Zoom Meeting: How To Use (with example of a Breakout Group)

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in this video you're going to see how I use zoom which is my favorite video conferencing software ever I use it for one-to-one client meetings I use it for client groups so groups of up to 50 people if you have the basic zoom plan and I also do what have online workshops if you want to buy the upgrade to the zoom plan you can have let's say a hundred people on a webinar or 500 or a thousand or even more so let me let's get started by first launching zoom and in this video I'll also show you how I do the breakout groups on zoom okay so when you launch zoom it looks like this and you notice that there are these buttons down here if you click on meetings you'll be able to see what your upcoming meetings are I've got several better schedule and several that are recurring the one that's up here that's its personal meeting ID this is sort of like your default meeting room in zoom and by the way please don't copy that number down this is my own personal one but usually this is unchecked and if this is unchecked okay typically that's how it works if you click on start with video click on start with video there I am okay like yeah I I actually have a couple of people waiting for me on a zoom call but you're going to meet them soon but if you click on start with video and you don't have this one checked that means it's going to start a new zoom room each time you do this or start without video that's the other option you can do it join means that you're going to join a particular meeting ID that you know about or schedule means that you're able to schedule it and so for example if I want to schedule a specific meeting then you could set the date and time set how long it's going to be and it's going to give you a unique meeting ID after you schedule it let me show you a couple of these options video when joining a meeting should be on or off I recommend that you keep these both on that's what I found to have the best results because when the video is on by default people come into the meeting and people who aren't used to that might initially be a little bit surprised by it but I find that they get used to it pretty quickly because they see you on video and they say oh this is normal to see the other person on video I'm seeing on video so that that may if you make it off then I find that it's harder to you know encourage people to turn on their videos so that's what I recommend having both of these audio options allow people to join both by phone or by computer that means both is there and then don't require meeting password I don't recommend that because unless it's really I if you have a new meeting that you create with a unique meeting ID by clicking on schedule nobody has a meeting ID anywhere on the internet except for you and whoever you shared with so I don't see the reason for having a meeting password unless a particular meeting room that you scheduled as a recurring thing has gotten out there and you don't want random people showing up that's the only reason I think meeting password enable joined before host is a really useful a checkbox to have it's it's when you have a client group or a group of people that already know each other and it's kind of like you allow them to enter the conference room before you as the host shows up they're able to talk among themselves see each other first when to uncheck this is if you're doing some professional presentation and people who are going to show up to see your presentation don't know each other and it'll be awkward for them if they suddenly see each other before the host is there so that's the time you don't want them to be able to get into the meeting before you join if you uncheck the box what they're going to see is they're going to see that the host has yet to join a meeting please stand by and then they're going to see that on the screen and that's what they'll just they can do other things on the computer and then when you show up then the meeting will start okay and record the meeting automatically locally or in the cloud that's up to you I like to press the record button when I'm ready so I typically have this unchecked and the recurring meeting and use personal meeting ID means that means that that meeting even though you scheduled it will be using your own personal ID instead of the unique one that they are going to generate randomly the recurring meeting option I like a lot because I have a client group that always needs in this you know Oh Ron regular basis so if you have a regular group of people you meet with on zoom' do a recurring meeting and then schedule it schedule the recurring even though it's recurring and doesn't have a particular time it can happen 24/7 anytime that this meeting room is available especially in they'll join before hosts and anybody can can come in who has the link and then you click schedule and what's going to happen is once you click schedule it'll open up your Google Calendar if you have that and you can scroll down and you know basically select all and then copy it and send that to somebody via email now if somehow you lose that because then you lose that and you want to get that back you click on meetings and you scroll down to where the recurring meeting that you scheduled was and you click copy and once you click copy you will then be able to go to a you know an email address or a document and you paste it in it has that in there again so that's what that copy function is the Edit means that you'll be able to edit the parameters of that meeting just like we showed you earlier oops open