Advanced Grammar Quiz (ONLY 2% CAN PASS THIS TEST)

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let's see how well you know your grammar so i'm gonna give you a question i'll give you a moment to think of the answer and then i will tell you the answer and explain why it is correct so let's begin with our first question right here if somebody were to say whatever you do don't leave me alone talking to wes he's so um okay how would you complete that sentence are you going to use a bored or b boring so i hope that you chose b boring that is the correct answer he's so boring so this can be a little confusing the difference between edie and ing adjectives in short you're going to use ed adjectives to talk about the way you feel you're going to use ing adjectives to describe a situation a thing or just the a person's characteristic in this case we're talking about a characteristic of mine that i'm boring and this is just an example of course i hope that you do not think that i am boring i would rather you say that maybe i am amusing or interesting or charming i would take any of those ing adjectives and if you do believe that then please go ahead subscribe turn on notifications that way i can become your new english teacher my name is wes as you already know the channel interactive english that's what it's all about just trying to help you reach your fluency goals here's your next challenging question if i had taken my medicine this morning um right now are you going to use a i would have felt sick or b i wouldn't feel sick so i said it's challenging and difficult because we're talking about a mixed conditional which means the answer is b i wouldn't feel sick if i had taken my medicine this morning i wouldn't feel sick right now in this case we're mixing the second and third conditional so we have an imaginary condition because we're imagining a different past which is the third conditional if i had taken my medicine this morning so i did not take it and that leads us in to a hypothetical result in the present i wouldn't feel sick right now another way to think about it is with these two statements right here i didn't take my medicine this morning therefore i feel sick right now i'm saying the same thing with that mixed conditional if i had taken my medicine this morning i wouldn't feel sick right now now when it comes to learning advanced grammar or grammar at any level it's not just something that you should write you also need to speak using the correct grammar and a great language school to help you improve your grammar vocabulary pronunciation is lingoda which is the sponsor of today's lesson so lingoda is an online language school where you can study english business english spanish german or french and and i really think lingoda can help you for several reasons first these are small group classes which means you will have plenty of opportunities to speak you can ask a lot of questions classes are also available 24 7 which means you you pretty much get to customize your learning schedule they have qualified teachers using a proven curriculum you get to learn at your own pace which i think is the ideal way to learn you basically get to design your course because the courses are suited to your level and needs and you can choose which topics you would like to cover you also get to study from the comfort of your own home and you can do all of this at affordable prices and i know all this because i've also studied with lingoda you can see me right there taking a class in spanish and it was a great experience and i was able to improve my pronunciation which is something that i wanted to do so if you would like to know if lingoda can help you like it helped me well then that's easy because when you sign up each plan includes a seven day free trial but most importantly right now lingoda has an exclusive offer just for you you can get thirty percent off all monthly subscriptions and marathon courses when you use the voucher code wes oct30 wes like my name oct like october and then the number 30. so click on the link in the description if you would like to sign up and start improving your english don't forget to use that voucher code wes oct30 and then just put yourself in a position so that you can achieve your fluency goals let's get back to our advanced grammar quiz and here is your next question i don't know um what are you going to say where i should go or where should i go this is something i noticed that many learners commonly confuse so that what we're talking about that blank is really a noun clause which means the answer is a i don't know where i should go so a noun clause it's a dependent clause that has a subject and a verb and just know that it quite often noun clauses are going to begin with words like that or how or those wh words like who what when why or where and then we have this question right here the movie um at 8 pm or you can say the movie um at 8 o'clock how are you going to complete that sentence are you going to use a will start b starts or c is starting so for this one i i guarantee that you got the correct answer and that is because all of them are correct it's a little bit of a trick question you could use will start to talk about things that that will happen in the future you could use starts the present simple to refer to scheduled events in the future and you could also use is starting the present continuous when talking about future arrangements even though all are correct it really just depends on the context when deciding which one you're going to use so let me try to give you some context and tell you how my mind works as to how i would choose which one of these so i think overwhelmingly i am going to use the present simple and just say starts if somebody were to ask me hey what time's the movie i would say the movie starts at eight o'clock i would probably use is starting if i kind of want to emphasize and highlight the time in that case maybe i'm trying to say well okay i want you to be there all right don't be late just remember the movie is starting at eight o'clock so when you use the present continuous you're really referring to that point in time so i'm really trying to make that clear the movie's starting at eight o'clock and then to be honest i would probably use will start less frequently i might use it if i'm thinking about maybe other things that are also going to happen in the future if i were thinking to myself well um i'll have to eat dinner before the movie and then the movie will start at 8 o'clock and after the movie um i'll have to go home because i have to work tomorrow so hopefully that gives you a little more context as to when you might use these different answers here is your next question i recommend that everyone watching this video um that like button all right are you going to say hit