Who Wins In A Gun Fight? Competition vs Tactical Shooters

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it depends on what you're trying to do if you go put yourself in an environment and your shooting skill level will not support the problem-solving that you'll need to do then you need to improve your shooting okay and that has nothing to do with how fast and agile how quick you are in and out of a car and how smart you are if you can't hit the target they need to learn how to shoot that's where I come in if it becomes an issue where you're doing the wrong things tactically and whether you're you put yourself in the wrong position you're not aware of what's going on that's not a shooting related thing but if someone and I don't care which side it comes from let's take the classic tactical martial artist versus the gamesman I would definitely be considered the gamesman because I'm willing in a match to take any advantage I possibly can and do anything I can to improve the score because the only thing matters to me as a score right so the martial artist tactician hate that they hate the fact that I'm going to go do whatever I can in a match environment to improve my performance well the point you have to recognize is it's not a real-world situation in a training environment and no matter how badly you want to make it real it is not okay because nobody else is getting shot or living or dying how it works so it's kind of a game but do you need to learn how to do those things if that's the environment you're going to work in or you want to be confident absolutely when the tactician come in and say you competition guys in order for practicing getting yourself killed so no or not better shots we're playing a game we're not actually playing combat we're not playing army if you put me in a tactical situation I'm not even going to think like I am in a competition environment it's a different thing and the competition shooters will say well I'm never going to become a better shooter you know if I focus on just the tactics I says I agree but you're never going to learn how to think and how to work well in that environment if all you care about is a shooting performance so you realize that there's a lot more crossover than each side would have to be the reality is you only have to be a relatively good shot to be a good enough shot for most tactical situations or defense situations but you have to be reliable you have to be fast enough and you have to be consistent enough to be able to use the skill you app if you don't have the skill then it doesn't matter you better have great tactics and the other the Auto amount to how fast you can run away because if it comes to shooting and you can't hit the target it's not going to work out and the competition shooter that proposes to the tactical side that they would become better at surviving a tactical situation by shooting competition those guys have also missed the point completely because it isn't shooting the match human match puts you under a certain amount of pressure to perform in bad environment that's the only advantage to the tactical sight the training that the tactical guy does if he doesn't do any shooting skills training he's never going to get better of and the same for the competition shooter you know I'm not going to walk around this rig this isn't my carry rig and this isn't going to set up on and a half because I'm set up to play a game right now however I doubt most people we want to get into a gunfight with me all right so I'm Rob Latham from Springfield Armory and thanks for watching FUNKER tactical you
Channel: Funker Tactical - Fight Training Videos
Views: 517,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funker Tactical, Rob Leatham, IPSC, Competitive, shooter, shooting, tactical, martial arts, drills, training, tips, tricks, how to, pistol, handgun, springfield armory
Id: HmcXPc8qGic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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