up that up again okay and then of course delete is you'd want to delete that beating ID this is the meeting ID right there if you if someone is asking you for a zooming ID that's the one that you want to look for and copy and for some reason if you don't have it you can always copy it and when you go into the document to paste it the meeting ID is essentially this this is the format of a link to join a zoom meeting either by computer or by phone someone who clicks on this link in in their iPhone or Android will be prompted to join meeting Moberly I think they might need to download the free zoom app to be able to do that but this is the meeting ID just so you know that's the shortcut to it okay and then if somebody is calling in via phone of course the phone numbers are all there when you copy the when you when you when you copy the meeting information however if you want to just Google zoom meeting numbers or phone numbers you usually are able to find that in a pinch international dialing numbers right and so anybody in any kind of countries are able to find a particular number that is local to them okay now let's now go into um see here give me just a moment here oh I by the way I want to show you one more thing if you click on this box always use PMI what's going to happen is that whenever you click on home and start with video it'll go directly into this room not in any other random unique room that it generates so that's what this checkbox always use PMI for instant meanings meaning this is an instant meeting again if you don't click it then this will generate a brand new room okay so let's go into the meeting itself okay so I'm going to so if you're if you're wanting to go into a room that you already created or meeting you schedule again you click on meetings and you find the room that you want to go into and I'm going to do this right now I'm gonna click on start I've got some of my people waiting for me there to help me with this tutorial so I'm gonna click on start and then and then we'll go into a breakout groups okay alright hi everyone welcome to the tutorial we're already recording and thanks for helping me out with this really appreciate it so I want to show everyone want to show that those who are watching the tutorial a couple of things before before we get going on this first of all if you want to mute everyone you can click on manage participants down here and then I'm just going to move my recording screen is a little small right now so go over here and then click on mute all and once you click mute all it has a checkbox you want people to be able to unmute themselves and I usually say yes if it's a webinar professional presentation you might want to disallow people to mute themselves unmute themselves rather but typically for you know smaller groups and where people you want them to be able to ask questions vocally then you want to allow that click continue and now you can see that everybody's muted except for me because you can see as I'm talking you see that there is a my microphone has showing up with some green on the upper right hand side there and you can see that Diane Kim Michelle and Ann Kelsey just join us as well which is wonderful and so you notice that when I muted people everyone who comes in news or Kelsey things for physics demonstrating that will be automatically you as well you can even mute people's videos if you need to do that by clicking more and you can click on stop video or if you want to spotlight them if you're they're the ones who are talking right now so I'll just spotlight Kelsey here and now she's going to be in the main screen for everybody to see who is watching the video and then the others the other participants will be able to see everybody else above Kelsey and little yeah little squares there so I'll just you typically if you're the speaker you should spot like yourself so be sure to click on yourself like I'm doing here and then you leave a quick spotlight video and there I am and and I you guys remember also to to mute the person who was spotlighted before and you could just hover over her and click on mute there and then I also want to show you the gallery view okay so gallery view versus speaker views so if you are recording this and by the way the record buttons down here you click on record button you'll be a record right on your computer or record to the cloud recordings of cloud means that you're going to start using up your disk space on your zoom account and you have to start paying for that soon so you're typically what I do is record on my computer and then upload it to a YouTube unlisted video so that people I give the youtube link to will be able to see it and everybody else can't see it now the gap so if I notice I'm spotlighting myself this is called speaker view which means on my recording you're only going to see me you're not actually going to see the other participants up here it's only going to be me if you want the record or other viewers of the recording to see everybody then you need to click on this button up here and if you hover over the button it says gallery view and in fact the participants right now are able to toggle back and forth between their own speaker view or gallery view so even though I'm doing this for the recording they themselves can click on gallery view and see one another more easily but for the recordings purpose if I click my view is what's showing up in the recording so if I recording this on zoom this is showing up like this then this will be this is called gallery view because we can see to the side-by-side a common confusion people say well George it says speaker view on the upper