Recent Baby Reptiles that have Hatched!

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oh my God something hatched Emily yes you just spray in the air I'm seeing how far it'll reach whoa it was way far now yeah I guess it goes way across the room look look look what hatched no way don't show it yet oh did one of these hatch yeah look oh okay I think we need to do a video about all the animals we haven't shown that we've hatched in this building he's so cute isn't he will show him very last all right so who's first who's the first animal that we did not show for in a video six reasons yeah so sometimes clutches are one egg clutches or only one baby hatches or you know there's just not enough to make a video about them so some of the animals some of the babies just don't get strolled on the channel as a result so today we're gonna show you all of those to kind of fill in those gaps I guess it's also 11 o'clock at night so that's where those lights aren't on yes they're all asleep but that's okay first one is gonna be one seen as an egg several times in video but it has finally hatched the last tri-color hognose from last breeding season it is I'm gonna cheat lots of dirt oh yep there he is there he is all right let's see now that I know where you're hiding come here little tricolor this guy was the old oh he's got a little tail Buzz did you yeah the only good egg in her last clutch but she had what four clutches so it makes sense yeah some ridiculous amount yeah here he is the last baby tri-color of 2022 rattling his tail he actually hatched in 2023 but we're still counting him as a 20 20. yeah exactly and this one has kind of at every other checkerboardy type pattern oh you're so angry I mean he's actually a pretty good sized little hatchling he hasn't had his first meal yet he just hatched actually a few days ago while we were at the Arlington show but even though he's a good size I mean he's nothing compared to some of these other babies that we hatched earlier here's one of the babies from the clutch that hatched before him so this is from the third clutch then and there's already a noticeable size difference yeah I'm tiny oh my gosh it's your sibling just older sibling look meet each other love each other you're so cute together yeah his is more like a symmetrical pattern it is isn't it yeah this is not symmetrical at all and we actually have uh we are holding back a pair from the first clutch too so let's check those out here is a baby from the first clutch that hatched and this is the baby that just hatched this is from clutch number four from the mom so he's even bigger we had four clutches we did the first one from the first clutch this is from the first clutch that hatch the first clutch went bad because it was her first eggs okay so this is from her second clutch of eggs which was the first one to hatch and then I just showed you the baby from the third clutch and this baby is from the fourth and single baby clutch so fast it's insane how fast this species grows yeah I feel like the species is like a house fly get in get big before you die yeah pretty much that's really the life of a tri-color hognose mom is still doing great though by the way so hopefully we have her for another breeding season dad is still trying to breed with himself probably he always does but yeah here is the first baby of today's video that wasn't shown in its own video the next babies in this video haven't actually hatched yet even these are some false chameleon eggs and we already did a video with a baby false chameleon and she is doing great so we probably won't do another one so soon with more baby false chameleons but we have more eggs they look good that Moss is a little wetter than I want it to be I think we have figured it out in that they have to incubate in drier habitats so I think I'm gonna swap out that Moss for some dry must but yeah we have more false chameleon eggs I'm speaking of eggs we have one more egg right we have one more egg a very exciting egg actually a species we had never read before that has laid an egg out here it's out in the zoo like all the other things that uh breathe art yeah it seems like it let's see it's in this island because it's the only Island that's lit up right now yep oh good yes yeah he hasn't moved much I added a speech bubble yesterday and he's sticking around the speech bubble can you find our egg can you find it do you see it we'll Pan the enclosure you try to find the eggs okay I'll start over here and I'll get closer okay insert Jeopardy music except we can't because then it'll get demonetized dude did you see it uh it's been on camera a couple times okay well if you haven't seen it yet here it is tail Gekko egg look at that just plopped it right on the branch yep so Ranch all right Leaf there you go it's late sorry yes so yeah here's the male the female is actually in the back you can see her from my position here yeah she likes to hang out back there yeah she hides quite a bit the male loves to show off he likes to show off his uh his manhood right right here like look at them yeah love them they laid another egg on that stick but it like fell off and then the isopods just devour it so that thing that looks like poop is not actually poop yeah it was an egg it wasn't egg at one time interesting though I thought they like other geckos laid their eggs in pears I guess not but so far I've just seen two singular eggs maybe because they need to glue them to something they don't lay them in pairs maybe yeah we're not too familiar with the species in particular so never bred them before we just have the pair together and they've decided to breed so hopefully that was a good spot for the egg