Photoshop 2023: 17 New Things Adobe Didn't Tell You!

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you might have seen a lot of videos about the brand new one-click delete and fill feature but Adobe is not telling you the whole story this is the official Adobe article and they are saying to make it happen to make it work you need to make a selection with the object selection tool and hit shift and delete key to instantly remove your selection let's try that so here in Photoshop we have selected the object selection tool it's going to identify the objects and I'm gonna select this one just click on this one and what is the shortcut the article said shift delete right and by the way this is at the moment of recording this video maybe they will change it after watching this video so let's press shift delete well it fills it with the background color so whatever is in the background color it's going to fill it with that so right now the background color is white so if we press shift delete that's what it fills it with it's not supposed to happen that way right the right shortcut if you're working on Windows is shift backspace instead and there you go it works I don't know who's writing this article but anyway let's zoom in it leaves no traces I know it's not a perfect job but it leaves no lines otherwise we would have to expand and then fill it with probably content aware fill but maybe this shortcut will work on a Mac let's try it so we're going to click on the man and we're gonna press the shortcut shift and delete right so shift delete yeah it's working on a Mac so yesterday when I tried this shortcut it brought up the fill dialog box which it shouldn't do so if you want a sure short way of this to work you can always right click on the object and then choose delete and fill selection this will always work no matter if the shortcuts work or not just a quick heads up in this video we're going to be mixing up the features of the brand new Photoshop 2023 along with photoshop's public beta which is also recently updated so if you don't know how to install the public beta you need to open up your Creative Cloud application and inside of that add go to Beta apps section and from there you can just install whatever beta version of whatever software you want the next feature is live gradients and I have a lot of affinity to its this feature you'll see why so with this feature you can create adjustable gradients right on the canvas so let's choose the gradient tool and now if you draw a gradient have a look you have a live preview of the gradient you can adjust the gradient you can add points just like this you can change the colors of each point so I can double click on it I can change the color of it to whatever I want and on top of that you can control the opacities as well as you can see this area is transparent now you can go to the properties panel if you cannot see it go to window and then make sure properties is checked now inside of that you can control every aspect of this gradient now are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room of course not and also the fact that this feature is kind of very similar to a feature in another software so this my friend is my Affinity to its Photoshop 2023 and by the way this feature has been there in Affinity photo for a very very long time actually ages so let's choose the gradient tool right there and if you do make a gradient it's the exact same thing so finally I'm happy that this feature made to photoshop but then again only to photoshop beta not the main version so we still have to wait for it but then again to adobe's defense they have dozens of features that Affinity photo does not have now let's create a different type of gradient let's create the radial gradient and let's say we want to create a lens flare so just drag from the center let's change the blend node from normal to screen now what we want in the center is bright yellow so let's pick that something like this now as it fades away we want a reddish color so right here we want it to be reddish hit OK for now so how do we create that flare we need to make it transparent as it goes and for that let's open up the properties panel so let's go to window and make sure properties is checked and right in here we need to set in the opacity controls the right hand side has the Reds so as it flows towards the red we want it to be absolutely transparent so let's take the transparency all the way to the right hand side we took the opaque one away and make sure the opacity is at zero and there we have our gradient and you can change the the color anytime you wish you can double click on it and we're going to change it to Red something like this and then you can extend it as much as you want you can just move the position of it this is just so cool now I'm going to share with you one more trick this is not a new feature but you're gonna have a lot of fun with it so when you do make a gradient first of all let's do make a gradient for the background and now here's the fun part once you have made the gradient you can go to properties and instead of selecting one color let's choose from the type from solid to noise if you have a lot of colors in there now that's too many colors so how do we make it smoother just decrease the roughness so we're going to decrease the roughness to about eight or nine whatever works for you and then just click on randomize that's it so you can click on randomize and Generate random colors so that way you can just create unlimited amount of gradients for your backdrops images grading whatever you wish before we continue this video has a sponsor