SAUCE ME MORTY! | Rick and Morty VR

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lilium poof what what is this what am I kidding why are you going about telling me what I'm like kidding Seng job you won't stop doing it Nate maybe if you warn me in the first place oh my gosh are you kidding me right now Matthew here's your warning you're in a room right now there's other stuff in where is everything you know y'all know when you had I'm going to phase through this wall here and find you will find you nope [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to my Monday edition so busy so studious in some cases so sleepy so Monday hey uh welcome to the stream today is another beautiful day for VR which stands for virtual rig and whoa virtual Rick and morning so it's like VR and m vr and am virtual Ricky Morty hey good so we are able to start where we left off okay so so last time let me I got so many wires on my body so last time we did Rick's laundry we learned how to move ray repaired Rick's porn infested computer and Chris tell us if we need to take Matthews microphone off - no that's great you didn't set up the boom mic okay last time Jason was doing fancy stuff with the the sound this time now here's the emoji fancy cat Jason always wants to be fancy comic surprise real hard sci-fi world and car word we sci-fi word and car words we did that upgrade were smart so now we are fixing the mess that we made okay let us do that and also just so you guys know we're going to do our best to talk a little bit less over the sound of the game this time but just so you guys know I can't hear the game and also it's a reminder you know if you're very weird bounce up that's because of ambisonics and to life if you put your ear to something they want to do Java samples exclaiming yeah and not really facing something real hear the sound but once he turns his head here is actually closer to that thing and so it might become louder even though he's not directly looking at it people were really weirded out about it last time so that's just a heads up if the sound feels like it's changing a lot it's just because Matthew head is changing and that's actually something that a lot of 30 60 like VR stuff is doing to help immerse you more real estate world right hand for game lab I think I'm just going to the camera camera here yeah great so even for game lab or something that we've been on all the 360 episodes there is to do that will actually manipulate the sound I like 360 around your head so that way it makes it more realistic so if I turn toward it it sounds more like I were touched I was turning to the sound in real life yeah all right let's go the more you know I'll in the chat crazy monkey says they will never find you in this mess the mess being the chat well you have been found Michael dikmen's and facehole uh and let's see Rick and Morty watch will Rick Allen a great don't know why I just started on that that was a random stuff hey man do you feel it's all about how you feel not it's about playing a video game your honor all right so when last we left off we gotta check my wrist here we go we just take some time to relax but the garage um and when you're ready just continue moving forward [Music] so risk and other stuff for me to do you pouring that soda Stephanie freaked me out for a second dinner today what is that sound in the game it's so realistic and right next to my head it sounds it sounds like it should be right in front of me so cool crisp and refreshing all right right there that I have so one of the other things that people were recommending last time so we had collected a bunch of cassette tape to put into the cassette player but one of the things we were really curious about was potentially a cassette tape and they'd have to find where the cassette tapes are again but potentially using so this machine here uses two things together right right and so one of the things that someone had had like suggested in the comments of the reupload on GT Live suggested fusing this which is good time and there's really no way that we found to like listen to it you like what you said yeah if you think just time with a cassette tape so that way maybe the cassette tape is able to have the good times on it and we're able to listen to it on on the cassette player sounds brilliant thank you I thought I thought I thought it was a really good idea whoever submitted it yeah the question though is where that tape if anyone remember that was supposed to be on that shelf somewhere I'll look in the actually we can probably go to the satellite real quick because I remember the satellite had a drawer with it I'm gonna do that roof aim towards us with you anyway here we go don't get smacked by random pieces also pro tip don't jump up in a room where there's a low ceiling people really want hey hey Chris can you move the mouse people won't really want us to move the cursor none okay okay so I got so I got the cassette table it's difficult actually work so good time with cassette tape and this hopefully ooh what is this Christmas is a code isn't it what is it do you recognize this code Chris because it's the code that's on the board today is this what was alien alphabet that is not the code that is meant to carry on but it can we translate this because again and again the reason I'm really interested in this good time tape reel is because this could like Rick and Morty is a really deep show right and we've had a lot of fun doing series on actually I'm writing a theory as we speak on Rick and Morty to be on film theory in the next like week or two um but a lot of it is this mysterious backstory with Rick and so if Rick's you know I feel like this is a very Canon like this would be accepted as a cannon world so this could provide a chance at the Rick's backstory which is pretty exciting so I'm going to listen to this now clothing um just so you know stuff I'll fill you in on any pertinent details with some real mark is you never really know what I need to feel real to defend yourself from all of the schlimm flop bears in the force all you have to say yourself in the screen schwa well that wasn't super helpful really is that it is that it no come on come on that was so so goofy and not helpful at all you can you feel real real like you never really know when you'll need to feel real to defend yourself from so so that was not helpful it's like unfortunately it just said that the film reel does helpful stuff I wonder if that's just kind of like what happens if you use the cassette tape with other things yeah they don't see I think what it's going to do is get us a like the pop can or soda can or something good skin so it's okay so it's the same thing over and over again it's just whatever object