Adobe illustrator Design Tutorial Vector Graphics - Free Tutorial

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen can i please have your attention i've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story and i need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen welcome back [Music] welcome back to keep on creating i'm mike and today we're going to be doing some more creative stuff obviously but first of all i just want to say thanks for all the really really cool messages that i've been getting i really do appreciate it so the wishing wells and all sorts of stuff that's been coming through i have actually set up a new instagram account so i'll leave the link below if you want to send me some more messages go to the instagram account and send me some more messages i love seeing what you guys are up to and the projects that we've been working on it's really really cool so what's been happening well we didn't get the lightning bolt over there but we made our own sun which you saw in the new intro that i just made that took like forever to make that intro but it came out so really cool actually had to 3d print that which is something i think we're going to actually do on this channel soon i just like fell in love with 3d printing lately and it's just it's just awesome it's really cool so that's something we're going to be probably exploring further on down the line when i kind of get my head around it maybe i'll show the journey of let's just say here pulling out to actually make it happen but it's all good it's all fun then as i mentioned we've got that new instagram account i'm not so much on facebook anymore a little bit there but not kind of there you've got the new website i'll leave the link below go check that out and with all of that said today we're going to be i'm just looking for my mobile there so today what we're going to be doing we are going to be doing this design over here so without further ado because this is going to be a long one i figured i got a lot of comments going please slow down but um it's kind of like really hard for me to slow down so i'm really trying to slow myself down that's why this video is going to be pretty long but the design we're going to be creating is this guy over here not that little goat over there that that full design over there so without speaking too much gimbal gavel let's get into it okay so we've got our illustrator open here now the first thing we're going to do obviously is just get a new document open so a new artboard so all i'm going to do is head in up here where it says illustrator go off to the side where it says file let's click on that and you'll see it says new over here now important thing to notice in illustrator which i've probably said before a million times is you get these little just these like abbreviations over here these are your quickies these are what you really need to learn so it just makes setting up and just getting everything together a lot quicker so file new we're just going to click on this one over here where it's marked in blue and up pops this window where it gives us all these dimensions that we can use so off to the side over here you can see it's actually saved my last details so i'm just going to nail name this kind of looks like a button logo so i'm just going to call this button keep on creating creating design okay so i've just named the file name there the width of this is going to be 500 so just double select that i'm going to say 500 you can see mine set in millimeters and i've set the height to 500 the orientation doesn't really matter because this is a square and cmrk is fine for now raster effects just leave all those as is it doesn't really matter if you've got rgb or cmyk for what we do right now and we're just going to click on this button over here to actually create our document so i'm going to click on that and it pops out artboard so you can see this big square here that's our 500 by 500 okay so let's just save this file so i'm just going to go command s or up here to your file menu see right up here just drop down to save and let's click on that and up pops where we want to save it let's just save it on the desktop you can see it says set as illustrator i've got my file name up here or pre-populated from when i named the file in the beginning and i'm just going to go save so 2020 that's absolutely fine for now and i'm just going to click ok ok so we're all set almost first thing i always like to do whether i use them or not is switch on my rulers so i can go command r or i think it's control on windows and you can see it pops up all these rules over here i'm just going to quickly switch those off i'm going to go to view and i'm going to drop down and find where this is to show you guys i actually know my quickies better know better than i know where all these shortcuts are guides no not guides rulers there we go so he says rulers and says show rulers and there's command r and i'm sure it'll say control r on windows so we just click on that we're going to get our dimensions up here okay so looking at our design we have got lots of circles to draw on this thing i am counting one two three four five six seven roof and then all the text eight nine got about nine circles to draw on this so let's start somewhere in the middle of the page over here i'm going to get my ellipse tool so i'm just going to go over here where this rectangle tool is okay you could just push l okay or you can click on this hold down and go across down here where it says ellipse tool you see there's the l that's doing a quickie so you just release on there and now if i go somewhere to the middle of my page you can actually see it's telling me where the center is because i've got my snap to point switched on and i'll explain that in a second just while i've got this if i click here and i start dragging you can see it's dragging from that point where i'm dragging from you can see it's dragging out and you can see it's not quite dragging in a circle striking whichever way i want to drag it but if i hold shift it snaps to a circle if i hold alt it drags from that center point so you can actually see if i drag from over here i can while holding shift and alt it's going to create that circle still from where i'd basically started it from so i'm just going to undo this i'm just going to go command z command z and let's just start again right so there's my center point click hold alt hold shift and just keep on dragging now you see i've got that nice circle going from there okay now if you don't have this little center point showing up just go over here to view and just go snap to point and make sure that is turned on as well as these smart guides over here okay because smart guys basically if i hover over you can see how it basically highlights that path if i turn smart guides off it no longer hides everything it gives me that funny like square like on right there near enough to it but that's when it actually comes over the entire object okay so just keep those smart guys turned on view and make sure those are turned on so there's got the little tick symbol there and that little tick symbol there okay so just for backup so i know that when we're drawing this logo that we've got a backup of this circle right here i'm just going to simply go command c or i'm going to go edit and i'm going to here go over here where it says copy now you can see this come on see that's my cookie now i'm going to head over to my layers palette and you can see right here just opposite where my stroke is it's going to say layers if you can't see your layers you're going to go to window and you're going to drop all the way down here where it says layers and you can find all your windows if you can't find any of the windows that i've got on my screen you will see them here i'll call out what everything is like so i say there's the swatches you'll find their swatches okay so you'll know exactly where it is okay so with my layer selected i want to put this onto a new layer and just basically keep it in should we say cold storage for later so i am going to go over here which is create new layer this little one with the little plus in it i'm going to click on that and you can see it gives me a new layer over here now what i'm going to do is actually just hide this first layer okay so you can see it actually circles gone now because