Photoshop Advanced Tutorial

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hello hello everyone my name is dave casuto instructor for learn it welcome to our advanced photoshop class perhaps you've already watched my intro to photoshop class and are hungry for more photoshop fun well in this advanced class we follow up on the last set of topics and get into a ton of more cool stuff well what will you learn exactly we start off by really taking ownership of photoshop learning how to customize our interface shortcuts and tools we'll then get into some invaluable layer management techniques followed up by layer comps a few lessons on the power of blending modes advanced selection techniques an overview of working with vector shapes and paths and of course we then do a deep dive into a ton of other filter options available in photoshop and so much more now this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course so occasionally you'll hear me say things like pause the video and practice on your own so make sure you download the class files from the link below to do so this will ensure you get the most out of the course and learn the program in a more experiential hands-on manner i'm looking forward to getting you a little closer to expert status and showing you all the great tools photoshop has to offer so stay tuned and get ready to learn if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you want to earn certificates and digital badges please become a member of our patreon the link is in our video description if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well and as i mentioned this course does have exercise files and you'll find them in the video description below let's begin with how we can customize and essentially take some more ownership over photoshop now that we're in this advanced level we're going to have a little bit more flexibility and choices in terms of what we want to do with photoshop so currently i'm looking at a current workspace but i'll want to customize this now some of you may know how to customize it using the different workspaces you'll see here i can go over to the upper right on top here and i can customize it with all these different presets if i'd like to so you can see if you're working more with 3d elements you can go ahead and work with 3d graphic design all these different things here now when i choose those all my tools will then change entirely so i go to 3d you'll see okay that changes to all my 3d elements okay i'm going to switch back to essentials and you'll see it goes right back to where i was click back over here maybe you're working more with photography and you'll see that many many things change right notice i have my layers my channels my paths versus something like graphics and web i might have something very very different right like my glyphs paragraph and character things like that okay so i'm going to bring it back to essentials and i'm going to just customize things how i want them okay so this might be a little review for you just moving forward so we're going to ramp up as we go so let's just say for example i don't necessarily care too much about channels so i'm just going to right click i'm going to say close and that goes away that's great but let's say i want layers way up on top i can go ahead and just bring that right up and you see i get my little blue halo drag that over there and then drag this over to the left so i have lots of flexibility in how i want to work with this all right now i'm also going to go over to this section over here where i have all my tools and i'm going to make it so this left column here is two columns now i find that a little bit easier to work with i also want to make sure that my tools up on top are showing so if you click on window you'll see that you're going to see you have your tools and your options down below so if i click on options notice how those all go away click on that and they come right back okay now let's explore things a little bit deeper now that we've kind of gotten that out of the way let's go a little bit deeper let's say i i'm pretty comfortable with the way things are right now but i'm looking at my tools here and i noticed that maybe some are missing and then maybe there's too much here it's a little bit confusing i have more than what i need one really really excellent tool that photoshop has now that they did not always have is this option to edit the toolbar okay editing the toolbar is amazing because all of these options here can be customized by you and for you and whatever your interest levels are whatever projects you're working on okay so i'm going to click on this here and you'll notice it just gets indented but when i right click i get this option here to edit the toolbar okay so right clicking on the three dots takes me to this place where i can now do a normal left click it's going to take me to this place where i can customize this toolbar all right and on the left hand side you're going to see essentially everything that i have currently on the right hand side is this extra tools okay extra tools versus the toolbar that i currently have now certain things you might not care about certain things you do so let's say for example i don't really care about this single row marquee okay i can just drag that over here drag this over there great just kind of cleaning things up a little bit other things you may not work with like the slice tool don't really use that too much okay that's wonderful okay so other things you might want to just okay what about the count tool maybe i don't use notes you can just go through all of these and find which ones you like and which ones you don't like okay kind of nice now let's say you're not super comfortable with the way the order of these things are these are all grouped together as these individual orders you'll see here is my move tool and my artboard tool because guess what these are grouped together like if you were to right click on this because this has a little triangle you'll see that there are two tools in there but maybe i want to have these in a slightly different order from how they are currently okay so again these are all kind of groups together so let's just say for example i use my lasso tool a lot and i wanted that all my lasso tools in the beginning so like in the front and the upper left so notice how i move my mouse to the edge versus individually when i move my mouse on the edge you're going to see i'm going to select the entire group and i can move that wherever i like great and now you can see a little preview of it you can see there it is right there but that is now going to be the first set of tools that i'll be working with i can very easily move that back again it's very easy to kind of just slip off to working with an individual tool so i want to just come right back over to here i'll bring that back down that's great all right now also note that you can move one tool into another set of tools as well so maybe some of you are just going to say hey listen i want to have all my tools under one icon set and you can very very easily do that all right so this will be something you'll want to experiment with of course i'll give you a break to to just practice now let's go ahead and take a look at the bottom we see these options do you want to show these things or not okay so you can see do you want to show the shortcuts do you want to show all these options down below for your foreground your background your quick mask tool for your screen mode maybe you never use those things let's get rid of them so i click on that and then notice my quick mask goes away okay i just want to simplify things again totally up to you now if you ever change your mind and you want them back you can very simply click on that you can very simply drag this and move it wherever you want right amazing just really very very cool that they give you this option to completely customize everything you want okay and what you don't want and then where you want it now there might be some times when you just want to save a certain preset so you're going to be working on that set of tools and that order and that layout for certain projects for certain clients at certain times so what you can do is you can save a preset and then reactivate it later on if you like okay so if i wanted to save this i could just click on that and you'll notice here it's going to save it as this tbr custom toolbar that's great and then it's going to be there for me later on i'm not going to do that for right now but just know the options there and then if you're working let's say on another computer and you want it to load it up maybe you switch computers or your friend of yours a colleague says hey listen i have it all set up or this is what we're doing consistently across our company you can load a preset so therefore you don't have to do all the work it comes right in and then bam there you have it okay and then all your presets will be there ready to go for you to activate so i'm going to click on done and now i have my new and improved toolbar all right now just a couple of things here with my toolbar that i'd like to do before we go to the next level of customization is i like to number one first of all if you haven't done this before is with my move tool i like to make sure that my auto select is chosen and my show transform controls are chosen now yours may look a little different yours actually may be an icon versus a checkbox so but it essentially accomplishes the same thing all right so just make sure we're all on the same page here now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to show you how you can customize some keyboard shortcuts there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts you can see here you can move your mouse over it and you can see there's the move tool there's the lasso tool etc and you will see that there are parentheses next to all of these okay you can see parentheses l for lasso there's a parenthesis next to move a v for move okay that's great how about type okay t for type so if i were to go 2t just literally t not command or control t and that pops right up i'm going to go to m for marquee i'll do v for my move tool l for lasso these are pretty great so these are just regular like keyboard shortcuts over here on our toolbar but certain things have keyboard shortcuts like for example if i go to image you'll see that there are keyboard shortcuts found here but some of these things do not have keyboard shortcuts like for example if i go to file and i want to like place embedded right that's something i do all the time i would love for them to have a keyboard shortcut for that in other programs they do like indesign i believe it's ctrl d right love that one doesn't exist here in photoshop i'm going to make it exist all right so again this is all about you having control over your experience making it personalized for you so where do i go to actually set up my keyboard shortcuts if i go over here to edit and i come way down here to keyboard shortcuts you'll see this little menu pops up and you'll see that i have all of my little menu items here right you can see file edit image etc all the things here that i can now go into each of the different tools and then customize the keyboard shortcut i'm just going to show you one just so you can see how it works how easy it is and then we'll see it in action i'm going to click on file i happen to know where that is and just notice it show me all the keyboard shortcuts i could certainly override all these if i want to like save as maybe i don't want it to be that maybe i want to do shift alt s something like that you can absolutely do that okay which this is another alternative for it as well so you can see so there's lots of these that okay i'm going to show you layer comps in a future exercise maybe you're doing that a lot you want to make that into a keyboard shortcut what we're going to focus on here is place embedded i use that all the time so what i'm going to do is click in this little shortcut column and i'm just going to create my keyboard shortcuts so i'll just do a little different one maybe ctrl shift p for place love that all right that's going to be an easy one to remember and then i just simply say accept and there it is wonderful so i've now made this into a keyboard shortcut for me so i don't have to do this manually anymore all right and then you'll want to experiment with the other some of your other favorite tools now you'll see that just like how i showed you with the toolbar i'm able to now save this as well so i can come back to it anytime i want i can go ahead and save this for different documents however you want to you can always bring up different keyboard shortcuts right totally up to you but i just want you to see how awesome this is and again experiment on your own i'm gonna click okay get back out of this all right and then the last thing i'm gonna show you here for customization is going to be around your preferences okay and there's a lot a lot of preferences within photoshop and you'll want to just kind of pick and choose which ones you want to play around with i'm going to show you kind of more some of the higher level ones that you'll want to experiment with so if you're on the pc you simply just go to edit and then you're going to go to preferences and then notice all the different categories i have here if you're on the mac you're going to simply find the photoshop menu in the upper left same thing click on photoshop and then choose preferences so let's go to edit go to preferences and then i'm just going to go right to general and we'll just see how it looks initially all right so certain things you may or may not want to do like for example auto show the home screen okay so as soon as you open it up does it go to the home screen does it go to a blank screen totally up to you maybe some of you like the older look right so you can see the new document interface from the legacy version of it absolutely you can do that here's an option you might like is the skip transform when placing some of you especially if you're just beginning you might actually not want that option where it has a little bounding box around it and then you have to hit commit maybe you want to skip that okay so you have lots and lots of options here again just kind of really spice to taste your interface you'll see here i can say hey i want to change my interface to a totally different color maybe just depending on how your screen looks how your eyes look maybe it's your aesthetic preferences takes a little while to kind of like adjust your eyes but again up to you however you want to do that now if we go over here to workspace you'll see that i'm going to have a lot a lot of different options here in terms of how i want my workspace to be shown all right so you notice how i have this auto collapse iconic panels what does that mean this area over here is known as my iconic panels so it could be that when i click on it and i'm not using it i want it to auto collapse i wanted to then just sort of like go back to where it was i don't want to have to do it manually it's just going to automatically go back so i can set that to do that if you want to all right you also might want to change how your documents are opening up notice i have a tab up here you might want to change that to just opening up into floating windows if you'd like to do that you can also make your tabs a little smaller if you like to you can see that does that on off okay just like that all right now let's take a look at our units some of you may decide that you want to change your basic unit of measure the default to be not inches but pixels because you're working more with web stuff versus print stuff okay maybe pikas is the way you want to go if you are working with more print stuff okay so you can change that right but a good rule of thumb is that you want to make sure that no documents are open when you do this because then it will change it for all documents moving forward right and then a few other things around resolution what's going to be your default for new documents you can change all these things here and then some of you may be going a little bit more advanced with guides grids okay and if you are working with slices and you just might want to change the color you also want to change the look and feel of it okay so when you're working with guides it's really great way to stay organized and stay aligned with your content you can change the colors of these things like really easily to pretty much most basic colors and you can see here you can make it dash you can make it just a solid line again up to you all right and we'll talk a little bit about artboards in a little bit but you'll see how the art boards are also going to have an opportunity to change the colors for those and then if you are working with grids you can not only see how you can change the color of what the grid's going to look like but how spaced out do you want your grids to be and this is actually a really nice tool if you're kind of building things up almost like like an architect would right where you actually want to have things every so inches or millimeters something like that to be very very specific and have a lot of sort of perfection around things so you want to have those grids there when you finally do snap to those grids everything falls in line according to that layout that you have here okay and then the last thing i'm going to show you is this file handling now this is something that i always recommend even in the beginner classes to save your work often of course but sometimes we don't save our work and sometimes photoshop crashes so this file handling will actually address some of that issue if photoshop does crash and you'll see that there's this option to automatically save recovery information every how many minutes okay so your default most likely is going to be 10. some of you may have it more some of you may have a less okay so i'm going to keep mine at five because guess what there's a lot of genius that happened just in those last four minutes or i don't want to go beyond those five minutes because guess what all that might be lost if i have it at 10 minutes so what would happen is that photoshop will come up and say hey listen i noticed that i crashed on you my apologies sorry for that but i was saving some things for you so can i bring that up for you so then you can recover it okay so fantastic so you have all that set to go all right now one reason why you may not want to do that is because it could be challenging to your computer to some computers to some processing power so you want to just make sure that it doesn't compromise your system too much all right now there's a lot lot more options here i recommend just going a little bit deeper into these and certainly put on the comments if you if you have certain ones that you want you know the the community to know about okay but there's really a lot to focus on i'm giving you kind of the more high level ones a little more than what we did in our beginner class but certainly experiment with these and love to hear from you as far as what rises at the top for you so i'm going to click ok and the last thing i'm going to do is i'm going to save all of those kind of shortcuts and everything else so that i can use these over and over and over again okay because right now i'm still working with essentials okay and you'll notice i have one from my beginner's class this dave's faves we're gonna do a different one now that i've kind of gone a little bit more in terms of my tools and my shortcuts and things like that okay so let me go ahead and just save that so i'm going to just come over to the drop down i'm going to say new workspace i'm going to create my own before there was a 3d in photography and graphics now i'm going to have my own okay so i'm going to say advanced tools and then dc for me all right and now notice here is panel locations will be saved in the workspace keyboard shortcuts menus and toolbars are optional okay but no i actually just customized those wonderful great now i'm set to go i click on save and this is exactly how i want it i love all this stuff here but then let's just say here i am in the future i go a little crazy i go here and then oops i even lost my layers panel my favorite thing there my properties panel i love that okay i'm gonna make that a little bit smaller okay and things are getting a little bit messy for me okay so i like to think about this as the mary poppins effect right what did mary poppins do she came in she said hey children clean up your toys okay and then what did she do she wiggled something around or said some magic potions or did something with her nose i don't remember but she did some pretty great magic and all the toys went into the rightful place place for everything and everything in its place so how do i do that click on the little drop down and then notice this is selected that's kind of weird so what do i have to do i have to say reset advanced tools and then look at that mary poppins is very happy all right so you have a lot of customization options to do i'm going to recommend you do is pause the video and then do whatever types of customizations you would like and of course this may change by the way so just let me just say one quick thing is that i might come back over here and say listen i'm not working with patterns so i'm going to close that and then for example i might want to have my colors down here right so i'm changing all of this stuff here which is going to happen so what you do is you just come over to here and then i would just say new workspace again and then it's kind of weird but i would have to say advanced tools dc literally the same name and then go to here do the same thing and it's going to tell me that the custom workspace advanced tools dc already exist you want to replace it i'm going to say yes okay so now that has been overridden it's a little cumbersome right but essentially it's like a save as you're replacing what you've already done and