How to Share Screen on Zoom | Tutorial for Beginners | 2020 | Hacks, Tips & Tricks

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so how to share screen on zoom screen share is super useful and in today's zoom tutorial you'll learn all about how to do it and later in the video I'll also teach you some pro tips you need to use away we go ok let's start by simulating a meeting so that we can practice the steps and we'll practice it without any other participants in there so that we can get the steps right so let's just name myself too no friends Nigel for today as the meeting host you have the power to enable or disable screen sharing for other participants and you can do that via the security panel here so just check that that option there is checked now if you're in a meeting with someone else's the host and you want to share your screen and this message pops up then that means that they haven't disabled it therein so if you want to go ahead and share your screen you're gonna have to ask them either verbally or maybe in the chat box to get permission for them to turn it on in this case I don't think I'll be making any demands they're pretty scary looking another way to enable screen sharing is via the advanced sharing options here I'm hiding let's just move that out of the way so you have the options between only the host or all participants now you probably use only the host if you're delivering a webinar and it's only a one way sort of meeting and you're not having interactions from other people so maybe it's a live webinar whereas when it's more of a meeting situation that's when you probably want to have all participants selected so it's probably better just to leave it as all participants in general for this next option it's pretty self-explanatory but let's give an example so let's say that you're in a meeting and someone's sharing their screen you'll be able to have the option to share your screen straight away when that is selected but if it's selected as only host if you're just a general participant in the meeting and someone is sharing their screen and you try to click share screen you won't be able to but the host will be able to so it just gives the host a bit more power as to who's sharing screen and when so if you want to control your meeting leave it on only host or if you want to just give everyone full access leave it on all participants there is one other option on this settings screen and it can get a bit confusing but it's a pretty cool feature and I'm gonna get to that a little bit later before we move on to the good stuff if you're new here and you like this style of video it'll be really helpful for me if you were to subscribe to my channel it tells me you appreciate the content and truly motivates me to keep making similar content and this channel is all about inspiring and educating you with all things video on your device and desktop ok let's move on now we're into the purpose of this video so let's click share screen to bring up some awesome share screen options this screen can be a bit overwhelming when you first see it so let's break it down bit by bit we'll start on the top left so you can see I've got desktop 1 2 & 3 now I've actually got two external monitors hooked up and one of them is running ScreenFlow which is an application I used to record the screen captures for these tutorials and I'm going to do a tutorial on that or in the future the other one is I'm actually running PowerPoint so I'll get to that in a minute how we can include that in a screen share and then desktop 1 which you can see is represented with a 1 here in the corner well nice steel shot looks like I might have had a glass of wine or two there another option is the whiteboard and get to that later and then iPhone via airplay and cable we'll get to that later as well but the main two things that people will probably want to do is either share one of their desktops or share an application window but let me unplug my external monitors so you can see everything on one screen ok we're back to one desktop now and you can see there's three applications open now let's choose Microsoft Word and I'm going to hit share ok and this is a script I'm working on so you can see well I struggle a little bit with the improvising word-for-word what I want to say hey I'm human so I need a bit of a script and I'm actually reading it now I can't help it hopefully one day I'll be able to ad-lib but the idea of having a script is so I can make things nice and concise for you so you can get bang for buck for your time so if you do like this to the brief style please give us a thumbs up below so if you like this too it could quick tip okay quick tip if you ever confused what window what application is being shared because you've got many things open like I often do you can always look for this green box that I'll tell you what's being shared maybe it's a full-screen green box or around the application itself so that's a good hot tip let's move on okay now instead of clicking stop share I can actually hit new share and then choose to share a different application and now you can see that this is now being shared and maybe I want to start the slideshow from the current slide and it's going to go fullscreen which is great and yes I actually ran a webinar on how to be a cool zoom participant all right back to three desktops the way I like it now I'm just going to share desktop one again for a second and show you this menu bar at the top now I've quickly given you a preview of new share and what that does it allows you to change between different apps and different windows seamlessly but if you wanted to hide what you're doing while you're in between sharing things you can press pause share now that doesn't actually stop the other participants from seeing what's on screen it'll still display your screen share but it means that you can change but magically between windows like this so when I hit resume share boom Microsoft Word is automatically shown without them seeing you change it over but probably the most important button in this zoo torial for beginners is if you're sharing a screen you need to know how to stop the share so that is this big red button here stop share there's been times in a meeting where I've forgotten to do it and people are still seeing the screen and I'm talking and I don't want them to see the screen I want them to see my face so just make sure you remember to hit the stop share button when you meet - okay a quick tip on sharing videos so if you want to share video content you need to do two things number one is you want to share the computer sound number two you want to optimize screen share for video clip and what this does is it tells them that you're about to effectively stream some video content through the zone connection and that it needs to prepare and compress the clip so that people can see it without it being too chilled be so maybe you want to share