Airbus A340 Indian Ocean crossing Jo'burg to Perth | Full Cockpit Flight

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hi good evening everybody welcome to flood dispatch at johannesburg international airport for our flight sa 280 and a340 3300 operating to perth we're here to pick up our documentation on this flight i'd like to introduce myself i'm rod watkins the captain on this flight tonight we have senior captain ed deshaw he's going to be checking us on this route for our annual root check and the rest of my crew is charles lahardi he's the senior first officer and co-pilot on the flight tonight and first officer tubert harris who's going to be our relief pilot this evening welcome so we're just going to review all the documentation required for this flight across to perth australia and it's basically a review of all the restrictions on the flight any notices to airmen no tams which would be unusable taxiways or restricted airspaces that we might be flying into as well as our fuel computations and what we need to continue on to our destination or in the event of a weather scenario proceeding onto our alternate with the legally required fuel requirements so let's get on to the documentation side tablet has just reviewed all of the no tams that i talked about with any restrictions nothing to affect us for the destination and the alternative yeah nothing to affect us okay wonderful overhead wonderful so everything's working and tonight that's it now we'll review the documentation required for this specific flight starting with the weather thanks charles if you'd go through that for us weather for today out of joburg you're happy with what it looks like outside 1600 zulu it was taken 18 to 24 tomorrow 180 at 8 kavok becoming 22 to 24 that's about our time which we might need to come back variable at 3 knots 8 to 10 3 0 10 and that's tomorrow okay so i see that using runway 303 for departure that's right okay for our destination perth it was taken at 1103 12 to 18 tomorrow zero eight zero twelve ten thousand few at four thousand five hundred from the fifth fifteen hundred this afternoon zero six zero fourteen gusting twenty four cabochok from the six zero one zero five zero twelve cavalc remark from the fifth zero five fifteen hundred moderate turbulence below three thousand feet until zero six zero one zero zero so it's through the night okay so it looks like it's favoring zero three for the rival there as well then we have mauritius weathering route um it's today 12 18 tomorrow 14013 dustin 23 8 000 light showers and rainfall at 800. broken at 1400 broken at 4500 tempo 15 today 206 tomorrow it's our time showers of rain few at 500 feet 1200 with some cumulus broken at 1 300 becoming that's long after our time tomorrow morning okay so that that wind is also favoring the eyelash runway one four they're malicious with a bit of passing rate 800 light showers our routine takes us down and then up right just above this and tropicals 35 36 yeah the winds are quite light for this now yeah about 50 nights 45 knots tropopause at 50 40. 36 35 35 35 okay most of the route a little bit of turbulence there four four yeah okay flat level two six zero two three seven zero okay well there is nothing serious that's it [Applause] and that's at freezing levels at one zero zero one zero zero and then uh ten degrees at eighteen yeah okay so that should be fine we're probably going to have a little bit of turbulences normally on this route sure just before we start the documentation here this is going to be our routine today um on this sector you can get extreme westerly winds which are favorable for us going towards perth and the flying time can vary anything from eight and a half to ten hours we can pick up 180 knotwoods at the upper levels we're going to be leaving african airspace well the african coastline just to the south of maputo and then we're rooting tonight south of the madagascar airspace so we're going to be controlled by johannesburg oceanic and then proceeding over to mauritius's control before entering the australian airspace in melbourne melbourne will be controlling us just about to 200 miles before perth where we'll start our decent and then get uh handed over as as you can see these green sectors are a forecasted turbulence this is a light turbulence that we're expecting so pretty much from uh about two hours into the flight until about seven hours into the flight we're expecting a little bit of turbulence to warn our passengers off so now we just want to do the uh fuel planning for the sector okay two eight zero from here to perth on the fifth of august econ 23. we've got our performance figure 340 300 zulu zero sierra x-ray delta that's it um compiled estimated time of departure 2015 weather on the fifth 12 o'clock wind component plus 68 and now alternate wind 9 hours 10 compared to 8 hours 59 so time's looking good getting there at 5 25. they're now rooting from johannesburg will depart and they use the xavi 3 bravo departure to positioning zobey then we'll read to maputo and then it's letter lungs all the way through a random rating okay random routine all the way to keel okay from kills for the waves nine to position waves for the waves nine arrival at uh perth trip at nine hours nearly five six four seven zero fuel that checks 96 54 yeah that looks good up destination we've got no holding field there maneuvering feel 407 minutes i'll turn it we've got no alternate because we've got island hold fuel okay so it's a remote destination destination island holds fuel two hours extra final reserve okay contingency 20 minutes max contingency critical fuel we've got 53 minutes extra this critical fuel would be a consideration for if we were to depressurize the airplane and have to descend down to ten thousand foot above sea level so that we wouldn't need oxygen for the cockpit or the passengers that's an extra consideration for our operation an intake of fuel taxi fuel 14 final fuel required is there a natural no there's no mention of the critical fuel in here so it's just consideration of the nine point seven tonnes of nationalization okay gentlemen that weather is fine for person yes of course we've just gone through two hours of island i don't expect any more traffic on this street other than qantas which is just left we might encourage qantas coming other ways aside from us asking for a block block