then you're good to go all right so pause the video practice it and we'll see you in the next lesson now we've all worked with layers at this point okay we've seen how layers are just the magic really just the engine that makes photoshop be photoshopped so if we look at my layers panel over here we're in the hotpeppers3.pst file and you'll see that i have a lot of layers here and notice i also have a clipping mask that's happening here i have a group okay i've got all kinds of different things here i'm going to bring this out so i have a little more for me to work with all right now let's just see some of the other options within our layers panel that you may have chosen to ignore because they're relatively new some of you may have some experience with photoshop but you're not necessarily accustomed to some of the new things maybe you've just ignored some of the options that are available to us all right so let's take a look at some of these options over here up on top okay so these are really extraordinary when you have lots and lots of layers it's really great for viewing what you want to view and for filtering out for certain elements and also for searching for what you want to okay so let's just take a look at what we have here currently i have nothing filtered so therefore all my options are showing here but let's just say i only want to show just my photos i don't really care about all my type so i click on this little option here you can see it says filter four pixel layers i do that oh great so all that other stuff that i didn't really care about just kind of goes away temporarily click on it again comes right back okay really really awesome what if i only want to see my type i click on that that's great i love that come back right and you'll notice that as i'm filtering i have this little little guy here that's telling me that things are filtered out when's that going to be important for you this would be important for you when you're working on somebody else's stuff and you're just like hey where's all the stuff where'd you know sally she came in and she was working on everything where is it oh she filtered oh i see and see they're telling you this nice little red dot say okay things are filtered cool now i know okay so i can bring that back up all right now let's take a look at some of the other options here because currently we would be filtering by kind right not nice but the type right that's what we're looking at here pick a filter type right like our images or adjustment layers or type etc i click on this but also note that you can click on name and then just do a search for something okay so i'm just going to type out b-a-n-n-e-r and then look at that wonderful that comes right up so if you're looking for something you can't find it you can also search by name maybe you're working on different effects so let me go ahead and just change this back to kind so we're back to score one click on this i'm going to choose effect okay and then notice i can then look for different effects so do i have any drop shadows here oh i certainly do and look at that comes right up so it could be a situation where you're like listen we're not doing drop shadows anymore that's very 90s or whatever story you're telling yourself you can find all your drop shadows and then just change them just that just like that right so super easy you'll have them all in front of you nothing else because it only shows those effects that are that effect that you want to work with let me come right back to here and then notice that there's a whole bunch of other options here that you might want to work with okay you might want to go a little bit deeper in certain things notice here i'm showing my different modes we're going to talk about blending modes in just a little bit but you can see if you're only looking at certain modes you can then come back and activate these if you like maybe you're looking for certain colors okay and we're going to talk about color coding our layers in just a little bit so notice you can then filter out certain colors it's not about the color on the canvas it's the color of how you color code it within the layer i'm going to come right back here and we'll see okay very good fantastic okay love all this all right now you'll also see if you haven't worked with these before okay your opacity okay great you can work with that nice and easy okay you can just basically make this transparent if you want to this particular layer you can bring that down okay that's great okay also note a nice little shortcut if you're working with a little mouse wheel you don't have to go and click on that little drop down you can just move your mouse right on top of the number and i'm using my mouse wheel to go up and down so i can kind of see it in real time saves me a little bit of time as well again just move your mouse right on top of it and then using the mouse wheel does that and you'll also note that i can move my mouse right on top of the word opacity and bring that this way or that way i don't see it in real time as quickly okay but it still does it nonetheless all right now down below you also have these options here to lock certain things what are you trying to lock you're trying to just lock just my transparent pixels right you're gonna just try to lock you can see it'll tell you my image pixels lock the position of whatever you're working with here so you can see you can also prevent auto nesting into and out of artboards and frames okay so basically you don't want it to necessarily just automatically fall right into a frame if it's doing that if you are working with our boards some of you working with illustrator may have some experience with artboards and you'll see here also i can just lock the entire thing and then bam i can click on the lock again or i can click on this lock and you're good to go right and then fill as much as this will work to a certain extent for these right kind of does the same thing as opacity generally this is reserved for for shapes okay so you can actually just kind of remove the filth for these right but essentially does the same thing as opacity does all right so great control over your layer management okay so just really understand kind of what all the things you can do up on top here that you may have chosen to ignore now right clicking goes a long way with your layer management okay so if i right click on this right here you're gonna see i have a lot a lot of options here okay so one is to convert to a smart object uh in my earlier class we did talk about smart objects so smart objects basically protect your your layer right from actually having any kind of like destructive nature to it right so any kind of things you're gonna do to this particular image it's not going to be affected if you make it into a smart object okay typically me personally i make something into a smart object exclusively when i'm going to put a filter on it okay then it becomes a smart filter and it becomes non-destructive and then that way i can also manipulate it you'll see more of that in our earlier class that we published and also later on we'll be doing more stuff on filters just the same all right create clipping mask right i showed you how to do that in earlier class just using the alt key so lots of options here that you could do with the right click but we're going to do other ways that i showed you okay and then once you have some layer styles notice here's some other options to copy and paste layer styles okay you can flatten the image right so therefore it's going to be no more layers at all maybe you want to do that but make sure you've committed to that and then finally we have some of these other options here for color coding okay so let me just go over here to my clipping mask group and i'm going to make that red and notice how the whole group then gets red i'm going to right click on my banner i'm going to make that yellow okay and notice how that becomes yellow and then coming back to where we were before let's choose color and i will choose now red and then look at that because that's how i am organizing things i'm organizing things by color so therefore when i only want to see that particular color i can access it no problem all right so i'm just going to go ahead and i can also click on this to clear out of it and that takes me right back to everything all right so again another way to organize your content and that's through right clicking okay so right clicking really does go a long way in this program so don't be shy about that okay and you'll also see how i have a group here right this is a clipping mask group let's say i want to group other things so how do i group things pretty easily just go ahead and select the two things or the three things or the 50 things you want to group so i'm just going to click on the first one hold down the shift key so now two things are selected and very simply i'm going to come down to this guy right here looks like a little folder and click on that and it should even tell me create a new group now that's a group i'm going to simply double click on that and just call that images great lovely i can of course open that up and i'm good to go all right so a lot a lot of power working with just this amazing amazing layers panel that you may not have experienced before so i recommend really when you have a large large document when you have a big project you're working on and there's a lot of layers working with all these tools to make it so you can really customize things control things and then filter out things however you want to absolutely recommend that so where i'm going to pause the video for now i'm going to have you pause the video and then we're gonna move on to um something within the same document working with what we call blend modes and blend modes are a game changer for a lot of people and there's a lot of different ways you can use blend modes so go ahead and pause the video bring up your own document if you want to experiment see what else is available for you and how you can control all your layers accordingly all right so enjoy and we'll see you in the next exercise on blending modes let's now discuss blending modes so blending modes as the name implies allows us to blend together more than one object to see what type of effect we can get it might make it darker it might make it brighter it might make it more luminescent okay there's so many different things that we can do and then a lot of times they're predictable and other times like wow we don't really know how photoshop's algorithm is going to make two things blend together so we're going to be looking at several different examples of currently that are on here but also how we can kind of move around them now i also have posted a little sheet that kind of talks a little bit more about what each does okay because they kind of break it down for you in kind of more kind of plain language but really this is a spice to taste sorry for the pun now that we're looking at jalapenos but you're going to want to really just experiment with what you see in front of you and then see how they all kind of blend together but you'll be very pleasantly surprised and there's a lot of different elements in different sort of contexts you might see blend modes so let me just show you one example right now right i am working with um this clipping mask and i have this blend mode this is where my blend modes live on my layers panel right called pass through if i click back on my banner this should say normal i click on this it says pass through i click on that that says normal and that says normal so what in fact is this doing well let's just experiment so i'm going to click on this and it'll say normal you can see how that changes the look and feel of how these things are now interfacing with each other you see that so everything that's underneath it is what's making the blend of this to all these guys here do what it's doing okay so pretty extraordinary right to be able to get such a magical quick effect without really a whole lot of effort all right let's try something else now let's now work with our peppers okay do you see here i have my peppers you can see there there and you'll notice that there is a background okay you can't see that background if i click on that now you can see it and that's pretty cool all right but i want to kind of create something a little bit more interesting a little more visual interest something that i could not create myself i'm going to have photoshop do it through a blend mode okay again it's going to blend the two of these together so my peppers are going to look a little bit different currently they're not really blending at all because it just says normal so i can't really see through this and this is not going to the background is not going to feed into my peppers so much because there is no blend mode now let's blend them together i'm just going to choose dissolve let's just go through them one by one and i'm just by the way just hitting the arrow key just to go through them one by one so i start off dissolve nothing too fancy and then right away like ooh darken that's the darken is what it's doing that's for sure and it's kind of interesting right it looks like it's kind of on fire it's like in an oven okay color burn okay we know burn means dark and typically as well okay but it's taking some of the darker colors there and then again you just want to sort of experiment what is going to be the look you're looking for how is this going to kind of tell your story without distracting things too much oh that's kind of neat color dodge some of the words we've seen before like dodge and burn come in here as well okay and by the way you'll just notice that these are all broken out into different sections here right this is a very much you can see here is burned for darken and for light and you see there's the word dodge okay and then some nice little um light options here okay but very clean overlay okay and a few other more kind of abstract ones you'll see like oh that's kind of an interesting one that really really makes it looks like it's it's under like hot coals okay so you'll really want to experiment with all of these okay now sometimes you do want to combine them with your opacity because if it's coming a little bit too strong maybe you want to bring down the opacity of what's underneath it and then so therefore it's not quite as strong you're still getting kind of a nice subtle effect there again this is very much a spice to taste type of thing right so really experiment with that this is a good document to experiment with but you may have one or two things that you want to work with certainly type with something that's underneath it can really have a pretty extraordinary effect so work with that now you're going to see blend modes in a number of different capacities all right i'm just going to show you just one of them and i will point it out as we go through our class and you'll see them again and again and again all right but the more common way you'll see it is typically going to be underneath where you have your effects okay so maybe you've done effects before right where maybe you've done a drop shadow or you've done a glow okay what we're going to do is we're going to do a color overlay for this particular banner so you'll see lots and lots of options here i'm going to say color overlay and it's just going to color it with black okay not what i want but sometimes that's pretty good right maybe that's actually exactly what you wanted to do that's great color overlay fantastic you'll also notice here's the option for opacity because maybe i just want to make that just slightly kind of darkened or whatever now this is coming in as black right you can see that i don't want this as black so what i can do is just maybe simply go over to here and just choose this nice little fire color of orange okay that's great love that still not doing what i wanted to do obviously i could again bring down my opacity and do all that but let's see what happens if i apply a blending mode to my actual effect so we've only done blending modes between two different layers but now we can actually do with this color overlay and what it is in fact overlaying okay so you can see what this is gonna do okay so let's just see dissolve not too much all right darken something's happening oh that's kind of interesting well that's a little better i'm starting to see some lines in there i didn't notice earlier so i might want to affect that ahead of time all right so you can see how what it's doing for each of that interaction that i see here between that color and my banner so i might like this a little bit notice subtract is kind of doing the opposite on the color wheel a little bit so i can then go ahead and just blend it in a tiny tiny bit maybe see what some of these abstractions can do okay you just want to experiment with this okay that's kind of nice looks a little retro kind of cool let's make it go harder maybe softer all right love that alright so i'm pretty much good there and i click okay and notice it doesn't show up over here except for the color overlay okay it doesn't show up here but it is in fact happening so when i double click back in color overlay i'll be able to see that i have a blend mode on this so it's a nice kind of like hidden trick to be able to actually affect something without affecting it on the layer proper all right so again something you want to definitely experiment with all right and i will be pointing out once again of how we can work with different um blend modes as these things come up all right so again pause the video experiment with it see what you can do and then what we're going to do when we come back we're going to work with the same exact file our hot peppers and we're going to learn about something called layer comps and i can assure you you're going to love it what is a layer comp and why do we want to use a layer comp and why are we going to love them as promised so a layer comp is designed to give you different iterations within the same file so if i have a client and they say well listen can you just give me like four or five different versions of what you're working on here but i want to see them all in one page i want you to create a pdf i want to have several different ones churned out it's like ah really so that means that i gotta now create four or five different versions and i lose the initial one i did or i have to find those other three that's a bit of a pain layer comps are an amazing amazing project-based tool that's gonna allow you to then say hey listen i want to try one with my banner down below i want to try another one with a different kind of blend mode you know want to move things around right you might want to just take away some of our effects you can do that using layer comps without having to go to another document altogether in order to process it all so currently i'm working on my layers panel there is the panel called layer comps so i'm going to bring that up i'm just going to bring this over here don't need my notes and for right now i'm just going to bring over my layers this way so we can kind of see everything a little bit better so currently i have a layer comp panel that has no layer comps on it so what do i need to do i need to create those layer comps okay those iterations now need to be created so they can be saved and preserved and exported so i can then show them and use them okay so it's really really awesome okay this is going to save you just a ton of time and make all of your clients and co-workers very happy so this is my starting point so i'm going to make this a layer comp where it's like i can always come back to this or this is maybe one of the iterations i'm working with so i want to save this so you'll notice that down below here is a little plus sign so i can go and click on that to say hey create a new layer comp and it's going to ask me well what's the name of this going to be alright and i could just call this orange banner top okay and then i'll just call this pass through blend whatever you want to call it okay and then you can put some notes here in here if you want to right so especially if you're working collaboratively you'll want to put some notes here okay whatever i'm not going to do that right now but certainly no you can do that and then what are you now preserving okay your visibility your position your appearance absolutely everything i want everything to be preserved i click ok and now i have a new layer comp right now let's see we can do if i make some changes okay i'm just going to go ahead and just turn off this effect all right so just keep it at that that's that's my very simple new layer comp i'm going to do so i'm just going to go ahead and click on my plus sign and this time it's going to be green banner pass through all right same deal okay great now i have two layer comps this is the one i'm currently on now let's make some other changes here let's say i want to experiment with my blend mode to be a little bit something else here so let's just try this little fiery one there love that that's pretty great and that's it just making one simple change totally up to you go to here all right and i'm just gonna say let's make sure i remember what that's called that is my color dodge color dodge peppers okay and then again green banner top click ok all right and then let's just do one more let's go we'll be a little more dramatic where i'm going to now move this banner way down below so i'm just going to go ahead and click and drag while holding down the shift key so it keeps in straight line great keeps aligned and now i'm going to go over to my clipping mask and then i'm just going to bring that up using my arrow keys holding down my shift key to make it go a little bit farther and faster and then okay great something completely different now just trying it out why not so i'm going to click on my little plus sign i'm going to say banner green bottom okay and then we'll just keep it dodge blend okay wonderful that's great now i have four different