SAVE TIME in Midjourney with this EXTENSION

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so after hundreds or maybe even thousands of hours of prompting mid-journey I was getting sick and tired of constantly copying and pasting parts of my prompts you know whenever you want to reuse an earlier prompt or maybe just part of it so you scroll back up to that prompt you select the text that you need you copy it then you scroll back down and you paste it into your text field but let's face it that's just an incredibly annoying and cumbersome process so that's why I decided something needs to change here and I guess I'm going to have to solve it all by myself so I went ahead and built my very own Chrome extension that would help me do a lot of the copying and pasting that I usually do while I'm working with my journey in Discord and what began as a very simple two button tool has since become a fairly elaborate little extension and today I'm going to show you how it works alright so first of all for any of this to work you obviously need to install the Chrome extension first and you do that by going to extension and that will open up the page on the Chrome web store now mind you this is not the previous Chrome extension page remember I built this in a fairly short amount of time and what you'll want to do is you want to install the Chrome extension by clicking the button in the top right corner and once that's installed one thing you'll notice is that you'll start seeing this toolbar show up below all of your mid-journey jobs now I know this toolbar looks slightly overwhelming at first but don't worry I'm going to walk you through all of the different features and explain to you exact what each one of them does and what it's potentially good for now just as a rough guideline the buttons at the top of the toolbar are all related to some form of copying and pasting of parts of your prompt within one of your mid-journey jobs the lower section of the toolbar relates less to the actual copying and pasting part but allows you to access additional features of tools that I'm working on one of them is the prop. website itself which I'll talk about a little bit later the other one is the journey stats website which some of you probably already know and one of the things that I've done is I've integrated some of the features of that website straight into this toolbar and the last buttons here at the end are more related to the tool itself now I'm going to zoom out and give you a quick overview of what this tool does I'm going to start off with a very simple prompt remember it's not so much about the prop right now I'm just trying to show you what the toolbar will allow you to do so I'm going to enter something like a big red house on a Green Hill haunted atmosphere and just for the sake of demonstration I'm going to add some parameters which aren't that important but I need to show you what they do so what we're going to do is we're going to produce these images and you can already see the toolbar showing up here we'll wait for the images to generate great and now we're ready to go so let's start off with the very first button of the upper section of the toolbar so you'll see that there's a section called prompt which means that all of these buttons relate to the prompt itself so what you see up here my prop that I entered including the parameters so if I click on the very first button here what it will do is it will copy the entire prompt including its parameters into the clipboard so if I go back down here into my message field and I enter imagine and then hit paste by for example using the hotkey control V or command V then it will paste the entire prompt that I just copied so where might this be useful well going to your job selecting the entire prompt copying it and then pasting it is a pretty cumbersome process and even for those of you who like to use the reroll button with remix mode activated which will allow you to basically just re-roll and change the prompt a little bit that might even be be slower another disadvantage of using the reroll button to just change your prompts is the fact that you can't use permutations within that remix prompt so if I enter something in here like a permutation with curly braces that would not work so that's why using this button can be very useful now the second button here is the append prompt button and as you can see it says appends a tire prompt to what you copied before where might this be useful why would I want to append my prod to I don't know something else that I copied before that doesn't really make sense does it well actually it does and in order to demonstrate this let me quickly enter a different prompt first I'm going to enter something like wide mansion in the forest and you'll see why I'm doing this in a second all right so let's say I wanted to use one of these images here as a reference image for the prompt that I used earlier right so I want to use the same prompt as before a big red house on a Green Hill haunted atmosphere with those parameters but maybe I want to add a reference image that I prompted earlier or maybe later in this case so what I would do is first of all I need to upscale that particular image and once it's done I'll be able to use one of the other buttons over here which is the copy image link button so what this does is it copies the image link of this particular image here so you don't need to open it up right click or open it in a browser it's much quicker just doing it this way so I would click the image link and just to show you if I paste it here you'll see it's in here the entire image but now I want to use this image reference with an entirely different prompt so it's in my clipboard already but I need to go back up and then I'll hit this pen button and what this does now is if I enter imagine and then paste it you'll see that it's basically added the image Link at the front of the prompt which I just copied and now I just need to hit enter and it will generate that image and now we get a set of images that uses our main prompt but it also uses the reference image as inspiration now if you do this sort of thing a lot then I'm sure you realize by now that this can be a massive time changer and while it does take some getting used to using this toolbar very quickly you get used to it and then you just much much quicker so let's look at some of the other buttons on here the third button here from the left is the copy image prompt button so what this does it will simply copy the image prompt from this prompt up here even if there are multiple links it will copy all of those links and add it to your clipboard so if I paste here you'll see it's just the link here from the front now what does the third fourth button do well the fourth button simply copies the text prompt so it will only copy this middle section of the prompt let me show you paste and here it is now if I only wanted to copy the parameters at the end well we could do that too that's the fifth button I hit copy and I paste and that's just the parameters now where would this be useful well let's say you want to test different sets of parameters that you've used on different prompts already well this would allow you to Simply take or enter a different type of prompt for your text prompt and then you would simply add those parameters at the very end so it really depends on what you're kind of working on the sixth button here from the left is the copy seed button so whenever there is a seed visibly in the prompt such as here it will copy that seed number and as you can see it's right there now what it does not do is it's not able to retrieve a c that is not visibly in the prompt so you will still have to react to a message with the envelope icon in order to then get the seed from the DMS from the mid Journey pot but still it can be much quicker than doing it the classic way all right so now we're getting to the image