and this video is sponsored by piximperfect yes we just launched the official pixin perfect compositing plugin it is approved by Adobe so you can simply go to your Creative Cloud application and inside the plugin section search for it and install it as easy as that it has everything you need for compositing organized easy with few clicks and absolutely non-destructive you can extract Shadows automatically with just two buttons match colors with one click for analyzing the background colors and one click to apply the same colors with curves or a gradient adjustment layer that you can adjust you can remove Halos and add feather with just two buttons or access advanced techniques for perfect hair selection instantly the entire process of compositing is arranged in the right order from importing and arranging to applying finishing touches like color grading presets or overlays and by the way the color grading presets are unlimited and adjustable the arrangement module is absolutely free to use you can import and stack multiple photos with just a click all backgrounds removed automatically and you can arrange and also align all of the elements for placement besides that advanced hair brushes and layer properties are also a free feature the pro features are very very affordable and we created a at keeping both students and Professionals in mind you can just install the plugin it's free to do so directly from Adobe and even if you don't need the pro features the free ones will save you tons of time in your day-to-day Photoshop you can now apply 3D materials from Adobe substance to photoshop so you need to go to window and then make sure you click on materials and this is the new materials tab for some reason it is still loading now to apply to the background wall first of all let's separate the subject from the background and here just to show you a quick demo of the picks and perfect compositing panel you can go to masking and you can hold the ALT key or the option key and click on remove subject what that does is that it automatically separates the subject from the background and in the background keeps just the background so here we have the background and just the background on top of that here we have the subject and just the subject so let's open back up the materials tab it's still not loaded thank you photoshop we had to restart the computer and finally this time I hope it works please work alright and it did so let's say you want to apply this particular texture let's go for marble by the way make sure you have the layer selected where you want to apply it so that it applies just above it so we're going to go with this one marble and that looks pretty great let's change the blend mode from normal to Overlay and there you have a fantastic background I'm going to bring it to the side now you can control every aspect of it you can control the lighting you can increase the exposure of the background you can control the direction of light and it's going to be more evident in the next example so let's go to materials and let's go with a three-dimensional something that has a bump so as you can see there's a shadow of the pattern so you can go to lighting and you can control the rotation of the light and as you do rotate the light have a look the shadow changes so it's just like patterns in Photoshop but you have way more controls over it and it is in three dimension now you can also control other things like you can scale the entire thing let's repeat uniformly and if we increase it have a look it just becomes smaller if we decrease it it becomes larger so lots of controls here you can control the bump the direction of flight the intensity of light and a bunch of other 3D stuff but I still miss the OG 3D features in Photoshop I don't know why they removed it maybe I do they wanted to sell substance the object selection tools preview color has now changed to magenta for better visibility also if you want to have a border you can have that go to settings by the way you can change it earlier it was blue now it's magenta you can change the outline to something so let's go for 1.6 now when you do it have a look you also have a border for even better visibility and that brings us to our next big update and that is the object selection tool now detects the sky earlier it didn't use to do so so if you hover over the sky you can click on it and it selects the Sky by the way it is the same as going to select and then choosing Sky it is the exact same selection but now you can do it with the object selection too just for comparison as you can see it can select a bunch of stuff the sky the person these traps the background as well a lot of things now I have opened the same image in Photoshop 2022 as you can see version 23.5 now if you go ahead and choose the object selection tool right here turn on the object finder as you can see it just detects the subject not even the straps separately doesn't detect the background doesn't detect the sky so there has been a huge update here the next feature is only available on Photoshop beta and that too also only on a Mac and that is the live gaussian blur and honestly I don't really see a point of this so instead of going to gaussian blur you would go to filter blur and then live gaussian blur now as the name suggests as you adjust the blur it should happen live it is a little bit slow but it happens live as opposed to gaussian girl where you go to a value and you release it and then it applies here it just happens simultaneously you can also choose which areas to blur in which areas to keep in Focus so you can choose the minus brush and you can choose