NEW WORLD πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ Fairycore Starter Hobbit Hole 🌷 EP 1 (Minecraft 1.20 Modded Survival) πŸ„

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hi everyone welcome in to my new 1.20 series and this time it's modded oh my god oh oh my God what a spawn okay this is a little bit terrifying but I see trees oh my God look at my mini map there's so many mobs there and a village oh my God how did I not notice this all right we're off to a great start all right okay um one problem there's like no trees here like literally none so let's maybe fix that first things first try to get some wood somewhere oh my God oh my go oh my God there's birds okay I can just grab this I think no one will notice right okay these are these are not full blocks am I really going to have to make my way all the way down for is that what Villages look like with my mods okay wait wait wait I'm going to try to make my way down safely oh there is that a tree please tell me please tell me that has actual wood that's just first things first you know I cannot get caught up in all the other stuff okay that's not enough but it's a start it's our first thing now let's look for um let's just go there I guess oh there's also wait there's more bushes there's more bushes okay this is actually really slow I thought this was going to be faster but look at how beautiful the water looks with my I don't know everything I did not make the mod pack myself maybe that's very important to note um a lovely friend of mine actually made this for me meaning that it'll be a bunch of surprises which I love okay let me just go get this and let's see what we can make already obvious a crafting table I love the texture of this everything looks so pretty one more oh my God hi what are you a blue jay that is so cute that's adorable okay one more wood and then I think personally we should be okay right all I want is to get a pickaxe you know that is all that looks gorgeous let's start with some re ources now yippe and all the way up there was a lot of iron too if the texture that I saw was iron I'm not sure it's new textures these are not my regular textures so let's have a look let's just mine what we can and then I think we can just probably sleep in the village for our first night which would be really helpful we can also steal their food maybe you know what I'll replant I'll steal their wheat and then I'll replant cuz that's less mean this is a duck there's a duck I love that let me just go around and get to like I don't know 16 Stone I always forget how much you need at the start it's like three for a pickaxe then eight for your furnace but also do you want a stone axe like how long will it take to get iron so I guess I'll just get a bunch there we go what is this 19 no I hate that I need to get 20 yeah thank you let me make this bad boy ooh getting an upgrade but look at what we're doing instant re-up grade um okay no that's just one but I'm also going to make a sword in case we are Disturbed you never know something might creep up and I do not want that to happen like at all and then let's maybe also just make an axe ooh oh ooh ooh okay um um I do not wish to fall so let me try to play it safe here and just stay in the walls while we get this little patch of iron oh my god oh there's more there okay we're on to seven iron and you know what these villagers will not notice if I grab this right oh my god there villages in the mountain my God guy that's rather dangerous why would you live there villagers man they just have zero regard for their own safety oh no Sunset no no no h okay let me make my way down to the Village but I there's so much resources that I'm wasting then there's so much up here oh my God hello hi hello oh my God I love it here uh can I steell your bed I I think I would feel safer if I hello if I got to sleep oh thank you amazing we made it good morning um would you mind if I like stole some stuff mine why there so many I'm taking them oh oh oh my God I love that that's such nice news okay I'm going to here you go you guys uh enjoy your armor stands so many of them I'm sure you'd need that with just helmets and let's check the chest sorry sorry I just really I just feel like I'd be I'd be really hungry otherwise and you know just please thank you thank you okay let's cook up the potatoes I love this while my potatoes cook oh my God it's night time oh no it's just a cave o okay while the potatoes cook I'm going to grab everything I can they seem nice enough to be like here you can take it girl look they don't mind a villager hat what wait wait amateur archaeologist find an artifact and I'm oh my God decreases the trading prices of villagers that is so cool that is so cool wait hello [Music] um no thanks but cool I'm stealing your light though let me see if my food is ready oh finally eating let's check this out more potato more bread This was meant to be found by me they they they knew I needed this right that's what's going on here I see the cat endangered by a I mean I guess cats usually holy cow holy cow I'm taking it do you got any more chests for me by any chance you got oh my God what is that a cow plush there's [Music] plushies oh my God I I look better than I've ever looked let me tell you that and I'm so well protected okay I'm happy I like it here I however I don't like it here that's a bit that's that's a bit too much for me still also why am I not using my proper tools holy ah I hit the baby I'm sorry oh my God I hit the child let me sort through what I do not need and I will not be taking um H I know there's backpacks let's see how you make them oh my God what what that's so pretty that's really gorgeous plus five armor okay I like it I like it silver oh my God okay okay okay anyways backpack backpack standard a chest an Ingot a sleeping bag a backpack tank oh God okay you make I need wool glass and iron okay that won't be for now then let's do that another time let's grab our stuff uh let's steal a bed sorry and let's head out all right good morning I'm going to eat my baked potato and I will leave this establishment because it sucks it genuinely