i've got this layer 2 selected i'm just going to go command f and you can see it's pasted my circle exactly where the other one is so if i actually switch on this layer over here you can't see it because it's directly behind it but it's there for safe keeping later if we need to come back right so i said we needed about nine circles in here let's start from the center so basically what i want to do is i'm going to go to this corner over here i've got my pointer tool selected over here my pointer to my selection tool selected over here and make sure it's this one over here this full black one over here and i'm going to click on this edge over here drag inwards while holding alt and shift okay and let's just drag it all the way over here now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go copy this so exactly the same what we did with our layers over here i'm just going to go command c okay so i've made a copy of that layer or you can just go copy over here and i'm going to go command f okay and if you don't know what the command f is you can see it right here it says paste in front that's what i'm looking at there mine is showing as command f so now i'm going to drag that out slightly okay holding my shift and holding my alt at the same time to keep that proportion nice and locked that's what i'm looking for okay just because i can't see exactly where my other one is going on underneath here okay i have a full of white so how do i tell that i've got a full on white you can see over here if i got my object selected with this selection tool you can see it's showing this big white block over here that's my fill and that's my stroke so i need to take this fill away so you can either do it over here it says none you see the little nun over there i'm going to click on that and now you can see both my circles so likewise with this one over here i don't want any fill in there let's just mix this up a little bit i'm going to go over to my swatches palette and you can see over there it's showing that same little nun icon and i'm going to click over there and now neither of those circles or ellipses have any fill in them so that's what we're looking for right let's carry on going here so i'm going to go command c command f exactly what we just did and i'm going to drag that out again whilst holding shift and alt and when i go come on c come on f do it again come on c come on f and just do it again so now you can see i've got almost like a bullseye going on over here i'm just zooming in now that's another thing if you want to zoom in you simply just go spacebar command or old school apple and then just click and drag off in and out so you can go basically i'm going i'm just basically pushing my key my mouse all the way out or i'm dragging it inwards towards the inside of that circle okay or you can just go click click and hold what am i holding alt and just go click click and it goes out again okay so just to zoom in here so you can actually see all those things if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about there all you need to go is obviously zoom tool you bring that up you can see that this is literally just your zoom tool so if i hold alt i can now click and drag in and out in and out and that just makes it easier for you if you battle to understand what i've just done there so let's get my pointed tool my selection tool back up and let's start figuring out what we're going to be doing here so the first thing we've got to do is work out now we're going to have this little logo in the center over here we're going to have this full circle going around it over here is exactly what i want then we're going to be having this line over here with some text running down on this bottom section over here okay so we're going to almost need to actually double up on those lines so what we need to do first is just so we make this no more appeasing to the r right now i'm with my selection tool i'm going to click and drag over all those lines i'm going to go to my stroke and i'm just going to give the stroke with a 2 okay so i'm just going to and that just makes everything kind of uniform for us now the two lines that let's just focus on first with this line here i'm going to go copy so command c or you're going to go up to edit and copy and i'm going to go command f and just paste another one right on it so right there it's going to make this one a tiny bit bigger okay and with this one here let's get some text running on this curve over here at this point so let's get uh get our text tool up which is t or you can just go over here and you can see it says type tool i want you to click and hold on that go this is type on path tool i know we've done this before just click anywhere on this line i'm just going to click right here and let's type in keep on creating okay now you can see that has typed in upside down obviously we want this to be number one we want we need to sort out how it's centered let's go on up here where it says align center i'm going to click on that and you can see basically it's just really snapped right to where the center point is so now what i want to do is i actually want to flip this baseline because i want this basically to be reading down here but the other way around so i'm just going to undo that so basically what we need to do when i've got this selected and you've got this selected you see this little red line i've got right here okay yours i don't know yours may be blue i'm not quite sure but if you click on this and just drag that to the other side you can see it goes to the inside of that circle now that's exactly what we want now an easy way to rotate this is i'm just going to hit r or you can go over here which is rotate tool okay so you just just click on that or click r i'm going to hold down shift okay so i'm holding shift and i'm just going to go rotate and you can see how where my cursor is going it's dragging like off in a clockwise position and i'm going to release it there and you can see now we've perfectly just in the center of the other side and that's what we are looking for there now what we need to do is select a font so i think the font i'm going for this one is sauce the b if we're going to keep on forgetting what it's called bee barley there are barley fonts okay i'll i'll leave a link to this font down below and you can check it out so with the barley font selected here you can see it's in there let's just make this font a little bit bigger so you can see it says barley regular and 12 so we can literally just click in here i'm just going to scroll up with my mouse roller and you can see it's just a quick way to just scale that font right up so how big do we want it i have no clue let's just take it somewhere like there is i suppose it looks pretty good we'll leave it there okay so with that now with this extra one i have created over here this little circle i've got all going around here i'm going to hold down alt shift and i'm just going to click and drag that in now yep it takes a little bit of time to get used to all this dragging and all that stuff but just bear with it keep on doing it and you're going to get the hang of it okay so dragging that in you can see i've kind of put that like right through the center of my text here obviously i don't want it reading overlapping should i say over the line over there but we'll come back and sort that out a little bit later so the next thing we're going to do is let's just make this um ribbon effect so i'm going to take this and i want that pretty close to my keep on creating bit there okay so you can see all i've done there as i've just hold shift and i clicked and dragged i actually did it so naturally because i've been using so many times i forgot to explain what i was doing so i'm just click and drag that holding that alt and holding that shift i'm just going to drag it in there around about there somewhere i think that's probably pretty cool somewhere around there yeah okay so i'm going to go command c to copy it command f to paste it exactly where it is and guess what i'm going to do i'm going to hold down alt and shift click and drag it out and this is basically going to dictate to how wide we want our ribbon effect so i'm thinking somewhere around there and size wise yeah so let's just see what the text we're going to put in there is now since we've created this text over here already i'm