AI Writing Software That Bypasses Ai Content Detectors (Mostly!)

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things move really fast in the world of AI content generation and also AI detection tools the two different platforms that are juking it out to see who can detect the AI content and who can create AI generated content that passes detection so this is an up-to-date video because I know a lot of my uh subscribers want to know can you still use AI to generate content that doesn't get detected well we're going to try out this tool first of all which writes like SEO blog post but it claims 100 that it can uh basically if we go to the FAQ here AI article generated by blogger system will not be detected by AI content detectors and it names a few of them just down there like copy leaks content at scale and a few others so let's put it to the actual test and what I'm gonna do first of all is uh go to chat GPT just to actually prove this as it were make sure that the AI detectors are still doing a good job with genuinely AI created straight off the bat content so we'll get a chat GPT for the best version of GPT at the moment we have access to anyway to write an article on this which will be about uh chat Bots being used for businesses so AI chat Bots are businesses so off it goes doing it's a good job we're going to take this content and then we're going to try it out on all of these AI detection platforms we've got originality one of the best and strongest detectors we've got copy leaks another good detector we've got this one cross plag and then GPT 0 which a lot of people say is really tough and perhaps the toughest of all of them in my opinion at the moment which is this one which is Winston dot a I so if you want to find all of these different AI detectors by the way there's a link underneath this video and there's also a link to this software that we're going to be testing out to see if it can produce some really good content that's genuinely interesting to read that you could be publishing on your websites and blogs but not worry about being detected as uh AI so chat gbt is done here we go uh that's the title The Rise of Robo cashiers AI chat Bots to the business rescue I asked it to do it in a journalistic style with some humor because I think that is the best way to get good results if you're gonna use AI detection is to throw a bit of humor in there but let's just copy that whole uh little article there and now let's start the ball rolling we'll go with originality first and we'll paste that in there we go we don't need regenerate response and that and now we'll um we'll also check for readability I think that would be quite interesting scan and that's gonna get going now let's go to this one copy leaks and we'll put that in as well I'm going to delete that off and then re-copy this and check that's usually pretty fast there you go it's actually saying that that was human text and that was generated straight out of GPT you saw it and then here's a cross plag and it goes uh and then check I see it's put some Chinese in there as well because it said whether you are saying hello hola or whatever that means in Chinese excuse me to any of my Chinese friends I really don't know what that says that is coming up as text mainly written by human as well so it looks like some of these have really fallen behind what about GPT zero uh here we go get results and again this text is uh likely to be written entirely by human and you saw me that was just straight up copied and pasted out of here so that is really really interesting now let's try what I believe is the toughest of all of them Winston dot a i in goes gpt4 content we're checking for a i and scan and there we are we can view our result adults and what does it think they're there now that's more like it I told you it's really tough Winston AI if you're looking for a really good AI detector then you need this one um it's given it a pretty good readability score 57 and it's given it a human score of 31 so it's saying that basically it's 69 AI generated content and then it usually highlights within the uh writing what it feels is 100 indefinitely uh sort of AI generated so there's there's the straight out of GPT content fully tested now let's try and write an article using this blog software now I'm going to go with I'm going to go with funny as well so it's like a fair test and then I'm gonna say uh what is the blog post about so this is how we do it AI chat Bots for customer service because a call to action well we're just gonna put uh contact us now we'll generate some keywords so and then it will just pick out a few things that I think would be really good for us to have as keywords these could be like tags for example if you're using Wordpress there you go now it's going now it is going there we are AI chatbot customer service automated report conversational Ai and chat interface I think they're all pretty good keywords but if you wanted to you can add to this or edit those off and then next up we're going to generate our outline so this is all just like one click of a button really to do all of this so far this is really really easy now we've got our titles or these blog outlines they're like the sections of the post that it's writing we've got a role of automated support systems the power of chat interface maximizing I'm just gonna say I'm happy with those but if you want to you can reorder them as well how you do that or click to add edit and reorder there we go so I think you can you can kind of move them around now like that so that's quite useful and then we'll save those change changes and now the one last button you need to press which will actually start creating that AI generated content which apparently passes AI detectors so off it goes and these are linked straight out to all of those detectors as well we've already opened them up in a new window but it's quite handy there they're so confident in their ability that they have literally put the link straight for you to go and check so it says that we're crafting amazing blog for you and it might take anything between 30 seconds to five minutes with this system as well it goes and finds you a whole load of images that you could use within your blog post if you wanted to as well and it does that by using the keywords there and then searching the free sites like pixabay and so on so there is our brand new uh nice blog post our AI generated content that apparently is going to pass and it's all set sectioned out real nice there's the outline and then there's our content so I am now going to copy this done so we've copied it up and we're going to go start testing so who's first I'm gonna go with originality so we'll start a new scan this is quite a big article by the way that it produces you can choose I think with it at the top but it actually goes like above uh 2000 words it goes from 500 to 2000 and