and hopefully it'll come full term yeah what are you doing trying to find okay gecko eggs but I don't see any of those yet I mean I would guess there's gonna be toke eggs in there look there's a tokay mouth oh it's right there that's a dangerous end yeah put your finger right there I'm good thank you though there's a brown egg right oh is that an egg I don't think that's quite an egg oh speaking of that baby false chameleon there she is if I can get a good focus on it there she is she's a lot bigger uh hi cutie you're not looking at me you look like you have a screwed up eye but you don't you're just looking the wrong way next babies are baby garter snakes that were born in the zoo and we've done so many baby garter snake videos we just decided not to film this litter clutter uh the normal colored ones down here were actually surrendered to our adoption program at about the same time so they're just all kind of buddies I know at the same time those were surrendered later I'm sorry these are a little bit older but here are we've got our babies that were surrendered and there's one normal colored one in there too that was also born in our Zoo just a different species so we can't have just all the Garter baby babies together because they get along really well and they eat better when they are together so the more the merrier why not we'll just put them all in the same enclosure so what all did we breed here we produced some normal Checkers some planes and some albino Checkers okay come here albino so that albino Checker you just poked and disappeared from the side is one of our babies yes that is one of our babies oh now they're on the other end of course hi guys the baby of snake Discovery yeah are you gonna come out now oh look at the white tip on his tongue oh it's so cute I just love the albinos they have such a pretty stripe down their back and it's an adventure finding babies in the exhibit in the zoo I'm sure some have just escaped behind the paneling and we'll won't see them and then they'll come out as adults it took a while find all the babies because they found a way to get behind their Rock and we can't behind there's we had to wait till they decided to all come out in addition I think Mom gave birth behind one of the Rocks themselves so the babies just had to come out on their own but now we have we're pretty sure all the babies I mean they're a couple months old now they're pretty big and they are good yeah I was gonna say those are monsters yeah they've been growing really really well they're eating worms and chicken hearts and tilapia all sorts of things people and people they're actually pretty socialized too I mean this one just came right on out so they've definitely gotten used to people oh it's Emily with snakes I'm sure that's what he's thinking can you look in the tube and see the others I see a butt of one yeah there's a butt okay well there's like four more in the cork oh okay any under here I think so I think as well there's more there's some more baby garters just just you know these normals are really pretty aren't they yeah those are the ones surrendered to adoption Island they all are getting along oh except they're not as socialized go bacon go back oh gosh there you go now he's a water snake okay okay sold some of them already but oh he's coming out too but yeah just pizza scales on his head dude did you not shed the scales on your head can I can I can I get that oh okay never mind I like this one yeah that sounds really cute yeah just wants to say hi and meet everybody you are super cute is Tom this is Tom yeah okay I might have to get some pictures for of him all right next up are some bugs assassin bugs to be specific we are regular regularly breeding assassin bugs here in the zoo it's crazy if you keep assassin bugs together and feed them a lot they breed they just breed yeah so we have a couple different like ages here this one's actually a bit older than the other ones we have when they first hatch from their weird elongated eggs they kind of hatch out like a an orange color let's see I think this one is pretty young yet here we go here's a newborn oh yep isn't that weird just a strange let me get to your finger no I'd rather not hold this little dude well I mean I guess he has a tiny little proboscis what could he do so what these the assassin bugs do is they literally assassinate their prey by stabbing them with their proboscis and I can't remember if they injected nerd what's it for bosses oh it's the uh attachment to the face of a lot of insects like the long tongue-like thing that moths and butterflies drink from that's a proboscis okay and uh on assassin bugs their proboscis takes the form of an impaling weapon that they use to kill their prey so yeah kind of cool it's hard to see on a little juvenile here but that's what they start out as is this little red color okay and then after they molt a couple times they turn into this got some nice black coloration little yellow legs I'm not gonna let you hold I'm not gonna hold you yep you might actually be able to do it probably couldn't do too much damage but when they become an adult then they can do some real damage so these are full-grown adult assassin bugs we have the twin spot variety so when they have their final mulch they get a pair of white spots on their wings and then you know they're an adult but that's when the proboscis is large enough to really hurt you can kind of see the proboscis on this one right here on the underside of this cork bark that shiny bit that curves backwards underneath his head that's it that's his impaling weapon of choice do they inject their victims with Venom uh they will take their um says and they