StealthGPT Review - Bypass all AI detection tools!

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hey guys it's Tim here and today I'll be reviewing St GPT which is a software that allows you to take AI generated content put that into St GPT and then it will create new content that will bypass AI content detectors now I'm going to give a live demo but in case you're interested there is a link in the description of this video uh there is a livetime deal at this moment available so I appreciate if you pick it up through my link uh it will help me to grow my channel as as well so I appreciate it if you uh go through that link all right let's dive into this and let me show you how style GPT works so right now I'm logged into the platform as you can see and basically it consists out of three tools inside of one platform the first tool is the stealth bypass as you can see here where you can put your AI generated content in the second tool is a stealth content generator so you can also write content with stealth GPT and the third part is the stealth essay generator now let's start with the stealth bypass so what I've done is I wrote an email in chat GPT I'm using typing mind here so I created this email and I changed only one thing and that's I added my name here at the end so I'm going to copy this content and I go to a platform which is GPT 0 to see if this is detecting AI written content so here you can see that it says 93% is written by AI so let's see if steal GPT can solve this problem so we're going to paste that content in here and from here you could choose whatever you like to do now I have the samur uh Sam Samurai engine uh which comes when you go to the pricing plan here the $14.99 you can select this one and then you have the samurai engine so what you see today is the samurai engine now from here you can decide what you would like to have so you can say here the undetectability mode and tone so if this is low the undetectability has three stars here and then the other one have five stars like the readability Etc so you can also set this to medium and then the UN undetectability will be higher and either you can put this to very high here but then the readability is only three stars so let's go by medium and then in here you can change the the writing style like casual professional uh but let's keep this to standard and now simply click on bypass AI detection and now stealth GPT will rewrite the content for you so that it is undetectable for AI detectors so let's see what it comes up with and there you go uh this is the content that has been generated it also gives a score stealth score 71% uh and here it says uh greetings your invited to 7-Day Financial master class which will be a turning point for your finances feeling exhausted and overpowered by monetary issues looking for the answer well you can pause the video what I'm also going to do is I'm going to add this content to a document so that you can check it out yourself so let's copy this content in here and to there and let's go to GPT Z that we just use to detect our content so let's paste that in here and let's scan the text and see if it's now undetectable so as you can see here the AI scan says this text is most likely be written by a human 7% probably of this text was uh entirely written by AI so most of the content here is written by by humans it says so it's not 0% I've tested where it was also 0% so let's go to another one let's put it in here and here you can see another example that I did before which had 100% content written what you're seeing here so let's paste a new text in here and let's see if it detects human or an AI so this takes a few seconds to detect and here it's 4555 so this one detects actually some content let's take another one here and let's generate here so here you can see 65% written content so what we're going to do here we can say okay let's make it high undetectable in here and then let's let's rewrite the content let's see if that does a better job and there you have it so here it says stealth score 67 so not sure why it is not higher than the previous one uh but let's see here when we put this into GPT Z that was 7% before uh let's see if we paste this in here how many perent it is now okay I'm having a free account so let's get a few parts out of this and here you can see AI scan 0% so this text is mostly most likely to be written by um so GPT 0 doesn't recognize any AI content in here so let's take the next one here let's put it in here as well so the previous one was 45% human written and 55 AI written let's see if that's better so this is already better it's 76% human written let's go to the next one here let's put it in here so this one was 3565 and now it says 95% human written content so let's take another one here here at the previous one with with 99.8% so let's see what it comes up with now so let's put the stairs Bo and let's see so now it says it has a human score of 94.5% so as you can see it definitely helps to put this to higher uh let's read a little bit about the content here so did you ever find yourself exhausted and struggling with monetary strife and feeling quite oppressed due to the studies of monetary work so you can see the content is well the readability is not as good as it was before so that's definitely to yeah to uh stealth those AI detectors so again we're not going to read everything I'm going to put this in a document so that you can download it yourself and read the content what it created uh but you can see it definitely helps to get through the AI detectors which can be a good good thing personally I believe when you have all content written by AI that it will not be good for when you're sending emails or when you use this in your YouTube descriptions 100% AI I think it will hurt your rankings and it will hurt your deliverability so I'm looking myself also for a solution to fix that and I don't have hard numbers for that that's just something that I'm thinking myself uh so let's go to the second one here the stealth content generator so let's say we want to create content here let's take the subject here again so write a short promotional seven email about the 7-Day master class and let's generate this with the stealth content creator and again I've put this now to high undetectable mode so that it is really undetectable so probably you need to switch between those three depending on if you like to have it really readable or yeah undetectable so here you have the content are you looking to convert your economic potential into monetary success look no further you see it hurts to put this on high when you want to read this like a human being but if you want to use this to rank content probably that will work better and I'm not an expert I'm just showing you what it is so here uh we're going to do it in gp0 again so here it says 48% so that's half on half could be better right so let's uh put this into another one here again let's see what this has so the content that it writes is not even fully stealth 66 34 so we could we could change a little bit here so let's change this to medium in here and let's say we want to have a professional language in here so let's rewrite the content and here you can see the other content that's generated here so let me copy this because I forgot to copy the previous one and paste this in my document in here match St so let me call this generated content generated content medium and then let's paste this also into gp0 and let's see what it comes up with now now it says AI probability 4% so you can see that when you change some stuff in here and you test some now and then uh it definitely helps to make it uh yeah undetectable so let me add it in here let's see if this has a better result here so it was 66 before and now it is 100% human written so so yeah does St gbt Works definitely uh but I think you need to go over the content yourself to see if you can use this 100% in your emails or that you need to modify it yourself probably you need to modify it just like jgpt you need to modify your content in order to send it out as an email but probably maybe on a block it will work I don't know let's go to the third one in here and this is the essay generator so I'm going to do here the impact of technology on society and then let's put the second part here oh let's say discuss the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships in the digital age now in here you can say I want to have two paragraphs three or four paragraphs whatever you like again you can change everything in here I'm going to keep this the way it is medium and professional because that one worked really well and I was going to write this for us and there you go it is finished so here you can see uh introduction in today's age social media has become an integral part of our Lives whether uh one acknowledge it or not it has affected and influenced each individual's uh lives in some way or the other well this content looks already better so let's copy this again to GPT 0 there you go and let's scan this and here you go it has 3% uh this text is mostly like written by human there's a 3% probability this text was entirely written by AI so this is a good result let's go to the other one Let's scan them all for the final one so the previous one was 100% and this one is another 100% AI uh human ridden let's go to this one let's see if we can also get 100% here there you go 100% human written and let's take another AI generator and detect let's see if we can get a 100% here as well human written there you go 100% human written so again what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a document here below the description so you can check out the content yourself which has been written by St GPT there is by the way also a uh um Chrome extension which allows you to directly send the information or the content you've written inside of chat GPT directly to St GPT for me it didn't work so I cannot show you because this button did not show on my cat GPT account so that's why I showed you manually but there is a plug-in available as well so again thank you for watching this video check out the link in the description and if you have any questions ask them in the comments below thank you so much for watching put a thumbs up if this video was useful and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel if you haven't done yet I do a lot of product reviews and uh if you hit that notification Bell you get notified hey thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers
Channel: Tim Verdouw
Views: 6,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealthgpt, stealthgpt review, stealth gpt, stealth gpt review, AI content detectors, lifetime deal, undetectable AI content, bypass AI detection
Id: OJaFBuQ62Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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