Advanced Phrasal Verbs TEST - Can YOU pass??!

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hi everyone and welcome back to love english i'm sabra and today we're doing an advanced phrasal verbs test now phrasal verbs are one of those things in the english language that lots of you don't like and they can be rather tricky but we're going to learn as we go with this test so it'll be things i'll be explaining to you all about the nuances really the finer details of why we need certain phrasal verbs in certain contexts don't forget guys you can also follow us on instagram and tick tock our tick tock is going well at the moment so do catch us on that and of course don't forget to subscribe [Music] right let's get started there are 18 questions and you're going to need a pen or somewhere where you can take notes so do have that ready now don't worry i will be giving you time to consider all the options as we go please at the end don't forget to write your score tell us how you got on and please feel free to ask us questions about the phrasal verbs we're here to help you learn english so please do ask us questions right number one if you're in town again do make sure you meet up and we can grab a coffee if you're in town again do make sure you meet up and we can grab a coffee so the options are a take b put c look d find a take b put c look defined so have a think about that what makes the most sense in that sentence so the correct answer is in fact c look me up look me up which basically means get in touch with me give me a ring find me but we actually don't use find here that's the funny thing kind of means find but we don't use it here like that because it's not you know where the person is basically but it's kind of like saying make sure you get in contact with me please look me up okay number two i'd better leave i don't want to my welcome i'd better leave i don't want to my welcome okay so the options are a give up b over stay c run down or d find out so have a think about that what makes the most sense there okay so the correct answer is in fact be overstay to overstay your welcome to stay over the time that you're welcome there's actually some logic to this phrasal verb so you you stay over more than the time when you were welcome so it's something we often say when we leave we might say oh actually no i'll go now i don't want to overstay my welcome even if someone says no stay a bit longer you know when it's the time sometimes to leave and when if you stayed a bit longer at a dinner party or or with friends on a trip you know when there's that point when actually it's a good time to leave and if you did stay longer it might feel a little bit awkward because deep down you suspect that the host might actually be ready for you to leave number three it was a mistake that i didn't the contract before signing it it was a mistake that i didn't the contract before signing it okay the options are a look through b get by c call out and d get through okay so just have a look at those again which do you think makes the most sense i think the answer is the correct answer is a look through so if you look through something this is where you look into it in detail so you examine it a little bit it's not quite as intense as study but the reason we use through is because we go through it from beginning to end so that's why we use through because we're looking through it so we might say i need to look through this report or i need to look through um the details of my phone contract usually we look through is when we need to we need to look at the details we need to check the details it can also be used as a synonym of check as well okay number four i hope you guys are getting one well so far so number four is john is a rich man since he some money last year john is a rich man since he some money last year so the options are a went through b checked in c fell behind d came into okay so have a little think about that which makes the most sense there so the correct answer is came into came into is in fact a synonym of inherit if you come into money you um you usually inherit the money or it could be that um a share or something really um pays off but usually it's that it's um it's inherited money so you would say she was very lucky she came into a lot of money when her parents died obviously not nice to have your parents die but um you know if you're inheriting some money that's usually a good thing so we would say yes we came into some money lately i've come into some money because a share i bought really paid off we can also use it like that number five this is another situation about money liz all her money when she was on holiday and she had to ring her parents for more okay the options are a got out b went through c handed in and d checked out okay so have a think which makes the most sense there okay so the correct answer is b went through if we go through something this can also mean that we spend it we use it up so you can also talk about products being used up or food being used up so you could say we've gone through all the bread this week we must have eaten a lot of sandwiches or we've gone through all the milk number six i'll buy this bag since it's exactly what i've been so options are a getting to be thinking on c calling for or d dreaming of okay so have a think about that one which one makes the most sense she wants the bag which one makes the most sense so the correct answer is of course d dreaming of this is an easier one actually if you're dreaming of something you're you're thinking about it it's what you desire so she's been dreaming of this bag don't be confused by calling for calling for means that something is required so we might say this situation at work where we're down another member of staff calls for an emergency meeting it's like require or something is needed really number seven as we have seen that the weather is soon going to get worse we've decided to the tennis match okay so options are a take out b put off c call in and d go by so have a think about that one what makes the most sense so the correct answer is put off which means postpone or delay it's not like call off call off means cancel but this is delay so put off so i want to put off that meeting means i want to postpone it i want to delay it next one number eight i don't think john is going to be at work today because he's still a cold i don't think john is going to be at work today because he's still a cold so the options are a getting over b going through c wearing out and d putting off so have a look what do you think makes the most sense there the answer is getting over a so getting over means recovering um still suffering from something so if you're getting over it you're not quite over it in fact you're recovering you're still in the process of experiencing that thing um but you're going you're not in the worst of it you're starting to recover so if we say i don't think she's ready to date other people because she's still getting over her previous breakup you mean you're still recovering from it really it's a nice synonym for recovering in many ways number nine my mother is always about eating more healthily i think lots of our mothers all around the world are doing this a talking on b thinking about c going on or d talking up let's have a think about that which one makes the most sense so the answer is in fact going on so if we go on we talk a lot about something and it can be irritating for other people we talk a lot and continuously sometimes so it can either be like nag like it is in this sentence the mother is saying eat more healthily you need to eat more healthily why are you eating that