I Built a Flower Cow Barn in Better Minecraft! 💜

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today in beta Minecraft I want to make our cow situation better so we've been trying to make our area very aesthetically pleasing we've got our St house and our enchanting setup and everything over here but the one part that's still just kind of thrown together is our animal pins so if we go up here we've kind of hidden them in the bush we have our main one which is cows and sheep and then we also have some ducks okay we have a lot of ducks but today I want to make us a barn for our cows or more specifically why am I trying to feed them with bread here you go this is what you want but more specifically rather than boring cows I want to get mbls and I have an extra mod added to this pack which adds not only regular yellow moms but all different types I think they're quite rare but we can try get a few different types today and then make a barn for them there is something that may help us ah Nature's Compass yes this this helps us find different biomes so we can find biomes that might have mbls in it I've never used one of these before but they look cool so we need four logs we need four of the same set Plank and a regular Compass Nature's Compass how does this work oh we just straight up have a menu of all the biomes but I think we want a flower Forest to find some mooms and also sunflower ples so we'll just colleck it and it should point us in the direction and it wants us to go this way the top left has some info too it's to 2,000 blocks away wait that's a lot to get mbls home oh dear if it's through the ocean it won't be as bad okay it wants us to go here let's start by going through the river in the ocean and see how far that gets us we can always try the Sunfire planes as well we found it and if there's any mooms here it is absolutely going to be a nightmare getting them home but before we look for mums it would be a crime if we didn't collect some flowers of course and I'm going to go for kind of red white and orange ones and with that done oh my gosh I see something very exciting on the map and it's not the Villager although that is also cool there's a villager nearby I see it do you see the blue oh my gosh it's a flower cow what are you you're a Cornflower mblo can I get a look at your face hello our first M bloom going to take the wheat and L you I think there's only one however I do see something else on the map wait also is that the Villager house it's just a single little house with a network well he can just stay there forever cuz we don't really need a networ and where's the other thing there you are oh it's a uh Daisy words a daisy moim that's what you are oh I like this one even more I think these are so cute and there should be one more as well I wonder if we can make more of the blue ones by breeding a white one in a blue one like I wonder if they'll even breed together we'll go get the blue one and see cuz it'll be a shame if we can't breed anymore flower cow you and one of you oh something oh it did it we definitely could have done that at home cuz I don't have another lead and now we have the task of getting these guys 2,000 blocks home so what just like [Music] and we made it home with all of the cows I guess this is where our boat went okay you TI and stand the boat and you two can come over here and we will just put you here for now and of course we only have two types of the flower cows so far so I definitely want a couple more so we're going to go out again in a different direction obviously the compass wants us to go this way again but maybe if we go far enough away It'll point a different way I'm assuming it points to the closest flower Forest there zebra guys someone tell me how to tame a zebra is it like the horse he's so scared of me no stop running okay I'm going to leave him alone this is some kind of a funny generation we've got two Bridges here in a row and there's one over there as well okay but let's see what is that let's see if we try this again it's still pointing in that direction okay I'm going to say we need to just go further this way I don't know what this is it kind of looks like it's supposed to be a face I hope there's something in it oh there is okay uh some golden emeralds I'll take it thanks weird statue look there's some Lions down here oh are they they coming towards me hello Lions you don't seem to be aggressive that's really cool they probably don't want my cooked steak maybe they'd like raw steak which there's no cows around here maybe another time um so I stopped recording and then I found this pile of stuff behind me and I didn't think it would be much but I broke one block and look it's ancient debris there's ancient debris in here this is crazy there so much of it is this structure really rare or is it just really easy to get ancient debris and B of Minecraft this is actually crazy I guess I'm not going netherite mining in this series and we can just find it like this although wait I think there's still that new mechanic where you need some extra stuff to make netherite tools and armor actually don't know how that works I haven't tried it yet that was crazy none down here no literally the best loot ever and we didn't even have to fight any bosses or anything to get it anyway that decide flower forest mission and eventually our trusty campus did point us to a new flower Forest so we are there now there's some more over there you can't really see it but over this little side here we've got some more of the white cows but there's also some of these poppy Mo blooms we have a slight problem that we only have one lead I didn't really think that's through but since we know we can breed them we'll just take one and then I think over here there's another different kind of cow oh here you are it's a happy yellow one a dandelion MIM get in the boat so with one on a lead and one in a boat that means we have to boat all the way home I think we can though I think it's all going to be ocean so all the way over here and then we live up here it's a long journey but I think we can do it come on cows yeah we got this we're good we made it back we have three cows over here and three more over here I don't know if there's any more types we don't have probably but maybe we'll get them on our future Adventures cuz for now I want to build these guys a barn I think we will use this wood and Spruce Nature's Compass you have served us well oh we also have avocados that I picked up and also some random cucumber seeds so we should try grow them actually I kind of doubt that we can grow avocados like this yeah they come off trees is there any way to grow them from a tree they came from an Avocado page was off the leaves like this okay yeah I don't know how to grow these