Adventure in the BEEHIVE DIMENSION! | Better Minecraft 💜

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today in bit of Minecraft I want to go explore the inside of a beehive because apparently that is a thing also I'm sick so if I sound bad I'm sick okay but we need some stuff to prepare so first of all to get into the Beehive we need ender pearls and I don't actually know if we have Ender pears oh we have two okay that'll know the next thing we need is honey bottles because I heard the be Dimension can be a little bit dangerous but it'll be fine if we feed the bees with honey and although we have this I don't think we actually have any bees I haven't seen any in a long time I think they've all just left or died wait what is say that's not a bee no so in order to make bottles of honey we're going to need some new bees and we could keep them safe in a greenhouse so that they don't die so let's get out our Nature's compass and start today on a little mission to the flower Forest there we should be able to find bees and lots of flowers to our bee Greenhouse okay so no Del deling today let's go straight on our mission to the flower Forest okay we're at the flower Forest hopefully we can get some bees and there's plenty of flowers for us there's a m we already have that one at home though I want to get lots of orange because I want to use orange dye for our Greenhouse windows for stained glass but we'll also get some other flowers for in the greenhouse I thought the bees were really common in flower Frost but now I'm starting to question that belief was that wrong cuz if they're not then we're going to have to keep looking for bees why surely there's so many trees there got to be a beehive well they're not going to be in the swamp wait is that are you a c Bearer oh it is oh my gosh hello that is so cute I wonder what they eat then over here we've got some ant holes and I think this is kind of well oh wait I see bees on the map hold on there's one kind of bottom right this way oh I see it I see it I see it I see it we need to wait for the Beast to be in it though hello cuz we want to take you home with us get in the hive please I see another one on the map oh it disappeared it was in the top left maybe that means it wi until it's Hive okay I'm going straight for this one cuz I think the be is inside I got s yes yay total be location that means there's three bees in there that's the most we can get I still want this one too it's making a buzzing sound but there's two bees out of the hive at the moment I want to wait for at least one to go in we don't want to be waiting all day but now we're going to collect some sand for some glass for our Greenhouse we might as well do that here since we don't live anywhere with a lot of sand and then we will head home what the uh okay why is it eating everything it's hamster but it eats all the blocks just hanging around doesn't seem to matter what they are you're so cute what the heck even though it kind of steals everything from me that I want wait I've lost our little buddy okay well he can have the rest oh he's over there and we will headit out what is that we found a thing I don't know why we didn't sa this on the way but let's go check it out oh it's got a lot of copper if we ever want to build with copper oh oh it's a zombie spawner uh inventory is full don't have any torches to light it up I guess we'll just leave it oh this building is cool though uh sweeping Edge name tag uh inventory is so full that's just a regular Golden Apple okay I think what we'll do is just leave this here for now and if we ever want to make a zombie spawner we can come back to it maybe with a was on we're getting close to home though so let's keep going and we've made it at home I put the bees away safe and sound for now and got the glass smelting for the greenhouse so now we just want to find a spot to build it and start clearing it out I'm thinking maybe over this other side of the river cuz there's so much yellow and I associate yellow with bees yeah I really like this ground fo around the greenhouse we've got our little Way Stone Point over here so maybe if this path were to go over this way oh there's also a be n here this one will be empty but we'll take it but maybe somewhere kind of next to this like over here so we'll start clearing these trees out and the sub area cleared out let's start planning I want to do kind of a small round Greenhouse so we'll give that a go can have a entrance like here and then start to plan out the circle actually maybe we don't need a pillow there we'll just go like this I think this shape ins size will be good so let's start building it up also we want to strip these we're going to go three up from here and then fill it in with glass but we also want to leave a space for the door and then we can just kind of go around filling it all in and now we have the walls filled in we need to figure out the roof so I'm thinking we do slabs kind of like so wait and then like this and that yes okay perfect so then we'll go around and do that on all the [Music] sides I'm waiting for the rest of my glass to smell and I made a float it's really easy to make it's just three bits of bambo and it plays music and my glass is pretty much done let's go build the roof [Music] so now we have a roof and I also added a path leading up to it coming from our waist Stone if we turn to the right we go down at this little decorated path here and we reach our Greenhouse with our orange stained glass roof I made a little clear door for it too but now we just have to do the inside I was thinking in the very middle block which I think is this we could grow one of these yellow trees oh perfect that looks cute and then from there we can plant flowers everywhere and of course add in our be nests so let's go grab a bunch of flowers we'll also make some campfires to put under the bean nests and now when we come in we have this area full of flowers I've added a few more beehives here and over here a little workbench and storage area oh here's a couple of our bees okay I want to also breed them up so that they fill all of our new hives yay okay and then we can collect our first honey bottle since that is what we need one honey bottle okay so we need to get a few more so we can feed the bees and the Beehive Dimension so I'm just going to keep breeding keep collecting and then we'll be back and now we're at 19 bottles of honey I have no idea how much you'll need but I think that'll do I think we're prepared so now we're ready to go explore a beehive which sounds very weird but I think we just have to throw an ender pearl to it and then it's kind of like it makes