LOT Boeing 737MAX Warsaw🇵🇱 Takeoff + Full Pilot Flight Preparations

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well good morning everyone my name is max and i have the pleasure to be the captain for today's operation flying from warsaw shopping airport to london's heathrow airport and then back to our home base on our beautiful boeing 737 max 8 aircraft at this point i'd like to introduce my colleague for today it's derek who will be performing the first officer duties on today's flights we're currently as you see we're currently in the briefing room of our lot headquarters and we're just about to start the pre-flight preparation going over the required flight documentation which derek just received from the dispatch office so if you like to join us along first off what we do is we look at the operational flight plan we'll take the first leg and we'll go over the few details so first and foremost we'll look at the date is it correct the actual equipment i'll be flying on so the 7378 max and today we have the second of our max over five in our fleet sierra papa lima victor bravo we take a look at the call sign that we're going to be operating with so it's slot 2 hotel romeo the plan id it's the first so there's no changes to the dispatch as of now the cost index for today will be 22. the block times block off or schedule block off time will be 5 30. the arrival scheduled arrival time will be 8 25 flight time 2 hours 6 minutes and with a block time of 2 hours and 55 minutes we're expecting 78 passengers and the aircraft is actually in gate number five so if you want to look at the airdrome chart we'll open up our jepson flight deck application here on our efb and we'll be located on 8.3 gate number five so pretty much the routing for today pretty standard routing we can just verify that on the efb as well make sure that the routine cross-checks with the route that we'll insert into the fmc next we'll check the ground distance which will also verify on board once we complete the cdu pre-flight procedure that it makes make sense and it is correct the one component for today will be -23 so we're expecting a headwind and the max shear for today so the turbulence expected turbulence and route is around um five so around a medium intensity turbulence around point logan so a little bit closer to the final destinations of london let's look at the fuel for today um the expected ram fuel is 8 388 so we'll call it 8.4 we do have company fuel planned around 20 minutes which is our standard company fuel for the london's heathrow flights that gives us around 600 extra fuel so in case of a expected holding we can we can take that 20 minutes into account the estimated landing fuel for today will be 3.5 tons and the minimum diversion fuel in case we need to divert we have two alternates planned for today it's london gatwick echo golf kilo kilo and manchester echo golf charlie charlie so in case we need to divert arm and diversion fuel will be 2.8 so i'm satisfied with this for now there's no critical terrain obviously when there's a low terrain throughout the whole route and there's no meows on the aircraft so that's uh that looks pretty good uh we're planning to fly initially flyable 380 and then we'll cross the border with germany and step climb to flight level 400. looking at the turbulence forecasted it looks like we can expect some moderate even to severe turbulence and route so definitely looking at this picture i will verify that with a significant weather chart but it looks like flyable 400 should be a good idea for today's operation next we have the takeoff landing report which pretty much we can calculate our performance from we usually use our a cars to calculate the performance but in case we have no communication with their cars we can always revert to the paper pack exactly right so the performance we just checked that the um route is correct the date obviously the fifth of july the aircraft is lima victor bravo with the leap 1b 25 engines the most important here is the initial date that we will set up the fmc with uh sorry the a cars with so the fifth of july the window that is the tlr is valid it's 16 hours valid the outsider temperature range from 11 to the max temp and the q and h greater than or equal to 104 which is good translating the root on to a pictorial view we have the root chart which has the winds the forecasted winds on our flight level 380 so initial cruising altitude it has a certain information regarding the alternates and obviously the android alternates as well airports are available and route so it looks like we'll start initially with a crosswind and it will slowly slowly turn into a a significant headwind so we'll look at the big picture view of the weather the significant weather chart it's valid 6 utc from the 5th of july as you can see there is quite significant weather that we can expect so building a mental picture of what kind of conditions we'll encounter as you can see derek already highlighted the essentials there is first and foremost we do have a clear turbulence area labeled number one which we can identify here as moderate turbulence from flyable 260 all the way up to level 450. we will be also crossing a clear air turbulence area number two right here which is actually labeled as occasionally severe turbulence from 280 up to 380. other than that we do have some isolated embedded cbs forecasted from below flat 100 up to level 340 we should be well above that we'll take that into account good so the significant weather chart definitely corresponds to what we have seen on the jepsen flight deck application so more or