Pairing our Snakes for Breeding!

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hey everybody today we are going to pair all of our snakes up for the first time this season so we figured we'd do it in a video with all of you joining us who we pairing her with someone's smarter than her so hopefully her babies have a few more brain cells than she does so we noticed that well all the adults all of our breeders have been awake now for a couple of weeks we've been feeding them twice a week instead of their normal once a week nails so we've been beefing them up and just yesterday our male hog noses stopped eating which is what these red clips indicate so what we do here at snake discovery is if a snake doesn't eat we add a clip to the left hand part of their bin if they don't eat a second week it goes in the middle and for a third week it goes on to the right knowing that you can kind of look and see how many meals a couple of these males have now skipped and that really means that they're they're looking for ladies they don't want food that's not on their mind right now something else is so now is a perfect time to pair them because tonight we have snow coming and that means there's going to be a barometric pressure drop so that actually sparks a lot of breeding behaviors in calibrates and just snakes in general so between them not eating and the pressure drop that we're expecting it's the perfect time to pair our snakes we are going to start with our rat snakes and then move on to our bull snakes and then finally pair our hog noses so uh let's start with buck buck has been with this female for quite a while now so we are going to switch him with pixie and or switch the females out hi lady hopefully you had a nice time together and we're going to switch her with this lovely lady who wants food right now buck is not food buck is your boyfriend yeah buck's too big for her yeah that's true there you go all right oh there he is in the back corner hey dude there's your girlfriend she's nice and warm and ready he's like this wall's pretty neat typical guy just oblivious okay that's done now we have the binder full of all of our pairings also fox snakes communal they just kind of chill together yeah so hopefully we just have to watch them just like the ones in the zoo and see if eggs appear oh she's coming oh boy what are you doing i don't think she even knows what she's doing i think she's just like guys did you see how cool i am up here all right we are going to start the bull snakes off we're going to go and order the same order we did with the breeding plains video and we're going to do the stillwater pair first we have mississippi our male stillwater who wasn't roommated because we fed him throughout the winter in hopes that he'd be bigger in the spring so hopefully big enough to breed we'll see if that plan worked he is gonna go in here with boogie woogie hi gorgeous girl i'm not feeding you no this isn't food all right boyfriend don't eat them oh okay that's a good start yeah they didn't chew on each other don't look at him like that don't do anything she had a look in her eye and then she lost it so we're all right so basically with all these pairings we're gonna be here to watch their initial reactions because we want to make sure that the females don't think the males are food with bull snakes they basically just have to interact with each other once and then they pretty much figure it out with hognose snakes we're looking for the hognose twitch and we'll get into more of that later so our next pairing would be hannah and enzo okay enzo and you might he's kind of uh yeah very food motivated isn't he you might notice that we're grabbing the males to put in with the females and that's because after these girls were woken up from formation gosh you are huge you are a very big boy once the girls wake up they start um releasing pheromones that are i mean hopefully breeding pheromones welcoming the mail over so by adding the mail to her enclosure that should yield us some better results or better success with pairing hannah's out in the zoo oh shoot hannah is in the zoo all right i guess we're gonna make a detour into the zoo okay all right hannah looks like she's expecting food right now well this isn't quite food this is a boyfriend look friend not food friend not food don't look at him like that he could take you okay he's smelling her so that's good she seems to be realizing that food was not put in the enclosure i think we're gonna be okay all right i think we're good yep perfect okay they've gotten close so they pass and obviously after we film this video we're gonna be coming through and uh making sure that they're still okay next is dottie and stripy daddy's learned a new trick by the way oh yeah new magic trick with dottie that she's learned left and right there she goes ready ready she's going to come back she's going to come back there she is oh daddy okay stripy you are the lucky man who gets to meet daddy and this is going to be interesting all right food the camera's not food daddy we're not looking for food mode no calm down calm down got stripy here he's not food he's boyfriend slash brother it's called lion brain eating it's not breeding yeah it is a normal thing to do with both snakes i'm gonna grab your poop here if you don't mind me no stop it i think she's all right now so i'm just gonna like forcibly meet them oh oh look another snake can i trust you off the hook you can't eat him i think i'm gonna try how hungry you are but you can't eat him stripy's very important don't try to eat him if she doesn't eat him i think we're good for the rest of the night because she has the biggest appetite yeah i mean she would have been like normally striking if you touched her but i think she's understanding that this is another snake rubbing up