We got Baby Fat-tailed Geckos!!

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well i have some exciting news this little amell fat tailed gecko is gravid which means she's got eggs in her and i'm waiting for her to lay these eggs in her lay box here and i mean she won't leave the box so i think she's close and i can see her carrying them down there let's see if i can show you a little bit better hey girl i know i woke you up i'm sorry and she's holding them right here and then on the other side too so i mean that white spot is probably one of the eggs and then she's carrying the other on the other side there and they're close they're close geckos lay two eggs at a time so it's pretty easy to know where they keep them now i just have to wait for her to lay them did you lean oh ooh she pushed all the moss aside that means she either laid or is just about to let's check it out hey girl nope no eggs yet but i think we're really close i think she's gonna lay them tonight all right let's see what we have today i don't think we have eggs yet oh my gosh she laid an egg well just what she like she laid one egg look at that all right it's a little squishy but hopefully that'll harden up okay well i guess we also have an exploding false chameleon oh look at that i love how these guys shed yeah from top down and it splits right down the middle even he's got little pajamas on oh we've got the gloves he looks so angry yeah he does oh i'm sorry you're going through that right now dude i'm so mad all right that's going into incubation okay we've got our pearlite here we've got a little indent in the middle for the egg to go since there's only one for some reason i have a helper at my feet hi nice pinky okay what have we got still just the yep just one it's been actually about four hours since i first saw the egg i had to go to my herpetological society meeting and the egg was fine here in the humidity box man it seems really squishy i don't know if this is fertile might not be it might be though i mean sometimes i've found they're kind of soft at first until they harden up a bit so keep the same orientation i'm going to kind of cushion the sides to kind of nestle it in and this way it shouldn't roll around at all during incubation some people even like completely cover up the egg with the pearl light or vermiculite whatever you're using i'm not going to draw a line on it to keep to mark the orientation instead for this one since it's so squishy and wet i'm just going to leave it kind of covered in pearlite and it shouldn't move at all so we should be fine and the reason why i'm a little worried about it being fertile is because it kind of has a yellowish color to it and because of how much squish it has you are not helping yeah you're chewing on my arm while i'm filming you're chewing on my foot what are you doing yes you oh thank you i guess i'm dirty i appreciate that yes well now i'm going to place this in our incubator room which is just our green tree python room since it's heated and it'll sit at about 80 to 81 degrees and i have my helper on the floor hi are you a cutie oh goodbye so this won't be the only egg she has uh fat-tailed geckos she's up there fat tail geckos will have several sets of eggs so i'm hoping in about really i'm hoping in about like three four weeks we should have another hopefully a pair of two eggs like they usually lay or maybe she'll just have another single one but we'll see all right this egg is about two and a half weeks old and i don't even need to candle it to tell that that's a dud egg look it's crumpling in they're caving in on itself it's yellow it's like moldy and slimy and gross so i hate to say it but her first egg of the season is garbage i totally missed that shot on the camera well i just got back from a little business trip and it's been about two and a half weeks since she laid her first set of eggs so let's see if we have any new ones i have the mail with her again because it doesn't hurt to have them paired after they lay their first set don't mind the noise in the background ed's misting his isopods all right girl did you lay any more eggs oh you dug all the bedding off to one side again hi sweetie do you have any eggies let's see let's move you over here oh hey oh she laid two this time as well and these actually look well yeah they're a lot firmer than the first one and that first one was really squishy which is why i didn't have super high hopes for it so we're gonna get these into incubation good job the only problem with these plastic lay boxes is geckos can they can stick these eggs to the bottom of the plastic and then it's hard to peel them off set you in there and i'm going to kind of cushion the sides to prevent it from rolling during incubation to be safe it never hurts to add a little line or an x on top of the egg so you know which way is up let's grab our other this one's really stuck so i'm gonna just slowly move it off there we go okay it wasn't very stuck actually there we go email mom laid some eggs good job mama unfortunately the email eggs did not make it but we have some great eggs from milton who was just our normal fat tailed gecko the eggs that were late on march 27th it's now june 3rd so they've been incubating a very long time but this one is looking pretty close let me show you what i can see here if you look at this egg on the left there's a tiny little indentation right there it's kind of hard i'll see if i can zoom in you can kind of see it kind of now i don't want to rotate the egg but on the left side there you can see how it's starting to dimple and that's a sign that it's getting really close to hatching which means that that one should be hatching soon too because they should theoretically hatch uh within 24 hours so we're getting close oh my gosh there's one of the babies it hatched i dude oh you must have hatched overnight i didn't even see you pip yesterday oh hi oh my gosh i always forget how little these guys start you're adorable but which egg did you hatch from which one did you come out of oh and he's crawling away dude those are the false chameleon eggs this one feels pretty empty oh yeah it was totally this one yep that's where you cut out of oh cool it was the dented one and that means that this egg should be hatching today too and if it's not hatched by this evening i think i'm gonna cut it open and help the little guy out but since they were late on the same day at the same time like literally within minutes of each other they should hatch at just about the same time too i ran into an issue i have them in my hand because i don't know how to put this lid back on there without squishing him i don't know where to put him here dude you can chill with some really big bull snake eggs for a minute while i set up your baby bin oh you're so cute sorry didn't like that let me get your baby bin ready here's the little baby bin i have prepared for the little ones once that one hatches then i'll be putting both of them in here it's pretty basic it's just a cave a rock that offers some traction so something for them to climb on and a little water dish i'm not expecting them to drink from that though honestly i mean first it's pretty tall but i really just put it in there to keep humidity levels high but we're going to open this up and put him in