altitude do you see any reason why we should take more than seater requirement just sorry i forgot to do this if we can just have a quick look this is the maximum fuel that we could uplift tonight okay we restrict it to landing weight with the fuel the maximum fuel we can take is 92 290 and the sector fuel required 74 650 okay that's a landing weight restrictions landing weight restriction this airplane's maximum landing weight is 192 000 kilograms so we need to bear that in consideration for our landing at that person however tonight we've got quite a bit of fuel to play with 17 extra time absolutely so can i make a suggestion for you and i don't see the requirement to take much more than we have planned for absolutely 74 650 if we round that up to 74 000 and 700 tons this is 700 kilograms so 74 700 kilograms all right and then 69 for five tons less and we'll do a dfp once we get into cockpit the dfp will be the uh what we call dynamic fuel planning we'll get an updated zero fuel weight to plan weight without fuel buy the company 45 minutes before departure and then we can run these figures again it's all in the interest of saving as much fuel as possible tonight and that's it so seventy four thousand seven hundred thank you very much sallet there's uh no no interesting in perth um the taxiway between november to charlie okay that's been closed for a while now but it's not no doubt okay it's only on the eighth when we get closer okay thanks very much we're playing on that with regards to the turn off and all the brake uses but we'll talk about that in the sky there are alternative taxiways fantastic and that's that for me okay gentlemen for me that's it from me it's gonna have fun let's take our jet to perth australia welcome to the cockpit i'm the first officer i'm gonna do the safety check which is the initial check when we get on board and i'm going to take you through that once we through that the captain will go on with these checks and loading the system okay so we start down here with the engine starts make sure that that goes to normal where the radar is off so it doesn't look anywhere at this stage then we come up here landing gear wipers external power is on battery is on and the ipu battery is 27 volts i do ipu fire test [Music] which checked then i come down start the ipu which has already been started by the engineer once that's started and running which it is now i go to the ipu bleed switch that on and i set the cockpit temperature and i set the cabin temperature then i go to the cargo and i set the cargo temperature to normal 15 degrees 15 degrees at this stage that will be re fine-tuned as soon as we get the load sheet if there's any special load that needs a different temperature setting okay from there i come down here i press recall see if there's anything coming up on recall nothing coming up status of the aircraft in op systems at this stage that will go away in a little bit of time and then i go engines check the oil quantity of all four engines then hydraulics check that the hydraulics are in the normal filling range door and check the oxygen psi for our supplementary oxygen is good enough right coming down here flaps zero zero speed break disarmed and park brakes on and then just uh because we fly different 340s we just go through a few of the differences quickly and most important one for me max landing right there 192 for coming back and then the speeds for turbulent penetration 260 below flight level 150 270 below flight level 200 280 and mach 0.78 happy with all of the wooden components which won't affect us tonight [Applause] and that's my site done for now fantastic okay basically what i'm going to do is set up the cockpit airbus way with no lights showing and checking for each pedal make sure that all the okay white lights are off she said i just need to do an engine test we're going to do an engine fire warning test here four fire lights the scripts are on those are on three and one smart checks and then we come here sorry that's the copper voice recorder test and all our reset buttons coming down constraint and flight erectors are on the isis is set these are correct switching and then coming to the dc we're just going to check the charge of the batteries i'm just checking that there's a voltage drop below 60 within 10 seconds and that's the amperage below 60 within 10 seconds so that's all now we're going to set up the uh flight management and guidance systems we have three of them on board charles is using one for communications at the moment i'm going to try and upload the data for this flight which should be with sita at the moment which is our provider for our documentation the same one that we reviewed in our flood operations department so now we're waiting for the uplink via satellite of all this data here's our flight our flight and has just been uplinked so it's all been loaded into the computer and that's crosstalk cross-loaded to the number two fmgs as well i just need to ensure that the irs's the initial reference systems are aligned and that's the position that we're in at the moment we just double check it with regards to the planning so we haven't got incorrect one loaded and built in areas so that's fine put in the first flight level 35 000 feet at a temperature of minus 48 degrees centigrade uh charles could i perhaps bother you for the that updated zero few weight plus one fifty seven point one one checked okay using a cost index of minus ten i'm going to reload the departure tonight we're using a departure runway of runway zero three left to china's boot two one two one now is it going to two one thank you okay so we're gonna departure runway two one right and we are expecting to do the xobi one bravo yep uh xobi three bravo departure is that right yeah let me just just have a look here it's obvious the exhibit bravo departure and then arrival into perth we're expecting the eyeless anteroma zero three with a waves nine alpha arrival and this is just so that we can compare the fuel required and our planning with regards to the fuel required by the airplane systems and i just need to put in the altitudes we are going to go to i'm going to check whatever was loaded uh in the box and make sure that everything is correct is that better so first i'm checking the total distance four seven one four four seven one one that's good then i'm gonna check the departure [Music] so of course we use the jefferson for that okay so what we've got here is our jeperson what we've loaded in the system is the xobi 3 bravo which is the anticipated departure for tonight or for runway 2-1 right and now i'm just going to make sure that the jeep and what we've loaded looks exactly the same [Applause] further click here and that is going to be our transition exobee where we get into our enroute routine which will be captain i've requested a dynamic flight plan sorry uh and we're going to exit we're going to go into oceanic clearance at xox and 1 600 so four thousand it's four four hundred okay can i make a suggestion then that we take this up to 75 tons uh 75.2 that'll be extra 575 to yes 75 too okay for an extra 780 kilos yeah thank you what we've done right now is uh we've been advised by the company that we've got a little bit more freight or passengers than we had planned by 700 kilograms which is going to affect our fuel burn on the flight so we've increased our fuel uplift to cater for that so we've taken an extra 500 kilograms of fuel in this event thank you i'll let you know as soon as we've got are you finished with this okay so continuing with the checking of the departure so i go to flight plan and uh i just page through the departure and make sure that it's exactly like uh the departure that we've got on the jefferson which is the xavi 3 bravo which is our expected departure for tonight okay so the departure is correct the total distance is correct then i'm going to check step altitudes that they've been put in correctly as we step up through the night as we burn off fuel we become lighter and lighter and that's when to climb higher and higher and higher because the higher we fly the bit our fuel consumption okay so that's my initial check done oh that goes down to yes okay and that's been checked okay so from my side everything's been checked that should that i should check on the loading of the flight plan okay now that i'm happy that he's double checked on me i've disconnected the external power if he comes up he can take the external away i'm just going to copy that planning and charles i'm going to store the root yep negative what whilst we are about it i just wanted to we've got so now the airplane's been prepared now the airplane has been prepared for the departure and any refinements we're going to get a later uh a final load sheet once we've got our final passenger load and freight load and then the load master who's in an office in the terminal building is going to send us our final trimming of the airplane and we'll refine whatever we've planned up here so at the moment the planning requirement for fuel minus what we needed for critical fuel in case of a depressurization was 55.9 that's right so we've got considerably more fuel than we need correct happy of course are you ready for clearing stephanie yeah please now we're going to request clearance from that watch controller good evening go ahead good evening it's a lucieros here at x-ray delta with a bus 343 alpha two like level three five zero four percent zero first departure two one right comply with the xavi three bravo sids departure frequency one two four decimal five squawk two six three two two one right exo obviously bravo one two four decimal five score two six three two swing by two eight zero so we're in agreement now that we've set the computers up correctly with our final weights now we're going to compute the speeds for our takeoff and then we review them okay so i've entered all the data and it's computing at this stage [Applause] okay whilst that's computing charles yes i'm just going to have good version 1507 1507.5 which is the latest in current same side 340 x-ray zero x-ray delta checked i'm ready okay we've got a 340 300 tonight julius crossa delta which is the correct tail number we're departing of runway two one right at johannesburg full length the wind of two two zero at seven nine degrees centigrade q h of one zero three zero the runway condition is dry taco cfg is greater than twenty eight percent checked thrust option together config is two air conditioning is often the antioxidant checked and it's competing again are you ready yes please go ahead config 2 flex 37 v1133 147 vr 149 v2 155 our takeoff limitation is brake energy limited engine out acceleration 7005 green.254 and max takeoff performance limit weight is 268 decimal three at the low v1 we've got uh one one four zero stop margin at a high v one two zero nine stop margin seven knots on the nose one knot from the right thank you 254 knots cleaner grease this is break energy limiting so i'm happy to go with the low v1 if you are yes i am bearing in mind that the vmcg is 120 knots and max altitude at the flex of 7994 check so [Music] i'm now going to insert the speeds that we just decided to use for our departure tonight with a v1 speed which is our desired speed of 133 knots a rotate of 149 knots and a v2 of 155 knots which is our initial airborne target speed is triple horizontal stabilizers 2.9 up [Applause] 37 thank you this one's f and a flex temperature of 37 degrees right so i'm going to my side then and i start this side flaps 2 2.9 up flex 37 133 149 155 green.254 thrust reduction 7010 and acceleration 7010 engine out acceleration is also seven zero one zero okay charles this will be a go round to take off around the event of a decision to stop before v1 i'll call stopping close the task movers and apply full reverse thrust please monitor and call diesel and reverse a green then notify air traffic control i'll bring the airplane to a stop and park the brake until the uh passengers to the cabin crew to standby check will assess action manage if we need to evacuate we'll do it on the back of the checklist of the qra checked otherwise the engine and operative flight path says continue straight ahead levelling off at or above the acceleration altitude but no later than the maximum acceleration altitude calculated by the lpc which for only takes the nine nine two eight thousand that's it continue to climb to msa soonest and contact adc the msa going out that way is 8400 checked so are you happy that we make in fact it's thousand eight hundred foot is a worst case scenario anything to the west is eight four yes so we'll make the red box nine zero okay happy nine thousand okay now we're going to review our navigation departure are