section of the toolbar I already showed you how to copy the image link of a particular job but we haven't looked at the other buttons yet the second button within the image section is the prepent button so what does pre-pending mean well pre-pending is the opposite of appending which means that it places something before something else so where might this be useful well let's say I have copied the entire original prompt up here like so but now I want to add one of these images here as the image reference at the front of that text prompt well what I could do then is I would go here to this one let's say I want to use this image and then I would hit the pre-pen button what this now does is it adds the image at the front of the text prompt for me so I don't need to do that manually so there's basically two different ways how you can approach a situation where you want to build a prompt from different blocks you can either get the image first and then you append a prompt as in a text prompt with its parameters or you get a full prompt that doesn't necessarily have image references and then you prepend image references from elsewhere okay so let's look at the third button in the image section the third button in the image section basically just opens up this image in a new tab now that may not seem like a lot of work but trust me it does save you a couple of clicks so instead of having to open this and then potentially click this you just have to click that one button and you've got the whole image right away now there's another button here which is the download button what this does it will simply download this image into your browser's default downloads folder now it doesn't allow you to select a certain place to save the image or to rename it while you're saving it because that would require more permissions for the Chrome extension and I don't want it to be too intrusive but I think even just the saving part can be quite a big time saver for a lot of people alright so now it's time to talk about some of the other features in here I'm going to start off with the mid Journey stats feature so a lot of you are already familiar with mid Journey stats it's a page that I build that allows you to check the average waiting times for relax mode in different models of mid Journey now I must stress these are average waiting times they do not necessarily apply to everyone if you are a very very heavy relax mode user then you are going to fall into the dynamic queue of mid-journey which means that the numbers that you see here on with journey stats may not apply to you and they will be potentially much longer for you or for others they might potentially be much shorter however these stats are still a good rough guideline and these are numbers that come straight from the journey so I mean I'm not making this up so what the buttons do here is this blue button will simply open the mid Journey stats website which allows you to check the actual graphs on here for every single model right but if you don't necessarily need that and you just want to know okay what is the current average waiting time for the most important models well then these indicators here will basically show you the same three metrics that you see on the website these numbers here they update every three minutes and they will also color code accordingly just like I do on the website now unfortunately for the past few weeks it's mostly been read all the time I'm not sure what major Journey did but the waiting times have gotten significantly worse for relaxed mode recently I don't know I'm just not going to comment on it who knows what the reasons are now let's address The Prompt a lot section prompt a lot is a website that I'm still working on it is in beta but obviously the functionalities are still quite limited I actually want to do a dedicated video on pumped a lot once it's ready but just to give you an idea of what the plan is the idea is to create an online repository where you can organize your pumps in a more efficient and structured manner than you can right now and I also want to go beyond just basically just saving the prompts themselves the ideas also to allow you to save workflows and things like that but it's still very much in the early stages because I'm building all of this stuff myself and obviously my time is somewhat limited so what can you do so far well let's start off from the right to the left this time well what the third button here will do it will simply open up your profile on the prompt website or a login screen if you're not a member yet or if you're not logged in what the second button will do is it will lead you to a page that shows all of the prompts that you've saved on product a lot now how do you save a prompt on prompt a lot well that's quite easy what you do is I'm going to do it with actually I'm going to do it with this one here you hit this button on the left which is ADD full prompt to prompt a lot so what this does it will open up a new tab and send you to the prompt a lot website in this case it's on my local machine but in your case it will send you to prompt a lot and what it does is it opens up the add prompt form and it automatically populates all the fields so it adds The Prompt up here it selects the right version if it is visible within the parameters if it is not it will simply select the latest version but you can still change it if you need to it will automatically pull the image URL and add it here and then it also makes some tag suggestions based on the contents of your prompt you can still add new tags so if I wanted to say a house well I mean already says house so let's say Mansion instead you can still add new tags and remove others if you want to and once you're happy with your prompt you can then hit the save button and it will then store that prompt within your own prompt database it will redirect me to this my prompts page which is also accessible via the profile drop down menu up here and basically it gives you an overview of all of your problems that you've saved on prompt a lot and you could copy them you can edit them you can delete them basically it's supposed to make it easier for you to organize your most important prompts you can also filter by I need to type it right you can also filter by certain words so it's not just an endless list anymore there's a pagination feature down here like I said prompt a lot is still very much in development and I want to bring it to a point where it's much more useful than it is right now but I basically had to get that first part right where it's really easy to just add your problems straight from the journey or Discord into prompt a lot all right so before we finish off let me just quickly address three more buttons and it's the ones here on the bottom right the very first one here with the light bulb is a link to the Pumped a lot feature request page so here you can add feature requests you can upvote other feature requests and that will help me decide on what to work on next and the other two buttons are basically just meant to allow you to share on social media and help spread the word about this extension and maybe also about pumped a lot for later use so this is just a quick introduction of how the prompt a lot Chrome extension Works remember it's entirely free so feel free to visit the prompt a lot website or go straight to pump extension to get the Chrome extension installed into your browser and that's it for today I'll see you guys next week and remember keep on learning take care thank you [Music]
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 25,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney v5, midjourney version 5, midjourney tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney workflow, midjourney learn, midjourney 5.2, midjourney tools, midjourney chrome extension, midjourney browser extension
Id: nagWNxkVp54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.