Affordable Ballistic Plates, LBE

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I gotta tell you this is stuff I will be wearing it works don't judge it by its cost it's pretty excellent if you're in the market for some ballistic armor you need to watch this video this is the short version I may do a longer more detailed version not sure but here we go with a bare-bones version announcing these pretty amazing high-value ballistic products from boat at tactical calm no I am NOT associated with them and no they did not give them to me for review and they're not paying me I went out and used patreon money and purchase them by request from my viewers looking for low-cost soft armor protection first up is the kz ultra low-profile ballistic plate carrier 30 bucks don't judge it by its price it's pretty good its bare-bones there's no Molly on it it's just designed to carry some ballistic panels but maybe that's what you need maybe that's all you need 30 bucks dude that is amazing and this system can fit under clothing like shirts like jackets maybe I don't know a coat a suit coat it works thousand in ear fabric so it's strong I kind of wish that you would have used 600 denier but it works it's still pretty lightweight for what it is you have some hook panels right here for your patches can run your TMP patches right there if you want or whatever if you're wearing it on the outside of your shirt and I think it is designed for that but it is so low profile like I say it can go under the shirt if you need it to seat belt webbing nice strong simple snaps here's your pockets comma date a 10 by 12 plate right here I'm going to go with a backpack cut that's what they're calling them now so it's just basically a square panel I'll show tear in a second and here's how you insert it simple just like you're used to with the stuff you have all probably hopefully you have something already just velcro which I like it's simple there's no metal snaps adding weight bulk complexity and cost it just works home by the way this is polyurethane coated thousand in year Cordura nylon this is pretty good stuff the stitching looks good there's a soft ballistic panel you'll have front and rear torso protection with this pretty excellent the brand of course is cly's day on and Xion sorry bow tact tactical made in the US check that out there probably sewing it right there in Los Angeles that's where both tactical is I've been purchasing from Botox forever I mean it goes back way before way before TMP I love the company low prices great service you can do returns with them if you don't like it but attack is awesome again non sponsored review this is again the ultra low profile ballistic carriers what they're calling it okay let's look at the plate this is a heart of the system and it is a brand called battle steel I don't know if it's just for Botox oskol I suspect it is that they've commissioned these ballistic panels to be produced for them but I am very impressed with them very impressed sixteen point six ounces for a 10 by 12 plate level 3a protection and as a reminder that will stop nine-millimeter + P + 357 44 Magnum 357 sig and every other round that's of less power these aren't rifle plates is soft armor pistol protection now what you won't get in this option is sternum protection so we don't have a dedicated sternum protection right here so if you take around you might break a rib it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt a lot but it will save your life and these panels are actually higher tech than the stuff I've shown you before here's my f8f APC plate I reviewed probably in 2009 23 almost 24 ounces so you see the technology has improved although again we've had some advancements go with this stuff right notice you have to orient that to the outside strike face obviously six point five millimeters in thickness that is amazing NIJ zero one zero one dot zero six standards threat level three a dude I'm on board very affordable to these ones right now subject to change our about forty bucks 40 bucks per panel so that's forty forty plus thirty that's a hundred and ten bucks for a threat level three a soft armor system there you go now is it one of these full-featured under the uniform shirt police vests this is threat level 3a as well providing much more protection tuck in tails you know a really nice carrier that breeze a sternum protective plate no it's not that but generally really comfortable vests like these are expensive the good ones I mean there's some affordable vests out there for sure I wouldn't wear them though they're thick they're goofy looking they're uncomfortable they're sweaty are they affordable yeah me if I'm going with a full-featured police vest I'm gonna spend the money I'm just gonna get something nice this on the table by the way is not that it's not a full feature vest but it will save your freakin life and it covers the important stuff right here as you can see you can put a shooters cut panel in there this is what their shooters cut panel looks like it's even lighter 15 point 4 ounces battle steel product this is probably the Dyneema product I think I didn't really research that 10 by 12 shooters cut is this one the only reason I would really go with this one in this carrier is if you plan on I don't know having a certain stance with your handgun wear this cutout here will make it more comfortable okay so totally worth it let me show you another system and this is a kind of a three for one video and this is going to carry the same ballistic panels if you want it this is a battle steel basic plate carrier in multicam both tactical calm the cost is $40 if you want to support my work and my purchasing of these products use my links below I'll make like 2.3 cents per click it won't cost you anything nothing now this is multicam style fabric this is not like genuine multicam you can tell by looking at it but it's close enough works and they've really got the stitching right on this one the older vests I reviewed like Condor products usually had some jacked-up webbing it was miss spaced it was poorly stitched the the overall product was good but the details were not executed well