Our Tarantula had Babies!!

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so we have something very exciting we're going to attempt for the first time this is our invertebrate wall in the invert cave we have all sorts of different species in here and the one we're going to focus on in today's video is the red rump tarantula because we are going to try and breed these we currently have a very old male in this exhibit and I think what we're gonna do since he's on the brink of exploration as it is we're going to remove him and put a nice adult female in here and then try to re try to introduce them together hope that it works and I mean if she eats him because that's the main risk here then well he was really old anyway so let's hope it works but um nature is cruel sometimes so let's see what happens all right you old man you ready to get some please please try not to get eaten okay okay buddy your girlfriend is in here you have to find her and do the deed and not get eaten that is your goal don't eat him bad news guys a couple days went by everything seemed okay but now she's eating him I'm not even gonna show you on screen uh he is no longer with us hopefully that means he did what he needed to before she decided he was going to make a nice tasty snack and it was always a risk it always is when you're breeding a lot of inverts actually he was really old so I hope it was worth it for him a good happy fun ending for him [Music] oh my gosh it's been like a couple months since we paired them and she wasn't doing anything until just now she made a burrow she like barricaded herself in underneath this cork there's a little entrance up there and where are you hello I can't see you I want to see what's going on in there it's so hard to see do you have Eggies we actually haven't fed her in a little while because she got pretty fat after uh eating her husband but oh my gosh there might be something going on in there what okay I've gotta check on you I'm gonna cheat and use the flashlight oh my gosh there that's a huge amount of eggs that's like thousands of eggs under her front legs oh my goodness okay well it takes about two to three weeks four eggs to hatch so I guess we'll be checking in until we have slings [Music] all right it's been like five days and oh still an egg you've got a lot of babies in there I bet okay I guess I'll check on you later okay we have a sign here to explain why she isn't visible in the exhibit and you still have your eggs yep I don't see any spiderlings or slings in there just realized it was blurry on the camera but there we go there's proud mama oh goodness I can't wait till they hatch all right update the egg Sac looks kind of collapsed and she is backed way up in this cage that she's made so I can't see what her whole body looks like and if there's babies that are out so there might be babies in there [Music] all right it's been a few weeks since she laid her egg case but instead of protecting her egg case in the tunnel she laid them in or had the case in she is now nowhere to be seen and it looks like she dug her way out from the back side of her little Nest area but now I don't know where she is are you in your rock I had stuffed that rock like there's a hole that was in it because it's meant for a plant to be stuck in there I stuffed it full of moss and it looks like she may have excavated it and gone inside so I am curious on if those eggs hatched and where she is okay Redrum this is the back side of the invertebrate wall you can see all the inverts and I need to take a closer look because the red rump is hiding in a rock and she brought her egg case into this White Rock and hasn't come out since so I wonder if oh my gosh those are babies yes I thought she ate her egg sac and the story was going to end but no it continues on we have baby slings okay we're gonna have to take those out so they don't eat each other oh and also we're open right now Cheyenne you know what we're gonna do today you know what we're gonna do you're so cute with your pink sweater yes you are today we have to take out baby tarantulas from a rock you're very cute are you ready let's take out these babies let's I don't know how we're gonna take them out but let's you figure it out see what's going on in here first I am curious to where Mom is and second where are these babies are they down oh my gosh yes there are a lot of babies down in there okay let's take a closer look can you see any little little blobs in there oh I managed to do manual focus for this one guys there you go can you kind of see there's some dead babies in there unfortunately because we didn't know there were babies in here until a little while later so I guess I'm just gonna try to take some of these out and we'll see what happens I don't know how I'm gonna do this exactly but we'll see we'll see oh there's a baby on the wall cute oh camera Focus it's so little doesn't want to focus on him here there he is okay where's my where's my paintbrush little dude come on oh my goodness you're so cute you're so tiny hello look at you sitting on a pet oh not sitting on a paintbrush can I show you to people you are so super cute there we go first baby to Ranch are you okay you're right oh yeah just just scared okay sorry I just want to make sure that you were okay because you were like crunched up in that like fetal tarantula fetal spider position but you look okay are you all right yeah we just have to get you separated huh all right first first baby tarantula born at snake Discovery how cool is that all right so that means I have to start getting some little baby containers ready all right so I have a bunch of these little vials that I've been saving for this instance and these holes are drilled tiny enough or tiny enough that babies shouldn't be able to sneak out of there nor should fruit flies like hidey eye fruit flies I don't think those will fit out of