MIdjourney 5.2 Ai Tutorial - Advanced Prompting Guide

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we're gonna pick food this food's a really good one so we're gonna hit that we're gonna hit submit look at that look at the detail that is unbelievable it's almost hard to imagine that that's not even real yo what's up my fellow creatives it is time for another mid Journey tutorial today I'm going to jump in and show you guys the newest version of my mid-journey prompting training now this prompting training is something I've done before and I am making an update based on 5.2 so we're gonna talk about mid-journey 5.2 if you haven't used this yet this is an amazing update where they made some really profound changes so I wanted to update you guys as to this I'll try to get through this as quickly as possible but I'll probably have you guys do because I'm going to go through some of these parts very quickly is if you don't know the fundamentals I'm probably going to brush over these real quick because I've made many videos about that so go back and look at my previous videos which will link up above so go ahead and jump into it alright so the first thing is what is mid Journey we're going to skip through that today setting up an account that's a another fundamental thing initial settings we're going to revisit that because some of the settings have changed the prompting Frameworks I'm going to revisit that briefly and then the new image prompt along with the reference image prompting combining an image prompt and then the Q a now what I want to do is I want to talk to you about the problem so we'll skip through this real quick you guys already know these case studies so here's some examples of one of the examples that I use for social media Graphics I use mid-journey this was made with mid-journey this image was made with mid-journey and it fits my brand you can see totally different images but totally on brand here's a good image for ad image creation here's another image for a product mock-up I'm going to talk about this a lot more today doing product mock-ups inside of mid-journey is really neat you could pick a girl I told to do a redheaded girl which I'm going to show you guys doing logo design concept mock-ups this is for tech company app icon mock-ups this is really fun game design mock-ups are called crisp and clear and neat that is I'm gonna show you guys the stylized function thumbnail designs you guys may have seen some of my thumbnails where I'm using AI now to do some of my thumbnail designs at least the background images and blog image thumbnails so now that I've gone through that I want to show you some of the limitations real quick it can't create readable text you guys may already know this readable text is not possible in mid-journey at least not out it kind of doesn't Lauren ipsum style kind of jumbled text you may be able to see that in some of the images I'm creating number two you can't replicate an exact person I've got a little trick that I'm going to show you guys that I learned from Matt wolf you guys can incorporate and then we'll do that here later in the video and then you can't create anything including Gore violence or sexual content so this is really important now the account set up you guys already know this midjourney.com you create your account you add it you go to the mid Journey bot and you add that to your own server so you want to create your own server that's a really important piece and then the settings so what you're going to do is you're going to have forward slash settings on the little mid Journey box let me go show you real quick what that looks like so all I have to do is hit forward slash settings click that hit enter it's going to pull up in all the settings now you can see here I'm using the latest version 5.2 which is awesome because they made some changes but these are the settings that you want now if you put it in relax mode it's going to go slower but you're gonna have a lot of images you can create without running out of credit so I would recommend this if you're going to be using mid Journey constantly to try to learn and create a bunch of products you're going to go a little bit slower but you're going to get a lot more credits if you want to create just high quality images and you're not going to be doing a ton I think you get a couple hundred with their one other plans you can use fast modes so then I wanted to cover with you guys real quick that I think is really important all right so let's jump over to the next step and come over here to slideshow again all right so the next thing is these settings that I showed you guys here this is what I have set up on mine and then you can see your best version 5.2 base quality style medium public mode you can upgrade your account and put it into stealth mode I have not done that myself but I'm not worried about anybody seeing my images it's really not that big of a deal especially since I have them inside of my own server if they were in the public server where you can see all the other people's Discord images then it would be a bigger deal but you can actually keep these public I wouldn't worry about it and then the remix mode you want to have this turned on and fast mode like I said if you want to do slow mode you can and you'll get a lot more credits a lot more images out of your monthly plan alright so now the new features they now have shorten describe zoom out pan blend weird and turbo and weird isn't like built in like the