Affinity Designer Tutorial Text Effects Affinity Designer logo design

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Totally watching this for my tshirt mock-ups

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YuriTreychenko 📅︎︎ May 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks so much. learnt a great deal about vector manipulation.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrAbodi 📅︎︎ May 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love The Damned.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MaenHoffiCoffi 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
Oh welcome back to keep on creating I'm Mike this is my t-shirt printers let's create something if you new here make sure you hit that subscribe button located down here ding the bell so you know when a fresh episode comes in and don't forget to hit that like button it really helps and I would appreciate it too well I knew it would happen I do a tutorial on the illustrator and the affinity designers like oh hell no you better be doing a tutorial on this for affinity design how with your way hold up so we're gonna be taking this takes up here with this font style and we're gonna tweak it a little bit then smash it up and make something really cool from it and if you want to know what font style that says I'll leave a link down below so you can go check it out let's jump into this affinity designer tutorial on texture fixed vector goodness again let's do this first it let's get a new artboard going yes I'm gonna hit up here to your finicky design and go across to my right hit file and drop down to new I'm gonna go for this a4 size of you here and I want this to be landscape or horizontal so I'm gonna click on that little button a and click on create now we're gonna awkward going here so I'm gonna create three bits of text yet so I'm gonna hit T to get my text tool or this tool over here in the pallet tool which is this artistic text all I'm just gonna click over here and let's just type in keep okay I'm gonna hold down command and then kick off my page so what I'm Michael but just on this blank area here and I'm gonna click again with my text tool I'm gonna go on and then do that again so hold on come on click on my artboard and then click again and say creating okay cool and then let's just deselect that so now with the desolated I'm gonna hit V to get my move tool which is this tool up here so as your move tool just going to select all these items yes I'm just going to drag a marquee over everything there ok so obviously we wanna number one let's just make them a little bit bigger so I'm just gonna click and drag it while holding shift just to keep them all last year in proportion if you don't hold shift you're gonna do that to it and that's not gonna look cool so just hold shift okay now let's select a font so to select a font I'm just gonna hit up here to my font library is and the select a font for this one so I'm gonna go for this one over here okay cool and let's just get a sort of in position where we kind of want it so just get it in there and I'm gonna make this bigger again so holding shift select and drag to make it nice and big okay so basically now I am looking at this font and I'm thinking well it doesn't have an uppercase and doesn't have a lowercase or a title case I am going to have to try and work my way around this I don't really like this T in this Giada so I'm just gonna double select then it's like this T I'm gonna go upper case T which makes it more of a T and this G okay we'll come back and sort this G out later that the way it joins everyday I'm not too keen on that one that's what we can do with this is I'm gonna slick this see over here I want to make this a little bit bigger just this individual letter a little bit bigger so it makes it look like it's an uppercase letter so I'm gonna hit up here where it's got the font size I'm gonna double slick then and just scroll with the wheel on my mouse and upward direction you can see it makes it a little bit bigger which gives it a little bit more like title case I'm gonna do the same with this K I'm gonna slick that and just take my font size and just scroll upwards and it makes it look like it's a capital okay so just deselect that by selecting the move tool and just separate these out I'm going to click and drag and make this smaller okay yeah I'm gonna hold shift shake my keep and them on and I'm just gonna drag it across to you this section over here okay and then I'm gonna I'm gonna hold shift and just click and drag that outwards there just to make it like a little bit bigger over there I guess and that's what these stories are quite cool now just to bring it all together I'm gonna make a little line at the bottom and the top of here so I'm gonna get my rectangle tool by pushing em or you can just go over here and select this tool over here this rectangle tool I'm gonna click about here and just drag a learnt about there ish yeah so say about they trying to make it as thick as this line over here if you want to find out what that line were Thursday and make it the same that's cool but for me I'm just gonna leave it like that I'm gonna hit over here to my swatches and flip my stroke and my full around and just make sure it doesn't have a stroke on it okay so let's just bring that in a little bit so I'm just click and drag it in there a little bit cool and now I'm gonna click it with my move tool hold down the Alt key with shift and then drag it upwards all the way up here okay now what I'm going to do is go to this side of here just scale it in a little bit and obviously you can scale things when you've got these three little points this makes it much easier and I'm gonna Scout it all the way to that section over there so that just looks like it's coming together a little bit more so to make it even more gel together or to make a gel together even better what we can do is take this little section over here and place them in these little rectangle bits so to do that we