that you're mixing it with so this was it prompted them to fill in the blank where to feel real this one front of the facility was sense okay the soda would so that was not unlocking the mysteries of the good times feel real it wasn't the answer to all of your cereal problems I was hoping that this would be the answer to all my theoretical issues I have so many theoretical issues and we all many really always use it well yeah true so keeps it so you guys you and proverbial you maybe if this is where the camera is keeps thinking about how we can listen to this film real because their secret here there are secrets here there's got to be a way don't unwrap them I swear they're not just reading the Sun okay so you're gonna move on with the story yeah oh I got helping out it enough we can research all right that's easy enough all right so the chat saying that you like Rose Tyler and Gianni Papa said you have to seize it with a different tape specifically summers audio Diaries oh yeah so dry I would give that a shot some rehalia diary was in the bathroom there was one that was in the bathroom under the sink bathroom what for though yeah I think that was the one [Music] here so before we help out they're yelling at me for they're yelling at me for ignoring them and their problems ah too bad guys I got bigger I got bigger issues William I can't take a summers diary a little three will bother bridge shut up rise out of here shut up I don't care if I'm solving controlling a victory okay no bells calm down calm down Oh something elegant I'm trying to try to get them to calm down they just keep talking he'll like me during the livestream just keep talking us up here we go yeah it's the same thing is it try it is this what's going to solve in here now here we go same thing ah all right and I bet if you like if you do it this way probably okay yes all right so that so that's not quite it either I guess I just have a bunch of useless cassette taken you can check them out the window I could that's a good point whoo Steph this is called littering right you're not very green friendly are you feeding them there they're going to grow up to meet a tree notice before though something don't oh it's Jared and Jerry and Jerry target is a Jerry target dumb idiot and then there's a curb populous Michael oh man regulation security yeah yeah no I don't know you guys destroyed all the bottles God yo look there thank you rock you rock Matthew my gosh what a crawler yourself sorry and Jerry deserves that whoo care is there another I just wrote it I don't know where that no here's the ice cream tape here's the I just got but whoa hold up waiting for why are we waiting for Ricky Morty no come back to me come back me game side a game disappeared first day it's not responding hang on we need a little will help it needs a little love a little technical assistance to close you here while we wait you want me to have into the chat here yeah please do okay I did waiting let's see Chris fix the tailor normal one to throwing the tapes at Jerry dark Kirito gaming to combine two tape tape and Columbus as the Emerald star oh don't betray food plenty the plumbers are gonna do much I don't really see a plum this is going to do in that game on a production says there's another tape I think there's a tape out there in the lawn that yeah that I've seen I'm gonna have to use the semi seat me see for ya yeah I see all Kasumi who the mock he says I love your channel so much that's so exciting um you're just eggs the game is restarted Samina Samantha says I'm gonna oh good we're just going to restore just gonna restart okay maybe any good they'll do three now behind play dudududududududu there we go okay so yeah you can see the top of the chest oh and just getting caught up okay Bobby 96 along with lot of other people are also saying fuse two tapes together to to to see you yeah all sorts of good options we'll try them all anyway right I know ah belt hero says I've been a GT sub since Zelda potions and power van oh man so over gums look out stomach here come yeah theory I don't remember to enter into that one and this is my first live stream can I get a dip and a half you know what a dip and a half I don't know what it justice anyway just kind of like this diff your your bad buns or something you can go for that rod never keep it on you really need your yard with the other half later going in via choke dab dead davin huh maybe I was it perhaps a perhaps prep room is going down here a lot of people are saying taste less tape except Caleb Crowe who says I don't do sadness not even running a little bond oh by them yeah ah don't want any part of it I think here we go okay cute he is here I gotta go down grab it grab it no excuse it oh come on yeah okay Oh nothin oh no no come on here we go no come on don't become a buddy come on buddy you're like right there ah you're right right there like a shadow a shadow over top of it oh come on get down get down with your bad self and get down get down get down music tonight so goofy here we go I think it's that you're getting you're like getting awesome focus when you go yup the table okay good you wanted to throw it just haven't throw it it's a hard throw to make okay he'll get closer at least but then I might not be able to see it here we go oh ol you'rea was terrible ah odd but now where is it oh it just like changed into nothingness is ah chili flavor wait we waivable hold up what turn it again we're good we're gonna solve this mystery I'm so determined there you go you're good mmm toss them on over I guess this is a tough one just okay well yeah good one oh yeah oh nice here a little bit back Oh Mary you're okay me see I haven't talked enough a through this wall with you buddy because I'm close Morty and I don't care about physics at all come on come on oh they're good huh no oh my god yeah oh that's awesome okay guys let's see what snuffle fantasy it's probably going to just feel like a bunch of incoherent barking and then no that'll be an awful just too smart for just encoding for your job I would have said you're in here yeah what's here come on Jerry didn't you tried to make it smart and now all the dogs have left the way I remember it I gave them purpose they should change before you made them smart you were doing it to help you just wanted snow buildin up pee on the carpet so they're just kind of like rehashing like there's a second episode okay really that was it they were just like oh I knew it I knew it's going to be disappointing that was it it was just like Oh trouble because it was basically a rehash to the first episode yeah all right here we'll do one last thing and then we'll move on with the story which is I'll try you these two together okay that'll be good let's ride