stab the prey and then inject it with a lethal saliva that essentially liquefies the insides of their prey and then they just kind of suck it all out it's pretty metal yeah so what you're saying is that's not a very lucky Cricket right there no he his end is near yeah and he's going to be heated by that yeah and these guys they have a lifespan of like six to ten months individuals are over a year old yeah we got them when the zoo was open so it's still alive oh my gosh I just realized how old they are I mean they're doing great but maybe we should hold back those babies and raise them up so we have replacements for them we have a lot so we do and they keep breeding so that's good we'll just collect some babies hold them back you can house babies in there but there's a good chance they're gonna get eaten by the adults so you typically want to separate them until they're a good size I mean we don't really know these might be some of the babies too you know I did at one point see a couple that were slightly smaller and didn't have spots so I think a couple babies did actually make it so maybe maybe that's why they are still alive okay we'll go with that oh look our millipedes are doing well yeah since we're filming so late they're actually out yeah but they were eating that yeah sweet potato but then we turned the lights on so they don't want to be out but we also have the the pink Dragon yeah millipedes are doing really well actually yeah cool and speaking of inverts since we're over here anyway and speaking of babies this will come as no surprise but our stick insects are also breeding what I know it's all right hard to believe how did you get those to breed it was really difficult well I think we're on generation seven now I don't I don't even know they breed just it's so staggered now we have adults we have all life stages right now like oh my gosh they're everywhere yeah yeah they are everywhere there's more stick walk there's more alive sticks than dead sticks honestly we we can't sell them fast enough like if you need walking sticks guys come in and buy some well if you live in Minnesota straight from the zoo exhibit I need walking sticks we have too many yes too many living sticks too many sticks on the dance floor two mini sticks and the last species we are going to cover in today's video will be in there is what's in here which is super cute we're gonna open this after explaining kind of what's going on here and you're gonna love what's in here who's so he's adorable oh my gosh she's so cute yeah okay so behind me we have some Madagascar giant day geckos yes this was originally when the zoo opened an abronia habitat we had a pair of abronia in here and they just weren't doing well well they just didn't like the zoo they were very shy and they were they were eating they were thriving but they just didn't like people and the female actually belongs now to Tyler and Maddie you know the the contestants from our build off they have their own channels they did the graveyard theme enclosure last year they have one of our bronia now which is kind of cool she went to a couple homes before reaching them yeah unfortunately but yeah but anyway they have her uh and we have switched this over to a giant day gecko enclosure and they are doing big chunky mail right there yes and this Harem of women exactly I think there's four in here currently one is a newer rescue that has a regenerated tail I'm curious on if the tail is going to turn green after a while I think it will because it start it was started red and now it's turning into like a brown slash you can see slightly green scales on the side yeah I think she's gonna be okay and have kind of a green tail in the end and uh yeah most uh what is it a trio the trio in here we so male and two females we purchased right I believe or was it a male and a female I think we got a male and a female okay and then somebody dropped out two females are surrenders yeah and we have room for more too so if we get more girls after a quarantine period we'll probably just add them in here because they seem to get along great and they're out and they're out all the time yeah people they stick their heads out of the Court there's always one on the front and one on the vine they're great display animals on the glass always which is wonderful for our staff we don't clean that up our staff loves cleaning up their poop and they seem so well that they have they have been laying eggs regularly yes this is January or sorry February 19th the first baby has hatched which is crazy because it was found on 120. yeah is it normal for them for them they take like three yeah three weeks a month four weeks four weeks maybe it wasn't found in there right away maybe I don't know but it just seems so quick are we ready for this moment I think we are the first ever baby day gecko born at snake Discovery he's adorable he or she yeah three two one oh my gosh oh my gosh so cute oh my gosh it's not even as vibrant as he was earlier today I wonder if he's like waking up or falling red tail yeah yes with those stripes and the little spots on his back and his big eyeballs oh my God she's so cute oh and the second one hatches out yeah there's two eggs in there he hatched from that one this one okay so this one still needs to hatch yeah a little eggy you need to hatch please hatch tonight that'd be amazing oh he's okay oh God he is a Derber should I try to take him out do you think he'll go crazy probably you've got to be somewhat friendly and oblivious to the world right I mean we've seen their parents oh my gosh don't freak out I want to hold you oh my God oh so stinking cute holy cow dude I love you so much I'm not gonna be able