Airbus A320 Tutorial | Dual FMGC Fault | Radio Panel

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ever wondered what would  happen if we lost both fmgcs now would probably be a good time to find  out let's get on to the tutorial right away [Music] hello everyone ladies and gentlemen boys and  girls and welcome on board the uh Airbus A320   here at waypoints Aviation Marina flight simulator  and as you saw in the um as you saw in the intro   um it was a question that was posted by one of our  subscribers and thank you for the suggestion we   really really appreciate it and it's a good  one because in the air in the Airbus A320   all the computers are governed by  a flight management guidance system   we have two of them fmgs fmg C1 fmgc2 okay  flight management guidance system that's   what the fmgc stands for now the way it works  is you have the mcdus all right all the fmcs   whatever you want to call them we call them the  mcdus got two of them on the Airbus all right   now all the data that we input into these guys  goes into the flat management guidance computers   and then the flat management guidance computers  takes all of this information and basically uses   it to run the aircraft by the way the qnh  today I'm over Dubai by the way and the   qnx is 9998 set I understand by and I'll set  it on the first officer side as well that's   got a quick change of altitude so I'm just gonna  put myself back again to uh 5000 feet all right   so so that's what's gonna happen today all  right I'm gonna fail the fmg sees all right now   because the Airbus has got a redundancy system  if one system fails you can still safely land the   aircraft and operate pretty much as normal with  the other system in place but for the sake of this   exercise I want to fail them both because I I I  don't like myself today for some reason I have no   idea all right so what I'm going to do now is I'm  just gonna go ahead to a heading of uh 210 degrees   and as you can see I'm at 5000 feet and I'm  turning left the autopilot is on the auto trust   is on you can see it right there alt Cruise speed  mode on the Auto Trust auto part one is active   fd1fd2 Auto truss they're all enabled everything  is well in my world and I'm flying right over the   Dara Islands in Dubai so uh and in the distance  I wonder if you guys can see that that's downtown   Dubai right there the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall  and in the distance I've got the world islands and   the Palm islands and any other Island they decide  to build you know so it's Dubai anywho I've set   up I've rigged up the failure to to uh basically  fail when my speed increases all right so what's   gonna happen now is I'm going to go ahead and  increase my speed to 245 indicated that's gonna   probably trigger the first failure so here we  go we're going aircraft is accelerating and   oh Deary me Master caution and auto auto flight  autopilot off all right so I've got manual control   of the aircraft the flight directors are still  are still active the auto trust is still active   and basically I'm just gonna clear that message  I have control and uh when I I would ask my my   pilot monitoring and by the way I've got I  don't have much information here barely have   any information here all right however the um  the status page now tells me that I'm capturing   single capability only for now and the inoperative  systems are autopilot one and a cat tree Duo all   right so that's all I've lost for now not a big  deal because I still have so fmgc one has failed   alright which is basically basically taken my  my computer out but then fmgc2 has kicked in   so I can still run the aircraft I can still manage  to do things um on the basis of fmgc2 all right   so that's looking good so if I try to use  autopilot 2 now there we go autopilot 2 is working   I've got ap2 flying the aircraft and I'm very much  in control of this aircraft right now through the   autopilot okay I'm gonna clear the status message  all right status status well however you want to   pronounce it now things are looking good things  are looking fine I can go I can if I go to my   flat plan page and I go to Dubai and I choose the  runway and I put the ILS for Runway 12 right no   stars insert then I come over to my nav page and I  zoom out a little bit I'm not gonna see it on mine   but what I can do is I can refer off the first  officer's side so you can see it's right there   okay so whatever he's doing so now I'm taking data  off his site so if I do something here I'm not   gonna see much all right but what I'm gonna do is  I'm gonna match to his so now when he goes to 20   miles out all right and I come to that much there  I should be able to see the data right there okay   so you see I zoomed out and now I've got the data  from him so we're primarily running off FM gc2 and   in the Airbus we use the mcdu to program in very  important information like on the radnav page   that's where we program in the ILS frequencies  so that we can get the uh if we can get the ILS   frequencies the vors can be programmed in there  and yeah so as long as I have the fmgc 102 I can   still do that I'm still capable of doing that all  right hope you guys are with me so far I'm just   gonna go outbound over the sea I'm just going to  give us a head enough 300 for right now okay so   that's fmgc1 when one fmgc fails boom