Midjourney 5.2 | 100 textures and materials for prompting inspiration

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foreign and I like to experiment with all kinds of AI Technologies but mostly I like to explore the latest versions of mid-journey for this video I decided to look at all kinds of different textures and materials that things could be made of I wanted to see what mid-journey comes up with when these words are used in combination with objects that usually are not textured or made of materials like that for this purpose I have selected three words to prompt in combination with different texture words the words I have selected were Apple doll and car and here you can also see what they look like on their own without any additional words in the prompt you can see all of the prompts along with all the results I got so if you wanted to you could replicate the same results so if you use the exact same prompt aspect ratio seed number and version while on fast mode you should be able to generate the exact same images as I have but probably you will want to combine them with your own prompts and words and whatever else you want to do it's up to you in that case feel free to ignore the dash dash seed number because it is there for comparison reasons it is easier to compare how the different words alter the outcome if the only thing that changes in the prompt is the texture word all right let's see some textures then possibly some materials or just adjectives Barky rough and textured like tree bark basket weave interwoven pattern resembling a woven basket beaded covered with small spherical decorations [Music] bubble wrap plastic material with air filled bubbles used for cushioning [Music] burlap course woven fabric often made from jute fibers [Music] cast iron smooth solid metal with a distinctive weight chalkboard smooth surface for writing with chalk [Music] chard and blackened showing signs of fire damage chiseled Stone rough Yoon with carved or chipped details corded fabric textile with raised Twisted cords or ridges corduroy fabric with vertical ribbed texture cork lightweight and porous material from cork oak bark corrugated surface with parallel ridges and grooves cracked ice Jagged cracks resembling ice formations crimped material with small regular folds or bends [Music] crinkled wrinkled with uneven surface Folds crocheted created with a technique using hooked needle [Music] Crystal smooth faceted surface often found in minerals [Music] curved bent or arched in a smooth flowing manner [Music] in digital pixelation image or Texture with visible pixel blocks distressed denim worn and Faded denim material dotted covered with small round spots or marks driftwood smooth wood worn by water and weather [Music] embossed leather leather with raised stamped designs [Music] embroidered decorated with thread or yarn stitching etched class glass with decorative patterns created by etching [Music] faux fur synthetic material resembling animal fur [Music] Ted material made by pressing fibers together foreign mesh-like pattern resembling a Fisherman's Net fluffy soft and light with a full appearance Fringe textile edge with hanging decorative threads frosted covered with a fine Frost like coating fuzzy covered in fine soft hairs or fibers foreign geometric tiles tiles arranged in a pattern of shapes gingham checked pattern often seen in textiles foreign ceramic ceramic material with a shiny finish glittering sparkling and reflecting light glossy smooth and shiny surface grainy texture resembling the granules of a substance gritty coarse and slightly rough to the touch Harry covered in strands or filaments [Music] hammered brass brass with dimples or hammered texture hammered metal metal with a textured surface from hammering holographic shifting colors or images that change with angles honeycomb hexagonal pattern resembling a beehive [Music] iridescent displaying changing colors depending on viewing angle knitted created by intertwining yarn with needles knurled surface with a pattern of small ridges lattice interwoven pattern resembling a lattice structure leather smooth yet textured material from animal hides marvelized surface with swirling patterns resembling marble mesh open interconnected network of fibers or material metallic shiny surface resembling metal Mossy covered in patches of soft green moss ostrich skin leather with distinctive bumps from ostrich hide painted wood wood with a layer of paint Palm bark textured covering from Palm Tree Trunks parchment paper thin and slightly textured paper Pebble dashed surface with small stones embedded perforated metal with holes or perforations pitted metal with small pockmarked indentations [Music] pleated material with folds that run in the same direction plush soft thick fabric with a luxurious feel plush velvet velvet fabric with a soft raised surface [Music] popped concrete concrete with irregular holes or indentations polished smooth and shiny from polishing polished Stone smooth to a high shine porcelain smooth delicate ceramic material porous having many small openings or spaces [Music] prickly covered with sharp or pointed projections pristine glass clear unblemished glass surface pumice lightweight and porous volcanic rock quilted fabric stitched with a decorative quilt pattern raffia textured fiber from Palm leaves ribbed having raised lines or ridges rippled surface with gentle undulating waves ruffled gathered into Frills or Folds Satin smooth and glossy fabric with a shiny surface seersucker fabric with alternating puckered and smooth stripes Shaggy long loose fibers creating a textured appearance slap concrete large solid pieces of concrete slimy wet and slippery with a slimy feel sparkling shining and emitting small flashes of light spongy soft and compressible like a sponge [Music] steel mesh mesh made from steel material [Music] striated surface with thin parallel lines or stripes [Music] stringy made up of thin thread-like strands striped covered with straight parallel lines [Music] foreign studded leather leather with embedded studs or decorations [Music] textured linen linen fabric with a textured surface [Music] tiled covered with square or rectangular tiles [Music] transparent clear and see-through [Music] tufted raised soft clusters often seen in Fabric or carpets waffle knit knit fabric with a waffle-like texture [Music] wavy glass with a Rippling undulating surface weathered wood aged and worn by the elements [Music] webbed interconnected with a network of threads wicker material woven from natural fibers Woolen made from wool fibers often with a fuzzy texture zigzagged having a pattern of sharp diagonal terms all right so here were the 100 materials or textures I thought produced interesting results that could be applied to other things as well it is definitely not an exhaustive list I tried out so many more that either didn't work at all or didn't reduce interesting results and obviously there is plenty more materials and textures that simply did not end up in this video the possibilities are endless and it's impossible to cover everything in a single video overall my observations were that using words for texture or materials tend to produce more photorealistic images instead of different art styles it could also be the fact that these are real-life objects and not abstract Concepts so they will be interpreted that way to the outcome images but combining texture or material words do produce some fun and wacky things that you rarely or never encounter do let me know in the comments below which were your favorite textures or materials that you were inspired by or what you want to experiment yourself in the future and do consider subscribing to my channel if you like this kind of content thank you for watching and let's continue prompting [Music]
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 8,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, art, d-id, exploration, imageprompting, leia, leiapix, lightfield, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, midjourneyv5.2, mubert, murf
Id: vjut1aY_vp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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