rest of them you'll see that's why there's no Force slash there and then there's turbo and very I'm going to try to go through all of these I may not be able to get through all of them today I'm going to try to go as in depth as I possibly can this is what I call the ultimate prompting framework you guys have seen this before probably if you haven't this is what's going to break it down so you have a basic prompt which I'm going to show you today and then I'm going to show you a little bit more of an advanced prompt first one here is color coded your media quality they want to focus on what is it is it a worn-winning is it professional is here or is it expert those are usually the three things that I use at the beginning of all my prompts helps me out a lot helps me kind of decipher what it is then from there you're going to pick the image type so you're going to do photography illustration graphic design Vector sticker design artwork Vector illustration photographic portraits sketches product photography cartoons backgrounds pencil drawings poster designs business card designs billboard designs and you can see I didn't even put in here product mock-ups right so that's another one that we can add in here is 16. then you're going to put your person Placer thing the object what is the center Focus point of the image what location is it at or where is it and then what are they wearing you can put a lot of detail into your prompt description this is where you're going to add a lot of your personalization which is going to make your image very very unique now the next piece is you're going to pick your art style there's a lot of really neat art styles and I'll show you a couple examples here over on Mid Journey but I got 20 of them just right here to show you some of those art examples so if you look here this is one that I'm working on right now this is an octopus kind of looks like a metal poster which is super cool an ocean creature surrounded by sea creatures in the dark purple hyper realistic animal illustrations curve linear nightscape Infinity Nets lovecraftian power symbolism now keep in mind you can see here that I did not come up with this prompt myself this is something I reiterated and had mid-journey come up with by using the describe feature which I'm going to show you guys here in just a minute so if you check this out I'm going to show you a couple other ones so you can see here here's another one that I did octopus swimming in the ocean an octopus swimming in the ocean let me go back a little a little further professional giant stage green octopus with glowing white spots and long tentacles top view under the water half above the water with big crashing waves and bright night sky stars and full moon cinematic 4K hyper detailed and you can go 32k if you want and then the aspect ratio of 16 9. this is really neat you can see there's kind of a light in there this one is really cool what it came up with on this one was like my favorite like this guy right here is freaking rad especially with all the lights underneath this one's probably my favorite so let's just upscale that one just to show you guys an example here's my purple ones that I'm working on these ones are really neat you can see here dark octopus I've made these guys look really dark but here is the describe feature so let me show you guys how that works so here's describe gonna go there and you're gonna open up an image now I'm going to go over to my mid-journey art so let me just go into here a Dropbox mid Journey there we go mid Journey art now I'm going to pull open one of my existing images that I've already created you guys can kind of get a sneak peek at some of the ones that I've made let me just show you guys icons and so you can see here there's one recent one I did that was a pastel style artwork of beautiful happy beautiful brunette all right that one's right on the money here's one of a lifestyle emotion cute redheaded girl product mock-up fashion mock-up and I'll show you guys The Prompt for that one here in just a minute I have these mushroom characters which are really cool it's like they're gonna find a a military battle I thought of a movie you could come up with that are saving humanity and then when stuff really goes bad they call in the big boys and these guys come in to help save the world kind of like Transformers but all mushrooms how cool would that be right pretty fun and then here's another one so let's just take one that's simple I want to pull one up that I think is kind of fun and it's just one image instead of having multiple images in one how about we pick how about this one we're gonna pick food food's a really good one so we're gonna hit that we're gonna hit submit you just hit the enter on your keyboard and Watch What Happens here boom it just gave me four different variations and even a style so now I've kind of learned this specific style who this is describe this for one of the gourmet meat burritos on a board in the style of tokina was another style that we can add to our list f-stop 2.8 Pro dx2 dark maroon own light green polish folklore motifs Norwegian nature layer surface now what I can do is there's a feature I can try each one of these you can try one we could try number two number three or number four or we can just hit imagine all now this is really fun because it'll give you four different variations of this image and you'll be able to kind of create some some different looks so let's go ahead and see what this pops out all