it like a video from YouTube like I've got queued up here or even just a video file you have on your desktop so you want to be sharing the screen and then clicking play so this is trending on youtube today and that's how you do that another underutilized feature in the share screen area is the whiteboard so that's pretty self-explanatory you can draw different things on the whiteboard and different colors and arrays here we go and that's pretty much the whiteboard so that's an easy one you can just stop sharing easily again like this now on to some really cool and powerful stuff with zoom share screen in zoom even allows you to share your phone or a tablet via screen share right here and now I've got Apple devices so I can go ahead and connect my iPhone or even better is my iPad to zoom and share that which is fantastic for teachers that want to use a teaching aid such as an iPad with say the Apple pencil in there so they can be drawing just the way they want instead of having to use the mouse to draw things on the whiteboard it's fantastic let's see how we can do that a couple of options we can either connect via cable but that's a little bit clunky so we can go by airplay so let's go for that so now it's just a matter of following the on-screen prompts so we'll go to the iPad make sure we're connected to the right network click screen mirroring and boom we are inside the iPad so we can open up any application we want and share that let's maybe go through Google Earth and you can see on the flyer here I can show you where I want to go hey let's go to my favorite holiday place which is pipi islands oh what a place that is absolute paradise can't wait to get back there let's just wait for these restrictions to lift and I'll be on an international flight straight there for a nice little holiday well deserved so to be able to screen share your tablet on the fly is super powerful and great for teachers that want to have a teaching aid where they can do some different things the iPad that they wouldn't be able to do with the desktop so give it a go have a bit of a try let's now move over to the Advanced section of screen sharing now a quick tip with sharing a portion of the screen maybe instead of showing the whole application window or the whole desktop I want to show one of these destinations it looks like it could be the Maldives that's on a list of places to go so I'm just sharing that small part and not anything else so it's a good way to sort of highlight something on the page next we have share music or computer sound only so maybe you want to share just background music I don't know why you'd want to do that maybe you're doing some karaoke on a webinar I'm not sure what kind of meeting that is but hey don't knock it till you try it another super powerful feature that we've got here in zoom is being able to share content from a second camera okay so maybe you've got another camera hooked up by an external webcam or in my case a professional camera hooked up via some adapter cables that you need to make a professional camera talk to the impute er but when would you want to use something like this well let's just click share from now and let's just switch camera and now I'm over to my inbuilt webcam which is no good at all I'm switching back to my main camera so what you can do is maybe you're delivering some kind of cooking show and you want to have the camera over the top of the ingredients that you're repairing so you can have one camera showing when you're speaking and then you can click the button and then flick over to the ingredients view or maybe you are playing the piano and you want to show someone with your camera over your shoulder how you're playing the piano keys and then when you want to speak you can go back to speaking like this so having a built-in multi camera system where you can deliver multi cameras through zoom in a webinar poof that's pretty powerful so well done on you zoom and have a bit of a play with it it's a pretty cool feature let's do a couple of quick pro tips so here over to your settings page and just move on down to share screen now I like to have the option for side by side modes selected when sharing screen and what that does if you hover over the question mark box is if someone's sharing their screen and you don't have that box checked the share screen is going to go to full screen and you won't be able to see anyone else in the gallery view maybe one or two people but if you have that selected what you can do is resize the share screen and then have the gallery view on the right-hand side so that's a good way of just getting the best of both worlds there now the other one is having this box selected for maximizing window when a participant share screen so that just makes zoom go to sort of not full-screen mode but maximized so that you can see more of what's going on now I prefer that over enter full screen because when you enter full screen it kind of does some weird things with the desktop when you've got multiple screens attached but if you've just got the one desktop that's going to be ok too so just have a bit of a play with those ones I said I'd come back to multiple screen share and here we are so I'm in another meeting and actually I've got another friend here Nigel's friend has subbed in and Nigel's friend is actually sharing a screen so I can see that here now if there was another participant that was also sharing their screen I'll be able to come over to view options and then select which screen I was seeing right here so that's how you do that now while we're here I can also request remote control so that'll mean I can drive someone else's computer from here if they say yes and then I can also annotate so I can sketch up and mark up what the other person is sharing so they can see some comments and maybe I want to write into their shared screen zoom has really done their homework to include some great features in this app speaking of homework I'd love it if you took a moment to help improve this channel by leaving a short comment below on what you liked or didn't like about this video thanks for watching and please support me by subscribing here then sticking around for the next video or the zoom tutorial playlist no comments means I'm perfect right
Channel: Tim Harris Video
Views: 374,323
Rating: 4.9033651 out of 5
Keywords: how to share screen on zoom, how to share screen zoom, zoom screen sharing tutorial, how to screen share on zoom, zoom share screen, share screen on zoom, zoom screen share tutorial, zoom share screen tutorial, zoom how to share screen, screen sharing on zoom, share screen zoom meeting, screen share on zoom, how to use zoom screen share, share screen zoom, sharing screen on zoom, how to share screen on zoom meeting, zoom screen share, how to share your screen on zoom, zoom pc
Id: V4vXWjRU8kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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