and we'll keep brainstorming ideas yes and then from there there's got to be something there's got to be some secret your summers up again effective here and then like and it's the same for me but if sometimes you get so excited about the show itself but we look for more than might be in this game oh we certainly of course we do of course we do but then again it is see this is and this is the same thing with life by baby Freddy's or a lot of like you know I think hello neighbors that same way where they have so many little like secrets and easter eggs and things like that yeah that on one hand it's like oh we're overlooking in the things but on the other hand like there's so much detail and more in every bit of this yeah and so it's true to like the franchise that it's not like I don't think it's too unwarranted here a tribal person okay if that Norfolk written paper again alright okay let's play on look with alright your location are you hearing a lot now here we get you location I'll wear my crown cuz I'm a citizen ah no way finally definitely came here too so why don't you figure out how to get it bring it over here while I fix the mess you made in my car hey what do you need buddy he's the sort of a thing your mother's like oh I think this clone is either dumb or just broken couldn't you make a robot that passes the a or something you click alright get over here and give the agent got it here you go whoa hey what were you grabbing there buddy I'll hand the briefing a little low there here you go those aren't the eggs you're looking for my friends sure about this Rick nature preserve Morty it is a nature preserve and I'm Way ahead of you stable Daniel are three detective measures might have detected up coming here yeah I got married what Oh baby oh man that misses a diseased snella pan oh no oh oh you guys what's up they're all gone oh yeah I got a I got an answer the death pose looks like a dad look for an example not available re oh you the double secretary simply we weren't actually expect you to be dead so soon don't want dad you can just press that button right front here we go Annabeth oh great I need to find somewhere warm for the egg I mean obviously like armpits or crotch area don't they just put it in your pants just push really hot in there my president yeah maybe leave the details out and just worry about the egg you're the one who told me to put it like in my face so a that's it do anything uh that that would strike me add the dryer as a good place thank you both last night right right I like that idea dude was a bit delicate it's probably don't huh right yeah and what do you want any warm do work for you plus little air you don't see you earth Morty gonna buy oh I think it's missing you I think it's like Oh Morty's my daddy hey different yike you just Annina seem friendly it's very affectionate not making out with me right no bad touch I know it's like going straight for the tongue no no preamble about it didn't even buy you a drink it's very good not it no me no no means no unless you're offering me food in which case no means the Pilatus refusal hoping that you ask again so I can say yeah come on come on Fred should I like try to pick you off or hey what's up I think yeah maybe try and grab him in your hand there you go there you show your little buddies oh my god he's really cool you have become really awful in America you're gonna totally you're gonna oh kill me and then like you awful things to my court aren't you here we go oh my god Cory imprinted on you okay one quick lovely fetch with it oh I can play fetch with it on and malign so I'm gonna go get some stuff for you what can we play fetch with let's play fetch with the humans go oh then what buoyed up so good to say is he no different that was good hmm there you go oh my god my gosh okay what can we name it oh it's got a little like sucker can we name it skip oh yeah absolutely exactly the same except way nice right right left hungry and more friendly than our jerk cab yeah go get it cookie we want to watch out oh very open hands place at the shop nope nope yeah okay luck oh hey buddy hey you can look hot there friend oh that's the camera and that's the camera again thank you everyone thanks for warning the guy who exists we are it's called comedic effect do you see what I have to work with you see this [Music] dancing sacred no problems are the best I'm gonna ask lip over Twitter can I reach hey Chris and camera I need to I need to get here so I could talk to my alien friend thank you what would what are you doing Chris it's bad touch bad touch Chris what is this good jeez here we go here we go okay now do you start making out all right I know I would totally stop making out with cameras by newer the camera one here looks awesome printed on you it's trying to tell you what I want you to do Oh God I'll kind you I'll tell you what's do okay hey buddy here we go I also appreciate everybody chatted saying Jerry Pat right now is pointing that out just saying there's a lot of Jerry Pat happening happening in the chat right now there's a buddy what would you like nope nope that that just shut it hey maybe if you stop flying in there I don't open you'll be able to get in you're about as smart as our cat aren't you yeah it's about this oh yeah above the level of smartness all right now come on now friend okay pick them up grab it what would you like what would you like describe them what is your record yeah oh man II shred that oh good one oh man sample nope don't let your another words know another word for it that works maybe is not hungry no that's not turning over a fatty already gosh you want to go to the know where you want to go typical skip everyone real huh bathroom bathroom you're really adamant about that you got you got a poop schedule Ilya poop what about you sis what am i doing why are you going about telling me what I'm like kidding God stop doing it Nate maybe if you warned me in the first place oh my gosh are you kidding me right now Matthew I choose mi - Matthew here's your morning you're in a room right now there's other stuff in where is everything you go y'all know when you had you had no one to blame but you're real if we're not even Rory the truth really you should have remembered that one for last I don't know what your spoiler alert this feeling and where autumn is this feeling I don't know that's all you're feeling you've been covered with wrath there's one place in the room where if I reach out I will hit a fan what is the probability that I'm in that part of the room pretty high since the whole game takes place underneath it I've been moving a fair amount that I didn't miss look look you're here right where are you where are you right now where are I hear you shifted I