How to Play Thousand Sons in Warhammer 40k 10th Edition

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welcome to this how to play a thousand suns in Warhammer 40 000 10th edition hi guys my name is Jake Harding from Vanguard taxis I'm joined today with Michael casselli Michael how are you I am well we are looking at the psychic Masters of the Universe uh when it comes to Warhammer 40K these are the bad guys but they are Wizards yes I think they have quite a tragic story actually and I think they can be justified to be a little bit bad and but guys before we get into this how to play video I want to say a massive massive massive thank you to Games Workshop because without them sending us our preview copy of the index cards and our previewing access of all the points everything we wouldn't have been able to get this knowledge for you to be able to give you this video so if you do appreciate what we do here at Vanguard tactics and want to say you know and enjoy this video make sure you give us a like a comment and a subscribe but let's get straight into it now Michael okay tell me what's the Army rule for thousand Sons the Army rule for the Thousand Sons is cabal of sorcerers this is a little complicated I'm gonna sum this up okay cool okay I like that you get five uh psychic rituals they're kind of like stratagems okay okay so at the start of each of your command phases you're going to generate a number of cabal points okay sorry at the end of your command phase or the end of it is important because you don't generate cabal points for battle shocked units okay interesting okay right so basically on all of the data sheets for the Thousand Sons it will say cabal of sorcerers um and a number okay yeah now I can see that yeah so Aaron's cabal of sauce was free Madness of four and then all three bricks are one so across all of the units you've got on the battlefield that are not battle shocked you're gonna add up those numbers yeah and that is your cabal points pull okay so so to confirm we add up all the numbers of the cabal puts we have on the table that's right on the table and then we um add them all up we have that as our pool and we can use that to do these kabbalistic rituals that's right okay cool that's right nice I got that one okay and there are five rituals and each time you use a ritual you have to select a thousands psycho model from your army so you can't do a ritual with a rhino or anything or I'll friend the meter lift exactly or if you lose your sorcerer from a rubric Squad you can't do it anymore on the rubric Squad okay interesting didn't know that yeah nice one um okay so should we go through some of these I think we shall because some of them are quite tasty um so it says when you use them in the in each one so Weaver of Fates yeah two cabal points use the ritual to start of any phase once during that phase when a saving throw is failed for a thousand Sons model whose unit is within 18 inches of a cycle you can re-roll the saving through so essentially like a free Command point re-roll on a save yes and this is great because it's not just on a thousand Zone cycle can be on anyone provided they're within 18 inches of thousand cycle so the vortex Beast could benefit from this okay nice one um again you have to use that at the start of the phase there so very preemptive there but if you know like let's say someone like Magnus is going to get you know sort of ganged up by a big unit or equally the meter lift you could have that ready in the pocket for two yeah and really like that yeah what's the next one temporal surge this is nuts so Five cabal Points yeah start your shooting phase select one for any thousands unit within 18 inches of this cycle okay the one that you target with the ritual unless that unit is with an engagement range of one of item units it can make a normal move okay no further restrictions uh cool so what you're telling me is we could double move a flamer rubric unit yeah some Terminators yeah what some magnus's move 14 Magnus could go 28 inches and then shoot and charge incredible absolutely incredible and we still have three more to go five points and three more to go what is the next one Echoes from the warp so user switch will start of any phase once this phase you can select that Cycle's unit to use a stratagem for zero CP even if you've used that stratagem um that phase okay that is really strong we've seen that ability in the sort of Space Marine army with the captains there's a lot of armies that do have those similar rules so seeing that for just any unit for cabal points yeah really strong and as we will go into some of the strategyms from what I'm aware of are quite good for the old classified that's actually really interesting because it doesn't say so most abilities like this say even if you've already used that stratum on a different unit this phase there's no one A different unit for this one so you could use it on the same unit you could use the same stratagem twice on the same unit there's one stratagem in particular I have in my head for this which we will go into when we go to the stratage six cabal points next one seven cabal points um everyone's favorite bolt Doom bolt yeah