Cute Baby Hognose Snakes Hatching!

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all right egg check i've been waiting on these still naughty and enzo oh oh oh that might be a pimp right there it is oh those snakes are hatching all right so these are pipping for another video okay and oh oh that's a super conda just casually sitting who is it oh my gosh hi i guess these hot noses are hatching well let's take a closer look at you yeah you have a beautiful stripe hi cutie oh are you so scary oh what a scary hog no snake yes i'm very intimidated look at your cute little face hi man and that stripe is really pretty too oh wow the first baby out from this clutch is a super conda that is crazy sorry i just shut the door cause i didn't want to let all the air out hi sassy pants oh my gosh you're denting you've got to be getting close you look good you're denting denting yeah so denting means that they are getting really close to hatching this is our video game clutch and the pair was omnomlet and she was paired with bra which is a conda and she was dropped or paired with dropkick murphy which is not a conda and since the first baby is a super conda that tells us that brah is the dad so we'll introduce you or show you him later and i think we're gonna give these eggs a little bit of time to pip if they want to and then tomorrow we will come back and cut them all open to help the unhatched ones out all right it is time to cut these eggs i will admit i never put a date on the lid so i forgot when they were laid and it did kind of take me by surprise to see a baby super condom or a baby at all but i checked them every day because i never knew i didn't know what it was going to be also the weird thing is usually one pips then others piff and then a couple days later one's out of the egg but not in this one in this case look at them oh there's one there's another one oh it's a cutie look at your little face sticking out oh hi little dude what are you doing what in the world's going on oh my gosh but still this one overachiever much yeah yeah you're out here yeah look at that i can help you finish your first shed we'll just go like this because hog nose is shed immediately out of the egg which is kind of cool for complete the other ones haven't even like these two have dented and he's pipped yeah yeah okay well some of us are just sleeping in i think but we're gonna wake them all up aren't we you're such a pretty stripe yeah yeah so she does this one dark colors i don't know if this was a girl or a boy that's tough i'd say boy huh it's funny i was thinking girl but i don't know we'll take a closer look later you are very cute and because of the pairing now we know that both parents were condas since they made a super conda yeah all of these babies now a quarter of them will be normal so they'll have a lot of little spots uh half of them will be condas so they'll have fewer but larger spots and possibly all black bellies and the remaining quarter will be super condas so you being the first one out you had a 25 chance of being a super and you were a super oh look at that black belly beautiful and they also stopped looking at my belly both the condos and the super condas have these white walls uh alongside each alongside the belly and yeah so it's basically the conda jean is a patternless jean is this their video game clutch yeah yeah it is oh you took back in oh my gosh i'm not ready to come out oh you need to see that up close oh my gosh that is stinking cute look at him what are you doing he's come out already really dark oh i'm sorry did you touch me i'm sorry okay let's move you into the timeout bin and then you won't be in the way yep okay all right let's cut these eggs open we'll start with portal all right this might be the biggest egg in here so come on super condom come on twins oh my gosh every so cool oh goop looks good okay we just cut a bunch of full snake eggs and these are going to be the exact opposite yeah both snake eggs have such like calcified shells these are such paper thin shells it makes them really tough to cut but that's all right we'll get there we have a nice sharp blade here okay portal baby is alive looks good that's good oh oh i see some spots i think it's kind of ooh that's a tough one to tell that one might be a normal might be normal next is angry birds we'll do the angry bird are you gonna be an angry baby of course probably a lot of babies are okay that looks good as long as they're healthy that's all i really care about okay that's probably enough see this baby is normal normal lots of spots there man for each egg having a 25 chance of being normal we have two normals already yeah okay is this one emily assassin's creed right yeah tried to call you out on it i knew what it was never played that game before i played all the time yeah sure when uh what's the premise of the game you kill a bunch of people yeah why you don't need i don't want to give away the game sure spoilers that would ruin the storyline okay assassin's creed baby is super condom another good looking super yeah yeah no spots at all there wow crazy okay so the first four eggs that we open or open themselves except for you i don't know what you are normal and super kinda yeah no condoms no condoms that's crazy yeah they're all