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isaac adaman i stride the galaxy akin to a god reality is my placing the forces of its warp i'm weft i can restructure all i witness to my will i know a thousand thousand secrets a vast array of names rules and objections i am the fulcrum of destiny wherever i tread yet there is one thing i cannot control cannot master cannot abide my dreams most who know my name think i am the epitome of all that is wrong in the universe which sorcerer heretic all episodes i am accosted with but own i behold the rotting corpse of the empire i helped win so long ago it exists in no small part due to my own neighbors mine and my brothers of the thousand sons yet i do wonder why they defended so ardently these corpse worshipers the empire is a festering adult cadaver in comparison to the dream for which i strode out yet all of this does not stop them denude them of their power my dreams i see myself with my colleagues we are performing the ritual the rubric my mightiest work my greatest heart my most terrible hubris i look on as if i am another for in the dream i am and i witness my own error my own nemesis my own failure the power rises and i see the temporal atmospheric and etheric disturbances as i reach the climax of the right i look so powerful so righteous so certain and it happens i title our strands of energy form the last liturgies on my tongue and bellow them into the air and it begins but i do not witness it as myself i experience the change as one of the victims of my own incompetence my own arrogance i am one of the many not the few i'm one of the marines not the wizards who perform the right and my flesh is burning but not from one source not from one place impact or assault i am burning every last muscles in you hair tooth eye even all of the atoms in my body burn at once a conflagration so spontaneous and complete that within seconds i am nothing but ash but the pain the feeling of betrayal the smashing of my psyche my soul as much as my body this i cannot escape my mind my being my sentience is sent elsewhere i am falling forever falling in darkness without distraction without respite without relief i am falling and i will never stop falling nothing around me nothing above below or to the side of me darkness all and yet my stomach always tells me i am falling my mind consumes itself as i have no point of reference no escape nothing but the memories coming back at me and jarring segments without context without meaning i see what could be another's life another's experience and other sensations and deeds i become rubricated i wake my mind back under my control again i despise this dream this curse this constantly calling night spectre what have i done i did what i thought would be the only thing i could to save my legion my brothers yet i was a fool a child playing with powers beyond my ken i've learned so much since then yet still the final keys escaped me a test is this a gauntlet thrown down by the lord of change i have striven for so long left no stone uncovered no line of inquiry unexplored yet it is only when something happens that the dreams return something of a moment something my mind will not allow me to ignore and thus i identify the reason for the return of the specter evrain the she eldar a worshipper nay a herald of the newest god the eldar god of the dead iniad we confronted each other but in the tides of battle what did i see impossible hope for she managed to restore some of my prison to life proper life not dust and degradation with but the wave of her hands she reconstituted them made them new again brought them back from being automatons filled with the signs of time perhaps she is the key to the conundrum or perhaps she is a foil placed in my path by my very own lord zinch as i get closer to a goal it does not wish me to attain so quickly perhaps the most profound and important of all words when one treads the path of the lord of change the master of the accord perhaps welcome gentle listener i'm voldemort your faithful servant and i wish to introduce you to the forces factions and important faces of the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we are to introduce the very basics on one of the most complex and interesting of the characters in this entire setting of course i speak of the lord of mysteries archwizard himself isaac adaman of a thousand sons now i will note that this is a very beginner's guide to this character and in the future we shall build on our knowledge and thus appreciation of isaac for he is indeed a conundrum unto himself usually far more restrained than many of his peers more grounded yet he was a magician responsible for what may be the most bold and complex ritual the galaxy has ever witnessed the rubric of aremon and so as usual for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote adaman knowledge is power but power is nothing without purpose you may hold in your hand the power to remake all things but if you do not know what you would change then you hold nothing at all adamant of the thousand sons adamant is the most powerful sorcerer of the thousand sons an exile from his own legion he is doomed to wander the eye of terror and beyond in search of knowledge wielding the black staff of adaman and possessed of knowledge unequalled outside of the most exalted of demons he is a figure of terrifying power at his will armies of lesser sorcerers warp animated rubricae and countless other slaves to darkness make war across time and space uncounted souls have burned as the price for