against her yep i think so too and we're gonna trust you daddy i think we're good who's going with priscilla this guy ah he just tried to eat me so i think he's got the right personality yeah it's true let me grab his tag they're gonna make beautiful babies oh my gosh can you imagine what their babies are gonna look like holy cow that's like a spryer mr wilson yeah pretty much oh that's right this guy's the he's now named like woman stealer or something yeah all right she's been actually pretty good this year is she yeah she's still pretty uh food motivated but she's not like what was that do you want to explain yourself priscilla right after i started talking good about you yeah let's stay in the enclosure wow she's massive yeah she is huge he'll be a great breeder with actually not your dad yeah he's a new boyfriend look oh friends go down here meet your boyfriend who could that be he's like what in the world she's huge ah they're gonna have pretty albino babe gosh with his reds okay i think we're good yep hey cheyenne who should we pair next oh i know what we're gonna do we're gonna do orange creamsicle with our hypo girl here oh she's patternless i shouldn't have reached my hand down like that yeah she's nice gotcha yeah hi girl we've got a boyfriend in here for you you're pretty too young browns are insane on that backside move down thank you you have a boyfriend don't eat him yeah can you meet him can you say hello there you go who could that be oh it's a boyfriend not food his love is in the air and he's just licking the substrate over here totally oblivious that there's a girl in his room it smells like girls in there oh yeah maybe he's trying to figure that out yeah he's like i've never smelled the girl before there you go follow those pheromone trails she's more interested in him yeah she is all right all right and for the last of the both snake pears we have circus our white sided and we are going to pair him with monroe okay buddy fighter of employees yeah yeah come here biter of employees wow look at that lovely lady oh wow isn't she gorgeous oh they're so they're both white sided she's just hypo on top of it which is why she's so much lighter in coloration but here we go boyfriend girlfriend meeting for the very first time like i don't care about him where is the food and he just wants to hide in the cage well that works sure you do you circus all right and that's how we're gonna pair for bull snakes because as you know we have more pairings planned but the boys are all with a female so uh that's all we can do for right now uh she really wants attention she's like guys you're about to pair the hog noses i'm so excited she's excited too you're so excited look at all those hog noses down there stripey's already chasing after zombie is chasing sorry i didn't mean to distract you go back to it he's like you bring me food if food's not here then i guess i'll go after the ladies okay for hogs the first one we're going to pair is bueller and audrey bueller is our albino condom mail oh he's going into shed post formation chat i wonder if he'll still lock up maybe we'll see otherwise we just pair him later yeah we're gonna pair him with audrey now oh there's a big old poop in there hang on okay poop has been cleaned yeah so with hog noses instead of just them slithering near each other and assuming they're okay we are actually going to be looking for what we call the hognose twitch where basically the male and or the female will start twitching their bodies when they re recognize that another snake is near them so we're gonna i'll point it out if they do it it's kind of a breeding behavior it basically means hey i'm a hognose you're a hognose please don't eat me we're cool okay let's do hog nose stuff and let's do hog nose stuff together and maybe make babies i don't see the twitch here but they also seem not interested in each other at all no okay well we have no feeding response from audrey who's the one i'm worried about she's leaving him so we'll be fine yeah let's see what happens we'll check back in on them yeah okay next is boss hogg who is het snow we're going to pair him with kate all right xanthe had albino which means she's had snow you know girlfriend now she has bred before so she should know what's going on i don't think boss hogg is gonna be a good breeder honestly so i don't have high hopes we have a backup mail plan for her he's just way too high strung yeah so i don't think we're actually gonna be keeping him we just uh we're gonna give it a shot oh there's the twitch there we go that's what we were looking for so as long as she twitches we're good because she realizes that he's not food is basically what that means oh look at that twitch yeah he's not gonna breathe though he might settle down we'll see i think we're gonna end up putting our exam thick with her so we'll see we'll give them a shot all right next we're gonna pair azura and farkas ooh purple one yeah um possibly cut lavender yeah possibly had albino too oh my goodness why did you all leave a big poop in the front we just spot cleaned everything today here you go fargus here's your girlfriend azura she's kind of chunky and so she could use to uh breed this year to lose a little bit of weight she's a big old girl no you can't just dig away from her yep they don't seem like they want to eat each other which is the main purpose of this that's all that really matters all right next is christopher turk hey buddy our little vibration boy perfect timing to stop vibration therapy because now you get the reward you get a girl to busty rhonda oh hey busty you are a huge big old girl yeah but he's a big boy too he is a big boy so they'd be a beautiful pair i think twitch twitch come on come on he's actually showing interest in her he is look at that so the male's oh she's tweeting she's