us tiny and puts us in the Beehive so I guess let's just go for it okay I'm kind of scared oh okay hello oh W this place is Big it looks very dark I wonder if my shaders are not very good for this let's try no shaders oh wait that's so much better okay it's not often I play without shaders but that's what we're doing W this place is so huge look a be they've got red eyes I don't know about that let's get down here though what is this this says sugar water it kind of makes sense and look there's these little slime things but they made of honey I think I hope ick can kill these without angering the bees okay I don't think I angered the bees they drop slime balls and sugar well that's kind of fun what are these blocks filled porous honey block I'm not sure but I think I might be able to break these without the bees getting mad I don't know what to what to are we meant to use for this I don't know I think we're good and it drops honeycomb which is useful but also the block oh we could have built some of our Greenhouse out of this block Maybe can accessorize with it okay now this St Manion is looking kind of empty but I know there are things to do and find in it oh what are those I don't want to make a boat though cuz I didn't realize that there'd be so much water so we will quickly do that oh I kind of do want to start with that little area up here I just realized I have no idea how to get out of this Dimension there's no portal or anything how do we leave oh it gave us shards oh look at these guys I think these are some of the ones we can feed as well oh my gosh winning favors oh now we have protection of the hive which means we can mine these regular honey blocks and the bees won't get mad oh oh I'm stuck in one there we go okay let's continue though what is that looks like a cobweb this place is so weird I love it though is this going to be danger hey there's a wait why is there a cherry tree this is so weird oh oh oh what um what the heck is [Music] that that I'm speechless that was really weird they just came out of the ground they are the ground says it's a rootman there's another one I want them they're so cute can I feed them no that was the cutest thing though okay I'm going to just try to see what these pots do there's no Bees around so we should be okay can I has the pot yes what else have we got honey Compass searching for a structure where does this lead to okay we need that I don't know why but oh oh I got hit was it you oh we got a different kind of Campus too honey Crystal shield no w okay those things are actually dangerous I could have died there let's use this Compass though it wants us to go this way we can do that okay maybe we'll try going around some of the walls instead of throw them oh there's another thingy over there is that like the last place we went what's this it's pollen oh oh cute oh my gosh so many particles well this is cool what are you it's a big bee you're so cool I bet that they could kill me if they wanted to oh this is actually really hard to navigate it's making us slow need to get out of the pollen one eternity later I think we found what the compass points at it does say a lesser structure so I don't have my hopes up too high but this does look interesting maybe we'll get the little what's it called protection of the hive okay just in case we need it and then we can what is this beehive bews we' also got this advancement made a weap wait did I get a weapon beisher of the Dead oh my gosh this is so cool we got a weapon from the B Dimension and it has a couple of enchantments on it too can we try it on the slime ha and I think that's all there really is here but that was totally worth it I love that we got a honey shield and a weapon we could see where our other Compass points as well it seems to be going this way let's go check that out oh my gosh do you see that be we found a Trans be and there's whatever this one is oh there's another one of these okay what is this let's have a look it looks like oh it's got seating and whatever this is and targets oh hello and slimes what is this Crystal Cannon oh what if we just hit them with our bow can we do that it did a thing let's try the next one Emerald okay cool and gold are these like our prizes for hitting the targets we really more lapis so I will take that I also absolutely want this giant candle orange super candle look how big it is okay so I've just been wandering around a lot more and I think this will be our last structure of the day but look at what it is behind me we just came across this completely at random no Compass so we'll see what it is W this looks big and cool there's one of those big bees again it's not the queen is it surely not I know that you can find the queen bee in this but I don't know what she looks like I think it's just a regular one oh just a normal huge bee there are some more of these we could try get some of them bumblebee chest plate let's go oh I'm so glad we checked in here ah this is adorable I love it I'm wearing my Cape so you can't really see but it's got little wings that is so cute we'll go for a couple more pots wouldn't wait oh oh this this gives me a little flying effect ow wait does this make coloring easier yes oh I love that that is so cool music desk is it trying to pull my through oh oh I'm scared okay maybe we won't do that well I have done a little Googling to figure out how to get out of this and it turns out we just have to dig down and kind of fall through the bottom of the hive which sort of makes sense we just have to physically get out of the hive and then we'll be back in the normal world so we'll just go from say down here and dig down to zero I think it is oh yep okay um I'm scared the speed to work if we lose all our stuff I'll be sad okay let's just go for it I think it's working yes we're back home sweet home so now we know where you go off to in there and our chest plate this is so fun it looks like the season changed while we were gone too and now it's Autumn well let's use some of these fun little honey blocks around the outside and then maybe some on the inside and that'll be it for today's adventure in the Bumble Zone aka the B Dimension thank you for watching I hope it was as fun and odd for you as it was for me and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Brookella
Views: 13,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, better mc, better minecraft, modpack, 1.20.1, new world, let's play, starter house, hard, episode 1, episode one, ep 1, cute, girly, cottagecore, showcase, bumblezone
Id: QjEyNBwit-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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