um started shooting Facebook any unit with an 18 inches invisible to your cycle roll a D6 on a one that enemy unit suffers D3 more wounds okay on a two to five It suffers D3 plus three on a six It suffers D3 plus six mortal wounds okay first off wow second off really nice to finally see one of these abilities have an effect even if you don't if you roll a one because you're spelling in these cabal points right I'd love to see more rules in the game that had that actually um but yeah very strong walk up bam well you could hit a lone operative with this right you could have done yeah yeah so yeah um that's so true yeah um as as I've I have seen okay it is yeah but I think that's probably one of the best uses of it potentially yeah um but equally as well you could use it on let's say you've got what you know your unit's been shot out uh you've got one character left in the unit he walks up Doom bolts and then uses his own psychic powers and his guns and he could he could even maybe kill something like a murder thing which is a reference to another video on Bangalore taxes you should definitely check out okay um right the Cherry the cherry on top on this Prospero shaped cake of your Bakewell of your Magnus Bakewell take off and you put in the bin because no one eats the Cherry in the bakewell's hard it what we may have to have a discussion off camera Michael okay right that's twist of fate let's think about that later this is that is a Twist of Fame nine cabal points yes start of any phase select one enemy unit with an 18 inches off and visible to the cycle till the end of the phase armor saving throws cannot be made for models in that unit no armor for you all I have to do is wound and you die that that is mad we don't need to see the rest of the video yeah how to play put a bunch of cabal points in that is so strong actually when you think about it right when I first read this it took me a couple of minutes uh to recover well it's Endless Possibilities right because if you think you're gonna if you shoot something that doesn't have an invulnerable save you will know statistically that you need this many wounds to kill the unit and it's not even there's no factors of oh what if they boss their saves or anything like that um yeah I think it's absolutely fantastic and it's definitely one of the strongest luckily is the most expensive because of that but we will look into ways of maybe doing certain of these for free yes um which we will go into but before we do that we need to now talk about the Detachment ability yeah I I did want to say one last thing yeah um so we found a 2000 point game about 17. okay was was what we had on the table cabal points yeah um you may be able to get even more than that in there but we did that with Magnus and Ironman um so 17 ish it's probably a good expectation yeah definitely and I think you're going to be definitely wanting to take both Magnus and Ironman in your Valentine's armies which reasons for we'll go on to I would but role Kindred sorcery lost that day so in each command phases you can choose one of these three abilities to affect your army it only affects your psychic weapons you can either have lethal hits yeah sustained hits okay cool yeah or devastating Woods right so what you're telling me is there's one choice yeah pretty much well you could have an extra hit or you couldn't just do more audience I I like that you could automatically wound or you could just do Mortal wounds yeah I I'm gonna go for more toys now we did think of off off camera there is one unique incident you'd probably take not devastating wounds and that is if you're playing against an army like a horde Army that doesn't have a very good save anyway that your AP would take away yeah um but even in that instance I'd rather be just be doing Mortals for my multi-damage weapons that could spill over yeah um amazing fantastic devastating wounds for everybody is what you're telling me yep um so tell me something else yes tell me about some enhancements okay but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today the link in the description below so they have four they have for what are there for we've got Lords of forbidden law okay so the bearer can be selected to use a ritual even if another cycle from your army has already been selected to use that ritual okay again really good so you could potentially in you know a mixture of uh combos double up on that Twisted Fate yeah turn off saves for two enemy units with this in the bag oh no this for me is almost an auto include yeah just for that possibility I also like the temporal search on two units yeah that could be you know double moving about doing two stratagems for free but that is also pretty that that for me was the one that I was gonna say a double Dean bolt double Doom bolt oh dear uh yeah amazing I think that is genuinely uh incredible I couldn't do it on the same cycle different ones yeah um amazing that's great so next one is Athenian Scrolls okay what's this one um so psycho model only and you can phase if the bear is on the battlefield not battle shocked generates you one additional command point this phase depending on the cost okay potentially in Auto