cut avocado avocado toast oh fun I think we can probably make that oh what's this avocado pit how do we oh okay and the avocado toast requires a knife and then do we use it with the cutting board oh yes then if we go one two bread it gives us avocado toast it gave us four too I wonder if it's a good source of food we'll have to wait till we get hungry to eat it anyway back to getting supplies for our new flower cow barn I think we're going to make the roof with moss that way we'll be able to put different flowers on the roof to represent the cows so I want to go far away from my base and mify a bunch of grass and collect the Moss savanas are kind of ugly anyway so we can just make it uglier and let's get some [Music] Moss okay we have hpes of moss I also got a bunch more of the sty and we've made most of it polished but we'll make some of it into bricks as well using this and now we just need to find where we want to build our barn oh my gosh I just noticed our avocado tree GRE in the background avocado leaves it doesn't have any avocados on it at least not yet so we'll just leave it for now and we have another one here too hopefully they grow something but okay I'm thinking we could put our barn on the other side of our enchanting setup so somewhere over here so let's dig out these trees and clear the area [Applause] okay I cleared the area and started to do some planning here so the spawner is going to kind of have some different sections for our different types of cows although it's not going to be huge so this is the main area here and we can make it out better if we get our diary so this here will be an entrance and we'll go along here like so and the back can mirror the entrance okay then we have this area coming off here so we'll go around like this and these front bits will be open kind of like Stables so we have fence gates and then fences dividing the sections and a wall along here then we have this outside area which I want to be a Fen and little Paddock so let's make some fences and we'll go around here like this I love these little corner ones you're so good okay that looks like a good plan next we need to make it a lot more vertical so we'll go up by five here then we will go across and put in a frame roof on [Music] it there we go there some funny gaps but that's okay next I'm want to work on this spit which will be very simple we'll go up by three block and across and we can make these into little archways with stairs and trap doors and we'll do fences for the windows then we're going to make an KN frame for that other section of the bar and fill it all in with [Music] moss okay we're not quite done but we're nearly there we've got a few more details to add I definitely want a more variety of flowers on the roof especially to represent the different flower cows but I also want to make a lot of this into Co dirt cuz you would think their feet are going to kind of wear out some of the grass I love how it has this kind of connected texture as well this came with the pack but I'm guessing it's part of the stage true texture pack then if we go around to the side we'll also want some Co dirt in this main area and we might also do some path blocks oh I also want to add a couple of barrels and some pot plants and some Zia bushes oh also unrelated I got this Platinum infused Hatchet of a Pillager I'm wondering how do we use wait do we throw it oh okay wait I need to test this on something where's a mob you you're perfect oh my gosh okay at one hit should I no no way maybe this hog thing wait how many hearts does it have it's a b and it says it has seven hearts in the corner okay oh now it's running from me okay I won't kill you this is a cool weapon though I'm keeping it the next thing I'm hoping to do here though is lower our different cows into the barn and we'll see if they can drop flowers for us as well these guys haven't yet but maybe it's cuz they're not on normal grass and of course these guys are stuck in a boat but I have a feeling that left long enough they'll start dropping their flowers for us and then we can use them in the roof of the barn let's grab some wheat to bring them over with and we'll also be able to breed them oh our cucumbers grow they look cute I don't know what we can make with them though we can explore that in a second but okay I guess we're just starting with the blow cow and we do have another one here and they can go in here come on guys and I'll quickly close the gate why did we get that advancement again we definitely have that I guess our advancements are broken but now we have a baby cow I think one of them dropped a flower yes oh okay they clearly do do that they must just need actual grass blocks we can make them a couple more and let's go get the others okay now we have two red cows in here we've got some blue cows in here this pen I put the white cows in with the yellow one since I kind of look similar and then around the back we have our normal cows I wanted to keep these as a food sauce because I don't really want to eat flour cows so this is our food sauce and this is our flower sauce and I've been collecting some flowers for them to put on our Ro and that completes our flower cow bar it also allowed us to tidy up the cow and sheep pin over here so it's not gone but at least now our cows and sheep are separated it makes things a lot easier and I want to end today by making something fun that I saw red make in better Minecraft so what we need is Ash and a bucket of water and a raw pork chop which I have to quickly go find one I hope this will be quick anyway and then the only other ingredient I think is iron oh I bet you dropped pork so now we can make a bar of soap or six and then we can make a bubble blower so okay how does this work we have our bubble blower oh my gosh that's so cute they make little sounds too I love this but then oh we've almost used it up already if we combine it with soap oh does that refresh it I guess that's the purpose of the soap then I think there's also solid bubble blocks but I think it might be through an enchantment let me know if I'm wrong and that enchantment is stasis s might only come through a book can we put it on here no okay well for now we're just blowing regular bubbles let me know if you know about any other fun cute little things like this and this mod pack and we can try it out but that'll be all for today so thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Brookella
Views: 14,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, better mc, better minecraft, modpack, 1.20.1, new world, let's play, starter house, hard, episode 1, episode one, ep 1, cute, girly, cottagecore, showcase
Id: Vz-LbpIbnnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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