could either draw them in but what we can do is I'm just gonna sing everything here just move this up a little bit to give us a bit more space I'm gonna use this little part of the K over here so to do that we obviously need this section of the copy so I'm gonna select this with my move tool hold down alt click and drag just another copy of it down here so obviously get this little section that we need out I'm gonna have to convert this to curves so you can either go come on inter or you can hit up here where it is layer and you convert to curves by saying convert to curves or clicking this little button over here and you can see it takes it from there ticks to a graphic and you can see here in your layers palette is group so basically we need to ungroup this to get to that K and I am going to just simply right click and go drop down to ungroup or shift come on g and ungroup sever ething obviously we don't need this EEP part over here so you can just either select it in your layers palette just shift select your the ones that you don't want and hit that delete button and we end up just with the K now to get that little piece out there you're just going to hit up here to your Pathfinder tool and basically click on this divider and what it does it just releases all those little elements that you can see we've got that a little bit and we've got the K but that we don't want so I can delete that now so with this little bit over here I need to obviously rotate it around so if you just hover over this little section you get that like pinned Arabs and I click and drag that off to the side you can see while holding shift is snaps nicely to give us a nice straight line and does zoom in the names gonna really zoom in because we're gonna need this thing bigger now if I click on that little dot I can pull down command and drag and basically what it does it drags in both directions so if you hold come on to drags out both way so I'm just gonna drag it quite big so it's a long line we've got a do over here okay it's gonna make another copy of that by clicking on it holding alt and drag it up here cuz we're gonna have to come and sort that one out let's just make this a little bit bigger I really have to zoom in there and hold down your command key to make sure it's going in both directions zoom in yeah that's cool that's a nice toss for that one I'm just gonna pop it in here somewhere it's sort of in the middle ish okay just make sure it's on top of this rectangle that we've done so you can see mines over here and then my rectangles up here so I'm just gonna click on that and drag it all the way right to the top making sure that that blue bar that we've got us filling up that whole stroke area it's not going into the site just drop it up there okay and let's just make it white by selecting our full and clicking on our white graphic obviously we need to just Center that a little bit better then click in and just dragging it in that's cool and we're gonna do the same for the spit up here see if we're gonna bring this in in a bit so I'm just gonna go from this side here just zoom in a bit more till I get those three dots and just drag it in to about here zoom out again and just pop that in the central make this one white and obviously you drag it all the way to the top so we can see it cool just make it more central so it's click it and just drag it there cool just zoom at I can see it ties in a lot better so just want that like solid block the starts sorting out our fonts and turning these into graphics the exact same way we sorted it out earlier we are going to sit I'll keep a hold shift slick down on hold shift and select this creations bit okay so with all those selected I can go come on enter or you can head up to your layer and convert to curves over here click on that so you can see if you hit over to your layers palette you can see it's all groups now if I undo that quick you'll see it this was text and now it's all these groups so now I need to release these from the groups so easy way to do that come on chef G or you can just right-click and go ungroup and it and groups everything a nice thing about this is it has still selected everything so you can see everything is still selected from this bottom bit over here all the way to the top but over here so with everything selected you just want to hit up here to your add tool now sometimes what happens is when you click on the add tool you get bits there full in like in these ease and the peas and the O's and maybe this G that 8th another e and there are sometimes they fill in there so we may have to come and just find a workaround way to that so if I click on this Add button and you can see it's happened to this over here and this R over here so I'm just gonna undo that and we'll come back to those two basically what we want to do is deselect the oh and R but we can unite everything else or add everything else together so I'm just going to hold shift to select the hold shift and select this R so you can see I've deselected those two but everything else is still selected so you just click on this little add button and ants them all together we can even add in this top bar and this bottom bar to our text base that we've done and just click on add again you can see it's just making one single graphic there okay now what we can do is we'll come back to those two divers in a second I'm just gonna punch you this layer through that top layer over there so with the selected and making sure what's on the top of as you can see this on the top because we can actually see it it's gonna hold shift slicked that rectangle at the back and click on this - and then it punches it through likewise for this bottom bit over here select this white bit on top select the background and just gonna punch that through there okay so now all we live with dealing with is these two door sections over here so the easy way around this is to if I select my o and I select this little divide button I'm just going to select that okay I'm going