includes yeah I think I think you'd have to look at how you've built your army and how many command points you've got yeah and then if you feel like you need the other one because you've with this Army you want to plan yeah where your cabal points are going each turn yes and if you find that you're one short then stick this in the list and you know that you can manipulate that yeah I I do like that that seems like a you know more of a unique one yes I think it's an auto including Bridge you've got the point spare that's great the next one for me I've pretty much seen a lot yeah of with our gaming here I'm prolific Crystal yes tell me about this unbelification uh once per turn in your sorry once per battle in your command phase you can remove the bearers unit from the battlefield yeah if you do so in the reinforcements step of your Next Movement phase set that unit back up on the battlefield anywhere that is more than nine inches horizontally away from enemy models so in your command voice you in your commanders you go into the sky yeah and you teleport down in your reinforcement Step at the same turn [Laughter] cool they're over there now which we're going to go into these because these are these rubrics with flamers are very good and then the final uh one Arcane Vortex uh plus one to your strength and damage of your psychic weapons but just for the bearer just the bearer yeah okay not the best that one but we have we have great ones right we've got other ones in there I can see a specific situation where you might want that okay with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition and Vanguard tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program but we could go into that maybe we'll see that later um right so we've done the enhancements and the only thing to move on to before we have the data sheets is the stratagems yeah there are six everyone has six yeah what are their six so most of these are shooting phase okay um so this one is in any phase after an enemy unit selected its targets yeah um you choose obviously a thousand something that was selected as a Target uh till the end of the phase all attacks made against your unit with psychic weapons now have hazardous okay okay and all models in your unit have the filter pane four plus against psychic attacks so one Army two words gray Knights that is probably the main incident you're going to see that stratum used yep but equally there are other you know psychic units demons on Amazon three thousand suns versus thousand Sons imagine the Carnage do you know what I don't even know I wanna imagine I would love to watch that game yeah maybe we could do it one day you know that would be hilarious but yeah I think that's more of a niche stratagem but in the niche situations you have that stratagem it's very strong um so moving on yeah so destined by Fate right any phase when a saving throws failed for thousands on cycle model from your army Target that cycle model change the damage characteristic to zero this so when we were talking about using a stratagem for free and it end twice Yep this is the strategy models referring today cool because now your Magnus the red for one CP and six cabal points can ignore two two damage unsaved Wings yes I'll double check the yeah we'll just have a quick look the bearer can be used to use a sidekick ritual even if another cycle from your arm has already been selected to use that ritual uh the ritual you're right now for the re-roll you're right no it's the psychers unit okay but Magnus still could do that himself someone else could do it yeah as well and then and then he could use the one CP anyway yes so either way it just makes him super durable while Magnus and he has got even more rules to make himself durable yeah um so that's really great so you could actually do that three times on one model right in theory yes if you use the enhancement the cabal point and the stratagem yeah um so you could do it on let's say a terminate saucer or just a infernal master or something yeah just to make him think it could just damage three damage zero three attacks yeah cool amazing um awesome so moving on Matt extraction devastating sorcery one CP um shooting phase yeah if you make psychic attacks you can roll hit roll and the wind roll one command Point okay Magnus you're re-rolling your hits and wings buddy yeah have fun with that one incredible stratagem I think even more incredible when you pair it with the next strategy yes yeah in sourceled infusion uh this turns all of your bolt weapons um of any kind infernobyte weapons into psychic and gives them strength five so one common one point so now our weapons are psychic yep now they're strength five so now they're gaining devastating wounds from our Detachment ability and I'm now re-rolling my hits and wounds with my devastating sorcery yeah which I could do one of these strategyms for free with my cabal points it's all coming together it's all coming together it's strong very very it's very strong next we have uh sorceress might which basically adds nine to the range of your psychic weapons in the shooting phase okay that's pretty good it's not bad it's not bad uh one command point then this