After Digging HUNDREDS of Holes… I Found it

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[Music] hey folks my name is brad martin and today i have hiked way out into the forest of vermont and although it may not look like it this area was a booming farm community 200 years ago today i brought my metal detector to see if maybe we can find some of the treasures they may have lost while they lived here there's an old stone foundation where they used to live right over here there's a bunch of stone walls and right over there is a very old well-traveled road in its day although i don't think anybody's driven on it in about 150 years i'm pretty excited i've got a good feeling about this place let's see what we can find [Music] so i just found something that's a pretty common find especially up here in the mountains at these old farms but i haven't found one in a video in a while so i thought that i would just take a second to talk about them you know i think about all of the things that we find at places from the 1700s or 1800s things that really aren't common anymore like shoe buckles or finding like lamp parts but this particular item it is something called an ox knob i i say that it's interesting because these are still in use today this would have essentially gone on the end of an oxen or another cow you know livestock's horns there's a hole here to pin it in place and this would have you know effectively made them not sharp and a little bit less dangerous to people or to the other animals of course these are always disappointing to find because they sound so good i thought this was going to be a coin but it's an ox knob you could probably walk into tractor supply and find some of these for sale but here it is in the dirt a couple hundred years old also all right well i just got an extremely deep target and there's nothing particularly special about this it's a tom back button we find these all the time but this one is probably the shiniest i've ever found this thing looks absolutely brand new the back is like a mirror look at that and the craziest thing about this is this is you know over 200 years old it's been in the ground and it still comes out looking like a mirror like that the shank is all there but you can see that it's a different material it's a brass that did not hold up as well as this material does now folks call this tom back if you look up the material like on wikipedia for tom back it's like a yellow color but people who metal detect have just always called these types of buttons tom back i'm not sure exactly what this is made out of i think that it is just a bronze but man that thing is shiny shiny awesome well i got the faintest little target there's a lot of iron right here so i wasn't sure if it was gonna be a nail what it was gonna be i dug the hole and you can probably see right here there's an old dead tree and i had dug through the wood this is wood here and i got a nail i said darn it it was a nail recheck the hole nothing there i thought you know what let's stick the pin pointer down one more time and i did and it is something round size of a coin and i'm gonna guess that that's what it is because i do not see a shank man what a surprise that's how it happens i guess man is this gonna be identifiable oh yeah this is an old one this is um it's got a britannia on the back i'm not sure if it's going to be in good enough shape to get a date off the bottom of that um it might be so i haven't seen the other side yet britannia is on the back of british coins but it's also on the back of some uh state colonial coins let's see see what this side might look like remember my soft glove here all right there is a bust it's a little bit uh dark right now let me get my flashlight out and i'll shine it on it sideways yeah there's a left left-facing bust but the text is what's going to tell us if this is british or if it's a state coin i make that out it either says george for king george ii or it says connecticut can't tell right now i'm afraid uh but what i find really interesting about colonial coins state coins you know we had just defeated the british why would they ever put the british king on their coins um and from what i understand people were very skeptical of money back then like 20 of the coins in circulation were counterfeits and so when the folks who were making state coins got together decided what should be on them they decided you know what let's put a figure on the coin that looks like they used to to kind of instill some trust in people because that's what people were used to pretty interesting can't tell which with what this one is quite yet now that it's drying out i think i see akitori which would be a connecticut so that's great well that is a great sign for the day i'm gonna keep searching for those really kind of faint possibly iron targets sometimes they won't be see what else we can find [Music] well i have already found uh four spoons spoon bowls and i just found another one but this one i think was repurposed and i always enjoy finding things that were clearly repurposed for something else because it kind of shows the resourcefulness of the folks that used to live up here would have been much easier to repurpose something you already have than going down town and getting what you need but this one it's a spoon bowl that is full of dimples i'm not sure you know the first thing that comes to mind is like a teether but typically if a child is teething they don't have teeth yet so there wouldn't be dimples but maybe who knows let me know what you think why would there be a spoon bowl absolutely filled with irregular spaced dimples all right well i just found something here that hopefully somebody out there might know what it is because i'm on the fence it's a little cylinder of lead and you know when i first found it i thought that it was a bullet a modern bullet that made an impact and just happened to be flat perfectly flat on both sides but there is no lines on the side that you would see from modern rifling but then i checked the hole again and i found another one and they're not identical they're cold but they're close uh and then i checked the hole again and again and again and uh thus far i have six of them uh so are these projectiles or are they weights i'm wondering if they're like scale weights they're pretty interesting maybe they're game pieces maybe they're old bullets carved to be game pieces but uh let me know what you think it's pretty interesting so this is a pretty cool find uh this is not colonial this is quite a bit later i would guess but people did live here into the late 1800s so i guess that's when this is from when i first pulled it out i thought oh cool it's like a you know a handle for luggage or something but i see now it's actually probably the door to you know a barn or an outbuilding or something and you you know give it a little pull with your thumb and it unlatches it it's almost all there it is busted which who knows maybe that's why they tossed it or maybe this is where the barn stood you could actually probably find things almost exactly like this on barnes today but knowing how old it is makes it especially cool well i i just got a it was a pretty nice target but it was faint and it sounded deep so i thought maybe it was going to be a little brass button and it still might be a little button i think it also might be a silver coin probably see it right here already that's all i saw of it as well it is extremely light and thin well i can't make it out right now i'm gonna get my water give it a spray