to hold shift and deselect the main part of this okay so you can see all I'm left with is this a little bit here it's gonna change the color of its just gonna get my colors up and it's just changes to this yellow bit up here and you can see it's three different graphics at the moment hit that unite but on the Add button okay as them all together do the exact same for the are someone hits the R go up here to divide click on that and defines them up hold shift slick the main part of the are okay and let's just click on this Add button over here and just make it that yellow color too now we're gonna cut a sort of so we can actually see them I am going to have this yellow bird selected here hold down shift and select our background of our are so I'm so sick the yellow layer and the black layer I'm gonna hit up here to this little sub track bit of yeah hit subtract do the exact same now for this o part I'm gonna hold down shift while selecting both of those the yellow and the blank and just go - so you can see with oh the R and the rest of our cursor I'm just gonna hold on shift and select this top one and then click Add and now everything has together is one graphic so you can see we've got one graphic yeah if I just changed it to like blew the whole thing changes as one graphic one layer one graphic let's just change our design back to black so with it selected I'm just gonna select a little black icon over here and make it nice and dark see we can see now early on I did say I had a problem with this a G the way it's joined over here so I'm just gonna quickly go in there and sort that out okay so I'm just zooming right in I'm just gonna make sure my snapping is turned on some switch this off snapping button on here now what I want to do is you see as I go over this with my rectangle tool which is this tool over here I'm just going to go in there and I'm going to click and I'm going to drag all the way down the section here and this is gonna make it I'm gonna take it somewhere about halfway so basically what I've done I've aligned it to that edge over there because it's a nice straight font this is really easy to do I'm just going to make it a little bit bigger to make sure it punches that nice bit out there I'm gonna stick both my rectangle tool that I've drawn over here and there's a background bit over here holding both of those I'm just gonna click - so you can see this nice G over there rather than looking like I'm not too sure what it look like but I don't like it so it looks better now no we're gonna have to skew this graphic a little bit just to make it more awesome and don't forget to subscribe so to skew this graphic just select everything again and you see if I hover over this bottom piece of all this top section over here you can actually just drag it to either side and that skews it a bit so I'm gonna stir it like that and I think that looks pretty cool like that that are sweet like that now let's start smashing it up like we didn't illustrator so I got my pen tool so I'm gonna get the P and that's this tool over here in your powder tool this pen to live here now what I'm selecting this I'm just gonna do a click over here and I'm gonna do a single click over here I'm not clicking or dragging dragging so I'm not clicking in this area over here and then just clicking and dragging you're making a curve I am simply clicking and making a just a solid one click across the whole thing like that okay so we're gonna select a point to intersect so I'm gonna stick about here and I'm gonna intersect it to about down here I am now going to go back a little bit this way and come a little bit more upper there now to close this off you can see it's got a little + on there for me to add another node but to close it off you just hover over where you started and you can see it gives a little zero or an O which means it's going to close this shape so that's the closed shape you wanting only issue I have is a little bit over here so you can see it's got that little node selected I can just push a and I'm gonna click and drag that up a little bit so I can individually manipulate these nodes so if I wanted to bring this one in I can drag that one in by itself likewise for this little bit up here I can drag that up like that so that's how cool that is now it's disappeared and if it disappears just click on your curve again and I'll activate obviously we need to see the shape so I'm going to click on a color so we can actually see it and you can see we've intersected at that point there so at this point when we crack this up we are going to have three sections so we're gonna have one two three so maybe an extra fact what I want to do is take in this bit up Ian to make it a lot wider and up there and if you want to see what points you intersecting all you got to do is take your layer and drop it below your curve so now you can actually see where it's going to go through so let's just make this a little bit wider over here and I'm going to bring this in a bit more of here it's much more in over there just bring it up the buttocks I really wanted to create that smaller to bigger effect in this so it's gonna do that there and I'm gonna brag that in a little bit there okay cool just turn that snapping off when you're doing this otherwise just snaps to absolutely everything okay so gonna do that cool now to punch it through what we're gonna do is this layer here must be on top of the sleigh here now when using the divide tool make sure your alternative color is on the top layer our alternative color that we're using this one is that blue color so when you hit the divide function your graphic takes on that blue color that top layer if you had to put at the back it would all be black and it'll be hard to find out which elements you have to denieth now being blue you can just quickly go through it and see where it's sectioned off and deleted it makes a lot easier back to it so with both my layer selected I'm gonna select this top layer and this bottom layers you just hold