then above that as well I think well we'll let that scan and while it's doing that we'll go to this one here which it did say gbt4 was human um so copy leaks but we'll just check it anyway just to see if it hit yeah this is human as well next up was a cross plag let's paste that in there and it said the same thing for this this text is mainly written by human I really can't give any credit to this as an AI detector software you just can't then we've got another good one allegedly which is GPT 0 Arrow we'll paste it in we can put a maximum of up to 5000 characters in here so I believe I'm gonna have to either delete some of this off or it will just use the first five thousand again your text is likely to be written entirely by human it hasn't highlighted any sentences within this so you just cannot take this as a serious AI detector in July of 2023. next up we have got the tough one Winston so we'll paste it in and then we'll scan the text I'm a bit scared about that one while we're waiting let's go back to originality and originality has found that it is 97 original and only three percent a i that is straight from here from our software blog assistant and there's a link underneath this video for you to grab a lifetime deal of this software there's a whole bunch of different plan fans that you can have I myself was so impressed with it I purchased 60 blog posts a month that I can write with this software for life so a heck of a deal if you want to generate lots of uh content that can't be detected easily by most of the AI detectors we haven't checked this one yet though let's go see Winston and see what it says view our results and it said 29 is saying so the human score is pretty low with with Winston Winston is a tough cookie so there you have it you have the ability to bypass originality uh copy leaks cross plaque GPT 0 are using this blogging software but it looks like is a very tough customer to her to try and beat here so what else can you do well there is another another software that you could used to try and rewrite that and that is undetectable we talked about undetectable before people have had mixed results with it but I'm going to paste in that article that's come from the blogging software straight into undetectable we're going to pick the readability level of high school and then we're going to uh we're going to make it let's have a look we'll go with balanced and if we look at balanced it says the perfect balance between humanization and quality uh well we'll reset this here we go and now humanize so we've got too much text in there for that which is a shame because you can't have more than uh 10 000 characters I think we've got about 12. so we'll get rid of maybe this last paragraph here and then we'll try it again still too many let's have a look how many have we got now 11 000 R tells you right at the top here how many characters you can have so we'll get rid of some more just there like that and then humanize and that's it it should be off we're just under the limit and then it will just take a second to give you those uh give you that whole article back ready for an AI detector and here it goes so it started um writing estimated queue time is just uh 30 seconds so there's our original submission and then it's going to give us our result and it's saying that it would pass all of these now having gone through undetectable well let's just see let's copy the output there we go done now let's go to originality and we'll start again although of course the original post passed this I just want to make sure that having gone through undetectable that it still also passes as well you never know and let's just make sure that it still makes sense uh the landscape of customer service is evolving rapid many businesses are now adopting AI chat Bots as practice providing customers with a conversational ai-based interface for real-time communication it's like having a chat at your favorite Pub I'm not sure that's the best analogy there but not bad I suppose so we'll leave that running because it looks like originality takes a little while let's go to some of the others now we'll just make sure that it still is if we just clear that off we still is coming up as human oh now the irony copy leaks now thinks that it is AI content once it's been through both the blogging software and undetectable I don't think we can really take it uh really as being a good solution as AI content detection hey there we go that's just coming up as human basically anything will come up as human on Cross plaque GPT 0 is just as bad but I'll refresh the page and we'll try again get results yep human as well so GPT 0 is just like waved a white flag I think now for the real tough guy Winston dot a i and with our Rewritten an article here let's scan that text and see how we go we'll go back to originality while we're waiting and we've got an 81 original score we actually had higher before it went through undetectable so that's quite interesting but at least we know it still passes basically as human content now Winston we've got our results 12 so we just can't crack Winston nothing cracks Winston at the moment but by the looks of it uh anything that says it does straight off the bat fair play but I I can't find anything so far that will crack Winston dot AI if you want to go and try them out for yourself there's a link underneath this video as well but right now the state of play then to conclude is that this blogging software is perfectly good enough to write you a really good quality blog post that will pass originality it will pass copy leaks it will pass cross flag then again everything will and gpd0 but it won't quite pass Winston as a test but chat gbt right out the bat here is is passing most of them again it cannot pass uh it can't pass originality and it can't pass a Winston but like I say pretty much nothing can that I know of at the moment but I will keep looking for you and I'll keep experimenting and keep trying and if you like this video please do press that like button subscribe for more and there'll be another AI related video coming for you in just a second links to everything that you've seen right here in this video are underneath and I'll see you very soon thank you foreign
Channel: Jason West
Views: 18,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai detection, ai content detection, ai content generator, ai detector bypass, ai detection bypass, bypass ai detectors, ai content detection tool, ai detection remover, ai detector chatgpt, ai detection software, ai detection bypass tool, ai detector website, ai detection tools, ai detector pass, ai content generator video, chatgpt detector remover, chatgpt detector rewrite, ai content creation tools, ai content to human content, ai generated content checker
Id: eMwjUbW8fa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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