here either so we're going to put a decent amount of soil in these if I'm if I'm not adding enough tarantula experts please let me know we've never produced these before I would love to know if I'm doing anything wrong here um then we have a piece of sphagnum moss a figure I could give them as kind of an anchor point for maybe some webs and I think that's gonna be it I'll do a little any Spritz oh that was more than I thought that ain't more than I was intending and there and also let's see baby I put over here oh my gosh you are so tiny hi cutie can you come here can you go into the vial please going in go in here you know you're Tokyo you can do it you can oh come on spread those legs you can do it go in the file go in the vial go in the vial there we go go on in baby is in the vial sweet now we only have to do this for I guess as many babies as there are Let's uh figure find out okay how am I going to do this you know we were not expecting you we kind of gave up on breeding these I don't think there's a way to access this from below is there no doesn't really look like it so we're gonna have to go in through the oh my gosh babies they're all over the floor oh my goodness okay well I guess I'm gonna Corral those first K Rock you go over there babies uh oh my goodness let's set your radical like some of these guys I might need more vials I wasn't expecting there to be that many even outside of the rock oh my gosh look there's a crowd of them over there and a giant Cricket fun fact that's only a medium-sized Cricket but compared to that means he's huge okay can I can I how do I I don't know what I'm doing guys babies can I like just collect you in here for now oh no stop running away damn it stop it okay I will get dirt first and then I will put them in I might have just oh gosh what do I do okay now I'm gonna quick put all these together I don't want to put the rock back on them because I might squish them okay can can somebody crawl in here here you come on in new home oh got one okay look at the baby no I'm doing it guys this is a new experience for me okay it's come Ed has joined the chat look there's a little teeny spider there's a baby oh you can't see it there we go okay come on cameraman there he is now I've been doing it by myself it's all right there's one right there ah remember come here okay I got a bunch of vials ready so now we're going to can we find mom yet no I don't know where Mom is I haven't looked inside the entire Rock yet though or inside the entire enclosure so we're gonna find her later right now I'm just gonna collect these babies before they disperse too much come on come they were all on the rock I lifted up the rock and and there they were so I have six right now oh and now I'm just working on catching as many as I can oh my God holy cow oh my gosh how do how what what do I do yeah and I thought they were all in the Rock come on come on okay got one oh my gosh okay you need to help me catch these apparently I do I'll go grab a we need more grab those little like one ounce cups the jello shot cups yeah we're gonna need all of them oh my God come on nevermind different one came in oh there's two in here now come back out come back out you can go in this one [Music] Emily is finding oh my gosh babies oh my gosh stop running away need to get you oh my goodness there's so many there you go okay yes you can bring the dirt they like to go under things oh yeah well they're trying to hide aren't they there well I moved the water dish I would assume I moved the water dish and every time we moved it there was like 50 more that I'm assuming are under here now yeah probably do you think there's anything under that uh like babies yeah do you think there's just a billion babies under here I hope not I definitely don't want more of these to catch oh I don't see anything that's disappointing okay good no that's a good thing look at how amazing I just want like a million babies no no 1 million tarantulas so do you think Mom's still in here oh um if I can't see her in the wrong I think she's in here maybe or was that moved when you I mean it's been like that for a while but she might be I really don't see her there don't in the Rock I ke from what I can candy her in there is there still a lot of live babies in there um I don't see much movement I see a bunch of like sheds okay like a lot of sheds in there oh what's under this one so I think the baby's hatched in the Rock and then came out oh I'm sorry oh oh there's a baby under here oh there it is oh look at how good mama's doing wow she looks really good Mama you have babies you had so many babies too oh my gosh I am so glad she looks she looks awesome yeah I like the baby that's crawling underneath her yeah run away yeah can you come here come here little baby come here it's a good thing I blocked up those Corners yeah really come on you can do it do it I'm gonna chase you all the way up oh never mind I guess I there you go Yola you're free he's down there now so mama's still alive I hope we not seen her in so long I guess she's just been hiding really well it's she's got a bunch of kids in here now and she's like just leave me alone hiding from the kids just leave she might be I mean look that cute this is how many we've collected so far because they're like ma mom mama mommy Mama she's like Ugh just died from the kids how many do we have so far I haven't this one got one in it yep so this one that's open whoops maybe that was the one that escaped maybe yeah we did find one loose on the table I bet it was this one okay okay I will catch another one and put it so three six nine twelve 37 38 and that's all the single like like not the white cups so that did not that did not include the vials okay well I'm Gonna Keep on catching them and I guess we'll come back when I have all the babies most of the babies because I don't remember we're gonna get all of the