Rob Leatham's Standard Controllability Test

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hey everybody welcome to active self protection extra today we're at c2 tactical in scottsdale and i am shooting one of the spiciest shooting tests that i have seen in a long time it's rob latham's standard controllability test many thanks to magtec ammunition for sponsoring today's video it's the only ammunition that goes through my pistols or rifles and is the best stuff on the range now if you've been in defensive or competitive shooting for any length of time you know who rob latham is they call him the great one i follow him on facebook he lives here in the greater phoenix area and um he has a test using a standard idpa target here we're looking at a standard idpa that i think is super spicy and it is what he calls a standard controllability test so it is from the holster now if you are looking at competition and you're carrying oh you know using an open carry competition rig totally cool but for me concealed carry i'm going to run at the exact same concealed carry and it is at 25 yards five shots five seconds so it is pretty spicy you gotta get the gun out very fast you gotta refine your sight picture and you gotta go now if you are able to keep all five shots anywhere here in the silhouette anywhere in the delta so again anything perforating the line counts he calls that marginal control that you have marginal control of grip sights and trigger if you can keep everything in the charlie here this is you know looking at a bravo here too but charlie then you have what he calls acceptable control then you are doing just fine and and let me tell you that's a high standard to make if you could keep everything in the alpha he has what you call excellent control now i'm going to tell you if rob latham says you have excellent control over your handgun you have excellent control over your handgun if you could keep everything in the bravo head box this 6x6 box he says you have exceptional control and then if you can keep it all in the a zone you have total control now the last time i watched rob run this on his facebook he was using rather than this head box he was using the idpa four inch circle and it took him about 25 tries or 21 tries i think to get him all in the four inch circle using an iron sighted gun and that's ridiculous that's rob latham right i'm using a red dot here i'm running a hollison 507 circle only so let's run a couple iterations of it and see what john can do today i think just so you know i think this this really does show how fast can i get the gun out refine my sight picture enough to get the kind of hit i want and here on an idpa target i have a little bit of variation that's okay in my north south in my up and down but very little variation at 25 yards that i can put up with east and west so i really have to grip the gun well and get it to settle back down because by the time i get a shot off at about 25 yards here in this a zone i'm probably looking around 1.8 two seconds something like that if i'm really moving and if at two seconds i got my first one now i've got three seconds for four more shots so i gotta run about point six seven splits which is not messing around this target is a long way away this shot ain't no joke fam uh let me uh let me i'm just gonna take a couple draws here just to get a feel for it good me okay don't grip sideways with it john front to back okay let's see how we do no ain't no time like the present right all right i'm gonna i'm going for the the main zone here let's see if i can get five alphas process focus john drive the gun stab crash drive press press press press nope i charlie that a bunch of them so a 4.27 but let's go look at the hits because they're not there yeah yeah yeah so they b i get a i get a lucky bravo here um so this one here is acceptable i got an acceptable on this one so let's go one two three four five just a little loose on that set let's run another one and see if i can get it all in the alphas now i had a little more time too so i could have taken a little bit more time on those other shots i felt okay about them but i i really feel like maybe my support hand grip wasn't what it needed to be thing here is you got to keep your sights settled while your gun is doing its thing i also want to see where was my first shot 1.62 was my first shot that's pretty darn good at this kind of distance if i got an alpha but i don't know that i did let's try it again it's close i think i got a charlie there too 4-1-1 on the clock on that one let's go take a look yep charlie one and bravo'd one so i got better on that one for sure so these ones here you can see one two three four five so this is still same score but a little better one more try one more try i can do it one more try today if i get an excellent then i'm gonna go for an exceptional now again first shot on that one was a one six four so i'm feeling really good about my first shot that i'm really getting it off fairly quickly at 25 but let's see if we can actually get it to go here okay close close let's go take a look 406 my first shot was a 175. nope pushed one high gosh darn it uh one two three four and a five high gosh darn it john and this is a tough test again that felt good we'll see where they came off four four six so i did take just a bit more time there one seven nine first shot ah i pushed one just the skosh left all right well that's enough for me today so john is acceptable today that's all john has today um man i'm super close on this but i you know i'm i'm having one challenge i got five rounds left in the magazine i can't leave them to just you know sit there and be lonely right 467 with a 186 first shot did take just enough time there we'll see if it's enough hey look at that i actually got one you know again hit all those in there that time so let's see no that's all good yay i finally shot one on my fourth try at the excellent level i'm going to tell you guys this test is spicy once you can do that excellent on a regular basis now you got to move to exceptional once you can get that now you're moving to total i am not there yet man you got to get the gun out quick and control recoil on the gun quick you know i i will tell you i got lucky a couple weekends ago we were teaching in iowa and i ran an excellent on my first iteration of this you are here with me on camera it took me a bunch of tries to get it into the excellent level it's a hard test man but it only takes five rounds to do and so if you are up to that you're moving from kind of that intermediate level shooter to an advanced level shooter i really think this is a great test to try you said if you got excellent you do so john our executive producer here at extra said hey you know you said if you got an excellent you'd try for exceptional yep here we go stab crash drive press i think i shot one low there but it might be right in there let's take a look 433 with a 186 first shot that actually felt pretty good felt like i was running the gun okay hey look at that first so this is this is where sometimes warming up is it right one two three four five so on my first try there i ran an exceptional after running several tries to get to an excellent you know what that means that means i'm awesome it means i gotta go for total [Laughter] i don't i honestly don't think i have the skill level to go for total but no i i was slow there and i don't know that i hit any of them 5-6-0 so i'm out i'm over time and i think i only got two of the head shots actually yeah i pushed one high yeah so i actually pushed one a little high because i was i was pushing this up here so that one went high i got two in it and then i got um there's another one there and actually i pushed one way out so i'm gonna say i'm gonna have to keep working on my uh my real grip control in order to get that quickly but i will say i think i hit my first head shot there and it was a 2-1-5 inside of the a-zone i think that was my first shot um shoot i'm not too angry about that spicy drill guys give it a try [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Active Self Protection Extra
Views: 28,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asp, cover your asp, active self protection, John Correia, ASP Extra, Active Self Protection Extra, Rob Leatham's Standard Controllability Test, Magtech, Rob Leatham, Standard Controllability Test, C2, C2 Tactical, Attitude, Skills, Plan, Behind The Scenes, Training Tips
Id: SfvUuZ-nRbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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