you ready for that i'll get there now just give me a sec to open the jefferson okay okay charles we party at alpha two alpha two expected to push the lane interface to the uh east taxi instructions we're hoping are gonna be to lift on to alpha and then to the full length runway to one right yes there is a hot spot at hotel which is the high speed coming of runway zero three left arrival okay and that's also aircraft on a different frequency to what we are okay there's also a hotspot at the threshold of ramay21 right hotspot yes [Music] and that will also be aircraft on different frequencies checked the departure that we've programmed in here is the exobee3 bravo departure from a 2-1 right the page is 10 3 echo it's effective from the 10th of jan checked and the airport elevation is five five five eight initial climb clearance is eight thousand foot we've got eight thousand climbing eight thousand grip and uh the ffgs has been programmed and checked no modifications that's it today in the airfield elevation is five five five eight we've said the msa going out that way is 7800 and we are requesting try level 350 computation is full flight level 345 is optimum and maximum we can go to the c66 checked the airplane's fine there's no no talk so there's no notification for us for dangerous goods or perishables on board yes and we've put the air off in the ford cargo that's right no term wise there's a couple of uh taxiways monday we'll decide that what's we'll just discuss that once we already said 100 otherwise there's nothing to affect us here and um fuel we wanted 75. one we've got 75.1 and the computation was 55.7 that's critical fuel so i'm going to delete sorry [Music] 20 minutes yes that's correct that's correct because we have no alternate contingencies actually one point six nine yeah one point one point seven there point seven so that would be actually ten eleven point four good that's fine yeah probably gonna leave it out oh sorry with regards to that if we have a lander separate which means that we've had an engine failure or critical phase of flight yes we need to return as soon as possible our max landing weight here is 192 tons and we weigh 232.2 tons at the moment yep so we need to dump approximately 40 tonnes of fuel in this airplane that's going to be about just over a thousand kilograms a minute so we're going to have to dump for about 40 minutes 14 minutes bearing in mind that we can come back for an overweight landing uh and if i could be so good as to ask you can you assist there with a overweight checklist in the qrh if we need it question you're all your passion is on board you've done that you're briefing six wheelchairs required one young person on board and that's it so fantastic we'll let them know i've spoken to uh operationally obviously i'm the pilot flying now yes i'm gonna go for the middle we're gonna split the uh sleep button as we need yes and uh the crew don't come in on a regular basis request to come in and um and now there's there's forms so they don't have to do that voice thing about have you been in they're going to hand it off with the immigration forms thanks charles the before direct checklist to the libraries before star checklist cockpit preparation completed completed gear pins and covers signs on an auto aiders phil quanity 75 100 kilograms take off data is set barrow reef one zero three zero suit one zero three zero six before star checklist as well whenever you're ready thank you very much that's 15 early and starting order one two three four you let me know when i can turn one into one two three four in your discretion so we're facing you north and all the doors panels are now closed thank you study number one [Applause] we start two engines at the time on this uh 340 two inches on the same wing so number one and two engines right now we've just got fuel on number one and fuel reduced on number two so there's a lighter now we're just waiting for it to stabilize the two engines stabilizing and now we can start okay i see that thank you very much now we've got quite a tailwind here so the m1 is accelerating a little bit late and what we're doing is putting the engine up now we're putting and introducing [Applause] thanks very much [Applause] [Music] thank you very much the i have control you have the radius clear left taxicabs spring back two eight zero taxes attack alpha holding points from my two one right half holding point two one right spring what two is there okay cleared to the add a brake check pressure zero uh we've got lots of time so i'll do the control check once we're out on a texture alpha okay pull up pull down neutral shift pull right take a runway two one right full length conflict two one right confirmed cabin crew advised t cass t auro engine start selector normal pax off and that's before takeoff checklist completed thank you and approach is clear not too many lights down here i'm just switching this too bright so i can see with the lighter on the back sure i look up the traffic to the south east of the field remaining east uh the surface range four zero five knots runway two and right clear take off evenly two take off two one right spring back two eight directions looks like 74.9 check and taking off checked man flicks 37 srs runway 4 thrust blue kind of nuts check the one right outbox heard our spring back two eight zero six thousand three hundred timing eight thousand today check [Applause] foreign seven thousand seven hundred now checked off stack of climb checklist says landing gears up flaps retracted packs on barrow rev standard suit standard set after takeoff climb checklist completed thanks charles what's happened now is the air traffic controllers have actually taken us off the departure and cleared us straight to the entry point for the rbsm oceanic which is positioned exobee and we're going direct there at the moment [Applause] good evening climb two flight level three five zero some two flat over three five there flatter or three five zero blue check [Applause] so now we've taken off we've used 2 200 kilograms of fuel already we've accelerated up to an indicated airspeed of 317 knots which giving us a ground speed of 280 385 knots and we've cleaned the airplane up and uh we'll transition at around about 30 000 feet to a mach number which is a much cruise percentage of the speed of sound at that altitude and temperature at the moment