3 Photoshop Tricks for FAST High-End Retouching!

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[Music] foreign if we were to even out this part of the skin with dodging and burning what would we do we would create a brand new layer we would take the brush and decrease the flow to about one or two percent change the blend mode of this layer to something like soft light and just start painting the dark areas with white and the bright areas with black that's all and we are painting we are still painting let me fast forward this for you now after a while this is the result you get here's the before and here's the after look at the texture it's amazing here's the before here's the after the texture stays intact it looks absolutely natural and there's nothing wrong with that this is what you would use if this was a cover of a magazine or maybe somebody paid a lot of money to do it or a big part of your portfolio however the only problem with this method is that it's gonna take you a while now let's use the Revolutionary tool to do the same thing so this was dodging and burning that we did let's name it DB let's turn it off and create a brand new layer and this time we're going to use the remove tool right here this is absolutely brand new and you want to make sure that sample all layers is checked and just paint over the area which you want to make even that's all this is all we did and there you go fixed now it's not going to be as good as dodging and burning of course but you have to be realistic right now now keep in mind this was absolutely not possible before let's turn off this layer let's create a brand new layer and before the remove tool we had the spot healing brush tool right so if we try the same thing with the spot healing brush tool have a look it's gonna absolutely mess up so this my friend is just the tip of the iceberg in this video I'm going to share with you three super fast high-end style skin retouching techniques and all of these techniques are gonna take you less than five minutes with one some of them even seconds and the third technique will blow your mind so without any further Ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of Photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download any of the photos and follow along you know what to do check the links in the description now the first technique is using the remove tool usually what do we do we remove the blemishes with either the spotty link brush tool or the patch tool or your favorite method and then we do dodging and burning the idea here is to use the remove tool not only for blemishes but for small scale unevenness and then use dodging and burning for the big stuff trust me this is fast as we did before just create a brand new layer pick the remove tool from right here by the way you want to make sure you have updated to the latest version of Photoshop to access the remove tool and then just paint over the uneven areas and the blemishes as well so in this case I'm just going to paint right here now as you do paint you also want to make sure that sample all layers is checked right here now as you're working with the remove tool make sure not to paint a super large area if you do that it's going to create that AI texture you see that that's that's kind of AI garbage you don't want that just do small areas at a time so as you can see if I paint right here how beautifully it created that line that was not possible with any of the tools before once you feel like most of it is done just zoom out and check for unevenness so I see an unevenness right about there so I'm just gonna paint over it and this my friend is a very quick edit so here's the before here's the after you see the difference again before after that's a huge difference now for the bigger areas you would do dodging and burning for example straightening the nose so let's create a brand new layer and this time we would take the brush too you want to make sure the foreground color and the background color is black and white you can always press D if it's something else let's say if it's red and the background color is something else you can press D to set it to defaults and then with the brush tool and the flow at two percent you can just paint over these areas also you want to make sure this dodging and burning layer that you created you would want to change its blend mode to soft light otherwise you'd be confused what the hell is happening now for the nose I'm gonna darken this area to make it straight and add a little bit highlight right here and darken this area again and just with a little retouch here's the before here's the after you see that we straighten that also right here there's too much Darkness so we can brighten it nothing major this was super quick so here's the before here's the after so with a tiny change in approach and a little practice you can bring this entire process under five minutes so here's the before and here is the after and the best part is it looks natural there are lots of techniques actions and even filters in the market that make the skin look like a wax statue we don't want that if you're a professional and you're making money off of your shoot and I underlined only and only if you're making money off of your work whether as a commercial photographer or a retoucher only then I recommend this if you want to create incredible results and save time at the same time so there's this plugin I use personally hands down recommendation and actually you can try it for free so all you have to do is to make a copy of the background layer and the series of plugins is called retouch for me so go to filter once you install the plugin you'll find it right here by the way if you want to try it go to this link get the trial version download it the instructions are in the description retouch for me let's start with retouch for me heal it all automatically removes all the blemishes so here at the top you have the sensitivity slider it decides how many blemishes are we removing so very few blemishes right here and all the blemishes right here you can choose to make a mask by checking this and just simply apply there you go all of the blemishes gone want to have a look at the before and after so here's the before here's the after did you notice here's the before here's the after all of those little ones gone so in some cases when they're freckles you might want to keep them so for it you can simply create a mask right here take the brush take a soft round brush make sure the flow is at 100 and just erase it in this area where you want it some see how easy it made removing all of those tiny blemishes but that's not all so if we create a stamp visible layer at the top by pressing Ctrl alt shift and E in other words a merged layer of everything you see in the canvas then let's go to filter retouch for me again and this time let us choose dodging and burning yes it does high-end dodging and burning automatically for you and everything is adjustable there you go it's done so this is no dodging and burning we can increase the blend slowly and gradually and this is all the way to the right this may be way too much so you can choose how much dodging and burning you want to do I'm going to keep it at about 132 percent you can also choose to increase the warmth right here but I'm going to keep it the way it is and you can choose to create a soft light layer instead click on apply and there you go a gray layer is created