After Playing Wuthering Waves Genshin Just Feels BAD To Play

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hey what up guys it is kaidro I wanted to talk about this very specific thing because I jumped back into genin after playing watering waves for a straight up week I haven't touched genin for like 12 days and they even miss me or something because I got this please come back event I basically get a bunch of Primal gems here as you can see but what this video is actually going to be about oh my God I just triggered the freaking cut scene oh my goodness what I want to talk about in this video is Bing waves kind of Ruin gen for me because genin just feels so bad to play now all the gameplay mechanics all the more refined movement the more refined combat that feels way more action and impactful than genin impact has kind of made this game worse for me and this is probably something that many other players feel right now when they jump back into genin the combat is more advancing in modern waves you have intros skills outro skills you have perfect Dodgers Parry you have so much more in-depth combat every character feels like it's its own class in an MMO RPG it's so unique it's so fantastic to play and challenge seeking players will feel right at home when they play play watering waves and genin is kind of a more simpler casual approach it's it's no secret this game is just way more easier than watering waves and anything else genin could never everybody says it all the time we get like 150 free pulls for watering waves on the first week we even get daily free PS if they do fix this it's insane to be honest I want to go away from this this negative mindset about genin it's fantastic now that we have a competitor right now and that never was the case so genin laid back for a really long time the developers I think just they were sitting on the throne with a bunch of money okay I feel like this game will still make a lot of money to be honest there are so many players this game is so polarizing it's so approachable for every type of audience Bing waves is a little bit more I guess Advanced for advanced Gamers I think it is also a fantastic game for players that want to more out of genin or players that got used to playing genin and want just more challenge I think genin is a really good starting point for gacha players it is fantastic as beginners many players it's the first time playing a gacha game ever I just feel like the developers could actually make this game 100 times better than it is right now if you jump from water waves playing engine you will feel the huge issues it has first of all this thing that you see right there the stamina bar you are literally not in combat you just want to run and go get to the next point and the world is huge guys the world is like three times bigger than watering waves or something because the game is Just 4 years old watering waves just came out yeah this game is so big and this stamina bar is one of the most annoying things ever and they could fix this issue so easily and give players a better experience with this I think it is just an annoying thing why don't they just steal from water waves now now that Ving waves basically stole everything about genin you know I think these developers could literally just compete like that get rid of all the annoying things make climbing faster why not just steal these great ideas that the Bing waves has and make an even better game out of genin just get inspired by these little little simple things I don't know how many hours I spent just climbing and falling down because I was out of stamina it is such an annoying thing and it could be fixed so easily now I know we could also talk about netl coming up and maybe these issues will actually be fixed by using Pokemon whatever they are adding in into the game in my honest opinion what they did is they stole again from Zelda if you think about it Zelda majoras mask had the same system you put on a mask you turn into a different um monster and you have different abilities we are getting monsters can dig into the ground I think Zelda even had something like that we can we get monsters that can use a grappling hook into the air um that's pretty cool we can be Spider-Man with a little Pokémon and what was the other thing diving into the water and lava and stuff that's pretty cool it's pretty cool I'm just really scared that this feature is in netland only I think this is such a bad idea make it available in the whole game make traversing and movement more fun in the whole game and not just one freaking Zone and players don't want to be annoyed playing the game I I get it there has to be a balance struggling is is a big part of players experience it should be in the game but I also feel like it there has to be a balance and right now the balance is very off the balance between rewarding a player and annoying the player it is off that is why the genjin movement the genin could never movement exist in the first place players that played watering waves they know now what's wrong with GHIN I get people in my chat coming into my live streams and they ask me do you think watering waves is too generous by the way join me on my stream kyline TV is watering waves too generous is Kuro games giving us too many rewards is it spoiling their players and this made me think why are people asking me this because shouldn't this be the norm isn't that how developers should actually reward their players for playing their game most normal thing that a developer should do and I think C games just nailed the head on it compensate the players apologize fix issues this is the normal thing to do giving free rewards giving a free Five Star I think all these genin players they're just not used to this they are shocked by how generous a video game can be and if you look at Nik if you look at other gacha games it's a really normal thing for being this generous they give like hundreds of PS just as anniversary rewards give away free characters all the time every update there's other games maybe blue blue archive I heard is pretty generous and there's a bunch of other games that I cannot think of right now just let me know in the comments geni players just don't notice because it's the first gotcha game and they have been spoonfed by um ho with 30 Primal gems with web events with watching 4 hours of a live stream to get 60 Prime gems of 30 or 40 it's it's such a low amount and it it's so bad for the game for being greedy for being just a bad company not talking about feedback not talking about issues that the game have not fixing characters not balancing characters not making the game more fun itself not adding end game that people actually want people actually want to play the game there's nothing to do in the open world one of the biggest issues the beautiful beautiful world I want to do something in there watering waves fix this issue they have this big open world and you can do something in there you can Farm all day for echos and what do you do in genin you explore you 100% the map you're done you opened all the chests you're done you don't have anything to do anymore doesn't pay off anymore to go back to the old zones when was the last time you guys jumped to the to the old zones again because I wish that this game can improve and will improve in the future I'm really looking forward to some changes in this game because I want genin to be better I want them to fix some of the issues that I have and many players have by getting annoyed simple simple things that could be fixed so easily now they're adding more end game now and maybe we see some more changes in the future especially netland which is kind of disappointing for me because I thought netland is going to be a dark war zone everybody's fighting each other and then I see this trailer where there's literally Pokemon you turn into a monster acute monster and but let's see how it's going to turn out this was just one of my opinions that I wanted to share with you guys uh yeah I will probably now switch back to water ways where I don't run off stamina out of all of the time and get annoyed by it okay thank you guys for watching if you want to see more water wave gion and toy wor content make sure you stick around on my channel and yeah subscribe I see you in the next one bye you're the only one one world one love but the battle goes on Shadows of mass destruction o yeah baby [Music] baby baby baby [Music]
Channel: KydroTV
Views: 68,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves vs genshin, wuthering waves genshin clone, genshin clone, gacha game, genshin impact vs wuthering waves, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves better than genshin, genshin could never, tectone, asmongold, wuthering waves drama, wuthering waves fandom, genshin hate, genshin impact hates wuthering waves, hoyoverse, hoyoverse is scared of wuthering waves, players woke up, genshin players, genshin impact, genshin
Id: EabSdp3zZ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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