iterations okay cool all right now let's just see it in action so when i click over here takes me right back to what i want to work on right and then notice how i click on the left hand side not right here on the words i clicked on this left banner to then activate it so you can see i can go from here to here to here to here oh look at that big jump big jump big jump all right now you're probably asking yourself well what if i want things to change a little bit right so for this one you know it's a little maybe i wanted to do for the bottom one i actually want to do a different blend mode for the banner one on the bottom so guess what i can now make a change to this currently let's go ahead and do that i'm going to make a change to this so it's going to be a little bit different okay let's do that a little greener okay linear light so guess what i can do now i can then refresh it and update it based off of what let me go ahead and zoom in here so you can see what we're looking at just that guy right there basically saying hey update this blend mode with what we currently see on the screen so i click on that and then bam there that is okay so if i compare the two they are now different okay and if i double click on that i can then go back to here and i can say hey listen this is going to be a linear light blend mode okay great now that's all set all right so that's great in and of itself but now the power comes in the fact that we can then export all of these individual layer comps as individual files pdfs psds jpegs pngs you name it whatever you want and they're all going to be separate from each other so how do we do that if we go over to here to file you're going to see way down on the bottom there's going to be this set of exports okay and you're going to see here is this option for layer comps to files layer comps to pdf so i'm going to click on files for right now and it's going to ask me very simply where do you want to put it so i'm going to click on browse all right and i'm going to put this in my class folder here right bam there it's going to go and then here it's asking me my file name prefix right just the name of the file i'm going to keep that that's great and then it's asking me what file type do you want to export this as so when i click on the drop down notice i can do a jpeg a pdf right a tiff all kinds of different png options there okay that's great so let me just do a jpeg for right now notice you can adjust the quality let's make that super high quality click on run and then just watch the magic happen right just processing everything processing everything layer comps to files was successful great so now let's go ahead and see where they ended up and what they look like fantastic awesome one two three four different jpegs for me to work with right to me to share me to put into a newsletter me to put in a contact sheet however you want to do it but now notice i just have them i can click on them and they're going to be just these individual layers that i've created one by one by one look at that now i have them saving me a ton of trouble in the future let's do it one more time this time let's do it for pdf so file export i'm going to say layer comps to pdf right and then let's put it maybe in the same folder okay and then we'll just call up peppers all right and then notice it does give me the option here to advance it in case you're doing a slideshow i don't really care about that i'm not doing a slide show but maybe you are so you can absolutely do that if you want to notice you also have the option to only export selected layer comps again totally up to you so let me click on run same process churning it out doing the script running through each layer comp and it tells me it's successful where it's going to go to that's great and now come over to here and look at that one pdf name peppers and i click on that you'll be able to see i'm going to say don't care about screen mode so right now we'll be able to see all the pages look at that in one pdf it is absolutely amazing all right so let me just come right back to here and i want to encourage you again to pause the video try this out yourself with any kind of thing that you're working with where you're manipulating the layers uh to then just have you know different iterations okay if you're working on different projects absolutely hopefully you see the value in this and give you some time to practice and then we will come back with our next exercise have fun switching up gears a little bit we're going to talk a little bit about shapes illustrations vectors working with the direct selection tool and you're going to see how although we're in photoshop and not illustrator this is really going to serve you well uh working with understanding how shapes work just in terms of your graphic design capabilities because these types of things occur everywhere you'll see them inside of posters you'll see them in newsletters but understanding also how we can master things like our direct selection tool will help us with different types of selection techniques which we'll move forward to later on to be a little more advanced with our selection techniques so you probably know already we have a bunch of shapes that we can work with right so you can see here i can just choose rectangle rounded rectangle etc i can also choose what color i'll be going to i can also choose a color from here let me go ahead and just choose a solid color nice little magenta there okay that's great i can also choose what stroke the strict the thickness of the stroke etc okay so let me just do just a very basic perfect circle by holding down the shift key great perfect and then i can go ahead and move that maybe i'm going to be a little more kind of avant-garde it comes a little bit off gives creates a little bit of motion all right that's great and then i can also do the alt key or option key on the mac to then just to clone that maybe i move this over here okay great wonderful i can go to over to my appearance panel and change the color to something else very easy okay so maybe you've seen that before super easy okay sometimes you might want to work with the polygon tool okay so if i click on that now you will see with my polygon tool i can then click and just say hey listen how many sides is my polygon going to be you'll also notice that up on top it's also giving me the option to say hey listen how many sides do you want it to be and when you look at your properties panel a little bit you'll see it's going to give you some similar options there even after the fact so let's just say i just want to do a very simple pentagon it's great and then my star ratio is actually going to be 100 because i'm not doing a star so make sure you keep an eye on that corner radius is gonna be zero and now i have that that's great and i can resize this just like anything else holding down the shift key to constrain proportions and there you have it all right let me bring my properties panel up a little bit so we can see some different choices that i have here and you'll notice how i can okay and then i'm going to go and resize that holding down the shift key and then don't forget to apply and commit what you're working on now let's bring out my properties panel and i'll see that i have all the options like we saw the color fill okay as well as the ability to then actually change the sides here right there on the fly so i just want to do that notice i can very very easily do that let's just make that into a six sided shape okay that's great and then maybe i want to work with a 20 pixel corner radius let's make that a little bigger so you can see it and that's a nice little shape very quickly and easily now you also have the option to do stars so let's take a look at stars so again choose your polygon tool i'm just going to click anywhere and you will see that there's an option that comes up for how many sides you want corner radius same thing but now we're going to talk about our star ratio if you're planning on doing a star this is kind of a neat thing so how many star sides do i want how many kind of points do i want so i'm just going to say 10 it's a nice star and then i have to say here well how is my star ratio going to be in here so you'll see what that looks like essentially it's going to be sort of the radius if you will okay so i'm just going to say okay and now just like that i've created a pretty neat star resize it if you like change the color if you like okay wonderful maybe we're even working with gradients maybe you're comfortable with gradients at this point notice you can very easily apply these okay that's great let me just go over here to radial it's kind of nice that's even nicer awesome wow look how much stuff i can do so quickly and easily just from my properties panel and then i'm going to go even crazier or i'm going to make this a 20 pointed star and just like that it now becomes kind of a cool little sun okay so really really neat stuff okay now what we're looking at here is just an overview a little review for some of you on shapes okay now this is just the beginning there's so much we can do all right these are known as vectors okay so this is a vector shape so essentially what that means just kind of putting it into quick layman's terms that i can make this as big as i want and the lines get very very smooth right they maintain their smoothness no problem there okay so as opposed to a bitmap image as opposed to a jpeg which is going to actually lose some of its resolution if you make it too big bigger than its initial resolution okay but a vector image will not lose it all right so let's see what we can do now that we have a vector option in front of us here so let's see what the direct selection tool can do for us the direct selection tool what that's going to do it's going to allow us to play with the vector points or path points right you might hear them be called okay so all of this let's say i want to really customize all these little spikes on the star to be a little bit less uniform i can control that no problem using my direct selection tool okay not this one but it's going to be this guy right here daniel supes you'll see here how we get to it so click on that and it even tells me select the individual points and segments of a path right so these are all called paths so you also might hear it called path points so everything gets very activated as i do that now if i click directly on one of them notice how this one gets dark blue and the rest of these are hollow see that hollow hollow but this one is solid because i decided to select on that so i'm going to go ahead and click it and then watch me as i click and drag stretching that out okay the operation will turn a live shape into a regular path yes i want that so very good now it's become kind of an official path and a shape giving me all of the power in the world now to then play around with this let's make it kind of not so perfectly uniform this is going to go way out here this one maybe out here maybe his neighbor is going to be way out here okay so you can see all the things that we can do to manipulate this shape okay let's just go to another one and just bring this over here come back to my regular move tool and let's just move that out of the way for a moment and let's go over to here go back to my direct selection tool and then when i click on this one you'll notice it's going to be a little bit different okay it's going to be a little bit different because i have curves here okay so when i click on this one you'll notice that there's going to be these little guys right there okay these are known as your bezier handles and by the way this is a really nice introduction for for illustrator by the way so understanding how the the direct selection tool works and also these little bezier handles but notice how you have this little option right here and you also have this little option right here these this is now connected more to the shape itself but this will actually control the curvature and the sort of magnitude of that curve okay as opposed to just like a hard right angle so if i just simply click and drag this out notice i'm just kind of making it kind of longer okay making it sort of bigger so i'm going to say yes again and this time i'm just going to use this little bezier handle and then watch what happens to this little curve right here as i do that click and drag out like that and maybe i want to match this to be out like that and then i'm going to brag drag this guy here and then notice i can start making a pretty unusual shape very quickly and easily i just started off with the shape but then i was able to then manipulate each individual path point to make it what i want to be okay so really cool really easy to work with okay case you want to manipulate your own i'm going to show you in a future exercise about how we can make our type get converted into shapes so therefore you can almost kind of create your own font if you will all right so let's just do one other thing with shapes before we convert something to a clipping mask we'll see how we can work with shapes and clipping masks but we're going to use the custom shape tool so i click on that and nothing really happens but you will see that you're going to have an option over here for shape and then showing right now is the most recent shape that i've worked with okay so i'm going to click on the drop-down i'll be able to see all of these individual shape categories that i have available to me you'll also notice i have some legacy shapes and there's even more and more and more hiding in there okay lots and lots of options and then you'll also notice that under the window menu you're going to have a shapes shapes option right there and then you can always click on this little flyout menu and then you can also just organize things in the way that you want to and then even bring in the legacy shapes if you don't currently have them alright so shapes essentially these are going to be a little bit more graphic a little bit more kind of like complete right not so basic versions of different drawings if you will right so i can just very easily bring out some of these and then manipulate them if i want to or just keep them as is so this is very beautiful i love this okay and look at that really nice they've done all the work for me that's great all right let me bring in something a little different commit to that okay let's just bring in this beautiful rhinoceros okay i'm just creating a scene here you can see maybe this is even the beginning of my logo photoshop is doing a lot of the work for me so this is a shape so guess what i can manipulate this right let's just say this horn i want to manipulate that okay how do i do that i just simply go right back to my direct selection tool notice all my path points now arrive and guess what i can then go zoom really in so i can see okay what am i selecting here i can go right to that path point with my direct selection tool and now bam i can then manipulate this a little more so it's a little bit more pointy right maybe going up higher like that you can go nuts maybe you want to see this part here you can control all that so this is the shape that photoshop created for us as a vector but we're able to control it and own it and do whatever you'd like okay so pretty neat right a lot of cool stuff here okay so i now have another image that i'm working with that's over here in this cube of curves i'm just going to drag that up into here drag that back down here and i would like to just maybe put her inside of the star oh that's kind of interesting i can do that well let's just try it out i don't know so i'm going to bring my background up above and unlock her just like that she goes away and now guess what i can do a clipping mask with the shape all right if you followed along in my last class that i taught for my intro we learned about clipping mask with basic text and basic jpegs but text essentially kind of acts as a shape in a way for you to frame your image however you want to do it so if i want to make this clip into this very simply hold down the alt or option key and click and look at that how cool is that now she is the star she is living inside of this little sun and i can do all kinds of interesting things here let me go ahead and just bring in a solid color background let me bring that down underneath okay cool fun maybe you want to go step further do a gradient background instead okay you can do that just the same have lots of fun with it and just bring that down below okay a little bit of a different look but you can see how you can combine all of that knowledge now to then manipulate your shapes right of course i can manipulate this now again even if i wanted to now play around with these stars i can easily do that now bring this up a little more show some of the image you have all the control in the world to be as creative as you want with kind of minimal effort you know kind of cool now i can see more of that image i couldn't see otherwise okay so what i want you to do is pause the video and start experimenting with shapes so this is the first time you're working with shapes start slowly work with some of the basic shapes and then see what happens when you manipulate it with your direct selection tool and then maybe bring in some of your custom shapes see what you can do there change the colors apply a gradient if you like right and then just as a bonus if you want to do something fun like this where you can do a clipping mask practice that as well okay enjoy and we'll see in the next video let's talk about text baby um we're going to go a little bit deeper than you might have gone with text in the past where we're not going to be doing about topography and letting and all that stuff you can watch our intro class on that we're going to talk about how we can work with type as shapes and also how why we want to do that and then also how we can work with type on a path as well okay so why would we want to do type as shape number one you may have your type coming in when you're printing it slightly pixelated okay so when that happens you want to do what we call creating as outlines or converting it to shape so your printer might say like hey listen it's coming a little pixelated can you convert them to shapes so if i were to try to print this it's going to look a little jagged or whatever it is just because it reads it as like a bitmap if you convert that to a shape that'll address that problem that's going to be number one another reason you might want to do that is to be able to kind of create custom fonts right i like this but i don't love it so i might want to change it it's a starting point for me so you can be super creative and then make your text look exactly how you want it to okay so really cool so what can we do how do we do it so right now this is just regular type that i just typed out right no big deal here okay just click on it okay that's great now you'll also notice moving my layers panel out here i have this photoshop layer it's a type layer you can see there that is now i'm going to right click on that and you're going to see there's this option here to convert to shape okay so if anybody ever says like hey create outlines out of it in photoshop this is how you do it how many other programs like indesign and illustrator they literally say create outlines so i'm going to click on convert to shape and you'll see just like that it's going to look very familiar if you watched our last exercise about how we worked with shapes themselves okay so now they're all individual shapes okay they're not manipulatable anymore as type just know that all right but i'm going to have all the control in the world now to now just select this this and this all independently as individual shapes and of course you'll notice how i get all these individual path points for me to work with okay so let's just say i wanted to make this h look a little different right let's make it kind of like a metal kind of look right like metal like heavy metal so if i click on this now using my direct selection tool notice how i get all my hollow white path points and now i get this solid one i can just simply click and drag that up let's do this very different look now okay just like that okay maybe to make this a little bit smaller kind of be a little more fun okay cool all right so just a little bit of a different look because now these are individual shapes that i can work with okay so really cool excellent so just you want to kind of play around with these just the same now we have not gone deeper into working with shapes in terms of the pen tool i'm going to show you one little excellent kind of featurette that lives inside of the pen tool and that is to convert points okay we have not worked with any of these to actually draw some things that's a little bit out of the scope of this class but we may dabble a little bit of that when we get into our advanced selection what we're going to do here is convert the point what does that mean convert the point let's say i want these to be rounded i don't want them to be this kind of like hard angle so if i click on convert point and then i click and drag on this i've now got a nice little bubbly see that now it's going to look like that okay and then maybe you've converted that to a microphone cool that could be kind of fun or maybe you can make into a paint brush something like that right whatever you want to make it to kind of communicate where you're trying to communicate i'm going to hold down the shift key and now i select both using my direct selection tool this is selected and this is selected i'm just going to use my arrow keys bring that down bring that up okay just see how much control you have over this now that we've converted to a shape so you can be super creative with this now these are still seen as a group so in order to actually like excise these sort of excavate them from this whole group you would need to put them on their own individual layer so if i go over to here and i just say the path selection tool and i select one of