I found REAL GOLD at this abandoned gold mine!

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[Music] foreign [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am back here at the Blue Chip mine first time in about a year and a half back to the Blue Chip because of some logging that was going on in the area I'm excited to be back I'm excited to see what I can find I'm excited to show you the adventure so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] so in not coming in in a year and a half this place is overgrown I just spent the last half hour cutting a path from my quad to the mine shaft there was so much Bush and Greenery in that little area it's insane and actually to drive the quad from the truck in here I had to just go by memory where the road was it was completely overgrown crazy what happens when no one goes into a site for so long just cut into the main at it this is the number two at it this is our the big big one there's the one that you can walk in nice and safe nice and stable I don't plan to do anything inside here today might show you around a bit but I don't plan to do anything really inside just checking on it making sure it's still you know in one piece and no one's been here my signs are still in place and everything is good and kosher always love the shot from standing inside and at it looking out at the greenery and bright light dark inside green and bright outside and the path up to number three at it doesn't seem to be as overgrown but still needs a bit of cutting to get through it's up there good enough let's go see what we got up the hill there we are the number three at it and a beautiful day in the neighborhood it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood there's the hill I tried to fall down last year that could have been the end of me if I actually went over it was darn close there are different reasons I go into my mine sites like this sometimes I'm you know exploring sometimes I'm prospecting looking for the value in the stone looking to see if I can find the spot that has the best you know gold sometimes I'm reclaming you know cleaning up after old mining today I'm actually in the process of collecting material I know where the material is I know where the value is today I'm actually going to take a bucket or two or ten or however many I can get out of here for the actual material I actually need some gold so I'm going to a place that I know has gold I'm going to take as much material as I can take it home and process it and get the hard rock gold out of this material and that's just because you know on my website I sell Pay Dirt one of my paydirts is a hard rock mix crush and I'm running out of gold for it so I'm here today to harvest some gold to collect some gold uh for the value of gold typically I'm just out prospecting today actually getting some gold so this spot right here Mike Bryson and I about three four years ago we actually brought the high banker up and we're actually running material right here and found some you know fairly good gold right here so this is where I'm gonna go and do some collecting today not only am I going to be collecting uh the crush the weathered out crush the weathered out material here that has hard rock gold in it I'm also gonna be trying to find some good specimens as well beautiful quartz and peritite maybe some pyrites maybe some Arsenal pyrite uh you know that kind of stuff all in one nice rock that people can use in their rock collection on their mantel to see what you know gold ore looks like but I got a whole lot of equipment way down at the quad to carry up here but of course first you all see inside the Attic again I'm not working inside the audits today looks like how I left it last time I was here digging this material I got kind of frustrated it was so hard to actually get anything so I'm doing things a little differently today I have my Honda generator carried it in and I went to the thrift store and bought myself a cheap shop vac so what we're gonna do is we're gonna scrape out all the cracks and crevices here and vacuum it up and see if that's easier to get you know a bin full of material than trying to scrape and dig and curse and swear and you know all the things I did last time and this here is the material that I am pretty sure has some pretty nice gold in it let's get vacuuming [Music] well that works crazy good I don't know how full I am but I must be getting pretty darn full in there and that just cleared out that little spot right in there in no time and so much easier than trying to dig I like it I think I'm gonna clear off the you know biomass on top of here the debris from the trees and do that layer next you can tell the by the way to some of them whether they're that Iron Stone or not that uh pure tight goes really rusty like this but when you pick up a rock of peer tight you know from its weight because it's just solid iron it's heavy you can't tell by the rust on the surface because so many of these rocks are so completely rusted but you know they're light so that's not them this looks like a good little spot to vacuum if I get rid of the Rocks first I don't have to fight them when I'm vacuuming it up [Music] this is going amazingly well vacuum is full I've got two buckets down below I'm gonna go uh decant it into