shift select them both and just to take all these nodes off I'm just gonna select my pointer tool my move tool and now I'm gonna head over here where it says divide and I click on that divide and you can see it's Mason just made a mess of all these little bits again but it's divided up everything so you can look in your layers palette and you can see all these little is here have been just populated and we've got tons and tons of layers now but what it basically is is if I just deselect and then reselect and then just hit backspace you'll see this section here is now all divided compared to it was one just big black area and we go in there and just delete all these little pieces off that we don't want so I can go in there to need those bits not that bit just a little bit there if you're struggling to select it like this little bit in here this little bit in here the easiest way to do it is just to go from the outside drag your little marquee with your move tool and just now you can select it but there hit backspace likewise for that little bit there that little bit there that bit there do I need their boots just make sure that we're not going to delete bits that we still need so I'm going to need that purse see now this but yeah we'll probably still need to come back to that and that because these were these problem child ones in the beginning so I'm just going to lift all those three objects I'm just gonna unite them okay make sure they on top of my oath to select both of them and just go up here and divide so that's nicely punched through there I'm just gonna go through from side to side that needs to be punched through our layer over here and it's just punched it through yep and likewise where was the other bit was under here now obviously when you punching through some of these they they moving layers so I punched this layer through that layer and it automatically jumped all the way to the top where is this layer here it's probably sent all the way at the bottom and then this bit of the e over here is probably said somewhere near the top so the quickest way to do that is just either dragging it all the way to the top or you can just select there graphic and just go down to arrange and move to front because then you know it's gonna go all the way to the top shift select both of them and just punch it through okay so likewise for that if you can't speak both these items at the same time if you magically orientated that way just do that and I know this should be one of here just punch that through okay yeah so that's all good there's nothing at the bottom over here I just delete this a little bit over here that but they're the section in here can come out why is that but in the tea can they come out there nope we have to punch that out so I'm just selecting both of those punching them just making sure that our a punched layer this little section is at the top so you gotta send it to that top and then punch it through likewise for this section here I think this is the a so make sure those are selected make sure they right to the top just - it's through that little bit okay it's just deletes that inside but there again it's gonna say damn but take that away delete that eat that birds can delete that bird and delete that birds and we just got these little bits done yeah zoom out there so you can see and do the dissection and in this little top piece up here do we need to punch that through think we do and just punch that so now we've got those bits there oh forgot this little piece and are here so to sleep both of those and punch the truth by the end of this you are going to be a master at punching and dividing and deleting objects and so now what we want to do is select all these little black bits okay together someone just look at those three or you can just drag your marquee over that little bit there make sure you're sure you've got them selected only likewise for this section here see I'll start selecting this t-that top of the eye and that top of the end just want that black bit so now we want to unite these together or add them together so just gonna click on this little add button yeah and now that becomes one graphic and you can see we actually miss those two little points over there so I'm just going to click and drag through them I'll just just do one at a time make sure this goes to the top punch it through and do the same as this just do that let's like that one punch it through and then reselect all our little bits here here yeah yeah yeah and yeah and then on top section over here and just add them all together so I'm gonna click add and you can see now it's added their section they all nicely you can see if you've missed any pieces that I have that's all one piece now this dude's do this other section over here so actually let's just mock this but off is done so I'm just gonna change it to red so we know that's bit stunts and do this top bit over here well the top black bits I'm gonna select all those bits there holding shift while selecting them all and likewise for these bits down here and a little piece over there so the side the side just get all those to get there okay it's gonna combine them together Oh unite them I'm gonna send this to the back cuz I noticed there was a little piece popping out yet okay just do that little - thing and I also saw that we had these two little pieces yep and here that didn't come in and just add them all together so now we've got this whole top section a little piece over there just keep on checking to make sure you got everything all added up cool now we're going to do is just this blue section so all I have to do is just literally drag a big mark here but everything like that and shift select this red bit and now all I've got left is this blue bit and just unite all those together so now you can see what we've got is if I just changed it to blue now you can see what we've got is a red a blue and a black area now we can move on to displacing these so moving them breaking them apart so basically