is the money yeah walk site right two command points so you select one thousands psycho unit from your army yeah and one enemy unit that's visible to that cycle unit okay until the end of the phase each time a friendly thousands cycle model yeah from anywhere in your army makes a psychic attack against that enemy unit yeah it has the indirect fire and ignores cover rules so indirect fire meaning that you can shoot out of line of sight quite a line of sight at a minus one to hit with your opponent having the benefit of the cover you now have ignored explore that cover so all you'll have is minus one to hit yeah however you could just indirect some flamers you could indirect some flamers yeah yeah um indirect magnets you could enjoy magnets well you didn't indirect your entire Army yeah with the psychic weapons and again compelling with an unbolific Crystal you could get that cycle into position use that yeah I think that is one of the strongest strats I agree uh actually works quite well on single sources on disks that can zip across okay and then see someone and then you just pop this chart new kit with everybody outside and then next turn do the same thing awesome um because you can turn their saves off as well Jake remember oh yeah I'll shoot them with no saves yeah so then it doesn't matter about it okay um yeah I think overall to review that sort of you know state of Detachment Army stratagem enhancement already good and one with which we would you know not as great but still all really great yeah let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project let's have a look at data sheets now okay should we start with the main man himself the main man himself oh the muted lift Vortex Beast well we'll come into the meeting therefore I thought that was the main man you're on about well ironically everyone he he is but there's someone I think we need to talk about beforehand and that is Magnus the red the Primark now we've gone a few additions in you know in one of the editions eighth edition he was a force to be reckoned with at the start sort of fell off at the end night fishing we didn't really see him at all no but 10th edition Michael he is back with a vengeance tell me a story Jake I'll tell you a story about someone who didn't do anything wrong okay and that is this guy so first off stat line wise movement 14 toughness 11. two plus armor save 16 wounds leadership five plus oc6 almost a land Raider a land Raider with wings Mike um deadly demise D6 and deep Striker's core abilities cool cabal of sorcery four so like we said he gives you four cabal points he has two innate abilities so one is called unearthly Powers which means that he can select one of his Crimson King abilities at the start the Battleground and he gets that for the whole round I'll come back to that one but the other one which is the main one I think which is super strong is the lord of the Planet of the sorcerers order while a friendly thousand Sun psycho units are in six inch this model each time a model in that unit makes a psych attack add one to the hit and wound roll now Michael that's pretty good he gets it on himself pretty good if you can't see the target actually amazing if you can't see the target do you know what's even to make more amazing what is if you make your bolters psychic yeah so now you've got strength five bolters with plus one's wound um oh speaking of which you can't shoot the Flames indirectly you can't make them psychic oh okay all right so we can't have indirect Flames but we can have an individuals Scarab occult unit exactly because we can make the bolters amazing amazing so plus one's a hitting wound on that amazing he gets it on all of his weapons as well because they are all psychic cool um so again going back to his unearthly powers Crimson King ability so he gets one of which he gets to pick at the start of Batman gets the whole background first one each time an attack is made against this psycho excluding psychic attacks that subtract one from damage interesting that he doesn't get it against psychic attacks yeah I think that's quite cool in a way as well I I don't know the Thematic reason why but maybe it's because they they would be able to just sort of you know predict his yeah maybe it's like you know they're part of the warp now so yeah um really strong that's still minus one damage of 16 we model 100 um next one treasons is each at the start of your opinion sheet phase you can select one Enemy No in 24 inches and visible to this cycle until the end of the phase ranged weapons acquitted by that model models in that unit have the Hazardous ability which means that after they've resolved their shooting you roll the dice on a roll of one a model dies or if you're a character or a vehicle or Monster you take three mortal Wings nice cool I think that's really strong as well because you could have these shooting menaces and have the potential just going yeah roll it roll a dice for 10 to 10 Marines oh farmer 20 guards Magnus I'll do it yeah I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it don't tempt me um and then the final one which is probably the most useful one is called time flux okay so this is an aura and