the two buckets and carry those back you know down to the quad take the quad back out of the truck and get some water because I'm dying The Thirst did that did that did their huge amount in there you see quartz up in this one that is promising I like that and then maybe I don't know maybe up there maybe up there who knows where no I said I was here harvesting material not prospecting but you can never take the prospector out of me uh the main seam comes right through here and you know the Holy Grail up here what we've been looking for is every time we work it is to see if we can find the main scene coming through and you know we've dug all the way down here we don't see the seam we don't see the seam we don't see the seam somewhere in there the seam has to cut through and we figure when we start collecting the material that's right at the seam that's when we're gonna start getting the richest material guessing from the strike and dip and everything of that seam it should come right through there though as we clear off the Bedrock we still haven't seen the court seam anywhere so maybe what I'll do is I'll push back through there for the next load and see clearing it off if maybe I discover something that would be awesome if we could find out where the courts here is actually the quartz and puritite the iron perotite the quartz is actually coming from well that filter's seen better days luckily it's a 10 vacuum and there we go put that in those [Music] so it looks like the vacuum is just less than two full buckets and I think I want to take four buckets today so let's do this all one more time two buckets worth back at the truck let's get two more right up in there so I cleaned out all the way back right there still no indication I did find one rock that seemed a bit heavier than it should have been and I you know broke it open and it's definitely got some spellerite or something like that inside of it it's not really the pyrites definitely not the quartz it's got to be right here somewhere probably behind all that debris though so maybe try over there so as I start cleaning up a bit farther here I'm still finding pieces of quartz all the way up there so the odds are the courts didn't move from down below up top that moved from up top down so the seam is probably still up there somewhere I'm gonna vacuum in there and see what I find now as I go down deeper I am finding more quartz I am also finding some pure tight chunks that's just solid iron a little bit quartz on top lots of quartz had a big chunk of Courts here somewhere and that was lost there's definitely more puritate more quartz more quartz I'm definitely getting closer to the source keep finding these great chunks of quartz coming out of here that's where the gold is in that quartz I'm getting lots of it out of that hole so we're on the right path that's for sure well I kind of wish I was on this hole right from the beginning it is doing well I'm finding so much evidence of the actual seam down there which also means there will be more gold in this material than what I got original but it's full again and that's all the buckets I have to fill up and take out of here so I'm hoping to take four back to the truck I think when I consolidate the back of the truck I'll probably have three right full ones that gives me a uh empty bucket for tomorrow's Expedition that hole seems to be where it's at in the future and maybe move that and that and then go down through there more and see if I can find that seam which is kind of in the right spot just so much Slough above that I have to deal with anyhow this way to collect the material this vacuum is doing a marvelous job and it's not so much you know physical strong arm work although I still have to carry it down the hill which is physical strong leg work yep someday it might be worth manhandling that log out of there rolling those rocks aside clearing from where I know the seam is and just tracing all the way across and seeing what I find but I'm definitely you know down onto much more lucrative material down there there will be gold in there there will be some nice gold in there now this stuff I'm collecting right now actually isn't the stuff that I make my paper bags out of no I will be processing this through a high banker through you know the gold Cube through a newfangled tool I got from goal hog probably use that actually I will be processing this somehow and recovering the gold out of it it's not Placer gold it's hard rock gold that has naturally weathered out of the quartz and the puritite so it still looks perfectly like the Hard Rock gold angular sharp crystalline the stuff I use for making my Patriot bags from the Blue Chip mine here is actually the quartz seam itself crushed down it's quartz crush and it has gold in it too but it's not enough so what I do after I fill a bag of the quartz crush is I take some of this stuff that's naturally weathered out and put it in on top and that way you're guaranteed to have gold in every bag but again I was running out of the free gold material so I need to go and you know collect some more that's what I'm doing today but I think I'm also going to go across to add it number five which really isn't at it is just a divot in the Mountainside over there and see if I can get some specimens as well due to a