to hold you ever again nope because you guys are crazy I mean in all fairness we did see the person at Tinley who trained one oh that's true so they are trainable yeah that's a good point okay most likely he's never gonna be held again they have such a big head yeah they do and you're right just like the red tip to the tail right there okay we don't need to lose him yeah okay you're fine you're fine you're okay dude all right I won't touch your tail I'm sorry I don't like his tail being he does not want his tail touched you're okay I like how they jump with no regard to their life yeah and the tough part with day geckos is they Slough their skin yeah so if you touch them with your hand their skin will or their scales will literally just slide right off yep and they will regrow the scales we actually the female right here on the vine has you can see right on her side where she got somebody grabbed her and two pieces there like right there and right there it's left off left off and they're kind of different growing they look a little different but I mean they're still doing their job they're protecting her and yeah you know what a weird defense mechanism though just to slide your scales off I mean you don't just rip your skin off when somebody touches you you're weird it's like muscle underneath so strange why would they do that oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm still taking over how cute you are oh my goodness okay well I think what we might do is we're gonna end it here for now and we're actually gonna come back tomorrow and see if that second egg has hatched if not then we still have one cute baby if so then we'll have two yeah and we also have two more eggs in incubation right now we do they keep laying them so we're gonna keep hatching them all right we're back here it is day two yes here's the new little habitat I made for the baby yeah yeah I put together some snake Discovery awesome mix through and some springtails I should add some isopods but I think we're just gonna like sell them in this because when we sell them I don't want to have to catch them from anything or have an employee exactly he's gonna go home in this should we see how he's doing yeah let's see if his uh sibling hatched oh just him cutie cutie oh my gosh cute today I didn't know that was possible hi can you come here oh my gosh Andy hit the floor again no no see and that's why we didn't want to do that when we're trying to sell them exactly you're gonna live in here for a little while oh there you go check it out oh ew a leaf oh he's climbing good job we're so proud of you all right before he escapes again we're gonna put this lid on lock it down there there okay he can't get out he is safe hooray so the other egg just by the looks of it do you think we should cut it open sure we're late at the same time and they were next to each other sharing the you know they were connected even so they were passing the heat between each other right so the other baby if he's still alive should be ready to go yes he might need help so we're gonna cut this egg open do you have scissors yeah you found a razor blade yep two oh wow these are like really calcified oh wigs maybe that's not a good sign let's see I'm assuming oh oh is there a baby in here there's something in there but it looks like it's that weird there is a baby okay I don't think you're fully developed though oh my gosh it moves okay um uh we well I'll just do I I'll just put you back together here just Mist that down okay a lot and then we'll set him in there weird that was not what I was expecting to happen there either all right so we'll miss that down a lot so he doesn't lose humidity okay and then we'll just set him back in there okay okay I guess we're gonna continue this video until we figure out what's gonna happen with this little baby yeah oh okay well there you go come on out when you're ready yep should I cover him back up with this so it holds in the moisture a bit I mean there's a lot of moisture around it so I'm assuming that yeah maybe it's set a little bit yeah just to be safe we're just gonna close you back up now it's definitely open yeah now he can definitely get out yeah okay weird there we go I guess we'll check back in on Wednesday yeah let's do okay it's been two days so you should be out yeah if he's alive he should be out I see a tail do you yeah oh oh are you oh oh he came out and then he died sad it looks like he's Twisted yeah well if he didn't come out of his egg on his own there were probably some issues with him poor little dude oh it's weird he like fully developed yeah he did and he actually made it out of his egg and like crawled around a bit but okay didn't make it well that's all right it sometimes happens we have one stinking cute little day geckos we're gonna focus on that so thanks for watching today's miscellaneous babies born or hatched at snake Discovery um again this was just babies that didn't make it in another video so now they're in their own videos exactly they get a whole baby video yes so thanks for watching guys thank you patreon backers for your amazing support and we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,127,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby reptile, baby snake, baby lizard, day gecko, tricolor hognose, hognose snake, garter snake, stick insect, assassin bug, reptile breeding, baby reptiles, snake discovery, snake discovery baby, hatching gecko, breeding geckos, cute animals, cute reptiles, cute lizard, snakes, reptiles, lizards, false chameleon, animals, pets, exotic pets
Id: UCcDwuMx86U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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