we are cruising at 35 000 feet above mean sea level 35 000 here the computers are telling us that that is our optimum level we actually 500 foot below it so we could actually climb a little bit now but the correct altitude we can go to is 37 000 feet what we can consider doing is a asking for a block altitude that we can fly between normally they give us between two and four thousand foot so we can try and use that for avoiding uh areas of turbulence we've just entered the oceanic area for johannesburg at position egg socks and that's to the south of madagascar this over here is the island of madagascar over there there's the coastline of africa and we're just coming up to a position 41 degrees east in longitude and we're going to transit across the southern indian ocean at a latitude of 31 degrees south all the way to perth where we'll enter actually a little bit north of earth's air space and then transit a southerly direction now this route we normally fly to any destination with a suitable or adequate alternate that's all done on planning before we depart by the dispatchers which we audit and it has to have acceptable weather conditions at our destination as well as the alternate airport for a period one hour before to one hour after our expected landing time that's a a regulatory condition so we normally fly with a an uplift of fuel in excess of what we require on that sector in order to get to that alternate should we need to go there this is quite a unique sector in that western australia has perth down in the south here which has got two runways that are acceptable for our operation and if i could show them to you the main runway is runway 21303 it's uh it's the longest runway and it's um the one that we'll probably be landing on this morning tomorrow morning there's a very short cross runway this is used when they've got very strong north-easterly winds it's very short so generally we don't try and use it now if this airport was to close for any reason normally being weather-related because this is mediterranean weather that we're going to and frontal systems pass through at regular intervals reducing the visibility uh down to what could be below our required minimums for landing now australia doesn't have anything better than category one landing facility so we basically require a 550 meter runway visual range and a 200 foot cloud base to land on the runway at perth that's assuming that we can use an instrument landing system the only other alternate that we could actually use is up to the north here in the northeast northwestern tip it's a place called liamont now at the moment leomonth doesn't have suitable fire fighting capabilities for this category of aeroplane airplanes being categorized by the amount of passengers that they carry and their weight so bearing in mind that leomoth won't be acceptable to us the next acceptable alternate is adelaide which is across the bite here and that's approximately three hours of flying so in order to make that uh alternate we would have to uplift in the region of 20 tons of fuel or 20 000 kilograms of fuel extra and they've come up with a way of saving for that and we use earth as what they call a remote destination so before departing johannesburg we uplift an extra two hours of fuel which would give us sufficient holding here for weather to clear and then make an approach into perth charles could i just see the seater flight plan there and when we did our planning at the dispatch office that extra two hours is reflected in the flight plan here as 9780 kilograms of extra fuel or two hours of flying and that is considerably less than the extra three hours or 20 tons that we would have to uplift were we to use adelaide as our alternate bearing in mind that perth is a the forecasted weather for our arrival time tomorrow is better than category one conditions um a little bit later as i said we're going to try and climb up to the next next level of 37 000 feet above being sea level or flight level three seven zero and that will increase our or decrease our fuel burn considerably at the moment uh as i said we burnt 12 700 kilograms of fuel and the engines are using 110 kilograms a minute so we are burning 110 kilograms of fuel for every minute that we're flying we want to try and get that down to about 90 kilograms perhaps 80 kilograms once we get to our final cruise altitude uh that also is obviously dependent on the uh weight of the airplane sorry yes that 110 kilograms per uh per minute is per engine so 440 kilograms of fuel a minute so we're already an hour and 38 minutes into the start and we've been airborne for one and a half hours and we've used 12 800 kilograms of fuel a large percentage of that was on the departure and the takeoff because we had lower altitudes a lot more drag and we were configured with our gear out for a little while as well as flaps on this total sector we're expecting to burn 56 400 kilograms of fuel uh well what we're using at the moment it's quite uh quite interesting we have the capability to obviously go back to um durbin or maputo or johannesburg with the fuel that we have on board at the moment there's an acceptable enroute alternate at antenna rivo in madagascar and then just to the north here and the east of madagascar are the two islands of reunion which unfortunately we can't use at the moment i don't think it's not it's hours of operation or not for now but mauritius would be open to us and at the moment mauritius is 1140 nautical miles away so about three hours just under three hours of flying at any given stage we're obviously monitoring the weather of those old alternates so should we need to for any unknown reason david we would be able to program it into the fmgs and do the relevant approach into mauritius the um the trick here is to obviously [Music] threat manage so this is an acceptable management style to alleviate a diversion being a four-engine aeroplane [Music] the operation under three engine condition is not detrimental to us at all our extreme consideration would be a two engine operation because we'd have to descend to a much lower altitude our fuel would fuel usage would increase and then that's going to limit our alternate airfields many years ago i came on a 747 this route you can pick up extreme winds they run in a region of 180 knots or a little under 280 kilometers an hour and we pick them up well