Advanced Midjourney Tutorial V5.2

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in this compelling video tutorial prepare to embark on a transformative Journey as I unveil the secrets to crafting astonishingly lifelike AI photos in a matter of minutes with unparalleled expertise we will dive deep into the intricate realm of mid-journey prompts harnessing the raw power of chat GPT will unlock the secrets of crafting captivating mid-journey prompts that transcend the ordinary discover the immense potential of cinematic descriptions to breathe life into your mid-journey Creations whether you desire to infuse your photos with the Allure of a cinematic Masterpiece or unleash dramatic effect that leaves viewers Spellbound I'll guide you every step of the way sharing invaluable prompts that transform ordinary shots into visual masterpieces prepare to delve even deeper into the enigmatic realm of multi-prompting on mid-journey as you may have heard blending multiple images together can yield fascinating results but let me reveal a Hidden Gem the ability to blend multiple prompts using mystical double colon science picture this a prompt describing a futuristic hot air balloon with cyberpunk Pilots with a California desert sky with sunset wispy clouds aspect ratio 16 9 by merging these prompts seamlessly a new reality unfolds before your eyes giving birth to a captivating final image let me share with you the power of unified prompts in action as I showcase yet another mesmerizing example of their creative potential here are some other examples from experimenting with this technique that's not all blending prompts unlocks a powerful tool where weights come into play by assigning specific weights to individual prompts using the technique shared in the prompts to achieve these images you have the power to shape and enhance any element of the scene you would like to accentuate to transform the very essence of your photography scene or artwork now for a little extra Magic mid-journey provides an option to add chaos to your images and artworks this feature infuses a Twist of unexpected goodness to your scenes experiment with a range of strengths to find a level that suits your taste the image on screen was created with the prompt magical para Starry Night artwork with cobblestone streets artists and jazz music aspect ratio 16 9. now look what happens when I add some chaos to the scene at different strengths of 40. than 80. mid-journey recently added a groundbreaking feature called describe which can be a true game changer for Creative Minds now from Simply uploading an image mid-journey's magical algorithms reverse engineer its Essence presenting you with four captivating Alternatives that captures the very soul of your original photo by choosing one of these Alternatives you can effortlessly generate a similar image unveiling a realm of infinite creative possibilities experience this groundbreaking feature for yourself by utilizing the slash describe command on mid-journey Discord as Illustrated on screen that's not all prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey into the captivating world of AI image creation where a blend of professional cameras and lenses can be selected and intertwined with your Creative Vision to result in images that exude astounding results the quest begins with deciphering your requirements camera angles and lighting combine this with additional elements like time of day and other light sources to add further depth to your image scenes select a favorite professional camera to complement your artistic Vision be it the Allure of digital or the nostalgic charm of analog camera angles and cinematography dance in unison creating a visual Symphony to enthrall viewers by telling compelling stories camera angles really capture the essence of your subject placing the viewer in a unique perspective from the commanding perspective of a high angle to the awe-inspiring gaze of a low angle or even aerial shots this power can transcend an image evoking emotion with any viewer equally impactful are shot types that Define how the subject is portrayed within the frame whether it's the intimate Embrace of a close-ups or the sweeping Majesty of a full body shot each angle carries its own emotive resonance embrace the power of these creative tools and allow them to shape your artistic narrative immerse yourself in the captivating realm of artistic influence citing the names of iconic filmmakers witness the extraordinary transformation as your prompts transcend the ordinary bearing the indelible stamp of your favorite Visionary directors open the floodgates of creative expression by adorning your mid-journey compositions with vibrant and evocative colors dive head first into the mesmerizing color palettes like Autumn tones or winter Vibes embrace the Kaleidoscope of creativity by varying the number of colors in your composition transforming its very essence experiment with materials and textures When selecting elements for your pictures infusing your prompt with texture and depth here are some examples I've had many queries regarding the creation of consistent aging of characters on mid-journey fear not I will share the key to unlocking this technique with you Begin by sculpting a character that resonates with your Creative Vision once selected insert your chosen image as an image prompt when you hit enter on your keyboard your base image will upload now right-click the uploaded image until you see a pull-down menu like the image on screen copy the link of the uploaded base image from the pull down menu and paste this into your prompt window in mid-journey your link will appear long and in the prompt box similar to the reference image on screen now leave a space after this link is pasted and begin your prompt include the age you want the generated outcome to be at the end of your prompt once complete repeat the same prompt for each additional age you would like your generated subject to be witness the astonishing metamorphosis as your character traverses the passage of time appearing at the ages you select these are examples of some Creations I've experimented with a little tip for you it is possible to balance of image weights of your prompts to fine tweak your results mid-journey offers potential for boundless experimentation Venture into experimentation with genres where reality can be magnified to dramatic proportions merging the boundaries of reality and fantasy immerse yourself in some Styles I offer in this comprehensive video guide to give birth to lifelike photos of characters that defy imagination mid-journey has had a number of revisions in recent months results achieved from the same prompt will produce slightly different results too it's worth exploring the differences from each of these options too if this tutorial has ignited your passion for the intersection of Art and AI please give it a resounding Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel where more awe-inspiring content awaits dive into the depths of artistry explore the Myriad of possibilities and unlock your creative potential join me on this extraordinary Journey where art meets technology and Imagination knows no bounds for those thirsty for additional knowledge tips and tricks to unravel the mysteries of art and content Creation with AI tools simply check back soon
Channel: cantpickthat
Views: 6,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt midjourney passive income, cantpickthat tutorial, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v 5.2 ai tutorial, midjourney aging character, blending prompts, editing tutorial, chat gpt, chatgpt mid, midjourney prompts, midjourney v5 prompts, how to use midjourney
Id: v2IlotrsjBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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