less crossing the border with germany around berlin hanover and then crossing into holland's airspace overflowing amsterdam we can't expect some moderate to severe turbulence we'll definitely brief that to the cabin crew as well once we meet them good for the weather itself let's take a look at the um the aerodromes that are of interest for us so obviously starting up with warsaw right now it's uh winds are out of the west two weights here at two knots it's 5000 meters of visibility there's mist broken layer of clouds at 800 feet temperature only 17 degrees q h of 1 0 0 9. there's a tempo 3000 meters and missed so the visibility might decay within the next two hours for london itself not too bad weather it's a forecaster's westerly winds a two three zero at six knots um more than ten kilometers visibility light rain showers a few at 1800 feet scattered at 4 300 feet temperature only 14 degrees celsius but there's no sig so there's no significant weather in their actual air drum and only light rain only light rain so typical london london weather but definitely should be some nice views over flying the city as we're going to be approaching from the east landing towards the west the scheduled time arrival is 8 25 so we'll take the long tap for now it's still western south westerly winds 10 kilometers visibility broken at 2800 and looks like that will stay throughout the whole um period of our operation just becoming in the evening rain showers and lower broken layer of clouds nothing too significant now the same good night nothing of concern all right we'll check the tap for the first alternate gatwick also good weather southwesterly winds no restrictions of visibility scatterly of clouds so no threats here so quick look for the manchester tav there it is very very similar weather no significant weather um for the alternates last thing we look at in the briefing package are the notams derrick already reviewed them and there is nothing significant that would concern our departure androids or actual arrival so just a quick glance over verifying that there's no restrictions to the airport of interest no tax weight closures no runway closures nothing that would impact our operation then the heathrow the only significant element is the closure of taxiway alpha south between link 34 and link 30. so definitely um once enroute we'll we'll look at it standard operation cda for london and tma that is correct so the last no time that we have it's our company no tam it's the requirement to perform a continuous descent approach below 6000 feet good so that pretty much encompasses the briefing package so the last step for us is to decide on how much fuel we're taking as we said before we're planning with a company fuel of 20 minutes um so i feel pretty comfortable with taking flight on fuel if you agree derek i don't see any other threats that would require us to take extra fuel no no additional threats for the arrival awesome so let's let's call 8.4 as our final ramp fuel and uh as you can see we have the application here for ordering fuel derrick if you actually mind see here our flight number our date our call sign our flight also to london now additional information such as ctart tsat our gate that we're at stand our plan to enter maximum landing weight and currently what our plan zero fuel weight is and final fuel figures exactly right last information that is given is our tankering profit we obviously always take into consideration the economics of the operation and as you can see tank rate tankering fuel is not advised so we'll definitely take flight plan fuel so you can go ahead derek ordered in the application and the last thing we do is we sign accepting the operational flight plans as [Music] is cool so that is complete there you go sir so uh as we're using the electronic flight bag on a day-to-day basis um we're moving into the paperless cockpit era right now it's less paper so here the first tab that we open up in the flight plan application will verify the crew members that are planned for today you can see i'm labeled as the captain derrick as the first officer then we'll have all the cabin crew members here listed with their uh roles we'll complete this tab we'll move into the briefing tab so in this tab we'll look at the operational bulletins that are published by our company all the essential and significant information that the company wants us to know before before we obviously go ahead with the flight so verify that all of them are um that we are acquainted with all of them and that no new briefing tabs are available i'm satisfied with that we'll complete it and the next step will be obviously to complete the fuel figures on board so we just completed the pre-flight preparation as you uh saw the next thing is to brief the cabin crew and obviously after that we'll take the bus which will take us to the airport uh we'll go through the security and go through the gate to the aircraft so we'll see you on board in the flight deck in a few minutes all right guys well welcome to the flight deck of our wonderful boeing 737 max 8. um we just commenced boarding and just to keep you up to date uh once we entered the flight deck we did the preliminary pre-flight procedure followed by the cdu preflight procedure uh derek has the first officer in the pilot monitoring for this leg was uh doing the exterior inspection once uh he came back he did the cdo pre-flight check and now we're gonna perform the pre-flight procedure so we'll start up with the light test verify all lights are illuminated and no light bulbs are needed to be replaced [Music] and we use the general scan