Advanced English Vocabulary Test- Can YOU Pass???? #advancedenglish #advancedenglishvocabulary

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Hi everyone I'm Sabrah from love English your British University English teacher and today I have an advanced vocabulary test for you but this is going to be a great challenge and a great way to also learn some new vocabulary now I have made this quite hard and this is because the last time I did a vocabulary test which is up here if you want to see that at the end of this video the last time I did one you guys said it's quite easy it's easy it's not challenging it's not advanced so I thought okay okay you want something hard here we go but this one is a little bit harder in fact I have taken some of the questions from Cambridge exam paper and first certificate exam papers now for each question guys I'm going to give you three options and then I will explain the correct answer, there are 12 questions so good luck everybody don't forget guys you can follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and if you would like to become more part of the love English club you can support us on Patreon don't forget as well guys if you haven't subscribe and click that notification bell so you don't miss a lesson right let's get going so number one is some people who have moved away or emigrated to another country like to return to their hometown or region to get back to their source roots or race source roots or race what do you think this one could be okay guys the correct answer is roots to get back to that roots so roots means our beginnings and really this is a case of collocation this is just what we say this is what fits the best now it is important to explain the difference between roots and source so roots as we said is the origin the beginning source means the same but it's used for different things so we often talk about the source of the river like where's the source of the river or where's the source of the information the beginnings where we can trace something back to so very similar but it just doesn't make sense in this sentence here we can also talk about the source of a product for example where did you source this kind of paper from so it is similar to roots but we just don't use them in the same way okay number two now this is the test of your knowledge of those horrible but essential phrasal verbs. The Highlands.... about two thirds of the land area of Scotland the options are take up take out take over take up take out take over okay so the answer here is take up they take up there are several meanings of the phrasal verb take up and sure lots of you are already familiar with the meaning which is to start a new hobby or activity but here take up actually means to take the space or to use the space so if a lot of space is being used by something you can say it's being taken up for example if you're sitting next to somebody on the sofa and they are taking a lot of room you can say move over you're taking up too much space yeah or all your stuff is on the table it's taking up too much space okay guys number three this is a test of your knowledge of linking words particularly the grammar so that will give you a little clue so number three is England is a great country..... the weather England is a great country the weather so the options here are despite or although despite or although so the answer here is despite despite the weather now quick grammar lesson although it needs to be used with a verb phrase so we could say although the weather is bad for example England is a great country although the weather is bad but if we want to use despite despite and in spite all can be used with a noun with a phrase that starts with the fact that or a gerund, what's a gerund guys so hopefully guys you will remember that a gerund is a verb in the ing form which behaves like a noun number four she is under no that she will get the promotion she knows that it's already been promised to someone else so the options here are illusion deception or expectation which sounds the most correct so the answer is illusion this is really a fixed phrase to be under no illusion we don't say to be under no deception we definitely don't say to be under no expectation so in illusion it's really a wrong perception of reality but a deception is a lie something has deceived you so there's a difference in meaning there so number five think about what makes the most sense in this sentence for many employees their interest in work does not hmm beyond their nine to five jobs for many employees their interest in work does not.... beyond their nine to five jobs so the options here are widen spread or extend widen spread or extend so the answer is in fact extend again this is a fixed phrase something does not extend beyond something else we mean it doesn't go beyond this their interest in work does not go beyond them being there from 9:00 until 5:00 as soon as they are out the door they are not interested in work anymore extend really means that it becomes bigger or become wider but just to a certain point where as spread indicates the continuation of something so something continuing to get wider it suggests a little bit more activity whereas extend just often means to a certain point okay number six I think this one is the easiest one so we'll have a little bit of a break with this one we didn't use to take dirt and germs as as we do now it was just a fact of life now the options here are serious concern or seriously serious concern or seriously so the correct answer is in fact seriously we didn't used to take dirt and germs as seriously as we do now here we need the adverb the other two are not adverbs one is a noun a concern and serious is an adjective but here we're talking about how we take something