2020 Nutnfancy EDC: HPAC System

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hey Colonel nutnfancy yeah send it man I love these EDC videos can you let do one every week and if you can't do it every week do you want every month if you could just you know post an EDC video every month that would be awesome anyways thanks I appreciate it alright I appreciate you thank you this clap is for you for your enthusiasm for supporting me in the workload of the nutnfancy project through all these years we're stronger than ever we really are cranking along oh my goodness having a great time really great content coming out I feel as their Creator better than it's ever been I thank my patreon guys for keeping me motivated please join TMP patreon one to five bucks a month that's all I ask it adds up it adds up yeah I like staying in the green as I buy all this stuff and I do buy it no one gives it to me totally independent voice it's been that way for a very long time you're not watching TPA what's that third party advertising where you think you're watching an unbiased review what you're watching is an advertisement from someone who has been bought and paid for through merchandise through money under the table that's mostly what you see in gear reviews all over not just in a guns onra definitely know so thank you for the enthusiasm for the support I can't do and won't do an EDC update video all the time nothing is gratuitous here in Tempe it's just legit I'm just showing you my own thinking my own systems my own philosophy it's consistent if you don't think so go and click on the past EDC videos you're gonna hear me say some of the same stuff because I think it's tried and proven and if it ain't broke don't fix it but here we go with part two of my ADC system update video something tells me this will be the most popular part because I'm going to address something that needs to be addressed high probability for armed conflict yes it is a new acronym I introduced LP FAC HP FAC in part one we ran out of time and now we're in a part two HP FAC this is my thinking my system it is legitimate it's not just made up for YouTube it's not made up for views it's not made up to be popular in fact in YouTube I will not be able to advertise I suspect on this video just like every other gun video I do so it is not a moneymaker at all for me I am trying to help you the viewer if you come into these situations where you find yourself in a high probability for armed conflict either as a pro Constitution law enforcement officer a security guard a contractor an awesome responsible principled surveying sheepdog any one of my viewers you might find yourself in a high probability for armed conflict situation this is a system that could give you some ideas I'm not saying it's the end all system I'm not saying it's complete I'm not saying it's finalized it's going to continue to evolve every one of my EDC systems is always evolving I said that on part one I said it in past years it is totally true because I learned news things and I won't change the stuff that ain't broke like I said but if there's something that can give me an advantage generally had a lighter weight then I might integrate that I might change it up if it gives me an advantage in stealth in accuracy and firepower at the same weight I might integrate that okay this will be a feature-length video I suspect I have so much to share with you carry systems weapons thoughts lighting first aid and what Ivan integrated and what I intentionally exclude from an HP fac system I think you'll really really like this video it's going to go super fast but if you're in a big hurry just bite it off in little chunks watch the whole thing or just hit that I don't know 1.5 times speed function here in boob-tube and you can just fast-forward through it either way it's going to be not either way it's not going to be a 15-minute video and also I do want to emphasize it is not gratuitous okay nakhre tunas I don't Jen this up just for YouTube just for views maybe if I was smart I would make more videos like this but I remain positive I'm not a conspiracy person I don't preach about MCW all the time I don't preach about WRAL all the time I want you guys to go out and be happy live full and engaging fulfilling lives while being prepared for if and when the balloon goes up okay hopefully you're like that and I think most of team peers are that they're very positive you have families they have jobs you're there they're just engaged in society and making society work but we know the realities of the society and it's gotten worse there is evil out there it's going to continue to grow in its presence and power there are entities that would come to you while you're minding your own business and try to do bad things to you and probably not probably but perhaps take away your life that's what the system is about now let me tell you this you may wonder why I came up with two different acronyms because in previous EDC system update videos I said rule of law rol and without rule of law and I think those are accurate and rule of law is like we're living in now at least it when I'm filming this video when I suspect I'll post it so everything's working fine we have services we have launch forcement working we have gasoline at the gas stations we have food at the food stores we have electricity we have power we have medical services all that great stuff I love rule of law I love it love it love it I am sworn to uphold it and I do it to my upmost ability I love rule of law but sometimes things will go south in a bad bad way and we may go into without rule of law okay without rule of law means all the stuff I just mentioned ain't there so if you don't have a law enforcement presence guess what's going to happen the predatory segments of society are going to be emboldened and they're going to start and sacking stores they may come to your neighborhood they may go out in roving bands to take what you have they may threaten your life they may threaten your property because there's no one there to stop them except you and by the way all this is historical it's not even debatable you can't say all that will never happen it has happened it will happen in the future I don't dwell on it I don't preach about it I remain hopeful but I'll tell you what I'm pretty well prepared if it does back to why I have two new acronyms because low probability for armed conflict is just that is I want the focus to be off the weapons that was part one of my EDC system update then I'm carrying a pistol in that video I showed us a Sig P 3 65 and it was a normal version here's an Excel version right here great gun by the way watch for my tabletop review on the it's going to be an update on the sick p3 65 XL I had kind of a rough start until break-in and after that phenomenal love this gun