I spent a day with ADULT BABIES

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adult babies also known as paraphilic infantilism or a bzl is a lifestyle involving role-playing regression to an infant like state and exhibiting behaviors such as drinking out of a bottle wearing diapers and sleeping in a crib some claim the first documented case of what has been referred to as adult baby syndrome dates back to 1966 when a 20 year old college student was caught trespassing into a house claiming he snuck in out of compulsion to wear diapers that he knew were inside my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with adult babies to learn the truth behind this bizarre lifestyle our adult babies just people who are unafraid to explore their inclinations proudly and openly or they reclusive sexual deviants catering to their darkest perverted fantasies is this merely an uncharted and unique branch of self-care or is it nothing more than a selfish and childish way of refusing to grow up and contribute to society [Music] i gummi hi nice to meet you Riley Anthony thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of adult babies oh I'm ready to open your mind what do you consider yourself adult baby diaper lover a little a little mostly I'm more of an age fighter and age player basically means someone who wants to roleplay at any age that can me from an infant like an adult baby or elderly if you really want it to and I'm kind of more on the diaper end-over-end yeah some people like trains some people like things my my nerd factor is the diapers stuff you know I like reviewing them and talking about them what does being an adult baby entail for me diapers not for everybody though and then there's the baby stuff that even things like teaser teethers pacifiers are a really big thing I do have a daddy who helps take care of me he is considered my caregiver he's married and has two kids well how does that work he was looking for a little and he found me and she was open to that she was open to him finding a little because she couldn't um give that to him so like he and I aren't together he's just strictly my daddy how long have you been an adult baby about seven years since I was 18 so like almost four years now so right when you became an adult you're like nevermind yeah it's it goes back as far as my first memory my first memory really was going in and watching my parents play video games doctor Mario and sneaking out of my room and pretending that I was a baby or pretending that I was a mommy with a stroller and that's not any sort of nothing told me to do that I think we felt yeah I just felt the urge to do that you know as time progressed I you know started sneaking diapers from places and stuff and then you know I was really motivated to get my first job because then I could kind of buy diapers on my own and have your first job so he could afford diapers that's when you're like 12 13 years old yeah I know when they're like 25 and they have a kid yeah right when did you first start realizing that you wanted to align your lifestyle with the adult-baby lifestyle I found a specific youtuber and she I didn't know what it was and I was just like okay yep I like this this is who I am this is when I got diagnosed with my anxiety depression when I found her YouTube I saw that and I was she said it helped with hers so I was like oh like I think it'll really work so I've tried it and I fell in love with it and once I fell in love with I was like alright this is how I have to write I have to make my life a part of this I mean to me I'm like I used to have insane panic attacks yeah almost daily same for many years and like I say I've overcome it but like it never really yes yes 100% and it definitely helps whenever I'm like feeling super anxious or anything I will just like grab a pacifier grab a diaper put myself in and it easily helps me like a dress and get me out of that State of Mind literally becoming a little kid to get away from the adult world someone had introduced me to it because they assumed I was one and I had no idea what that was and I was super insulted I'm like no I'm 19 years old I am an adult so you were called the baby and you're like that's not me and then I researched it and I was like maybe it is how many hours a day do you feel like you typically live as I don't baby I mean if you're talking about Sunday and I'm not working you know I'm in and out all day I do YouTube videos based on the King community and educating people and I usually only do it when I'm doing the videos me because I'm single at the moment if I wasn't single I'm sure it'd be a lot more I would honestly say like eight to 12 hours well it's like literally half your day yeah yeah half the time half of your life is 100% can you run me through a list of baby like activities that you like to participate in oh absolutely like movie nights watching old cartoon movies rescuers all these old movies that we grew up with where you can just enjoy each other and there's a big cuddle pile cuddle piles total cuddle piles there's a bunch of people cuddling yeah just a bunch of cuddlers and you know everybody's got footie sleepers on I play a lot of video games okay so you dress up like a baby and play video yeah yes I will literally like so league of legends for example okay we but like with onesie on in a diaper sucking on a pacifier how quickly after meeting you two people find out that you're an adult baby honestly pretty quickly because I they'll see my Instagram pretty fast well like nowadays most people talk about sex within like the first five minutes yeah that sounds right alright what kinds of questions you normally get when people find out you're an adult baby well people ask you know the basic things like you know do you wear diapers and I go I go yeah they're almost like what why I've gotten like that before like I've gotten like what's wrong with you they assume you've got problems yeah yeah yeah do you do it all the time do you pay rent and you if you pay taxes wait so they think that you could just dress up like a baby act like a baby and you hear just the government doesn't tax only it was easy I hate paying the government every I'd be like yo if the IRS would get off my back I would be an adult baby every day no questions that how much money do you think that you spend on baby accessories and diapers and stuff like that each month like maybe zero you don't spend any money perks of being a youtuber I get sent a lot of things so they're companies that are specifically targeting adult baby yeah that's actually a big community a quiet but big community many people have an adverse reaction to the idea of wearing a diaper and wetting it while they're wearing it yeah can you explain what you think it is that might attract someone to doing that you don't have to go to the bathroom just convenience yes honestly it's literally just give 100% I wore it one time when I wasn't in little space traveling from South Carolina to Iowa yeah and I wore a diaper the whole time just so I didn't have to like stop Riley and I actually went to high school together and I never saw or at least you never displayed any of this behavior is this something that you were trying to repressed in your high