this area to be in focus it is just like a mask it is nothing complicated have a look at it you still have this hard Edge right here and it just doesn't look right you can of course fade the amount of blur to create a soft glow effect and you can output this to a new layer that's all up to you the little highlight of this feature is that you can work outside the dialog box unlike the gaussian blur so even with the dialog box open you can change things like the blend mode Let's go for screen you can change the opacity the fill and little stuff like that but with gaussian blur you cannot do that so let's hit cancel for now so if it's normal if you go to filter blur and then gaussian blur people say I should pronounce it gaussian blue so I'm sorry so now if you do anything right here you cannot just change stuff you cannot change the blend mode the opacity the fill so that was one little highlight but I still don't see any point of this here's why I find this feature useless for now at least and that is if you go to filter and first of all convert this layer into a smart object there's a better filter in Photoshop and that is filter blur gallery and that is tilt shift or even field blur or here's an even better one Iris blur so now I want to keep this area in Focus we're going to enlarge it just like this and you can actually hold the ALT key or the option key and bring these points to the place where you want the blur to start so let's bring them to the face just like this and have a look it's a much better feature look at how smooth the blur is there is no hard Edge and if you want a little more customization you can always use field player so let's turn that on let's say I want this area to be in Focus this area right here to be absolutely out of focus this area to be out of focus so I have extreme control over things and everything is just so soft so why would I need to use the live gaussian blur now this new feature is only available in Photoshop beta and that too only in Windows 11. now since I'm using Windows 10 we are just going to go through it I use Windows 10 because I'm scared to be unstable anyway so you can snap layouts with this so all you need to do is to press Windows plus Z or Z however you pronounce it or click on the corner of the window and you will have all of these snapping options now here's an interesting feature you can invite other people to edit your document just make sure you make a copy for yourself just getting you have access to versions anyway just for the safer side make a copy for yourself so simply click on share right there and click on invite to edit now it's going to tell you that this document needs to be a cloud document to make that possible so let's click on continue let's save it as a cloud document now as you can see it is a psdc which means Photoshop document Cloud so I'm just going to invite my other account you can type in an optional message if you want and click on invite to edit you can also create a link for the other person by clicking on copy link and just share it with that person email it or message it up to you hi there this is Harry Potter Indian Harry Potter with beard and seems like on May has sent me a Photoshop document to edit so if I open my Creative Cloud application I'm on a Mac by the way I don't know why he uses Windows he sucks so if I go to my notifications however unmage Tinder has invited you to edit this so let's click on that so we can simply open it up in Photoshop and click on open now first it's going to download the document yeah this is not Hogwarts the internet is a little slow not magical either now this is an important warning it says someone else is editing example 8. so I think on Mish already has this document open in his silly Windows computer so let's ask him to close it so seems like he has closed it hit okay let's try again so if you go to home and if you go to shared with you inside of files you will see that let's try it so we're going to type in a simple text let's type in Merlin's beard we change the color we change the font now let's save it or you can simply just close it it will also save it automatically since this is a cloud document let's get back to image let's see if that is updated seems like our friend has edited the image if I open this and here we have the edited version by the way the download didn't take time because it seems like only the edited version was changed so that was smart so pretty good so that my friend was invite to edit feature let me share with you one more cool thing about it so let's copy the link so I pasted the link right here and by the way if you're signed in you can also edit the document on a desktop you don't even have to open Photoshop it has basic functions but it can be done as you can see you have access to the layers the curves adjustment layer all of that stuff you can change the text so if you go to the text layer you can probably change it so there you go it is exactly like Photoshop it is Photoshop but a smaller version of it and for making on-the-go changes perfect the next feature is an extension of invite to edit and that my friend is share for review and it does exactly that it shares your document for review so that people can comment they can Mark specific areas and give feedback now there's a greater advantage in share for review as opposed to invite to edit and that is you don't have to save it as a cloud document it can be a locally stored document as well for example in this case we were designing a thumbnail and let's say we want some feedback on it so we're gonna go to share and share for review so in this section which says who has