I Trapped Every Mob in Alex's Caves (Part 1/3)

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okay so I've trapped all of the mobs from the Alex's mobs mod so now it's time to trap all the mobs from the Alex's caves mod the first step is to find an underground cabin all right mobs you're about to get a lot of new friends okay that was weird whatever so I'm thinking we're going to build the zoo for the Alex's caves mobs on this side but before we get to building the zoo we first have to find an underground cabin yeah I think I'm going to have to go a little bit further out because they spawn in new chunks only since I've only added this mod recently all we're just is going to go this way so if you haven't seen the last few videos this is the equipment I ended up with and in this red backpack I got a lot of mobos using these I'm going to capture all the mops I mean I hope they work on these mobs okay so now first I have to find a place that I haven't been to that will hopefully also bring in an underground cabin I can also find maps that lead me to an underground cabin in M shafts well I guess I'm just going to travel for a bit oh and by the way I've reset my health so I'm back to 10 Hearts but again if I die I lose a heart but since I'm starting with way better armor and tools I should be all right and I shouldn't die as much as last time if at all should I check if there is a m shaft nearby all right let's see doesn't look like it all right I'm going to go back up so recently the Alex's caves mod had an update which added the Tremor Silla so that is one big mob I'm going to have to capture and even if it counts as a boss I'm still going to capture all the mobs including the bosses that's um yeah that's going to be quite the challenge but I mean I kind of have to do this because well you guys left a lot of comments saying I should do this with the Alex's caves mod and I did a poll and it was almost unanimous so I guess I got a choice I got to do this all right this looks like a new Village or have I been here no this is a new Village New Village means new loot so I'm going to check this out real quick let's see okay bread I can always use that more bread nice piece of bread cool more bread cool and let's go to sleep all right I'm going to leave this place because let's face it I already have a lot better stuff than the village can provide me so let's go hold on do I have a composter doesn't look like it okay you know what I'm going to grab one from the village there should be one in the village you'll see why I want to get one shortly wait why are there no compost oh there it is okay there we have the composter and now let's check if I have a piece of gravel I do all right if you've seen a couple of my older videos then you probably know what I'm doing let's go down here I'm going to go here place that down go into the comos place this down and oh all right they fixed this bug in 1.20.1 okay never mind then I'll leave that here wait don't I have an elytra oh right I do okay I have no idea why I didn't use it and I completely forgot I have one yeah let's let's use that let's fly out a bit just so we a bit further out and then we're going to check for some more M shafts and of course the underground cabin I mean if we can find one directly that would be pretty good all right I've definitely not been here before so these are all new chunks so there is a possibility that underground cabins do spawn here all right I guess I'm going to dig down and check in here I probably shouldn't be mining straight down like this but yeah we we've been through worse right deeper oh oh okay there we go we got a m shaft there okay I'm going to check out these M shafts and hope I can find a map to an underground cabin so that is the plan all right there's a bunch of mfts but I think they are below okay why are there so many creepers there we go that is the entrance to a m shaft and this is a massive M shaft there's got to be a map in here all right let's search for some chests oh that that looks promising let's go this way oh okay diamonds I'll take that oh chest nice diamonds okay name tag bread just got to be a map somewhere in here there's no way there's just one chest in this giant M shaft there's got to be more okay I think the purple ones are entities let's see if that's a chest yes yes it is okay so we just got to follow the purple dots on the map never mind we found the map oh this is good we already found one in the second chest that's pretty good all right perfect I got a map so now it's time to get out of this cave there we go we're out why are there always creepers when I get to some place okay let's whip out the map and we are wait are you telling me I'm right on top of the underground cabin wait how did how did that happen Okay it should be right underneath me I guess it's time to go down again um okay I don't see it it should be right right where I'm standing no did I read the map wrong okay I'm going to check below see if there's anything there and there it is perfect I thought this map fooled me for a second and here we are in the underground cabin I've never been in this before this is the first time I'm playing this mod actually so this is the barrel and this is where