small lack of buckets I have to carry that bucket back and I have to carry that material still in the vacuum down the big hill without falling wish me luck I do love this generator if you ever need a good generator the Honda 2000 quiet powerful reliable it's the way to go [Music] one bucket on foreign [Music] [Music] full make three buckets right full ish and that is what it's gonna have to do to get me enough gold to last until you know the next Harvest here which will probably be spring well let's hope it's enough now back with the hammer and chisel and pry bars and whatnot and see if I can get some Blue Chip gold or specimens sometimes we're lucky enough to actually see gold on them let's see what we can find so I want to get my specimens up you know by added five but you know you know you know you know you know you know there's a chunk right there this part of the seam has produced some of the biggest pieces of gold out of the whole mine and I see a piece I think I can break free so specimen from here too well that was a lot easier than I expected there is a specimen of gold ore from the Blue Chip mine from the scene that shows the biggest pieces of gold when you're lucky enough to get them and I think there's one more just ready to come to two pieces of gold ore let's go for three make that three and four oh and that's where you find the gold in Pockets just like that again Pockets just like that is where the gold hangs out so here is the stereotypical piece of gold bearing quartz vein it's got pyrite through it it's got sulfides through it it's got rust all through it that's the type of thing that Bears Gold and if you see these little pockets of rust that's typically where the gold will form especially in the Blue Chip mine here there's one two three four five that's kind of one over there two six Pockets any one of those could have gold this one has some Bigger Pockets too one big pocket another big pocket a little one over there again that's what you're looking for for gold ore and if you zoom right in on these pockets that's when you sometimes may get the chance to see gold if I weren't shaking so much my goodness I'm shaking a lot now unfortunately at it five which is nothing more than this just a little dip in the hill I jokingly call it an added someday it might be but at it five looks to have a lot of work before I can actually get at any of the material a lot of stuff has come back in the last year and a half looks like a lot of digging this wall right here was loaded in Gold it had a layer of quartz on the surface of it and every time I broke a piece of quartz off the surface I would see gold in that quartz this was by far the most visible gold I've seen on this claim but unfortunately the face ran out and now to get more of it I have to go down which is going to be significant work and I don't know if I have it in me today to shovel all that maybe I'll go over here there's a really nice piece of puritite over here that hopefully is less digging to get to so I happen to know at the bottom of this little divot right here there is a very nice chunk of Purity that's an iron pyrite especially kind of iron pirate right jet black it always sets off my metal detector when I'm up here not all pyrite set off metal detectors pure tight does really loudly sounds like you know there's a Sherman tank buried right there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to clear that away just my shovel just scrape it all back see if I can expose it and see if any of the pieces are exposed enough that we can get a good sample off it [Music] foreign [Music] so one of two things has happened here my brain is failing me because I sure remember a chunk of irritate right there or I harvested it already I got it already or someone got it already I still see some little evidence around I'll dig some more and see if I can find where it is so I may have found a chunk of it right there I don't quite know oh yeah that trunk right there yep there we go there's the puritite one big huge big huge a big huge chunk of iron pyrite Purity is actually what it is oh I'm gonna dig more of that stuff and see if I get some specimens of irritate there's a great specimen smaller but you know it's got the quartz and the pure tight together that's really when you find the gold dropped it don't think that's gold maybe it's kind of what it would look like if it was okay I see some of the seam now in situ which means in place I'm gonna bring the chisels down here and see if I can break off some chunks [Music] well that's definitely the mass appear type that I was expecting to see down here just in case of whether or not I can get off specimens or if it's all just gonna crumble like that hopefully there's still some Quartz in it too there's the courts attack is all puritated along the back here there's a nice specimen lots of the puritate some of the quartz that's where we find the gold okay this might produce something nice lots of material let's hope for specimens oh yeah there it is there's the best specimen so far absolutely I think I may even see some gold on it let's check this out hard to say but that could be gold in the pair type there I think it is visible gold that's what we're looking for look at this specimen you can't beat that if you want it it'll be up for