gonna be exactly okay zelda baby i wonder what this must look like to a baby hog nose on the inside like oh no a blade in my face that's okay we're careful yeah okay zelda baby is a normal there's a lot of spots there okay a little normal then we have sims oh yeah what do you think sims baby is gonna be i mean the odds are you always take the best odds i'm gonna assume con that's what i was thinking too let's see if we're both right or both wrong oh goop is like cloudy yellow yeah we've had a lot of that this year yeah not a lot but enough that they look fine yeah as long as it's not red yeah like cloudy red that's not a good sign this might be okay though all right sims baby is normal oh my gosh why are there no condoms oh my gosh okay now do three supers yeah yeah there we go oh this is crazy i can feel the baby in here okay because it's so deflated he popping himself uh no it's just really deflated for some reason i've never seen one that's deflated before so we're just gonna like cut it like this because i can pinch and cut yeah okay this baby is that looked like a condom that looks like a condom finally okay so what we're looking for is fewer and more spread out oh wait maybe not yeah that doesn't look that looks like a normal why are there no condos okay yep normal how about n64 controller wheel super yeah come on super condensed it should have been super nintendo because then we could have been like super casual oh that would have been perfect n64 controller is oh that looks honda yeah look at that big spot with a lot of space around it yeah that's a condo there we go finally oh my gosh so four suit four normals two supers one conduct yep an unknown and a face oh are you are you gonna come out are you saying hello you want to show us what you are can we see your head stamp does it all all three of the morphs have the same head stamp so we we don't know what you are no that's just gonna make you tuck in if anything you are super cute yeah yes okay let's see that one hatched so this is gauntlet gauntlet was the first super nice best game for the best snake in the collection haha awesome do the ghost trims pac-man okay oh we did two pac-mans here yeah we did yeah two characters from it that's right we put your uh parents favorite games next to each other oh yeah galaga for your dad pac-man for your mom so we'll cut those last i'm gonna go with super kinda i am too i'm gonna have high hopes this is gonna be a super oh all i see is is black got a little bit more okay this baby is normal uh normal looks healthy though yeah okay why don't we have the odds flipped like why can't all the normals be supers yeah wait a second if we're hitting those odds maybe some of these normals might be low expression contest that's there is that chance yeah so we'll count what we have what we think we have and then when we're out we'll know for sure and we'll see how close we are just by peeking in eggs from halo yep halo grunt is a normal why are there so many normals okay toad be a super come on be a super conda you know they're like ah it's a nice warm like balloon feeling in here and then we reach in cruel world yeah toad is normal a normal was less spots maybe i think that's a normal there's a lot of spots there there's a lot but i've seen there be a lot of spots on campus please one of these three be a super please we could use another one all right has a 25 chance of being super and then we have two that's okay though this one is i can't tell i can only see belly up kinda you think that's a condom yeah yeah i think that might be a conda as well i'll get like a low expression conda konda better than normal okay so i think what we should do for these last two is whichever one is the better morph wins like between your dad and your mom whoever they win the better video game yes okay yeah well they oh i see yeah i just meant like who's our favorite parent between the two of them i'm going deep yeah okay let's do that i'm not gonna do that my mom watches these videos yeah she does okay well maybe we won't do that then i'll just do who's who has who's the better video game pac-man or galaga it all depends on the morph inside okay that's what we'll do i mean i have a strong preference on one of these video games over the other because one of them is kind of boring but okay gallagher come on come on you are a condo i think you're right in the middle okay a conda all right yeah now we'll hit the odds okay you're the opposite odds pac-man okay if this is a better game it'll be a super conda yep if it's just a normal then galaga is the better game again we try to say this every time we're cutting red is not bad red is from the veins on the inside of the shell that deliver oxygen to the baby it is perfectly fine yep yep not cutting the baby they cut themselves out exactly let's figure this out once and for all pac-man is a normal not a super but is it a conda oh it might be a conda that's a conda all right okay they are equally good games ah okay we will never know which is the better game well we all know which one's the better we all know which one's actually the other game your choice yeah yeah let us know in the comments which one is better because obviously the hognoses can't decide yep all right well we have two supers a total of two