simply just going to copy that okay so come on c or you're going to just go edit copy okay click on that and you're going to go edit paste in front or just that command f i'm going to hold down that alt and shift again okay and i'm just going to click and drag it and let's just make sure somewhere centered in there you can see how all these circles are just all lining up i'm not having to worry about uh it's off center or anything like that if something does happen we can always just quickly go back to our layer over here and just grab that one we saved ages ago okay so don't worry about it too much we've got a nice backup so the text we want going in here what are we going to say push yourself so push your self this way i'm not having to go back and try find the fonts again and put it in it's already there so we don't have to try to try and find any of that so you can see from this i'm just going to make this a tiny bit bigger so i'm going to hold shift and alt and i'm just going to drag it ever so slightly you see a snap in there a little bit okay that's cool i wonder if i should make it smaller i will make it smaller so basically what i'm going to do in here i'm just going to double select double st i'm double clicking into here double clicking in here clicking and dragging off to the side so you can see i'm just dragging my mouse just off the side says x it selects this little part right in here and i'm going to bring that font size down because i don't want that gap to be so big so we can just go up here i'm just going to roll my mouse roller all the way down or you can just click on that little down arrow there if you want if you haven't got a mouse roller and all you've got one of those fancy mouses you know that's fancy apple one so it's just like a dj anyway so you do that and i've kind of got my position where i actually want to cut this circle of somewhere over here to make this ribbon effect so i'm going to get first of all what i need to do is make this object here like kind of like one object so i'm going to get my selection tool up by pushing v or i'm going to hit heading over here and you can see the selection tool i'm going to click on that one so the first thing i want to do is just select this line over here so the one just above the push yourself wooding we just put in okay i'm going to select that i want to make sure that that's right to the top okay and when i mean right to the top i'm just going to quickly make this red okay so the info is red and i'm going to make this one here blue okay now you can see the blue one is actually on top of the red one so what i want to do is actually make sure that red one is on top of the blue one so i'm going to select my blue layer in this instance okay so i'm going to select on that one then i am going to for a quickie you could go command shift and the close square bracket okay and you can see it sends it to the back so if you don't know where that is okay you just i'm going to undo that you're going to head up to here to object you are going to go arrange and you're going to go ascend backward or i'm going to go send to back there's your shift command and that open square bracket so you're going to click on that and it sends it all the way to the back now the reason why i wanted to do that is because i basically want to punch this red one through that blue one does that make sense i'm going to punch this red one through that blue one and to do that we have to have both of them selected so with your selection tool which is this tool up here you're going to select it you're going to select your red one first hold down the shift to select multiple objects and i'm going to select this blue one over here so i've got the red and the blue selected now if you find your pathfinder window which is this guy over here it says pathfinder remember if you can't find any of these windows just head up to window and have a look for it and there it is there pathfinder just click on that and this window will pop up now you've got all these little functions in here the one we are looking for is this minus front now every time when i do these i always hold down my alt key okay that makes it permanent i know some people they just click on this but they don't hold the alt key and that's when you run into problems i've decided that i'm going to do this i don't need to ungroup it or come back to it later i'm just going to click on that okay and it gives me this choice here to expand i'm going to click on that and that basically makes that an object to itself so you can see if i click that now if i click on this black line over here if i click on this inner black line over here you can see the whole thing every time i've clicked it it all moves at once so that's exactly what we want we want this to be one object just so i can see what i'm working with here i'm just going to send it to the back again so that command shift and that close the open square bracket remember it's just under here object arrange and send to back okay so there we go so it's into the back this so i can see where i'm going to be cutting this okay a right like somewhere over here so if i want to be cutting this somewhere over here i'm going to get my pen tool up which is this tool i've just selected here i pushed p and this tool came up you can see this is this tool right over here it says pin tool that's the one i'm going to select so just make sure they're selected i'm going to click this click over here okay just one click and just make it like almost like a sim not quite 90 degrees but somewhere around there i'm just basically trying to follow the shape of that p so that's cool somewhere around there now i want this to be exactly the same on this side so the easiest way to do that is to reflect it okay so to reflect it you push o okay on your keyboard or you just go over here and you can see it says reflect tool so yours may be showing this little rotate icon here click and hold on that and you'll see it says reflect tool okay so you can see my reflect tools there now within this reflect tool you can see there's this little blue thing right over there okay that is the center of this line i don't want it over there i actually want it like up here in the center of our graphic so i'm going to click on that and you can see there's that little blue thing i'm going to drag all the way here and it should snap somewhere in the center over there okay so you can see it goes and it actually tells me that's the center bar so there it is in the center over there so with that selected i'm now going to hold shift click and then just drag off to this or to my right hand side you can see it's actually there it's gone to my right hand side now i can instantly see man that is like really wrong because that angle i'm not happy with there at all so what i'm going to do is with this direct selection tool selected or a and click on that and i'm just going to select this little top note up here so you can actually see if i click on this little note over here i can manipulate that single node if i click on this little node over here i can select and drag that little node so let's just click this i'm going to click this bottom one and i'm just going to drag it out slightly just to make it a little bit better practically i think we're going to end up making this like a 90 degrees it's going to be better anyway so somewhere around there you can see that's that's much better forget what i said earlier with trying to make it like that text just do that so with this selected again we're going to reflect it back okay we're going to do something a little bit different this time though so i'm going to give my reflect tool okay i'm going to push o or click on this little icon up here with the blue blue little crosshair in the middle there i'm going to click and drag oops click and drag that up and put it in the center or is this enter somewhere around here show yourself there we go okay so center's running right there this time what i'm going to do is actually hold alt and shift at the same time and then click and drag to my left hand side okay because i'm reflecting it back that way and you can see what it's actually done i'm going to release everything you basically what it's done with holding the alt and the shift i've created a duplicate of it so ahead and try to rotate it and do funny things or do a command