right there we go so what do you guys think about that look at that I think that did an even better job than the original look at how much detail how crisp this is this is just unbelievable that one looks really yummy something about that that one looks really good and this one looks really good I think this one looks the more most realistic and I love the candles I don't know what the heck this thing is coming out of the top so we're gonna go ahead and we can either Photoshop that out this one's cool it looks like it's got avocado sticking out I really like this one actually so we're gonna go ahead and upscale number two I'm gonna show you what we're gonna do and these other ones are great too look at all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are around this one how cool is that look at charcuterie board was the one that it did with some Meats on it okay so now that we've done this I want to show you guys something that we can do now so we can vary this let's see we're gonna go ahead and very strong and I can come into here and I can put stylize 1000. here we go I put stylized 1000 on this now Watch What Happens remember I did very strong so this is going to be dramatically different this could be crazy this could end up being really weird looking but we're just gonna see what happens when you put stylize in there I think this did a really good job by itself like I I like this image I would use this for a client put some text in here or you know just there's just so much you can do with this it's such a beautiful image but we're gonna see what happens when you put stylized 1000 now remember this can vary from 100 to 1000 the closer it is to 100 the more standard it's going to be the more simple it's going to be and if you go up to 1 000 wow look at that look at the detail that is unbelievable it's almost hard to imagine that that's not even real like this is incredible like that one right there that's the money maker right there either that one or this one this one I feel like looks the most real because it's got the burn marks the broccoli I mean this has just done so phenomenally well that's what happens when you do 1000 let's try this one more time and we'll go stylize on here so we'll go Dash Dash stylize 100 let's see just show you the difference I really love what this thing does with food it's pretty phenomenal all right so now you can see here's 1000 right really good and here's 100 still great but not quite as prominent and as extravagant as the other one it really stylized this one this one went all out of me look at the board and the details and the reflections and the candles and everything in the background all this Greenery and you look at this and this is good too this is definitely good but it's a lot more faded there isn't as much detail inside of this one I really like this one I think this is a good one to use I would use this but they're both great so either way you're going to get a good quality food image out of this thing so jumping back over to the art style you just gotta pick what art style you want I can change that whole food image and make it a watercolor sketch Charlie Harper Jim Henson style all these 3D renders one of my favorite ones here is the 90s point and click 16-bit adventure game you guys should try that one out just give it a shot try out that one and tell me what you guys think down in the comments all right so now that you've done that we're going to jump over to the next step which is the stylize so now that you've done the art style you can then stylize your images with highly detailed ultra realistic abstract Whimsical Dreamscape CGI fantasy there's too many to kind of go through here uh but you can see here I got 25 that I listed and I'm sure there's way more if you're ever curious and you want to learn about other styles and other ones that people have made other prompts that they're using just go over here to the mid Journey to the main place and just look at some of the ones that people are doing come down here to General General one General two general three and you can start looking at some of the other prompts people doing model wearing a long Chanel style hot Couture dress right like look how crazy that one is look at this pirate one the captain of the pirate ship and his Sailors back view backlight impressionism 8K HDR that's a pretty phenomenal image so this will give you a lot of inspiration this one is gorgeous that one did a really good job wow see what I'm talking about so get inspiration from other people's stuff over here on Mid Journey this is a video game style like comic book style I think that's really nice high detail this is that dressed one some people do prompts that will blow your mind you should see something like this one's really neat but there's some prompts that are so long I was gonna try to find one that was like really really long just to kind of show you guys an example let's see so this one's pretty long like look how much how long these prompts I got full shot f.8 so this is the f-stop how much blur You're Gonna Want in the background they're trying to make this look like a realistic photography scene that somebody did right so this is just an example look at this this is really neat now let's jump over to the next thing all right so first is lighting a half rear lighting backlight which you saw in that last image was in the mid Journey Channel natural lighting long exposure softbox incandescent Moody lighting cinematic Studio lighting soft