we're using the verb and so we need an adverb okay number seven this is again testing your knowledge of those linking words there are many ways to improve your English fluency and emotion there are many ways to improve your English fluency immersion so the options here are likewise besides or otherwise so have a think about that guys so the correct answer here is in fact besides, besides is an addition word it's like saying and for example you could say there are many places to go and study English besides England meaning as well as England so it's an addition word now if you got confused with likewise likewise means similarly similarly so it's like say and now I'm saying a similar point but it's I'm not saying and I'm just saying a similar point so this is difference between those two otherwise really means under other circumstances in a different situation or differently in another way so for example we might say normally it's very healthy to eat fruit and vegetables unless your doctor suggests otherwise or you could say remember to brush your teeth otherwise you'll have smelly breath number eight I'd better leave now I don't want to my welcome so the options here are go off run down or wear out go off run down or wear out so the correct answer is in fact wear out if we wear something out we exhaust it or we tire it so it's almost finished so the person is saying I don't want to to finish my welcome I don't want my welcome to end so I better leave now before the period of me being welcomed ends so that is basically the meaning number nine it is important to between a fear and a phobia it is important to between a fear and a phobia so the options are distinguished choose or select so the answer is of course distinguish distinguish it's important to distinguish meaning tell the difference be able to differentiate between the two you could also use differentiate here as well that would make sense choose is where I have a choice so I'm choosing between them for example chocolate or donut I'll choose the donut please selection is similar to choose we would select something from a fixed selection whereas choose there can be multiple choices where is selection that is just a set number of choices like chocolates in a chocolate box okay number ten I am so to have such loving parents who helped me with my education I am so to have such loving parents that helped me with my education so the options here are blessed delighted or buzzing blast delighted or buzzing I think guys but you're clever enough that we can delete the third option I don't think we would be buzzing buzzing of course means super happy over the moon if we're buzzing about something it's quite an extreme way to say that we're happy because we're literally saying we're we're so excited we're almost like a bee we're buzzing away but here the correct choice would be blessed so we're blessed, now the reason we don't choose delighted is again it's just really that it doesn't make as much sense so really when we're talking about things where we feel that we are very lucky we will often say that we feel blessed or that this is a blessing when we're talking about being delighted it's where something has has pleased us greatly and so we feel delighted we feel joyful but we're not talking about how lucky we are we're not talking about the fact that this has come like a gift to us okay only two more to go so this one is John is now a rich man as he a lot of money recently John is now a rich man as he a lot of money recently the options here are went through came into used up went through came into used up so the correct answer guys is in fact came into he came into money and we just use this phrasal verb to talk about inheriting money or getting money which is a little bit unexpected went through and used up of course means that the person is actually spent the money so if I say I've gone through all my say I can't believe I've gone through all my savings this means I have spent them the money is gone number 12 the last one everybody we are almost there I think this job may be out of my I just don't have enough experience I think this job may be out of my...I just don't have enough experience so the options here are realm league expertise so the answer here guys is league I think it's out of my league this is a collocation if we say something is out of our league we mean we think it's out of our area yes our category in which we think things are possible for us in which we think things are compatible with us so we can actually talk about a person being out of our league for example somebody we think is better-looking or more intelligent or in some ways we perceive them as being better than us then we would say I think that their out of my league for example sadly Ryan Gosling I think he's out of my league so realm means world or area certainly in medieval times the realm meant the kingdom so it meant the country the kingdom for the protection of the realm for example again it just doesn't fit the right phrase is that it's out of my league okay everyone that is the end of our advanced vocabulary test today please leave me your score below I'm very curious to see how you get on with this test okay everyone I'll see you very soon again on love English and if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share it bye-bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, advanced english test, advanced english vocabulary test, advanced english vocabulary, cae practice test, CAE test, english practice test, english vocabulary practice, advanced level english words, english advanced vocabulary test, english advanced vocabulary with meaning, english vocabulary test
Id: jlh4pkwzREI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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