south of south africa so leaving south africa down to the south here we would root into the what they call the roaring forties and when you come back from perth if you root that way the chances of seeing the southern lights which not many people have seen which are those lights in the antarctic region are considerable and many of my colleagues have seen those lights you have similar ones up in the antarctic uh sorry in the arctic uh but we're not rooting that way tonight we're rooting a little bit further now starting from 40 south you can start seeing it in the distance 40 maybe 45 south it obviously depends on the time of year but it's actually just ionized reaction in the atmosphere and it's uh very prevalent in the polar regions the south pole and the north pole and more prevalent in winter months winter being in the southern hemisphere from march to september so the opposite to your northern hemisphere the most southern route that we've ever operated is about 41 south which is probably let me see if i can get 41 south here okay there's 50 so there's 41 south 41 south and that's 31 south so another 10 degrees south of where we are these islands are the islands at prince edward and marion island which are actually protectorates of south africa they don't have airfields and they are serviced by our antarctic supply ship they say gullis ii and that makes voyages down there about every two or three three times a year and they have a whole lot of scientists down there very rich in marine and animal life but desolate no people down there so we would only operate probably in the 40s no further south [Music] the there are airplanes that operate into the southern polar regions each country's got a couple of uh bases down there way based down there um the new zealanders and the australians the americans the south africans and the russians i think the chinese have also opened a base down there do you know anything about it charles no but that's specialized aircraft operations only obviously very cold i'll be very lucky to go down there to the to the antarctic but not by air so we're expecting to start running into a little bit of up air turbulence it's just to the south of us at the moment that's the green and then we'll pick up some in about two hours time when we are about 600 miles 800 miles south of mauritius and we're expecting that to last for a considerable period of the remainder of the flight i'll just that's at 35 000 feet hopefully we're going to get to 39 000 feet and then it's pretty much on top of all of the turbulence we're a little bit too heavy to get up to that altitude at the moment [Applause] the block altitude is obviously dependent on the air traffic controller that's controlling us at the moment at the moment we're talking to johannesburg oceanic this little system here is what we call cbdlc and ads invented by a very clever man uh it's basically the same as you have in your cell phone it's a sms type program and we talk via satellite to the controller in johannesburg a little bit later on we're going to switch over to the controller in mauritius and then from mauritius we'll switch over to the controller in melbourne possibly brisbane and then they will give us a voice communication with perth when we get to about 300 nautical miles from perth we'll be able to speak to to to the controller on vhf if you have a look at this page over here these all the directives that we can do to talk to the controller on the ground in johannesburg they lateral and vertical requests as well as diversions due to weather conditions and there's a block request here and if the controller in johannesburg hasn't got too much traffic or opposite direction traffic that he can guarantee that we are separated from any other traffic coming from the australia region that we would encounter tonight he could give us a clearance to fly from 35 000 feet up to 37 500 foot it's uh at the moment not worth it for us to ask for that because with 2000 foot and it's not too bumpy but once we get up above our recommended max of 39 000 feet as we burn our fuel off then we're going to ask you for a probably more mauritius we'll ask for the block altitude and that means that we can climb or descend within that block so we would ask for a block tonight of 35 000 to 39 000 feet and then we can climb and descend as long as we stay within that parameter and that hopefully we can make the ride a little bit more comfortable for the passengers at the back should we start to encounter this turbulence over here at the moment it's a very pleasant flight normally we would have have encountered quite a bit of turbulence on this flight now due to these big crossword jet streams that we experience over the southern indian oceans and those move laterally with the season so the closer to winter the jet streams move further north summer south so that's why our routine at the moment is up here you'll probably find possibly find that two months ago the routing was wealth well south and this jet stream runs right around the world it's much like well they trade winds and they run from the west to the east anything at the moment you'll see the wind it's varying a little bit at the moment it's only from the north west at 100 hundred kilometers an hour 95 kilometers an hour a little earlier that that wind speed was uh the wind was from the north the south west and the speed was 98 knots so 100 knots would be 180 kilometers an hour and i've seen that up at 180 miles an hour and we then would pick up a ground speed well in excess of 600 knots our ground speed at the moment is 520 knots which is a little under a thousand kilometers an hour this over here on the weather pattern that is a thunderstorm at the moment and associated with that would be some turbulence but we are well south of it so it doesn't uh require us deviating anywhere around it we may have to deviate a little bit further there's some weather coming up around about 150 miles ahead of us yeah good morning as you can see daylight outside now we've been uh racing towards the sun and uh we've just been cleared by the melbourne controllers to route direct to a position called keels which is where we're going to do the entry into perth international airport it's probably just where we're going to start the decent for our approach as well it's been fairly instant free evening not too many bumps we've