you're still  okay in the Airbus you're still perfectly fine if   you come back to the status page we only have lost  Auto path one and two and Cat 3 duel that's it   sweet everything's uh everything's still  looking good all right so now let's go   ahead and fail the other one I triggered it  to fail at a little bit of a faster speed   so now I'm using FM fmgc2 increasing my speed  to 250 knots indicated using autopilot too and would it fail let me go two five one oh maybe go two five two oh hearing me  all right I'm gonna push on the side stick   the red bar or the autopilot disconnect all  right now as you can see I've got I've lost   a lot okay let's recap the first thing we're gonna  do is flight directors off and the bird on I'm   gonna set my track obviously I would ask my first  officer to set all of this for me so I'm going to   set it to 300 5000 and now I'm gonna hand fly the  aircraft I'm gonna make sure we're maintaining   five thousand and we're gonna request for the uh  we're gonna request to maintain this for now and   I want to just come over so here you go there's  my track of 300 I'm just gonna Bank the aircraft   nice and gently maintaining my altitude okay  Master caution that's because we want the trust   levers you can see trust lock so I'm gonna go  disconnect and I'm gonna bring the trust levers   out match the trust lever position and basically  I just wanna manually work the truss now because   I've lost Auto Trust I've lost autopilot and I've  lost basically all the automation on the aircraft   right now all right so we're stable now we're at  uh we're at a track of 300 in fact we're going   to request uh let's let's request a track of zero  three zero that's gonna take us back towards the   airport so I'm just gonna Bank gently bring the  nose down ever so slightly just to bring me back   onto that 2000 uh that 5000 feet Target that  I have gonna reduce thrust to about 60 percent   and we're just it's still good look my hands are  there and my hands are off the controls but the   Auto Trim is still working so the aircraft is  still super easy to fly all right so it's all   looking good it's all it's all well all right  but as you can see map not available zoom out   and everything and if you look uh actually stand  by let me just stabilize this at our altered out   back to about 20 degrees to the right gonna bring  the nose up just a bit just to hold altitude here   I'm gonna just hold a rough altitude at about 5  000 and something feet right there that's looking   good all right our speed is stable nice and gently  coming down to the 250 mark that I want so very   good there as well I can give a little bit of  trust just to remove that Trend make sure the   speed stays there Perfect all good so aircraft  is stable remember the golden rules of Aviation   all right of being a pilot the rules are aviate  navigate communicate those are the three things   you want to remember when something happens in  your aircraft the first thing you do is aviate   which means whatever happens fly the plane make  sure your altitude is stable make sure your speed   is stable make sure the aircraft is not in any  weird position climbing descending you know all   that kind of stuff stabilize the aircraft fly the  aircraft Euro pilot that's what you're there for   all right do that first after that navigate find  out where you are and where you need to go right   now I've got a wonderful Haze over the city of  Dubai so not very good for visual navigation but I   do know I'm in the vicinity and of course I still  have my radios I can radio it in and I can ask   for a position report from ATC and they're gonna  help me out obviously and um and that would also   fall into the communicate part all right now with  the aircraft stable I'm I'm heading do not well   I'm heading about just Northeast almost slightly  Northeast to zero three zero degrees now is when   we get to figure out what has happened to this  aircraft my St my speed stable altitude stable   the trust levers are where they should be in the  manual and the engines are stable I can actually   reduce power just a little bit more just to  just to keep my speed where I want it to be   everything's good now we're gonna work out  what the problem is all right so autopilot   is off all right Auto flight autopilot off we can  disregard that navigation GPS terrain data fault   okay terrain detection fault GPS terrain off okay  gpw Storage off so I come up here as you can see   we do have a fault on the gpw's touring thingy so  I'm just gonna go ahead and push that button so we   don't have terrain data anymore all right gonna  clear that that's because I busted above 200 so   I'm just gonna do that of course uh first officer  we'll be doing this for me uh or a co-pilot rather   pilot monitoring will be doing all of this for  me but I am kind of short of a loan today as you   you buy the MTC next to me so yeah I'm just gonna  I'm just gonna keep it stable over there as best   I can alright now the next thing is the auto trust  is off it's off and it's not it's not working it's   not gonna come back on I cannot enable them all  right I've lost it gonna clear that next thing is   the cabin pressurization Landing elevation fault  land in elevation adjust so what that wants to do   is it wants me to come over to the pressurization  page pressurization page and it wants