hear you shifting on the couch don't you avoid me I'm gonna kick you at night with my foot mine on virtual reality foot might just reality reality for what you know don't hide behind the couch your hide by the counter I'm going to phase through this wall here to find you we'll fight strange nope haha hi student behind behind the counter okay here you go here here you want your safe space yeah give me a safety stay here great thanks there are other things in all the directions if you go far enough you're going to hit one right got it okay you're good you're all you're all the best fantastic now if you'll excuse me gotta go with my with you bastard hey what's the bathroom let's switch over to satellite hmm here nope nope come on bathroom here we go ha because you see what I have to deal with people who are somewhere in my fist I think you're still here and it would play don't worry about it trying to talk to the people to understand my plight yeah you talked to him real good but I was I was talking to him very very nicely thank you to play so where shoot now and now I've lost my alien friend Steph I hope you're happy 0:03 is very almost split you want like plunge Jim you see ya again again this is again this is not the way do you think Oh what's up what's up friend there was my turn I did oh here we'll find it look good know one note so varied able to see oh hold on you didn't realize it here you here there's your proof yes I think you want the laxative oh boy Wow pretty good it is what would you suggest me oh that is you hey yeah you're gonna you're gonna punch me in the stomach friend there yeah thank you I'm just sayin here I'm gonna feel no no you rest I'm going to explain it no I don't have to poop here you go Oh purposes turn Oh oh my gosh you're the cutest never you said was really serious explosive where'd you go it doesn't quite give Matthew enough love he's got it you've got a resort to digital alien hey maybe you know what maybe if skipped turd we're a fun neon green and had like fun cute explosions there are regular green and it's really unfortunate right that's okay regular green and that is that is pretty rough to begin with okay no they're just browsing really so much you're young what's up - people are saying there's no sound did that get fixed when we put on Matthews mic or not hold on I'll go is there a way for me talking okay you're losing going on to my no longer that last time when I won our office in Allahabad Nigeria probably all time cartridge is laugh game like so stuff notice me it's player time it isn't it is indeed hold on I'm gonna check I'm just a free course online hey stick it's prettier time it's frequency is it - yeah bring the table sprinkle it on for forty five is free the time for forty five Regis I'm so glad someone her mind belongs only underneath right Fred where were you have reminded the sprinkler time like I'm running as fast as I can run the TriCaster Jason oh cool thanks thank you kate is like a hearty steak for you everyone make it rain in the chat sprinkler time or at least make amalgamation the chapter aggressive that is thoroughly moist sentence is moistened yet true repeat progress sends sprinkles as dead doc Nightingale as does Leckie wave in words like Oh wrinkler time Rosalina 567 cesspool in the mouth roaring I don't know what you do while we're playing Troy so we're in some sort of virtual game oh maybe it was about a small baby I mean I'm in a giant crib this there's my mom here here Chris I can get that I can get the mouse what he's doing like you doing like slinky cat burgler acrobatic to like get over to the mobile cool and we're Mouse off the screen here what should I play with I'm going to play with the Rubik's Cube maybe this is this is a game it's gonna dictate my teeth all this is going to be like um like the game Roy from Blitz blue okay and you've always been a smart one Troy thank always playing with your puzzles haha thank you okay smarty gonna clip lot of bubbles okay I'm gonna finish up marking down your answers can be collecting the test in a moment okay here we go alright alright okay poster so I'm kind of dictating the few lines and I'm gonna say hold man true yeah you'd work lead purple finish take the yellow bow oh you're so smart it's okay man and leave it in here for party boy yeah I'm going to choose the responsible beverage race soda please go to yeah yeah responsible beverage here would you like some have been responsible beverage have taught some responsibility with fun they offer you some responsibility responsibility the second responsibility for you how long how about some bless your soda okay whoo yeah no just no you're gonna make some trouble David she'll have a something double peace accord what I was doing with emergency and based earlier today oh man I'm gonna he says I'm gonna make some important the results are in the experiment was a success we're gonna change the world with this new compound Troy the investors are waiting give me a copy of your neighbor work Oh No so she thinks I'm going to change the world with that he wants to inform the investors oh no who do I give it to do I give it to the guy who wants the investors and is clearly in it for the money or the woman who is going to help change the world there's got to be money what right I mean it is Rick's exam this is Ricky well no it's a game it's like the game Roy in the show so wait you would give it to her though right well so she's gonna she's like we're gonna change the world he's like sleazy like work I need to show the investors yeah I think we show it to the investors I think we show to be my why would you do that because if we show it to her and it doesn't work we end up you're gonna change the world of science need fundings that it's very important you have scientific background you understood yeah do you think I should give it to her still I think the game doesn't want you to sell out I think that's what you have to do I think the game does want me to sell out this is again this is Rick and Morty it's not like purity chastity VR the game this is Rick and Morty every man for himself the game ditches sprite in last scene right so this will be on it out ah here we go I don't know you're welcome no you're good oh can you work yourself to death now alright you gave us money as an investment on a rect object see you gave us investment money that's no hey I'm all for that I realize I'm terribly that's probably a good idea but I think the game wants you to sell out there for you to stay stay true to size this is so intense this is so intense these choices so I need to do something serious with my life try parent how to make and raise children do I job fair need a life change give new job puzzles or I don't know what to