sucks uh bye goodbye no thank you uh we to ooh cool very cool oh I like the sound this makes me walk on it sorry I hate it oh no I can't even pick it up guess I'm sticking to chicken oh my God these sheepies look so silly that's so adorable let's toss out the rotten flesh use some shears and just get some wool wait what is this that gray patterned wool blue stitched wool huh okay let me just grab the white wool to be sure oh and whatever wool they also have great thank you oh my God and look at this cow you're so cute oh I love it here oh my God there's butterflies wait what is that those trees look really really silly oh my God a village I should have seen that on the map but wait let's look at these trees one thing I've noticed is that the combination of some packs that I have make something silly so that's Birch leaves If someone knows how I can fix them to be Muno Birch leaves please let me know in the comments and then that how is that also Birch leaves is it cuz they're on a different biome oh my God but this Village looks so cool a swamp Village excuse me I love that and the water looks swampy too that is so amazing oh oh Bewitched Noah Noah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait oh is just visiting a swamp Village well what why am I be witched then I see a witch there's chests though um I don't have arrows and I don't have enough string is that another witch what is that is it water dangerous uh I'm not sure I like it here I do really want to loot one of those chests okay did you see me did oh but look at the map no there's so many of them there's so many of them I need to I need to go uh where will I go just in the water just go just go just go I swear if this pack if this mod pack has crocodiles I will lose it I will another structure oh my God I love this it's giving it's giving populated you know oh oh what did I see there okay nothing I'm I think the bewitch just kind of like scared me it freaked me out a little bit everything scares me now oh there's villagers this one actually has villagers this one is so cool too like look at how it's like decorated it looks really cool hi guys hi all right all right hi hello excuse me what do you offer yeah sure what do you okay um thank you okay there's a lot of stuff here let's go there's also a Lecter a lot of books like a lot of bookcases I feel awful destroying it but I'm doing it anyways because I will need this I'm starting my own village you guys please understand wait they have scaffolding oh but I see bamboo and Cherry stuff I want to live there okay I'm fine I will not lead your scaffolding you're good don't worry about it don't worry about it a chicken plushy what do I throw out for all of this okay let's just do it like that this is so cool why is this so cool after this I spent a couple more minutes looting the village and also trying to tame a cat but unfortunately the modded fish do not work to tame cats so we will be back and that's a promise I have better news look cherry blossom which you if you're not new to the channel oh my God help help help help if you're not new to the channel then you know I love cherry blossom like I just think it is so beautiful I was so happy when that update came out like so I need to at least check out the biome if the surroundings are really not like nice to work with then never mind you know I'm not going to sacrifice everything over the fact that it's pink trees but then again I will aelia oh I love it here yep I love it I'm sold wait let's see okay okay it's not a very big patch you can already see it on the map and we are quite close to like all sorts of biomes I feel like another aelia tree that's good that's nice that just looks like a whole bunch of oh oh my God a deer hi okay they they do get they do get scared they do get scared another aelia tree like I do think I like it here and it does doesn't have to be like a full pink build but at least we have a pink you know surrounding if I could fix the birch trees leaves to not look like that this could really really be it for me now next up I did want to secure the perimeters a little bit and look around what I found was not pretty I mean there was nice biomes and there was moths and butterflies and frogs but there was also a weird cabin and I heard a witch and it tried to attack s witch through the walls to be safe and then it was an illusioner so maybe one day in the future we will be able to fight the illusioner but for now this is how that went yeah not great huh so it was time to head back home and just take a nap and get settled okay great amazing morning um oh there's going to be bees okay I love that how many bees do you have okay there's two bees in there I can breed them now honestly I think this is really cute can you guys imagine my little house here yes this is pretty yeah I like it all right all right that's set then or settled or whatever the word is in English this will be it now I think I'm just let me cook let me cook with how this is looking it's looking very magical don't you think very Whimsical it's a modded a modded world again that is in my opinion also quite magical there's flowers there's everything how do you guys feel about making this magical fairy core now for those who don't know what does fairycore mean I'm just thinking flowers and mushrooms at this point and a lot of pink and a lot of I don't know cute stuff but that's about all I got so let me dive into the world of Pinterest and then see from that what materials we'll be needing let me see if I can get inspired okay I did my research and I also discovered that I recorded everything without game sound because I'm using new audio settings and yada yada my apologies from now on there will be sounds so yeah oh hi I'm thinking cuz this has a lot of like levels to it right we have a lot of like hills and we're on a big mountain and there is actually just so much going on that I could work with some Hobbit holes in a way you know like little hobbit cottages and also other builds just kind of mix it all together like I'm seeing for example already this that looks so okay that looks super cool like this looks so