we find all the cave tablets and the cave compendium spanker table I definitely need that so how does this work do I put this in here or okay I put a tablet in here and paper I need paper oh don't tell me I don't have any paper I probably should have studied this mod a little bit more okay it looks like I got to go up again and get some paper or wait I can just take this with me right why didn't I think of that that is way easier that's pretty much everything I need from this place all right time to go up again is that a diamond yes it is I might as well go grab that on my way out all right I think we have reached the surface yes there we go all right we're up and we're in a jungle there should be some sugar canane in the jungle right or maybe on the Edge you know what I think it's time we whip out the elytra again so we can find that sugar cane quickly okay there's a Crocodile oh there we go that was quick now I do need more than just one piece of paper so I need to farm this all right we might as well go back this is the sugar cane we have so all right let's let's fly back let's whip out the elytra again and go home but I'm going to grab these two all right we're back at the base there's quite a bit of sugarcane here oh this is perfect Let's Farm all of these I don't remember why I planted these in the first place but uh I'm very glad that I did do I have some paper in here oh yeah we got 16 pieces here okay let's place down the spun table right here all right so I place the tablets in here and the paper in here okay I got five attempts to find reptile select a word to attempt a guess let's say it's that okay it isn't um drag this lens over and attempt to guess to reveal its meaning arle what does that even mean oh okay I got two attempts left where do you have an L is it this okay that's not good one attempt left come on we we can get this oh it's this never mind it wasn't it wasn't that so as you can tell I haven't done a lot of research so we got to do this again oh okay so this is called the standard galactic alphabet all right nice we got our first cave codex the prim morial caves oh God why did we have to start with this one that is one massive cave I'm going to put it in here and turn it into a cave biome map and the Journey Begins okay so we're up here and that looks like a massive primordial cave this is the direction we got to go all right let's whip out the elytra again let's go okay I guess I'm just going to fly in this direction for a while come on world you can load faster than that and the primordial caves is right here here okay it's right under the village damn these villagers don't even know they're living above a dinosaur world just like in ish3 wait is that it okay we have made it and my elytra is almost broken got to be careful with that all right let's check this out oh we got our first mob and what are these called These are tril Caris tril Caris you know we're going to start with the easy mobs and then work our way up to the hardcore mops all right I'm going to grab a couple of these lassos so we can get a couple of these these mobs and hopefully this works and it does and that is the first mob we've captured from the Alex's caves mod I think all the other mobs are down here somewhere right oh man well this is actually the very first time I've played with this mod so this is also my first time seeing this cave so this is going to be insane yep I think I'm hearing some dinosaurs now okay we've reached it okay I'm kind of scared to go down here uh I have no idea what's waiting for me I mean I've seen a couple of showcases but that's that's pretty much it I don't even know what these mobs are called so we got a fly trap can I oh I can oh my God look at this place this is going to get a lasso ready in case a mob jumps me oh look at those okay the lighting in here is a bit weird with this Shader yeah you know what for this cave I'm going to turn off the shaders oh there's a volcano oh God that that's how we're going to summon the boss or one of the bosses okay the first steps is to collect the mobs that we see around here and then I'm going to go research on how to summon the other mops that do not naturally spawn no why are the cave stipes in here oh God that's not good that is not good why are there so many cave centipedes in here all right I'm going to avoid those at all costs um can I capture this guy and I did subter sub suban done okay yeah I'm definitely going to struggle with these names so my dumbass didn't check the audio so this next little section has no audio at all but I made some notes after the recording so I'm just going to read those out okay here we go I'm checking my surroundings making a plan on which mob to capture next then I got sandwiched by two murmurs out of nowhere so I ran into my little hole being completely flabbergasted okay interesting choice of words then I tried to dig out but they were everywhere I proceeded to kill the murmur and then I got out got some pyad cuz I I thought I needed them almost fell down a hole then I said my armor is decent but I don't know how many hits I can take from all the murmur and Cave centipedes I tried to bridge over to this egg getting attacked by mmers again seeing on the map that