auction on my website www.danhart prospecting.com and sometimes in the really weathered out pair tights the gold just jumps out and shines at you because it doesn't weather it stays shiny or the pure tight rusts goes black and another pretty nice one now here's one with Pyrite pyrotite and quartz all in one again perfect pyrite peritite and quartz this will have to be the last one mosquitoes are getting me in a way I can't handle oh what do we get oh there it is and ended off one last good nice piece now I gotta get out of these mosquitoes they're driving me bonkers that might be a piece of gold right there wouldn't that be nice end off with a piece of gold not a bad little pile of you know pure tight pyrite and quartz specimens let's put them in the bag and get out of here and of course that hole will be there for the next time I come and I can Harvest some more love the scenery here so Lush and green so different than back the Okanagan where I come from where it's dry and hot now I know many of my viewers hate it when I collect material like this on video and then don't show you the results so let's do a Time Warp home right now run that material through one of the machines and see what it has in it for gold gold from the Blue Chip mine yes the Blue Chip mine to recover the gold from this material today I will be using gold Hog's new tool the boerbox yes this tool is not currently on the market I am helping in the sort of testing stage of it they're still developing it hopefully this fall it'll be out to Market on their website about 400 for the board box but if you want to see videos on the board box go check out my Channel today I'm just using it to recover the gold [Music] well it took about 15 minutes to run the first bucket through and it ran through very smoothly no issues no problems this uh board box working well I have some suggestions for for a gold hog on it but in general the machine is working great let's forget the other two buckets and we'll run it all through [Music] bucket number two done that took about 25 minutes to run the first two buckets and machine seems to be handling it just fine again if you want to know how this machine works check out my previous video on it there we be three buckets in about 40 minutes not bad you know for all of this decisions I had for gold hog in my last video to make the machine better uh which they you know what the heck they've already sent me a new plate they're already on it but for all of those suggestions this machine as is is working fantastic that was really quick ran through that material in no time I don't like the small Hopper but it worked I would prefer a bigger Hopper but you know what they have worked and no complaints research and development team for Gohan you're doing a great job stay tuned for more videos on the evaluation of this machine though oops I let my tailings bucket overflow that does take about five minutes to you know take off all the wing nuts and undo the machine rinse all the mats out and then put it all back together again but really if you're using a gold Cube you're gonna be every bit as long as that you know rinsing out the the mats these things rinse out much easier foreign there we go now I am not evaluating the machine today so I've just rinsed all the mats out I'm not checking the top ones versus the top bottom I'm not going through my tailings to see what it missed I did all of that in my other videos today I'm just using the machine to get the gold and there you are that's about the cons you get out of the machine what is that maybe two to three cups of material two cups two cups of material and we're gonna pan that out in the panning tub see what kind of gold I found [Music] there we are really nice crystalline chunky gold not as much as I'd hoped for in that though so I'm definitely gonna have to go back for another trip this year and get more material for my Patriot bags because that will not be enough to film any though it does look like I missed a few pieces back there oh yes there's another one over here too so there's a bit more I just did do a very good job of cleaning it up foreign [Applause] material we ended up with some really nice looking juicy quartz or samples that guarantee have some gold in them I will use the crazy Crusher crush it down into a powder and use this unsearched in my pay dirt bags along with the rest of the material I already have good looking gold ore I'm crushing there will be gold in there and from the mouth of attic number three I'd like to say thank you to everyone for watching a big extra thanks to my patrons out there because the support of my patrons I get to make these trips and these videos and make this content for everyone on YouTube to watch so thank you patrons I love your support hope everyone enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't heard your subscription yet I hope I earned your subscription today and there will be more videos coming from the Blue Chip mine now that I can get back in here so look forward to them in the future so until then bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 402,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, boar box, gold hog
Id: Wta6thzHLb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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