school years well you know in the sense that I had interests and desires that that were unknown to anybody around me so I felt very singled out and and kind of like how can you ever have a normal relationship with this interest and then luckily as time went on and remember back the you remember in high school the internet wasn't the way it was now you know stuff so now you know things if you know if I was in high school now I probably would have felt less shame about it yeah and that's why I was so motivated to become a writer and and in regards to this community to let other people know having gone through that shame and then also have becoming comfortable with that with that aspect l flash' wants to know if you have someone to take care of you while you roleplay my daddy takes very good care of me he will feed me he changes my diapers he tickles me makes me laugh plays with me literally what a daddy does to their child I'm a bit of a switch where I like to take care of people as much as I like to be taken care of I wish I could hashtag forever alone can you show me some of your props these are two little rattles one two Triceratops and one's a little dragon which I love so much hey what do you do [Music] this is my punishment pal okay technically my punishment paddle is my devil paddle a-hole you got different colors for different types of punishment so like if I'm just being a little bratty and not actually bad yeah and then this would be this or if we just want to have pink fun these are I mean you can tell that these are about four or five regular diapers that's that's some high-quality diaper yeah and we're talking about crinkles Oh we got your high class crinkle right this is my ball baby pacifier I do smoke I mean as you can tell you're a little stoner baby you've been on TLC's my strange addiction for being addicted to being an adult baby how has that changed your life well you know a a couple weird conversations with my mom yeah and stuff but you know kind of like kind of like with any you know that breached the wall of kind of like it was no longer part of my private life I had been writing a blog for almost two decades now you know so I was out to the community and I would get recognized in public everyone's mom Vegas paradise wants to know how you feel about television programs that paint your community as freaks yeah we call them shocking memories in the community so they basically like all these people they're obsessed with it they do it all the time and like they can't not have it in their lives why do you think so many of these places do that because you know money because it's easier to make money off just playing someone as a freak than it is to actually allow you to understand them that's it's awful but unfortunately I feel like that's just capitalism what is it about being an adult baby that brings you the most joy that it just helps with my anxiety and depression like it literally makes me so happy whenever I'm just not feeling that way after regressing community is a huge part for me yeah but I think if I was in a relationship it would be more so the intimacy between a partner and just trusting each other completely to do something so intimate probably the smell of baby powder that's yeah the smell of baby powder because that is just such a mental trigger what do you think the biggest misconception about adult babies is it has nothing to do with children at all 18 plus 100% nothing to do with kids we're not trying to be around kids with diapers or anything this is something that consensual adults do every profile on line says 18 plus and if not the the the community will draw in court or anybody that has got anything to do with kids why do you think so many people have such harsh judgments about adult babies something that people don't know about and different scares people I'm a lesbian so being called a pedophile kind of came with it like back then before gay marriage was legal people called gay people pedophiles you know that we were like obsessing over children you call the pedophile because they were like the same gender and I was underage which is really messed up what the people on I mean back then man people used to use that so gay as an insult yes like that it was a different environment so I was already used to it so when I gone to this I was kind of like okay I'm not one so by if I were to dress up like a baby would you be down to kind of give me a representation some kind of show of what you like to have done to you when you're a baby are you asking me to DOM you I'm teddy will you Dom me can I have your consent you have my consent too Dom me y'all heard it baby Anthony here ready to get done ready to have ready to meet my mommy died for pin how do you even walk I won't yeah I walk just fine I got you a present okay okay you got me a present yes okay you made me a pacifier isn't it adorable read what it says put dildo on it and it has a cute little rattle of having a bad boy probably 50% I have a parting gift for you we have a new brand new inverted version of the shirt you can take your choice but you could get these both at Patil though shop.com hmm let's do the inverted oh hell yeah yeah this is this is perform when you're afraid you're a little and you just want to put it on you're like oops I wrote it myself subscribe to Anthony Padilla right now or my daddy will come and give you a spanking or you got five seconds a shout-out or promote anything you want directly in the camera go thank so you can follow me at gummy pom-pom on YouTube Twitter and Instagram follow me on instagram at Kona kamiki Reilly barbecue at Twitter is my address and listen to the mountain goats thank you so much Riley I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world of adult babies yeah I hope we both learned something today and it is great to see you after spending the day with these adult babies I've come to realize how much they like anyone else have their own ways of navigating through life and are simply living the life that makes them happiest if this fringe culture isn't hurting anyone who are we to judge these adult babies for finding a way to fully feel comfortable with themselves isn't freedom of expression something we should all be striving to embrace a little more in our own ways see you later bye guys that's alight don't think about you know the fact that there's lights and everything and you know don't don't think about global warming climate change and yeah construction of war in the world and everybody I'm gonna tell about this and all that kind of stuff relinquish your adulthood and you know all your memories and your hairy arms and everything you just let it go okay and you just enjoy and you can just have a little sip I think you can actually double fit you know oh do your do your you know yeah oh that is precious I give you but Pat's but you know actually I think that was a taint that was it
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 4,872,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, adult babies, tlc, my strange addiction, addicted, diaper lover, ab/dl, adult baby, adult diapers
Id: DmpAWm8b2pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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