c command f i've just basically taken that made sure when i've rotated it when i reflected i've clicked it and dragged it put in the center point over here hold down alt hold on shift and click and drag it over to that side there and i've duplicated it that's cool that's what i'm looking to do so the next thing we're going to do is basically the same technique we use with the red circle and the blue circle we need to put the red circle on top and punch it through that blue circle so we need to make a layer on top of this blue to punch that object out so what i need to do is just get our pen tool up which is p or you're heading over here to your pen tool which is this guy here let's click on that one and if you just click on the end of one of these lines like this so you can see it gives us this like diagonal little minus sign which tells us we're going to be selecting that anchor point there or activating that anchor point there so if i click on that it's going to draw uh i can basically just all straight across here to that line over there okay and you can see it's joined those two lines together i'm now going to go all the way to the outside of one of these nodes over here i'm going to click on that okay and i want to trace all the way around that line so i'm just gonna you don't have to curve it you can click straight straight straight straight straight straight like that okay i'm just holding a hold i'm gonna hold down spacebar okay you see it gives me a little hand now i'm gonna click and drag my screen just so i can move it around slightly i'm just to close that circle off so you can see it gets in a little over there when i get to the anchor point to say close the sucker off okay so now i've got the shape over here and let's just make that red so we keep things consistent so you can see the whole red thing that red block funny graphic that we've made there's sitting over our blue block over here so i'm going to click on that okay hold down my shift and then click on the blue object heading over here to my pathfinder and find this minus front okay i'm going to hold down the alt i'm going to click on that and i'm going to click on expand now i have no idea why i've got a big black mark there that was a little bit of a glitch wasn't it there we go that's gone again if i just send that to the back quick i wonder if it's effecting about this nope make it red that's interesting there's nothing going on over here nope nothing going on over there okay that's really interesting interesting to know on your guys screens if it's done that because i can't see anywhere white would have done that unless there's a line over here let me know in the comments below if you've had the same little glitch over there it'd be interesting to find out so basically what i want to do is with the selected i am literally just going to make that black and i'm going to make this text white so with my selection tool selected this guy up here which is this little selection tool let's just select this a font it says push yourself let's click select that okay heading over to our swatches and click on this little white icon here i'm going to make that white i'm going to select our ribbon there with this funny little defect over here and i am going to make this black click on this little outline over here and i'm going to select that off okay i can't actually tell if that's still got that line in there just quickly just check for intersect nope it's gone that's weird very very strange okay let's zoom out slightly so i'm going to go spacebar command and alt and i'm just going to go click click once just drag that down with that spacebar okay so you can kind of see where i am in the whole grand scheme of things now we want to create the ribbon going towards the outside so i'm going to select this little circle over here i'm going to go command c command f okay so we should have that down now because we've repeated that quite a few times and we've repeated this next move quite a few times so i'm going to go alt shift click and drag drag it all the way in and let's set it somewhere around about yeah this is somewhere around about there ish okay okay not really set in stone wherever you want to drag it just i will say keep in mind your distance that you've got over here you know we're not going to measure any of this we just keep in mind that distance over there so let's do that again command c come on f and i'm going to click and drag while i'm holding alt and shift and that little distance i was talking about just just try and get it more or less the same so this distance here is almost the same as this distance there because certainly what we're doing is staying that ribbon width is the same ribbon width as this ribbon width and we're just going to make it sort of the same okay let's make sure this circle here we're going to change it to blue there we go sitting on the top we need to send that to the back so we're going to go command shift and that open square bracket make sure it goes all the way to the back and just select this guy over here and make this red okay so we've got that yep we're going to punch that through again so you can see a lot of this is quite repetitive and we're doing the same thing which is just make great tutorial because it's repeat repeat repeat and the more you do this stuff the more you're going to get the hang of it so the next thing you're going to do again is just going to go over here to this minus front hold down that alt click on that and click on expand just to see what we're doing send it to the back okay remember where their back is if you can't find the alt shift and open square bracket you're going to go up here to object arrange and send to back so click on that now you can see it's centered to the back so let's just make the little extra ribbon bit over here okay so i've figured we could do with just a little bit of like a intermission and then intuition is sponsored by well me for putting this video together so don't forget to hit that subscribe button smash the like button please leave a comment below a nice one or constructive one at least thank you i am again let's just use that pen tool so i'm going to get the pen tool up by hitting p or i'm going to go over here where it says pen tool and click on that so let's make it so that we i want to make them too long let's click here you see how i've clicked outside this graphic that we got so i'm going to click outside of that let's come into here i'm going to click and then go over here and then click and i think that'll be that'll be quite cool if you want to change your angle slightly on this you can always get your absolute select tool or direct select tool and that there your direct selection tool and you can just alter this however you want i'm going to put it somewhere around a bit there whatever you guys feel yours is good with yours just go ahead and pop that in there what i want to do now is exactly the same as when we made these little cuts over here i am going to get my selection tool up so my basic selection tool which is this one over here i'm going to select that then i'm going to hit o to get my reflection tool remember it's this tool over here my reflect tool i'm going to get that little point right over here you can see it in there i'm going to click that drag to the center okay where's that center point so it's the center hold down that alt hold down that shift click and drag off to my right so i'm going to click then drag it off to my right while holding all that alt and shift to let go and you can see i've got them in the exact same position perfect and let's just block out this one let's just knock out this one over here so try and do this one by yourself i'm just going to quickly go through it it's exactly what we've basically been doing so i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you exactly how to do this you're not gonna have to do it by yourself don't worry don't worry okay so let's get our pen tool up which is this guy over here click on that little node over there to activate it go all the way to the side close that little line up so you can see how they join go to the outside of this guy okay click on that again just click all around the circle okay all the way to there i remember how i'm moving my page around i'm just holding that spacebar down to get the little hand tool up hello and just