that like button or hits that like button so once again this can be a bit tricky the answer is a hit we're talking about the subjunctive mood and we use this to talk about desires wishes or suggestions now grammatically speaking in that noun clause that's right we're talking about another noun clause that everyone watching this video hit that like button in that noun clause you're going to use the base verb when we're talking about the subjunctive mood and this can be a little tricky if if the subject is perhaps in the third person like he she or it or if we're talking about an indefinite pronoun like everyone now in spoken english people may not always follow this rule so if i'm going to use the subjunctive mood i could say something like i wish i were faster i wish i were taller i wish i were living in a big beautiful home along the coast overlooking the ocean so in spoken english you may hear somebody say i wish i was taller i wish i were taller i wish i was taller it can be confusing but you will hear both in spoken english next we have this question i um english for several months and i plan to continue improving my language skills are you going to use a have studied or b have been studying so we're talking about the difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous all right i hope that you chose b have been studying i've been studying english for several months and i plan to continue improving my language skills so b i it is i think it's the correct answer you could use a but i think b is the better answer and and let me explain so the present perfect and the present perfect continuous it can be confusing because they are sometimes interchangeable especially if we're talking about an unfinished action which in this case we are but you're going to use the present perfect continuous more specifically when you're talking about an action that started in the past it's continued to the present and then will likely continue into the future and it's the second part of this sentence and i plan to continue improving my language skills that is why i say b have been studying is the better answer here's the next question um making progress we could not finish before the deadline are you going to use a in spite of or b although okay so i hope that you chose a in spite of in spite of making progress we could not finish before the deadline so both in spite of and although they're referring to contrasting ideas the the only real difference is the way that you use them and i'm talking about the structure of the sentence after in spite of we're going to use a noun a gerund which is that ing form or a pronoun after although we're going to use a subject and a verb so in our sentence you have making that is a gerund so you're going to use in spite of in spite of making progress now i could use although and say the same thing and use a subject and a verb and i would say although we made progress we could not finish before the deadline so just remember that in spite of making progress is a phrase whereas although we made progress is a clause they're really the same it just depends on how you want to structure the sentence here's your next question talking about prepositions last night we left new york city it was a long flight but we're really excited to see the big apple are you going to complete this sentence with 2 from or 4 which preposition completes this sentence last night we left new york city so the answer is c 4. last night we left for new york city now i know prepositions can be tricky and the best thing you can do is just practice them like we're doing right now so let me explain this the second sentence that is important it was a long flight but we're excited to see the big apple that tells us that the destination is new york city therefore we're not going to use from and normally if we're talking about a place you would go to a place but our verb is leave you're not going to use to when the verb is leave you're going to use for if you're talking about going to a destination you leave for some place last night we left for new york city your next question um did you invite to the party are you going to use a who or be whom the correct answer is be whom whom did you invite to the party i would say that a is also correct in spoken english and i will i will talk about that in just a moment but who and whom can be confusing but think of it this way you're going to use who when the unknown is referring to the subject and you'll use whom when the unknown is referring to the object so all we have to do is take our question and change it into a statement and i could say well i invited him to the party or i invited her to the party him and her those are objects so in that case i'm going to use whom whom did you invite to the party now i said that a is correct in spoken english because well yeah people just don't follow the rules i think it's quite common in in places like the united states which is where i'm from most people will use who instead of whom and i am somebody who also does this if i were to ask this question i would just say who did you invite to the party so just keep that in mind that this is another one of those rules in spoken english that people will tend to break who versus whom here is another question i bought a gift for my little girl it's this um this little stuffed puppy right here i hope she enjoys um gift are you going to use a the or no article which one i hope that you chose be the i hope she enjoys the gift that is the correct answer so really what we're talking about is the rule of first mention and what this rule says is that the first time you mention a singular noun you're going to use the indefinite article a or an and the second time that you mention that same noun you're going to use the definite article the because it is now known so this is a very useful and important rule to follow if you are writing a story or telling a story because you want to make sure you get those articles correct i hope that you enjoyed the gift of this grammar lesson and if you did then you can give me a gift and that is the gift of writing to me in the comments because i just love hearing from you thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 25,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english grammar, advanced grammar, learn advanced grammar, english grammar quiz, advanced grammar quiz, advanced grammar lesson, ed vs ing adjectives, subjunctive mood english, learn mixed conditionals in english, present perfect vs present perfect continuous, noun clauses in english, who vs whom, learn english articles, learn english prepositions, learn future tense in english, in spite of vs although, english gramamr
Id: lbHFL1PlImo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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