see all the dodging and blending being done everything automatic just change the blend mode to soft light and it's done it keeps the skin texture it is natural and just take a look here's the before and here's the after and the professionality if that's a word is amazing on top of that you can retouch the eyes remove the veins of it in fact I've created an action that plays a series of retouch for me actions by the way you can download it absolutely for free and we had made a video about it as well which you can watch after this video now once you have got many of them some of them are for straightening the Fab fabric of the cloth for cleaning the backdrop mattifiers for removing the highlights then you have one for the skin tone one for Whitening the teeth with just a click of a button once you have them installed all you have to do is to play this action that I created fixing perfect Auto retouch actions and their list of a lot of actions right here for example if you play the basic action it will do the healing automatically it will do dodging and burning automatically it will add volume to the portrait it will also retouch the eyes let's play this one let's select the basic one and play it and it's done and with just one click of a button first of all let us take a look at what it did so it created separate layers for different procedures first of all it removed the blemishes so here's the before as you can see and here's the after all the blemishes gone before after now on top of that it did dodging and burning let's turn it on there we go the skin is smoother and then it added depth to the portrait so here's the before here's the after take a look now you can increase the opacity if you wish to by the way if you want to take a look at the layer here's the layer it did contouring right here now let's change it back to soft light and you can have it more less it's up to you so I'm going to keep the opacity at about 52 that's fine it cleaned up the veins in the eyes so here is the before as you can see this was there here's the after now I would have loved if it did it completely but for an automatic action that's more than enough so here's the before here's the after on top of that it added contrast to the eyes so again before after so all of this with one button it can do more with just one button so here's the before overall and here is the afterm that's a glamorous retouch keeping everything absolutely natural now again this is just the tip of the iceberg for example if you play this action it will do all of this process it will also correct the skin tone also fix the backdrop also sharpen the entire image so all your images with just one click if you want to learn more about it in this video we talk about creating a workflow where all you have to do is to dump hundreds or even thousands of your images and Photoshop will automatically process each and every one of them retouch them beautifully using these plugins and all you have to do is to sit back and relax and if you have thousands of images just take a nap retouch for me is running a 30 off for a Pixel Perfect viewers for a very limited time maybe two or three more days so if you are interested check it out also at the moment I would recommend just get the trial version Look at the description we have the instruction on how to get it and then just put in your images see the kind of results you're creating and see if it's worth it for you moving on to technique number three and this has been one of my recent favorites and it uses frequency separation but in a much more unique and modern way the way to do it is that first of all you would remove the blemishes either by using the remove tool the spot healing brush tool patch tool whatever you like do it fast either remove tool or spot healing will do so here's the before and here is the after little blemishes were removed but the skin is still uneven there are eye bags we need to take care of and over the forehead as well there's lots of unevenness so let's apply the frequency separation action you can download this for free I'll link it up in the description so here we have Pixel Perfect frequency separation first of all you need to look at whether your image is 8-bit or 16 bit so this image is 8-bit you can tell by looking right here or you can go to image mode see what is checked 8 bits per channel is checked so let's play the 8-Bit action now you need to set the radius so that the skin texture goes away inside of the gaussian blur that will show up so you can decrease the radius all the way to the left hand side slowly and gradually increase it and stop at the point where the skin texture just goes away so in this case it would be about 8.4 hit OK and your image is separated into two frequencies so here's the high frequency which only has the texture and the low frequency has the color and the tone we just have to work with the low frequency and how do we do that just make a copy of the low frequency layer by pressing Ctrl or command J then turn off the high frequency zoom out and this is what we have to fix so how do we fix it use the remove tool and this time we don't have to worry about painting large areas because this is already blurred and the texture is on a separate layer so if there's eye bag that's butter bring you just paint over it it's fixed similarly let's paint the rest of the areas simple Strokes here and there that's all just with little touches here and there let's turn on high frequency and have a look at the skin right now so here is the before and here is the after look how easy that was if you were to do it with dodging and burning imagine the kind of time it would tick so overall here's the before and here is the after hell of an improvement so that my friend is frequency separation with the remove tool I just did a few Strokes usually takes less than five minutes and we are good to go so those are the three retouching techniques when you want to keep the process super fast and also keep it natural at the same time the first technique was using the remove tool not only for blemishes but for small scale unevenness and then using dodging and burning the simple one you create a new app that is blend mode to soft light and paint with white and black you use that for the bigger picture that's all the second technique uses retouch for me plugins and you can create an action for it I have already created it for you you can download it by using the link in the description so once you get those plugins just with one press of a button it will do the entire retouching routine for you I highly recommend just trying it out for free here's the link and the third technique uses frequency separation with the remove tool you first remove the blemishes and then inside of frequency separation for the low frequency once the layer just use remove tool to remove the unevenness I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] some crime and I like it like that [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 347,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high-end skin retouching, dodging and burning, automatic skin retouching, skin smoothing, skin softening, portrait retouching, blemishes, remove acne, smooth skin, adobe, retouch4me, heal, dodge and burn, portrait volume, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: oX3swsgBDuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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