Photoshop 2024 NEW Features (No More BETA! )

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in a slightly different turn of events this year Adobe has released its major Photoshop upgrade a little bit early so typically we get that big uh that big major yearly update in October at Adobe Max it's September of 2023 we now have a new version of Photoshop called Photoshop 2024. I thought we'd take a few minutes to go over what's new specifically generative fill is out of beta so if you're somebody that didn't want to install the beta and wanted to use that feature or somebody that you know had trouble with the beta it's out of beta it's into the main release let's take a look here uh main thing you'll see is uh the title bar everything says Photoshop 2024 internally in your Creative Cloud updater it's version 25 okay version 24 is last year's version the 2023 version so if you don't want to use a new version then you can install the update to 24. it's not going to have generative fill and some things in it but that's your older version uh if you do install the new version and you're good with everything there's no need to continually keep updating version 24 last year's version um so you can just delete that and no longer update that and start using Photoshop 2024 as usual all comments and questions and ideas and thoughts about adobe's update process and how to do it and specifically complaints should always go to Adobe and never in the comments let's take a look at generative fill because I think what I really want to do is show you how to use this in the real world okay I could we go in and could I make a selection on top of the monkey and could I add a hat on there I absolutely could and it does a fantastic job it looks like it was on there the way they put that the fur around it and everything it looks like it was it was right on there um that's not what I want from generative fill though okay and I think it's it's probably not what most of you want is to go in and you know put a mountain into a landscape photo that you've taken or a house where one didn't exist or something like that where the big place where I'm using it is removing distractions so what I did is I took the lasso tool and made a selection of that area in the upper left hand corner I wasn't able to make that go away with the and it's a big distraction to me because I like this photo I wasn't able to make that go away with content aware or the remove tool so I made a selection once I make a selection this little taskbar for generative fill will pop up if you don't see the taskbar it's under the window menu under contextual taskbar and you can always get to generative fill if you don't want to use that under the edit menu as well so we've got our taskbar here you can also click the little pop-out menu you can pin that taskbar that actually is a fairly new feature the beta it would reset itself now it'll it should stay where you pin it or you can hide it if you don't want it and then click on generative fill now when you want to use it to remove something don't type remove don't type delete just leave it just leave it blank and it'll generally work like content aware fill or the remove tool would and removing something it's only if you're not you don't like the results you're getting that's where I go in and that's where I type a prompt to help it out a little bit but in this case it did a great job that's what it filled it in with okay then I made another selection of the bottom left hand corner I went to generative fill again I filled it in with that then what I did and I think this was important to learn again real world process with these tools is I merged everything up onto one layer command option shift e Control Alt shift e gave me one new layer and I used the remove tool to just paint in that bottom area a little bit and then I went back and forth with another couple ideas on how to fill that in just to give a little bit of Interest down there I didn't want it to be all green once again I merged everything up onto one layer these spots up here were bugging me a little bit so I used the remove tool there's no reason to use generative fill on them so I just painted them over with the remove tool which we'll take a look at in just a minute here by the way and then I've reduced the opacity okay just to have it blend in with the original show a little bit of highlights back there so for me that is more of a real world way to start using these tools to start doing tasks that we've always been able to do but to do them a little bit better or faster in some cases in a way that some of those tools couldn't do which is removing distractions So speaking of doing that stuff in the real world got two things for you give me 60 seconds I promise There's Something free for you in here too I have a free ebook called 21 tips and tricks for generative fill check the description you can download that for free some good little tips and tricks inside of there for you the other thing is I created a very short very affordable course called real world Photoshop AI specifically in the ideas of what you saw here okay I'm not going to show you how to to do all this crazy stuff to make fake photography okay I don't want that from it what I want is to take some of these tasks that I always do selections changing backgrounds removing distractions you know maybe I do need to add something to a photo you know maybe you need to add grass somewhere and taking a photo outside whatever that happens to be but how to do real world tasks that I think still keep your creative Integrity intact where you're just using these tools to do something you could have always done before you could have always gone outside and taken a photo of something and popped it into another photo there but to do some of these tasks a little bit faster a little bit better a little bit easier so it's a very short very affordable course I encourage you to swing by and check the link in the description to find out a little bit more okay let's take another look at a place where I like generative fill and that is backgrounds it's great at replacing backgrounds so in this case here this is my son senior prom he's graduating college already I can't believe it was that long ago but you can do select subject your little taskbar will pop up here don't forget you can always find it under the window so you could do select subject there you can do it under the menu it's whatever I'll do the same thing so I selected the subject and then in that taskbar there's a little inverse button that we can do to select the background so the same thing goes for generative fill here click on it and just I usually