i'm doing the arric operation for a year and a half but now we are on our way to heathrow if we check here on the map we are reaching the mediterranean sea that's the algier coast so here on our nd you can see different colors this is the mediterranean sea this is the city of algiers here goes our room and you will see two values here it's really in zero seven six that's seven thousand five hundred meters feet that's the height of the atlas mountain is the highest peak and the lowest 3 800 feet and 8.5 is the moral the minimum of root altitude even if you made an emergency decision if i increase the range we will see the islands valeris island mallorca and ibiza in a couple of minutes we are going to see the boot of italians and the coast of marseilles we are here proceeding directly dollies here you can see the atlas mountains and the algeria coast [Applause] man hi my name is claudio i'm a captain tre tri for high fly airlines i'm retired from argentina and airlines from 30 years of service with them and this is my fourth year with the high flight highfly is a carrier specializing acmi flights also operating for schedule customers like ariker in this case we also have uh madagascar [Applause] we operate the [Music] [Applause] 300s two three thirties two hundred one three thirty three hundred two three tens and we are also looking for two more l340s coming soon this year actually this type the msn 910 was originally for order by kingfisher airlines and i did the customer acceptance for them in toulouse then we start then arika bought the aircraft and we start the operation the schedule operation from nigeria to the uk with one aircraft registered in portugal charlie sierra tango fox whiskey i'm actually the team leader of this operation for high flight with the ariker we started operation in uh december 2008 after six months we received the second aircraft another 340 500 charlie sierra tango fox x-ray and we started the operations to johannesburg and after six more months we started operation to new york kennedy that we are doing three flights a week it's a daily flight to london direct from lagos and it's a daily flight to johannesburg i want to point particularly the high performance of this aircraft and with these engines really we have a very very nice climb radius very high altitude capability even though using one engine today with this weight we can still maintain 38 000 feet that's impossible in another 340. [Music] so we can maintain also mach 82 that's a long range with one engine in operative climb performance is very nice on all the airports with configuration three for takeoff because of the length of the aircraft to avoid the tail strike during rotation and we can normally get maximum takeoff on all the runways we operate 380 times [Applause] foreign this is menorca and this is ibiza we are heading to algiers this is the part of sardinia [Applause] still showing 9600 the highest terrain on the area [Applause] we just passed the name marseille and we are headed towards paris uh we are going to fly a few miles west of leon play nikki 3601 kentucky one two eight seven eight zero [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] yankees [Applause] this is a funny application that a pfd showing 420 knots grand speed you can check there the ground speed 420 38 000 feet checking the psp getting three three zero wings [Applause] and just for fun we have a mode here we have a mirror [Applause] image this mirror image can reflect on the windshield and you can have an actual hit up display for 400 and another boat that has a camera so we can see [Applause] right now forward is that one of them test files nine zero minutes of marijuana one zero one reduced speed to one six zero to maintain until four dme register one six zero two four one zero prepare for a late landing [Music] three three seven thank you left on the green lights there on contact round on one two one decimal seven that's on the green one two one seven three grand three seven tonight is there reverses green d cell i will take the high speed seven manual braking good the next not this one the next one 70 knots i have control you have control okay one zero one turn left follow the green lights contact where one two one the floor seven thank you whiskey short of runway two seven left stand four one two let's follow in the green circle november five whiskey hold shots to seven left four four one two america one zero one lufthansa one beautiful request number one maintenance to 5-4-5 319 on your right hand side they're gonna root through link five four wait for the green light to do uh straight down there before you put them okay it's covered with natural matches thank you rolling rock six seven five lima cleared southampton two golf departures squawk up november five whiskey shorter two seven left your stand is four one five continued to have to play the green uh left forward good evening project landing at one eight point seven you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 181,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, A340-500, Airbus A340-500, Cockpit A340, Cockpit A340-500, Cockpit Arik Air, Arik Air, HiFly, Cockpit HiFly, Cockpit Lagos, Cockpit Heathrow, London Heathrow, Lagos Airport, Just Planes, JustPlanes
Id: JzJVeNP069c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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