just collect Social Security I'm guessing that just just lay about and collect Social Security what you got there Troy it's a Rubik's Cube I want to do Rubik's Cube for a living I'm gonna support me in my Rubik's Cube addiction well it's not really a nurse a you're just overworked I'm overworked oh no remorse is young as you used to be tomorrow we're gonna have to have a talk about what you're doing X okay if you keep working like this I'm afraid dear oh no no don't worry I'm here for you thank you can drew this thank you well now we're having a talk about me being overworked and thank you thick still going strong how can I repay me hey I retired at you always been such a hard worker trying I'm glad you finally get to rest Nicci a wife of mine beautiful wife 77 still alive doctor isn't there you know there's nothing I can say I'm overweight again gardener jernard oh no what my what my dog knows right now it's the truth oh no it's not what I want to see anymore but it's the truth there you go my diagnose says whole life but all things must one day it I'm sorry to tell you this Troy but you've got about ten seconds to look at the lab know why why oh no oh my gosh that was incredible do you feel drained now good yeah Judith tighteners that's cool yes first job scientist number could be a 37 year so did I win did I win is that considered a victory how do you win at life Matthew what do you think I read in here golden it was a good a good one yeah spinner I was a nerd and was cool I was a cleanser I know hey buddy hey skip are you buddy first job with a scientist number kid girl series lookit let's do it again I'm going to do one more round to this because I'm curious this is pretty fun people are just like wow what oh my sweet little true here we're going to gonna play with the dolls they said you were diagnosed with awesomeness and to play again right let's play one more let's let's do another round I'm gonna play with a doll okay that's all your friends talk and they say you're older and you go to school let free Joe McCloskey body dies anyway hey daddy buddy think like my name is Susan clear if you want cereal little telephone well now those in favor of social infielders attended history I'm not another mom I go to the car you guys really don't like him now I think I go to this I'm not looking forward to spending a day in that for any factory now and you have like 25 cavities later and ago broke can your examples oh oh no okay so I did raise my hand so we went to the History Museum okay okay cool man background III hear you one Cheers here's Brooks a drink or should I say we sold I uh I don't try something ever done before again this looks great grows yeah Brad yeah I got the mad sir brew yeah buns up oho hideaway got reg woo getting my bottle what's up world Rick coming out Troy I need all those who have well thank oh man okay he needs the she needs the papers filled out okay before I leave so I can just leave I don't want to leave so I want to show that I'm a good worker yeah sign Detroit I enjoy in Troy Bryan Troy oh I got you all this time oh yeah you thanks for all your hard work Troy here's your pay for lobbying reports all right way actually you right this is actually really satified hello this one so wait I guess I look good done money we'll make it rain 35 years okay nice Troy you can't keep doing this forever okay okay what did I do job fair collect chest retirement let's have a kid Wow let's do it well things may be moving a little too quickly hey wife I think it's time that you and I you know bring a little bundle joy to this world I do she's my company wife oh here you pucker your lips congratulations Trello filled on a story here would you like to hold her yes there you go you'll to be a father well you know I'm so happy Troy I feel like everything's gonna be hard going sabotage about what's wrong with you drop the baby oh no they're mad at me what's wrong with you oh no it's a terrible father yeah you don't wanna make me tell you not human traffic maybe and cram a baby o.o know why I'm so sorry well you did drop the bottom line it's hard for me to even be here seeing you try Oh I dream about our child every night I can't stop wondering of what constant what happened to us trying wonder reading of my own all right visiting yeah oh my god like Graham I know my greatest joy my biggest regret I'm not gonna lie it's bad oh no it's another one you could have done really with the rough life not pretty first oh no what do I - I'm sorry bud Walter you had about ten seconds to live does everyone know guilt after it's guilt after a doctor shopping or going out got their tea on you hold me close doctor you're only person in my life yeah so that was a success that was well as oh you want to give it one more go I I just said that I dropped my baby that was a bummer I'm concerned now a little bit what is this looks like it yeah I wonder if you beat the game with a certain stage oh boy I wonder there's awesome all right one more time what we're going one more we're gonna look at a window oh sweet little truth so say go for a good ending or should I go for like over sports cover sports board I'm what oh man that's like why don't you yell again all right how about you show you how to play thank thanks Bob Clippers football oh you're still calling okay all right Texas oh my gosh oh my god yeah yeah your lawn she bought that sport I totally courts that ball suck on that ball it still can't believe you how do you through high are you always in the backyard games your friend Cheers Troy you try to me look you bet sit left this Cola you're gonna go on oh oh I'm gonna go on to be very thank you said 31 Oh night here we go hmm oh boy right on please you're a sports baller why yes little boy you can absolutely get my autograph you're the best Troy what I grew up always try you good Troy the right round a happy customers aid Roy Wow what'd I get yeah you too son you can do it my friend you can high-five I find that it was low low low clapping huh I think okay hi face there you go Troy the rocket autograph today there you go buddy man Wow look you want a selfie bamm-bamm selfie take my cash and now kids see a coin please he's outta there but Troy's you can't go man it's time to get real okay I think now you go for the kid yeah I think we got to go for a Kinetico finicum don't drop the belt how ironic would it be if the pro sports player wasn't able to catch me here baby I'd rather get I like why did you drop your baby all right all right Chandi here you go oh man I'm ready I also just want to point out at under LS everyone Tabitha's life in a matter of seconds what did Carrie do Oh No don't call me a Jerri 37 three all right congratulations Oh their nails sheridan's okay okay get ready