twitching perfect and he's like pushing into her and uh it looks very interested what he'll hopefully do is start slithering alongside her it looks like he's trying to dig into her side right now is he a xanthe yes no okay yeah that's why they look so different yeah she's red line and yeah they are gorgeous snakes he's not trying to like push in and eat is he that's a good question no he's just using his nose to push it into weird okay i have high hopes for those two sweet i'll leave you to be okay next we have flapjack he's way in the back yeah oh and deep in chad he's had toffee belly and we're gonna pair him with waffle who's also head toffee belly hello you two oh look who's that he's not food that's not food he's not food look he's in the enclosure with you so he's a boyfriend and therefore not food yeah smell him a little bit do the twitch she's like i don't know if i like this guys boys have cooties and uh you laid one on top of me he's just like digging into the side yeah he's not very smart dude your girlfriend is right here hope this is a good time to tweet there it is all right the twitch i love how it's more of a girl thing to twitch than it is for the guys it is but that's very nice because then we know that she doesn't see him as well hey twitching hogs that looks so funny so if they're not the funniest snakes because they play dead when you pair them they twitch they just both start twitching such a weird adaptation as they're both sitting there what a weird mating ritual okay well you're both twitching so i'm going to leave you alone you're fine who's getting recruit who's getting paired with on omelette again that is bruh her previous lover so we should be successful again this year oh jeez calm down so we actually yeah we've heard these exact too if i remember correctly was this the pairing that he she ate the eggs yes yes it was all right yeah so don't tell her to eat the eggs or tell her not to eat the eggs this year children are not food look here's boyfriend to make eggs which aren't food you know that now can we have a twitch start here there we go there's that twitch all right her whole head is bouncing oh my gosh i love when they they twitch in the back end and everything moves like a bobble head our next pairing we are very excited for but it unfortunately is not going to happen anymore while we were out at tinley savelle our sablemore fognos just randomly passed away yeah so we were out of town we wanted to do a necropsy on her to figure out what it was we do necropsies on basically everything that dies around here everything gets any crop see here but unfortunately through a comedy of errors an employee put her body in the freezer and not the fridge and in case you don't know you can't get a necropsy on an animal if their body is frozen or if the specimen is frozen uh it does have to be put in the fridge refrigerator in order to have necropsy done so a future knowledge for anyone hopefully it doesn't happen to you but just so you know you do have to put it in the fridge yeah so we're both kind of bummed about that it would have been nice i mean sable was probably one of my favorite morphs that we had yeah and unfortunately we haven't been able to do anything with it since but we'll be on our lookout for more stable stuff we will we are not going to give up on the stable gene we're definitely going to try it again in the future we just have to find another female i guess on the plus side we're now going to pair lumpy with oh goodness he's been a great eater the entire team yeah he's been a great snake we've had him for a long time he's the father of many many babies yeah and we're going to put him with butterscotch our first time breeder albino girl and she's a lovely yellowish albino she's also a very strong feeder yes she is so this is her first time being paired with a male okay i need you to notice him yeah butterscotch turn around turn around oh he's checking her out i think like i know how this works oh yeah he's he's a seasoned player i don't know what's going on put food in my mouth oh oh we're meeting each other there it is there's the touch yes i've never seen this thing before but my instinct is to twitch how weird oh my gosh okay well yeah i think they're gonna be all right all right with them she seems eager yeah and now she's leaving him and she's pushing oh yeah okay so she's moving her body against yeah she yep and she's ready to go she wants the h and last but not least we have shane co we should okay she was in he was in uh shed when i was going to feed him on wednesday so that was yesterday and he's getting paired with tiffany oh my gosh this is the pair that i really want to happen this year hi tim and shane here's your boyfriend meet each other don't eat each other love each other can you show us a little twitch here can you do anything up there she's twitching yes we've got a twitch oh awesome for these two because i really want them to succeed i'm gonna pull her hide too yeah so this is a technique that you can use when pairing snakes you can take their hide out for the day or so that they're paired together so they're going to bump it into each other more they have more room to to move around and they're less likely to just become separated one in a hide one outside yeah the technique we tried to use last year was driving around with the males in the car we had a horrible breeding year last year so we're not doing that this year well we also didn't feed them twice before breeding season i think that was a big part of it too yeah so we are feeding diligently twice a week and hopefully we have more locks that is also not a cave for you cheyenne that's not for you but it could be a hat a hat it's a helmet look at that look she's a tortoise oh my god jordan all right we need to do this tortoise bird yay you