these shapes notice i can go ahead and select it okay and the path selection tool is living in with the direct selection tool selects the whole shape inside of here and then i do something that maybe some of you know already i go to layer new and then layer via cut and then we'll create its own layer for that object because otherwise if i don't do that if i make a change to this it changes all of them so as an example if i click on this right now when i make this its own color i can now do that if i choose let's just say this layer here with all my other letters okay and i make a change to it it changes all of them do you see that so what i need to do is now just extract this out so i'm going to go back to my path selection tool i click on let's just say this p go over here to layer new and then shape layer via cut and this is a good keyboard shortcut to remember and now see this is going to be separate so i might want to actually name these if that's going to be the case right just to make that a p okay and then i can change the color of this so i can have all the control in the world now to make each individual letter its own individual color and i can go ahead and move it someplace else i can have a lot more fun with it because they're all now going to be kind of separate from each other i can rotate it you know so you can actually kind of cheat treat them like shapes but it's going to spell something out okay so next level thing we're going to do is work with um type on a path and you can see type on a path is relatively straightforward working with photoshop as opposed to other programs where you actually have to actually activate type on a path so what is type on a path i have a little path here and i want to put some type on here okay and your path could be anything if you know how to actually draw out some paths it might be around a mountain a cloud a star something like that we're going to keep it nice and simple for right now so i'm going to just choose my basic type tool and you're going to see i'm just going to kind of zoom in a little bit you're going to see as i move my mouse with my type tool over the shape okay let's go ahead and just make this shape active and i move my mouse over it you're going to see very faintly a little circle and then as soon as i move my house right over the edge you're going to see a little wavy line i'm just going to go ahead and click and you see whoa what does that do it brings in a whole bunch of type based off of whatever the last font size i chose and it also brings in all this lorem ipsum you may have seen this before so i wanted to use this as sort of a teachable moment to come back to our preferences so you can see maybe i don't want this coming in so i'm going to go ahead and just hit escape and undo so you can see back to edit and then preferences there's an option here for type and if you don't like all that lorem ipsum you can see here is fill new type layers with placeholder text so if you don't want that go over here to the type tab and then just uncheck that and it will no longer come in but sometimes it's a good idea because like for me that font came in really big so it was at least the label to know what it was but just know that you have the option to turn that off if you like okay and also just keep in mind what size font you're going to be applying right when you create the type the text box i'm just going to go ahead and click and then i'm just going to say around the world with photoshop okay and this is now text that i can easily highlight change the color of it whatever i'd like to do if i want to change it use it to the same color here or you can put all kinds of different things on here if you like in terms of a stroke right drop shadow all that good stuff and now here comes the little bit of a tricky part how do you move it around and around the actual shape itself we're going to come back over here to our direct selection tool and i want you to notice that when i select it i can find this oops not that one okay i'll be able to find its note i told you it was tricky okay you're going to see that there's going to be like a little arrow right there that appears a tiny tiny little guy right you can barely see it it's like a little triangle that tells me where it's going to begin over here you can see now that little line appears then it also shows me over here as i'm clicking and dragging look to the left like kind of where the equator is this is going to show me where it's going to end kind of disappears a little bit okay this is a very unintuitive way that they're doing things right so you can see okay things kind of like disappear on me okay because things got a little bit too um sort of short for it so the text box essentially got a little bit too short so we want to kind of play around and understand that it's it's conforming to whatever kind of text you have beginning and also ending okay so if you have any extra spaces there just kind of play around with it to understand what it's in fact doing okay but you can control that nicely and easily and you can do all kinds of great things working with type on a path all right and let's just do one last set of options here going to draw out another of options working with photoshop make that nice and big and by the way good keyboard shortcut what i'm using right now is control shift and then like the little right arrow or the period and you can see that actually will make the text grow in real time so i don't have to use my pesky old mouse okay love that there that is and now i'm going to select my type and go over to here to this option that you may have chosen to ignore to be able to do some warping of my text i click on that and you're going to see that there are some presets that you can say listen i'm going to just do a little arch maybe not so much bring that down a little bit okay maybe you want to distort things a little bit kind of make it kind of superhero style absolutely you can do that try another one let's just do bulge okay again make that grow a little bit bring that in kind of even it out a little bit great and again this is one of those things where you just do spice to taste how you want to kind of have it at the end you can always come back to it no problem i click ok click away from it and you'll notice that unlike working with shapes this is still type you know so i can treat it as type i can come back here and i can just add on a little exclamation point i want to great i come over to here i can add in maybe a little bit of a stroke drop shadow all kinds of different things here very easily okay there that is that's great i'm going to keep that there just for the sake of the exercise and then again if i decide i want to play around with this again i can just double click on the t go over here to my t again and then play around with it maybe do something completely different alright so again pause the video play around with this notice that you have all the control in the world to be very creative with type making them into shapes and understand the reason why we do this is for visual and graphic elements but also for when you're sending it to the printer so you can have cleaner edges as well okay so have fun play around and we'll see you in the next exercise welcome back everybody hope you're enjoying your exercises in this lesson we are going to cover 3d text how do we convert our text or type into 3d first thing i want to tell you it's a good idea to use a font that's going to be nice big and blocky like this before you convert it so if we take a look our font is luckiest guy you can see that's what i'm using right there but you can use the font of your choice so how do i make this into 3d very simply we're going to just double click on the t that selects all the text and you will see that i get this little option here that says 3d that i can now activate so i'm going to click on that and what it does is it automatically takes me into this 3d space okay this 3d workspace maybe some of you've seen this before when you click on this little drop down there's an option for 3d probably never really had a need for it now you do all right now what we're gonna do is we're gonna just stay within the properties panel because working with all this stuff here right to move it around and click and drag it as tempting as that may seem to do that it can actually be not super intuitive and very clumsy so we're going to use all the options here and a couple of the options here to play around with 3d all right so the first thing you'll notice again is my properties panel and you'll see that there are these tabs up on top that i can then play around with and there's a few other options down below that correspond to whatever those tabs are so let's just see what i can work with first of all there is this shape preset for my 3d okay so that's pretty cool how it comes in right now but i might want to do a totally different one so you can see there's a whole bunch of ones that are a little bit crazier a little bit kind of like twirly things like that i click on this you'll see slight change slight change slight change i am going to go over to that one a little bigger of a change right no thanks but the options are there if you want them i can very easily go right back here okay you'll also notice that i can adjust the extrusion depth right that's what this guy is here that guy over there the light gray that i see so if i now just bring this out like that and notice how it gets more extruded okay so pretty cool so great so i'm going to make it go just a little more out like that a little more three-dimensional right a little more visual interest a little more depth now over here i can change the color of this so of the foreground so let's just change this to this nice color green you'll see how it changes right there on the fly love that just make sure your intensity is at a place where you want it to be okay because it could sometimes for whatever reason just kind of be up here down there so i'm just going to make that maybe like that of course you can always come back and change it so that's going to be my foreground there no problem all right so i'm pretty cool here just notice also if i wanted to i can edit the source and let me just show you what that's going to do if i click on that that's essentially going to take me right back to my font here and if i want to change this to rome or the coliseum or piazza or pizza or whatever you want to do you can easily change that now what you may not notice is that it actually creates a new tab with a new file which is this psb file which that's essentially just kind of spitting out kind of a temporary thing for me here so i don't need that just going to go ahead and say close because i'm not making any changes i'll just say yes anyway and then it takes me right back to where i was okay so in case you are making those changes just know it's very subtle it creates a new tab here so let's continue on with our properties let's go to here and notice where am i i am in my deform all right so what do you want to do here so here's another option for my extrusion depth all right so it's doing that all right that's kind of cool yours may be doing something a little bit different because potentially you have a different set of elements here like you maybe are adding on your twist right oh that's kind of fun or maybe not so much but you can see all right welcome to italy okay the home of the pinwheel all right i'm gonna bring that back to zero and taper might be something you're interested in because it does that or it can do that which i really like see that's kind of like and then it's just sort of like a superhero let's bring that down a little bit notice what i'm doing so but totally up to you you have those options whatever you like all right and then you can experiment with some of these as well because notice how you can play around with which is it the x or the y in terms of the angles that it's coming in you can kind of control each of those you can see how that's going that way let's come this way i'm just using my my mouse wheel you can see maybe you want it to point down that way so it's left to right up or down again you have that kind of control over how your extrusion's going to go all right let's come back up and and by the way again here's your presets one more time let's come over to this tab cap and cap is essentially like i have a little bit of a cap on mine since the last time i worked on this but let me just show you what it's going to look like and we can play around with different ones you can see how we add a little bit of thing there we can just add on more or less bring that down to whatever essentially what this is doing is playing around with this kind of a bevel effect again do you like that or not play around with that okay you can see oh that's interesting a little more sort of chiseled if you will and there's some presets love them or hate them they're there okay kind of neat and then also it's asking me well what which one are you playing around with the front or the back or the front and back so you have some consistency again play around with that so it's looking pretty good and now that i've had a few more kind of width and angles that i play around with let me just go ahead and just play around with the strength of it and again the angle now a little bit more a little bit less all right very much spice to taste with this but it's really understanding how to work with these things all right try not to go too much on the canvas like i said because that will just make you go crazy because it doesn't work very well all right so let's go well it works but it's just not super intuitive and that's where this part comes in here and that's the coordinates because that's really the part that kind of throws people because when you try to go over here you try to like click and drag and do all kinds of stuff over there it's when it doesn't really kind of do what you expect it to do in my opinion at least right so that's why i like to work with these areas here so let's just see what this is going to do to see i can make this go left make it go right you can see i'm just moving it right moving the x moving the y like i said it's up and down or left and right and you'll see what the z does it's like oh it's just coming at you cool just kind of making it grow a little bit that's your z-axis let's take a look at our angles now see what does this do all right and let's see what this does oh okay things are starting to get a little more interesting right you can start to see the sort of three dimensionality of it so let me just change this to like 25. you can see that let's change this to maybe negative 25. oh interesting do i like that i don't know let's just bring that down to maybe negative 10 and let's just bring this down just to 10. cool so i got something happening here all right and of course you can come back and change it if you don't like the twist whatever it is just know what your options are and how we can play around with them all right this one is going to be our scale you can see dimensions or percent however you want to do that so you can see all right that's coming in like that or that's coming in like that depending on which part you're looking at right the x or the y you can see they all kind of work together in unison and very easily you could reset it back if you like okay and then finally you'll see here i can play around with different elements on here as well so you can see paint system texture projection all right okay that didn't go very well so i'm going to come right back to what that is and you can see how it also kind of like messed with my computer system a little bit this does take a lot of processing power so just understand that okay now i would like to change maybe this little green area here okay so i want to actually play around with what we're looking at as the italy extrusion material so you'll notice how as i choose these each individual one okay i'm going to get different choices depending on what i want to work with so all of these are their own kind of individual set of properties we've been looking at all of italy right here so that's actually adjusting everything all right but i'm only going to work with this extrusion material and you'll see that i have some options like glow metallic roughness and again this is going to be very much spice to taste play around with whatever's going to work for you but let's see what we can do if we change for example some of these presets and i just changed this to like gold you'll see just like that that changes here and you'll see that there's my base color my interior color okay kind of neat let me just go and bring up the glow a little bit so i can see oh that's kind of neat doing a little more metallic the roughness see what the height does some of these things are not going to do too much okay let's just see what the [Music] translucence is going to do oh interesting okay so just kind of play around with these things density combine some of these things here see what they do all right so i'm good to go with this i love this this is great i want to bring this back to where i was before so i'm just going to simply go back to my layers i'm going to click on my background layer and now here i am back here and i can see here's all my layers right i'm still kind of in this 3d mode more or less so what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click on this italy layer and i'm just going to say rasterize you could say render 3d layer that takes a long time to do it okay and you'll see that you might actually have a little more options to do that and then it's actually going to give you special kind of format for it but for our purposes right now you're essentially going to get kind of a good deal with this we're just saying rasterize 3d layer and then it takes me to that and it's great right so it's no longer i don't have the ability to then like play around with it anymore i'm pretty much committed to this because what i want to show you could do is you can now play around with individual parts of this if you like okay so like let's say i wanted to put a stroke kind of something subtle on this or something else on this kind of little foreground here i can do that so now that i have made this into a rasterized object i'm able to now maybe isolate certain parts of this to maybe have some more control over it you know maybe there's different elements you want to do to this maybe you want to change the color of each individual thing here maybe you want to put a stroke on it that type of thing all right so with my italy layer selected i'm just going to very easily go to my quick selection tool and then you can see i can just very slowly and carefully select that and then hold down my actually might even be better to do my magic wand tool since they're all kind of green bring down my tolerance bam bam bam holding down the shift key that's great all right so now what i could do in this case is now right click on this and just say say layer via copy or layer via cut i'm just going to say copy i know i have a new layer there and then i'm able to do all kinds of different things with this one separately yet but still maintaining my 3d so let's just see what i can do let's just add on a stroke to that that's kind of cool i like that let's make it even thicker let's see what that does let's bring up the opacity what does that do all right maybe you want to just do all kinds of things put a blend mode on there fill tight maybe you're going to work with a pattern right so whatever just go crazy with whatever you want to do but just know how i have control over this right completely separate from what i did underneath there all right so again i'll just leave that and i'm pretty much good to go i'm very happy with what i've done here a nice 3d which i can now move around together moving around notice i have a nice little shadow there and i can maybe take away the stroke if i want to do that anymore actually i kind of like it without the stroke great 3d type very easily once you understand how the system works all right so again just want to repeat try not to work with the stuff that's in the middle with the click and drag because it will be in my experience kind of an exercise in frustration just use those tabs there but have fun love to see in the comments what you've done with this take a break pause the video practice it remember to start with some big blocky text and have fun see in the next video this next set of videos is going to be about advanced selection okay we've probably seen how we can do selection with our marquee tools and with our lasso and with our quick selection tools and you know our magic wands and all that good stuff here sometimes you're going to be combining one with the other so i'm going to break up this lesson segment into two where we're going to actually show you one type of advanced selection tool and then i'm going to show you how we can actually work with selecting hair i'm using something that's called the smart radius okay so let's just first see we can do to kind of have a little bit more precise and smoother selections for our objects using something called paths so we're going to start off just by using a regular selection right so i'm just going to just kind of do a little sloppy very quick selection using my quick selection tool and that's a nice size and you get a little bit too much there don't worry about it i'm just going to go ahead and bring that in over there maybe you want to zoom in i'm going to hold down the option key and then notice that the option key brings in my selection i'm going to go very slowly very methodically okay and again i'm not going to worry about getting it super perfect for right now because we're going to use the next tool i'm going to show you all right so what we're going to do next is we're going to learn about how we can use path points to be able to have a little more precise and smoother selection okay so path points so earlier in our lessons we worked with shapes okay