but the focus is not on weapons it's on my normal EDC stuff do I have a pistol yes to have an extra magazine usually am I expecting armed conflict no rule of law is going it's low probability so I carry accordingly go watch that video I talk in depth about my thinking this one is HP and by the way just shorten it just call it low probability and high probability the way it differs from without rule of law is because you're gonna love this you're gonna love this you listening because you still may have rule of law but you may find yourself in a situation for high probability boom that's it it doesn't mean that all services have ceased it just means in that situation you have a higher probability not a certainty I'm not saying that but a higher probability of someone attacking you of you needing defensive armament that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying so that's why I came up with this acronym high probability for armed conflict lots of philosophy to share with you in that the philosophy I'm gonna share his choice of weapons because HP FC high probability in my system my philosophy my way of thinking non perfect no doubt imperfect no doubt is this it is weapon focused did you get that so in low probability not weapon focused in high probability we're going to need that weapon to defend ourselves so it is weapon focused but here's what it's not it's not a without rule of law system okay you're gonna love this it is a very important distinction remember in without rule of law everything has ceased no law enforcement no services you can tack up bro you can put your vest on you can put your body armor on you can carry your a.k around you can carry a ar-15 around and in some situations that would be advised they show a force as I have discussed hopefully you have team members in your neighborhood I've talked about that too sense of community videos and how you rebuild after without rule of law I totally recommend that but that isn't without rule of law we're kind of like all the stops are pulled out and so I would dress accordingly now is maybe we're not even in that arena of high probability we may be hearing shots fired you know down the street from us so now we're going to really weapon up we're really going to have a lot more rounds on us we're gonna play it smart we're gonna be stealth we're not going to be looking for conflict ever we're always going to try to de-escalate always always always always trying to avoid violence always but if we can't we got to be ready but an HP FAC we're not quite there we don't want to go overt we don't want to go loud we don't want to put on camouflage TAC gear body armor sling our a K around our shoulders go traipsing around the neighborhood we're not there yet I think you may have more problems doing that than by not doing it in this system we still want to be covert but we want to have more weapon capabilities than we did an LP low probability that's my thinking that's my system and as such I generally will not go with a rifle caliber there's a reason why there's a big reason why and it boils down to probably not what you think because you probably think oh yeah you know you don't want it you don't want to make a statement well believe me if I could get away with a rifle caliber at basically two pounds I would do it it just boils down to s-awc that's all that's all it's s-awc it's too big it's too heavy here I have a folding stock Blackheart industries a k63 discontinued we're in a u.s. Paul mag great system oh my gosh that's a problem solver well within 100 yards for me now with you guys because you're better shooters I mean maybe out to 500 meters everybody's a good shooter on the internet right I would like to integrate that I really would and there are ways to do it and I'm going to show you an option here as we get into the carry cases and weapon choices all philosophy if you decide in your high probability system that you do want a rifle caliber I say rock on it's more size its more weight you're gonna have to deal with be advised I mean you're gonna have to figure out a way to carry it this is one perhaps way to do it this is a Blackhawk industries backpack insert for a folding stock carbine and in this one is not an 8k 63 even though that would be a viable option it is a beautiful and one carbine hmm it's a great choice nothing I didn't see that coming but it's longer its heavier and it's definitely harder to conceal you make the choice it is up to you there are ways to conceal this although I don't think any of them would be rapidly accessible like my system will be m1 carbine option yes a k63 yes ar-15 pistol yes Caltech sub mm yeah and I think I do have one float around here somewhere don't know where it went yeah that's a good system and we're kind of getting more realistic with that option here it is right here gosh nut and how many weapons you have a lot there you go so sup 2k that's more aligned with my HP system pistol caliber because of s-awc see where I'm going so it's not a without rule-of-law system we're not completely armed up we've just improved our armament that's one reason I have this Glock 34 sitting here with a very cool o light green laser system the Balder oh my goodness what a great lighting system that is link below this is in the limited olive drab version they're only making it for a limited amount of time we're in the Indo tactical brace adapter 33 round Mac there you go that is a system right there dudes and I'm putting that on the table for a purpose to show you where the focus is going to be no not on Glock necessarily it can be any combat worthy pistol but on a pistol caliber for high probability okay so it's up to you if you want to integrate a rifle caliber go ahead but I think it's too much it's too much concealed it's too much to carry and that gets back to the word or the acronym EDC right that stands for everyday carry and in my book that means it is always on your person or within arm's reach at all times are you really going to do that with a folding stock a k with a draco with an ar-15 pistol even with a sub 2k Arya let's be real okay really no you're not it's it's artificial its fake it's you tube ism it's that stupid posturing we see in the tactical community or guys act like they're always gonna be totally ready wanna have my a k63 with 10 mags on me at all the time I call [ __ ] you're not nor should you unless of course like I just discussed you're in without rule of law that's different so got rule of law but we're going into high probability that means for me a and pistol calibers that's where I met pistol calibers now we go into the best way to carry that pistol caliber weapon is it going to be a pcc or is it going to be a pistol we'll get to that the first system I'm going to show you for eight high probability is one that I really didn't