Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024: All the New Features

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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year that's right the new version of Adobe Photoshop Elements is here good day I'm Melissa Shannon founder of digital scrapbooking and I'm here to take you through all the new features let's take a look at what's new in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 so we're here on our usual welcome screen that gives us some ideas of what's new and and what to try and you can choose your version that you're upgrading from and it will customize the suggestions here based on the features that are new to your version as usual we have the organizer to organize all your photos and videos the photo editor which does everything you need to do with your photos and the video editor which launches Premier elements so let's jump in to the photo editor and see what's new so one of the great new features in Photoshop Elements is a completely refreshed user interface you'll notice that the icons and the buttons have all been updated to a brand new Sleek monochrome look and the expert mode has been renamed the advanced mode so if you're a new user to Photoshop Elements and you see people talking about the expert mode well that's the advanced mode in Photoshop Elements 2024 the modes themselves still do the same things the quick mode gives you quick access to the most commonly used features the guided edit mode includes 88 guided tutorial style edits that take you through a process to achieve a certain look and the advanced mode gives you access to all of the tools and features in Photoshop Elements so you can work in Greater detail with the layers as you would in Photoshop and we can customize the look of our app you'll need to restart the program when we change the color mode you can choose from light or dark then just click okay and restart Photoshop Elements so now we just start Photoshop Elements again jump into the editor so now here we are in the dark mode it's going to be interesting to see what the feedback is about the light and dark modes I know that a lot of us we used to the dark modes that were available from the start of Photoshop Elements up to about version 13 if I remember correctly and then we went light so everyone's been asking for light and dark for many years and adobe's been listening and they have done it in this version so if we go into Photoshop you can see that the colors are very similar the interface is a little different and if we head over to Advanced here you can see that the icons are quite similar to the Photoshop icons the only difference I noticed is that the toolbox in elements of course has the two columns it's also in a darker shade as opposed to the lighter one in Photoshop so it's very similar you'll notice here the text is much bigger in Photoshop Elements than in Photoshop it appears to be a little bit of a bug just on Windows as far as I know I don't know whether they'll fix that in upcoming releases you know on the first feature we also find the first bug which we're not off to a great start but you know these things happen if we compare this to the font sizes into Windows Explorer you can see the fonts are much bigger in element ments but in organizer they are the standard size and you set the preferences up independently in organizer and in editor and in Premier elements too so you get to choose which colors you like for which apps so will you be switching to the dark side in Photoshop Elements 2024 give me a little moon in the comments if you want to enjoy the new dark interface or give me a sun if you're going to stick to the light and bright interface each here Adobe adds a handful of new edits powered by their Senai AI engine you can click on this quick actions to well do some quick fixes to your photos I won't be going through every single one of these but let's check out a few these quick actions you can single click to apply them and then once they're fixed and set up you can click on this double arrow to go across to the expert mode where you can do further customizations let's go back over to the quick edit mode there's lots of fun edits you can make there including some effects and as always you can click on the revert button if you want to revert your photo to its last saved State let's have a look at a couple of new ones which add a blue sky and here you notice that one of my balloons has slightly got cut off so I'm just going to go into the editing and I'm going to draw the rest of the balloon back in so the quick actions give you a great start to editing your photos and you can always click on the double arrows to go a little bit further with different options for your photos is there any quick actions you'd like me to show leave me a comment below and let me know which quick action you'd like more information on did you know you can now create your own real in Photoshop Elements that's right under the create menu you can now create a real so all you need to do is open up all the photos you want in your real and then select them by clicking on the first photo that you want to include in the real and then shift clicking on the last photo then you go to create photo real and Photoshop Elements will pop them all in for you they'll be cropped to whatever size you choose there's a few standard sizes that you can choose from 9 by 16 1X one etc etc then we've got sizes for Instagram Facebook YouTube Tik Tok Snapchat Twitter also known as X and threads so let's just go with an Instagram reel for today it's going to be really handy for those reels you want to make with photos that are on your computer already now they're all given .5 seconds on the screen and you can preview them right away now this one's pretty good I do like it I had Photoshop Elements helped me choose the photo but there's a few where I really need to align them a bit better into the frame so let's go ahead and pause the video then we can use the move tool to move those photos you can also adjust the time that you want certain photos to be on screen example I might want this one to be on screen for longer and you can also add a effects and Graphics I'm going to add this little Banner to the first photo I'm going to resize that and add a little title to my photo then when you're happy with how everything looks you can click export and then save it as an mp4 now let's have a look at the resulting reel Photoshop Elements doesn't actually allow you to save your