but this time we're going to make this little selection into shapes so we have a little more control over this sort of like kind of atomic level of each individual point of what's happening here okay so it's not doing like that great of a job okay but it's doing okay but if you really zoom in okay there's like kind of problems here so we're gonna want to manipulate this selection to be as good as it could possibly be all right so how do i do that we're going to bring up our paths layer excuse me our paths panel to be able to do that if yours is not up just go over to window bring up pats and then there you have it now right now there's no paths what we're going to do is we're going to convert this selection to paths you'll notice that there's an option right here move your mouse where it says make work path from selection hmm it's weird what does that mean so i click on that and you're going to see oh interesting looks like a bunch of shapes all over fido's body okay so what i can do is i can actually manipulate it a lot easier than i could with my quick selection tool and everything with my click selection tool now i'm going to go to my direct selection tool to then really get very very precise with my individual selection see that even added on some extra things maybe i don't need some of those so we're going to learn some of our pen tool options to be able to manipulate those you see some things it got some things that didn't so just notice what i'm doing here i'm just using all the things that we learned about how we manipulate shapes now for an individual selection if you're not comfortable yet with the keyboard shortcut of the space bar this is really the time to use it because we're zoomed in and we want to be able to move around here this is our hand tool it's a nice quick easy access to get to the hand tool so i can click and drag move this around and only get the stuff that i want i'm going to really zoom in and say oh wow i got a lot of extra stuff here i don't need a lot of these little path points so i might want to get rid of them and guess what i can go back over to my pen tool i'm going to say delete anchor point and then just get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it okay and get rid of it okay well i got a lot of stuff here things are going a little crazy no problem i'm just going to just really minimize how many i have see that now is just a straight line then i can control it coming right back to where i want to work with okay so again just click click click get rid of it get rid of it what don't you want just trim in the fat and then maybe i'm going to bring this in a little bit understand the difference between the round grabbers right there and the little anchor points right there remember the little round grabbers are going to be the bezier handles and that's going to affect your curve a little bit okay again i don't need this so just delete all your squares you don't need okay and maybe bring this in so i could be here all day doing this okay i'm also going to get rid of these hit the delete key don't need any of this stuff here hit the delete key just marking over that using my direct selection tool okay that's great now okay of course i can be here all day you certainly don't want to watch me doing this but just know how easy this is and how effective this is going to be it's going to take you a little bit of time to get that level of of perfection you know but it's going to be absolutely worth it to make sure you don't get too much not too little the way that the quick selection tool allows you to do it's somewhat limited so this is going to really give you that granular level of selection you see that i got a little bit too much great bring that in bring that in okay and then bring this out okay look at that it missed an entire segment there because i'm now at like 230 percent i can now really really get what i want in the next exercise i'm going to show you how we can work with all this hair let's not worry about that for right now and let's just say we are very satisfied with what we've done and what we're going to do is now we're going to convert it back to a selection so earlier we were at the paths panel and we clicked on this now we can't because we're currently in the path so we'd kind of do its counterpart here which is load path as selection it's kind of the opposite of what we just did i click on that and it's going to take the new and improved path and make that back into our little marching ants for selection okay and then you kind of click on this gray area so you don't see the path part anymore okay and then that's going to be a lot better for me to work with to do the thing that i ultimately want to do which is to create something like this and i'm going to be creating an adjustment layer of just that selection so it says hey listen make everything black and white except for fido over here okay and it's going to be nice and easy to be able to do that when i have a nice little selection for me to work with okay so we're going to be doing in the next exercise kind of part two of this how this works but then using our our smart radius so if you want to if you want to practice doing what we've done but what i'm going to do is actually save this selection i recommend you doing that as well by going up to select and then you can save the selection down here and then just call this dog selection so that way you can always come back to it if you need to click ok and now that's going to be there now if i accidentally deselect i can always go back to select load selection and then there's my dog selection and it comes right back all right so just take a few minutes take a break here pause the video and then practice using your paths panel and then also you're working with the combination of your direct selection tool and then also your deleting anchor points right to be able to delete some of those anchor points that come in that you don't necessarily need okay and then convert it back to our selection and then save your selection and then we'll come right back and we're going to work with the smart radius tool okay so let's continue on with our discussion on advanced selection and this is going to be with selecting hair and then going into our select and mask set of options here so if you click on select way up on top you're going to see here is the select and mask options and that's going to get you a little bit deeper in terms of the types of things that you can select how you want to select them where you can go a little bit deeper with smoothing your selection feathering out your selection some shifting of your edge okay lots and lots of options here so the way i'm viewing this right now is very much like how the object looks but i want to be able to isolate the object from its background so if you look over here in the upper right is the view option what i want to do is actually make it so i can either look at my marching ants from how i started i can go to my onion skin all right so i can kind of see a little bit of the background and mostly the foreground so i can see like okay how much of an edge is really happening here maybe you want to check out just doing it on black not black of course so you can actually adjust the opacity on that so totally up to you everybody's got a little bit of a different preference now let's just play around with some of the basic tools maybe just one or two things is going to do it for us so notice how the edge of his hair right it's not super kind of like natural so let's just see we can do to play around with that and then notice here is this option under edge detection and radius and also the smart radius options so let's just go ahead and click on smart readers i want you to kind of keep an eye on the edge of his fur as i do that click on that and then i'm going to bring up the radius just slow and steady notice what it looks like now let's bring it back to what it looked like before bring it up again even more so okay you see that doing a pretty good job right of edge detection right it's getting it now you'll also notice that there's some other really helpful options including refined hair and then also just some basic refinement of the edges if you need to do that okay so mine's actually looking pretty good up until this point so do i want to mess with it maybe maybe not but i'll just kind of give you a little preview of what we can do if i click on that now notice how that refined hair it went a little bit crazy right i don't want to do that like it kind of like overdid it and watch watches i have do that oh okay you know what didn't need to do that because photoshop sort of misinterpreted things but i could also come over to here and i could say refine the edges right if it's not coming in how i want it to let's just bring in a little more kind of a wisp i can do that or i can bring those things in or take them away notice that the size of the brush will also kind of help me out with the strength of that but it's really actually done a pretty great job for me so i'm not going to change this at all i love how this is but just know what your options are and you're good to go and it's done a nice job so i'm going to click ok and remember my goal is to get it to look like this how do we do that we're going to use an adjustment layer and i want to make sure that the actual selection is going to be good for something like this okay so let's now go ahead and choose our adjustment layer to apply this oh now that i have your attention let's talk about masking this guy wants to be more ferocious so some of you may remember from our last class for the intro to photoshop we made this guy into a lion or part lion part dog or part dog part lion and we did that using masking okay masking is an incredible tool that you can use to replace having to erase something because remember that masking is not permanent or erasing something is permanent you can always bring it back and recall that there are two elements there is black and there is white and we will apply it using a brush tool and then sometimes using now the gradient tool okay but essentially we want to understand that we have black and white color to work with now occasionally you're going to have gray that enters into the mix because black and white also consist of gray okay so that's going to make it reveal slightly so you're going to get a nice little surprise when you work with those okay so with gray with gradients okay and also maybe modifying your brush somewhat so let's do a little review on how we can do some basic masking and you will see not only is this going to help you for what i just talked about as far as replacing the erase option but it's going to help you when you do adjustment layers to be able to control how much of that adjustment layer you're going to show and also when you're working with filters okay some of the filter you want to show let's say if you want to do a blur filter or a black and white filter certain parts you don't want to be black and white so you can go ahead and mask that out all right so white is going to conceal where black is going to reveal now think about with masking i'm going to say this again in a little bit but i want you to think about masking as a blindfold that then gets put onto an image but then if we poke a hole in it it becomes a mask that's really what we're talking about here okay so now let's go ahead and place in the image that we want to mask with this little puppy here all right and earlier if you recall i made a keyboard shortcut for placing all right how did i do that anybody remember you go to edit keyboard shortcuts you can see i can place by going to file and then where was that again place embedded right so if you recall this i made a keyboard shortcut to be able to do that maybe you did that as well so i'm going to use that because i love that and it takes way too long to do everything else remember it so i'm just going to do ctrl shift p that places it in there wonderful bring in my little lions face okay that's amazing and now also see that when i bring it in not great that i have these little frames here i don't want that so i'm going to do shift and alt or option if you're on the mac and then click and drag from the corners and just notice how it grows out from the center okay perfect just like that all right and then i'm going to commit to it wonderful and i'm good to go now let's apply our mask so how do we apply a mask very simply we're going to go right to the layer that we want to work with right we're going to work with the lion's face and then i'm going to apply a mask onto that layer so very simply let's click on the mask and then there's my blindfold see that so it's still concealed i want to be able to reveal by just going right into there to be able to do that and remember it's black and white using my brush i'm going to go to my brush tool or just hit the b key and just kind of check all my mirrors and everything like that making sure everything's okay i'm gonna look at my opacity to be a hundred percent i'm gonna make sure that my hardness is down to zero okay because that's gonna make it so it's a little bit more sort of gradual right so it's not a very sort of abrupt little shift from whatever is going to be concealed and revealed but that's entirely up to you you can change all these things if you want to so i'm also going to switch between black and white i'm going to give you a nice little shortcut see there's this little arrow right there this little kind of button hook even tells you switch foreground and background colors and then oh there's an x right there what happens when i hit x oh that's kind of neat and for some of you this might not actually be the colors you want it to be right let's just kind of choose like this kind of color there and like oh that's not what i want if you hit the d key as in default right that switches back or you can also hit this guy right here and if you move your mouse over it will tell you that it is d for the keyboard shortcut okay well let's have some fun making some sweet little doggy a little more ferocious so bam i have my brush here i have my two colors that need to be switched now so i can then reveal and i'm just going to simply click and drag to reveal oh look at that there he is okay now i have a no eyed little lie in there with a weird-looking face okay but if i decide to change my mind as i go that that didn't go well at all or like i just kind of hit the wrong spot something like that oops no problem i can just switch right back to white and i just hit the x key again on my keyboard to be able to do that i just bring that back i can bring back the dog bring back to everything should be bring back the line in this case all right so no problem there but let's just go for it i'm just going to hit the x key again so i can then just smooth out just the middle part of the line doesn't have to be perfect because remember none of this is destructive i can always bring that back if i need to all right so i'm just going to do my best then i'm going to come over here to my background layer i'm going to unlock it and so i'm able to move it and hit the v key on my keyboard to get to the move option or you can always just hit the move tool here i'm just going to nudge it with my arrow keys so then i can just say okay great that's starting to look pretty cool pretty ferocious very nice okay and maybe i want to finesse this a little bit so i'm going to go back to my mask go back to my brush and then what might i want to do like oh no that's a little bit too much so i hit the x key actually kind of want to do the opposite just make it so like the dog's face is really blending in nicely with the mane main see that so it's like it's one item here one unit so it's really sort of his face is growing right out of the main her main okay very good all right great so i love that now let's say i want to just kind of tinker with this a little bit i can very easily say listen you know what i'd rather have the dog have the lion's eyes and do something a little more interesting so super easy let's go ahead and just click and click and wow dramatically different just think about how you can do this right like maybe you're bringing in somebody's face on top of somebody else's face maybe you're doing a logo onto a shirt maybe you just want to just put yourself inside of you know a dreamy landscape something like that you can very very easily do that just try poking a hole through whatever you're in to then bring it into whatever is underneath it okay let's try doing the opposite let's go ahead and just bring back the sweet eyes but then let's bring in the lion so we're just going to have a sweet little sad lion instead now kind of like that okay and i'm going to just make that so it's just blending in nicely and then leave it at that that's the pet that you want to take home with you and he's also going to protect you and cuddle with you okay very good so that is just the basics of masking now let's talk about gradient gradient masking all right so let's just bring up an image i'm going to bring up this door knocker and then i'm going to place another image on top of it so i'm going to again do my ctrl shift p all right and i'm going to bring in this incense and now they're right on top of each other i'm going to unlock this and bring my door knocker on top of my incense layer now let's see what i'm going to do here i'm going to do another type of masking so i'm going to apply a mask here but this time what i'm going to do is use the gradient mask okay so gradients just by definition go from one color to the other and then photoshop kind of fills in that color of everything in between right so if i'm going to go from black to white it's going to go from black to gray to white all right now earlier we talked about black and white as far as being masks so i need to also incorporate that same set of rules for my gradient that i'm going to apply to a mask okay if that doesn't make sense let me demonstrate for you what do i need to do i need to find something over here it may not be showing up here but i need to find my gradient tool now if yours is not showing it might be hidden underneath the paint bucket tool okay so yours may look like that simply right click on it choose gradient okay wonderful that's great and now you'll notice that i have white going to black in this case if yours is not there you can always just click on it and then go to basic and then you can choose it right there most of the time it will be there unless you've done something different recently all right and then also notice i have different types of gradients typically you're going to be linear gradient or you might even be doing a radial gradient depending on the effect that you want to create all right and i'll show you maybe both of those so let's now do something i have no idea what so let's just learn about how the gradient tool works so if you click and drag going from one corner to the other you're going to be applying this white to black in that direction and in that distance so watch what happens now if i click and drag see what i'm doing i'm just simply clicking and dragging i let go and now just like that i've got white to gray to black and if we take a look down here you will see exactly what i just did okay earlier we were working with the brush where we were just like dragging drag and dragging here we have a nice subtle kind of reveal that we didn't have before and like maybe you're done like this is great but i'm not done i'm not actually very satisfied with this because maybe i want to apply my grading in a slightly different way let's just go to here and let you see what that does oh that's kind of neat let's try this way what's that going to do come over to here just depending on where you begin where you end how far you go maybe you're going to start off the canvas okay pretty neat see that okay cool what am i looking for i kind of like that that's kind of cool so you can really experiment with this you don't have to undo you just keep going over and over and over again let's just see maybe quickly what the radial gradient does i do that and then oh i have that kind of effect whenever i go the opposite direction or maybe i was going to do it right on top of the knocker oh that's kind of cool i sort of like that maybe the best so far because the knocker is actually the most in focus but it still brings everything else in line there okay so kind of nice but just remember where you begin where you end and how far you go that is going to determine what your gradient's going to look like so if we look at it this time we'll see over here it's now got a gradient going from white to gray to black all right now this could be a poster you're creating sure why not so this is maybe a poster for the country of bhutan okay and bhutan is also very radical according to this font here okay so all right excellent and there you go and now you've got a nice little poster and then maybe i would bring down the opacity a little bit on this you know maybe you'd add on a little shadow maybe just do all kinds of cool things to this maybe you're even thinking about doing blending modes who knows right just play around with it okay that's kind of fun we learned about blending modes before and we'll see what we could do here some of these work better than others maybe with a different color might work just play around with all this okay that's kind of neat all right kind of subtle just bring this up a little bit excellent so very good we'll leave it at that excellent please pause the video practice on your own lots to enjoy here and just know that everything we're doing here is going to gear you up for other practices with masking whether it's just going to be replacing erasing or it's going to be something creative kind of like this working with gradient mask but then it could be something even more creative and more controller oriented like working with adjustment layers if you're working with black and white and you don't want to see all the black and white you want to make