out of a clutch of maybe well yeah i don't know maybe a third oh that's true the one poking the head out we don't know what that one is yet but out of 15 eggs we should have you know about four supers we have two yeah that's okay though somehow we got two so many normals why are there so many normals ah that's okay yeah unless we have some sort of like split dad going on because we paired omnomlet to bruh and these two are both condos so to make a super con the bra would have to be the dad of those at least yeah because we paired her to dropkick murphy who's a normal and if he was the dad then there'd be there'd be more normals if he was the dad so maybe it's a 50 50 clutch with the dance yep but that's all right we got pretty good odds on the super contest yeah that's true so there we go last one will be that guy so i guess when they're all out we will come back oh he's so upset oh sorry yeah you're not going to be the only one out anymore soon little hiss oh you're so scary i love the tail curl yeah that's my favorite part but if we come back and there's three supers yeah yeah we know what that is that guy yeah and this guy you are so sassy oh my gosh all right we'll come back when they're all out the babies are out we've been gone for a little bit because of the schomburg show but that just gave them more time to all come out of the eggs yeah so we have not looked at these yet other than seeing just a massive babies through the plastic so let's see yeah i think they're all out anyway so i guess first we're going to see if they're out then we're going to see if they're healthy then we're going to see if they're morse or what their morphs are so we might notice the morphs first though i guess let's find out all right so we know there's two super condos maybe a third because the one's head was only poking out let's see one one two two okay so there are two super condas don't you guys already digging no look at you go i wonder if we're gonna have any drama queens let's see we have a nice conda here look at you you look nice and healthy okay we have oh a really pretty little normal here you're teeny we have our burrowing condom a burrowing condo here look at you you just want to take off oh he's got like a bow tie right there yeah that's cute okay bow tie baby goes over there a normal you're a nice size normal you look good are you a boy or a girl you are a boy look at that long tail whoa totally a boy okay here's a nice normal oh curly tail yeah i just noticed that too oh can you curl it again no no no okay not anymore really busy pattern on that one like you have so many spots holy cow here's a good opportunity to show you the difference between a normal a conda and a suit oh wait wait come back there we go and a super conda nice can you guys sit still a little bit so basically the super conda jean as you can see is really just a patternless gene and when it's partially being expressed it slightly reduces the pattern and that's what we call conda and then when they have both copies of the gene so the patternless gene from mom and dad then it removes all the pattern altogether and they visually express that patternless gene completely and that's how you get superconduct so because of this if anybody tries to sell you a heck kind of thing it's not a thing that is fake yeah you have heard that before that somebody was sold a heconda and it's like yeah that's not uh impressive or not yeah you either see it or you don't so this normal we know because of how the condagene works is just normal there's no head conductor nope no no head conda no conda in him at all no patternless no super condom no conda he is just normal if he had any of the other things he would show it visually look that one's hiding the others wait which one oh there's like a pants guys what are you i think you are a conda yeah look at that let's see if you have a black belly like condas do oh mostly back black belly and the beautiful white walls along the side of the belly too you're really tolerant of me holding it he's like pull me back you like don't care okay here you go oh that's really pretty i mean there's no morphs or anything that just shows you the variation of normal snakes or wild type snakes that is cool okay normals oh i think you're a new one oh wait we only have one condo over there so that means we're gonna re-pick some you're super cute i don't know if we saw you yet or not but you're really cute you're a conda there's a conda whoa look at the difference between these super condas one has a stripe and one is completely clean yeah that's really pretty oh his face is weird-looking yeah they have different head stamps too like this yeah he does okay does he have eyes yeah that sometimes can happen light coloration compared to the other one yeah look at all the design this one's got going on his head really pretty just variations in superconduct two bellies not three bellies underneath so there's three that are also buried okay let's uh take these babies out that are on the surface we can separate them into segregation oh perfect okay okay so we have normal conda super conda perfect here's oh this one's kind of like a reddish colored conda you're really pretty okay right here hi cutie look at you oh look at that black belly uh there are three