me to adjust   the landing elevation is usually set automatically  by the flight management guidance computer but now   that it's not there I need to adjust this I'm  going to be landing in Dubai all right Dubai is   about 60 something feet above sea level all right  so what I want to do is I come here over to the   pressurization Landing elevation knob and I'm just  going to turn that ever so slightly to the right   and I'm gonna adjust it so as I turn this knob  you're gonna see The Landing elevations changing   all right from its negatives and I'm gonna make it  uh I'm trying to get it to 100 it's very sensitive   so there we go 50. that's good enough all right 50  feet manual Landing elevation that's going to be   okay I'm going to clear that message now cabin  pressurization line elevation fault clear I've   taken care of that now we come back to the status  page where it now it's telling me a different   story now it says the autopilot one and blue is  one and blue one and two so sorry one and two is   inoperative Auto Trust is an operative Cat 2 is  inoperative and the gpws terrain is inoperative   all right so that's what I've lost okay now along  with that I have lost the ability I'm going to   remove the status page all right I don't want that  to keep reminding me about what I have lost I know   thank you all right with that we've also lost the  mcdus now generally what I would do is I'd like   come in for an ILS into Dubai all right wherever  you can pick an ILS pick an ILS right but look   at this my mcdu she don't want to work it's  it's done it's frozen it's gone all right I   can probably go into it into my uh ATC com  and get my a cars probably but that's about   it I can't program the nav radio it's it's got  It's it's kaput as we say so um what I'm gonna   do now is I'm just gonna request a hold so I'm  just gonna Circle to uh two one zero degrees   so let me set the track of two one zero which  I have done right now maintaining five thousand   just gonna back the airplane a little bit and uh  keep it there okay I'm Gonna Keep it right there   and we're gonna go to a track of two one zero  so I've got two one zero in here nothing over   here but I could probably go into a rose mode  or ILS mode or something like that so what am   I going to do now I need to do an iOS approach  because the visibility is not really good it's   gonna I need something to guide me in I could  get the air traffic control to give me vectors   and stuff but I'd like to have a little bit of um  Precision on my side as well you know so what I   can do is remember when you lose these all right  the tuning of the nav radios it's still not game   over because we have physical radios over here  all right now the radio stack the way it works is   you've got you've got your VHF frequencies here  three channels for your VHF all right so right   now I'm using vhf1 and that's the frequency  I'm talking to if I want to talk on another   frequency I can always go to vhf2 tune a different  frequency transfer it over and the same for vhf3   and we also have uh HF and am all right so now  that's basically how the vhf3 is usually slated   to our data for a cars so that's how you use  the radio over there now down over here I've got   let me just just check in my uh my trajectory  speed is okay altitude's okay very very good very   good all right now when you come over to this part  here this is where you're going to select what   channel you want to be listening to and talking to  so these buttons over here this is what lets you   choose like if I want to transmit to vhf1 I choose  this if I want to transmit to vhf2 I transmit   this so now when I push when I push the PTT button  over here on the on I don't know if you can see it   diet I'm trying to talk to the to the subscribers  please all right right over there there's a little   push button there that's a that's the push to talk  button all right and and basically now that I've   chosen vhf2 whenever I transmit you can also do  this hold down on the PTT here now I'm transmitted   to vhf2 if I choose this I'm transmitted to vhf1  this is a is the the audio now you can listen to   multiple as many as you want so I want to listen  to vhf1 and basically I'm and this is the volume   knob that that will that will select how much  volume I want from this Channel all right now   I could be talking I could be talking on vhf1  and I could also be listening to two channels   simultaneously like this one maybe vhf2 I'll tune  in the 80s and while while I've got vhf1 running   I'm going to be using vhf2 to listen to the atis  information as well and when I'm done I can mute   it by pushing that button there so that's how  that works all right now my problem here is not   really talk talking to anybody my problem here  is finding out where I am and where I need to go   so we also have a nav strip over here all right  so that's gonna help me out in trying to program   in my ILS I'm just trying to get my aircraft  stabilized at 5000 feet stand by guys all right   there we go we've got the bird on the horizon  we're gonna maintain that for now and I want a   two one zero I turned a little bit too much  so I'm just gonna raise the nose again keep   the aircraft stable and as you can see I'm just  working the side stick just literally not even   that once you set the power just leave it there  it's it's good