SAS A330-300 into Hong Kong | Procedures over Siberia, Approach Briefing + Full Long Approach

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[Music] [Applause] three good morning we are now a good way into siberia and uh we've been flying for almost four hours and uh these areas it's fairly long to to airports if we need to land um due to some failures or some emergencies and when we look at the route in this area we are um we are getting closer to uh mongolia we are right in this area now if we have mongolia over here in hong kong down here the um the airport's here we have a couple of them along our routes but the distance is far between them and uh right now we um we are using this airport novosibirsk which is that it's good it's a long nice runway good landing facilities and then the next one we'll use is when we get in an equal time point between novosibirsk and abba khan we will go far back on also a good good airport a little shorter runway but no problems to land in case of emergency so this is with the way we work our route through so on our secondary flight plan we we always have one alternate airport so we can land in case of emergency or in case of any any problems if we'll have a rapid decompression of course we also need to take care to take all the train into account um and when we approach into the higher areas for example we have mongolia here this is our route um outside the the the route it's up to fifteen thousand uh uh the the height the train so we need to know what we're doing and when we're ending these high areas of altitude um we have on our flight plan maybe you can show that uh we had different points where where we know that before point we go to one airport passing that point we can go to the second airport safely and it's even worse here in kazakhstan sometimes we flew this more southerly route through urumki almaty in into lang zhao in china you know it's up to 26 27 30 feet 26 000 feet so you need to be careful and really know where you are and where you can land there all the time and we go through that in our flight planning during the flight all the time also what we do is uh i don't know if you had one of these you can you can see it the the um the chart here that um this is um and we have the lake of baikal and getting closer to to to mongolia so before this point the t1 point we have a possibility to choose fairly a lot of airports but in between t1 and t2 the way to go is to to here kudzuk after that point we have another one which is uh a part of the flight plan so again uh keeping to the left of the route today is much better than right because we have all the the mountain and terrain in this area when we're getting to closer so further southeast another thing that we do sometimes is that we we don't follow the route we go a little bit to right to left of the route today we just received from the russian airport controllers that oh sorry the atc controllers that we should go a little bit right of our original track so if you see here at the map the dotted line is original and we have a chinese aircraft uh will we are flying to ge alongside together with but he's 2 000 feet above us but the shyness authorities or the airport sorry the atc controllers they asked us to go a little bit right of the track it's a lateral offset procedure very common in the atlantic where we go a little bit right of track and the reason is to avoid any risk of collisions sometimes you can you can pass each other other with a 1000 feet 300 meters separation so in order to reduce the risk even if the risk is very small that we should collide collide um the hc controller asks us to go a little bit left or right more commonly in china even with the larger lateral deviations sometimes up to 11 13 15 nautical miles right or left to track and it's it's uh i think it's a good way of try or separating or or or directing traffic maybe around other traffic or around the military exercise size areas and stuff like that so anti further we are flying one sorry two two miles which you can see here offset right two miles right of our original route easily computed through our mcu what we do on the flight plan page on the left side on the lateral um deviation side we can just hit a key and then we have offset to choose and then now we are flying to two miles right so but if we would like to change that we just punch in another figure uh and how much right inserted here and then also the intercept angle we have a standard intercept angle of 30 degrees but in order to make a little bit smoother we can reduce that so here we have i've chosen 10 degrees and we execute that the aircraft will catch that that lateral offset track until further we can also if we want to put in an end waypoint but today we have we will stay right of track until the atc tells us to go direct any other point [Applause] zero [Applause] [Music] [Applause] advice available to reach flight level three nine and zero ukraine [Applause] foreign full control comes from able to climb as well c900 channel 834 accepting uh right level 390 very good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice of him definitely thank you china see now he starts his climb he will climb another 2 000 feet up to flight level 390 and pretty soon we will also be [Applause] good evening [Applause] go [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] tree who was it the other guy was it i think he's further away maybe or maybe behind us or the one in front of us okay there's a [Applause] three seven zero