a psychic they're all psychic as well so I I think that's more there for if anything in the future ever turn them off um while if any thousands unit within six is within six inches of this cycle add two to move characteristic cool very nice so we're now going or 16 inch move Magnus we've got an eight inch move rubric Marines um double 32 inch movement yeah um the the need to lift isn't a thousand suns unit sadly it doesn't have a thousand Sons keyword um unless it's referring to the faction keyword which I believe it is which means that yes you would get plus two move on your Vortex meet their Vortex based incredible um and then just to go into shoot we've got gaze and Magnus 24 inches 3D free shots blitzkill two plus strength nine minus two flat free damage devastating wounds Firestorm he gets both uh blast psychic 24 inches D6 plus three hitting on to strength five minus one two damage so he has both yeah then they'll both be devastating wounds you can take the Army yeah oh yes of course yeah and he shoots them both so yeah this guy's kicking out more wins everywhere yeah and then finally in combat as the blade of Magnus he gets two profiles with this so the first is either you get seven attacks weapon skill two plus strength 16 minus three flat free devastating wound sidekick so again plus one to win with this if you if you need it and then he has the blader Magnus Suites 14 attack sitting on T strength eight minus one one damage again plus one to one plus one to hit um Auto include I think he starts every every game in my opinion really good really good he's fantastically what about another Auto include should we talk about Harriman let's talk about Harry the wisdom Harry the man as I used to call him Harryman um again another Auto include in my opinion saying robot sorcery free yep so really adding to your um pool of cabal points there um he's got uh movement 10 toughest four three plus say six wins leadership six plus AC one um he's got an inferno bolt pistol which is just standard bolt pistol psychic stalk so this is his psychic power really like this 18 inches one shot two plus to hit strength six minus one D6 damage precision and has devastating wounds if within six magnets obviously you're getting your plus ones hitting wound as well and then in combat for some reason yeah he hits quite hard as well he's got the black staff of Aram and melee five attacks weapon skill two plus strength seven minus one free damage which also will be devastating it's a psychic because it's psychic excellent while he's in a unit he gives it plus one to wound cool and then finally once per battle you can select this model to use a ritual for zero command points excellent he can only join rubrics which is fine yeah because if I'm honest they're great they're great so yeah he is Mega I think he also he wants people he's just going to turn off your armor says yeah there's literally nothing you can do about it yes um you can't use the same cabal ritual again okay so this is not the um this isn't the whole like that's fine because you take the announcement on someone else yes that's what I'm sorry that's what I was getting at so so you could do this for free you can do another one instead and then you can do that there's a lot of combos here I think he's absolutely fantastic and guys in my opinion both Magnus and Arium and they've had their differences but I think now they've got word together yep okay yeah and that's seven cabal points across two of them already anyway so um is there any units you want to speak about real quick yeah I'll run through a few units um I've got there I mean there's so many to talk about so I'm gonna go through them really really quickly um infernal Master gives you sustained hits okay um and can give you uh change one of your hit rolls wound rolls or damage rolls to unmodified six once per turn so activate that devastating activating that devastating and what you can do of course is if you did give them the plus two damage to those psychic weapons oh yeah he could automatically do um three damage from sidekick wow three more wounds from his ranged flamer attack or uh his force weapon could be you know if you plus three damage in combat I didn't even think of that that's a really good thing could soup up an infernal Master yeah thousand Sun sorcerer um the best thing about this guy right is while he's leading a unit you can't chew that unit unless you're within 18 inches of it okay so you could just sit super far back with your bolters just fine directly and you're never gonna put that this is my favorite one okay okay this is the Thousand sons of demon Prince oh okay cool the Weaver fate okay once per battle at the start of any phase you should you can select one friendly rubric Marines or Scarab occult Terminators unit within six inches of this model till the end of the phase weapons equipped by models in that unit have the Precision ability okay yeah take that capture off the board yeah yeah wow um yeah really good you could snipe out some really easy characters with that um don't even need to be easy just devastating the same reason off the table to remove their arms if you're facing something like necrons yeah we've