to go you know just big changes   you'll probably need to touch it again but other  than that if you set the energy right leave it   there all right so two one zero I'm Gonna Keep  My there's my little knob there for three one   two one zero the little hat so I'm going to  be using that to reference to one zero also   over here okay now let's get ourselves a map  let's see where we're going so we want to go   over to Dubai Oscar Mike Delta Bravo we put  that there I'll go to my approaches and I'm   going to be doing an ILS for Runway one two  right okay that's what I want to do so yeah   yes yes I know I know I'm 200 above I know I'll  adjust it don't you worry relax all right cool   so now want to write the frequency for Runway one  to write is one zero nine decimal five I hope you   guys can see it clearly all right 109 does more  five and that's the frequency I want to tune in   alright so I cannot do it here however on this  trip here if I push the nav button okay now I get   to tune the ILS I push the nav which means now I'm  turning on the nav the nav part of the radio and   I want to adjust my trajectory a little bit here  now I want to push the ILS and as you can see here   the frequencies are there because I had programmed  it I programmed them in before okay now let's just   say for for education's sake they're not  programmed in okay oh by the way we got   two one zero degrees coming in so let me just  stabilize the aircraft over there two one zero all right here's two one zero leveling the wings  maintaining altitude and level right over there   perfect okay I am at two one zero and I'm at 5  000 feet all good all right good job good job   all right guys now let's tune in that ILS  frequency all right let's keep it stable over   here and tune the wireless so the IRS frequency is  so I want to tune it here so first thing I'm going   to do is I'm gonna bring the frequency in I wanna  tune 109 using so on this section I'll tune with   the big knob this section after the decimal point  with the smaller knob on top 109 and it's decimal   five zero okay that's the frequency transfer  it so I've got my frequency in now the next   thing it wants is my course the Final Approach  course is one one nine degrees so now we come   over here and we make it one one nine all right  beautiful now if I burn off my Landing screen   there we go there's my ILS right over there I can  go into the ILS Rose mode and there's my ILS ride   over there as well so that's looking absolutely  brilliant all right so now what we can do is   we basically have the frequency and we've got the  frequency we've got the course you can do the same   thing for a VOR if I want to tune a VOR I'll push  the VOR button and I'll put the VOR course and   then I'll transfer it and then I'll put the VOR  frequency and transfer it and basically that's how   you program the VOR but today we want to do an ILS  and this is probably going to require me to do a   raw data ILS all right so what we're going to do  now is we're going to try and head back towards   the airport so let's just say Dubai Dubai told  me that the airport is at a heading of zero three   zero to the left and they wanted me to descend  and maintain two thousand all right now to keep   me to maintain control of the aircraft I'm going  to reduce my speed to two to zero I'm gonna make a   left hand turn I'm just going to bank the aircraft  right away so it starts going two zero three zero and I'm gonna descend and maintain two thousand  all right now I can't do anything else here I can   only use this as a reference so I've said 2000  I've said zero three zero and I've set two to   zero so I'm just gonna bring the nose down right  onto the Horizon that will give me a nice gentle   descent and since I'm descending I'm gonna bring  the cross levers to idle and let the aircraft   do its thing all right flyby wire is still  working in my favor so I'm I'm still doing good   now there's the coastline I can see what's  the what looks like the Palm jabalali which   is nice and there you go I've got my frequency  in there there you go I am 23 miles away from   my ILS all right it's telling me now that  I'm in range of the ILS and I'm 23 miles away   all right so that's looking good so far so I'm  just gonna stay here and I'm just gonna let the   aircraft do its descent I'm gonna I'm gonna Bank  a little bit more just to get to my zero three   zero in fact I think I can go to a zero five zero  second so let's make it zero five zero okay that's   going to give me a nice trajectory towards the ILS  you can see I've even got the center point of the   ILS the localizer needle is in there as well so  once this comes alive I'll set the runway track   and I'll do a raw data interception pray for me  all right now here's where things get manual and   here's where you need it you need a cool pilot  all right I'm gonna level it out here at zero   five zero placing the bird the tail of the bird  on the track and we're gonna continue our descent   so where we've we've worked out the the direction  we want to fly now we're working out our descent   all right so now to keep things simple I'm not  going to go into Super Advanced performance   calculations what's going to be our landing speed  blah blah blah all that kind of stuff no I don't   need that okay we're going to use auto brake slow  for for this Landing just to