the choice of hammer I would like to think of it like a football it's like a football how does hold on today father I'm so happy Troy even Annie like everything's gonna be fine now don't drive it got it got save the baby save the baby no clothes it's always out of your fingers it won't turn on hardware oh my god you finally good I get to rest and retired we may be getting old you don't look a day over 16 right why you look the same as you ever have my overall doctor here's the marriage know what's wrong with me they're spitting at me - no I'm afraid not who knows he was come on I was wondering for Pabon ah it's a brain injury from a football one it's the truth who do I have what do I have Troy's liftable Russian but all things must one thing football we watched a movie about this and everything lower me thinking oh no expense seconds already why Troy no please kiss me no I'll never forget like a night earlier earlier people proposed looking for them it was a very fulfilled life it was it was you have a son onions I lived for quite a while together in your mansion where you were signing autographs you didn't ask you yeah first up football players numbers of kids one all right so good yeah advocate flag ass so that's how you take care of Pat right Matthew I what like you got that again we spoke you don't this keeping a misty P so I don't know I feel like the first ending of Troy I provide for a good amount yeah that was actually your your dumb last one actually next one right but don't look it was very strategic and thoughtful about my success you know actually that one was with one that mirror is most closely like your current life like the nerd but also cool living along well I'm being pretty stressed out this is the nerd we can we can we just stop at nerd it's the cool I don't know so much so cool all right cool I could give you on with the game at this point yeah I think that let's do it all right what is this okay hey what did you out here alright this is a metal lit okay Blitzen okay so a flying disc plus metal okay plus mate okay so it's a pack here alright so we need hey where's my disco we need that there's really plus something metal okay so oh no come on here we go so we got this plus something metal which is the flap there we go terrible this is the place suffer why not no need to get rid of this okay so we got metal so no let me take that guy right now so if I like to order of operations here metal Clough me Oh make me so it's down here Oh lower so it looks like a plum [ __ ] or a second-rate egg rolls on this easy to confuse the maze with a regular old plum bit true okay equal cool oh yeah like an easy plunger attached here whoops maybe the other way there we go good one good one uh bulb what growth pill oh wait people want you to pull a handle pull the Troy handle real quick I did fold it oh wait oh no oh my name oh man skips waiting for it oh how did I not do this full-time Oh Daniel rent just wanted you to do that Juan Antonio said to do a generation gaming alpha with a super la la la la yeah everyone everyone's like oh my gosh my handle oh the mr. catsby mom tastic oh I wonder what I missed out on then there's all sorts of stuff that severely my god oh no this is a mom lion-o the Kremlin says show me what you got let me crack yes called it the fighter was the one that they like formed intergalactic peace treaty with yeah [Music] great they startled late Cuba I want to get them all legitimate for jogini anyway home poor life will be hid things i doing oh my gosh come on yeah crap but I'm weird show you the question ah is that mr. Joginder a bomb there yeah something that one just lop ah all right cool all right that was fun shoot we'll have to play more Troy and like I wonder if you get different prizes right okay okay oh it's hatch itself spinner Wow I need that okay okay catch a cell sitter right here and then fold plus growth pill so Oh everything a light ball is there anything a few football which turns in a light somewhere that you need that you can unscrew oh maybe this is all floor oh wait maybe over here is this all that weight whatever oh I mean oh it's broken broken though that's look good and that one's broken well you just have to add to something to it though maybe like light bulb but glass yeah that's right light bulb wha-oh Gladwell whoa not broken glass looks completely like that nice well done oh no no it's bulb growth pills people are saying use a computer I'm not sure what for now no no we use that last time okay yeah so this is a phone home device for my buddy okay is this all people say say you can buy a light bulb on the container oh we got one you ate them or email and that's thinking outside the box please yeah is this a group what so is this you don't really know do we want you to buy it online right kind of right word you're a growth hormone there we go looks like this sorry buddy people still want us to order the light bulb laughter I'm not sure why maybe something funny happens when you order it Oh giant light bulb oh no way all right and I think that it then okay you think ol mama okay please it does say good door like the website oh they also say you can buy a camera to play the tape umeƄ tape that's good to know there you go okay so there's a paragraph it has okay okay so if i'm uniq's is gorgeously what a cute little creature come here okay Wow don't dare don't you dare you know what what's going on what's to do why do they kill [ __ ] no no right cold universe factory farming and they shall get one shooter do it do it my gosh surely the gunfire ahh - ahh this is Candace Marty it's a vegan this is can't look Marty of now vegan your clothing see before even more important that word good morning it's planted these kind of things are happening in this video game it is true I can't believe he killed I'm so mad I'm so betrayed and killed yet well usually in a way you know Sandlin do you remember the guys grab a damn thing I don't want to seems like I'm not going to see you you don't deserve to die we're just here for your child tell all my friends I'm sorry the game forces me to kill you though I probably died Fred forgive me for what I'm about to do no no no cool party no shoot yourself first I can't sacrifice resolve I tried I couldn't do it here all right oh sorry sorry Oh sorry oh we're dead oh really you deserved it you monster okay what soon I'm still setting it up okay so we gotta do something and orange is my sources here we'll see an apple whoo hey hey hey watch out your big meal big deal Sydney okay yeah they're your friends no don't much like out nope no fast yeah beat it here food help help it poop yeah we're here is this lesson accident here there Joe pray need a bigger last grant man oh uh I gotta go to the