moving them like that and like it's like the red bits so it can move them like that obviously I like to rotate mine to get that small area over there in the big area there or vice versa so what we can do we can select our blue area like so you can't just rotate it where it is and just adjust it but if you want to actually go ahead and say for this one you wanted to rotate from this corner of the edge it's got a reset from where it actually rotates so currently it rotates from the center point so we can go up here to this little button over here which is enable transform origin and you can see it gives us this is our center point over there so if I just click and drag that and relocate it to an edge you can see if I sort of drag it from this edge over here it rotates around this I guess you gives you like a good fine-tune of where you want to rotate it out to so that's I can't like that one so it's going forth into big thin to big on that side and just cracks it up a little bit more let's just shift this a little bit more that way so increase more of a brick and effect okay cool yeah like that similar to what we did with the illustrator tutorial we want to get some lines coming in here and breaking it up even more so because this angle kind of a want to follow this sort of angle over here so that angle the day because this P in this eared light there and this little gap of yeah you kind of want to get that angle because you don't want too many angles going through this because we've really got this angle punching through this way and I will see that angle and we've got this horizontal angle going and these angles going yes so what I want to do is we get it's just get my pencil I'm just gonna make it triangle like that okay just make it green for now and just just put it yeah we'll make this one coming through like here now every time I make a new triangle so I'm only gonna have to draw it once I'm just gonna hold down my Alt key and click and drag so it just makes it really quick and easy for me to just zip around and duplicate these as I go so I don't have to draw new triangles every time now I want some going on from this direction so I'm gonna hold click it again hold on alt and drag one over here let's go around one of your corners and rotate this around so I'm gonna get my fruit eat with my arrow keys and just rotate that round okay make sure I'm gonna grab that same sort of angle the okay so just put one coming from this side hold on ult's make another one coming in down here maybe to make them a little bit deeper just take the tip of this one over here and then do the same done here so you can see what I mean by it's just kind of going in that same angle ish okay so just old drag old track place a few rotate them around were you happy okay much about it let's just take one of these because keep them at the same angle just put one through here hold that old keyboard dragging and then just put another one through just put it through there okay cool so now to punch these through we'll start working from the bottom here and work our way up I'm gonna hold shift and stick both these green birds hit this Add button and then hold shift again select this red section and then just say this - or subtract and you'll see it punches it through that but there likewise for this blue section gonna set all my green bits in this blue section add them together hold shifts like my blue subtract them through so that's created that cracked effect their last bits is this black section select all my green triangle divider bits and add them all together to make them one one bit one graphic select my black bed and then just - the more fake just cracked it all through there now color wise that looks actually pretty cool if it wasn't like a white garment there's this black blue and red say we wanted this to go on a black garment or a black background it's gonna add a layer in here by clicking that little icon every day drag this all the way to the bottom okay and just get our rectangle tool which is M it's gonna make a huge black section over here currently it's green but we'll make it black like so okay and then we just gonna make this bit over here and we could make that red against it to just keep it a two color print if we want it order to be three color with a white underneath but let's just put a few more colors in here so let's start off with it red we'll make this one maybe the orange color so it will go to this orange and we just step down this little chart here so we just go from red orange and this orange a yellow color I think that looks pretty cool against the black just zoom in there and that looks sweet awesome looking piece of merch I think with all these logos we're gonna have to start to keep creating brand so for a design like this one is the same as the illustrator tutorial where it will be a three kind of print plus set white underbase which makes it a four color print so you can hear that white the color the color and the color so if you want to use the same font styles I've used in this tutorial here too the link down in the description below and don't forget to head over to our social channels which are all linked over here make sure to smash that like button subscribe if you haven't that brings us to the end of another episode catch you on the next one I'm out here [Music]
Channel: Keep on Creating
Views: 12,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity designer logo tutorial, affinity designer tutorial, how to use affinity designer, affinity designer review, affinity designer vs illustrator, vector, graphic design, affinity designer tutorials, affinity designer for beginners, logo design tutorial, logo design, illustration tutorial, affinity designer logo, affinity designer vector art, affinity designer basics tutorial, affinity designer beginner tutorial, vector illustration, graphic designer, affinity designer
Id: 8rj2Q2-hbSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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