more at least three more hidden in here so i'm digging to find them baby hog noses where might you be oh there's one aha i found a conda yeah as you thought you were hiding you're so cute just goes to show as soon as they're out of the egg they're like instinct is to go down yeah good luck finding babies yeah you have to dig don't throw out your perlite until you have gone through it all or you just know how many eggs you had and then oh yeah that also works well what if you get twins that's true you never know that looks like a conda to me yes it does oh you're really pretty whoa whoa whoa this one has a stripe down the bottom oh that one might be a keeper that's really pretty boy i don't know are you a girl you're a oh yeah you've got to be a girl yeah that's a short tail well well we're keeping her you're staying with snake discovery wow you're so pretty okay you can still go with the condos though oh there's another one hi baby oh another condo all the condos are buried all the condos are like what's kind of interesting here is with how the patternless gene works we should have had um let's see we did condaconda should had 25 normal 50 condos and 25 superconductor so with 15 eggs we should have had three maybe a fourth super conda and we should have only had three to four normals we have a lot more normals than that we have two three four five six seven normals almost twice as what we should have gotten and we should have had a seven eight seven to eight condos one two three four five six so a little shy of the condos a little extra on the normal and we did get shorted on supers but that's okay it just shows you that you can't control nature yeah you can you can get a best guess 25 chance doesn't mean you're actually at 25 exactly yeah it has worked out like right on the nose like to the ratios that we were expecting we got that in our babies before like with the lavenders we had 50 lavender 50 normal like we were expecting but sometimes that doesn't happen so we're just happy that all these babies look really healthy so we're going to set them up in baby bins so you guys all know kind of how we set up baby bins i'm just going to share with you a few of the differences i make with hog noses compared to other babies like both snakes and fox snakes and it has to do with their behaviors and their size so like the other snakes we have a paper towel at the bottom and i missed slightly missed the paper towel i do feel bad that they don't have the ability to burrow but the paper towels are still i think worthwhile to have right now because it makes feeding them easier and safer they're less likely to ingest bedding when they have why they're eating it's paper towels yeah we can monitor their droppings exactly it's a lot easier to drop feed and et cetera et cetera so one of the differences is we have smaller caves in the back because the back is the heated end which means that has to get turned around so the back is the heated end we use smaller caves back here we also like to use caves that i mean this is a 3d printed cave that has a a a topper to it but instead of using it as it's supposed to be we like to take each part separately and lay them like this because hog noses like to be crammed into things so this they actually feel more secure in another thing we do differently is their water dish we have be quite a bit more shallow than the water dishes the pvc caps that we use for the bull snakes and this just helps them find their water a little bit easier they don't have to climb as high up as they would on a pvc cap so it makes easier or it makes water easier for them to find like the other snakes we still add a rock or something rough to rub on if we have extra we might add a second thing and i especially like to add a second thing for hog noses as well as extra enrichment for them like fake plants fake flowers so on and so forth and i add a lot more to the hognose bins because they can be picky eaters and they seem to like it to be a little bit more crowded so they feel more secure i think this has to do with something with why they seem to eat better for us as babies when they're kept with multiple babies they're not kept alone i think they feel more comforted or more safe so squished up against their siblings yeah exactly so we're going to do the same thing here we're going to get the others set up and then come back and i'll show you how we're going to arrange them so that feeding charts are easier to follow ta-da baby bins with lots of clutter and the way we like to separate these so that we have an easier time knowing who's eating we're going to mix up the morphs we're not going to put the supers together even though you can tell these two apart we're still going to separate them like this and we're going to try to separate the condas as much as we can into separate bins uh how many do we have again there's a condom conda one more conda well that's a really pretty that's okay so you can tell these two apart because one has a dark yep okay and then all the normals i mean we can put a normal in each yeah basically we try to separate all the morphs so that when we are feeding them and we have a feeding card on the front we can mark super conda eight or all of the mate which is ideally what we want to do then it's