did it is she excited all right that is everybody we're gonna pair in this video we do have some other species that we want to pair but we'll be doing that they're more specialty breeders we want to keep a closer eye on them so we'll be um doing that separately and we do have obviously more females that haven't been paired with males but we only have so many males and they can only be with one girl at a time jester jester never got paired nope he didn't who's chester getting paired too nobody oh poor jester he'll be a backup upon backups if we need him fine we'll cave and pair him with somebody but there's no use right now um should we go through and look at all the pairs together let's go check on the corn snakes oh yeah the rat snakes are not together at all really yeah so he's been with a lady for a while he needs a break he needs a break from them still waters our females up front and the male is in back okay that's a good start yeah you know that's what we want she's still expecting food yes she is how about dottie and stripy daddy hi you didn't eat stripy did you he's oh my god stripey's still alive right yeah straight is back there he's like i'm not getting near her she's crazy down here we've got priscilla and our letter c oh oh all right you're oh you're the wrong side dude i'm sorry to say that's the tail wrong way that's the head you're gonna have to yeah rotate next is hypo and patternless they're together at least they're crisscross yeah crisscross applesauce that's how you make babies yeah then we have circus and monroe are you well he's trying yes he is all we see are two tails sticking out okay we will close this back up get her circus uh hannah and enzo are in the zoo but everything is dark because it's really late so we're just gonna leave them be yeah i know they're fine overnight so let's move on to hog noses okay we have we'll just kind of go through where we see double tags we've got kate and boss hog he's just hissing yep and they're opposite sides of the cage it's kind of what i expected like a middle school dance in there yep i'm nomlet and bruh the two conda phase hogs she's still twitching she's just twitching okay he's looking at her he's like i want to make babies but yeah i think they'll be successful this year how about we just put them together yeah about azura and farkas uh she's in the cave one's out of the cave all right i'm pulling this up guys sorry you don't get that anymore how about busty ronda and christopher turk uh they're also on opposite ends yeah all right taking out your cave too i mean at least they were both out of the cave yeah that's true then audrey audrey and buehler [Music] oh they're at least like lined up yeah they're lined up that's a that's a start should i take out the cave you think just in case yeah pull it oh well i think uh bueller he missed he missed eh he'll be fine waffle and flat jack again opposite sides of the the yeah opposite ends all right taking your cave sorry she's like no i don't want to be in here with him he's a boy gross oh lumpy and butterscotch she's still twitching twitching a lot okay and he'll get the job done i believe him and tiffany uh tiffany and shane co please please please please please oh he's trying yes he is oh my gosh tiffany it's up to you he's trying you twitched i think it might actually work you need to go further down dude i want to help like so bad just like he'll figure it out yeah all right well that's good news that's exciting oh cool okay so we're going to leave them like this overnight after we check on them maybe one more time before we go home but with this barometric pressure drop that should get them all into breeding mode so that we watch a bird fall off of her stand so distracting yes you are uh yeah we're gonna check in on them right away tomorrow morning probably keep them together for a day and then pull them apart and if we saw visual locks we'll just remember that mark it down try to get a second visual lock before or a third even before we call it good for that pair for the males that are going to see it multiple females after the first lock we'll probably move them to the next female right away just so they don't run out of juice all right so here we go they're paired the start of 2022's breeding season really successful breeding this year crossed fingers across unlike last year you'll know how successful it is based on how many egg videos start coming out in hopefully about five weeks from now hopefully this channel just turns into egg laying and egg cutting that would be amazing that would be really cool that could fill up the majority of the rest of the year if everything were to we only need 102 videos of eggs so we need 52 you guys listen you need 52 clutches so we can have 52 cutting yeah there we go that'll be snake discovery i'm not getting my hopes up but let's see what happens i don't think we have that many pairs so either thank you guys so much for watching today's video of us pairing our snakes uh stay tuned for egg videos in the future so you'll know which ones of these pairings were successful thank you as always to our amazing patreon backers i'm sorry i'm getting distracted by cheyenne come here come here thank you you can help me say goodbye oh she's climbing up there yep hang on she has to get comfy there wait am i just turning up okay and comfortable and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 2,516,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snake breeding, hognose snake, hognose, hognose snake breeding, bullsnake, bullsnake breeding, fox snakes, rat snakes, corn snake, how to breed snakes, colubrids, breeding colubrids, snake discovery baby snake, hognose morphs, bullsnake morphs
Id: FvJ9DhqtQig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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