I Built a Pink Florist's Greenhouse in Minecraft! 🌸 Ruby Hollow 10

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welcome to Ruby Hollow my 1.28 let's play World I've just been moving on my stuff into here my brand new storage room which I'm so excited to start using we've got a few little tasks to start off with today first of all I seem to have lost something I am not wearing a chest plate and after moving all of my stuff into here I still don't know where it is luckily we should be able to just buy a new one off our villager um is that the armorer dude how did you end up in the lake in a boat each to their own I guess but do sell a blast protection or we could go with Jenny oh this is better oh but it's 15 emeralds okay [Music] okay lovely and with our armor sorted we're also running low on food so let's sort that out we'll get some wheat feed our cows and then exterminate the cows and then after this we need to name our Axolotl that lives at our scally Farm that is a task I've been meaning to do for a while I go to cow head that's our first one this must be quite rare I'm not sure what to do with this maybe some extra decor for our new storage room we do have a sheep head I guess it can be friends is that kind of morbid nah it's fine as for our Axolotl I think we will go with a cute a yellow themed name Buttercup I know a lot of you guys suggested sunny as well which I think is adorable but we just named our mobloom that in Castaways so Buttercup it is there you go kitty the last little ebony task I would like to do this morning is check on the mysterious book we don't know who is writing in this book over here but we'll see if it has anything to say today let's see oh okay it says I'll be honest I was hoping that if you built a thriving town it may be some of my kind it would come so far no luck wait some are my kind but we don't know who the author is what does that mean are they a species of some sort and there's others or maybe there's no others but if you would like more rare traveler professions in Ruby Hollow perhaps a greenhouse of flowers that would entice some florists a greenhouse with some flowers for a florist okay that sounds adorable I definitely want to build that I've never seen a florist before I guess it could be kind of rare like our occultist in here let's start thinking about this so I feel like we could build a greenhouse maybe up these stairs we've got this kind of space of land here and then it could connect to this building over here so we just need to like clear a few of these trees Okay so we've got a bit of space but to build a greenhouse so we're gonna need a lot of glass which means a lot of sand and we live in the mountains so we are chronically out of sand we're nowhere near it the past few episodes I've been scrounging a little bits of it from nearby beaches but I'm kind of fed up with that so we're off to the desert we're gonna hopefully get so much sand that we don't need to worry about sand for a while then I got distracted as usual but I promise it is relevant to the project I found this giant drip Stone cave and decided to light a bunch of it up in order to smelt our sand into glass for the greenhouse we're gonna need a lot of coal so I explored the cave killed some baddies and got a bunch of coal [Music] and that brings us here to our Lush desert look at the amount of azalea trees it's kind of insane but let's get to it and collect as much sand as we can [Music] we have returned with all of the sand and the coal so we can smell it a lot and while that's all smelting I think I'm gonna go get the rest of the stuff we do need some white dye I think what I want to have for the greenhouse is clear glass walls with white glass roof just for something a little bit different so first we will get the bones for the white dye [Music] and then we will make sure that we have enough cherry wood for the trim I may have made it a little bit of a mistake over here so I was using water buckets to clear the area and the water went all the way down here onto my lovely concrete path and turned it into concrete it was meant to look like this and now it's so ugly so we will have to fix that but I want to get started on the build I've not done any planning for this outside at my own head so we'll see how this goes but I was thinking of doing it all pink which might be kind of a lot but it might be kind of cute actually maybe we bring it out one so we have glass and then these and we just kind of go along doing this until we can parkour I think this will be long enough you may want ah it's raining um okay we'll do an entrance area here and then just kind of mirror everything on the side next we'll make it a little bit taller and add some kind of rounding shapes I'm not sure if we want this middle bit here or if it's a lot of repetition maybe it'll be better without oh I'm not actually sure this could even be another entrance or we could have kind of a garden bed and some bushes in front if we had these sitting in some kind of pot situation and then a couple of vines or glowberries well we'll leave it like that for now while we start working on the roof I'm not sure what shape I want this to be it will just give it a go [Music] [Music] okay we're definitely getting there with the bow that