help us out a little   bit I can even put ILS over here and what we're  going to do is we are going to use the speed   tape the information on our speed tape to give us  all the information we're going to need for this   I know I'm heading for zero five zero I know  I'm descending down to two thousand okay that   buzzer is going to tell me that I'm less than  a thousand feet away from my target altitude   and everything is all hunky-dory so far  making small Corrections just to stay on   my track all right my track of uh zero five  zero I am now 17 miles away from the ILS now here comes 2000 feet as we get close we're  gonna bring the nose up gently about two and a   half degrees to reduce the rate of descent here's  the ILS the ILS the localized is alive already so   what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna do a raw  data ILS intercept I'm gonna set 1190 degrees   and what I want to do is I  want to bank the aircraft over and get that needle in I've flown out a little bit  beyond it but that's okay as we do with all raw   data I'm just going to add some power now maintain  our trust manual Trust just to maintain speed and   I'm gonna level off you see the needle is to the  right the localizes to the right so I'm gonna stay   to the right of my track of the runway track  until this comes back in all right that's the   that's the plan all right I'm leveling off here  I'm gonna do my best to stay at 2 000 feet and   once the localized see that the needle is now  alive it's coming back in which means I'm now   off the track I'm pulling this needle back in I'm  gonna go flaps one and I'm gonna reduce my speed   to about 160. all right there we go and I'll bring  the trust levers back there you go localizes alive   I'm now gonna gently back the aircraft try and  move along at the same speed as a localizer   removing the status page and just basically line  all these guys up that's all I have to do for now   for now all right my speed's good for flaps too  so I'm gonna go flaps two all right flaps two   selected the flaps are moving there we go now as  you can see the localizer is still very slightly   to the right of the center point so I'm gonna  keep the bird very very slightly to the right   off the track that's gonna help me stay and I  level off here okay level the wings here don't   keep going level off just slightly it pulled  it pulled the localizer back in now as soon as   it localizes back in the center put the bird on  the track as well this is gonna help me guarantee   that the bird that the localizer stays there the  aircraft stays on the localizer that's the whole   purpose of the of the bird and the the track  and the localizer you see that I've got I've   got a nice Trifecta there I've got the localized  in the middle I've got the tail on the on the   track and I've got the hat right over there on  the track as well so everything's looking really   good I'm gonna give myself a little bit more  power just to maintain speed I did fall back   on my speed a bit just increase the thrust gently  see the speed Trend coming up very nice so now as   far as my instrument I can't see anything out  there all right but as far as my instruments sorry about that guys my GoPro suddenly  decided to overheat and shut down   all right so as I was saying I'm just increasing  my speed uh reducing my speed now just to stay   stable it tells me that I'm one bar above the  Glide slope so I can go landing gear down speed   is good flaps three on the spoilers get the lights  on tell the crew to be seated all right so now I'm   gonna be on the Glide slope so I'm gonna descend  now I've got my localizer fixed all I need to do   is fix the Glide slope all right establish  myself on the Glide slope which it tells me   is about seven to eight hundred feet a minute now  I'm leaving that altitude and I'm heading towards   the runway my localizer is good my Glide slope is  good so everything should look okay in terms very   very soon we should be able to see a runway in  front of us all right now I'm gonna set now you   see I've got this barber pole over here so what  I'm gonna do for safety I'm gonna make my speed   just slightly above that I'm gonna set my speed  to about 145 all right which is just above this   point over here the uh the the low speed range  okay so that's gonna keep me safe and I just   have to adjust the truss levers and the power to  keep the aircraft there I can now go for flaps   full and I can complete the landing checklist  which is landing no blue on the on the ecam memo   and now it's just basically making small  Corrections on the power small Corrections on the   side stick we're losing out to localize it just  a bit so we're gonna make a tiny adjustment there   just to correct it and bring that localizer back  in all right I can I've got some ground contact   I can see some buildings but I can't see the  runway yet so just small tiny Corrections on   the side stick just to keep us where we need  to be 1000 there's 1000 that's checked power   is good speed is stable altitude is stable dude  we're on the localizer we're on the Glide slope   gonna increase power just a little bit as the  aircraft is starting to lose energy a bit there   we go nice and stable just going back and forth  on the thrust levers just to hold it steady I'm   going I'm falling a little bit down on the Glide  slope so I'm gonna