baby oh my goodness you are running around you've got so much energy come here you're so little oh my goodness you are cute half of the babies we hatch here have stripes down their back and the other half do not and in the wild oh you're just are you licking your eyeball that is precious oh my gosh you are so cute so yeah some of them have stripes some of them don't it kind of depends on the parents i prefer the stripe look this one doesn't have a stripe but he's still super cute oh my goodness okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry let's put you in here there's your baby bin oh you still got your oh never mind goodbye i guess so we're gonna leave him and the other one once he hatches alone in here for about a week not even feeding them because they're still absorbing that yolk that they've been receiving nutrients from during the entire a process of incubation and by the way i should mention these guys have been in incubation for 76 days that's a long time for incubation i don't know why they took so long but there you go sometimes geckos take apparently 76 days to hatch and they were incubated at approximately 80 degrees fahrenheit for anybody interested so there you go little dude i'll add your brother or sister once they hatch and if you haven't hatched by tonight i'm gonna peek inside and make sure you're doing all right all right it's only been a couple of hours but this other baby should have hatched by now i feel so i'm gonna take a peek inside and see if there's something going on i basically cut a little hole in here and you can see the fully formed baby in there but he's not responding at all so i'm not sure if he's alive which does sometimes happen i see a lot of unabsorbed yolk right there so i don't think this guy made it unfortunately are you alive oh i don't think he is bummer he was a he was a striped one too see the stripe down his back it seems like half the time one of the babies will hatch and then the other one dies in the shell so i think what we're going to do from now on to prevent this from happening is as soon as one of them hatches we're just going to go ahead and cut a little slit in the other egg because they are you know theoretically ready to hatch so they should be fine with a little slit being cut in the egg and that should help them come out so we've learned from this which is good it's too bad that he didn't make it but yeah in the future we shouldn't have the second one die on us ah someone is one week old to the day and he's right on time going through his first shed it looks like you have just a onesie pajama on yeah shedding his skin should stimulate his appetite so after the shed is complete then we will try offering him food for the first time and check this out it's day 71 for these two eggs from the same pair and they are starting to dent so i bet those will hatch by tomorrow it's kind of funny though because these and this little guy were laid about two weeks apart but they're hatching one week apart and they were incubated right next to each other that's kind of fascinating actually little baby gecko is a little over a week old now and he has officially shed he ate it all up so he looks great and he should be ready for food now too so we're going to see if we can get him to eat his very first meal look at this tasty roach get it here you're so close yep you're licking your lips doesn't that taste good oh my gosh he just took it right from the tweezers oh did you just have to taste it first that's his very first roach oh good job buddy do you want one more that was so cute yeah now that you know that this is food try this second dubia roach oh oh that one was scary it's back there get it you're scared of it here try this oh my gosh oh you don't want that one huh well i guess he just wants the one roach that's okay him eating it all is a fantastic sign and since he took that roach no problem i am confident that he is going to do well he looks perfect you are so so cute little dude and as he grows of course not only will his size change but that tail will get a lot thicker as he gets bigger too it starts out about that size when they first come out of the egg oh my gosh you are so stinking cute and tiny after a few weeks of consistently eating for us and a little bit of growth and maybe a shed he will be ready for his new home we do have a waiting list that's pretty full for these guys already so i will be going through that once he is ready and thank you guys for watching his little adventure from egg to baby and as always thank you to all of our patreon backers for supporting our channel you guys are incredibly generous and we are very excited to show you our first baby african fat tailed gecko of 2020. he's so chill too that's what i love about fat tails is they are super laid back leopard geckos are amazing as well but these fat tails just seem to naturally have a gentle disposition and that's why i like to recommend them for first-time gecko owners and i also use them in my programs when i bring them to schools and scouts and libraries i use fat-tailed geckos to teach with because of how mild-mannered they are as fat-tailed geckos and several other species of geckos explore and move forward they kind of taste their surroundings with the tip of their tongue so as they're walking around their enclosures or in my case my hand as they move forward you'll see them occasionally doing a little blit with their tongue just to see what's in front of them thank you again everybody for watching this little adventure of gekko breeding and we'll see you next time oh my gosh another one just hatched you're not an email are you oh there's also bull snakes right there hi little cutie whoa you might be a little email huh okay now i want to know so we've got the first little baby right here who's doing it very well and then there's you that's totally a baby email oh my gosh we've never produced one before yay look at you we've only produced normals before oh you're so much lighter in color and you look so confused so confused oh my gosh look at how cute they are next to each other ah i can't believe we produced an email finally after like five years breeding these guys man the color difference is huge i have to edit this video tonight so i won't be able to do more updates but it'll be pretty much the same thing where we let this guy sit for about a week and then he'll eat his shed and that'll spark his appetite and we'll be able to feed him too this must mean that milton is het email because she was paired with our email mail i had no idea about this milton you didn't tell me you were het email that's awesome yes isn't that awesome chan who'd have thunk that a plain old fat tilled gecko from petsmart originally a long time ago when they carried them would have been hit amel that's awesome girl also congratulations to you sir you are now a father you
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Views: 4,261,815
Rating: 4.8778715 out of 5
Keywords: baby gecko, lizards, lizard hatching, gecko hatching, breeding geckos, leopard gecko, fat tailed gecko, african fat tailed gecko, fat tail gecko, breeding lizards, baby reptiles, reptiles hatching, baby snakes
Id: uoXStxchZmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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