we need a little bit more decoration though I've also been trying to figure out this entrance but I don't think this Spruce Wood is quite right I do like it for the side here and we've got a little bit over here as well just to make everything a little bit less pink and the inside is looking nice and big as well but first let's finish the outside I was thinking maybe here this could be a terracotta the only half decent color we have at the moment is red and we might have to go get some more in fact I think we definitely will need some more clay oh I like that though that's kind of cute do we know the same down here or should this be Spruce what do we think I think they need to be two different blocks okay I take it back that can be Spruce and this terracotta another thing I'd like to decorate with is some bigot pots and I've got these shirts uh wait should this go yes on the front into stick with the greenhouse theme these shirts have little trees on them then maybe we go dead Bush and this or maybe the green we'll also have have some Bimbo in here then I think it had also be nice to decorate with some giant flowers around it kind of like we did over here like these so we'll definitely need to go get some more clay we'll go down here oh my gosh this is looking so cute from down here I love it I do want to add a bit of mosso we definitely should have done this before the path but oh well and then we can move on to the inside but I think we're gonna need to go on a little bit of an adventure so for this florists Greenhouse I would like one of every single small flower which I think there's 13 of them so not sure what the layout will be yet let's just pop these down here for now 13 pots for 13 flowers a good place to start collecting these is probably our local flower Forest which is just over the mountain [Music] thank you let's try to be kind of methodical I don't really know how but we'll start with all the Tulips so we have red orange white and pink then we can try to find the other kind of white flowers we have this one the lily of the valley and the last white one is an oxide Daisy are there any around oh maybe there isn't we might have to look elsewhere for that one what we do have is the allium and the poppy the dandelion oh I spotted the oxide Daisy down here it's only two of them oh here we go I found all of the oxide daises now we just need three more flowers all found through different biomes or different methods there's blue orchids from this one but corn flowers which I think are in a lot of biomes and the torch flower of course from sniffers so we can start by going to see our sniffers that guy wait two of them are dying in a wall including the captain this makes my job a lot easier goodbye villagers but let's go see our sniffers in here hello cuties you guys doing well anybody got any seeds it seems they don't but there's a torch flower here in a little growing area I'll take this too oh and our neighboring Village live in a flower forest and I think I see yes that's a Cornflower yeah yeah now we just need the one from the swamp it's kind of far away but I think I know where it is oh I see them they're over there on that hill our final flower into a bag and with all the flowers now we can do the interior although I also just remembered these signs exist so we have acute Forest Greenhouse sign and do we have all the flowers [Music] a syringement with them on the floor is temporary but they already look adorable starting on the interior here though I think a really good centerpiece would be a tree I don't know if we'll have to make a custom one or if we'll be able to grow a good one oh maybe if we just trim the edges a little bit it'll be perfect then it will make some parts going around the tree [Music] okay so we have this cute little cherry blossom floor then put all the flowers along the edges and let's make some shelves [Music] then we'll just add some final finishing touches and I think that our flower Greenhouse is done it's looking so pretty so now all we have to do really is wait and see if a traveling at florist shows up I hope they do we made it as cute as we possibly could foreign [Music] okay I've been doing a little bit more enchanting to a pasta time unfortunately we broke our Anvil but let's go see if anybody's moved in wait are you oh a network I mean I'm sorry that's not polite hello can I come in oh my gosh there's two yeah you must be the florist your outfit is so cute what can we get from you oh flowers well we won't have to go flower hunting again and now you're selling oh my gosh leaves interesting I will buy some dark oak in Dubai oh jungle saplings and Cherry set playing sweet that's a really good one and finally rooted dirt and puzzle I don't have any of those I think that's enough trading for now and I guess that does round off our Greenhouse project too so leave a like if you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Brookella
Views: 18,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trails and tales, minecraft, 1.20, roleplay, lore, lets play, episode, cute, pink, aesthetic, house, starter house, build, cottagecore, cherry grove, sniffer
Id: -FH7RSoDfnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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