What body armor is best for you?

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[Music] [Music] like watch my company everybody been brown here again and today we're looking at body armor there are a lot of options on the market I see a lot of questions flying around social media about body armor have the opportunity to wear body armor quite a bit actually for just being a civilian probably more than most would and I've tried out a lot of different types a lot of different kinds and yes I think if you're an American you should own body armor absolutely not so much for the fact that I think there's bullets whizzing all over the place all the time actually buy armors rarely ever used but I think a lot of times we take these freedoms for granted so I want to encourage you you're allowed to own it you're allowed to wear it if you want to so go ahead and buy some but there are some things you think about before you do that or maybe you already own body armor and you thought wow this doesn't fit good or feel good I made a bad purchase where do I go from here so let's talk about NIJ NIJ is a standard that body armor is tested under without getting too much into detail about it it's a very expensive process to send a company's body armor through this testing so what a lot of companies do now is they test their body armor to NIJ standards without actually get this getting the certification and surprisingly enough and pleasantly enough that a lot of these body armors are passing there they're made very well they work and just because they don't have that specific certification doesn't mean they're not as good as ones with the certification so NIJ look it up if you want more details on it I'm not super familiar with it you will run across that when you're shopping test it to NIJ standards or NIJ certified so boring but you will work all across it I haven't shot any of the body armor you're gonna see today but I will include some references to videos on YouTube where this body armor is shot there's a ton of videos out on the Internet of body armor getting shot so I didn't feel the need to do it I'll just read uses some people that have really put the time in shooting these things and proving they do stop rounds first up we have a safe life defense this is a concealable multi threat vest this is 3a for those of you that don't know 3a means pistol ballistics it will defeat pistol ballistics and shotgun slugs so anything from up to 44 mag this body armor will defeat it including shotgun slugs this is a one-stop shop for body armor as you can see it's concealable it has side coverage as well as your front and back coverage very comfortable to wear you can find these for anywhere between 300 and 400 bucks I know that sounds expensive but again it's a one-stop shop you couldn't get away with wearing this under a t-shirt but under a bigger jacket under maybe a flannel you totally could conceal a some body armor like this very comfortable to wear it is a little hot but all body armor is hot I could run around in it moving it freely and that's really something you want to look for when you're shopping for body armor you want to be able to still have as much mobility as possible so this is a great option for defeating pistol ballistics but it's not going to defeat those rifle ballistics so your typical 5 5 6 7 62 by 39 308 that's your level 3 plates this will not defeat it so again this is a very concealable vest very comfortable this uses velcro on the sides to kind of hold everything together this will wear out over time but you got a you got to wear these a lot to wear them out safe life has great customer service they're just great people and they actually have a guarantee if you do get shot with with wearing their vest they will replace it no cost so you got that going for you alright staying along the same lines this is another safe life defense vest it is 3a as well but as you can tell it's got some Mali on the front so you can outfit this with pouches med kits that sort of thing it's got a spot for a nameplate drag handle on the back just a little bit more aggressive of a vest so not somewhat so low-profile although if you ran it slick you could totally get away with it it just gives you more options to outfit it still still pistol ballistic rated so you're not gonna defeat any rifle rounds with this but this is a vest you would see probably on police officers first responders that sort of thing very comfortable still got a lot of movement in it something to think about if you're wearing body armor they do make garments 2 to 1 B makes a garment that you can wear underneath body armor that breathes a little bit more that's a little bit more comfortable if you're wearing body armor for a long period of time so if you if you're an individual that you think man I'm gonna be all day in level 3 armor or level 3a armor you want to be as comfortable as possible you can find some garments out there that are going to just make life a little bit better while you wear this stuff in front now I have a first spear carrier this is a very minimalist carrier this is another route you could take you could put any type of plate you want in here and standard pub sized plates are 10 by 12 that's what you're gonna commonly see when I do the tactical games I run a 10 by 12 plate I run a steel on the back and a ceramic in the front I do that because I need to meet a certain weight while running the tactical games I have to have at least a 15 pound carrier with no ammo in it so the steel plate in the back gives