Jenn up for this video it's one I've used on the motorcycle utilizing my old Kelty backpack this is the one you saw an urban survival kit years ago same backpack great Kelty pack pack I don't think they're making it anymore but I Jen this up for motorcycling Mike if I'm on the KTM I don't want to leave everything in the tank back obviously I can't I do want to have a pistol with me I would have my EDC items with me I don't want to keep unzipping my tank bag as I have done for years and walking around with it how do I carry my stuff I came up with this system what I did is modify the interior back panel of this Kelty day pack to accept one of my all-time favorite combat handguns of all time with an extra mag in a secure holster that is still quick to deploy quick to access this is what it looks like another TMP project I might make a another video on this by the way I might here we go standard a pack now weaponized Glock 19 y'all awesome Gen 4 Glock 19 riding in a surf a holster coming out of inventory and I just attached it to a leather back panel that has been zip tied again to the back panel of this backpack totally secure totally fast to access extra magazine right here actually I have provisions for two I just have one in there right now and I do have everything labeled because it may not be me using the system it might be a family member it might be a neighbor that inherits this from me and they go oh that takes a Glock I say 19 but it'll take a Glock 17 34 any 9 mil Glock it'll take and then I have an ETS mag these are great by the way oh the old one 24 9 clad round y'all I don't even think they make that anymore that's coming out of old stash still love it standard pressure round I have another mag here oh I did it's in this one just a om AK that looks like 124 plus P maybe gold ah that might be a gold dot ran right there anyways I can carry as many mags as I want it is a pistol based system and then I have a whole bunch of room here for whatever I want I do recommend if you go this route for high probability don't put a bunch of stuff in here that makes this hard to access you always want this to be readily accessible remember everything is weapon focused in high probability we are going to have our EDC stuff with us for me it's that fanny pack that you all love so much I'll have that but it's going to be riding in this compartment keeping the weapon compartment free okay so this is one solution to high probability for armed conflict yes plenty of room it is a backpack I do think it will draw a little bit more attention than my system will because people kind of wash people with backpacks especially in stores you know why right shoplifting that's why and so anytime my backpack comes into the store usually someone's watching you you know is you're gonna put something in there as he's stealing what you have in the backpack it does tend to draw more attention but you do have more space for other stuff the stuff I will show you in my system you have plenty of room and this isn't an entirely large backpack it's pretty compact by the way I put larger zipper pulls on here I love these ones right here very cool because again it is weapon focus I want to access it quickly and that's how I'm going to do it plus it's orange high-visibility let me show you with a back that looks like after I put those zip ties on it I just melted it through with a hot nail when I made this really cool system you can see I have zip ties down here for the magazine plate again I'm using that very thick leather I actually like this system a lot and I do use it on the motorcycle like I said it really wasn't made for this video high probability but it could flex into that philosophy of use okay it's just an option let me show you a couple that I reject and that I would not recommend nor would I use in high probability and I'll tell you the reasons why one is the old ribs frontpack do you guys remember this when I reviewed this the ribs I still think they're out there I really like them I have used them in different systems for instance in my level three first aid system I use a ribs pack very nice is quick to daunt has all the stuff right in front of you accessible I don't recommend it for high probability though because it's just not enough space that's one reason and the other reason is when it's loaded up with weight it's bolt out you're really going to stand out people don't see these all the time and so if they were to see you with a a large ribs pack front pack on and this is like the medium one there's ones that are bigger and that's what you would need for a high probability it's gonna call attention to yourself big time people gonna say wth what is with that guys did he just bail out of a c-17 is he a parachutist what's he doing you don't want to call attention to yourself another part of the philosophy and high probability we're still stealth or just going to the next level of armament I would not use a ribs pack not recommended for the reasons I mentioned here's another one and I did purchase this for this video and this is actually a really cool pack this is a 5-11 laptop pack wearing some of my patches that's my old squadron up in Minot North Dakota when I flew kc-135s and ours up there so it was a 906 long gone deactivated this is a really good pack and I tried to make this work but the deal is even though it's set up for tactical use so it's got like hook patches on the exterior for for that it's a very cool Ranger green color which I do love it's got interior velcro right here more hook so for holsters and magazine systems all that's good I like that but it ended up weighing a little bit too much for me so with the standard strap two pounds eight ounces to pounds 2 ounces without the strap and then more importantly I just ran out of room and it's padded for your laptop and I don't know if I need padding in my HP system I don't know if I need it but if you really want to pare it down if you go with a pistol and a couple and you really pair down and make some smart EDC choices and HP I think you can do it I really like it it's high-quality I'll do a super quick review on it right here you got exterior pin pockets here a hook and loop pocket right here another pocket right here so you can have a tactical knife here flashlights kind of like this very cool I three tío light which by the way I forgot to tell you guys it is in my EDC system my L low probability system forgot to show you it was probably clipped right there in front of the camera but it's a backup flashlight probably the third I have in my system but you could you put that right here dude yeah lots of organizational pockets here zipper pocket in here a divided pocket here again this is meant for a laptop you have a mesh interior pocket here and all this is cool and I love it but it adds weight that weight