blue just climb climb checked good on the engine and you can see here the thrust increase when we start our little climb two thousand feet up and also the the rate at the moment is go ahead [Music] 82 or greater when maintaining flight two three seven zero scanning 963 yeah then we can see that climb rate on the bsi [Applause] increasing up to flight to 370. [Music] hmm pre-level 370 blue checked and that made another 500 kilos fantastic to save yeah and which you keep a2 almost yes it must be him he is 0.85 exactly must be a seven seven four seven mark old crew star checked all crews checked and he's some 30 miles behind us good yeah he won't make it okay good morning and uh welcome to um to china uh we are halfway in to china now just uh less than uh two hours or two be precise one and a half hour to hong kong we are in guangzhou fir and flying our file route down to hong kong in this area if we look at the arrival uh plates for hong kong it the airspace space is fairly small so when we enter hong kong airspace we can if it's nice weather we can see uh see the airport we will be entering here via a point called sierra and then fly a arrival route either the long one a little bit south westbound over the sea and then in towards the runway which is here and we'll be landing in the easterly direction we might also get the little shorter approach sierra 7 alpha arrival taking us this this way [Applause] the arrival and due to the very small airspace makes us a little bit eager to to come down to lower altitudes and we will we might use the speed brake also to get down a little bit earlier in the early week get down depending of course on traffic we will be able to to lock on the on the approach so most likely we will use some speed brakes uh during the descent which will cause a little bit of vibration in the aircraft but it's nothing bad and so far the landing runway is zero seven right which is here we have the airport here um it's nothing um peculiar with the runway it's long and nice uh we have some obstacles of course in the vicinity of the airport south we have a big mountain and also straight ahead and in course in case of a go around we will almost fly over the sea turn right around this island then out in the sea again hong kong city it's it's over here we're also close to china all the way here you can see this is the border to china and we have macau over on this side coming down on the uh runway zero seven right we will probably leave the runway over here somewhere it's not too hot today at 20 degrees a little bit less than 20 degrees but we'd like to spare the brakes when we ever and don't make them too hot so we will reverse a little more today and use almost the whole runway unfortunately we don't have uh fan breaks on our air buses uh the on the long haul fleet so in order to save the brakes we will uh reduce we will reverse a little bit more we have a fairly short turnaround and it's not nice to giving the new crew an aircraft with a little hot breaks and getting in here in this area uh you can see it here this is the runway we will enter somewhere normally we get gates around this this building here somewhere so that is the the arrival route we have a now one and a half less than one and a half hours ago and we have about 12 tons of fuel left we started with uh 63.5 i think and we have used so far 51 5 tons and you can also see now that the trim tank in the horizontal stabilizer is on is empty and i was talking about that before that it's transferring back and forth to give us the best attitude when we are flying so now it's empty and it it should be empty also during the approaching and the landing and we can also see that we are transferring now according to an automatic schedule fuel from the outer tanks into the left and right main tanks they will be empty also and they are transferring from the outer to the inner take by free fall [Applause] and you can also see that we are using on each engine right now about the 2800 kilos per hour on the fuel phone and then on and the number one and the same on engine two uh during when we are heavy directly after takeoff it's a little bit more around three 2.95 or something like that we have four enhanced 330 in the fleet and they fly all of them right now depending on the traffic program but now they are flying out from stockholm we are going to hong kong with them to new york chicago and also los angeles [Applause] another thing we enjoy with these enhanced machines is that is the display units they are very clear it's lcd uh screens uh we also have them on the newer airbus 320 and the 737s on the on the legacy 330s and 340s we have we have the older screens with a little less brightness and these are fantastic especially in when we have sun coming in to our ours we can see the the the display units map display and primary flight display very very clearly we are approaching hong kong uh martin yes we were talking about this um notification at least three minutes before sierra to hong kong if not already changed over we have uh prepared a seven alpha sierra seminar for approach that is the shortest one uh if we get the seventh charlie you can just help me to put that into the mcu seven alpha takes us from sierra to come to flight one three zero which is in the above which is in the box murray between one two three one zero silver lines checked and then zero seven right initially 1700 feet we'll check distance for 1300 minimum descent altered to 30 today yes in case of go around it says steady at poor path