bathroom is irrotational accidents right yeah man I think so whoo hard water hemorrhoid cream if you want while you're in there here I'll let you I'll let you poop great we go I left it in okay in the back and a hand we're through guys I'll get I'll give you better get to go maybe you should supersize Alaska no oh what a good idea here you prescribed laxative a town the bigger the laxative to figure the poop here we go that'll clear you out friend colon blow oh they're young whoa that's unfortunate hey Morty that man created you know when you catch me all right so they need me to pull on it to murder it Mort Mort he feels bad about this did you feel a little bit better from BC come on pull it your only cried with that you loved too much well I don't like the portal woo planet said like your Y okay they're like mad they are mad at me for you I don't blame no okay thank you say hey ray okay I may have overdone it a bit wait okay oh this is so cool this so close a small everything is relative to me oh this is really funny yes great actually gonna feed it can I see the planet Earth Oh for you Wow now they'd save the planet you're going to shrink the convect listen Morty you know I could go through all the problem I got the whole world in my hand I got the whole world in my Madison I win are you not entertained this is the no sanding was so sad I was so delighted here this was so delightful now it's Ted John what did he do is it over there in the GR what did you do to my buddy over there in gr that's it worry there you are quick you know wine just mega seed with that jar of goo oh no oh come on hurry hug it hold it close yeah I'll never forget you skin I'm gonna forget you skip you're the best pet I could have ever asked for right we better than our cat all right so I can buy the mega C with us where is oh there did you yet here we go make a seat over here combine what the hell oh no you were supposed to be the one I searched the whole central morning Oh Oh No so Rick really sweat it out Oh know each other's oh yeah you [ __ ] you [ __ ] don't call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] is out my god you're a very very good way okay Oh what are just work back I don't know you're gonna hit something Jesus I can't because they're telling me to kill something wait until Rick never fails no oh man I gotta pick a rich man dude oh no that's wrong carrying over here where's the dog where you going oh they're different perfectly matched thing that can kill us is sitting broken underneath including face where can we get that [ __ ] good already the guys there's a gun what am i touching right now what is your sauce enough you're wrong it's a wall yeah oh and then why with me Wow maybe this year we go oh nevermind I know I am for a while I'll carry gel I'm a [ __ ] oh how I do it this thing probably shoot like a true professor go no further dodge what about this really what are you just your honor this is really good okay right now know what different transfers between your momma stuff in a washing machine is yeah but you're all alone in the washing machine it doesn't follow me around for three weeks yeah that's nice yeah oh yeah this thing's will breathe yeah battery in the world bettering its battery oh here it is yeah the charges on you to charge it okay here put it in you can see Wow oh it's not charged I don't think that looks research okay no power up around the ring oh my god really silly right okay start good look good time okay can do a little frozen whoa whoa holy Phil no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa overlay oh good whoa oh my gosh this is insane I got 20 is that good is that a NASA said enough probably laughter yeah yeah let's say a certain year you're done Cara Jerry yeah yes Oh nope okay do not go at all we need it anyway no which is gone no Hey look at sink nope yo ho le wrecks are just flopping out out out there right there Annabelle look left super are you sure you can't get the gun listen oh there we go [Music] oh this is it there's like you don't need a battery come on guys right you are this is my rig what are they saying the shapes this guy screams are you my rich and he just says feel but respect way more vehemently raise my wrists I'm also mad at Rick for killing that thing right exactly why not knock out the way you don't think is your Rick because I know that is my Ripper sorry why not knock out the one that is your wrist yeah I'm gonna do it right do it do it ha ha ha Paul meaningless nope nope what maybe it hit me I avoided it I find it totally avoided it what do you want thank you I thought one oh god what did you do No oh geez Rick it's on a pony yeah hide all my secrets in work oh man do I go use the chip to upgrade the machine you know the one that you combine things with there you go all right perfect with the magazine okay buddy right we're almost there we made an Omega seat whoo it shouldn't be that hard to figure out from anything that has fluid in it all right daddy what you do the scary man I can see what happens when you combine notice you're gonna be create slide a time it is the Omega dimension some laundry clone morning Naga to lure the internship to the washer right now it's been around since I've done my laundry right just for the moment like this so here you go Cole Morty oh thank you thanks oh come on thanks guys the best I feel so accomplished now here I'll make a detergent man this is work good work guys I mean you shouldn't sell the important you'll make one charge of everything cool there you go Oh baby sometimes oh wait I got rare to get white laundry what I understand more laundry oh sure though that's what we been doing shanky process Rick right I feel like you're not I mean I'm watching this whole thing out yeah more authority more tea more you go hard to figure out we did all this is that we could do the laundry because there's a wrong way there's a right way now we're juicers right way and a wrong way to do laundry indefinitely it'll break and Morty adventure and now the Morty crown is going to do our lawn first thing is it's already known that Rick what I lost and underwear you don't like the end of that I don't want to lose wonder what are we undo it do all that stuff just so that you can get some crappy laundry detergent it's a bigger plan here right I've had this whole thing figured out for a while now we've been to milk now in made the more tea Cologne I knew it was capable of doing the laundry I knew I think the other three simple matters like / wasn't even reserve is stealing the laughter meaning a lot of you know the Lord he was incredible I know maybe guys go Creek Creek and drones you know the bait car malfunction was the perfect excuse to bring the clone to the nature preserve I had