right how can you say this is gallery view well this is a button that brings you to whatever view that button says so it says speaker view so if I click on speaker view now we're in speaker view and if I click on this which says gallery view now we are in gallery view now if I'm meeting with a client just one to one okay after this is a good tip whether you're meeting with one to one or in a group I move the zoom meeting so that typically the webcam is above the computer screen so I move myself because typically we like to look at ourselves right to be able to check how how we look right in a moment so I move it so that if I'm lucky enough that my own picture is right in the middle then I move the zoom until until zoom is at the top of my computer screen and it's pretty close to my webcam so notice even though I'm looking at myself right now if I stand back far enough it kind of looks like I'm looking at you but if I'm really really close up right then you can tell I'm looking I'm not looking at you I'm looking at myself then I have to remember to look at the camera lens to make you feel like I'm connecting with you so that's why there's a kind of a visual illusion when I stand back a little bit look at myself it kind of still looks like I'm looking at you so the other thing you could do is to minimize so if I click on the minimized window it'll create this tiny little window and I can move this around even closer to the top of the screen to be able to look into my own eyes and now it still looks like I'm looking at you even though I'm doing that so click on the drop-down oh that's that that just women minimizes the video X and minimum videos right here so now we're back and the next thing I want to talk about is to mute and stop video so of course to mute yourself you click on that and now even though people people in the room can't hear me even though for the sake of this recording their viewers and then stopping your video of course it's that okay and so when you stop your video whatever profile photo is associated with your zoom account will show up there and and if you don't have a profile photo associated with a zoom account Thank You Michelle and Kelsey for showing what that looks like Rosalee has a profile photo there so that's what stop video looks like there is a drop-down menu or drop up I guess next to this next to the microphone icon that's just give you to select which microphone I'm using right now the iPhone things that's built in microphone even though it's plugged in it's called a built in microphone and then select the speaker etcetera other audio options right there you can check that out you can test your audio sound if you want to call and via phone that would be the phone number to dial in etc instead of using a computer sound and then the video options are here you can choose which camera to look at and then click video settings to see more for example one of the cool little checkboxes when you click video settings at the touch of my appearance so I've got that check right now but if I uncheck that it's you can barely tell but it's a little bit rougher it's like more real life if I click touch-up appearance it kind of makes everything a little bit smoother so you can't tell as many of my wrinkles enable mirror effect is like looking yourself in the mirror that's more a more natural way of doing it enable high definition if you're if you have good broadband internet speed that's a good way of doing it sixteen by nine is sort of a nice typical nice view original ratio has some black bars no I'm sorry um sixteen by nine it usually works better for like YouTube videos etc so turn off my video you can just look at these these are pretty obvious spotlight my video when I'm speaking so instead of having spotlight yourself whenever you speak to become the spotlighted video I usually uncheck that because I want to be able to control that I also want to show you the advanced features so when you are in so limitless so the easiest way to go actually before that I want to show that the chat box so thank you you can see that some chat messages have been starting here and you'll see that because the orange button down there for the chat box there are four messages I haven't yet read so if I click on that that'll show me the the chat messages are coming in by the way if you see yourself your name is not correct you can click on your own video and then click rename and then you know the zoom tutorial guy okay press rename and now that's what I show up here okay it says me because I see me but they're going to see George Calvert zoom tutorial guy and it shows up here below my video as well so you can rename it however you want and you can also typically when you chat its chatting to everyone and that's my recommended thing but you can click on everyone and chat directly so if I'm going to chat directly to Kim I click on her and it says privately and if I type hi Kim only Kim can see it it says privately from George nobody else can see that message but for the sake of the chat transcript if you're wanting to save the chat log just know that when you save the chat log which automatically saves at the end of a meeting especially if you're recording the meeting I'm actually not remembering right now like it just to be sure the chat log is safe you might want to at the end of the meeting click on more and click on save chat and that will make sure it's actually right now it's saving the chat as it has been but at the end of the meeting you might click more and save chat just just in case so the entire thing saves even for the ones that are private messages to you not the private