so so cool and I want to not ruin the the landscape too much if that makes sense also I'm going to get some Woods I'm going to need I'm thinking like all kinds but I want to use obviously a lot of Pinks in terms of pink blocks I really love Crimson but I'm not going to risk it like I just do not feel like doing that maybe some terracotta would be really nice uh or a concrete as as well I feel like that always looks really really good as a detail block as a color block oh my God these packs or like this pack comes with tea and chocolate and oh my God that's so cute chocolate milk I meant not just chocolate a brewer how do you make this how do you make a mug okay we have to go to the nether for that some cool chairs like we can actually proper decorate shoes aquad Dashers bunny Hoppers Kitty slippers creepers avoid the wearer I guess you just have to find them though oh I love that and some [Music] images oh my God I love this there's also super cool leaves which I love love love and I do know that I need like the chipped uh is it not like a workbench that you need for that yeah the workbenches but those are not too hard to get and then we can actually make a lot of really really cool stuff on our Hill I'm going to go collect a little bit of that Spruce that I see over there and then W okay okay this was dangerous bad idea bad idea okay I made it I made it okay what I wanted to say was I'm going to grab some Spruce that I can see over there I mean I think that's Spruce and then I'm going to head back and make some work uhoh maybe we should just sleep here I'm also thinking where could my main Hobbit Hole go cuz like it's hilly but it's also not that big of a hill maybe H this is going to be hard wait how am I going to do this here okay okay I I I won't go here I'm sorry um please leave me alone are you guys seeing the pillagers uhoh he saw me I think I'm just going to stand here okay I'll just I'll just be here what the hell why are they here there's nothing happening they're passing through they're passing through wait I'm going to try to avoid them I'm going to try to them sorry villagers I'm not going to help you oh yeah they saw the village they're going I'm sorry wait this do look really like this would look really nice for The Hobbit hole it's like free it's like free built in already look this is the base like a little bit more below up there is where we were earlier and then here that would look gorgeous and the grass the grass here is legitimately purple however one big sorry that scared the heck out of me um one big problem is going to be that cave we're going to close that one up I think maybe we can just build in this that would also look really really good and then that could be later like a second build but this could be a first one yeah I like it task number one is going to be to get a little bit of um resources but mainly dirt yeah 33 is not going to cut it to fill the death hole where mobs are just coming out hi nice to meet you e I'm going to be smart about it let me already make a little Hub over here okay is that two skeletons oh a creeper and a skeleton yeah that's um for sure not dangerous you know what I'm going to do I am going to craft a chest yes yes ah all's good all's good okay I got this a little bit so let me just you know uh-oh Sunset uh-oh uh-oh no no oh my God wait wait wait that is Gorge Pur yeah I need my house to be in here like can you imagine this is my house I do have to admit I have never built a hobbit hole are they meant to be symmetrical like how does that work I think I'll just try to make them a little bit symmetrical I I I don't know should probably get rid of this too now I do not really have any blocks so let me chop down my first cherry tree oh my God it drops cherries I love modded oh my God I love modded and let's also replant cuz we are nice I also really have to fix these situations cuz one day I will just die walking around my own terrain I also really want to try one of these trees but they're all like oh that one's separate wait I didn't even notice this is perfect for my fairish theme slay when did I get cotton seeds huh I want to see some wood combinations so take this one stripped yeah sure uh maybe not not how about some Spruce though I always really like that I always also really really really like stripped Birch let's put this all together ooh okay I'm for sure using stripped Spruce as like some outer corners and I think I want to do cherry roof and then I can use that to fill it all up to make it you know kind of have that contrast feeling but I'm forgetting where workbench a workbench so we can make really really really cool things Carpenter's table we need some logs a plank a crafting table an Axe and an Ingot oh I'm silly it needs to be a wooden axe specifically okay all right and made it let's already place this at home it's a scary home but it's a home yay and let's have a look what we can do this is only going to be wood right oh my God that is super cool I think we should use some overgrown stuff definitely ooh o um that's kind of cool wait that's really pretty look what I just found flowering pink logs I need a flower and pink logs around it which you make with oak logs what and also Wings a bajillion pink wings okay quest number one is just to get oak logs let's go found them oh my God how do I how do I oh what can I do with it strawberry seeds amazing bag of strawberry okay I'll get I'll just I'll just quickly Harvest you guys and go home that is really nice I can make a strawberry field okay I have my oak logs and I just needed a flower uh done let's see what happens if I do this oh I I guess I need a vanilla flow which I also do have I I do have that let's not be feared oh um no I'm silly I just need a pink dye shoot pink dye um I forgot how easy pink dye has become since cherry blossom stuff this should be yeah yes amazing okay 16 pink logs and then is that just any flow oh my God that is so so cool let's look at it oh my God can I strip it no I can strip it I just need an iron nugget H sorry I'm just discovering oh my oh my God Checker strawberry wallpaper pink wall stop record player