let it go unless I've got something very very specific like I want to replace a person's background with a doctor's office okay let's have something really specific I just let it go and I see what it gives me and in this case I'm going to click on the layer here in this case what it gave me was a wall it gave me some a couple of odd things so then I went into the prompt and you'll see you've got your properties layer here this is this is a layer okay this is a generative fill layer you'll know it's got these little stars in the bottom right corner of it so this is a layer and it'll have properties associated with it and so this time I gave it a little bit of a prompt I said a lovely park on a beautiful day with flowers I gave it a prompt and it gave me a couple of different options that you can click through here I like this one the best I tried it again again it gave me a couple of different options and there I came back to this one you can save this document this layer will save along with it I would encourage you to delete unused variations they do take up space a little trash can and I would also encourage you to let Adobe know good poor or report any issues that you have with it because that just helps train the models to make them better for you and for everybody else in the future there so for me this is this is real world I the way I think of it is I I personally I'm I'm kind of not necessarily talking to to professional everyday working photographers um you can decide how useful this is or isn't to you I would say in many cases your job is to get the job done the way the client wants to and and and this can be very very useful personally I've got buckets of Photography I've got my landscape and my Wildlife work where I I have I have some creative Integrity to that stuff where I don't necessarily want to make it a fake photo and I want to put fake elements in it okay then I've got stuff that I do for friends and family whether it's paid or not paid it doesn't matter I think we all have people that ask us to do a favor or take a photo this example here was you know exactly that I'm just doing a favor for people by taking some prom pictures changing a background I've got no creative Integrity over that I want this job done as fast as possible and off of my desk and that's where it can come in handy somebody asks you to take a picture of their house because they want to put it up on Airbnb and the grass is brown it's a great place to use generative fill rather than recoloring it yourself which can can will look good use generator fill to put grass in there for you again your job is to just get that done as fast as possible don't don't put your your your your personal I think your personal spin in on it that oh it's got to be all mine and all mine work and everything like that like save that for your personal photography work for me get this stuff off my desk as soon as possible so a couple ideas when it comes to that all right uh moving on Down the Line there is also something called generative expand and we've seen ways to do this before the popular question is you know we we get we get a photo and it it's not in the aspect ratio that we need so let's say I wanted to have an 8x10 of this so I'll go up to the crop tool type in 10 by 8. in this case because I want it to be wide and you'll see a very familiar situation which is it's going to force me to crop Away part of the photo all right so what are your Alternatives well your alternative would be do this and now you're going to have white or borders around this okay it's just red because my background color is red so we're gonna have borders around that maybe I want it even a little bit larger well what you can do is go up here to the fill option background is default you can change it to generative expand content aware fill can work sometimes too but to me generative expand is is taking over that and the nice part about it again leave it blank click generate see what it does it's only at the point where you click that and you're like I'm not really crazy about the results where I would say then you can step in go into that prompt and try a variation inside of here to tell it what to fill it with but a lot of times it does good right out of the box there just keep in mind this is a lower resolution you can check with Adobe it's got various uh I think we're at either I think we're at around 2 000 pixels it was 10 24 but I think it's going up to 2000 pixels for this stuff so but it in this case you would never know you would never know that it's filling it with that because there's not enough detail in any of these areas but just something to be aware of okay uh speaking of the remove tool from before so this isn't a new tool we just simply go in here and we scribble over something and it works great it's a great addition into Photoshop all right I usually turn off the remove after each stroke one because I want to I want to brush it I don't want it to automatically do it and I'll just hit that check box there it'll do a good job at removing something that's actually probably the worst job it's done so far usually every time I do this it does a really good job at it but here's a really neat little offshoot of it and that is a new feature is you can now and this was my biggest gripe with the tool you can now outline something okay and instead of having to go in there and color it all in it'll automatically fill it in for you so basically just close the loop and it'll fill that area in for you and then you can go in and remove it so huge I think I definitely wasn't the only one that wanted that feature because it used to bug me that I had to color the whole thing in so hats off to Adobe for it's a very very small but to me extremely usable uh adjustment that they made into this one as I mentioned before I encourage you to check the links in the description uh free ebook 21 tips and tricks on using gender refill plus my real world Photoshop AI course very short very affordable and it's a great way to understand where this AI stuff can help I again I said it before I think most of us don't want Photoshop editing our photos for us or generating fake images for us I think we want to know how to use this stuff in the real world and honestly to do tasks that we've always been able to do but just to do them in a better faster easier way so we can really get back to the stuff that we like to do and some of the more creative stuff a little bit faster
Channel: Matt Kloskowski
Views: 41,826
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Id: -EPmtC9Fzyk
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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