messages to one people are sending to one another but to you because it's saving whatever you're seeing on the screen so the next thing I want to do is to show you the advanced settings so the advanced settings are by the way you can keep this chat box and move it around you can close it for the time being but the chat messages are still saved for later all right now the advanced settings are actually the easiest way to get into it is by clicking on the drop up menu next to either the microphone or the micro camera icon there and then click on either the settings video settings or whatever and then advanced features put that and then click on enable advanced features and that will bring you to a web browser window let me just close this for now web browser window that gives you that logs into your zoom account and gives you usually you see it like this and it gives you these I'm going to share my and while I'm doing this unless I'm in the whoops I'm going to click on share screen so that those who are here can see it as well so to share your computer screen you click on the shared screen button there's also a little Settings thing there one participant share at a time and multiple people can share screen simultaneously advanced sharing options those are all things you can play with and try but just simply click on this button and now what you're seeing those of you watching the recording here is you can share so typically people get confused by this and zoom they click share screen and I think they think they're done they're not done yet they have to click on which of their computer screens or windows they want to share the default option is sharing the entire desktop so you can see in fact them you know and then this one is sharing just my Google Chrome browser window and that's so that means the viewers cannot see the desktop this is this you can even share your iPhone or iPad by plugging it in by actually you don't have to plug it in sorry if your iPhone or iPad it's on the same Wi-Fi network as your computer ok then you can you can get on the same Wi-Fi network and be able to share from your iPhone iPad when you click this button it'll say sometimes it will say that before you see the screen typically you're going to see that you need it download a plug-in it's pretty quick and once you download plugin you'll see this screen and then you'll go to your iPhone you scroll up or Android whatever it is click on AirPlay Mirroring okay and then choose on to zoom and then now you're seeing my iPhone right you seeing you see my iPhones life on screen sorry the video recorder is not it's not big enough to see this but typically you can see this very clearly everyone else can see this clearly so what's to stop share notice that there is move this to the side at the top here there are various things you can do when you're sharing yours computer screen because any stop share for now and let me do let me do a complete desktop screen share ok so now everybody can see my entire desktop those will be watching the YouTube video or Facebook video won't be able to see my entire desktop because I've shrunk the video recording Beks there but everyone can see my desktop you can now move this window around notice you put it to the top you'd be able to to change whether it's horizontal or vertical just kind of play around with that okay and then you can also click the boxes on the left hand side or on the top as it may be to see either just one video um if you just want to move that up to be able to look at the camera lens more easily or you can click on show a large active so this is a just this is only for the sake of the recording you can see that or see no video at all the this is controlled by each zoom participant so Kelsey Kim they're all able to control whether they see everybody else and by the way if there's more than a few people excuse me here okay so the sake of the sake of business it a little hard to do because my video screen is not big enough to show this but you see for a second there is that there's that arrow next to Diane or underneath I am next to Diane there's arrow if you click that arrow it'll show more of the people's video so I sorry can't make this YouTube video perfect but the viewers are able to change what they see so that they can move this around more easily and not let it distract okay and when you're sharing the screen you can also click on annotate up here click annotate and you'll be able to change what format if it's an eraser that's spotlighting something actually I'm not even sure what that does spotlight this video on okay yeah I'm sorry I we have I don't I really do annotate but you're able to like say hey look look at this as what I'm showing you and then you can clear everything by clicking the trashcan icon clear all drawings and actually other people can annotate too interestingly so and then you can even save the screen capture with the annotations on it remote control gives the control to another member in the zoom meeting to be able to control my mouse so that's interesting as someone's trying to give me a tutorial or showing me George you're not seeing this button right here let me show you what I mean give me remote control okay and then let's click on stop share and in while you're doing this I'm sorry but besides all these different things I was on remote control or you can also click more while you're sharing the screen and be able to go to the chat click on chat so while you're sharing screen you can see what's let me get rid of the annotation clear all drawing and X out the annotation by clicking this little box here or this bubble there and then you can