access you can choose anyone with the link can comment and click on create link keep in mind this is a local document doesn't have to be on the cloud so here's an incognito window we have not signed into anything and even if we paste this link right here you can simply add a comment and Mark things as well so let's say I want to mark this area and click on submit now you can choose to sign in or simply continue as guest so I'm going to type in Harry Potter and there we have a comment from Harry Potter it says Needs Improvement and if I hover over it it just shows where we need Improvement some people have complained that these sudden blue buttons here and there might be distracting so for them you can go to edit and pref references and inside of interface right here you can simply turn on neutral color mode once you check that hit OK have a look that blue goes away and it's a simple neutral button now by the way as we opened up the preferences in the previous example you might have noticed something new also if you are on a Mac it should be under Photoshop and then preferences on Windows it is edit and then preferences so let's open up anything and this is something new you can now search preferences if you're looking for let's say history States history States just click on that and it highlights that and you can adjust it from right here the photo restoration filter was earlier only in the beta version but right now it's in the main version of Photoshop 2023 so let's go to filter Nero filters and we do have some new controls so let's turn on Photo restoration and it is pretty fast I'm not speeding up anything now you have new controls here so enhance phase is now a slider so you can choose how much you want the new face to be in new constructed face so this is the old one this is absolutely the new one you can find something in between up to you and as usual you can reduce the scratch do some more adjustments you have made a complete video about it you can watch it right here the next feature is not exactly a 2023 feature but this feature was launched in June so here we have this bottle and here we have this label which we want to curve around the Bottom now up until now it was kind of impossible to do so perfectly we had created a video on how to do it but even then all we did was pressed controller command T and then went to warp and then manually kind of created that just like this the problem with this technique is that it doesn't curve completely around the edge so there's a new warp setting right now and that is cylinder perfect click on that and it perfectly curves around the edge now let's adjust it right here you can simply adjust the curvature you can have different curvature at the bottom and at the top now at the moment of recording this video in my system there's a bug right here where this point just doesn't move let me do that again to show you what it does so let's get back to how it was controller command T right click on it choose warp and then choose cylinder now you have this point in the middle if you bring it to the center this gets squished and if you take it apart this gets stretched that's all right now the bug is that it just gets stuck right there so Ruby needs to fix this apart from that this is fine now you can choose to manually adjust it further it's all up to you so you can go to custom and now you can just manually adjust it if the bottle is curved you can do that you can just do anything any sort of crazy stuff like that all up to you so we're gonna leave it at that and change the blend mode to multiply and there we have it the perfect curve now we needed to adjust that a little more just wanted to show you the cylinder warp now if there was some text let me show you how perfectly it rounds up around the edge have a this was just impossible before have a look because around the edge it should be acceleratingly squished to Infinity right and that is what is achievable with this Warp option right there the next feature is also not 2023 feature but it has been recently launched in Photoshop beta and there have been very few videos about it and that is multiple document content aware so here we have an image of this lady wearing glasses we have another image without the glasses so let's say I want to remove these glasses we can do it very easily with content aware where we can sample from the other image so with the help of the lasso too we're gonna make a rough selection around it like that now let's go to edit and then content aware film Now by default of course this does a pretty poor job because this doesn't have anything else to sample from so in additional document section let's choose the no classes jpeg hit OK and let's see what it does and bingo done now in case if it didn't do a perfect job you can also use these points click on that and you can tell Photoshop this point let's pick a corner of an eye this point relates to Let's zoom in right here this point so you can be perfect about it and again create another point you can create up to four points this point this corner of the eye relates to this point right there so it can be even more perfect so you can have two more points for the eyebrows but this to me looks fantastic hit okay and there you have it perfectly perfectly replaced controller command D even if you zoom in take a look this is so darn good you cannot even tell so it is in the new layer there you go just amazing the next feature is a set of camera raw features which are pretty out of this work I think everybody knows this but we need to cover it in this video Let's make a copy of the background layer and let's go to