his need for forbidden knowledge a need which has given him since the earliest days of his legion's damnation in the time before the horus heresy when the emperor still walked among his sons isaac almond was chief librarian of the fifteenth legion of the legionnaires astartes the thousand sons under the leadership of magnus the red the thousand sons explored the limits of knowledge and psychic ability to be a thousand son was not simply to be a warrior but to be a scholar a savant and adept of the arcane and the transcendental where others fought the emperor's wars with bolter and blade alone the thousand suns conjured lightning from the air burnt armies and typhoons of pyromantic fire and cracked the walls of citadels with the power of their minds as they conquered so too did they a mass knowledge building great libraries of rediscovered law and plundering the learning of lost worlds even as they ascended to the heights of knowledge they were cast down in the age of strife old night psyches had cast a long shadow on mankind and the thousand sun's fixation on occult knowledge drew the attention of the other legions censured by the emperor the thousand sons were forbidden to explore or wield the arts that they had spent so long cultivating the thousand suns could not resist the power of the warp and broke the emperor's decree in response the might of the space wars legion was unleashed on the thousand sun's homeworld of prospero in the burning ruin of their crystal cities with the dead littering the shores of blood-stained seas a thousand suns turned to the warp and warp heard their core it is said that the skies of prospero became fire the sea's acid and that the shrieks of demons rolled around the shattered pyramids of their cities as a psychic storm broke the surviving thousand suns were ripped out of existence and transported through time and space to a planet within the eye of terror the planet of the sorceress master of the rubric reality in the eye of teller is a twisted and mutilated thing within its ragged bounds the lords of physics are slaved to the whims of the warp dreams and thoughts reshape matter demons walk unbound and time flows like the currents of a storm churned sea within this realm of nightmares and possibility the thousand suns made their home unfettered by the restrictions of mortal laurel base reality their sorceress powers climbed ever higher but as their power grew they began to change mutations see through the thousand suns fusing flesh and armor melting the features of once noble warriors into twisted horrors element watched as his battle brothers devolved and knew that he could not allow his lesion to fall further in secret he drew together a cabal of the most powerful of his brothers some came reluctantly but saw that there was no choice some came wholeheartedly believing in adam and without question others were drawn to him by desperation knowing the time was running out but all shared aaron's hope that together they could save the thousand sons drawing on the book of magnus adaman created the rubric a spell that would undo the changes wrought upon the flesh of the thousand sons and shield them from such mutations in the future at last their great work prepared the cabal unleashed the rubric demons howled and laughed over the towers of the planet of the sorcerers sheets of multicolored lightning descended from the skies darkness became light light darkness the rubric touched each of the thousand suns and in that moment every one of them was remade the mutation wracking the lesion vanished burned away in the rubric's fire but what remained was not what the rubric had intended nor expected those whose psychic powers had been weak or non-existent had become spirits sealed in sigil covered armor inside their shells the echoes of their souls howled and rattled in voices of dust these were the rubrican those who had possessed greater power still lived but found their abilities multiplied and increased looking on the results of his attempt to save his legion alman saw that he had both succeeded in every way and failed utterly the book of magnus the book of magnus was created by the primark of the thousand sons during the great crusade written both by magnus's own hand and the hands of mind-slayed serfs it was the summation of his knowledge and understanding in the wake of the thousand sons four the book of magnus became a book unbound by physical laws the knowledge within its pages crawls as though alive constantly changing and constantly growing if a mortal could open its pages twice and live he would never find its contents the same there have been several copies of the book of magnus or at least it has manifested several times such is its warp infused nature that it may be a single book existing in many places and times are a man possessed a copy of the book of magnus before his exile and others are known to have existed kalimakos once scribed to magnus the red fled the burning of prospero with a partial copy others may exist but if so their mark on history has long been burnt away and consigned to oblivion exile of the thousand sons as the echo of the rubric faded magnus the red descended from his tower to confront araman and his kabbal some say that in that moment aremon pronounced himself satisfied and the magnus's wrath was only diverted by the intervention of other powers in a realm of lies the truth cannot be known but the outcome of that last meeting is certain and all those who stood with him were banished from the planet of the sorcerers for all eternity