maybe see basically moving around the screen like so okay now titling again this would be my red layer and i'm going to punch through that black layer so i'm going to click over here oh wait before we even do that whoa whoa let's before we end up with a black block down here let's create another so i'm going to get my pen tool up which is p or you can head in up here and click on this little pen tool icon up here somewhere around here i am going to click around about here and i'm going to click in there okay now if we want to do the whole reflecting thing again we can just get our reflection tool which is oh let's just i'm gonna click on v and just click off that icon in there so v being this direct the selection tool up here i just want to deselect that quick and then reselect that tool now i'm going to get my reflection tool up which is that o or this little icon right here it says reflect tool that's what we're looking for get that little node in the middle there find our center now since we've actually been so repetitive with this center tool i think the best thing we should have actually done right in the beginning is probably probably let's just draw these get get one of our select one of our circles go up here to your guide click and drag that down drag it onto that little edge there you see how it snapped and given us like that little white arrow do the exact same for this side so you can see where i'm i'm pointing it i'm going to snap there that's my center point right there instead of having me just struggle and try find it all the time i don't know why i didn't think of this before anyway so let's start again so i'm going to hit my p to get my pen tool that's this little guy over here click click somewhere around there okay now i'm going to select it again and hit that o okay get that reflection tool up get that little node right in the middle there so click it and ah come on now now that i've got my center points and i just want to come center point and just drag it to that center point there okay and i'm going to hold that alt and shift click and drag off to my left hand side and pop it over there okay so now we've got that little line over here a little line over there exactly repeating what we've done all over again i'm just going to hit the p pen tool okay click on this little note over here i'm going to go all the way around okay you can just just make sure you go on the outside so we want to make sure we don't touch any of that blue over there we want to go outside that blue then on this side over here i'm going to click on that it'll load there and make sure i go right away on the outside so we make sure we're covering this hole in a bit of this blue over here we make sure we're covering that bit it's going to make that red okay now this one i'm going to do a little bit of a double take at once so i'm going to select both of my reds so i'm going to with my selection tool this guy up here right that one over there i'm going to select this red one i'm going to hold down shift and select this red one over here then i'm going to go over here i'm going to hold down the alt key i'm going to click on that little icon and i'm going to go expand now that little icon was unite okay now what i'm going to do so you can see that's still selected i'm going to hold down shift and i'm going to click on this blue layer over here so this is all the stuff we've done before no panic we're just going to go over here and i'm going to click on this minus while holding alt click on that click on expand i'm simply just going to take off that key line over there quick i'm going to make that nothing and i'm going to make the click on this one over here which is full and i'm going to make that black okay the best practice again let's just send that to the back come on shift open square bracket poof it's gone to the back so it's not overlapping that little bit there and that's pretty cool there now what i'm actually going to do now so i'm going to make that font smaller because it's been driving me nuts for a little bit of time now i'm just looking at going yeah that needs to be smaller okay so i've just gone into my font and i just double clicked it i'm just dragging my little roller down just to make it a little bit smaller i just needed that bit more space in between there so i'm just going to hold down alt and shift and just click and drag that in a little bit that's better it gives a little bit more room i'm going to go command t in actual fact now come on t brings up my character window can't find that window and this one's a little bit hidden i think if you actually go to type and there it is over there there's a character palette so pull up that one okay so what i want to do is i just want to space this out a little bit i don't like how close the font is in that section i didn't like basically how close it was to the edge of my ribbon so that's why i just brought that font size in a little bit but now we've obviously got a lot of space on the sides over here to do that we're going to go over here where it says got this va this is my tracking let's go hover your mouse in there and just scroll your wheel up or you can click that little up arrow right there i'm just going in my wheel up and that's cool i'm just going to click over here again what we did earlier make that little gap a little bit smaller but enough to yeah that's much cooler i'm much happier with that okay so we've got your keep on creating and you push yourself so what are we still going to do here that's right we need a massive font to go around this side over here i'm going to select this little ellipse in here the circle over here i'm going to go command c to copy it command f hold down alt and shift click and drag and let's just take it somewhere yeah or something let's take it to that line there so i'm around about there probably going to be changing this right so let's go ahead and over here to our text tool click on that and let's get this type on path tool this one right over here let's just click up here to get our font going and let's type in here whatever you want to type i'm going to write in yeah do not fade and you can't see a thing because it's actually typed all the way down here i'm gonna hit r okay to get this rotate tool up it's gonna hold down shift and just drag it up here and you can see it's just snapped into place up there so obviously we're gonna want this much much bigger so i'm going to double click on that go up here to my font size and i'm just going to i'm going to rotate it i've got a little a little bit ambitious there i'm just going to rotate this up a little bit let's just fix these sizes up here exactly what we've done before just select the little space in between here it's going to fudge that size there by making it smaller okay somewhere around there i'm going to copy that okay just command c so and go command f in this little section over here so i've selected that a little bit copied it selected this little bit by clicking here and just dragging off to the side and pasted it in there now you can see it's quite close to this line here and i don't want that so i'm just going to with this font selected here i'm going to hold down alt and shift and click and drag and bring that down a little bit give it a little bit more room now what i do like about this body font is if i double select this and i go to this body font does it pop up here no if i go and find the way that body font is so basically if your font character's not over here it's going to be up here where it says character so either all of those they both do exactly the same now barley font has this age version and i think it's got another version of the show it's got vintage h so where is it bar a b-a-r-b-a-r-l there barley rough what have you gone body rough poly aged okay that's one-on-one so barley aged almost roughly so barley h that's what i'm looking for so we've got the barley aged we've got this line here we've got that line there that's all starting to look pretty cool i think i actually want this font quite big so i'm gonna make drag that up again over here and make it quite nice and chunky i'm gonna have to reset all this just bring that font in so i'm just selecting there bring it in just rotating my little wheel down because it says 31 instead of having to do all that again select that little area copy it paste it in here