colors shine through you can absolutely do that okay or you're working with filters you only want to have certain part of the filter to show you want one part blurry another part not blurry another part rippled another part not rippled okay that kind of thing so it's going to give you that kind of control to either conceal or reveal all right so go ahead and practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson okay now let's talk about filters we're moving on to this discussion on filters and photoshop has lots and lots of them if you want to review on the basics of filters you can go check out our intro video as well but let me just give you a little bit of foundational information about where to find filters we can go up to here we can find our filters lots of options there so when i click on that lots of options here and like some fly-out menus as well but what i want to say and this is very important that virtually every time you create a filter what i'm going to recommend you do is you make your layer into a smart object also known as a smart filter but essentially do the same thing so i can say filter and then convert to smart filter or i can just right click and just say convert to smart object they're essentially the same thing and what that's going to allow us to do is have some kind of protection and sort of like modularity if you will around our filters if we want to so you'll see how this works so let me just go ahead and do a very simple simple filter here i'm going to go to filter i'm introduce you to this great section here called render and there's lots of options i can do on this i'm going to go ahead and just say a lens flare and you will see that there's this cool little lens fillet that's happening there okay kind of cool let me even get a little bit brighter than that so we can really really see it and you'll notice how it kind of goes up into the sky it goes kind of all over the place right so it's kind of neat you'll also notice how you can change certain things okay what's the effect you're looking for oh that's kind of neat the movie effect all right so whatever you want so i'm just going to choose maybe this first one so i like these little circles coming out there i'm going to keep with this level of brightness so you can see what i can do because it's a little bit too bright for me i click ok and you will notice there's my lens flare it looks pretty cool has a nice little effect and you'll see now that i currently have this little smart filter mask earlier we've talked about masks already and we've seen them in kind of a different context right where we just saw plain old masks but now we have masks on a filter and remember about the masking it's either a blindfold or it's a mask and then this is now concealing what's inside here but i want to actually reveal what's inside there so what does that look like i'm going to click right on top of that mask and remember with masks what are we talking about here we are talking about black or white or possibly gray and you're going to use the brush tool to apply that okay so let's just go ahead and see what that's going to look like meaning i don't want to see so much of that lens flare i love this but i want this to be a little bit more faded inside of here so i'm going to click on this i'm going to go to my brush tool as promised or hit the b key and this time what i'm going to do is i'm going to paint black okay because remember earlier how we work with our mask and we're able to make our blindfold into a mask but instead of just painting right through it i'm going to bring down my opacity a little bit to see if i can just very very subtly kind of poke a hole right into that section there so i'm just going to go ahead and click and you can see oh that's pretty neat maybe it's a little bit too much so let me go ahead and bring that maybe that's still a little bit too much so let's see let's actually bring it to much lower in fact okay there we go that was the ticket so not bad okay so i'm able to let me just kind of maybe kind of get a little very subtle thing like that maybe like that like that like that kind of spice to taste situation let's just kind of bring in the color of the bricks to color the building yep there you go i like that notice it's still got the ring there still got that there and if you look at the original that's what looked like before now we have this aspect on there so if you'll notice that this whole thing around there is kind of like filtering over everything so if you don't want some of that you can easily easily take care of that by simply clicking on the mask i'm just going to make this nice and big so it's just like a little kind of powder all around there all right just a little bit of get rid of that get rid of that just so it's kind of subtle again i'm at 15 maybe bring it up a little bit more get a little more powerful let's look at the before and the after okay so this is just one of many types of filters i'm going to show you but i want you to notice that we can very easily control what our filter is going to be into what degree by using our masks okay now you'll also notice that sometimes we're going to have these extra options to be able to control it and also to turn it on and off again okay you'll see that there as well okay so we're going to continue on with some other filters in just a little bit but pause for a minute go ahead and practice this very little bit here and again don't forget to apply your smart object to your main layer before you apply a filter all right go ahead and try that and we'll be back in the next exercise now continuing on with our discussion on the rendering filter let's just discuss some other ones that are kind of filters but not really filters they just render something for you so let's look at the frame filter where it's going to kind of generate kind of a creative set of frames for us with lots and lots of different options now i want to put a frame over this picture but i do not want to put it on the picture itself so a nice little tip is to guess what create a new blank layer right on top of it and that's where my frame is going to go it's going to give me all the control so it does not get stuck to the image itself so let me go over here to filter i'm going to say render i'll say picture frame and when i get here you're going to see here's a little preview of maybe the last one that i chose and there's lots and lots of options here you can see here is what frame you want and all the colors the margins right all these settings here and these are going to be very much spice to taste so you can just kind of pick and choose from all of these go to town with them so let's just go to romance see how much that changes okay let's go to eyelash very intriguing okay what are those going to be i can guarantee you they're going to look a lot better than this rendering is so just be patient with it so i'm going to come back to bush and then i can change all these things here vine color you can't really see the vines i'm not going to spend a ton of time on that your margin i can really play around with that if i want to but because it's going to be its own separate layer it doesn't really matter because i can then manipulate that that's what's so cool about it the size we'll be able to see what the size is going to do right pretty much what you think it's going to do makes the whole thing just grow kind of out from the center my arrangement right that just kind of randomizes things a little bit let's just kind of go a little crazy see what that does kind of little bushier a little more symmetrical right okay so interesting all right and then we also have our flowers and our leaves and you just really just experiment with those but i really want you to see what our options are going to be so the flowers should be there in the front and the leaves are going to be there in the back notice there's the color of them all right so let's just say i want to do something kind of lavendary all right that's kind of nice you'll see that these guys get nice and lavender okay pretty cool and i can change the size of that if i like to as well so that'll make those grow all right and then also here's my leaf color i'll just keep that just like that for the sake of this exercise keep these exactly as they are i'll go over here to advanced and you can just really play around with these like my angle and then the fade my experience doesn't really do a ton but you'll see this invert it's kind of interesting what do you want to do right see how it kind of like inverts it a little more kind of like hard angle versus a little bit more of a soft edge like how framy do you want it to be okay i'm just going to actually uncheck that and now i'm ready to go i'm going to click ok and let's just see what it does and remember i'm on a new layer all by itself so it is not on the pixels themselves and i can move this around independently it's really cool and guess what i can resize this independently i can even decide to i wouldn't delete i would mask out some of this in case i changed my mind right we've been talking about mask so maybe i want to do that maybe i want to bring down the opacity a little bit and you see i can totally control all that and then maybe some of you think well you know what i want to change the whole color so i could actually come back to my filter and make some changes to it if you want to do that go back and then go back to your picture frame but also guess what because it's its own layer maybe you want to go even further and go to effects and then you just want to play around with the color overlay maybe you want to do a whole completely different look on this right on top of what we've already got so we go to like let's say color overlay notice how that changes just like that and let's just go to red but then i bring this down a little bit i can play around with the colors in that way and then guess what here's blend modes all over again if you've been following along so far you've heard us talk about blend modes quite a bit so let's just see different kind of things now we can do ooh that's kind of cool color burn with that how could i have gotten that otherwise now i'm able to really get some pretty dramatic very creative effects that i wasn't able to get otherwise so i click on that and like boy am i happy that is so cool at the end of it all okay and again i can get rid of this if i want to and i can do so much with it because it's on its own layer okay so go ahead and practice that we come back we're going to do one more rendering exercise and that's going to be with creating trees okay so let's talk about rendering trees and this is a pretty extraordinary thing again how photoshop just gives you a nice little gift i have a blank transparent layer ready to now render some trees so i go over here to filter i'm going to say render i'm going to say tree fantastic that's great and you will see that i have a number of different options here to choose from to create a tree and this is a pretty nice looking tree and i have a whole bunch of other ones here very very high quality just depending on what you're looking for let's look at the cherry blossoms oh that's kind of nice all right let's go back to an oak see what that can do right just depending maybe you're creating a scene maybe you are you know you're in charge of creating like the the architecture the design for a building something like that and your job is just to bring in some trees you can find some pretty high quality trees and also create multiple trees and maybe you just want to know what some trees are like right what do they look like now you're looking to understand you can spot them when you see them all right and you'll see a lot of these again are sort of spice to taste right so it's like the light direction right just kind of changes that angle of where the light's coming from so you can kind of keep things consistent when you are rendering you kind of want to give that realism so make sure you're doing that leave them out it's great size branch height right you just really want to play around with these okay and then you can see the arrangement that's going to just kind of throw out some random things there you just try it out however you like again very much spice to taste now if we go over here to advance i think there's kind of a nice thing where you can custom color the leaves so let's say it's a different time of the year and you want it to be this kind of like you know auburn color if you will right you can go ahead and choose that click ok and like oh that is very obviously a different time of the year and you can certainly do the same thing for all of these as well all right so let's just go ahead and click ok and let's see the beauty that has now been created for us and look how awesome that is look how high quality this is so if you wanted to have a whole forest of these you can go ahead and just you know resize this it's going to be its own layer okay and guess what i can then hold down the alt option key and then make a different one like that maybe it's a little bit smaller maybe i'm going to go to let's just say edit transform and then let me just flip this so it looks like slightly different all right that's kind of neat and then maybe i'm going to just do that same thing maybe you're going to add on a little drop shadow you can do all kinds of different things there and then maybe you're going to go a step further like i showed you with this other one is that you're going to put in maybe a little bit of a different effect on here for a little color overlay you know for something different and then playing around with the blend modes and then finally you're done with your aspens let's just add on another tree how easy is that so go ahead and create another layer go over here to filter let's say render and then just for fun let's just bring in one more tree creating our new little world here let's just bring in a spruce tree okay we're going to be in another part of the country that i'm in this is going to be up in the mountains okay so i love this but maybe i don't need it to be quite so much the same color so let's make that kind of a dark green see what that's going to do okay but maybe i can play around with changing the color of my branch there make that a little bit darker okay great love that looking pretty good and again you can play around with some of these things as well and all these really do add a little bit of flavor to it you can see here just play around with it until you get what you like does that add to your realism and more and more or take away maybe less is more for you but just know that you do have these options and again when you're finished with it you will have complete ownership over this because then it's going to be in its own layer and then you can bring this down you can do whatever you want to it okay bring down the lightness of it bring down the opacity of it okay put on a color overlay do all kinds of great things to it even maybe playing around with some of our lent levels and our curves and any of these other things the vibrancy okay now let's just make this kind of the tallest guy in the bunch he's in the background way over here and then again really just kind of creating your world accordingly all right so enjoy play around with that hopefully have some good usage for that some good utility and we'll come back in the next exercise where we're going to continue on with our discussion on filters we have a few more to go with filters that are not going to be rendering they're going to be a little more creative a little more nuanced so come back and we'll see you in a bit so pause your video and practice away now continuing on with our discussion on filters we're going to be going to something a little more creative a little more nuanced and that is something called the vanishing point now we have this building here that has all these angles and everything and i want to actually put something on here that conforms to the angle itself okay so i'm going to be putting on this little logo right there okay a little bit of branding you can see there it is fine i want that to look very smooth and i want it to fit in perfectly with that angle so if i were to copy and paste that and then i were to transform it and all that stuff it's going to look very sloppy i don't want to do that okay so there's a few things i need to do before i apply this filter is number one i want to make two layers okay so if you haven't done this before i'm just going to go ahead and just hold down the alt or option key and that duplicates it super easy come back to this top layer and then this is going to be what i'm going to copy and paste into there so essentially this is the item that needs to go into the vanishing point filter so guess what i'm going to do i'm going to highlight everything which is going to be commander control a so you're actually selecting everything i know it's kind of weird and then you're going to copy it command or control c then come back over here now let's go ahead and click on filter go to vanishing point okay if you see anything like this just say okay and now you mates actually see something living here from before i'm just going to delete that just make it go away and now very simply i'm going to create a similar grid as what you saw in terms of where i wanted to live and what the vanishing point is going to be because notice it's not like a straight angle and photoshop needs to know where is it going to go so i'm just going to click four times this is where it's going to begin it's going to go to here it's going to go to here it's going to go to yeah right about there keep it on the floor and just note if you don't do a good job you can always bring it in if you want to this way that way you can absolutely play around with that a little more up here if you want to tuck that in for sure now i'm going to paste so i paste and i'm going to go over here to my free transform tool believe it or not and i can now resize this move it around do whatever i want to it so let me just drag this in to my little box here and just like that i now have it and notice how it just like conformed perfectly to the same angle as my grid it's the coolest thing let me bring that in a little bit and you can see nice not too shabby all right now i think i'm pretty much good to go right i love this you can see the magic of what this is down you'll want to practice this right but this is great love this let me click okay and you see that's good not great it's not very convincing but it does do it along the sides there and maybe i'm happy with this but i really kind of want to make it look a little bit more sort of natural that's on there and there's a few things that i can do we talked about blending modes earlier we're going to see blending modes in action in this case as well so if i click on this top layer remember blending modes are going to blend into whatever is underneath here or whatever it is right so it needs to understand that like this white really it doesn't belong there right it's not meant to be there don't care about that so guess what i can do any one of these blending modes and experiment to see which is going to be the best one is it dissolve i didn't do anything what about this one darken all right i'll keep that in mind what else no no dark and still the winner what's this one darker color okay we see we have a pattern here of what it can do so it's taking that white and you say just darken that right to whatever the background is the background essentially wins in this case so i love this or maybe it's just dark and right either one's going to work for me now i could bring down the opacity as well so then it really kind of brings in some of the paint here so it does start to look a little more natural maybe a little more faded and then the last thing i'm going to do is make it so these windows are not in fact part of the paint right so it's like no that actually looks cool but it doesn't look very realistic okay so what i can do is apply a mask to it and then just poke a hole right through the mask so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the polygon lasso tool just by going to here and then just going from one corner to the other to the other to the other essentially this is what i want to get rid of and then guess what when i draw black into that as we know about mask it's only going to draw inside of that box so you don't have to worry about being so perfect because it's only going to do it within that okay that's pretty cool maybe i actually want to go a step further but see it actually looks kind of neat because it does conform to the edges here all right and let's do it one more time let's do it for this part for this part of the window bam bam make sure you're on your mask go to your brush and then poke that out and let's just zoom out a little bit and that looks pretty slick pretty cool using the guess what vanishing point filter so really cool stuff experiment with that and then combine it with our blend modes and then also combine it with your masking so we're starting to see all of our tools come together aren't we right we're starting to kind of build a symphony a chorus right so a whole sort of you know litany of different things that we can work with just by knowing one tool and then combining it with a few other tools we can be really powerful with all of our tools okay so this is another filter we're going to come back with another one in just the next lesson so pause the video practice this and have fun in this next series of videos we're going to be working with this particular file so we can learn how do we use the polar coordinates and the zigzag and a few of the other distort filters the distort filters now this is going to be one of the things we're going to create you can see this there pretty cool pretty neat but i want you to understand how we started from this so if i'm going to click on this guy and this is essentially where i started from but even before that i started from this top layer here