still see the chat by clicking on the more and chat etc ok alright so let me and you can disable attendee annotation if you want anyone else to draw on it alright let's click stop share for now and let's go into the breakout groups while all of you are still able to be with me so the breakout groups is done first of all you need to enable breakout groups in your advanced settings that's what a lot of people don't realize they have to do on zoom so when you go to the settings and click on advanced features click on enable advanced features and you're in here you have to go to your zoom account here what's go to your zoom account scroll down to in meeting advanced right click on edit and allow breakout room ok actually I think this has been set by the admin ok for some reason ok I'm usually able to uncheck it and check it the file transfer is another interesting and those of you who are who are here who can't see it let me show you I'm sharing just my Google Chrome screen now oh the other thing that's interesting for screen sharing is you can share computer sound by checking this box and I'm just going to share my Google Chrome window for now for those who are here click share screen and so now the participants are just seeing my Google Chrome window and you can tell because you see there's a green glow over my Google Chrome window so that's why as you as the screen share will know that that is the one being shared and they're not able to see my desktop now but sharing the screen let me share it show you again when you share it with the computer sound okay you can then share like a YouTube video or any way any computer sound that come that you are able to hear the participants are now able to hear as well so this is good if you want to do a professional presentation want to start with like an inspirational video then queue up the video on your computer first and then when you start the meeting you share your screen share just that browser window and click on play maybe fullscreen on that video and then click on play on the video and then all the participants will be able to see the video and hear it as well so I'm not going to do that right now because I don't want this tutorial to go too long and so I'm going to stop share for now and we're going to go into breakout groups oh I was going to fly one more thing I want to make sure you see that when you do I like the file transfer option being available as well then click on Save Changes and that will now allow next time you start the zoom meeting you'll be able to do a breakout room so let's do a breakout room now let me show you how that works click on breakout room now that you have this again you may need to restart your zoom after you've done meeting settings to be able to get the breakout room button click on breakout rooms and now this is cool you can there are exactly six other people besides me so I can that's a great number actually because I can make two rooms it says three participants per room I can manually put who with who or I can automatically have zoom randomly pair you know Kim with Leslie with Diane or whatever the random pairing is I noticed there's an interesting phenomenon that whenever we do random pairings there often are synchronicities moments that happen zoom has a brilliant way I don't know date on the algorithm but there's some kind of random randomness synchronicity to happen I usually do automatic and if you increase the room size you'll see that if you increase the room size now it says two participants per room because there are three rooms four means there's one to two participants per room and just to show you what that what that does I want to create breakout rooms now and now you can see that ah I because I created four rooms there is one room with only one person or now two rooms are sorted with with one person each and other rooms have two I can now move I can even rename what the room is called or I can now move people on the MOOC in to two breakout rooms three to be with Leslie there and then let's go and well there's a there's um there's a tip here before you open the room unmute everybody so that they don't have to look for where their mute button is and I also another tip is to tell people alright everyone we're going to go to the breakout rooms and when you start sharing go by alphabetical first name so Diane will speak before Rosalie and each person has four minutes so you want you want to give and I've asked soom and everybody watching this YouTube video ask the zoom to make a timer option for each breakout room that the admin can control that would be really helpful and zoom says they're thinking about it so alright let's go and click first let's unmute everyone automatically by clicking unmute all you get the snap to the side unmute all alright everyone is unmuted now now I'm going to click open all rooms and now what they're seeing is they're seeing something in the middle of their zoom that says joint breakout room so now as people join you'll see people disappear go ahead everyone join the breakout rooms okay and on some internet connections it takes it takes longer for some people to join breakout room but now everyone's in a breakout room the admin can go take a break or the admin can join any breakout room to see how it's going so I'm going to go and even during the breakout room you can still move people for example sometimes I find that some people are really shy and the big webinar some people don't want to change on breakout and so it's like you know one person might be by themselves the others will have a great bubble it says not joined and so if one person's by themselves I usually