boom it's done let's make that smaller and i'm going to bring that a little bit in so that tracking you see that track in there that we're going on here i'm just dragging it in a little bit do not fade yeah that's cool okay so it's nice and chunky and that's kind of what i'm going for there okay so the next thing we have to do is another round of text now that next round of text we are going to be putting is basically i'm just having a look at my drawing here and we've got another round of text to go on the outside of this one so i'm not even sure we're going to need this one on the outside of that one there okay so if we're going to have another round of text going on outside of this one i'm thinking that what we should do we want this to be black we don't want this to be white text i'm going to select on this keep on creating text over here so come on c command f okay so you're just going to go come on c which is your copy and then you're going to go paste in front so that's all i've done now i'm going to go alt shift click and drag and i'm going to take it to this line over here is the line we actually wanted to take it to i'm going to take it somewhere around oh let's take it somewhere around here okay let's just make this font a lot smaller because i envision this being like really smallish somewhere around here depending on how much text we've got let's type in our text quick so just hit the letter t or go up to here which says type tool click on that just make sure you got that all selected all your text there so i've had to click it three times one two three and you can see it goes one selects a font two selects one little bit of the text three times and it selects everything okay let's type in do what what they want i don't know won't won't does it have an apostrophe want i think it does so i'm going to put that in there that makes more sense yeah that looks right okay so we've got that name and we at this point i'm just going to click on this circle over here so how i'm moving between these keys quite quickly as i'm constantly pushing on v and the space one v and the space bar so v always brings up my pointer tool that's probably the one you're gonna have to learn the the most of so click on this outline here i'm gonna hit the backspace or delete button let's just get rid of that one for now okay so i want this actually be kind of small okay so i'm going to hit alt shift and drag that down and i want that under there yeah that's cool um should we bring it in the bits probably bring it smaller i think it'll just bring it in smaller so there i've just selected where my font is there with that character size over here just rotate my little wheel downwards you can click on this little down arrow if you want somewhere around there do what they want i think that's cool okay now let's just adjust the size of here there's a little space in between obviously depending on what font you've got you may not have to do this if you're happy with the spacing between these i'm not again i'm just going to select that little area over there i'm going to go copy select this area here paste it select this little area over here and paste it so it's just dragging in those areas and pasting it and it's going to bring that little tighter in that's cool yeah that's cool okay so now what i want to do is we what we need to do is basically take i want to start cutting these up a little bit here so i'm going to drag another line down now this is why i'm going to do this now because i didn't want all these lines going everywhere so i'm going to drag a line down to somewhere around about here i'm going to select my circle over here so i've got my pointer tools uh points on my direct selection tool over here the selection tool i'm going to select the circle over here now i'm going to push the letter c okay now c brings up this little icon over here the scissors tool if it's not showing it may be showing under knife or something or erase tool but i'm looking for this scissors tool now where this line that we just drew intersects our circle so that ruler line i'm just going to click on it over there and i'm going to click again over here so what it's actually done you can see it's only got this section of the line selected at the top of it there and that's the point we want to keep okay so again just going to push v to get my selection tool and select this bottom line over here and just delete that okay it's going to move this back into the center kind of slip there so all we've got is this line going there we haven't got anything now going through that bottom line which is what we didn't want okay so i think what we need to do now is let's create something for the center but yeah just before we go ahead and create something called that center but i think what i want to do is i'm just going to click on this inner circle hold down alt and shift and i'm just going to make that a little bit bigger i'm then going to hold get i'm still with my selection tool i'm going to hold down shift select this line over here that keeps on selecting that font let's just send that font all the way to the back okay so come on shift and this open square bracket setting it to the back and you'll see why in a second so i'm going to do that again select this one select this one now i can select that one because this one has been sent all the way to the back so the problem is it was interfering with my circle and let's select this guy over here so i've got my three circle selected go to my stroke palette on the stroke palette i am going to type in i think we hit it on two so i'm going to really double that up uh make it even thicker at this point yeah make it somewhere around there so you can see i've gone all the way up to six those little nodes there i think we're gonna change this changes a little bit later because i got an idea for this but for now i'm gonna just put rounded cap on and it gives us this nice rounded look just gonna turn my rulers off for a second so you can see how that's all sort of coming together that's actually looking red oh man that looks cool okay so what i need to do next is we need to create a little thing in the middle here now the font i've been using this body is really really cool i'm really liking it so similar to a monogram we've created before i've just dragged my page to the side size slightly so we can just work on this little area over here now i'm going to hold down well to do that i've hold down spacebar and i just dragged it off to the side i want to get a font going over here the same font style that we've been using so i'm just going to get the letter t up which is our type tool okay so there type tool click on that let's get your cookie i click over here and i'm going to type the letter k and c okay i'm going to select all of that i don't want the rough or the aged version for this one i want the clean version for this one so there's the clean version i'm going to click on that and hold down my command key and just click off it just hold down shift and command and i'm going to click and drag ultimate zoom in there and we've got our font now at this point this is actually a font and you can see there's a font still of course it's a font because it's got this line underneath and this big box around it now i need to convert that to outlines because i no longer want that to be a font i actually want that to be a graphic file and i've done this plenty of times in the other videos i've done but to create an outline i'm going to go command shift and o okay so basically i've now taken that from a font and converted into an outline if you don't know what i've just said command shift and o all you need to do is go up to i think it's type and let's find it says where is it create outline so over there so create outlines click on that and you can see it's created these outlines for your font okay so now what we want to do is i want to create that little bit of a like a monogrammy type overlapped k and c but i don't want this to be all funky and small one end i want to keep these column widths over here all those columns all the same widths and everything so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to ungroup this so i'm going to go object and ungroup so you see it's shift command g so shift command g and now if i click and drag i can drag those independently okay now with my direct selection tool