go ahead raise the nose just a   little bit reduce our rate of descent okay here we  go now I can see the airport but I still don't see   the runway yet I should be able to see the runway  pretty pretty soon just gonna continue following   and yes I see the runway right over there  there's a slight crosswind right now the winds   are shifting in Dubai airport around this time of  the day so I'm just gonna work the airplane so now   I'm going I have the runway in sight I'm gonna  go Visual and just land the aircraft as I would   there we go making small Corrections just to keep  her stick and that's a beautiful sight looking at   that Runway coming into view speed is good we're  just gonna flare just a little bit holding five   degrees on the nose [ __ ] I'm gonna kill the  power and we're on the runway a little bit of   right brother just to point us back towards the  center and I'm gonna go ahead and engage reverses   I've got spoilers reverses the green  and D cell the aircraft is slowing   down we're on the runway continuing to use  my Runners just to keep us in the center   fighting off that crosswind and  at about 70 knots which is now   bring the reverses out of uh reverse trust  levers out of reverse and we can now bring   the aircraft to a stop basically just going to  use that tiller now slow it down a bit and with   the aid of the Rudders and the tiller I can take  this exit and I'll just hold short of the taxiway and that my friends is how we get back on to  terraforma safely when you have an emergency all   right all right let me just bring the aircraft to  a hold over here there we go gonna set the parking   brakes all right excellent after landing checklist  I'm gonna put the weather radar off kick ass off   and it's on the spoilers go flaps up the landing  lights can go off taxi and I'll start the APU   all right Apu start please thank you all  right guys so that is how you handle a dual   fmgc failure all right as long as one is still  working everything's going to be pretty much   normal all right you can still program everything  in you'll still have an autopilot that you can use   you'll still have the auto trust but in a worst  case scenario when everything fails remember   aviate navigate communicate keep the aircraft  I've got a fire engine coming up towards me   oh oh it's not that critical guys anyways  whatever happens the autopilot cuts out on   you first thing you do put your hand on the  controls look at your instruments keep the   aircraft stable maintain altitude maintain  speed the auto truss goes off on you just   immediately it'll be in climb right in in  the climb detent run it out of climb detent   and just give it a push to make sure you're  you're in manual you will be in manual but   just as a habit I push it and then just adjust  the trust levers to maintain the speed you   want all right just as you would in any aircraft  then start start talking to air traffic control   figure out where you are figure out a game plan on  where you need to go and then use the navigation   radio the manual navigation radio to tune in  the frequencies and then use your instruments   in this case we didn't have the arc we didn't  have this all right we didn't have the arc we   didn't have nav but we did have the VOR so we  could have tracked the VOR and we did have the   ILS so we could intercept an iOS and I still have  the low class and glide slope information right   there in front of me along with my DME my distance  measuring equipment so that was what I used to get   me back here and now I'm back in Dubai airport I  can go to a corner and cry or I could probably go   home and have lunch so guys that's how you handle  a dual FM GC failure alright thank you so much for   watching for those of you who are not subscribed  consider subscribing if you liked the video the   Thumbs Up Button works very very well I checked  it just this morning and and uh you can even click   the notification Bell don't kick it click it and  so you'll be notified when I upload the next video   um we're trying to do every we're trying to do a  video every Saturday and every Wednesday is the   um is the new schedule I'm trying to keep up with  but yeah guys thank you so much for subscribing   thank you for watching thank you for being a part  of this adventure guys I'll see you in the next   video and we're also continuing on our uh around  the world flying and Airbus around the world tour   um from Cairo we finished the Middle East  all the countries in the Middle East can   you imagine that we did every country in the  Middle East we're going to Nepal next so guys   stay tuned for that that's coming up and in the  meantime thank you again for watching thank you   for liking and subscribing God bless every  single one of you have a lovely day bye bye
Channel: Waypoints Aviation
Views: 23,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A320, tutorial, demystified, aviation, flight, pilot, training, aircraft, aviationgeek, education, flying, instrumentation, cockpit, controls, airlines, aviationindustry, Aviation skills and techniques, Aviation tutorial, pilot training, airbus, dubai, real pilot, aviation tutorial, learn to fly, cockpit view, fly by wire, airbus engineering, fmgc, emergency, fmgc fault
Id: yCmYhuhwTV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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