flow to verify that all lights are actually illuminated properly then on we proceed onto the efis control panel we'll set up a initially a flat protection altitude in case of an engine out as per company standard we initially set 1000 feet above agl so we'll bug 3 1 370 on the barrow flight path vector will be on q h is one zero one zero for now the v wires are both on one and two the weather radar is off and the e fist control panel is as needed as per the pilot flying we'll set the flight director to my side as i'm master pilot flying core 327 in case of a return for the ils is for now 100 heading will be runway heading initially we're planning to uh depart on a two-niner bank angle 25 altitude 6000 plus 100 this is our company um policy before we actually have our atc clearance we bug 100 extra from the expected sd clearance so to remind ourselves that we have atc clearance yet to come next we have the autopilot disengage bar up i move to my oxygen panel test it and it's on a 100 next we'll check the clock is in utc takeoff config cabin altitude config is extinguished i'll test the auto on autopilot light test stab at trim is extinguished i move on to the flight instrument check we verify two flags amber flags are illuminated no v speeds and t casts off the um airspeed indicator is showing 45 knots the altimeter is showing a field elevation plus minus 75 feet flight director is on and the rest of the afds panels modes are blank we next move to the pfd normal switch we move to the scan flow to the isfd we verify the approach mode is deselected and the q h is 1 0 zero i check my selectors in control speed break down detent and the lights are illuminated thrust reversers are closed threshers are idle flaps are up as they should be right now parking brake is set and the short levers are in cut off snap trim cutout switches aren't normal the vhf communications are set up as for now we have the delivery frequency on vhf1 and we have our company operations um control center frequency on vhf number two and active i'll set up as pilot flying the navigation setup both ioss in case we need a immediate return and i'll set up the acp auto control panel as required for flight last thing i do is put the seats in the proper position and get my seat belts on and adjust rudder pedals as needed so derrick preflight checklist brief checklist tested 100 tested 100 navigation transfer display switches normal auto window heat on pressurization mode selector auto flight instruments heading two three seven altimeter one zero one zero heading two three seven after meter one zero one zero parking brake set engine leaves cut off on board pre-flight checklist thanks so much is one zero one zero a firm elevation is 362 feet checked and we have left 350 350 and 350. perfect okay and uh request atc clearance romeo stand five information sierra roll flights requesters route low c7 golf climb initially six thousand feet altitude squawk three four four four [Applause] click to london heathrow via lol c7 golf departure prime initial six thousand and squawk three four four [Applause] ready out already i heard low c7 golf check six thousand feet squawk three four four four and that's checked okay so for the departure briefing uh initially we're on chart 10-9 bravo effective 22nd of april we're on stand five expecting a standard routing for the threats we'll treat uh home base complacency as a threat so we'll just mitigate that by verifying that the taxi clearance is as expected so expecting the departure to be full length runway two niner initial emergency briefing before 80 knots i will stop for an email function or master caution ability nuts and b4 v1 i'll reject the takeoff for a fire fire warning engine of failure predictive windshield warning or if the aircraft is unsafe or unable to fly if i decide to recheck i'll call stop simultaneously close the transceivers disengage the auto throttle verify operation of rto or apply max manual braking raise the speed brake lever apply max reverse once the aircraft is stopped i'll set the parking brake and advise over the pa correct stations correct stations your actions my actions will be to call out any emissions then it'll be thrust to the reverses to normal speed brake up or note the brakes on speed and i'll let atc know that we're stopping on the runway yes sir we'll assess the situation and perform any required memory items if i decide to evacuate we'll do the evacuation checklist from the qrh in case of engine problems after v1 up to 400 feet no actions except to cancel on your warnings or deposit raised landing gear 400 feet or above we'll set heading select state malfunction perform any required memory items the engine failure procedure is a straight ahead standard direct tracks 289 flat traction out is 1370 gross weight considerations uh we're expecting a below like max landing weight so no uh threats check and we can return for an ils journey three three longest runway with flaps 15 have that set up on the courses yes sir as well for the normal sid it's on a plate 10-3 kilo check issued uh 18th of june 2021 lol c7 golf and the initial client clearance is 6 000 feet no particular threats just as a reminder as soon as possible contact worse approach after departure and transition yes sir all righty for the terrain uh no threats highest msa is 2500 uh weather-wise it's generally good weather broken 800 so no threats and operationally we'll use auto throttle and lavena will be armed for departure we'll use a nadp ii and we'll do today non-standard flaps one for the supplementary procedures we'll use the isolated pack operation during engine