chocolate eat something healthy eat a salad um like i do with my boyfriend so it can either be that you're almost like nagging or it can be that you're talking continuously about something that's a bit annoying and then we would say oh she was going on all morning about her health problems i hope you're doing well guys if you're starting to think you'd like to learn more phrasal verbs and learn more vocabulary don't forget on the love english website we have our how to learn vocabulary guide for sale it's currently on sale so it's a little bit reduced at the moment so go to our website there's the link to check that out if you're interested in boosting your vocabulary and learning all about how you can do that and it has exclusive video content as well right number 10 number 10 is a lot of plant and animal species due to climate change are so the options are a running out b dying for c dying out or d running over okay so think about that which is the one that makes the most sense okay so the correct answer is dying out now you might have confused this with dying forth we die for something it's uh when we die for a cause so for example people might say i would die for you or or he died for the human rights of others now this is dying out which means actually finishing becoming extinct don't confuse this with running out which is much more for things so we would say the oil is running out or oh the milk's run out but this is actually dying out means becoming extinct number i have to my notes before the exam just to make sure i've got all the details in my head so the options are a stand for b look into c take on or d go over to have a think what's the right one so in fact the correct answer is go over d go over means review look at something again it's a bit like look through but it means look at it again so go over for example we might say i'm going over my speech for the wedding meaning i'm checking it through i'm trying to learn it number 12 i got the job all my hard work has finally so here are the options a kept up b paid off c paid out and d came out have a little think which one makes the most sense there so in fact the correct answer is paid off if something pays off it means it's actually you've got the benefits the hard work has come back to you or you're seeing the benefits you know you're you're seeing the fruits of your labor if you like so we could say my new health regime has really paid off i'm looking much slimmer and i've lost five pounds number thirteen this company equal opportunities in employment so anyone can apply regardless of age sex or disability okay so here are the options a works on b gets on c stands for or d takes care of okay so have a think which one makes the most sense there now if you've watched my video on 25 professional phrasal verbs which is just up here then you would know that this actually means when a company or organization actually promotes these principles it's principles which they believe in and they work according to those they work or operate according to that okay so to stand for something usually it's about principles or ethics so this one is stands for number 14 today there is a tendency to people who haven't been to university today in our culture there is a tendency to people who haven't been to university okay so have a think about this one options are a take off b show off c turn down or d look down on okay so have a think which one makes the most sense the correct answer is in fact look down on look down on and basically this means to think someone is inferior to you to be a little bit snobby or superior act in a way that is superior to them not very nice but yeah if you look down on someone you kind of you think that they're inferior to you so sometimes people look down on homeless people or they might look down on certain behavior that people have so yeah it's generally not a positive phrasal verb not a good thing number 15 the soldier will be brought to trial because he's thought to have state secrets to the enemy very bad thing to do so the options are a backed up b given away c broken out or d turned in so if i think about that one it's a little bit tricky which one do you think it would be so right answer here is in fact given away given away this is like reveal so if you give something away you actually kind of betray someone's trust or you um reveal secrets that you shouldn't something you should keep to yourself we can also use it in a funny way for example if we're giving someone clues or hints about a surprise so they might say oh tell me about my birthday surprise give me a clue what we're doing and if you say oh well it involves going somewhere and eating good food the person might say oh you've given it away oh that's easy as you know going to a restaurant so it can also be when um we reveal something our face can sometimes give away our emotions as well number 16 in order not to lose its market share our company must the latest technological developments so the options are a hold up b drop in c where out or d keep up with have a little think about that which one makes the most sense it is in fact d keep up with so if we keep up with something we stay up to the same level as something so for example if you're running beside someone and they're a bit faster than you you might be trying to keep up with them or companies are trying to keep up with the latest trends technological developments number 17 it's obvious that the new law has some revolutionary changes in the tax system so the options are a brought about b shown up c taken in d pulled out let's have a little think so the correct answer is in fact a brought about brought about which means caused or created so if something has brought about changes or brought about developments it's caused or created them so for example we could say the coronavirus has brought about many job losses or brexit england exiting from the european union has brought about some issues with supply chains with food and oil and things like that so women caused or created a thing has caused that so brought about number 18 the last one the cold is really bad now have you seen the trees have lost all their leaves winter has really so the options are a come about b stayed in c set in or d take up so if i think about that what is quite tricky one which makes the most sense so in fact guys it's actually set in now if something sets in it seems like it's going to stay around for a while it's got a grip if you like so it's something that's really settled so if we say oh i've got such a bad cold i can't seem to get rid of it i think it's really set in we mean it seems like it's got hold of us got a bit of a grip of us and if we say winter has set in we mean winter has really come winter is here for a while this kind of thing so this is when something really kind of settles in and seems like it won't go for a while it's got a negative connotation right everybody that's the end of our advanced phrasal verb test please do tell me your score below i'm very curious to see your level and see how you got on so please do tell me that and i look forward to seeing you all in the next video good luck everyone see you soon bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 38,443
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, advanced phrasal verbs in english, advanced phrasal verbs test, practise phrasal verbs, learn advanced english phrasal verbs, english practise test, test yourself in english, test your english vocabulary, advanced english vocabulary test, english verb test
Id: SQ7KTsTi7mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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