which is this guy over here okay i'm going to click anywhere from the outs inside of the outside i'm going to click and drag you can see where i'm dragging over that area there and you'll see why in a second all those little nodes pop up okay i'm going to hold down shift and command i'm just going to zoom right in here so you can see what i'm doing so you can see if i just repeat that i'm going to click and drag all those notes there now i've selected all these little notes here you can see the ones that are very red and these ones have got a slight little white in them these ones here i've selected so i'm going to select this little note over here and i'm going to hold down shift and click and drag that down okay so you can see if i hold down shift it drags it straight straight straight down okay it's pinging a bit but okay so i'm going to drag it all the way back down to about there i'm going to repeat that for the exact same the top one so you can see all these little nodes around this area here those the ones i want to select so i'm going to click drag and you can see all of them are red all of these have now just deselected down here i'm going to click and drag while holding shift all the way up okay up to about there so i've just made the area a little bit narrower on those sides and now what i want to do is if i click over here drag this mega bit over here so that whole top section of the c okay and i'm going to click and drag that all the way down like to there now you can see the reason why i've done that i'm just going to zoom out a little bit so i want this to basically overlap this section over here okay so now i want to do is get my keep that direct selection tool selected click and drag all this area on this side of the c and let's just make this like merg along so we're going to make that like all the way out there okay to make this easier so we can actually see what we're doing let's just do the red blue thing again so let's just make this red and let's make this blue nice blue where's the nice blue then that's blue there and let's just click with so to select the c i've just got my selection tool click on that and i'm just going to go right over our k somewhere over there i think we may need to make it a little bit longer okay so to make it longer i'm just going to drag it a little bit more this way get that direct selection tool select all the little nodes on that side i'm just going to click and drag okay a little bit longer hit v to get your selection tool up again and let's just select that back there that's cool that's much better now put it somewhere in the center so you can see it's not quite centered so i've only got a little piece of sticking out of the bottom here and i've got this massive piece sticking out of the top over there so i'm gonna hold down shift and click and drag that up a little bit just try and make it a little bit more even okay so there we go even steven okay so which parts are we gonna go over and which parts are we gonna go under so let's get our square tool rectangle tool up so i'm gonna push m or you're gonna go over here and make sure you've got a rectangle tool so you see i've clicked on this little icon just below text and make sure you've got this rectangle tool selected there so what i want to do is i am going to click somewhere around about here and click and drag and drag it to somewhere around about there ish okay so it's kind of like even at the top and even at the bottom and that's kind of where i'm looking at so the black is basically going to signify that that is going to be where it's going to be punched out if yours isn't showing up as black and showing it as a red or blue just click on the little swatch over here and it should change it to black okay so with your black selected little black square hold down alt okay click and drag and let's just put this somewhere around here ish well let's just pick a side so somewhere around there okay and just make sure it's nice and even-ish over the top and the bottom now i'm gonna hold down i'm gonna hit hit a now exactly how you can select these nodes independently with your direct selection tool you can actually select this path line over here so if i actually click on that hold down shift and just drag you can see it actually drags it off to the side nice and proportionately there now what we're going to have to do with this is just make sure that you that your black square or your uh what do you call it the trippies it's just been covering this blue area because obviously you want to punch that through okay so with both our black objects selected so i'm going to select this black object here and i'm going to select this black object up here i'm going to go over to my pathfinder and hold down alt remember it's important to hold down that alt and click on that unite and then click on expand okay then i'm going to hold down shift and we are going to punch through on the red so i'm going to hold down shift while clicking on that red so i've got both of those objects selected with the black object and the red object find this minus hold down alt click on that and click on expand so now we've got that over under over under now if you feel that this could go back a bit we could always adjust it a little bit by getting the absolute select tool the direct select tool click on that little node over there click on that little node over there hold down shift to keep the angle make it a little bit bigger likewise for this section here just hold shift while dragging them hold shift while dragging them just make it a little bit more pronounced because this is going to be pretty small so yeah that's cool okay so let's just select all these elements uh you can just get your selection tool select that one select that one or simply just drag my key right over all of them and click on this little black there now kind of does not do anything that i wanted to do so basically what we need to do we actually need to punch out this red section over here so to do that again we need to just get our a marquee tool up again rectangle tool so that's this one over here the m click drag okay it's going to create like a bit of an angle there just going to make that black now we are going to want to do what we did down here we're going to get our direct selection tool click and drag make sure the angle is sort of the same okay somewhere around there i'm gonna bring this in click on those little nodes there i haven't changed my tool yet it's still that direct selection tool we didn't want the gap kind of big didn't we so just make that a little bit bigger somewhere around there that's cool okay and we're going to do the same over here so what do we want to do here yeah so just make sure it's not actually touching this little bit there you can see i'm just nicking that bit so just drag it a little cheat a little bit and just drag it down a little bit there okay and check this out cheat let's do this properly so we're going to click on that there click on that there just drag it a little bit and so it just doesn't touch that blue mark there keeping it the same angle okay and we're going to do the same for this section down here just get another marquee tool rectangle tool up click and drag see i'm a bit rusty at this a little bit rusty and i'm going to click and drag that okay so let's combine those two objects with our pathfinder tool so i'm going to click on that hold shift click on that with my selection tool so that little selection tool there selected those two go to your pathfinder hold down alt click unite click expand okay now we're going to punch it through that blue bit so i'm going to hold down shift select the black sections and the blue sections and then hold down alt and punch it through okay so now now we're talking now that's a lot better so now if i select everything there like we did earlier make the black now it makes sense it makes sense okay so anything that doesn't make sense is this a little bit here so i'm going to click on those little notes exactly what we did earlier i'm just going to make it a little bit wider i'm going like wonky best thing to do is i'm going i've got my pen tool i'm going to select a little bit bit over here see it's giving a little plus put that there let's put it there minus minus and i've kept my line and i've kept a nice straight line going over there now we've got the