within the iota what one soul may live as an eye bring another might experience as many lifetimes within such a realm of paradox questions such as loyalty and truth dissolve in the screams of delusions made real to walk the stars in such a place is to be reborn mighty warlords become slaves and mortals ascended to sit beside the dark gods of chaos in this realm element walked alone cut from the lesion he had sought to save doomed to an existence on the margins of sanity some say that in this time he lived nine thousand lives of mortals took tooths from the lips of demons and became lost in paths of dreams how long adamant wandered the eye of terror after his punishment is a question that can have no answer time is a fragile thing in the warps grip no matter the truth aaron rose from the ashes of the rubric and the shame of exile with renewed purpose understanding and knowledge had always been the fire at the core of aaron's soul and so it was still the rubric had failed but its intent was untarnished and what could have been the cause of his failure but imperfect knowledge with pure understanding and perfect knowledge ahman could complete the salvation of his legion seeker of impossible knowledge across a thousand worlds alimon has sought the keys to save what he has already destroyed the scars of his obsession have made his name a curse in the mouths of humans and aliens alike scraps of lore artifacts both obscure and profane and rare souls draw him like a raven to a corpse to the elder he is the carrion scribe who eats the souls of their dying race for secrets to the inquisitors of the ordomalius he is a lightning rod which brings a storm of demons amongst the servants of chaos he is a flame of power and treachery as likely to burn those drawn to his light as to illuminate them a master of subtle manipulation ottoman has seated cults on a hundred worlds and bent the desires of the powerful to achieve his ends with conspiracies and plots spread across the galaxy he coils between them a puppet master pulling invisible strings when such subtle means are impossible he wages a sorceress war forcing armies to kneel with visions of terror shattering war machines with invisible forces and ripping the souls from mighty heroes he knows the two names of nine times nine times nine demons and possesses pacts which can bring armies flocking to his corn warlords have burned at his command billions have fallen to the hunger of the warp and reality has bled at the fury of his power amongst adam's countless atrocities there are those that stand as true testaments to his subtlety power and ruthlessness the harvest of calliope carrier was a world of lost knowledge an entire planet given over to the archiving of records from the earliest days of the imperium all the way to its uncertain present stacks of rotting parchment filled caverns extending far beneath its crust data spool stations ringed its orbits from pole to pole and its cities spawned around the index vaults every soul on kalib existed for the archive from the hunters who stalked vermin in the deep parchment stacks to the scribes who fought for control of the hundreds of contradictory indexes all were bound to the ecology of the archive so it had been for a time since before any could remember and so it seemed things would continue until something changed a faction arose within the cast of indexes this faction called for the unification of all the indexes into an endlessly extended formula they called themselves the summation where the idea had first come from none was certain but once it took hold it bloomed like a flower in sunlight the summation's power grew generation by generation until its rule of carry up was uncontested centuries passed and billions labor to further the summation's goal at last they succeeded on the day of the emperor's ascension in the high hall of indexes a scribe wrote the final line of symbols to complete the formula and in that instant carrio fells island when an imperial ship arrived at carrio a decade later it found a few starved people living amongst the dry corpses of the dead none of the survivors could remember anything for more than a few seconds stranger still the great archives were blank every data store empty and every page of parchment bear the only mark remaining to tell of the algorithmic seed i remember planted and then harvested millennia later was a single image hovering in the lost memories of the servator's blasted minds the image of a figure in a horned helm wreathed in flame stepping from a wound in the air the death of dianexus element had long sought the skull of lepidus a dead hero of the second black crusade for reasons that remain his own the scour dipped in silver engraved with ten thousand words of detestation lay in the polar shrine city of dionysus the conspiracy to obtain the skull by guile had already failed so aaron turned to more direct means since the end of the scouring countless billions have fought and died in the shadows into eye of terror for almost eight millennia the remains of many of these honored dead lay on dion access heaps of charred bones the serene bodies of martyrs and the polished skulls of space marines all came to the maelstrom world on the surface of dynaxis the planes of bones extended from shrine city to shrine city and grew ever deeper with each passing year the cities themselves were built from the skulls and bones of the most heroic dead so sacred and revered was diamaxxus that a dozen space marine chapters maintained honor guards and bastions on its surface