filter and then camera raw filter now before we do that do not forget convert for smart filters hit OK so that you can change the values later filter camera raw filter now here's the Highlight you can make a hell lot of selections right here you can select the subject you can select the features of the subject you can select everything so first of all we selected just the subject and we're gonna increase the exposure slightly so that we have more attention towards it you can also select the background so click on plus select background and we're going to decrease the exposure right here to have more attention towards the subjects and also decrease the contrast and just that little change makes a hell lot of difference so here is the before and here's the after more attention towards the subject I think we need a little more contrast on the subject so let's increase that as well that looks good now what about the features let's create a new mask now inside of that you can select different people you can select the lady right here or the man now Photoshop even detected the hand of the man which is pretty wild actually camera did it it's also in Lightroom by the way so let's select this person and we can select every aspect of this person so let's go with face skin eyebrows and lips you can also choose to create separate masks from it but we're going to create combined click on Create and now you can modify it in any way you want so let's scroll down you can increase or decrease the texture or the clarity so let's decrease the texture make it a little softer increase or decrease the clarity all up to you hit OK done now that's not a fantastic edit I know I'm just making a point here you also have the new content that we're removed to in camera roll have a look at this they're all just vibing so let's go to Healing section right here and here's the two content aware remove let's paint over this guy right here and there you go he's gone if you're not satisfied with this results you can also click on refresh and there you go even better result so you can keep on hitting refresh until you're satisfied with one of these results let's say I'm happy with that and it's done hit okay gone so that's what you do when one of the band members choose to go solo last but not the least the final update is simply a simplified version of doll e which generates images more So backgrounds with text so first of all let's just remove the background so you can use the piximperfect compositing panel and simply click on remove the background one click you don't really have to do it this is just cheap marketing you can just make a selection and just create a mask now let's select the background let's go to filter neural filters and simply turn on backdrop creator and you can type in whatever you want by default there is gold and black paint swirling you can click on Create and it just generates those images there you go now keep in mind all of these are being processed in the cloud and it says that you might have some usage limits so I don't know what those limits are Adobe is not clear about that so let's type in futuristic cityscape blurred that's what happens when you work with a Beta app anyway so let's click on Create and by the way if you don't like the results you can just click on create one more time and these are pretty good let's go with this one let's see what it does it looks good this one no it shows Halos around the hair if you don't like that click on create again this seems to be nice we can go with this and by the way there's this variety slider the variety slider is at zero everything as you can see will be super related and very very similar and if the variety slider is at 100 everything right here seems to be super unrelated and different so that's all for this video if you want more features like one click import and arrange check out the picks and perfect compositing panel you can simply go to your Creative Cloud application search for piximperfect and simply click on get that's all at least get access to the free features and that's the end of my marketing now this my friend is a huge warning if you want to save yourself some sanity please please don't use the photoshop's latest version as your main version where you do all your projects always keep one last version and work on that and if you do need the new features you can switch to the latest version apply those features or whatever you want to do and then get back to the previous version because we all know what's gonna happen so just a warning so that's all for this video I hope you enjoyed it and it's crazy how the image editing industry is moving towards artificial intelligence we can embrace it or ignore it it's up to you but here's an amazing video that you can watch on how you can use Ai and Photoshop to remove anything just about anything from a photo no matter how complex that is so check it out thank you again so much for watching if you did enjoy the video make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not to subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating foreign [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 968,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop 2023, photoshop 2023 new features, adobe, adobe max 2022, photoshop new features, one click delete and fill, ai backdrop creator, live gradients, live gaussian blur, invite to edit photoshop, neural filters, content-aware remove, camera raw, photoshop beta, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: wVe4pGRKd28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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