your project in an editable format you can either export it or press cancel and return back to your familiar editing modes if you'd like to do something a bit more advanced with your photo resel you want to head over to Premier elements but for a quick photo reel where you can just export it as an mp4 and share it on social media you using their built-in music I think it's a pretty great start to the new feature let's click on the guided edit mode and check out the brand new ad text feature the first thing we're going to do is we're going to need to open a photo we're going to click add text let's add some text we can choose from a number of different type modes horizontal a vertical text on a selection text on a shape and text on a path let's just keep it simple and go with a horizontal type tool as with any guided edit you'll just work through the process as prompted in the right hand panel so we're just going to click and type our text you'll notice that by default we now have some text so if you've ever had that awkward moment where you've added a type layer and then there's nothing in there and it's impossible to select it again yep that won't happen anymore and you'll see that no longer is it a green check mark or tick as we call it here down under and then a red cancel sign now we just have black icons so rip to me having to edit every blog post I've ever done now we get to add text style let's see what we've got here we've got a stroke around the edge got 3D effects here you can always click on Advance which takes us to the style settings and we can go ahead and change the Shadow the bevel and the stroke we can change the position of the stroke as well so when you're happy with how everything looks you click okay and then you can optionally add a gradient or patent to your text let's zoom in a bit we can use the zoom tool here or the zoom slider and we can use the hand tool to move things around and let's have a look do we want to fill it with flowers yes we can do we want it filled with leaves yes we can there's lots of fun options you know leopard fluffy pink unicorn Sparkles Chrome there's also fun gradients you can also reverse if you so choose I'm going to go with that and then we click next we get to choose whether we want to save as or save I'm going to save as cuz I need to save it as a PSD file so I can come back and edit it later and then I can click continue editing in quick or in advanc mode I'm going to go with advanc mode because advanced mode is the one I'm most familiar with and it has access to all of the tools but you can switch between modes by clicking the buttons at the top of the window at any time that is the new add type guided edit it's really handy for you if you haven't been using the Photoshop Elements too much you're not quite sure how to get the effects you want and you know might see this image in a YouTube thumb now coming sometime soon we've got another brand new integration in Photoshop Elements this year we have got Adobe stock integration so let's take a look at the first way you can add Adobe stock to your project just go to the file menu and then click search on Adobe stock let's see what we've got you can search or you can just browse the categories let's see if we can put me in front of a computer perhaps that we can click to preview the image let's move this out of the way so that we can see the preview and when we found the photo we want to use we can click license for free now let's just wait while the photo is downloaded and once it's downloaded we can edit it as we would any other layer in our document so I'm going to remove the Locking of the background layer and select the subject so that I can put myself in front of this nice office background because this is coming as a smart object I can resize it make it work I think that background is way too busy there so I'm just going to add a shape behind my text to make it a little easier to read let's add some color and and there you go looks pretty good isn't that fun Have you ever checked out the graphics tab in Photoshop Elements if you haven't looked at it in a few years you want to check it out it's now been updated with Adobe stock so that you can use a wider array of Graphics in your projects I'm going to open up a new file in the advanced mode in Photoshop Elements and then click on graphics and then click on the Adobe stock icon on and I'm going to go for a little bit of a search for a painted wooden background you can preview the stock image by clicking on it once and it'll load in or you can click license for free and the file will be downloaded and add it as a new layer above your currently selected layer so let's look at another option of a graphic you could add I think I like that one let's click license for free and then you could go ahead and add you know a product shot to a background like that and there you go Adobe stock in Photoshop Elements for free the third way you can use Adobe stock in Photoshop Elements 2024 is with the replace background guided edit let's head to the guided edit mode and let's replace the background of our photos you can find that under the special edit or you can search for replace background so the first thing we're going to do is select the primary image by clicking subject select and we can add to the selection with any of these tools I can import a photo have no background add a color or click on Adobe stock then you can search with any keywords you'd like I'm looking for photos in Perth because that's where I live let's choose this photo of what I assume is Kings Park and click license for free and let's add our children to this lush green background instead of the industrial look thanks to Julian Masters for this gorgeous photo taken back in 2016 then we can use the move tool to move the children all the background around to get a little bit more of a realistic look let's face it it's not going to be very realistic they're in bright sun and this is Shady but you know we can use the refined Edge brush to improve the look of the edges we'll zoom in a bit and use the hand tool to move let's just refine those edges and subtract this bit of grass here little bit more of Edward's head and we can let's zoom out let's add Auto color tone and when you're happy with how everything looks click next and then choose how you'd like to edit I'm going to continue editing in the advanced mode and I'm just going to add a little bit more realism by adding a new layer and painting on a shadow with my brush tool so how do