managed to miss most of the turbulence there was a little bit of weather about two hours back considerable lightning and thunderstorm activity but nothing to bother us airplanes behaving nicely we've uh used quite a bit of fuel already 50 500 kilograms so far and we have 24 000 kilograms remaining that sounds quite a lot but bear in mind we are using perth as the remote destination so we have an extra two hours fuel just for any contingencies that we may need the weather perth is fine at the moment the latest report has given us a north easterly wind that is blowing at 14 knots that's about 25 kilometers an hour and the temperature on the ground at the moment is 16 degrees centigrade so that's probably going to warm up to around about 18 19 degrees by lunchtime a nice day in perth a couple of scattered clouds around the two and a half thousand foot level so i'm hoping that we'll get a nice view of perth as we start the decent downtown city centre is quite pretty to see [Applause] for the rest we haven't had any problems tonight charles is going to be coming back into the cockpit shortly and then we'll brief on the arrival the moment we're doing a uh planning for landing on the runway zero three at perth the wind is zero seven zero at fourteen knots so a bit of a crosswind and our routing is coming in via this position sails and waves now there's some military flying activity by the perth military australian military aircraft in the south here so they temporary restricted areas and they're possibly going to vectors a little bit north to keep us out of their flying area so this is not a great depiction but at waves we're expecting to then do a routing there's waves there and route down to the south positioning to 11 mile point for the instrument approach onto runway 0 3. to go back to the main thing that instrument approach then would be here we've got to miss this airfield which is called jandakot that's a local sort of small aircraft airfield and then to the north of perth around about here is the military air base pierce airfield and we need to stay away from that so the arrival will take us here then down to the south bearing in mind these restricted areas that the perth military are using australian military are using and then we're going to position around about over here so we'll be pretty much overflying around the fremantle area with the city of birth to the left of us and turning around it for our landing on that zero three runway which runs about that direction so that was that position waves that i talked about coming to the south to 11 mile point and then landing at earth and that approach looking at more this is the fremantle area and the approach will be onto this runway here which is runway zero three the city of perth is to the west of the main airport and then to the north up here would be the military airfield of pierce after landing we're going to be landing on this runway here they doing considerable amount of work on the taxiways and surrounds upgrading everything as of yesterday they had completed the work on this area which is where we were anticipating taxiing off so we're gonna have to probably go past the cross runway and root on this taxiway and then back into the international terminal over here once we are talking to the air traffic controller and voice we'll get more clarity because the changeover of the work process only happened at midnight last night [Applause] so we're actually planning to do a visual approach onto this runway today because of the nice weather it'll be assisted by the instrument landing system so we're probably going to descend down to 2500 foot before we start the approach 3000 and then 2500 which is where we'll start to approach down to our landing point [Applause] there's not too much traffic around perth at this time of the day we'll probably get quite a bit of traffic coming in from the east which would be from melbourne and sydney but not too much coming in from the air we're still the north we'll pick again once we're anticipating speaking to the booth controllers from about 20 200 nautical miles out from perth which is just before our decent point melbourne springbuck 280v flight level 390 with romeo good morning sweetheart to enjoy melbourne center good morning identified star clearance available okay it's springbok 280 framework 280 the big one alpha arrival runway zero three when ready to send fireball one nine zero quick one alpha arrival for runway zero three and when ready decent flight level one nine zero springbok 280. i'm actually right there okay i'm going to change the surround again the brig one alpha arrival [Applause] that's going to take us around that military activity i think that's why we're doing it so i'm going to insert it let's go here okay the landing distance procedure affected we're going to go to two three two oh i'm going to brief you on that because we're gonna have to go past zero six there's some runways closed okay now starting the decent flood level 190 blue mark descent director yes and for the continuing with the briggs one alpha rifle for runway zero three in perth that's right um the fmgs has been programmed in check the only modification was 190 knots for the go round checked and 250 knots below level 1 0 0. yes that shot was 22nd of may effective 28th of may and uh the msa within 25 nautical miles of perth is 3000 foot the grid more at the moment is 1500 foot and the airfield elevation is 70 feet so if we make the red box from 3 000 foot down yes i'm happy the approach we're expecting uh sorry the approach we're expecting is the ils zulu runway zero three uh page eleven one it is effective from the 11th of april 2014 yes frequencies at the top and the ils is on 110.1 india papa november yep we'll be instantly intercepting the glideslope at 2500 foot wow at 3 000 foot yes and a 5 db check height of 1650 yes and after landing they've been doing this runway rehabilitation and taxi rehabilitation but last night was a changeover so at the moment the only taxiway that's closed is papa right which would be our normal taxi off so we're gonna go beyond zero six and taxi at november which is now open yes and then expecting to turn right onto charlie crossing runway zero six two four level one nine zero one zero thousand you will enter the forecasted area on your descent thank you spring by 280. so 19 000 10 000. yep okay so