flowering pink drop door is absolutely adorable pink inner corner cabinet Sims 4 what pink Retro fridge guys so for the next half hour I went to work and tried out so many combination of the woods we gathered and hated them all so that unfortunately leaves me having to demolish everything and start from scratch yay I again went to work and tried so many different combinations deleting and retrying and finally I realized okay I'm kind of liking this it just needs a pink roof so I tried to make a pink roof I think it's just a little bit too like sharp like you know like it's like like that instead of like rounded that's more like it already I feel like just looks a little bit less I don't know silly in a way how do we feel about that with some Greenery I think that could look really good right maybe the pillars on the side need to be this like that let's see and we can maybe add a little of no you know what let's add nothing let's grab some leaves and some Vines Maybe please I hope to get an aelia what's it called sapling please okay I want to get a seed okay that was really lucky that's all I I just needed to make sure I got like one of the what's it called like the like the actual flowering aelia you know now I'm good now I'm happy all right let's place a little bit more of the vines let's see where I can place one on there and maybe on here here and let's have a look that looks really cool that looks really really cool let me just grab some sand for some windows and I think for doors that I'm going to go for like one of these more special ones you know but I don't know yet which one H honestly the regular Cherry also has some Groove to it wait oops I have not done any flooring yet yet obviously okay but look the Cherry is wait actually the Cherry is perfect I love her I really like the Cherry let's just stick with that and let's make an actual window to trapo maybe I think that would look nice let's see oh cute that's really adorable now let's plant her let's see if like that that could work and I also think I should you know really plant a lot of stuff here cuz otherwise it'll look really empty and it'll look kind of bad tea Blossom oh oh okay how did I get this I can maybe also start my little Strawberry Patch here just for the time being cuz I do only have two let's maybe just plant her oh I hear a skeleton all right let's maybe just plant it right here let's do one oh two what am I hearing is she in my house let's just for safety purposes there we go let's make a little little bit of water here oh that looks bit bit gross and let's plant our first strawberries also the skeleton's in here and I do need some uh oh yeah let's try that through the outside instead hi oh you're bad you're bad you're bad is he in my house the creeper okay no bye let me also just quickly finish this top part here it looks very um dangerous being open like that to me yeah way better nothing can fall in now I also realized I have way more than just strawberry seeds on me I have the cotton seeds and I have three wait can I turn that into into seeds oh no oh but I can still plant them amazing and then I think we should also make a little path let me also make some fences I don't know if these will be the vibe but I think they're cute I just don't know if they really they really fit I really like it I actually think this is so cute we did that now all that's left for me to do is add some flowers around here to make it look prettier and get rid of that I mean I'm not going to get rid of it but I need it to look better oh blueberries yay ooh Lily Pad oh oh giant lily pad seat L enough exploring time to wrap it up guys I'm hearing a cat I think she's stuck in the hole Kitty I do not have time for this okay I'll go home I'll plant my plants and then I'll be back think I'm going to have to shave this down there's no other way and let's move our setup ah yes A Place Called Home ah good morning oh yes this just feels so good yes with the rainbow now as promised I will do one last thing this was not my plan I was going to just end the episode here you know we have our house but the cat the cat oh okay that's one I'll get like three okay two and three oh wait that's a different one that's okay though oh sorry sorry sorry oh it's the fish okay okay I thought it was mad I get it though is our friend still here okay okay you're mean wait what is that do I want to know oh it's meant to be we need that cat we need that cat if I'm not mistaken that house over there has Moss if I could just get one little piece of that Moss that would be amazing okay I have two more fish and that'll be for next episode let's see if two fish is enough hi hi [Music] twin no I genuinely don't know why you hate me hey girl um I got something for you I have got okay next up let's get you out of here come I gave her one more actually wasn't meant to be I mean it was an accident but I'll treat my chat oh my God yay welcome to your new home baby come you can come inside I don't want you to be in danger come here there we go all's good in the world well everybody woo thank you so much for watching episode one I know it's a bit of a long one my apologies but it's modded and I was exploring so much and I just had a good time so thank you guys so much for watching and see you on the next one do not forget to leave cat name suggestions in the comments because I will be using this name tag on our Newfound baby kitchen so let me know all right see you next time bye
Channel: TheAmbear
Views: 132,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cottagecore minecraft, mizunos 16 craft, cottagecore survival, minecraft, minecraft build, aesthetic minecraft, cozy minecraft, minecraft episode 1, minecraft lets play, cottagecore let's play, minecraft cottagecore, minecraft cozy builds, theambear minecraft, aesthetic cozy build, minecraft modded, pretty minecraft, fairycore, 1.20, minecraft 1.20, 1.20 let's play, modded, minecraft fairycore, minecraft pink, hobbit hole, cherry blossom, hobbithole, cute minecraft, episode 1
Id: R_tdVzu3yHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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