that actually had a ton of other individual little shapes there so i actually had to create this first and then merge them together as one big one so if you right click on it you can see here is the option to merge the group and then i created this guy right here to be able to do that now just so you understand photoshop gives you some nice tools to be able to work with when you are in fact creating things like that and that is designed to give you a little more kind of perfection and that is going to be the grid options you can see i have all these little grids here now i just drew out one shape and i colored it and i drew out another shape i colored it and then i just cloned clone clone and wind up being fitting perfectly in each of these individual grid lines okay so you can see also i have the option to snap to the grid line so that made it much much easier to create something like this so for the purpose of this exercise i just made it easy for you so you have access and ready to go so we're not going to use this top one this is what one of the things we're going to create but we are going to be using this one right here to create it so make sure it doesn't actually merge together as one big shape before you do that so let me turn off my grid okay and i am ready to go now again remember the rule of thumb about before you make something into a filter to do what we're going to make it into a smart object so that way i can then tinker with it later on come back to it turn it off do all kinds of things case i changed my mind so let's play around with this polar coordinate how do we make something like this pretty great this is all set up ready for me to go i go to filter i go over to here to distort and you'll see there's this option to polar coordinates right or to apply polar coordinates so i click on that and you'll see wow there's my preview fantastic let me zoom in or out right let me just go ahead and bring this in bring it out whatever you want to do okay great now i can see the whole thing i click ok and just like that you've created this really really cool effect and just note that i can turn it off turn it back on again double click back on here and now i can see it all over again can't really change it so much but what you can do okay is you could apply potentially some blending modes on this and we're going to be playing around with some blending modes in just a little bit and how that works alright so this is just one thing you may want to do now i love this and i want to continue doing some more on this so i'm going to go ahead and clone this and selecting this same shape i'm going to go back to filter i'm going to choose distort and this time let's see what twirl does that's kind of fun notice you can go this way you can go that way wow interesting i can see why i'm going to go all the way up to close to 500. i click ok and got to blot this out to see it there we go now i can see what i've done pretty neat that's kind of interesting let me go ahead and clone this one more time and let's just see another effect we can get i'm gonna plop this out come back to here and apply another filter to this let's do distort and i don't know do we do wave let's do wave see what that does huh lots of stuff here this will definitely be like a spice to taste thing here okay see what that's going to do okay that's kind of interesting bring that in there wow maybe that's all you want and you're good with that but you can play around with all these things here and i have a goal with all this because i don't this doesn't need to be perfect necessarily but you can really just you know maybe you love this and this is where you're going with it okay it's great maybe bring down the scale that could be something maybe a little bit more kind of obvious in terms of what you're trying to create but again spice the taste and remember where this actually started from okay where did this start from okay so i'm going to click ok just say i'm good with this click ok and that's great and i love this all right fantastic now let's see what we can do where we just start going a little bit more kind of crazy with this using guess what our blend modes so i'm going to click on this and i'm going to put a blend mode on this particular one that i first created actually let's do it on this one that i have here let's have this one and let's have that one i'm going to bring this guy up on top just tear this out so i can see the whole thing that's better and now let's just see what happens when i blend these together so i'm going to say dissolve not so much whoa darken where did that come from oh my god okay but oh my goodness whoa lighten what did that do whoa that is so cool all right you know what i love that see what i did there with screen okay screen is kind of a lightning blend mode and by the way for blend modes there's a in the courseware there's a little description of blend modes but now let's do another one whoa i just added a blend mode to the layer that was below the other layer i just did it to and then we'll just see what does that do oh man i can do so much with this holy cow now just by virtue of the fact i created these three independent distort filters i'm now able to create something very different okay and then maybe for some of you you're gonna say well i also want another color here okay so guess what you can do a color overlay right or maybe you're going to want to just make this independent however you want to do that where you maybe make that into a raster after the fact all said and done but let's just try color overlay for this one okay and then let's just make that blue you see what that does in terms of how it all comes together bring that up again one more time let's bring this up a tiny bit let's make that normal oh okay interesting let's bring that down a tiny bit oh my god so this is going to allow you to number one never get any sleep at all number two just to be as creative as you want to be in a really really interesting way and the more you start to do these things the more kind of predictability they will have right looking at i have my twirl my polar coordinates okay i have my wave okay so you can see wow there's a lot that i can do combining all these things here okay and of course if you'd like you could just start painting through some of these filters if you don't want to see them you want to see what's inside of there just by using black into the mask of the filter okay so you have all the control in the world if there's something underneath here you want to make that pop out and then get rid of that filter you can absolutely do that and likewise you can actually just put a mask on the item itself so you can actually have more than one mask if you like so if i wanted to kind of see what's inside through here i go back to my mask hit the brush tool and then i can have something a little bit less kind of linear just by drawing inside of this and see that oh that's kind of cool it's kind of coming out concentrically and if i change my mind of course like or i make a mistake oops no big deal switch back to white and bring it back all right and now we've got a really really cool effect practice this okay and make sure you use all the files that i've provided for you and then i would also recommend doing a save as you have this originally so you can come back to it anytime you want all right so have fun with this practice it pause the video and we'll come back with another filter for you to work with now in this exercise we are going to learn how to create something like this and this is known as a displacement map but we're also combining a number of different other things like a pinch filter we're also working with a number of different layer adjustments and a few other elements here all right working with opacity etc now this is a slightly complicated process that's why i saved it towards the end so you'll want to watch this again and again definitely take some notes on it all right so this is going to be a slightly sort of numerous set of things here all right so what we need to do first of all is to create what we call our displacement map based off of our initial image so the first thing we're going to do is go to our first image and we're going to duplicate this image by right clicking on it and then we're going to make a new image out of this right sorry a new document out of this image okay so i'm just going to go ahead and type this out and just call this dis placement map right that's it just calling it that and then i click ok and now this is now its own separate thing now once i do that i'm going to put a blur on this okay that's part of my displacement map so go over here to filter go to blur and very simply we're going to say gaussian blur and you can make it anywhere between like you know maybe one and three something like that just so it's a little bit blurry okay so it just kind of has like the semblance of it okay so i'm going to click ok then i'm going to make this black and white go over here to my little adjustment layer here go to black and white and then usually default settings should be fine and then make sure to save this so file save or just do whatever you want to do here and then now that's saved and you're going to save that for later on so i'm going to close this now you're going to see where that's going to come into effect now let's come back to our original image and again remember what our goal is here we're going to go and put something like this on her face but we're going to make it look very kind of realistic so how do we do that i'm going to go to my image here that i have set up you should have access to this as well and this is now a smart object very important this is a smart object and what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this image that i have here by using my move tool over this tab and then bring this back down over here and have that ready to go and just kind of bring it in so it's kind of like over her face a little bit and then maybe bring it in bring it in just so it's kind of more or less the shape of her face of course you can move this later on but see it's nice and centered there do whatever you got to do bring that in okay great now what i'm going to do next let's just go ahead and just center it that way all right and commit to that and let's just bring down the opacity at smidge so we can kind of see what our sort of goal is going to be now let's apply our first filter on this and remember this is a smart object so it's not going to be destructive i'm going to go to filter go to distort i'm going to say pinch and the pinching basically implies that there's going to be like a little bit of her nose there so we want to kind of have a little bit of a lump how that's going to go so i'm going to maybe bring mine down to like maybe negative 20 or so click ok you can see it's starting to kind of like swell up a little bit where nose is so it kind of like makes it kind of go up a little bit to where the bridge is maybe we want to change that let's actually make that a little bit less so so it's just slight like that you know not a ton but it kind of creates the illusion that there's definitely some things happening here okay now let's start working with this a little bit more what else can we do after we pinch let's now see what we can do with our blending mode so i click on this little drop down and let's just see what other things we can do to make this do what we want to do oh it's starting to look a little better see that what about linear burn darker color nah not so much okay see some other ones here overlay not bad kind of interesting so you just kind of shop around until you find the one you like i'm just going to try color burn for now and you see that's actually pretty cool like just that in and of itself i kind of like that so you might just stop right here and obviously i'm going to want to poke a hole through this and everything like that but let's just see what we can do if we add on this displacement map to our layer here okay so let's go over here to filter we're going to go to distort this place and we're just going to choose these settings here 5 5 stretch to fit and then repeat edge pixels and then when we click ok it's actually going to ask us for that first initial image that we created now that displacement map is designed to be sort of a mold for where it's going to kind of find the curves and all that kind of stuff to make this a little more maybe realistic right totally up to you right you may not want it that way you may decide that this is totally fine i'm going to go over here to displacement map and you see how things kind of like shifted a little bit kind of made it maybe a little bit more kind of curvy and it kind of found her lips and everything like that based off of all those settings that we saw before so let's just get it before after okay yeah kind of like that but let me just maybe warp this a tiny bit just so you can see what it does in case you need to do that it kind of like asks me hey we're going to be turning off the pinch for just a split second in case you wanted to just do a little bit different something let me move this up a little bit off her face a little bit okay commit to that all right coming together really like that and now maybe what i'm going to do next is i'm going to of course get this out of her eyes so i'm going to mask that and i'm going to put a little bit of black through there so i can see her eyes coming through obviously she's not going to have any paint in her eyes so let's fix that maybe even over her lips let's actually see her lips coming through she's not going to paint there okay anything else other place you don't want it to be there you can absolutely get rid of it there if it's too big whatever it is and then just for fun let's add on maybe a vibrance adjustment layer maybe we'll bring that up a tiny bit bring up saturation a little bit maybe down totally up to you whatever your look is for bring that up a little bit so a little more texture there and coming together pretty good all right and then maybe you'll play around with maybe some other different ones that you like different blending modes just play around see what the look is that you're looking for all right so keep that as is and there you have it displacement map and this is used in so many so many different ways okay so you'll see that a lot of examples you know on buildings on newspapers on books right all kinds of different things but these are the steps on how to do it primarily all right so practice this and you'll see that it's a lot simpler than you realize all right so pause the video practice and we'll see you in the next lesson so next session is going to be around another filter that is essentially kind of a one-stop shop for so many things from our color our lighting our healing right so many different things there's even some presets we can work with and that's going to be the filter called the camera raw filter so if we go over here to filter you're going to see here is camera raw so what i'm going to do before i apply this filter as i am with many other filters is i'm going to make this into a smart object as i recommended before because that way we can just turn it off it's non-destructive and then we can mask through it so let's just see what our options are with this camera raw filter i'm going to click on filter go over here to camera raw filter and click on the option it's going to bring us over to this and we see we have a lot a lot a lot of options here on the right hand side we have all of these options right for basic curve detail etc so many other features down below if you look at this for for color mixer color grading right effects all kinds of stuff then we also have these little kind of subdivisions here on the right hand side for healing for different ways of applying all these different effects and color improvements and lighting and all that good stuff here so we'll be exploring some of these but what we're going to do it first before we go any further is i just want you to see some of these presets that are going to be available for us in case maybe this is the main reason why you're here so you'll see that there is color creative black and white data all these things here that you can just play around with on your own and just kind of see do they work for you and bam you love this so i click on that and we'll see as i move my mouse over it pretty neat pretty quickly i'm getting some nice effects and maybe this is all i really need to improve my photos okay fantastic what about creative see let's see what these can do and really just experiment go shopping around you can apply them you can stack them on top of each other if you want to see what black and white does notice how there's several different kinds of black and white some a little more rich in contrast a little sort of chrome oriented a little more aged look at that if you want to make like like make it look like a really old photo very quickly and easily you can go right to a camera raw and do that so like i was saying this is sort of a one-stop shop where we have a lot of the things that we can do in our adjustment layer and our filters okay and um some other ways you know with our effects and all this stuff we can do here so i'll just kind of just show you a couple more we can work with and then we'll go into more sort of manual way of how we can use camera raw so we can see it curves we've talked about curves in my intro class curves is basically looking at the curves of our different levels right we have different levels within each photo we have our highlights we have our mid-tones we have our shadows and we have lots of things in between for individual colors that they have their own curves and we'll be able to manipulate them in a little bit but these are going to allow us to then just kind of do things a little more automatically all right so really just kind of play around with these like sharpening that's kind of nice now you can just see what kind of sharpening it could do light medium heavy you can see very subtle things there where the edges get a little bit sharper and let's just check out vignetting ooh that's kind of nice you can see how there's a slight slight little vignette that's coming around the outside just kind of like a little glossy little frame that sort of like frames the inside almost kind of draws your eyes into it creating maybe a little more of a ethereal look okay so really come back and play with these you'll see that there's a lot you can explore and really save some time so maybe this is all you do when you're working in your camera raw filter and you're good to go and you're happy right and then you leave here feeling like okay i did something pretty good pretty creative pretty quality and my photo looks amazing now let's go to some other elements where maybe you really want to kind of like do things a little more manually you want to kind of cherry pick different parts of it all right so if you've ever worked in lightroom before this is very similar to lightroom and if you have not worked with lightroom you're going to see that you'll be able to work with lightroom a lot better after this tutorial so if we look over here on the right hand side we have this guy here we have all these guys here we're going to be exploring these to a certain degree a little bit deeper so notice here is the edit tools and we have this is where we started by the way and you're going to see here we have basic curve details all these things let's just play around and see what we can do with a handful of these so if we go over here to basic you'll see how i can work with my color temperature let's just go ahead and give this a little more of a cool color temperature notice how that does a whole cast over the whole thing okay do i want that maybe maybe not so you'll notice also when i move over and i said i don't want that anymore if you double click on the little stop that takes you right back to zero so that's kind of nice i do that and that just does a whole cast over the entire image double click to go back to zero and the same thing here for exposure highlights shadows right what are we actually working with okay if i'm only want to work with the shadows you can see only the dark stuff gets affected with the light stuff not so much and maybe that does actually add to some things maybe you come back to this after you've done some black and white you like it but then you want to make that black and white contrast a little bit deeper a little bit richer you can come back into all these and experiment let's go ahead and just bring up the saturation you'll notice ooh that's pretty neat check it out all my blues get bluer all my greens get greener my sky upstairs even gets a little bluer okay that's kind of cool bring that back we talked about curves earlier you'll see here again my highlights lights dark shadows all these things here i can play around with all of these inside here but with my curve itself what i like to do is work with this guy which the targeted adjustment tool so you'll notice here that is that's going to allow me to then target a particular part of it so let's just say for example i only want to focus on the green grass i can click on that and then notice how like when as i move my mouse around the curve kind of goes all over the place where is it in the histogram here where does that color live is it the brightness like how the brightness goes way up let's go to this dark area here it goes way down you see so it is kind of instructive in terms of what it's going to do all right so let me just go ahead and just bring this up a little bit and notice how it's only affecting certain parts of it but it is affecting what i want to affect so it's everything is kind of in that same spectrum on the histogram including some of the gray and some of the sky and everything like that okay just notice how i can go left and right up and down different degrees of my color different degrees of my lighting i'm just going to go and bring that back double click it