that all planned out we had to make sure we nurtured the bear thank you to an appropriate age so we may have to call it a mother informed no never be able to make on a perfect ring with the Omega T churches that I wanted you know this is a very delicate process Morty now I do only agency parents are probably handle yang you know I created a honeypot for the Richard finder that's right being the only Rick and the multiverse that it successfully acquiring will endure to the proper level of maturity I knew there would be other Rick's that we interested in making this Omega D turtle I mean you think she thinks I'm the only Rick Lee once is laundry done properly I mean these other Rick's and freezer mega speaks to our universe knowing that this universe lactamase need to create the Omega detergent in the hole and they can trick the phone and giving the player incomplete we didn't swoop in at the last minute take out both Rick which of the clones have presently helped by taking them out for us and finish the formula using the chip I hid inside the clones hands grow and then mix the laundry and booyah there we go perfect laundry they tried drinking as a surgeon getting to show you what a plant then all the Rick would show what happened that way my god I think I told it boss don't you campaign is this a street where we are I don't know you're talking about stuff it's about a boondocks ain't here who goes around on the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] are you even talking about Rick's keep selling we did all of this so that you can do your laundry perfectly I can't begin to comprehend how [ __ ] up fairly leads me to say in the brain even begin to allow us to have a pretty confident morning come down about this thing it's not a big deal nobody made it mattered died I came out okay we're fine who cares come on all right geez Rick what is this like The Flintstones I mean geez [ __ ] got the Koala to it all this tradition boarding now where you sitting here like the module and you just totally fine that word just doing a bunch of long angry man listen I can tell you represent money maybe you just need to put this into perspective I'll hire rockin baby maybe you just need to see that the universe is bigger did you hear me oh this one or the laundry for that matter than the laundry I get you some ice cream Morty calm down I want ice cream this is really [ __ ] up Rick you know I don't know what's wrong anymore don't want you to turn the dryer on I got an idea let's get some ice cream what a good idea yep all right Morty cone you know you did a real good job with my laundry finally done to the level of perfection I need he's happy with my laundry job oh that's good I French they do I search I did enjoy Troy toilets pretty up little are also acts aren't you to go into the dryer so these are the your texture the dryer how many 14 kippa co 13 cadet all 13 is very conception ah yes drink up they're singing when I was like in the world nice I do I do remember suit out world with the label thank you yeah all there's a scoreboard you guys man the developer truly you're spared no it's no stress I agree morning that is like you unlock for play man it's the game that doesn't end all I can charge the biggest step rest when I get a cash battery that's been charging oh my god what bending through it all in Rick through in the kitchen sneak along with to they killer just throw everything in words holy berries are very pinion trestle here's all you have to do to hear them but like yeah he's at the back door always show so Jerry I thought we'd record him thank you yet you're out you can reach your first I'm good go into the dryer so into dryer just ago cheerleader right in Philippi you a Jedi true but by morning hi Morty great great why were go get out of here to go Frank I get it yeah great because mosey on there it is alright good I got a gonna go hop into this dryer don't touch my stuff me greater than dumpling Marie who the poop ah ah there you go no fear Cresskill 43 because that takes phone to a third we found more than two yeah I was a tourist battery 20 Jerry we found creamed up oh yeah he gave him the hemorrhoid cream yep number of years as Troy 216 hey alright let's hop into the portal in the dryer see we're dead Oh purgatory they're dead he killed me yeah we just killed a bunch a long time oh come on come on or maybe you just die it's bad for you to go into the dryer oh why you want to go back to the mortal plane it's fraught with anxiety it's fine I want to go back let me back ready back so wait this is just a disability yeah really think so oh that's look come on seven eight nope ah we just did that sometimes you know if at first you don't succeed try try again okay all right well then good one oh very rich I'm sorry Rick whoa Oh granny lyric I'm walking here oh I'm so hot masculine of course II remember you photography basket ography Raptor oh that was that looking like I am sad that I am so tangled up oh yeah I did yeah that my little kitchen I know so tragedy no but that was super fun recent more than that that is that is probably one of the best VR games that I have yet to play I have a lot of riot II it's really tied to a really cool world there's a lot of different things you doing if you're a fan of Rick and Morty it's like it's like fanservice everywhere answer was all over the place but off see yes I'm I did I had a blast I gotta I do want to go back and try to collect all circus s right I think that that's pretty cool um feel I feel I do feel like there's a bunch of hidden easter eggs in that there might be something in here Bailey maybe something hidden in there that we haven't uncovered yet can remember us just a stream a live stream lick lick lick balls or the don't or no that's the castration so maybe not the most appropriate using the circumstances all right hey all right let's take my Michelle I don't know biologist is beyond the fantastic getting is that I have amazing hair right now you know oh yeah oh yeah I knew that person says please Leslie Lynn says bye that is the magic word yeah
Channel: GTLive
Views: 423,333
Rating: 4.8985581 out of 5
Keywords: rick and morty, rick and morty vr, vr, rick and morty game, rick and morty videogame, virtual rickality, virtual reality, rick and morty season 3, rick and morty HTC vive, rick and morty jacksepticeye, vive, htc vive, reaction, walkthrough, lets play, valve htc vive, valve, vr gameplay, funny vr, owlchemy, owlchemy labs, virtual reality lets play, htc, funny, matpat, gtlive, gt live, rick and morty matpat, game theory, matpat gtlive, gtlive rick and morty vr, szechuan, szechuan sauce
Id: ZB0KjzzpQtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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