right max 210 heading 182 over the sea and then right himself radial 250 tango delta to smokey right turn direct limes climb 5000 feet it's around the island out over the scene to the holding check landing config tree and odd phrase low check i will i will also reverse be careful on the brakes so we don't leave them too hot for the next crew and uh my plan is to vacate the runway on juliet eight to two lit seven probably juliet eight yeah no heartbreaking and then we'll take it according to atc instructions okay understood configuring low brakes he's on the brakes reverse yeah briefly understood perfect any threats today into hong kong the weather is fine we have the terrain be careful with the train south of the airport and also in the go around sector to strictly follow the ground go around if that will be a case okay super and as you said before it can be high sometimes exactly yeah and in that case i will be generous with the speed brakes i will probably tell the passengers about that too that it will have some you know shaking during the approach perfect thank you good yeah one two five three five scandinavian nine six three good morning scandinavian 963 we are maintaining one zero thousand four hundred meters scandinavian lightsaber economy good morning [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] pretty soon to hong kong we'll be there in about 35 minutes that is 15 minutes ahead of scheduled arrival time nice weather in hong kong a weak winds from the north temperature 22 degrees with some scattered clouds in about 15 minutes i will turn on the seatbelt sign that means that you all need to sit down and strap in so we can prepare the aircraft for landing doing the descent today due to a very very fairly small airspace we will uh during this and use our speed brakes to get down a little bit faster and that gives a little vibration in the aircraft but that is quite normal me and my crew hope you have enjoyed the flight with us and uh thank you for flying with us yes and have a wonderful day thank you and [Applause] bye-bye [Applause] requesting the sound [Applause] so we have one uh traffic okay very good then we'll wait we have traffic 12 o'clock i can go up uh avatango golf two to eight zero hong kong [Applause] request [Applause] 6097 and m8 100 minutes [Applause] that's good to know to know today to say one zero this enemy is one thousand five hundred meters the sander maintain seven thousand five hundred meters cafe two seven zero so now you can see the whole arrival we have programmed on the map display into the hong kong air space which is here seven minutes wait candy nation 963 descent hey five hundred minutes let's then maintain nine thousand five underneath the scandinavian 963 9500 meters idle over this end 9500 meters blue checked so we just get a reroute with a little longer approach seven thousand eight hundred meters checked [Applause] four one two control [Music] four two control [Applause] romeo right of check five miles you can see how the indians are smalling downtown going down to idle roger alright this is a sign that we have the indians in idol [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ending scandinavian nine six three flight two three zero activating approach face canadian 963 kind of hong kong one two seven decimal five five good day hong kong two seven five five scandinavian 963 good day [Applause] and hong kong scandinavian 963 we are back with you again defending the 230 [Applause] one zero scandinavian 93 flight of two one zero blue uh checked seven zero zero over one seven zero cap eight two seven zero left heading round three zero and the semi flight field one three zero scandinavian 963. heading one two zero descending flight for one two zero blue uh check five two zero zero eight two thousand zero videos [Applause] [Applause] from [Applause] trumary decent level one three zero cafe certain foreign [Applause] [Applause] uh we have now 250 and standing try to [Applause] one today coach one one niner the smaller ones history [Applause] and first good morning skinner 963 run four four descending one one 4000 feet blue qh one zero one nine set qh one zero one nine nine seven four reading thirteen ninety nine two seven zero checklist good morning [Applause] [Music] know [Applause] [Applause] and we have 15 degrees for exploring heading 05 through for sequencing descent to four thousand feet i think zero five zero descent uh four thousand feet can say seven four eight which cafe request can say seven four eight seven four eight version i'll next to the approach you can expect that confession scandinavia zero one zero left telling zero zero for information your transition is really a little bit broken chateau 5-0 climb fallout 4-2-5 0-2-5-0 shuttle 1-8-5-0 departure good morning massacre 6-3 3-1 attacking three thousand climbing five final pick and one health uh moscow six three three one roger you identify [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] only just the limestone [Applause] [Music] 963 director this has three thousand piece speed two three zero knots three thousand with speed to the thirteenth canada nine sixty three thousand feet blue speed still two thirty check it we will most likely get some reductions okay scandinavia you turn right in three four so i would use with two one zero 600 feet checked i'm pre-level 3000 feet blue f and it's still warm outside theories cabin ready check it scandinavia 963 descent 1700 feet 1700 feet scandinavian 963 1700 feet blue checked it inbound right because