I showed you is because of all this stuff we have zippers mesh we've got binding right here on the edges it all adds up to weight I do love this and I'm gonna show you what I came up with but this is nice so this is an attachment point for a velcro back holsters of which I'm showing separate compartments here there's your laptop compartment here you could put a ballistic plate in there of the proper size it is a flip over messenger bag type which is a very good thing by the way because it doesn't draw attention unlike the backpack I think a messenger bag like this take off the patches I'm just saying don't have any patches on I just put these on here for this video you can go stealth people are used to seeing messenger bags that's all good - zipper pockets here I like it I do I just ran out of room and this is meant for like a roller bag for an airport so this would attach to the roller handle and velcro this is basically a business man's laptop bag another back pouch fantastic option if you guys if I find this I'll put a link below it's really cool I don't like the weight I don't like the limitation of space that I found with this bag other than that it's pretty good I'm throwing it out as an option another one that I discounted by the way is also a 5-11 product and I told you this in part one of LP low probability and that is my active shooter response kit do you guys remember the banger bag by 511 this is what I have and by the way high probability EDC is different than an active shooter response kit it just is this is mostly I'll almost entirely weapons stuff in here I have a Glock 22 with larger capacity magazines Fobus holster I have one of the magazine inserts removed because I used it on my HP system and then I have four ar-15 mags one two three four I've got other stuff in there like flex Acuff's tactical knives flashlights and other stuff but this is an active shooter response kit you could use this but because I'm going away from rifle caliber I don't need this so I'm not going to be carrying ar-15 mags and in high probability man I just covered that philosophy I won't go over it again but my focus for my system is on pistol pistol caliber and specifically pistols not even pcc's s-awc is king I still want stealth I still want to conceal the fact that I'm armed okay just my system I think it's well-thought-out pulling stuff off the table as usual ok now what did you end up with in this high probability for armed conflict system then ok here we go this is what I ended up with in fact it is the same thing I showed you in LP low probability the only thing is it's bigger it is the mountain Smith adventure office messenger bag and there is my high probability for armed conflict system pretty much not entirely loaded up ok and I did review this back in part one there is no difference this is just the larger version Cain I do believe is called the mountain Smith adventure office it's also meant as a laptop bag but over that last one it has more room it doesn't have the padding that gets in the way is relatively lightweight for what it gives you and it does come in some very low-profile colors I don't know if this is the lowest profile color desert tan but this is what I could get it in at the time okay I don't even know if it's being made anymore and you don't have to go with this exact bag you go with something like it that would work about the same way okay but I love the organization and the features of this bag first up nice strap not cumbersome I would probably leave the pad on this one as we saw in part one perfect nylon perfect stitching 600 denier Cordura nylon is what we're looking at it's not really a tactical back do you see any places to put tactical patches on the exterior nor do I this is an outdoor back it's meant for people who are really into backpacking outdoor stuff and I think going back to the stealth function the stealth philosophy you could wear this and not draw attention even this size even loaded up like this you could sling it over your shoulder walk right into a store and no one's even gonna bat an eye how do I know that because I've done it with this bag no one even looked twice why is that because they're used to seeing messenger bags it's a very common accessory yes even with men in urban areas very common large messenger bags very common no one thinks twice about them so for you law enforcement types you civilian sheepdog types you contractor types if you need high-probability consider the system yeah we're not going over we don't want to go over it and there is an advantage to maintaining secrecy of your weapons big time I I try not to carry openly unless I have no other choice as I've discussed before we get on the inside let's review again what features this mountain Smith adventure office has are this messenger bag first off I have a Velcro pocket on the side that's deep enough for all kinds of fun stuff for instance I could put like bear spray in there and I love bear spray I think it's awesome so this is bear tag deterrent Oh see it's pretty nasty stuff the thing with OC sprays it's almost impossible for you to deploy it and not get some in your own eyeballs that's why police officers don't like it that much just like it's really hard to deploy it like the wind is blowing in your face and you're getting attacked and you don't think about it Shh you just got a face full of OC just like the bad guy did and is it good yeah it works but you got to be really careful how you employ it so you don't get douched in the process but it stole my system I think it is an ish substance you can use it this one's expired don't care it goes well past this expiration date you just put that there don't even worry about it but I could put that in this pocket right here so we're in a high-probability system for armed conflict and armed conflict does not necessarily mean I'm going to go right to lethal I could use something less than lethal that's and you're going to see some other items in here like so I'm going to try to prevent using lethal force however if all the the unlock codes happen and I have to go lethal then I have to go lethal it's not my decision it's the bad guys decision or I could put in there something else kind of like this x26 see the old x26 see getting very hard-to-find cartridges and batteries for nowadays discontinued does work it is relatively heavy though I mean do I want to carry this it's over a pound and put that in here not me I'm sorry I don't it's too heavy it's too heavy I mean I don't want to just totally load this down and that's another key concept for HP you don't want to just go on I'm gonna put this in I'm gonna put that in too and put that in next thing you know this messenger bag it's gonna weigh 40 pounds and trust me it's heavy enough with what I've got in it so I still have to make some hard