you like it let me know in the comments it's never going to be a perfect edit when you take children leaning against a wall and make them stand up in front of you background but I hope it gives you an idea of how you can use Adobe stock to replace your backgrounds and there you have it from this to this in just a matter of minutes let's take a look at the create menu and create a quot graphic start with this one create it in the size of a Instagram post double click on it to start the editing process now let's just change up the graphic here by clicking on Adobe stock and I'm going to customize this for our Christmas go with this little snowman or Sandman I guess we'll license it for free where we can just move it around change the text change up the color to blend in with our Christmas theme and then I think I'll remove some of these pine trees by just clicking on each one and then clicking delete can now click done you can go ahead and continue editing in Photoshop Elements advanced mode I'm going to just resize this and then align them those quote graphic templates have so much more flexibility when you can search the Adobe stock Library as well as add your own photos we have got some new artistic effects in the quick edit mode to get to the artistic effects in quick edit mode click on the effects button and then click the drop down for artistic effects let's check them out we can choose some options with our effects we can choose to keep the original photo colors we can choose to reduce the intensity of the effect and we can choose to apply it to just the background or just the subject of the photo or we can apply it to both so that's the charcoal effect now let's have a quick look at all the other new options copper silver tones Azu and finally Isle as in an island now of course these effects have a different kind of look depending on what kinds of photos you using them on so be sure to play around with these new artistic effects in Photoshop Elements and if you haven't kept up with artistic effects there's quite a huge range of them now and they can be accessed both in the quick mode as we've been doing or in advanced mode where you can find them under the effects tab or under the effects window press f2 for a shortcut there you can go up to Artistic effects here and as you'd expect it's pretty similar you can get some different sorts of Effects by dialing down the intensity I really like that look there so that's how you can use the brand new artistic effects in Photoshop Elements 2024 the next feature to show you is up in the select menu we've got two new additions backr and sky so not only can you select the subject as you have been able to do for a few versions of Photoshop Elements you can click select and then background and you can remove the background just like that for those of you wondering I just press delete which fills with the background color here so let's see if we can select the sky on this image here go to select and then sky and let's see how that goes a bit more of a a difficult one for us here let let's press delete and see how it did contrl D to deselect H I'm pretty impressed honestly let's give it another difficult one here on a snowy background select these guy and delete deselect I mean it's done a pretty decent job I think of selecting the sky I've lost a bit of detail from the background but you know what I'm pretty impressed this is actually quite a difficult photo for a computer to work out there's low contrast between the sky and the snowy ground and there's not much contrast between the background and the foreground trees either now let's check out the select background I also wanted to show you the other way to access these new selection options you can use the selection brush tool and then you can see here we've got select subject select sky and select background so let's click select background it does prompt does that our current selection will be discarded which is fine and then look at that it did an excellent job selecting the background there and let's give it something slightly more tricky here and it's done a decent job here it is difficult with those white things blurring in let's try another photo and here the focal depth is a bit too shallow so if things are fairly well focused on a simple background select background really works well and could save you quite quite a lot of time over in the effects panel in the quick edit mode there's quite a number of different effects you can apply and if you haven't looked at the moona while I definitely recommend you check out the artistic and the classic effects but today what we're looking at is the color match effects the color match effects apply the colors in these stock images here to your photo so it changes the colors and the looks of your photo to match the look and feel of the sample so you can get a CIA look pastels and the effects come out differently on different types of photos play around and see which color match effects you like best for your photos you can also access the color match effects in the advanced mode just click on the effects Tab and then you can click import photo to import any photo from your hard drive to match the colors from that that photo in your new image you can then play around and adjust the saturation shift the Hue and increase or decrease the brightness to get the specific look you're going for and you can just import a new photo for a completely different color match look so there you have it the brand new color match feature in Photoshop Elements 2024 so that's all the new features in the Photoshop Elements editor but there's even more new features in the elements companion apps the organizer and Premier elements so make sure you give me a thumbs up subscribe and click the Bell icon so you'll be notified when I make videos about these new features what was your favorite new feature in Photoshop Elements 2024 did you love the photo reels maybe you're looking forward to trying out color match or or maybe you're just excited to choose between the light and the new dark interface let me know in the comments below and if you'd like to learn more about Photoshop Elements right now head to digital scrapbooking
Channel: Digital Scrapbooking HQ
Views: 16,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital scrapbooking, Photoshop Elements, ai photo editing, Adobe Sensei engine, photo reels, Adobe Stock
Id: DTQiN3ymnE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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