move them to another room that's how I do it now I'm going to go and join a room with IC with Kim and Leslie a big join room okay it says yes and so now hello hi there welcome I just joined the room just to show everyone what that looks like and and at this point I'm going to leave the breakout room and you guys can chat amongst yourself in the side the breakout room there is a chat that just left Lee if I click on the chat actually Lesley you guys are able to chat amongst yourselves and that chat doesn't go into the main chat except when I dad when the admin is there the chat button I think I think this is for everybody isn't that that's where everybody are you seeing the chat that I just put through interesting okay that's good to know I didn't know that so I'm gonna leave the background let you guys have fun and I'm going to close the room soon that's brilliant thanks Leslie and then returned to the main room okay so now I'm in the main room going back there and then let's see it's less leaves by the way I didn't show you one thing you can drag you can click and drag the bottom corners of the zoom window to be able to resize it okay so you can that way to resize you can move I can move this around by clicking on the header the heading or the header there click and drag that okay let's see if the chat is happening so yeah so while the breakout people are in there I'm not able to see their private chat so that's one of the useful things about about the breakouts they able to just have their own conversation truly okay now one of the cool things about the breakout is that I am able to broadcast a message to everyone okay so I can click on broadcast message and what that shows up it shows up at the top it shows a but not as a chat message but shows up as more of an announcement at the top of their video it's like okay alright everyone one minute left okay and then click broadcast and so even though you can't see it it is being broadcasted and I'll ask them when they come back and so when you click on close all rooms they it'll say all breakout room is closed in 59 you know there will be a countdown and they can stay in the breakout room as long as they want until they get automatically picked out after this minute or they can they can manually choose to leave the room and there you go Kelsey wonderful you manually manually came back so thanks for helping me test that and Michelle great and so you can see that they're that they're no longer in the breakout room because you can see up here and so you don't see me okay that's interesting very okay so you have to just move the the videos around or whatever or I can that's glad you mention it because actually probably spotlight my own video when people come back so that they know that they're in the main room okay so let's see one more thing I want to talk to you about on this recording trying to remember what it is and we look at my notes here no actually I think I think we've covered everything so when everyone comes back I'm just going to thank everyone and okay hi everyone then go to growl review oh see sometimes when you're when you're zoom thing is small you might have to click on the the button over here to see more people or you can expand to go to see everyone so how does that experience that was good yeah all right and so Leslie when you chatted in the private thing I didn't I didn't see it so it was private so youtubers Facebook people who are watching this if you have any questions comment below the video and I'll do my best to respond within a few days or maybe someone else watching this can respond and Thank You Kelsey lowitz Michelle Sperling Diane Allen came Victoria Rosalie Schneider Leslie Seidel for being here I will put their each one of them has a website they do really cool stuff so everybody watching this go check out their websites you're going to be happy to see it so as always I'm open to your feedback your comments about how this tutorial went if it was helpful I would love for you to leave a comment and let me know it was helpful if you have any questions again leave it there and I'll do my best to answer and have fun with zoom bye everyone and then but one thing I want to say before we leave is when you click on end meeting you can either leave the meeting and have them all still talk among themselves if the Enable joined before host check box like I showed you in the past if that was checked I can't do that round cuz I'm in a meeting that's why lead meaning is available or you can end meeting for everybody and everybody's zoom will close so I'll do that for now thanks everyone I'll see you later bye okay so there you go I've ended the meeting and I was going to show you that one thing about and enable sorry about that let me go to go to this one the enable joined before host so if I had that check if I left the meeting they would still be able to work among themselves okay so that's it that's a long-term tutorial I hope that was beneficial I tried to talk as fast as I could and let me know if this was helpful or the any questions below the video Thanks
Channel: George Kao
Views: 2,872,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoom meetings tutorial, video conferencing software, tool for online meetings, zoom tutorial, zoom, zoom help, zoom video conferencing, zoom video conferencing tool basic level, zoom video conferencing tutorial, how to use zoom, how to use zoom for online teaching, how to use zoom video conferencing, video conferencing tutorial, what is zoom, video conferencing
Id: 6i-NA563Ojk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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