Bypass All AI Detectors (New Method) - Get 100% Human Score & Readable Content - StealthWriter Ghost

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hey guys I hope you are doing good in this video I'm gonna show you how you can bypass the most powerful AI detectors like content at scale and also copy leaks and gpt0 and as you all know recently these detectors have been releasing many updates and they are detecting paraphrase content for example content scale released an update recently they they are claiming to detect content with a 98 accuracy and they are also detecting paraphrased content and they had like a really powerful update also they are pretty good at detecting paraphrase content gbt 0 yesterday actually released a new update they have not they are now showing probabilities uh for example like uh if the text is 20 percent AI 100 human uh basically they're all going in the same direction they are detecting paraphrase content uh copy leaks also they they are detecting like really aggressively paraphrased content and I'm going to show you a method you can use in order to create high quality content like really high quality content that you can use to to rank up on Google and content that is really readable and clear and you can use it with your writings and your blogs and you don't have to worry about the spelling mistakes or like changing the sentence structure and you don't have to worry about getting flagged as AI now before we begin I I'm not sure if you all know stethwriter but statwriter is the tool I used to transform a high text to human content you just give it um AI generated text and you click humanize and then it spits out human content very basic very powerful and recently if you go to stealthwriter and sign up you can see two models introduced recently the ghost model it's like the most powerful model used to rewrite AI content into human content and it's the model we're going to use to bypass like Alpha detectors like originality AI um now the ninja model it's it's like the fastest model it's really fast but it doesn't bypass originality however the content from Ninja and ghost they're both very readable very clear but Ninja bypasses zero gbt gbt 0 but not like content and scale sometimes it bypasses copy leaks but I think on originality you can get bypass uh you can't get past the originality with with Ninja so let's dive into it I'm gonna give you a quick demo on how to use it and how to get the best content from stealthriter so once you are in chargeivity you are gonna create a random article in this case I'm going to ask chagivity to create a random article about let's say smoking now of course this is just for just this is just an example in your case you want to write a proper article a proper SEO blog let's say you can use gpt4 or a more powerful AI once you have your article you want to copy it go back to stealthwriter you want to paste the content here choose ghost choose the level in my case I'm going to choose medium level and as you can see here the built-in AI detector from stealthwriter detected this content it's AI and we're gonna click humanize to start rewriting the text and making it more human now the built-in AI detector which is uh instead writer it's more similar to zero gbt or gbt 0 you can say it's more like turnitin for example but it's not like originality to AI after clicking humanize it's going to take some time to to rewrite the text most of the time it takes 30 seconds to one minute depends on the length of the text as you can see here it finished relating now I want you to pause the video and read through this you're gonna see that this content is high quality it doesn't have spelling mistakes it doesn't have some random words the keywords are still there it doesn't there's no injection of some random spacing or whatever it's just clear readable usable content that you can use it on your blogs to to rank on SEO and if the users are reading through this they will not you know find some some weird stuff going on okay let's copy this content and go to put this into the test let's start first with contact scale they had recently updated the tool and now they detect paraphrase content but as you can see they detected this as human content 100 human let's now test the bad boy of AI detectors um in my opinion it's it's one of the most powerful AI detectors out there and as you can see 90 original and as you may know like getting 99 percent or something close to 100 on originality it's really really hard but we still try to regain you can get this easily and the content will stay readable and uh clear text okay let's go to zero gbt and as you can see human written gbt 0 and also human uh this feature is new actually it's I think they released it yesterday they show you now like the probability of this is written by AI or by human and copy leaks let's check copy leaks and as you can see it says human text so if you really want a high quality text high quality human content and you don't want your content to get flagged as AI you can use stealthwriter it's free um there's two models the ninja model is also super super good I can try it for you also I can show you the the features that are available in ninja model which are not available in Ghost with Nija um it gives you also alternatives to to to the text that you put so let's say I want to rewrite this text but I want to choose from different alternatives the ninja model the ninja model provides that okay as you can see also ninja is is slightly faster than ghost and with Ninja there's this unique feature that if you click on a sentence it shows you Alternatives like you can choose alternative sentences any sentence you choose from shows you like an alternative for it and if you click on the alternative it replaces it so many many unique features in this also if you let's say go back to ghost to humanize it again if you paste the humanized content here back in you also see like it's written by a human so you can use a stealthwriter as an AI detector also okay to wrap things up thank you guys for watching this video if you have any questions please let me know and happy writing bye
Channel: Maher Mansour
Views: 2,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kQ7kNwoEePo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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