decisions on weight this is one of them this ain't coming along plus a single shop single shot and so trying to reload that under stress stress can I maybe maybe what I opted for in this pocket is this and I've never shown you this before it's pretty cool really it's a viper tech stun gun turn it on Oh scared the crap out of doggy-dog she's underneath the table she choked like it she hates this thing by though it scares the living crap out of her I keep tape on the side so I remind myself when I charged it and it is a rechargeable less and lethal defense option the Viper Tec stun stun gun I have been hit with this and man it hurt oh my gosh it hurts so bad it is a contact weapon I know that means you're gonna have to close to engage it's not ideal it's not a standoff not less than lethal like pepper spray like a Taser would be but it is here and chances are they're gonna be up on you anyhow this is something that is relatively quick to deploy from that exterior pocket you do have to remember to turn the switch on you do have to remember to keep it charged up but it doesn't break the bank it's excellent and other ones like it not just fire protect or excellent I'll put some links down below if I can find them I recommend it and it doesn't weigh that much it's slim trim fits in that pocket pocket perfectly it's a great option subject to change that's just where I'm at now a stun gun in the exterior pocket I showed you some other options you could go with we do have another pocket over here and what do you know another o light product that's cool a m2r that's got what a 21 12700 power selling like a really powerful battery 21700 that's why this light is so extremely capable I mean it just floods an area with light all tabletop it's separately this is in the very cool flat desert earth or brown coloration just a fantastic light why go with this versus something else the answer is because in high probability I'm gonna need a lot of light in all probability I'm gonna need a lot of light and so I'm gonna upgrade my lighting system to flood the area with more light that's why does it weigh more yes it does but it's that old firepower vs. mobility equation I need more light in addition to my weapon light so usually my handgun will have a weapon light on it but two is one one is none concept I love this light it's going along for the ride would I carry an extra battery for it honestly probably not too heavy there's your answer then I do have a strike pin in there it is another weapon and it's also a writing utensil this is the very affordable and pretty excellent second-generation Smith & Wesson m12 BL blue BL for blue and it functions very nicely actually as a pin you do have to unscrew it I do have another one here that I want to show you what's on the table where to go here it is this one right here I like this one better because it has a flat base on this side so I can get leverage on it like so this one has a glass breaker right here which is cool in theory but how do I get leverage on that yeah it's gonna poke me and I got to hold it like that I'd still have to twist this one to get the writing instrument functioning there are other ones where you can press the cap and the pin comes right out I just went with a Smith & Wesson one it's trim it's lightweight this one's heavier by the way this one's like one ounce 1.2 ounces I love the blue color writing instrument and yet it's still a defensive mechanism as well that's going in for HP FAC by the way that I would not carry this in low probability I just don't need it that's just a judgement that I make now we go into the exterior zip pocket gonna have another less-than-lethal option it's the cold steel baton here it is right here it's kubaton wrapped in black athletic tape not exactly light I'm not gonna weigh it right now for time but it weighs something wood I actually carry this mmm you know I do have the stun gun with me mmm it really depends it really depends more likely I would keep this in my pocket so it's really accessible but if I have it in my HP system if I just grab the bag and head out the door it's with me and I can redeploy it into a different area well I like it it's in the system for now and then I have some blue shop towels because I have room for them multi-purpose for all types of things and then in this plastic bag kind of ruining what's inside is another endo tactical stabilizer adapter for Glock pistols generations one through three lacking of course the tube and the brace it is just a representation of what I might carry in my high probability system and you've seen one already at the outset of the video right there's a Gen 3 Glock 34 wearing the endo tactical with SB a3 oh I'm sorry that is a shockwave brace on that one shown in other videos ok gives you more capability so it transforms your Glock pistol into a stabilized braced pistol completely legal non NFA by the way so you don't have to register it forty bucks go to endo tactical comm tell them nothin fancy Sencha by the way they did not give this to me as I've said I bought these they don't even know me no they don't great great brace option and there's some others out there but this is probably the best one I've seen so far easy to put on stable it's tight again this one is lacking the out the the brace portion right now I'm just throwing it in there as an option I didn't want to take this one off and put it in here but if I could fit it into this pocket here I would something tells me I probably couldn't but I try to keep my main compartment free let's see what else is in this pocket before we go into the interior compartment oh crap that's it it hmm good point to mention why I don't put a lot of crap in here that I don't use in high probability again if I were to make this video just to impress the YouTube audience I would have all types of stuff in there wouldn't I let me go over some of the stuff that I did not include in this kit how about a fixed blade knife this is a really nice knife by the way really nice knife reviewed tested already this is a utility tools a two steel survival knife fantastic I'm not gonna put that in here you know this is not a survival kit it is a self-defense kit mostly with EDC items as well do I need to have a fixed blade knife of this size in here no maybe your mileage will vary go yeah I need that I want that not me how about a water filter should I put this in there no it's too much bulk I don't have a water filter in there is there a situation where I might include it maybe maybe how about singling items shouldn't I include that no again this is not a survival kit y'all it's a high probability for armed conflict kit there is a difference I'm not trying to address a survival situation with this kit it is weapon focused with a lot of EDC items in mostly rule of law I'm just in perhaps a high