lighting volumetric lighting beautiful lighting there's so many cool things in here different types of lighting that you can Implement and try then there's chaos I don't have time to go into this because this will be a really long video if I do but you could add some chaos to your image and that can just basically gives mid-journey the freedom to kind of add some craziness to it can make it really really abstract negative prompts are really important so if you want to take something out of an image like let's just say you wanted to say no hat you could do a dash dash at the very end of The Prompt and put no hat and it'll take that hat out which is really cool it may not do a perfect job but that's something that you should definitely be learning about is the negative prompting how to remove certain things from the image the next thing here is the aspect ratios as you can see here these are supposed to be dashes it's dash dash right if I separate this let me go in here I don't know why it does that see like tries to auto correct it and then doesn't show you but this is dash dash AR so you have 16 9 or 916 five four or four five and it just works all the way throughout that so that's something you're going to do at the end and then there's that stylized that I showed you it's actually going to be stylized 100 we move this out through stylize one thousand whoops let me go back to that 1000 and style eyes 100 and you can go anything in between it could be 500 650 900 so it's really important that you try out some different ones and see what works best for you so here's some examples here's an award-winning artwork of a beautiful brunette standing in front of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge wearing a white dress oil painting Ultra and see I color coded these ultra realistic highly detailed Whimsical cinematic 32k extremely well made which I love this prompt I think that's a good one volumetric lighting beautiful lighting and backlight then the chaos of 20 which added a little bit of chaos to it aspect ratio of 16 9 and then no fog because San Francisco can be pretty foggy I didn't want it to have any fog so I made sure that I did a negative prompting out of that if I wanted to I could go dash dash stylize right and I could go 100 and add that to the prompt and that would change up that prompt but for this video I'm just going to leave it as it is so the image that it gave me was this as you can see it did a pretty good job there's the gold Gate Bridge behind it but there's also like a Brooklyn Bridge looking thing behind there if you guys want to actually see the final image I can show you guys here in my mid-journey art a journey there we go mid-journey art and let me show you guys here make this full screen did some funny ones here I'm going to show you guys how to do stuff like this here in a minute here we go this is what I ended up turning out oil painting Golden Gate Bridge beautiful like I can see this being on a canvas really really cool some exotic cars chicken nuggets but just wanted to show you guys that real quick because I think that's really fun another example is a reference prompt is the Imagine prompt so the reference image prop so you can use a reference image so you put an image URL in there and how you do that is you can upload a URL so I could just take this one just as an example or I could upload an image so I can upload a file all right so we're going to upload this one we're going to enter we're gonna go image imagine I'm gonna need to do is grab this guy again copy image address okay I'm gonna pick this one here paste that there give it a space on the space bar come back over here hit copy when I come back in here hit paste under chaos that one's got too much space that's what happened there so you want to make sure you get that right dash dash stylize we'll come back in here to 250 and then we'll go like this let's see what happens I'm totally mixing this image with this guy and I don't know what it's going to come up with it might be weird but we're just gonna see how you can use it a reference image maybe it's going to create a blue suit or a blue dress for her or maybe it's gonna put this guy in a dress I don't know the mystery is going to be really interesting to see oh my goodness I don't recommend this this is where you're gonna get some crazy stuff one of these images looks okay but I'm gonna have to send this to Keith because he's gonna laugh I took a woman and a man and I used them as a reference image so what he would look like if he was a woman maybe so you can hear shaved head on the side looks like an MMA fighter or something oh my God yeah this is a little disturbing I wouldn't recommend this but you can see her it put a suit on her um yeah so just gonna show you this does pretty decent with a reference image pretty funny all right so let's go back over let me show you the next thing here so the next one is using a reference image too which is I did this image with my wife and I asked to do the prompt of that beautiful woman of white dress in front of there and this is what it came up with so you can see here this is really cool how it took a reference image of her that I uploaded I copied the URL pasted it in pasted that same prompt in there and it gave me this now like I showed you before it's not exact but it's very very close the next one is combining an image so you would do the same thing you take an image URL and take another URL and you would just hit enter you don't need