right heading zero four zero clear eyeless seven right following mines pre-level 1700 check 3293 rate of active final turn rightly 2900 you get about 25 miles in push now thank you cafe 96. two thousand five hundred uh two actually 260 directors descent 3000 feet of feet lockstar scandinavia 963 would use for the 160 or not meeting until 5 dme reduce speed 160 maintained to 5 dme scanning the 950 160 to 5 wood light is coming checked gear down to go foreign [Applause] 20 seconds many speed laps three learning checklist camera crew advised ready for the thrust speed or eco memory landing the blue for learning checklist complete okay [Applause] casey julia 8 john whiskey contacted and [Applause] lights on [Applause] 500 stabilized checked tara cathy uh continue zero seven white cafes four h fifty 40 30 20 retards 10. spoilers reverse green and decent whiskey northbound strogan land lights off please okay seven four eight clear right ground good morning let's get into the united states morning at taxi bravo bravo 7 ray november 2-2 [Applause] 7 november 2-2 bravo bravo 70 that's all the way around the building to november 2-2 number two yeah on the north side correct yes on the north side of the latin checkers [Applause] basically the north test run on alpha between spectre and alpha 5 is approved [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] um yes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] november 9 15. first good morning skinner 963 uh run four four descending one one zero inbound murray saturday night three today one race here's something right this century connect one zero one nine four thousand feet on one set of one nine you can have an um four thousand feet blue q h one zero one nine set q h one zero one nine seven four six reading thirteen nine for a checklist good morning i think 2 800. the briefing [Music] seven zero for information your transition is a little bit broken shuttle one eight five zero climb final four two five zero four two five zero shuttle one eight five zero zero good morning magikarp six three three one attacking three thousand climbing five final pick and one health ah moscow six three three one virginia identify and according to something it's always hard to say figure out how long approaching today probably after that one [Applause] to seven thousand feet thousand feet six three three one eight two seven stroke director woman i know this is [Applause] um [Applause] listen scandinavia 963 turn right in three four so i would just be two one zero now right in three four zero let's see two thumbs can even uh split two ten right heading three 600 feet checked [Applause] i'm pre-level 3000 feet blue so director cafe260 actually 2600 3006. scandinavian 963 would use with 160 or not meeting until 5 reduce tme speed 160 maintained to 5 dms again in the 960. 160 to 5. mood light is coming checked scandinavian 963 established contact tower 118.4. good morning tower scandinavian 9637 right okay three thousand more than the approach run rate zero seven right away zero four zero degrees one zero now continue approach flat 3 speed check 20 seconds many speed laps three learning checklist camera crew advised ready for the thrust speed or mammal landing the blue or learning checklist complete okay [Applause] cafe 270 casey julia eight joined whiskey cat one scandinavia three weeks or more four zero degrees one zero lost runway zero seven right clear to land zero seven right clear to lounge scandinavian 963 clear land all the lights on [Applause] 500 stabilized checked runs on price we zero four zero degrees one and zero nine continue zero seven right cafes 50 40 30 20 retards 10. spoilers reverse green and diesel is 93 grand morning at taxi bravo bravo 7 bay november 2-2 bravo 7 third november 2-2 bravo bravo 70 that's all the way around the building to november 2-2 number two yeah on the north side correct yes on the north side of the landing checklist [Applause] hong thank you um for november [Applause] just like uh many other airlines we're trying to save fuel so we turn off one engines when we tax scene we also do it with uh long taxi out times before departure try to start one engines and then start the other one whiskey bravo bravo niner a uh um one seven cafe 748 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and slide right object [Applause] november 7 that's quite far away right yes it's almost all the way into the [Applause] corner [Applause] [Applause] six it's a long way [Music] [Applause] headlights off please for the facing lights off okay right and clear left [Applause] um [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] brakes welcome to hong kong guys well that was an eventful uneventful flight uh and uh as usual we are a little bit ahead of time we like that uh 50 minutes ahead of schedule arrival time um that's good and now we'll go to the hotel with some rest yes thanks guys you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 111,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, Flying over Siberia, Siberia Route, SAS, SAS Airbus, SAS A330, Cockpit SAS, Cockpit Scandinavian, Cockpit Airbus, Cockpit A330, Flight Deck SAS, Flight Deck Scandinavian, Flight Deck Airbus, Flight Deck A330, Trip Report SAS, Trip Report Scandinavian, Trip Report A330, Trip Report Hong Kong, Cockpit Hong Kong, Flight Deck Hong Kong, Just Planes, JustPlanes, A330-300, A330-300E, HKG, HKG Airport
Id: Ejne_0vuvGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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