star fortresses ringed its approaches and millions of troops stood sentinel over the skulls of those who had died to hold the darkness in obeyance across the reaches of space element burned worlds and sent souls shrieking into the war as the murder worlds spun into alignment with each other they created an arcane pattern in the stars with dynaxis at its heart as the great design locked into place dionyx's sun was pulled from reality leaving a howling wound in the sky of the mausoleum world blood and fire spread across the heavens the bones of the dead howled the last thoughts of their lives and rainbow fire crawled across the ossory towers demons poured through the holes that had been the sun tumbling onto the mausoleum world like falling stars the defenders screamed as the children of chaos ate their souls amidst the slaughter iron appeared outlined in lightning ringed by sorcerers and rupique power rolled from the circle of sorcerers and they stole through the battle killing the defenders and dissolving demons with arcane fire the chapter honor guard came against him but were reduced to ashes and silent screams with a gesture far bane last warlord of the legio officium strolled to war from its shrine the cry of its war horns echoed across the damned world and its weapons burned a path towards adam's circle drawing together the power of his fellow sorcerers aaron forced the war machine to its knees before pulling the core of its plasma reactor through its carapace at last aaron held the skull of lepidus in his hand as the battle between men and demons raged around him raising the skull to his eyes he found the one word he sought itch on the skull's surface letting the skull fall from his hand he and his forces vanished leaving the world of bones to the howls of demons and the cries of the dying fates end ten millennia have passed in the realms beyond the eye of terror and still araman walks his path of exile towards the promise of a distant salvation perhaps araman has already tried to undo the damage of the past and failed but as the light of the imperium gathers his steps take him ever closer to the answer he has sought for so long the shadow of secrets lost since before humans even stared at the stars lingers on the horizon in the elusive black library calling aaron ever on down the road into the future flames light that road and the bones of the dead and the ashes of murdered worlds pave its course none except perhaps ziege who watches all and lasts the song of fate no one awaits element at the end of that road but if you should reach its end the universe will tremble end quote anzac adaman is one of the most splendid models in the range and i can state it is always a treat to see him across the board and not only for the visuals but also for the confusion he can rain down on his opponents usually me for adamant is one of the few wielders of the warp that i would even consider coming close to the power and subtlety of eldred othran himself for there are really only so many names one can throw out when it comes to powerful cycles in the setting taking the emperor out of the situation of course tigurious of the ultramarines calastarius who then became mephiston of the blood angels and of course adaman yet these younger librarians are just that powerful perhaps as powerful as isaac himself but it is not only in power that the magician should be judged like many a librarian is considered the equal of a farcia in sheer power but it is in knowledge wisdom and experience that the true masters of the warp come to the form for mephistana tigerius may be able to deal with araman in a direct confrontation but in a protracted war where subtlety nuanced names and numerology come into question then surely element is the master it is for this reason that isaac almond is seen as one of the four champions of the chaos guards there are more powerful beings of plenty such as a demon princess and of course the demon primarks but in these four individuals the role of champion of their sponsor is most pronounced for the grandfather nurgle it is said to be typhus for the lord of blood and skulls corn it is khan the betrayer and for the prince of pleasure slanash it is seen to be lucius the eternal but for zinch it is irrefutably arzag aliman and trust me we shall see lots more of him on the channel as time goes by i have been baldwin your faithful servant i hope you've enjoyed this brief introduction to isaac adaman of the thousand sons if so then please do consider liking and subscribing if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out if you see the worth in what we are doing then do also consider joining our patreon or giving the video a share if that is beyond your present scope it would be a great boon now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun tulu
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 76,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AHRIMAN - CHIEF SORCERER OF THE THOUSAND SONS, CHIEF SORCERER OF THE THOUSAND SONS, Ahzek Ahriman Lore, Thousand Sons Lore, AHRIMAN - CHIEF SORCERER, Baldermort, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, Balder, Mort, THOUSAND SONS, RITUAL OF THE DAMNED, YVRAINE, Yvraine Lore, LIBRARIANS, Traitor marine Librarians, Black Library, Warhammer 40K Audiodrama, warhammer, Games Workshop, Ariman Lore, Ahriman Lore, Magnus the Red Lore, Psykers, Chaos Wizards, warhammer wizard lore, Guide, wargames
Id: sjLvZ7ldOVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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