to add a prompt you can if you want to but you just take the two URLs from two different images and you hit submit which is what I did here and it created this for me which I thought it carried it and looked even better now you're going to go out here and you're going to do the final image export how you're going to do that is you're going to hit this here right let me just go in here I want to export that one that I showed you I thought was really neat with stylized 1000 so this is the one that I really liked I thought was really good I love the angle of it I love the lights behind find it so we're going to go ahead and Export that one we're going to upscale number two which is that one is okay and then we're gonna come back back down here you're gonna see here boom this is your final image now do mid Journey a favor wow look at the detail do mid Journey a favor and love this image this is going to tell them that this is a good quality image which it absolutely is you're going to hit save image as you're going to come in here I'm just going to hit that and you're gonna hit save and you're gonna be good to go there now I have one more trick you got upscaling which I showed you guys you can do variations of it there used to be a redo feature I don't see that feature anymore I should probably let me see if this is still in here yeah they've taken that feature out you can zoom out so it'd be cool to see what would happen if you zoomed out on this image let's do like a 1.5 but there used to be a redo function this is the redo so you can see if I roll over that you can redo this image and try it differently but in terms of what they used to have as lights upscale detailed upscale it looks like they've gotten rid of that so far uh from that so I can take that I can actually take that slide out of my presentation now there's just they just have variations so here we go now that I zoomed out we'll see what happens with those last images which would be interesting to see and then the next thing I wanted to show you is a new little trick for an app that you actually have to to install onto your imagery so there's this thing called Insight face swap right so this is really neat you want to take a specific image and you're going to upload a certainly forward slash S save ID now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a picture of somebody we're just going to take an image of me we'll just use this one as an example okay and I'm going to name this image Adrian B3 okay I'm going to save it now this is saved inside of mid Journey okay I've trained this mid Journey with this bot you can go download Insight face swap which is really cool that the save ID now what I'm going to do is I'm going to come in here and I'm going to hit swap ID there we go I'm going to do Adrian B 3 and then I'm going to upload an image in here so let's find another image of another person and what I'll do is actually just go into the mid Journey art we'll find a picture of a person here that we did and we'll switch this out we'll switch my face for this person's face so let's find a cool person's face how about we go to I don't have it look at this one okay well let's try this one let's go here click this guy that's what I did for a LinkedIn event now we're going to hit enter oops here we go enter [Music] and Watch What Happens in just a matter of a few seconds it took my face and put my face in there pretty well now it's not perfect on the hairline you'd probably want to use your brush tool your clone stamp tool to fix the hairline because I do have more of a widow's peak in my hair but and I'd want to fix my ears I'd probably bring my ears in a little more a little smaller I do have ears that kind of stick out a little bit but you can see here it did a pretty darn good job better than anything else I've seen so I'm actually going to save this and probably Photoshop it let's see here save image as okay and it does use credits so you're gonna need to to buy some credits or you're just gonna have to wait like I say I can I've already used three out of my 50 but this is really cool pixie p-i-c-s-i dot a i looks like that's the URL to get there um they have a patreon they have other features but this is a really cool little bonus I wanted to show you guys in terms of putting your face on other people's faces this is thanks to Matt wolf I'm probably going to use this for a thumbnail once I kind of clean this up get the hairline right pulling it in from here just to finish this up fix the ears a little bit I'll bring them in uh with my warp tool liquify tool and yeah that's what I got for you guys so let's just go over here and make sure I haven't forgot anything we covered a lot in this video if you have any questions feel free to drop a comment thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna be doing a lot more mid-journey stuff I'm using it on a lot to take that existing Concepts logo Concepts and all the stuff I showed you and to put my own personality and spin on it this is just a base this is not the final product so if you guys want more tutorials like this drop a comment down below and let me know God bless you guys hope you have an amazing day and as always keep looking out
Channel: Adrian Boysel
Views: 28,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphic Design, Graphic Designer, Adrian Boysel, Adrian Graphics, Adrian Agency
Id: x4lRWOqt06I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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