and let's maybe just come over here to my effects you'll see that maybe you want to add some grain maybe you're making like kind of an old photo if you will vignetting sometimes you can see bam that works kind of nicely all right that's great how much is that doing for me okay all right great so do you want to go dark do you want to go this way so earlier we saw our vignetting where it was adding something on for me automatically here i can do it a little more manually okay so wow that's kind of nice and maybe i love this so let's bring that back bring that back so let's see other things that we could possibly do and i'm going to skip over this spot removal one just let me just zoom in here so you can see exactly what i'm talking about here so you're going to see here is my spot removal i'm going to zoom out for right now we're going to come back to that in a bit but let me just show you this adjustment brush okay so you'll notice here how i have all these elements here that i can now just brush directly onto the canvas so i might want to get things set up a little bit to make it so it's going to do what i want to do so you kind of want to check your mirrors so to speak before you go into this right so you can see here's my temperature my tint my exposure you know and then you'll also notice that i also have my saturation over here so let me bring that so it's going to be maybe mid-range or maybe a little bit higher before i actually start executing what i want to do so let me just just try to now kind of paint in over here not a whole lot happens but let me just go a little bit more blue and let me just bring up my saturation a little bit and you can see i'm now just starting to paint in a nice blue sky see that and i'm also painting in a little bit of a green tree i don't want that so let me just zoom in a little bit i'm going to come in here zoom in i'm going to hold down my space bar to come in there actually maybe i do like that green tree now that i think about it but if i didn't i can just hold down the alt key and get rid of that okay but you want to be very focused on what you're going to do right so you notice how i did that and then it just kind of took me right back to what i wanted you probably more likely want to just brush in what you want at that point rather than kind of overriding it with having nothing on there so you'd want to actually control what the temperature is going to be and what your saturation is going to be etc with all these other things here okay so if i were to bring this now back okay i can then just zap that out if i like all right okay i'm going to undo bring that back come back to 100 take a look at our beautiful sky um not too bad it's a good start so you'll notice i can also do the same thing with my car so i could just make that a little more of the color that i want it to be see that i'm in control now i'm not letting the whole program take control over it okay so pretty nice it's going to allow me to really control which parts that i want to work with independently rather than working with this whole editing toolbar that does the entire thing when i use my brush tool it's going to allow me to be very specific and very kind of surgical about what i want to work with okay so really really cool now you'll notice that i have this little balloon that popped up here okay that is all related to these individual parts that i can create that i can have control over individual parts to say listen this is going to be separate from this this is going to be separate from this this will be separated from that so if i were now to just simply click down here i'm now going to get a new balloon if you will and then whatever is activated at that point will then get affected separate from the rest okay so notice how that is getting a little bit greener temperature and let's bring up my saturation so we can see kind of loses a little bit of saturation gets a little saturation but nothing else gets affected okay because this part is separate from this to separate from this separate from this okay so i only have two parts here and again if i wanted to go directly in my car i can focus on that if i want to go directly on my tree i could then say hey let's create a new adjustment layer and then bam that's now separate so each of these things can be all independent of each other as you're applying all of these individual effects on color and light shadows levels all this good stuff here okay so really really neat and if you're done with one of them just simply click on it hit the delete key and it goes away right so no more power for that now sometimes you might want to work with a slightly different style which is this graduated filter okay and that's actually pretty good for skies we're not going to do it here but you're going to see here this is going to give us an option to actually just say hey listen i want whatever i'm going to do to affect from here to here as almost like a gradient if you will so let me just bring this up a little bit and then here's my saturation it's super super high and now if i just click and drag now notice what i'm doing here see that so i can even make it go like that way that way right so it's kind of a neat thing and then since this is live and active i can then bring that up i can bring this down manipulate this come back over to here and even have control over what i can delete as well so i can go over here to this little eraser option and i can choose that and say hey listen i don't want that as part of this so i can control how much of that wave is going to go and i can also come back and just be a little more specific using this guy here with my brush so it's a combination of the last thing we did but i'm actually using the gradient to do this but then i'm adding it in here to this if i like and again let me just see if i can remove that okay pretty cool it's really all about control over how you're working with these things here so i'll come back to this and then manipulate this however i want and then i can make some changes to it so you can really really see it and maybe come over to here erase some of that so wow not bad so really neat stuff this is all about all the control you want i mean some of you once you learn about working with um camera raw and you can see all of the different sort of elements and sub elements in here you really never go back because this is again a one stop shop i mean this is really kind of amazing how they have everything in one place that you might want to work with all right now why might not you want to do this i mean for me if i'm going to be working on my my levels and curves in my black and white you know and then i want my saturation i might want to just have those on independent adjustment layers to be able to do that independently in the non-camera raw so it's really up to you you have that kind of control this is like hey i'm just working on this canvas right here and you can always come back to this anytime whenever you like so there's kind of pros and cons or it's really up to your own personal style and comfort level so let me just go ahead and say okay for right now imagine okay there i am there's my new image and because i put this into a smart object notice here is my mask for my smart filter so you can see before and after so you'll see the great work that i've done and even better i can always come back and make some changes to it okay again because we are working with a smart object all right this takes me right back automatically to my editing tools all right so again we were here and then you'll see radial filter is going to be very similar to our graduated filter but instead of going in a straight line it's going to go in a circle and a concentric circle all right here's the red eye removal tool if you want to work with that the presets we already worked with and then you can go ahead and just check out some of these things as well reset to the defaults you can create a preset based off of what you already have selected here maybe you're already saving some settings you want to load settings from other systems all right so lots and lots of control here so really experiment with this okay this is really kind of beyond you know spice the taste because like you have this whole cook's kitchen of all the things that you can do with this that is again sort of a one-stop shop for all of your creative color management you know all these different things in terms of lighting different effects and different ways to actually apply your effects right so the other thing i want to say this will be the last thing i'm going to tell you is i can of course work again with my mask all right so this is here to say hey listen remember what masks do it's either going to be a blindfold or it's going to be a mask which one do i want it to be right so some things i really don't want it to have the thing or whatever it is so i literally did it over a little bit i overdid a little bit on this part here so maybe i just want to let that shine through a bit and i don't want to go back into camera raw so what i can do is simply click on this and you guessed it it's either going to be black or white so i'm going to poke a hole to make my blindfold into a mask by simply going over to my brush tool just hit the b key and then notice here's my black and white if they're not already like that you can just hit the d key and you can also switch them around just hitting the x key a little review for you and then you just want to check the size of your brush and you also want to look at your opacity just depending on you know how hard you want that to come in how dark you want it to be and then also you can play around with the hardness of your brush just the same so i'm just going to keep it at this see what that does and then can i bring in some of that yep there's the original building there's no blue sky in the building okay so you can see i can come right in there and just remove that cool and then all is well with that and maybe i want to bring that tree back and maybe really really zoom in and maybe make my brush a tiny bit smaller and i can just really come in and have some control over what i'm going to show see that then of course i would zoom in and i would kind of get rid of some of those little white spots and take care of it accordingly but you can see what i'm doing here again the power of masks on almost every advanced level here we can work with all right that looks a little bit junky but you know what to do now we just switch that back to guess what white just by hitting the x key and then bring that back no big deal okay non-destructive awesome okay so pause the video practice this find a photo that you love that you want to improve upon anything and really see what you can do to make it look this much better using the camera raw filter all right enjoy and we'll see you soon okay so who is ready for some action in this lesson we're going to talk about actions all right so if you don't have actions let's see how we can open them up click over here to window go over here to our actions panel and we will see a whole bunch of stuff pop up here what is this that we are seeing here this is essentially photoshop offering to us a whole series of pre-recorded steps to finally execute something that we might want to do like for example photoshop has recorded all of the steps for a vignette for a wood frame to cast a shadow right all kinds of other kind of interesting things here so therefore we can just save all those steps and execute it these have been pre-recorded and then we can simply run them okay so if we take a look at what are some of the things that have been saved and pre-recorded we can open these up we'll see okay for example my cast shadow which is notice it's only going to be for type it's going to be good for type that is probably the best but you can try it out for other ones for sure other ones that have to be for a layer some of them you want to have a selection like the marquee or working with the lasso tool etc and notice how we have these little triangles there to open it up to see what in fact those steps are that have been saved and what will be able to be executed so if i click on let's say the cash shadow open that up and like oh wow photoshop has really saved a lot a lot of steps for me to be able to execute you'll see there's even kind of little sub parameters within all of this okay that's great i can collapse that go over to here oh it's going to fill it in gray okay gaussian blur oh radius oh my god so just think about all the things that it can save you now this is what photoshop has actually done for me in a little bit i'm going to run it and you're going to see one of these things and you get it action right and you're also going to see how we can record our own actions because sometimes we're not going to use any of these right don't care about those but thanks anyway so let's just see it in wait for it action so i want to do like this kind of water reflection effect on this okay so and you can see again what's inside of that it's going to do a zillion different things here oh my god wow i can never do all that so when nor do i have the time to do it so notice here it says type here all right you can see i have this and then it's going to be really good for type and also notice how i have this as a type layer all right so that's going to be a good candidate for me to work on make sure that your type layer is in fact selected click on my action and then guess what i'm going to do i'm just going to hit the play button right you've probably seen this before any of you are still working with dvds or maybe on your players of any sorts click on that and then watch the magic happen how cool is that right so now you'll notice that there is now a new layer that it did a zillion different things for me okay so this is actually separate from that so if i wanted to do other things if i wanted to bring down the opacity even more i can do that i wanted to stretch this out a little bit so if i hold down the control or command key notice i can do something like that and stretch that out kind of make a little more warped hit enter cool so i still have control over it even though photoshop kind of started me off with something i can still do whatever i want to it okay so pretty cool they are independent of each other right so if i make this one go away this does not get affected so just understand that it's not like a drop shadow it basically just copy the layer well we can see exactly what it did right you can see made a snapshot of it okay did all these different things here converted it blah blah blah did all these things here but the implication is that it did have to make it into its own separate layer okay so really fantastic experiment with these really pretty great now let's say i want to come over to here and i'm just going to do one other one that's another preset so we can see one that's not in text and we're going to do this one that's just sepia toning all right and we're going to do it on this layer right here because notice how it says layer so we want to make sure we're doing it on the entire layer and very simply let me just execute let me run it so go over to here to my play button and ooh very cool i like that a lot and you will see that not only that now i'm able to see that i actually get an adjustment layer that i can play around with let me make this a little bit wider okay very very sneaky there okay and it's done a whole bunch of other things as well okay you can see there it is and it's done hue saturation it's like wow i don't even know what it did but guess what i can come back and i can edit it just by double clicking on this go into my properties panel and i can see okay cool there's some interesting things there i can play around with it if i want to right maybe bring up the saturation a little bit to all kinds of different things but photoshop has given me a starter on what i'd like to do alright so two very good examples to help you save a lot a lot of time as you are making some pretty cool creative stuff okay so let's see what we can do on our own so i'm going to just do something on my own like i'm just going to put maybe a stroke around this and maybe do like an inner shadow who knows right it's going to keep it nice and simple but essentially whatever i'm going to do right now i'm going to have photoshop record it as an action so therefore i can then apply it later on to something else okay so how do i do that you'll notice here is a nice little plus sign right for doing new stuff so i click on that it's asking me okay what do you want to call this and i'm just going to call this text stroke and then inner shadow okay that's what i'm going to do and then you can also set some function keys if you want to if i want to do like shift control f3 if i'm using that a lot i can do that i can also put a color on it if i start using these a lot i can actually make it kind of stand out a little bit maybe i'm grouping them together you know that type of thing all right so and now notice this button here it says record so as soon as i hit record it's going to be recording all my actions and then i'm going to stop the recording and it's going to basically just seal in in its back pocket all the things that i just did so then i can execute it and run it all over again so watch this i'm going to hit record and you'll notice how my little red button is there indented and it's waiting for me to do stuff okay so here i am with italy all right and then i'm gonna go over here to my effects i'll put a stroke around it and then okay great i can do that maybe i like that maybe i want to do it a little bit more subtle it's starting to look a little bit like a italian horror film okay cool i like that and then certainly play around with all these things whatever you want to do maybe i'll do an an inner shadow okay maybe that's a little bit more than i want maybe i'm going to bring that down a little bit okay a little more subtle bring that in a tiny bit okay see it before and after yep i like that give it some texture and guess what i want to use this for a whole bunch of other things just the same all right so again just for the purpose of this exercise i'm keeping it simple you can make it as simple or as complex as you want so now let's click ok that's now in the back pocket right there you can see it so to tell it that i'm done i click stop and we'll see there it is all the amazing things that photoshop has done for me saving it saving me time saving me stress amazing so and you can even see my keyboard shortcut so seeing an action is very simple we're just going to bring in some text i'm just going to type out the word piazza oops maybe haunted piazza all right so i'm going to keep this as is right make it maybe a little bit different than this here and i'm ready to go i'm ready to execute so how do i do that i can click on this and i can click on the play button and then again remember my keyboard shortcut shift control f3 of course yours might be different but let's just see now because this layer is selected and i execute let's watch hit happen click on that okay so that that didn't go well so i need to interrupt my my thought here so before i actually execute right now that i've i've i've typed out all my text i need to make sure it is actually outside of this layer here because if i execute now it's going to take in this hue saturation right of what i did before so let me just bring that up to the top that's great now it's all ready to go so where it actually ends up is of course up to you where your layers go so of course always keep an eye on your layers this is going to end up on top away from my adjustment layer because i do not want everything to be in black and white of course because i want it to look exactly like this so now let's see it and wait for it action all right and again i can then execute my keyboard shortcut if i want to shift ctrl f3 yours might be different totally up to you but i'm going to just click on this little button and let's see it and action go nice that took like a nano second to execute do that and yours could be done in however capacity you want whatever your creative imagination dictates for you and maybe it's just the same thing you do over and over and over again 50 times a day doesn't even have to be creative it's just something technical but you keep having to do that like resizing things could be as simple as drop shadows whatever it is give it a shot record yourself doing it save it and then execute over and over and over again all right we'll see in the next lesson please go ahead and pause the video and practice this and love to see some of your comments to see how you're using actions thank you for watching everyone this concludes our advanced photoshop class hope you enjoyed it i definitely had a blast teaching it we covered a lot in this class we discussed layer comps blend modes a ton of filters gradient masks camera raw how to create 3d text how to work with photoshop actions and so much more now remember you have the exercise files to practice on and of course please come back and watch this video as many times as you like and please check out our other videos on additional adobe programs ms office and a lot more thank you again and keep on learning thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it
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Keywords: photoshop 2021, tips and tricks, adobe photoshop, photoshop 2021 tips and tricks, learn, photoshop, learn it, learn it anytime, learn photoshop 2021, photoshop 2021 tutorial, photoshop Tutorial, RAW photoshop 2021, gradient photoshop 2021, 3D text photoshop 2021, vectors photoshop 2021, layer comps photoshop 2021, blending modes photoshop 2021, tutorial, guide, learnit, touchup photoshop 2021, repair damaged photos, repair old photos, graphic design, adobe, creative cloud
Id: _nQKf_Fgk_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 57sec (11397 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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