probability FAC situation but I'm not gonna carry this I'll go with my urban survival kit if I need something like this so something that I could have put in that pocket to impress an audience it's [ __ ] it's not going in there how about cordage yeah that probably would be going in there it's lightweight easy to carry doesn't take up a lot of space multi-purpose yeah I probably would put that in that pocket right there just let me know how about silence ticks that'd be cool right if I have like 12 silence ticks nah I'm not gonna do it they're they don't work that great they're they're short-lived they're ridiculous no I got my like they're it's it's a lot better a lot better how about a level one first-aid kit nope not enough not going in there I have something more something more that I may need for that situation how about fire-making materials like this the answer is maybe maybe this is a Swedish fire steel I like it doesn't weigh that much maybe one point two ounces easy enough to carry last forever here's one of those supercool torches I reviewed in the snow about two years ago great way to start a fire I showed you that in high wind snowy situation it's fantastic I might carry that yeah just because they're light and they're too trim but I might integrate that into my HP system put that in the pocket right here does it take up a lot of space wait no I'll put that there maybe a little bit of tinder of some sort maybe one package of trioxane double bag so it doesn't dry out I might do that and I could go on and on and on with other stuff that I would exclude from the system then we go to the interior are you ready totally ready that's taken you forever to get to the interior I know but there's a lot of philosophy to include here we go dudes boom that is the weapon of choice for my high probability for armed conflict system yes it is a Glock why do they go Glock just because of the magazine system I could have very well gone with this a Masada I almost did I was like the facade is awesome I can carry a bunch of mags integrate them then I started thinking high probability more rounds is better I'm rounds focused I need 33 round max I've got four of them in this HP system for one two three four here's how I'm carrying them okay this is the Maxpedition velcro backed magazine carrier you can see the call number on it it is a three five zero three and black really cool man I love these I will definitely have a link to these I bought it at OpticsPlanet fantastic because it can take any size of normal 9 millimeter caliber 357 sig even 45 ACP Mac maybe not 1911's I don't really try those and they just stick to velcro to create a carry system you can see it in there so I have one two three four 33 round max plus the magazine in the gun that is a system y'all 9-millimeter s-awc compliant light reliable combat proven and here we go with another third generation Glock that can accept that endo tactical brace if I decide to use it the holster is once again a vertex product this is a vertex full-size holster I talked about it in the part one video visit the only option no there are some others kind of like this Galco carry safe Gen 2 holster system that already includes a magazine holster with it there's a catalog number right here now this one's interesting because it is leather right here you would have to add velcro to the back of it I'm talking like hook velcro with this system and you will stick right here and it will retain most pistols with a magazine system ready to go I haven't really used this one yet so I can't really totally sign off on it it looks good the only disadvantage I see is that as weight because it is leather backed okay in some applications and some high probability applications maybe that's exactly what you want but maybe it isn't but I don't need it for this Mountain Smith messenger bag because I made my own backing board look at this that's eight inch masonite that I have zip tied into the adventure office bag check that out and I'll roll in some photos of how I did this I just measured it I cut it out I sanded it and it provides a solid mounting surface for my weapons and my magazines this is not a tactical bag once again this is an outdoor back as such I had to do some modifications some building on it totally worth it and I still think I saved weight over that 511 after it's all said and done and I have more room ok I prefer it once again this is the vertex pistol holster weighs nothing pretty excellent design there is a polymer tab here that interfaces with the cutout in the slide there retains a gun it really is perfect and then attached very easily to my hook backing I put on the board take out the gun again the gun is my choice a third generation Glock 17 bet your life reliability bet your life accuracy bet your life track record I love it wearing the O light PL Pro rechargeable y'all just reviewed pretty excellent I could very easily put on that Balder this one here on the G 34 in the background the green laser that's also excellent having the advantage of cr123 batteries this one right here this is a rechargeable option discussed in the review I've reviewed this one at this point yeah Glock 17 I could put any number of bet your life reliability handguns in here that I've reviewed I love them but again the reason I didn't is because of this magazines that I have 33-round max this is 115 grain I think XTP Hornet ease Fiocchi is a load but it's a Hornady bullet and by the way each of these will weight one pound in your HP system so be advised there is some weight so each one one pounds there's one pound two pounds three pounds four pounds you can see things add up and this is again why I leave stuff out of the kit its weapon focused not survival focused big difference there's that philosophy I promised you big difference so Glock it is bro love it this is my modified Glock same stuff as you've always seen decal grip extended slide release extended magazine release third gen again so it can't accept that endo tactical pistol brace adapter right now I have a plug in it but if I was going to run into at school this would be out of it I would have the brace somewhere in the HP kit if I needed it and if I did deploy that again on the table this is what it would look like shown already I could easily go with the Glock 34 to the Glock 34 is amazing there's a third gen Glock 34 coated a Mac pull flat dark earth back in 2010 yeah cool cool system now let me say this keeping it real do I need a brace I need to have a brace on my pistol no I don't but it does give you more capabilities you need to make that decision in your a high-probability kit and most like it what would happen is I would deploy the pistol I wouldn't have time to put the brace on okay if we're gonna be real if that's real but if I knew something was coming if I wanted