by the way I do think Condor Condor has up their game of late so I think they're newer products are much better I'm talking about ten years ago when I reviewed all that lb this is squared away the Mali spacing is good stitching is great all types of hook attachment here for name tapes patches your TMP patches you got a drag loop right here this is 600 denier fabric I like this one a little bit better than that basic low profile ballistic plate carrier this is what it looks like when it's not loaded with a plate same buckles we saw before we do have some tab retentions here for extra length basic it's just super basic really nice webbing on this so I got it say for 40 bucks this is not cheap webbing this is really high-quality nylon webbing and I've ranted about it forever any time I do an LBE review I'll talk about the webbing the stitching and the materials if you don't believe me dial up some from like 2011 you'll see me doing that I would take these off ok these these are not necessary I've always said that these are like pads you know and why do they have that the habit for older technology like panels like this so this is a 7 pound 14 ounce school threat level 3 ballistic panel so it works I mean but it's freaking heavy it'll stop at 76 2 by 51 Full Metal Jacket 147-grain at 27 80 feet per second but it is definitely siding on the side firepower but that's why they have these so this is a leftover from older technology when you would really weight this down with two ceramic plates ammunition and other stuff the newer technology as I've shown you is much lighter it's gonna be less than half the weight here's one of those dkx threat level three I think this is threat level four actually oh I'm sorry that other panel was threat level four this is threat level three yeah threat level three dkx Dyneema technology it is thick you know it's kind of a thicker plate but it floats it can take multi hits i reviewed these years ago dkx sadly kind of went out of business it was absorbed by another entity a lot of story behind that I'm not going to do it here it's really sad what happened to the company it didn't remain its own entity it was absorbed that's what happens when you I don't get TMP videos covering your product and you go into the the big leagues the products are still out there I think they're awesome but this plate carrier will not fit this because this is not a shooters cut so you can see the tapered pockets here it will fit well the panel's I just showed you the shooters cut right here and I do have one in the front right here look at how thin light again these panels the weight on them so amazing fifteen point four ounces I mean goodness sakes this weighs nothing with threat level 3a protection again if you want to amp up your game and go to threat level three that's right level four you're going to take some more bulk for sure and some more weight it really is up to you I recommend to my audience members my pro Constitution law enforcement guys and gals my awesome principled civilian sheepdogs my security guards my contractors everybody who watches TMP that generally you will be served well with threat level 3a protection that is basically pistol protection if you go into really bad places armored up okay if you're an entry team guy armored up if you're going into high probability for armed conflict maybe it's time to put in some rifle place into this carrier but the carrier is the focus in this part of the review and it's amazing for 40 bucks if there is a downside to this carrier it might be its design is very trim somewhat narrow so we don't have a wide expanse of MOLLE webbing to put a whole bunch of stuff maybe two in four pouches maybe two a.k pouches maybe a rifle pouch with some pistol ammo pouches here you might be able to orient a pistol up here horizontally you know I love that love it still to this day I love it really cool watch out for your interferences though when you do that if you're running a sling it can be problematic I've talked about that a lot but overall for a very clean high speed low cost relatively high quality plate carrier mmm I'm on board forty bucks I mean that's cheap enough where you can buy multiples and keep them in storage if you need to arm up some folks you know to protect some folks because what we're talking about here is defensive gear right not dying when you get shot that's what we're talking about for my officers my survey sheepdogs contractor security guards all the folks that might need this ballistic protection oh and there's an interesting thing that has happened in the market these ballistic panels have really increased in popularity not amongst who you would think they would be popular with I'm talking they're popular for parents who are scared about mass shootings in schools that's right and so you have parents going out and buying panels like this and putting them in the day packs of their kids going to school it's sad we have to do that I know would I do it as a parent absolutely if my kids are going to school I'd buy a backpack panel like this throw it in their backpacks 16 ounces 40 box the larger ones like the 11 by 14 s currently running like 55 bucks you bet throw them in the backpack tits it's something somethings better than nothing and it's a cheap cheap cheap insurance highly recommended these are great products for the price I don't really see any flaws in them as of yet maybe when I put them in long-term testing something emerges but you talk about affordable effective ballistic protection from boat a tactical dot-com onboard have fun see ya stay safe too
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 62,350
Rating: 4.9126387 out of 5
Keywords: bulletproof vest, battle steel plates, affordable ballistic plate, best LBE vest, how to carry steel plate, second chance, body armor, botachtactical ballistic, lightweight bulletproof vest, level IIIA vest, level IV vest, humvee up armor, stryke vehicle, Ballistic Flexible Panels For Backpacks, 5.56mm AP Protection, Dyneema Hard Armor, Ballistic Clipboards
Id: uG03B6K0c3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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