start and all meows for the plus do you identify any other threats that we did not review or talk about uh with the flaps one just a reminder of the reduced title clearance yes sir very good yep exactly right awesome any questions anything to add no auditions all right briefing complete so load sheet edition one the uh aircraft is checked version is check crew is good total number of passengers 73. check souls on board 80. the zero fuel weight is 53.7 and that gives us a takeoff weight of 61.9 that is correct the crew cg 21.2 21.2 for the take off cg 26.2 26 a point good request performance so performance figures you ready go ahead in the remarks we have one wet runway cg alternate forward two and caution flaps one in use for the d rate take off two check assume temperature 37 checked flaps one check v speeds v1 135 vr140 v2144 the engine failure procedure and flap drag shell 2 is as briefed so no changes and we have a rejected takeoff distance remaining of 313 meters i see d-rate takeoff 2 assume temperature flaps one v speeds v1135 vr140v2144 and that is crystal next page and a dp2 good so we got the performance figures ready i'll do a quick pa to the passengers i think the last passengers are boarding good morning ladies and gentlemen your captain speaking my name is maximilian yamchitsky on behalf of law polish airlines and the entire crew i have the utmost pleasure to welcome you on board this boeing 737 aircraft and our flight 281 shortly departing to london's heathrow airport the flight time today will be two hours and five minutes we shall be cruising at forty thousand feet in a few minutes we'll be fully ready to start our journey thank you very much for your attention i wish you a pleasant stay on board all right grab flight deck out all those circles 100 pin connected top are connected we are ready okay fantastic the parking brake is set may we pressurize hydraulics sure okay and stand by for pushback standing by all right derek request push and start against the delivery stop romeo [Music] all right before start checklist fifo's not checklist [Music] locked fuel 8400 kilograms pumps on passenger sides on windows locked locked mcp v2 one four zero heading 29 altitude six thousand take off speed v1135 vr140v2144 see you preflight completed trip 5.8 units zero zero tax integer proof completed articulation on the first checklist yes the parking brake is released you are clear for pushback starting the pushback about engines are we speaking to you in few seconds roger standing by for engine startup [Music] and copy ground we are ready to start engines all right start sequence will be two then one start engine number two and then you can see the start valve is open the n2 is rotating and around 18 to 22 percent motoring will show up that's the brm bow rotor motoring it's only on the max and it will last around six to 90 seconds the engine is cold so we're expecting the bow rotor motoring to last a few seconds i'm waiting for light off within 15 seconds there's fuel flow and within 15 seconds the egt will rise thank you [Music] engine stabilized now we see two five seven uh fuel for around 300 good engine startup so isolated pack operation dirty engines start supplementing procedures isolation valve close right back auto check perfect and start engine number one starting engine ground can disconnect disconnect number one is here thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] engine stabilized graphite duck yes sir yes sir we got two good engine starts you may disconnect revert to hand signals left hand side you have a good uh morning sure one person will be on the left side with a pin thank you very much have a nice life [Music] see the ground crew flaps one i take a before taxi checklist generators on repeat on nts off isolation of auto and then start switching continuous recall checked order break rto engine's not leave this highlighted round equipment clear before taxi checklist thanks request taxi as a groundbreaking request uniform zulu alpha echo holding pointer uniform clear on the left [Music] so [Music] [Music] clear the left [Music] and clear on the right thanks [Music] my dc cabinet is ready for the budget roger no changes your atc my dc so take off review take a point of view we have auto trotto elena climbing initial six thousand runway two nine full length flaps one required selected and indicated checked what the radar my side and terrain display your side and before takeoff checklist for takeoff checklist slack controls checked flaps one green light before tax for takeoff clear on the left [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i uh eight zero five [Music] clear on the left all right direct ready for a rolling takeoff ready for rolling so ready ready take off [Music] throttle hold okay v1 rotate those that are very europe hell nav if you have speed arm and one [Music] all right open speed window set flaps up speed flaps up speed checked lots of up highlights set directed deep low execute and after takeoff checklist all right step level 100 100 set vertical speed rate 1500 mcp speed vehicle speed and set speed 250. thanks autopilot a command check transition altimeter is standard standard set passing flight level six seven now checked there's a traffic check looks like a reiner 737 vinegar all right flight level 100 i'll keep the passenger signs on messages uh stay seated so plus 10 engineer is on zero that's much better so engine and tire is off nothing better than cloud surfing in the morning though right heading one two zero to the last traffic heading uh one two zero four six zero all right derek you ready for