got a character that gives them a fun and pain yeah you pop this and you just immediately kill the character that's the form of pain and because you got rid of the armor save they've got nothing else in the way and now they're dead um this one I was a bit shocked about the Albert yeah hello um have we ever seen a helper on the table I thought I don't think so Arcane knowledge amidst babbling Insanity okay much like Vanguard tactics each time a friendly thousand psycho model within nine inches of this model each time each time is selected to use a ritual you gain one cabal point yeah so so that could be super clutch for if you you know you spend like nine yeah definitely five and then you go okay well now I've got enough to do more because I did it with a knife and you'd get one even if um Aaron used one for free it just says you're getting wow yeah well point so oh no you're gonna have to get an abacus for this one I think playing this army yes I do agree um command for these angles can give you a couple point if they're on an objective oh okay cool pretty good rubric Marines we so we've sort of alluded to these guys but we think these guys are absolutely Mega they're so good yeah um obviously they've got a base AP on all their weapons which is excellent um you can make them psychic as we've said which means they get devastating wounds and all the other stuff all the interactions these guys are your ones to wound range attacks and if they're targeting someone on rejected markets for re-roll full wounds so you what you're telling me is my unit of flamers can re-roll all their wounds against the unit that doesn't that could potentially not have a arm save that's correct pretty good in it yes quite literally insane um I will I'm inclined to agree with you there critical wounds are next to AP I've done my other devastating wounds oh yeah of course yeah hey ho uh it's all a sorcerer on uh disc so this one and the Exotic sorcerer give you a four pin vulnerable save um on your unit okay that's pretty neat actually it's really tasty actually yeah the one on foot can bring models back okay um the other one can half enemy move characteristics okay that is Rich it's pretty cool yeah maybe there's no I think probably for me personally I like I like movement Shenanigans yes I think probably I would take the Discord over that one yeah yeah I can see that yeah um Terminators are excellent so um whilst the unit contains one or more cycles and of course the unit Sergeant is a zika um minus one two wound rolls against them yes if the strength is higher than better so again you don't even need to join a character to that unit if you don't want to because they just get in base um yeah fantastic yep excellent um thousand sorcerer picking any unit within 18 inches invisible yeah yeah pick an enemy unit that's visible within 18 inches anytime any thousand suns anywhere shoot some real ones to hit okay nice cool I've run through those super quick you get the gist very powerful units in there I think there's one more you wanted to talk about Michael I can't seem to buy this guy anywhere online I assume it's because he's good let me tell you something about a need to live for Tech space this model this model was made for my one of my favorite games ever won a fantasy originally was it really yeah see this model came out a fun fact for everybody out there yeah and I'm going to be super super impressed if anyone can remember this November 2013 is when this model came out do you know why I know that because this guy was in white dwarf that edition of white dwarf I was in and I remember it all too well and the only reason I remembered it came out then is because I have that wiped off in my room as one of my prized possessions okay so fun fact if anyone actually aims that you can actually go find me a a young 12 or 13 year old Jake at the time wow so yeah a little fun fact for you there there's a free one um but let me tell you about this guy and not tell you about my white dwarf dreams okay this guy is awesome so we'll just run for him so he's movement 10 toughness ten four plus armor say 13 wins leadership six plus oc4 so it's okay deadly demise D6 as a fully Schloss feel no pain okay now he's a bit tanky a five plus invulnerable save okay and then has two auras the first is at the end of your movement phase roll one D6 for each enemy unit within six of this model so if you haven't you don't even have to move this model this is to end the movement phase doesn't say anything about you having to move on a two to three unit itself is one more wound on a four to five they suffer D3 cool I'm a six they suffer D6 oh my God and then each enemy unit within range of disability must then take a battle shot test now another key thing to note about that doesn't say you had to have taken any mortal wounds through that because that is a full stop there just forces battle short tests yeah say for free so even if you don't do it that many because you're gonna guarantee like if even if you roll a one it doesn't matter yeah okay amazing second thing it does while a friendly thousand sun cycles are in six inches in this model each time that unit uses a ritual that's spec um