more capabilities maybe I put the brace on doesn't weigh that much maybe you integrate it that's all I'm saying and when you do put the brace on you basically have a pistol caliber carbine don't you you do so it's just like that by the way floating on the side is something I forgot to tell you I will have a fire starter in my little not loved one but my low probability kit it's in my fanny pack I showed you this and this is a the thing it came in was the Nano spark it's in my fanny pack so this is a case that came in there's your tender it so it is with me in the high probability because it's in my fanny pack and I would put the fanny pack right here in the main compartment tucked down here I don't have it here now because you saw that in part one we don't need to go over it again and then so that's my weapon you can see my ammo loadout which honestly is very substantial if you were to ask me it's substantial that's a lot of rounds dude that's a lot around a lot of weight yep but again we're weapon focused and then here in this compartment guess what level two plus first aid kit y'all because I probably will need this probably somehow someway I will need this not going to review it here what do you know I have a combat tourniquet here I don't worry too much about the brand I don't if I find one I like I'll put a link below if I don't go huntin it is relatively heavy though it's like three ounces I think I had another one in here too but I'd only take one I have blood stopping capability a lot of that there's some hemostatic agent there I recovered this in my first-aid videos this really quick showing you some stuff there's my pharmacy as I've always called it migraine pills benadryl all that's going to come in high probability that tape bug sting neosporin scalpel really good scissors affordable scissors steri-strips containers of important stuff hydrogen peroxide calamine what's in that one oh yeah burn gel all in this level two plus in my supercool tool pouch that I've repurposed as a first-aid kit go watch my video and yeah I put all this on I sewed on the hook and loop I put the first date symbol on it the only thing I would say about this pouch is it's not ultimately lightweight so I am adding some weight to my HP system but I love it it just works and it's durable and this may flex to other systems like a motorcycle system or something I'm not going to like put together a hot HP system just leave it there it's not like a bug-out kit so I'm not gonna like dedicate a Glock to an HP system just waiting for the balloon to go up no this is a system that I would put together if and when I needed it it does not have to be ready to go I would have a heads up usually that something's coming it's going down but level two plus four state capability in the HP system because chances are sorry to say and I wish it wasn't in this way but someone probably will get hurt I wish it wasn't that way and in the interior oh yeah there's that other tourniquet I would only carry one and there's a weight on it 3.2 ounces that's substantial that's substantial again inside I'd have my man pack my fanny pack there's plenty of room in here where it would not get in the way I think a weapon draw I would have to practice practice practice and know my weapon is not super super accessible with a flap over messenger bag if it's attached remember in the mountain Smith Adventure Office it has a hook like this it goes like that what I would do is just carry it like this I would attach it if I wanted ultimate security but if I'm thinking something's going down or if in a place that makes me uncomfortable ie high probability I'm just going to carry like this if I need to deploy boom there it is relatively quick and I do have a gun with me check out in the back pocket instead of a laptop what do we have here interesting a level-3 a ballistic panel reviewed in a separate video this is a backpack 11 inch by 14 inch 3 a ballistic panel and it is very effective against nine-millimeter 40 45 ACP even 500 Smith & Wesson this thing is legit this is about 55 dollars at boat act at school calm all subject to change chances are they're going to be made illegal sooner or later but for now when I'm making this video any civilian can buy them they are completely defensive in nature you can integrate them into backpacks if you want into messenger bags this is another reason why I went away from the 511 laptop bag because I could not get this size to fit an 11 by 14 and I want maximum coverage because my philosophy for my messenger bag is that I would change the position of this to my front torso I would use the carry strap right here right and I would change it around and I'm going to sew a waist strap right here that would go around and I would wear this on my front protecting my heart and torso area kind of cool huh and a low profile high probability system yeah ballistic panel I highly highly recommend you do the same it only weighs 16 ounces it's only six point five millimeters thick it's durable it's waterproof its stiff it just provides you that protection in a high-probability system please integrate ballistic protection that's that's my philosophy and I I don't see me moving away from that something that was completely lacking by the way in my active shooter response kit for my law enforcement officers and there you go that's the interior that is mostly what's in there and I can see my velcro spilling away inside there so that probably means right here I gotta use velcro glue so I'm gonna pull it all out reglue it get it right again trial and error you'll find out what works I'll fix it up then if we flip it over to this side you can see I do have a couple other things in the interior an enduro four and blue vg-10 that's going to be my tactical blade I might reposition this to the exterior like that for quicker access so that would be a good option but it is part of it and it's probably like the fifth blade I'm carrying I just happen an HP system as well again go look at part one and you'll see in my fanny pack I have multiple blades already I have multiple blades on my person that are not integrated into this pack system it's just a grab-and-go system once it's put together self-contained Endura is like one of my all-time favorite blades super lightweight super great tactical EDC blade and then I have like a next torch pin light in here another lighting option this is a k3 reviewed many years ago still works still excellent light weight trim doesn't take up a lot of case space and as you can see in the adventurer office we have interior pockets so when you put a lot of stuff in here if we were I don't know foolish I would say don't put a lot of stuff in there that's it dudes I mean what else would go in here just my standard EDC stuff so you have scissors a multi-tool and my fanny pack already