over under over under and that looks cool okay so with that over under little kc we've got crossing over in the bit there just select everything there let's just make it one object so when we move it it just moves nicely hold down the alt key click on that unite click expand just click and drag that put in the center over here somewhere hold down alt and shift so we drag it out nice and proportionately make a nice and big in there and there's a little casey in the middle with do not fade and all that stuff on the outside so that's starting to look really really cool now what i would like to do is just change just give a little bit more to these little elements of esr these were these lines selected okay all this line selected i am going to go and get my brushes window up here now this is something really really cool if you click on your brushes window and you basically click on this little icon here and you go open brush library i'm going to go to let's just drag this out the side jack so you can actually see i'm going to click on here i've got open brush library and i'm going to go to let's go to paintbrush i like the paint brush on it's quite a nice solid one okay i'm just gonna close that window um so you can see all these lines that we've got going in here so if i've got all the my little strokes selected i'm gonna select on one of these lines and you can see because this is really cool like paint effect okay that's that's what i'm looking for obviously i'm not wanting it that thick okay so i'm going to change my little stroke width here or over here and i'm going to change this to let's just sort of 0.5 i think 0.5 is pretty much perfect okay so that's that there now what i want to do is we've got that line going around there i want to click on this i just kind of want this bit over here to sing out a little bit more i want this section over here to be down here so i'm going to give my rotate tool up okay it's set in the center over there i'm just going to hold shift and i'm going to roll i'm going to actually release shift because i want to dive right over there i'm gonna drop that there and doesn't that like just this is really really really cool i think actually i'm gonna go a little bit further i want to cut this so i'm gonna do what we did a little bit earlier i'm gonna get my scissors tool which is this guy up here i'm gonna click over here and i'm going to click over here okay and i'm then i'm going to deselect by pushing that v and just clicking off my graphic and then i'm going to click on that little bit there and delete that and i think that looks cool if you wanted to take this a little bit further i'm going to make that a little bit bigger i'm going to take that i'm going to copy it i'm going to paste it so command f so i've got another copy of it i'm actually going to rotate this up to the top so i actually did do a 202 at the top which i wanted to do before so i am gonna put that there okay so i've just dragged a little similar to what we did earlier i've just clicked and dragged let me just do that again i've clicked this little line over here drag it towards the outside and you can see how it's snapped to the outside of that circular element that we've got i'm gonna hit r or select your rotate tool over here hold down shift and just drag it all the way up to the top over there i am going to double select that so click click and click and click and actually if i click it three times and i'm going to type in 202 okay i'm going to stick this graphic over here i want to cut a little section over there so yep the easiest way to do that just get c and just cut it over here make sure that you're actually selecting your circle line which is this line here so make sure that's selected when you cut it don't cut your text line like i just did i'm going to cut it over here and i'm going to cut it over here okay select that a little bit let's delete it just bring that in a little bit there let's make it a little bit bigger so we've done this is just repeating what we've done earlier just get that font size up a little bit okay where's my tracking just close this window down here get this tracking window which is this guy up here nope this is my tracking here sorry and it's going to make that a little bit bigger yeah this looks cool just bring that i'll bring that out a little bit i can't go too too far with it man that's just a little bit too long i'm gonna have to cut that line a bit cut it there now that is cool now if you wanted to actually go and see the stamp effect that we've created there with this aged funny look over there if we wanted to go and age or this section over here and even age some of this section over here there is another tutorial that i've done which i'll leave a link either up in the top window up there or i'll leave it in the description and you can go have a look at that when that video tutorial on how to actually create that stamp effect but that looks pretty cool don't forget when you finish your design and you're happy with it you can either just quickly make a copy of it if you want to save all your fonts or anything so i basically just drag my selection of the whole thing hold on now click and drag put that off to the side and make sure you convert everything here to outlines okay so that was that command shift and ooh and that converts everything to outlines you also want to make sure that you haven't got any strokes so this is still a stroke here you would want to expand those okay so if i drag my key over everything there i'm going to go up here to object and i'm going to go expand appearance and you can see it's taking away that little center line over there that stroke line and it's giving it an entire like fill over there now if we were to hand this file over to somebody i would definitely go in and if you wanted this just to be your single color i'll definitely go in and select all my little elements like this okay unite them together so just go here unite expand and then select this element over here and just punch it through a little ribbon there so hold on there alt while doing all this remember i told you earlier click expand now if i just click everything here you can see it's all one one color so that's all representing black there there's no little question mark or anything so i had to even say pink or red or anything like that everything changes at the same time it's all just like one color and that's exactly what we're looking for i mean how cool is that that look just just change it back to black that looks so cool even if i had to make that and just just put in a black background simply select it make it white oh man that looks so cool now i bring that almost to the end of another episode i feel like i'm losing my voice because i haven't done this in quite a while and that's a lot of talking so with this design like this so we've taken it basically from this drawing over here so we've taken that little sketch over there and we've turned it into this design here so that would look great on a like a screen print or something quite big even if you're doing some sort of a poster or something quite big that you can actually read it i wouldn't put that on any sort of embroidery or even like a patch because some of the detail is way too small to even expect that to even work so this is more focus on a bigger than life sort of design anyway so with all that said don't forget to like subscribe and leave a comment below i always like to hear what you guys are saying if it's constructive because i've had a few ones and so with all that keep on creating and i'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Keep on Creating
Views: 2,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Illustrator for Beginners, graphic design, illustrator, creative cloud, illustration, adobe illustrator, illustrator tutorials, illustrator logo design, illustrator tutorial, illustrator tutorials for beginners, illustrator basics, adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners, illustrator for beginners, illustrator tutorial for beginners, adobe illustrator tutorials, adobe illustrator tutorial, illustrator logo tutorial, adobe illustrator basics, keep on creating
Id: w-5aUDC-kQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 23sec (3983 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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