babies I'm yeah we'll just catch as many as we will just steal like fruitless or flightless fruit flies in here and crickets for Mom and yeah they'll just be eventually like inch spiders in here we can pull I'm so relieved mom is okay yeah that's really cool we haven't seen her in months until just now she was just under the cork the whole time and she was like I don't want I don't want anything to do yeah I don't blame her you did so well Mama she's like guys don't you know you're supposed to take the egg Sac out of the things yeah I don't have to deal with them now we know why you take the egg case out okay we will do that next time uh what you doing we're giving up look at how many we've caught we have so many babies yeah I thought there was gonna be like two because this has been sitting with babies in it for two weeks now since we learned about them to be completely transparent even more well they probably they're probably longer or older than that we just learned about it two weeks ago because a customer came in and said hey just so you know you have some slings in one of your enclosures and we're like yes that's great I said the curly hair but she thought it was clear ly there weren't curly hair babies so I don't I don't know but there were definitely babies of these yes and there's a lot I think we have like 50 or 60. we'll count after this okay we'll count I'm gonna put the lid back on we're calling it calling it for now and uh now we have to put it back in now it's Hunger Games in here yes no oh now it's the survival of the fittest 5 10 50 25 30 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 86 babies we should have got up to a hundred we should have well there's more yeah we just are kind of running out of time for tonight and maybe we'll have Madison do 14 more to get an even hundred yes that would be that would work yeah so we'll go for a hundred babies because I'm sure there's 14 more in there and we'll cut it at 100 babies well this one has two whoops oh whoops oh well good luck [Laughter] they should be fine yeah we'll probably separate them anyway well we'll see what happens there's so many babies here like I can't believe how many of them yeah I thought they were all gonna be like in the rock or like a few in the Rocks most of them dead or else I'm dead but they had all come out of the rock they were just underneath it so many baby red rumps what are we gonna do with so many baby red robes well if anybody wants baby red rumps we could probably ship them too yeah we probably could there's no reason we can't they're easy to ship even two-day ships insects yeah okay well if you're interested in a baby red rub tarantula I guess you could email us yeah sales at snakesiscovery.com we have a few to spare just just a few like one yeah I'd be willing to give up like one they might all be hold backs except for this one that one this one that one gave you the the side eye yeah he did look at him look at him he's a little jerk like a bat yeah someone can buy it that way it is like perfect what a jerk so if you see the one with the scribble on the lid I'm like all the other ones oh whoops they all have the scribble on this never mind all right so it was a successful another species bread here at snake Discovery and not a reptile yeah this is a first we have now bred jumping spiders from start to finish and now red rump tarantulas start to finish that is crazy it also super cute when they're the size they're super cute yeah they have no colors yet they're just little babies I will admit I kind of was giving up hope I didn't think I thought she ate the mail had the egg case and then just ate the egg case I think they can do that right all right so quick Google search later I always do your research yes there's not usually fertile okay yes so they can eat the red egg Sac which is what I thought had happened and they can lay in fertile eggs which is another thought that crossed my mind but nope she didn't need a red case she uh did neither of those it was definitely fertile very fertile and now we have lots of babies awesome this is really cool so thank you guys for watching um this start to finish video of how we bread bread three months I think it's been longer than that it's been a long time actually since she ate her husband rip rip the mail and remember his name it was so long ago either he was yeah he was very very old which is why we decided to kind of sacrifice him and this is where we put like rip question mark what is his name yeah all right well thank you guys so much again for watching I hope you enjoyed today's interesting baby video on snake Discovery thank you patreon backers for your very generous support we're going to use some of your contributions to buy more little cups to catch the rest of those babies or at least enough to bring it up to 100. 14 more we need 14 more and then we'll have 100 babies that we just have to find homes for yeah it's and feed oh how are we gonna feed these with a wing and a prayer we'll figure it out thanks guys for watching and we'll see you next time so I guess the next big question is you're gonna have all the footage for this did you store the footage someplace where you're going to be able to get it ah from the six months so you might not see this video this video might if if this video is a thing then I found all the clips on my phone hooray [Music]
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 2,254,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tarantulas, red rump, red rump tarantulas, breeding tarantulas, how to breed tarantulas, breeding red rump tarantulas, baby tarantulas, baby spiders, breeding spiders, how to breed spiders, slings, spiderlings, snake discovery, tarantula eggs, spider eggs, spider egg sac, spiders hatching
Id: 5q6V2TG9lFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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