I talked about the firestarter whistles already in there and all the other stuff I included in part one comes along for the ride I probably would not take all that out and like put it in these pockets here because again I like a self-contained fanny pack that I can just extract from the HP system if I have to put it around my waist wear it separately this is really all about the gun if we boil it down to the essentials that's what we're talking it's about a Glock 17 in this system with 433 round mags and a factory OEM mag in the gun itself and then a couple other items and that's all I'm doing it's a weapons focused high probability for armed conflict system in a very low profile easy to disguise messenger bag on we go to the back side nothing here I might put my phone back here I talked about that in part one you want it secure maybe I'd move it to the side pouch I'd have to experiment this is also meant for a roller bag right here so you can put it on luggage and roll it around but I don't have a bunch of extra crap here again weapon focused and so there it is currently my high probability for armed conflict EDC system the only thing you did not see inside the bag was my fanny pack shown in part one once again so I have all that capability maybe a couple other doodads thrown in there but essentially again it is weapon focused ballistic protection focused stealthy we're not overt we're not going loud and proud yet we have a lot of capability in this little bag but we don't want the world to know about it there are a lot of police officers a lot of pro-constitution police officers and sheriff's out there that could use this system yeah off-duty is it bigger than my normal EDC system yes it is is it heavier definitely but that's where we're at for technology that's where we're at to carry like you saw 433 round Glock mags plus one in the gun ass weapon focus I'm really happy how it turned out would I actually use this system absolutely I would like I said this is a snapshot in time I will evolve the system it will get better over time but I'm pretty happy where it is right now again we did not go rifle based we did not go air 15 pistol we did not go folding stock a K like you see on the table yes I absolutely love those things but I'm not going to EDC them neither are you I don't care what anybody says I'm going to EDC and 8k 63 a mini draco maybe there are some guys that do I'm not going to say it does not happen but dang that is a commitment it is a lotta weight commitment and it actually is a lot of noticeability that something's not right with that guy he's got like a big backpack it looks heavy people can tell when you have weight on it they can tell I mean I don't want to be like that I want to be stealthy high-probability yes I'm still going with a pistol for now subjects change by the way this is the watch for the tabletop review it is a morphic in 43 from drop website up at the link below wearing my hands modification thank you very much camo urban camo Timex strap and these straps are cool totally changed the watch watch for that tabletop it'll come out sooner or later trump coin Thank You mr. Trump president Trump it's a reason why we have not had our guns confiscated as of yet when I'm filming who knows what the future holds who knows but so far he's done some good work for us thank you very much this is a SOG ace tested in field I love this knife SOG X is really cool very affordable very effective lightweight stainless steel survival knife and you saw I didn't really integrate a fixed blade because in my day to day low probability EDC system I'm carrying a fixed blade it's a Spyderco Street beat go watch the video I show it to you and yes I do carry it all the time this is the beloved micro tech SOCOM thankfully reissued by micro tech available at blade HQ for now they will sell out super excellent tactical and collectible very cool they have different colors now they have a red by the way I did tabletop the red you'll see that they have a purple they have some camouflage patterns out in a manual action and in Auto actions the Microtech SOCOM lots to talk about so much high probability for armed conflict man I hope you never need this stuff I really do I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the world a peaceful wonderful place to live where you would never need such items I wish I could if I could I would but evil is there it's gonna get worse as time goes on you might need a system like this you might need to go stealthy and yet still have a very substantial weapon system with you this is my system it's legitimate it's not made up it's what I would use in that situation yeah I'm using a Glock pistol for now but any combat worthy handgun would work yep I'm using a Glock pistol for now because of the magazines yeah but any combat worthy handgun would work and if you go with lesser mags like I don't know 18 rounders or 17 rounders your whole systems gonna be lighter you're gonna have more room for other stuff and maybe in your system you do want to carry some of the stuff that I admitted on purpose for s-awc maybe in your system you do carry more survival stuff in your situation maybe you live in a rural area near a wooded area and you need to have that stuff with you just remember something's got to give you can't take everything just remember if you're going to carry for one pound of 33 round mags something's got to be left out says nutnfancy you can't carry everything make some hard decisions this is where I'm at right now subject to change I sure like this bag though really love it the mountain Smith adventure office in large size it makes me happy does I have ballistic protection and man I have a good pistol in there with a lot of rounds again I hope you never need it I really do wrapping it up I told you it would be feature-length nothing fancies HP FAC EDC system man that's a lot to say you said it nothing keep those EDC videos coming I love them well I could if I would when something substantial like this and my systems happens I'll make a video on it thanks again for subscribing for hitting that notification bell for being part of TMP patreon come see me again real soon over and out lieutenant Carl nutnfancy
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 103,835
Rating: 4.8560143 out of 5
Keywords: high probablity edc system, nutnfancy edc, best edc system, best edc knife, edc combo, edc backpack, edc bag, edc gear, mountainsmith, messenger bag, ccw, ccp, cch, med kit, edc fak, nutnfancy shoulder, best edc watch, vertx holster review, sig p365, go bag, bug out bag, lpfac, hpfac, motorcycle gun carry, endotactical glock review, glock shoulder stock, bugout bag, survival kit, urban survival kit
Id: zXDhyqer0Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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