specifies a range you can double that range 36 inch stream bolt into Lane operative bang I'm gonna do it again Bang amazing genuinely amazing um then it has its warp Vortex so this has three different profiles you pick one and then you use it the first is the blast yeah ironically has the blast keyword yeah 24 inches D6 plus three Bliss Hill three plus strength nine minus two two damage why does he hit on a three what he doesn't even really good profile he doesn't even have eyes he just really good I know right um beam 24 inches one shot blitzkill three plus strength 18 minus four D6 plus six damage devastating wounds and then the final one torrent ironically ignores cover torrent 12 inch range 2d6 shots do not need to roll to hit because it's torrent strength six minus one one damage then it has two attacks to choose from in melee it has but be tenteled more 15 attacks weapon skill three plus strength seven zero AP one damage so you just should horde clearing well if you want something a bit spicier we've got five attacks weapons kill three plus strength nine minus two flat to four damage Michael I don't know what to say what do you want to know one more thing about this model what is this guy Do You Wanna Lay one more thing I don't even know what that thing is first off after thing there's a mutily Vortex based would you like to know one more fact about this yeah why I think this is so good go on he's 145 points and if that couldn't convince you that he is in my opinion the auto including borderline you take free borderline you take three I think you definitely take one yeah your borderline take three because the amount of more weeds you're doing the amount of battle shots you can force all of the ritual stuff I think they're absolutely incredible I mean it's not the damage is insane as well yeah this guy kicks out damn it like it's not like he's just a utility piece or he's uh damage he's every literally does everything he can't wash up though because he can't look at the plates but do you know what he probably could if he tried right genuinely I just looked some cleaned anyways I'm genuinely so impressed with them and the Thousand Sons Army in general but this I it could take me to the dark side you never know um but with that in mind yep we've got one more question we I have to ask you before we go that is how do you think this Army plays its secondary missions do you think it's more of a fixed play style in terms of picking two before the game or do you think it's more of a tactical where it will draw cards through the game um I mean I think these are a weird one I know they could easily do tactical I think they could do tactical but the thing is once you start getting rid of a few of their assets Temple surge is really useful yeah because you do at the start of the shooting phase before you make yourself illegible to do the actions well that's a good point that's really handy yeah the umbrella crystals really handy as well I think you Auto take that especially if you're thinking about tactical missions yeah um but other than that the mobility is reasonably limited yeah the only real fast pieces are your disc uh yeah which will see in your rubrics this is the thing I'd be tempted to take maybe a couple of disc sources not in units and just have them doing that have them doing actions because the movement on those guys is pretty good isn't it what's the movement on a disc Source I believe it's 10 10 is it 10 looks pretty good quick look 12. okay 12. okay nice um and obviously they fly so and if they started within six magnets that's plus team move as well 14 and then they could double move yeah so um I think you know that's an interesting route to go with non-attached characters okay um fixed I think obviously they're going to do fixed incredibly well oh yeah every turn you just turn off our Mercedes for an enemy unit you're making yourself indirect against it and you delete it or your muted lifts just your three meters you just yeah yeah um I think yeah I think you can definitely build into tactical but fixed I think they just absolutely Blitz fix secondaries okay if they're available nice one well Michael thank you so much for joining me how to do this um I've had great fun doing it talking about the new to lift Vortex Beast guys this thing is sold out everywhere as well so just the moment you get one in can someone just message me if that's okay um because I need two grand for this one yeah yeah we're starting the business not even us we're starting the bidding at ten thousand pounds yeah um but thank you so so much if you did enjoy the video make sure you like comment and subscribe let us know in the comments will you be getting immediately Vortex beats for your army what do you like the most about thousands what date you like about the files and Sons everything you know in let us just know about it in the comments and we'll see you in another video very soon
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 24,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #ThousandSons, #Chaos, #ChaosSpaceMarines
Id: o0DL3flLzVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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