then we're expecting to turn right onto charlie yes and then with the clearance cross zero four zero six two four entering from uh tango for bay 51 which is the last finger on the right and it's deep pretty bad yeah yeah yeah okay however individual missed approach i'll call go around flaps just leave us to toggle come straight back to climb rick one notch up rotate to the go around attitude follow the srs call the fma positive climb gear up ensure an autopilot's engaged and manage the nav the missed approach is in the uh fmgs three miles turn left 190 knots towards rottnest checked weather-wise as we can see there's a bit of cloud around it's clear at the airfield however they've just told us that we're going to experience icing moderate to severe from level 190 to flight level one zero zero zero or ten thousand foot check so we'll keep an eye on that for the icing usage yes and then there's a maximum crosswind of 12 knots okay at the moment which isn't the problem for us right and it's dry at the airfield operationally there's no problem so we're going to start the apu yep so that they can approach the europe absolutely and fuel we've we're landing with 18.7 the requirement is to land with 30 minutes so we've got more than two and a half hours to sit here and try and wait for something to get fixed okay so lots of time to play with checked i've taken low on the order breaking because we're landing at 1 176 500 yes and as discussed the landing distance procedure has been calculated the fact that we should use 2 320 feet with reverse thrust and low on the auto brake yes anything else you would like to add there charles nothing from my sides [Applause] and then as as we discussed on the note 10 there the circling approach minimum is to be used absolutely it's for the visual and we're using 1440 which is below where we would intercept the glide slope anyway so you got that check out at five miles of 1440. [Music] sorry check out at 55 miles of hundred and sixty fifty yes which is that two hundred and ten foot above the circling height required checked lovely charles i've been a bit remiss because we got a bit uh sidetracked would you mind handing the radio i'm just going to chat to the passengers number one i've got it pretty good morning to you ladies and gentlemen from the friday captain speaking as you can see we were busy with our descent into perth's airport we have a little over 140 kilometers to run and at the moment they are vectoring us to position to the south of the city for our landing on the runway zero three there's quite a stiff north easterly wind blowing around about the 25 30 kilometer mark the temperature is very pleasant 17 degrees centigrade and we'll be touching down right on schedule at 25 minutes past one in the afternoon if you haven't set your watches yet it's just come up three minutes past one local in western australia uh just a word of caution up ahead there is a little bit of cloud cover they have warned us of some icing and with that i'm expecting a little bit of turbulence so we'll be putting the seat belt signs on [Applause] fairly early it's going to be a little bit of discomfort possibly but nothing to concern yourselves [Applause] 1000 passing 20 500 now briefing is confirmed income status is checked seat belts can go on uh better riff one zero one eight minimum [Applause] engine start select as normal approach checklist completed approach springbok 280 heavy with information sierra g'day [Applause] [Applause] nine thousand blue and the tower is standing by one two zero five one two zero five checked [Applause] island which is a resort island and then just ahead of it you can see the swan river running up through to perth the city of perth and just behind it is the airfield and this is the port of fremantle up ahead where most of their operations are further to the south is the margaret river area one zero four thousand that's one rock six twelve one four thirteen tower one two zero five one two zero four five corners twelve springbok 280 december 3000 include our let's run my zero three approach d723000 eyelids runway zero three approaches spring by two eight zero okay three thousand glideslap lock blue cathedral ap one and two checked and that's an alt constraint check let's give you whiskey lehmann observe traffic in the fremantle area identification terminated frequency change approved thanks charles flip flop one please speed checked flaps one kevin is ready so chandigarh you can see the main airport in the distance this airport has the private the small aircraft gender cut thousand feet to go tricked light slept alive thank you nice block check would you like flap two i'll just show you what zero [Applause] thank you flap two please speak decent one two three get on please quite a nice view of downtown booth today five miles now thank you flip full speed check that's full a lonely checklist planning checklist this is cabin crew advanced order thrust speed auto brake low ecammo learning no blue learning checklist completed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay slightly from the left so it's veering i mean backing check one thousand practice table here pretty unstable there 500 continue visually check waterpilot 400 100 above 300 minimum 200 100 50 40 30 20 seven spoilers 70 knots [Music] is so thanks charles thank you okay it says an 80 40 300 check thank you parking brake is on and trucks are on it's charles some last welcome to perth lovely day here for us for a winter's day it was beautiful visibility coming in one of the clearest i've seen coming in the winter as you can see lots of work going on in the international terminal now they are extending this considerably becoming a busy hub of australia it's been a great pleasure being with you and we look forward to our return journey i hope you've enjoyed your time on board this airbus 3 4300 you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 248,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, SAA, Cockpit SAA, South African Airways, South African, Cockpit South African, A340, A340-300, Airbus A340, Cockpit A340, Perth Airport, Cockpit Perth, Cockpit Johannesburg, Johannesburg Airport, Just Planes, JustPlanes
Id: NRRAj5UwpF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 43sec (5743 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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