me 8 pounds and then ceramics depending on which ceramic you get you're gonna be anywhere from 6 to 7 pounds plus your carrier you're right at that 15 pound mark this one I have a steel on the back I like running Steel's in the back no matter what because you're gonna have more weight on the front if you have mags and gear so if you have less weight on the back you're gonna start to see your vest start to creep down on you and become a little bit unbalanced so running a heavier plate in the back just balances everything out a little bit makes a little bit more comfortable on your shoulders again this is a first beer very minimalist no cumberbund basically just has a strap they have these fast tubes here so you can just kind of pull them and jump out of them if you need to this is very easy and to put on the front plate is a battle steal from bow tack mr. guns gear did a review on this plate shot it all up and it stopped everything now this is one of those instances where it's tested to NIJ standards it's not NIJ certified so take that it keep that in mind if you absolutely need NIJ certification you're not going to get that out of this plate this plate is very nice though because it's only three and a half pounds and under an inch thick so it's very very comfortable to wear I actually couldn't even wear this set up at the tackle games because I'm well below that 15 pound mark but again this is awesome to wear around on the range wear around all day cuz I'm shaving weight it just feels really really nice this carrier since I have it on I'll give you kind of a layout of what's going on here I've got two mag pouches up front here I got PMAG 40s in it and then they kind of give you this auxilary pouch which is basically for medical and that's what I filled it with but obviously you could put whatever you want in here radio snacks whatever you want to put in the front of your carrier I really like this again just because it's minimalist and very very comfortable alright and for those of you that are pretty familiar with Wiseman company you've probably seen me in this one a lot this is a Spiritist systems lv 119 absolutely love this carrier so comfortable has everything you need nothing you don't hugs tight to the body it also holds the plates the 10 by 12 plates really snugly so they're not moving and sliding around inside the carrier that can wear on you after a long day I wear this for the tactical games so I've spent eight hours at a time in this carrier off and on obviously for two days climbed ropes with it climbed through rubble climbed over walls ran five miles at a stretch with this thing on and it's very very comfortable minimal hot spots on this carrier and this is the one where I keep in a or 500 plate in the back that's my 8 plus pounds and I keep a ceramic in the front which is going to put me right at that 15 pound mark so this one is in woodland and maybe one as you can see the cumberbund on this is really really nice hugs to the body it doesn't let anything move around one thing to note about cumber bonds if you are doing a lot of physical activity and you're breathing hard these will restrict your breathing I've noticed that so sometimes if you're really huffing and puffing you gotta loosen these up a little bit just so you can breathe otherwise they're just gonna choke you out I have also worn the faroe concept slickster I wore that for a long time and some of the reasons I didn't like that one and I switch the spirit of systems was because it just didn't fit my body that great and the plates weren't very secure inside the carrier so I had a lot of movement with it on my body and overtime just gets a little bit uncomfortable for some people out there it might be perfect again you're gonna have to do some research and figure out what works best for you now if it's me I would get level 3 or level 4 straight out of the gate you can price level 3 and level 4 plates for very close to what you pay for a 3 a plate so you might as well just go for 3 or 4 right out of the gate by one scry wants to be done with it I also would try to find the lightest plates possible if you if weight isn't concerned obviously if you're competing like me I need to meet a certain weight but if you don't need to meet a certain weight find as light as place as possible this boat AK battle steel plate in front of that other carrier the first spear carrier three and a half pounds that is really really light and believe it or not they make lighter plates than that that are level three you're gonna pay for it but if you have to wear this thing all day trust me you want as light as possible guys I know we covered a lot in this video and there's a lot of stuff that hasn't been explained or probably hasn't been answered so leave me a comment down below I will try to get to everything as best I can I really just wanted to give you an idea of what to shop for what to look for there's a ton of stuff out there now and prices seem to keep going down on body armor I think if you're a red-blooded American you should own it why not right my name is Ben thanks for watching the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Wise Men Company
Views: 59,849
Rating: 4.7352705 out of 5
Keywords: Body Armor, Spiritus Systems LV119, First Spear First On, Safe Life Defense, Tactical Games, Botach Battle Steel level III, Level III Body Armor, Level IV Body Armor, Wise Men Company, AR500 Body Armor
Id: 3DfujXn46C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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