the cruise briefing go ahead i'm ready all right so we're flying level 380 we're direct hotelie mizulu still in the worst fire space but uh we'll show the transition to the um orion fire for the engine out in case of an engine out the max altitude is 248 so we'll take flyable 240 as we're heading west speed will be 221 for the um in case of an emergency descent uh the grid mora is below level 100 so we'll take level 100 as our safety altitude for the fire communications we are cbdlc established in warsaw and we will be transitioning over to fir automatically so we'll keep um the cplc communications for the android alternate in case we need to divert i selected berlin brandenburg the weather is nice cab okay no significant threats there is an ils approach to runway two five right since two five left is closed and we actually pre-selected that on the course selectors and the nav setup is we have the viewer inactive and the ios and standby in case we need it checked and we have at the moment 82 miles straight ahead perfect exactly right awesome so any questions for the cruise briefing to add nothing to that sounds good all right guys so as you can see we are established in the cruise initial flightable 380 will probably step climb to level 400 by the time we get to a hotel missoula waypoint over in the german airspace we just completed our cruise briefing so we're all both satisfied of what our actions will be in case of an engine failure or a rapid depressurization event and uh since we have some time we can actually talk about uh the cpdlc feature that we have on board of the max so cpdlc will soon become mandatory in the european airspace so in our um aircraft the cpdlc is built into the cdu so we uh line select key cpdlc on the application menu and you can see there's a lot of prompts so the first thing we do is log on status we already logged on before because in warsaw we can log on above level 285 as you can see here we have the flight id lots to hold romeo which is our call sign we are logged on to the warsaw fire echo papa whiskey whiskey origin station which is our origin eardrum echo papa whiskey alpha warsaw destination echo golf lemon london heathrow we are status logged on so we are cplc established and if we want to retrieve the messages that we already got from the atc we can go to atc log and see all the messages that were sent to us before so the first one was the current atc unit warsaw we got a climb clearance to uh climb to flyable 380 which way if we actually line select we can see that it was accepted by us by uh the um uh call wilco and we uh we climbed to playable 380. the last message that we got was contact warsaw center on one three four two to five that's actually our current atc unit perfect prompts there's an atc message so if we actually select that we'll read it out loud contact ryan rader said contact ryan center 133 will accept that we'll call derek if you agree one three three six seven percent and uh derek has the pilot monitoring we'll contact ryan raider right now romeo 380 cp dlc search two hotel rooms identified proceed to up net direct app.net lots to help romeo all right we have another atc message and we have current atc unit ryan radar center and uh since the derrick is doing both by the flying pile monitoring i'll do the uh direct routing so um derek direct to uh update confirm execute and since we're tracking an ldav the aircraft will automatically adjust course and proceed to the waypoint that we just got the clearance too so cpdlc is becoming more and more common in certain flight decks more and more airlines obviously are implementing it since it is going to become mandatory we can request certain aspects from the cpdlc such as weather deviations we can request a step climb we can request a speed um or heading from these prompts on these line select keys so it's a very nice feature it reduces the amount of voice communications to a bare minimum so as you noticed derek when he communicated with the next firr which was ryan radar he pretty much stated the flight altitude and stated cpdl scene which obviously confirms with atc that we are cbl established and they are able to communicate with us via icp dlc instead of voice so very nice feature we both have it on the max and the ng so pretty much our airline is ready for the mandatory implementation process so guys welcome back uh to the cockpit of our beautiful max aircraft here like we talked about we're cruising here at flight level three eight zero and uh we just crossed over the border of poland and germany shortly in about 30 kilometers we'll fly directly over berlin and it gives us some time to talk about our flight route today to london heater so right now like i mentioned we're just approaching overhead berlin brandon airport which we can see on our route here and currently atc has cleared us to fly directly to appnet so from berlin we'll fly over the whole of the central part of germany to point abnet which we find on just off the west coast of holland so our routine will take us straight over the top of rotterdam and from abnet we are planning to fly to logan and expecting the logan one hotel arrival for london heathrow runway two seven right we have at this moment you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 540,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, 737MAX, 737 MAX-8, Boeing 737MAX, Cockpit 737MAX, LOT 737MAX, Warsaw, Warsaw Airport, WAW, WAW Airport, Cockpit Warsaw, Trip Report 737MAX, Just Planes, JustPLanes
Id: yLDzUrr33aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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