Zoom-Maximise Use of the Breakout Rooms #zoom #teachonline
Video Statistics and Information
Views: 26,249
Rating: 4.9738903 out of 5
Keywords: Zoom, zoom breakout rooms, how to use zoom, how to use zoom breakout rooms, zoom video conferencing tutorial, zoom tutorial, online teaching, zoom tutorial for beginners, zoom tutorial for beginners 2020, breakout rooms, zoom breakout groups tutorial, how to teach online, how does zoom work, zoom meeting, breakout rooms zoom, teaching online, how to use zoom for teaching, how to use zoom video conferencing, russell stannard zoom breakout rooms, russell stannard zoom
Id: JtaUM0SX5jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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