easy then all of them had eaten on when you attempted to feed them but more often than not one elite and two won't or two do and one doesn't so you need a way to easily write down how the feeding day went so we just separate the morphs so oh condo8 or all but the condo8 you know so that's how we do it here at snake discovery seems to make it a little bit easier for the ones but that are going to be like we have two normals in here we'll probably said say uh red-headed normal eight and that's how we'll differentiate them so should we put them in the baby rack sure do you want to see how the lavender babies are doing sure hey we're here past 10. it's dark lights off that's all right babies i'll get them a feeding card and water in their water dish right after this babies oh thank you there we go babies babies are done okay before we check on on omelette and tell her what a great job she did having her babies i want to give you a quick update on our lavenders so this bin has the striped conda baby that's hot lavender that we kept and that bow behind him is the pinkish colored lavender i believe yep that's the pink one look how pretty that is oh my gosh and they're all eating unscented two in it uh no there's a third somewhere oh it's probably under the paper towel yep i think it's yep right there kind of a little bit from the pinkies oh yeah that's from the pinky mice i uh fed today i had to like cut the heads off a really gray one yeah so we've got like a silvery lavender and a pink lavender i am so excited for the oh sorry sorry i am so excited for these babies look at all of them yeah and this is only like a few of what we're keeping this explains you know gray lavender eight pink lavender eight and striped normal eight yep so yep that's how we can tell in the park right there no i have to clean that poop look at that means they're eating they are that's true yeah these guys took the lavenders are like all eating unscented frozen thawed i haven't had to do any special tricks to get them to eat they should be ready to go and i think i'm gonna have already reached out to the waiting list by the time this video comes out so they are this video is like a month from now so yeah all these will be sold the ones that are sell eventually up here those are all be gone by the time this video comes out yeah well i think we should go say good job that i'm nomlet all right all right now put your finger there that hole right there just put your finger in there come on put your finger in no wait is i'm not the one that comes out like yeah yeah she is the crazy eater oh don't you flatten out at us what are you doing you never do that hi i'm mom it's okay she's like i'll show you yeah there we go food now she wants to eat me hi om nom your baby's hatched and they're very pretty hi yes you're very pretty too just like your babies oh she is following my hand you want to eat me okay well let's take you out yeah just pick her up she'll get out of it so i'm namlit your babies turned out great you threw a lot of normals but yeah that's okay do better next year yes can you send more super you know i should probably ate the super count of eggs that's true she probably did we do know your tastes like these are the expensive ones my tastes are expensive nature told me to eat the children i think somebody recommended that as a shirt nature told me to eat the children or eat the babies and a picture of omnomlin on there but she did not eat her babies this year which we are so thankful for oh look how sad jester is he's like i didn't get to breed this year guys oh no we didn't look at me i'm so cute you should have bred me sorry you're a teaching animal is he just oh he said albino vinyls from him we could yeah i suppose but we have so many other albino things he's just our ambassador hognose we bring with us we probably shouldn't bring like fancy genetic morph dog what you're doing oh my god what is that face for is this what you do at night when we're at home you just creepily stare out into the distance and push all your bedding to the back okay sorry renovating i guess yeah he's an architect no he's depressed he's he's moving his things around so he makes himself happier look at that face that is a really cute face oh my god that's a good way to end this video all right perfect thank you guys for watching thank you so much patreon backers because you allow us to do so much with spoiling our baby snakes and providing all the food for their hungry hungry mouths uh coming up here pretty soon and she's like i am my own pillow she's ready for bed are you ready to go to sleep thanks for watching goodbye thank you i'm omelette for your um [Music] you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 950,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hognose, hognose eggs, snake eggs, snakes, snake breeding, lavender, snake discovery, eggs, eggs hatching, baby snakes, snakes hatching, baby snakes hatching, snakes pipping, egg cutting, snake hatching, hognose breeding, hognose snake morphs, hognose snake breeding, baby snake, baby snake hatching, snake egg clutch, superconda, conda, conda morph, superconda hognose, conda hognose
Id: 3F-kXJsyzLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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