and see if we can get to the bottom of what it might be are we ready oh yeah spanish definitely man two in one month i just found one of these not too long ago okay this is actually a later one it's old but uh as far as colonial currency goes you can see up here there's a roman numeral four uh this is charles iv of spain the coin says like carlos or corollos but english speakers call them charles iv and maybe you can make out down there at the bottom 1792. wow a little spanish silver coin man i went all year without finding any old spanish silver and now i've got two within the la i think that was two weeks ago i found the last one different place you know different circumstances last time i was only shooting for high tones this time i was trying to dig everything iron included worked out both ways both times you know a funny part about metal detecting is sometimes you'll get a really really nice target and you'll get excited and you'll dig it up and it winds up being trashed most of the time it's trash the opposite of that is when you dig something up and you're just not expecting it at all that's what happened here and uh it's a great feeling so cool [Music] now because i am making it a point to dig all of the iron today that sounds solid and interesting i'm finding a lot of garbage old garbage sheet metal chunks of farm equipment that broke off and and was lost out in the fields every once in a while though i get a little interesting piece that still i can't identify but um it had a purpose whatever that purpose may have been looks like it was open all the way through maybe it might be closed right here it's hard to say if any of you folks out there happen to know what this is please let me know down in the comment section below the video or if maybe you just have a guess you know this is the kind of thing that i typically don't show i don't know what it is i usually just throw in my bag and you find a lot of this sort of thing when you dig the iron all right well i've been sitting here staring at this thing for a while on the metal detector this target was one of those too good to be true targets all the way up on the scale on the machine and it was down quite a ways and it wound up being this and you know i'm on i i have to assume that it's from the 1700s or the early 1800s based on where i am but it could always be modern right who knows what has happened here over the last 250 years but assuming that it is old i think that it's lead the first thing that comes to mind is that it's it's like um they had they they melted some lead in a crucible and it kind of got this round shape and they popped it out i don't know what this hole at the bottom is all about maybe that's just like avoid something that happens when you melt lead but i wouldn't expect that to be down there and along the edges there are all of these scratches i was really hoping there was going to be some writing or some stamps or something but i don't think there are so if i'm just uh uneducated on whatever the heck this thing is and somebody's like oh you know that's a wheel bearing for a you know a wagon or something just let me know i've never seen anything like this i'm not sure but it sounded great i thought for sure i had a bag of silver coins there so i have found these in the past and i've yet to really kind of figure out exactly what they are fairly confident i know what it isn't and that is a bell it looks like it would be a bell but it is far too light and since obviously the top is open here you can see that there is a hole here which would lead me to believe and there's two holes that there was wood that went through here and it was pinned on like i said i found i don't know a dozen of these over the years and still really haven't figured out exactly what it is it could be a million different things i suppose not sure if you happen to know let me know but um throw it in the bag i'll put it with my collection of the other ones all right i have uh an awesome target right here [Music] you probably hear it my headphones it's in the 90s which is probably well i shouldn't say it something brass probably all right the pinpointer's finally starting to react to it [Music] right there it was uh a ways down and under roots so struggling here there it is wow look at how green that is so i had thought maybe it would be a copper coin or a silver coin can we make out what it is just by the thickness and by how green it is i have to assume that it's a large scent an old one i would guess i'll rub it on my glove here yes that's what it is so the good side is the back you can see where it says one cent and then this side you can make out the ponytail of lady liberty so this is a draped bust large scent i'm not sure we're gonna get a date off of it about this could be at the end of the 1700s or the very early 1800s an old coin somebody dropped out of their pocket a long time ago it's always good to take a minute when you find things like this and think about who the last person was that may have had this in their pocket over 200 years ago what they were doing it was just you know a typical day for them or they're getting ready to go do something special fortunately you can't know that but it's fun to think about awesome old coin i was hoping that's what it was all right folks well that is going to do it for me today and it probably doesn't seem like it in the video because i don't film every single hole i dig but i dug a lot of holes hundreds and hundreds today most of it is just nondescript iron i didn't find a lot of the very common like home items i typically find at a place like this but i did find a lot of buttons and three incredible coins so i have no complaints i've got them all laid out here let's take a look okay so i have a ton of buttons i found so many buttons today i haven't counted them there's got to be over 20 of them there all most of them are made out of brass there's a couple old pewter ones in there a lot of buttons you know they were hard-working farmers here so got our chewed up spoon uh we i found a ton of spoon parts i didn't put them all out maybe three or four spoons uh all together we have our little whatever it may be bell candle snuffer again another mystery little pellets of lead some of the iron that i found today i found a lot of it i have most of it in my my junk bag on my backpack oxnob and our giant hunk of lead and then down front two coppers and a piece of spanish silver i'm fairly certain uh this is a connecticut straight bust large scent charles iv of spain half real uh the date being 1792. all in all it was a fantastic day a lot of buttons not a whole lot else but you cannot complain about those coins incredible all right folks well i want to thank you for watching i hope that you enjoyed if this is the first of my videos that you've seen i post one of these every single friday so if you like what you saw i can consider subscribing to see more i'm gonna hike on out of here now i'm so tired see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 131,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, best metal detecting finds, ancient discovery, real treasure, best thing found metal detecting, treasure hunter, gmmd, brad martin, old coins, colonial, silver, vermont, new england, metal detector, xp deus, garrett, history, unexpected, discovery, gold, pirate treasure, incredible, valuable, old, unbelievable, amazing, lost treasure, treasure found, river treasure, magnet fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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