there's thousands of these F okay I can't say that word um got this cursed view of a bunch of cave centipedes under me I tried to pour lava onto them then decided to jump down and get the big blue boy whatever that is got it but then had to run for my life almost fell down far saved myself with blocks and box box myself in and then I wrote saw a lot of long necks okay and then when I got out it was raining murmurs what I don't even know what I wrote but I hope it makes sense with the footage then I spotted an orange boy that I wanted to capture next but of course it was surrounded by three cave ctip decided to mine my way out of there when I got out there were more murmur I killed them they dropped some weird dangly thing very uncomfortable having that in my inventory found a way to trap them by blocking off their heads somewhere very easy kill what a silly goose when I tried to go back up there was a cave centipede right where I Min and then I wrote I don't like this place decided to risk it and built my way up luckily the cave centipedes had slow reaction times I built a safe spot up there my next Target was the little blue man I L the cave centipedes to the other side then jumped into the water and got the L blue man I got poisoned but I still managed to run away on the way I spotted the orange man again so I captured that one too then while running I accidentally misclicked and cl CL the Minecraft screen I almost died but I was fine locked myself in a little water hole one of the chunky red ones still managed to come in but they were stupid my notes are so dumb okay anyway currently I have five out of eight mobs from the primordial cave captured all right we got a subter Randon right here we already have one of those but maybe I can get one of these to tame later all right so there's three more mobs that we have to capture in this biome and those are the trosa the Lux chaurus Lux stru tosur and the atlan whatever they're called and these three are the biggest mobs in this cave so this is going to be interesting okay so the first mob I want to capture is the tremur it spawns rarely in this biome but it spawns naturally yeah I guess I'm going to have to go out there and look for it I guess these s attacks are not good I think maybe my best move is actually to tame a subon so I can fly around with it okay to tame a subon I need try something try TR tro Caris tail that's that's what I need so I need to find the mob and then go kill him so I need to find some pockets of water in the place where there aren't any cave centipedes um okay so here's water maybe maybe there's some of them in there hopefully there are some in here there aren't but there are on this side you can see it on the map oh there's one all right we got one meat oh no don't float are there any more oh okay oh there's a whole bunch of them I'm not sure how many I need you know what I'm actually going to capture a couple more of these just so we can fill the zoo a little bit more now I have eight and that should be enough okay okay time to go time to leave can I mine these Amber things I'm going to need them for later as well wait is that the tremur oh there's a cave centipede let me grab this please tell me that this lasso works it does oh my God okay so we got to move on to the Lu struct asaurus whoa whoo whoo whoo wo wo yo this is not fair this is not fair did I just lag behind oh God oh God okay I'm going up I'm going up I should be okay I should be okay why not all right let's go into this cave for a second um um um okay oh okay yeah I did not like that well anyway I survived that's cool okay okay let's make a little space here so I can tame these subter randum all right I feel like I'm getting a hang of these names now okay these creatures are really loud so I'm just going to take care of them real quick damn I got followed by a whole arm I'm going to let this guy out and feed it this and it's tamed instantly okay this one is a good boy so I killed a bunch of trolis TR whatever for no reason let me grab my stuff okay I'm also going to put a shovel in here just so I can dig into the ground when I have to escape take this then a free hand and I should be able to fly oh my God this is cool now we can avoid all of these annoying buggers man there's even a cave centipede on the volcano that's that's got to be a joke all right I need to get the ominous ominous what is it the ominous catalyst which is made out of eight heavy bones and one Amber curiosity and the Amber curiosity we get from mining the Amber and the heavy bones we get from killing one of the bigger mobs in this biome ah damn so I got to face some mops and mine some Amber while there's a bunch of cave centipedes and Mur around well no one said this was going to be easy so let's just get to it but again I'm going to mine this way so I can avoid all of these mobs oh yeah that didn't work okay they're right outside this is insane get away okay um I don't even know what to do okay so the goal is to mine Amber and kill some of the bigger mobs here wow they seem to be really afraid of lava as they should maybe I found a secret weapon so that looks like a big boy that's probably going to drop some heavy bones probably is best if I just sniped him [Music] sorry big man I got to do it oh this guy's aggro re extinct that's okay I'm not sure if the M dropped some heavy bones or not because well I didn't see anything okay just cave s p now let's let's fly around a bit where should we go okay there's a big man over here oh man I'm going to be so happy once I'm done here and can get out of this place yeah I'm not I I I really don't know how I'm supposed to do this with all these maps all right I'm pretty sure there's only one way and it's just to Brute Force this thing so I'm just going to go through here kill as many mobs as I can get the stuff that I need and then move on I don't think there's any way around it so let's go okay I'm mining the wrong way let's [Applause] go all right we killed a whole bunch of murmur let's keep moving okay there's a whole bunch of Amber right there I want to get to that one all right I hope to bridge over to this with no murmur pushing me down so this is Amber there we go the Amber curiosity all right now all I need is eight heavy bones and then I have everything I need to summon that big beast not even going to say it name anymore because I'm just going to say it wrong all right just in case I'm going to mine a couple more of these yes we got two so now we got to kill some big boys like that one so I guess we fly over there okay I'm going to land on this tree okay dude they can stretch their heads this far up all right let's for a different let's go for a different Big Boy let's go for this one like this guy good good good oh let's get out of here okay oh my armor it's almost broken I have no idea how I'm going to play this actually like the brute force method does not seem to be working that well all right let's try it again I guess I mean not really much else to do all right so I'm going to snipe this guy and then hopefully we can fly down to get its heavy bones does it not okay and let's fly down and hopefully swoop those heavy bones yes yes yes okay there's some bones I'm really hoping those are some heavy Bones come on up okay let's get out of here were those heavy bones yes there were okay I think we found a tactic that works and now we can snipe the next mobs so there's one of them right there am I shooting at the tree or what oh it's stuck in the tree okay so there's one down there okay we got two of them now oh there's a third one oh damn was that your sister my bad bro all right let's go out the subter Randon and uh let's go get these bones all right did not look like it dropped heavy bones so I think I'm just going to have to go for these purple purple guys let's snipe these guys wait okay so if all of them dropped two heavy bones I would have all of them so I'm really hoping they all drop drop those heavy bones that one's down last one come on all right this is it this is it yep there's there's some right here come on come on okay okay going to collect and we did all right the moment of truth how many heavy bones did I pick up oh that is disappointing just one more I only need one more all right I guess we got to get back all right we're going to Target this one yes yes yes yes come on get it get it get it do I have it I have I think I have it yes there we go we got all the heavy bones we got the Amor curiosity so now we can finally craft the ominous Catalyst and there's a Mur cool all right let's whip out the crafting table and craft the ominous Crystal and there we have it the suspicious looking item so all I got to do now is throw this thing into the volcano first I'm going to go repair these items okay you know what never mind we're just going to go in with this armor let's let's just risk it I mean what's the worst that can happen all right the moment has come we're going to go fly to the volcano okay I have no idea what's actually going to happen does it spawn right out of here or will it like drop down or something I'm just going to eat a golden apple throw in this thing and hope for the best all right let's do it okay oh I can't I can't walk I can't walk okay I can't walk I'm in lava jeez well uh that so yeah okay I died I got nine lives left what's the worst that can happen now my death is no you got to be kidding me I guess I'm going to get some preliminary loot like armor and stuff and then make my way back there okay let's see if I get my stuff back okay so the struct asaurus Boss Bar just popped up so I am pretty close yeah it's actually right below me all right thanks horse and I'm going to have to move quick now otherwise my stuff is going to despawn wait was that my subter random no I killed it oh man that dude is going to pay yeah I don't I don't see any items on the map so I do not see my items this is it I think [Music]
Channel: PandAce
Views: 277,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pand, Ace, PandAce, Minecraft, Ice, and, Fire, Mod, Minecraft Mods, Ice and Fire Mod, alex's caves, alex caves, alex caves mod, alex cave minecraft, alex's mobs, alexs caves, alexs mobs, trap mobs in minecraft, trapped alex's caves mobs, trapped alex caves, minecraft godzilla, tremorzilla, tremorzilla alex's caves, tremorzilla vs, tremorzilla vs luxtructosaurus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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